12:12 Universal Solstice Alchemy of Consciousness
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12:12 Universal Solstice Alchemy of Consciousness
Lord Kuthumi
Lord Kuthumi channeled through Michelle Eloff©, Johannesburg, 24 November 2007. Published in this website on January 21, 2008. Taken from:http://abundanthope.net/pages/article_1029.shtml
To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit www.theLightWeaver.org . Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose. To order a download of the recorded audio of this channeling, please go here http://www.indecont ent.com/shop/ the-Lightweaver- 07/12-12- universal- solstice. html .
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of serenity, integration, synchronicity and divine vision. Greetings, beloved ones.
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this fantastic day of universal awakening as we, all of the co-creators within the Universe unite with you, a Universal Co-creator, and celebrate this day of the Universal Solstice. Beloved ones, you have reached a point upon your journey where you are moving into a new set of initiations. Let us call it this for now. This set of initiations will unfold rapidly, each of them challenging you to a degree to turn and look at the inner qualities of your Inner Light and how those qualities serve your greatest and highest good and that of humanity.
The 12:12 Celebration is linked to the Alchemy Consciousness as well as the Alchemy of Consciousness. The days of blindly living your life have long ago ceased. You are living in a state of higher awareness within a world embodying great potential. I, Kuthumi, stand in front of you today, my energy graces the presence of your planet and I challenge you to stand up and say no to the old ways of reacting to life and the old ways of creating the limitations of your past.
The 12:12 vibration is one of the most powerful in existence relating specifically to human consciousness. The reason why I say this is because on the 12th of December every year the attention of the entire universe is turned to Mother Earth, it is the universal solstice, the celebration of the Light soul that exists within every soul currently inhabiting Earth. You inhabit Earth for a purpose. The purpose is not to be inhibited. The lessons that have presented themselves to you on your Earth journey have inhibited certain aspects of you.
That time has ended. It is in your past, gone. You have entered a world where you have to truly understand what it means for Light to reflect Light. If you have been one of those who have bought into the idea that Light and dark need to stand in equal amounts in order for one to truly learn and master the lessons of Light and balance, then I must ask you now to immediately erase that from your consciousness. The choices that you have made are presenting you with this opportunity, the opportunity to live your life expressing and reflecting Light and in so doing attracting every aspect of Light that exists within you into your physical reality and having it reflected back at you. This may challenge many of your belief systems especially when there are so many people out there telling you that if you do not experience darkness you cannot continue to grow, I tell you, rubbish! That is over, I will repeat it over and over again if I have to.
your choice to move into vibrations of today’s Universal Solstice is activating the memory within your cells which is triggered by the Light within your DNA reminding you that Light reflects Light, that you are a powerful enough master to ensure that everything that you experience and that you express in life embodies Light. How is darkness to be transmuted if Light does not become the presence of majority? Think about it. The 12:12 vibration is presenting humanity with a remarkable opportunity of accelerated growth. you have heard of the 144,000 volunteers of the Light, these are in fact Lightworkers, you, who have agreed to return at this time to anchor Light, to be the ones who live life with Light reflecting Light. That is the theme of the Golden Age and in order for you to fully embrace, to integrate, understand and live within Alchemy Consciousness you need to grasp the Alchemy of Consciousness and this is something that will happen rapidly for you by embracing the knowing that Light reflects Light and no longer do you need to have equal amounts of darkness so that you can appreciate your Light.
As a result of this accelerated development we are able now to expand the energy of the volunteers and awaken more and more of you and even those of you who are awake, you will experience awakening on deeper and deeper levels. So we have had 144,000 Lightworkers and instead of us now moving to 288,000 Lightworkers and then awakening another aspect of that and manifesting 432,000 Lightworkers we have been able to, with your assistance, double it to 288,000. When we move through this key activation of the 12:12 Universal Solstice today in the next year, twelve months, we will have doubled that to 576,000 Lightworkers fully active, fully awake and by this I mean 576,000 Lightworkers who have consciously embraced the knowing that Light reflects Light, 576,000 Lightworkers who have fully embraced Alchemy Consciousness, the Alchemy of Consciousness and are actively living their life abundantly, manifesting wealth, creating wealth, experiencing health, truth and the joy of life.
Once we have anchored the energy of the 576,000 Lightworkers by the end of 2008, during the year of 2009 to the end of 2010 we will have manifested the awakening of 2,304,000 Lightworkers just as we have explained a moment ago. When I say WE will have manifested the awakening of, I include you in the WE, this means you are becoming more and more active in your role as a creator, an alchemist, a being of immense power living within a human form. It is vital that I remind everyone of you that living within victim consciousness, poverty consciousness and conditional love consciousness deprives you of the essence of Mother/Father God’s love. You block it. They do not withhold it. We do not withhold anything from you ever. You determine what you are able and ready to accept, to integrate and attract into your life. Again this puts the ball in your court, beloved one. This is the reason why I always say everything in life begins and ends with you. You are the Alchemist of your life. You have the power to turn all those base dense aspects of yourself into Golden Light, golden consciousness by using the Alchemy of Consciousness.
Today is the fantastic day where the Ascension Flame of the Divine Mother will increase its Light from inside of you. As this happens there are powerful encodings, which have to do with new hydrogen matrices with amazing bonding potential inside of you awakening, this means that you are able to merge with Light in an extraordinary way. This sets in motion the full activation of all the biological keys to mastery, to freedom and to full awakening inside of you. As this Master Light bursts to life inside of you, you will experience that it is possible for you to accelerate your growth like never before. In order for this to happen you need to bear in mind everything that I have said to you this day so far, to remind yourself of it daily. We also suggest that you redo the process that we are about to take you through at least once a day for a period of twelve days or once a week for a period of twelve weeks depending on how you feel about it. For some of you, you may feel that you are not able to do it once a day for twelve days. If you feel the energy is too intense then do it once a week for twelve weeks. Those of you who are ultra daring you can do it for twelve consecutive days for twelve months. Hold onto your bootstraps if that is your choice!
Having said that, beloved ones, let us now move into the energy flow of the 12:12. Shut your eyes if you have not already, make yourself comfortable and begin to focus on breathing in deeply and exhaling fully. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold to the count of four and breathe out slowly to the count of six, hold to the count of two. Breathe in deeply to the count of eight, hold to the count of six. Breathe out to the count of eight, hold for the count of two. Breathe in deeply to the count of eight, hold to the count of six. Breathe out slowly to the count of eight and now allow yourself to breathe rhythmically, always ensuring that you are breathing in deeply and exhaling fully.
Imagine the presence of all the beings of this Universe gathering around you. The vibrations of their presence penetrating all your defenses, the masks you wear, and the veils of illusion that float within the vision of the old way of living life. Consciously open your being and all your chakras to receive the blessing of the Light of the Almighty Divine Presence of All That Is. Allow it to seep in through every pore of your skin to become one with you.
While this energy seeps into your being the biology of your body begins responding. This response initiates the changes from the very core of your inner self. Firstly the atoms of your body begin emanating higher frequencies of Light. Your atomic structure is now able to absorb Light from the core of the Cosmos. As it brings that Light into the atoms of your body New Life is awakened, and new Light bursts forth inside of you. The sound of that Light travels into the molecules of your body activating yet another level of New Life. This Light I speak of embodies Alchemy and it embodies consciousness. These frequencies empower you to truly understand the Alchemy of Consciousness. Try and imagine this whole new super nova exploding inside of you, the sound of that Light seeps into your DNA and all twelve strands begin vibrating, responding to the quickening of New Life. This automatically activates the twelve strands of its Divine Complement and the Twin Grid of Divine Service.
Alchemy Consciousness and the Alchemy of Consciousness explodes into a new form of energy, this energy is fed by the New Flower of Life that is now beginning to create itself around you and your Divine Complement, in other words, your Twin Self. your Divine Complement, this Twin Self or Divine Counterpart, if you like, is not the part of you that reflects your darkness, it is not the so-called “twin”. Remember what I said earlier on, you have moved beyond that. This Twin Self is the reflection of all of the Light inside of you and the same applies to the Twin Self. you are the reflection of his or her Inherent Light. As this exquisite New Flower of Life forms around the two of you, I want you to imagine yourself standing in front of your Divine Complement. Raise your hands so that your palms touch those of your Twin Self. Imagine the powerful life-force being transported through you, through the palm chakras of your hands into that of your Divine Complement, and the same happens with this powerful Light moving through your Divine Complement and into your body, and now see your heart chakra and that of your Twin opening and as you look closer you see the Flower of Life.
The exquisite beauty and magnetic energy of that Flower of Life is the exact reflection of the Flower of Life inside your heart chakra. It is the exact replica of the Flower of Life that is being created around the two of you. Even though it may appear that this Flower of Life looks like any other one you have seen, I ask you to feel its energy. you will notice its vibration is unique, a signature, a sound never expressed through any other ever before, a vibration as unique as your fingerprints.
Breathe the vibrations of this unique tone into your body and surrender as the cells of your body respond to its powerful vibration. Fall into the love within this sound as the both of you are transported to Zero Point.
This Flower of Life begins to become a crystalline sacred geometric MerKaBa vehicle around the both of you. This is the unique MerKaBa vehicle of the Twin Light. It is the Light Vehicle of the Divine Complements, two unique vibrations merged as one. The powerful gift that you are receiving through this, beloved ones, is that your unique vibration and that of your Divine Complement were originally created to fit together. That vibration will not fit together with any other vibration other than that of your Divine Complement, and when these two energies unite at Zero Point this powerful new sacred geometric MerKaBa vehicle of Light is born. I ask you now to open every fiber of your being to absorb this powerful Light as it seeps into your being, and this is what accelerates the upcoming initiations I briefly mentioned at the beginning of today’s message. This Light is a Light you have never experienced before, a frequency never experienced before, it is this frequency that ensures that this Sacred Mergence at Zero Point becomes the Marriage of Light, the Marriage of Light that allows Alchemy Consciousness to embrace the collective consciousness, planetary consciousness, solar consciousness and galactic consciousness. These rings of consciousness are being penetrated because our goal is 2,304,000 fully active Alchemists by the end of 2010. You are a key component in making that a reality. Movement into a Golden Age requires Alchemy Consciousness and it is this gift that you are receiving by merging at Zero Point with your Twin.
Now we take it a step further and I want you to visualize the twelve strands of your DNA connecting with the twelve strands of your Twin’s DNA. Just be aware of the vibrations of these Twin Strands of DNA. Take a deep breath in and as you slowly exhale notice how the twenty-four strands of DNA begin to merge with one another until there are just twelve strands of DNA again. The Vibration of Light, the frequencies emitted from these twelve strands will never be the same again for they embody the Twin Consciousness of Androgyny and Alchemy Consciousness. Your DNA has merged with its Divine Complement, this means God and Goddess as one, masculine and feminine married and the sacredness of the power of that combined consciousness enables Alchemy to weave Powerful Magic.
Continue to breathe in deeply exhaling fully as this exquisite energy pulsates through your physiology, through your anatomy, through your biology and into all the subtle frequencies of your emotional, your mental, your intellectual and causal bodies.
Take a deep breath in and as you do this a powerful ray of Light comes from the very core of the Cosmos. This Light filters through all the higher levels of your being, seeping into your causal body, penetrating your intellectual body, your mental, your emotional and your physical body merging with Mother Earth’s body.
Beloved one, this two-way flow of energy is going to continue flowing and pulsating in this manner for the next ninety-nine days. The reason for this is that at the end of those ninety nine you will have completed a powerful stage of understanding the Alchemy of Consciousness. It is a time where you will have completed the initiations I spoke of earlier and you will have embodied a new lease on life, a new ability to truly see what you are capable of by allowing your Light to shine through, by allowing the Light and support that comes from your Twin Self regardless of whether that person/soul is a physical part of your life or not, doesn’t matter, you are still connected.
Take a deep breath in now and as you exhale we transport you through space, through time and we take you, beloved ones, to the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
Just open your energy, relaxing, surrendering. Egypt is one of the ancient heart chakras reflecting the Love and Divinity of the Divine Cosmic Mother. This is where the Christ Egg of Peace was anchored on the 9th of September of the year 2007. It is one of the highest altars, so to speak, of Gratitude and this is why we have brought you into this space now. The energy within the King’s Chamber has access to many portals of Light and as the sound of the Twin Connection expands and increases in frequency your unique sound, the Twin Sound, of your Twin Soul, your Divine Complement, your Divine Counterpart, begins to strengthen. This sound begins filling up the atoms, the molecules, the DNA and cells of your body. Surrender to this unique sound, it is beginning to activate the portal of the 12:12 gateway.
While that is taking place you will notice that the twelve strands of DNA that have been hovering between you and your Twin stretches as the both of you breathe it in. They do not separate. They are bonded within and between the both of you and that Sacred Grid of the New Flower of Life, that unique Divine Complement MerKaBa Vehicle of Life is now divinely secure and crystallized within the Cosmic Grid of New Life. Surrender all your fears, surrender all of your concerns, your anxiety, any sadness or grief you may embody, any other negative emotion, feeling or thought, and allow the Sacred Sound to transmute all of it.
With every breath you take the 12:12 Gate expands opening to welcome you, to welcome your Divine Complement, to welcome two expressions of Sacred, Divine, Exquisite and Powerful Light.
When you are ready remove your palms from that of your Twin Self and take each other by the hand, both of you facing the 12:12 Gateway. By choosing to walk through this gateyou are choosing and committing to the Pathway of the Twin Flame and I must emphasize at this point that when I speak of the Twin Flame in this context I am speaking of the Twin Self in the form of the Divine Counterpart, Divine Complement, the Divine Expression of self that reflects Light. You are also committing to the Pathway of Service as Divine Complements carrying out your role to serve together and to bring the same Alchemy Consciousness to the rest of humanity. This will contribute to manifesting the 2,304,000 fully awakened Lightworkers in all walks of life. So take a deep breath and when you are ready take the first step in the direction of this New World, walk through the 12:12 Gate into Golden Age consciousness, in other words, Alchemy Consciousness and the Alchemy of Consciousness. The Zero-Point Energy you have touched upon will continue to fuel you, by this I mean its energy will motivate you to be aware of what your motivation is. Zero Point represents zero tolerance of anything embodying fear, poverty consciousness, victim consciousness or conditional love consciousness. Be aware of the Golden Energy of the Golden World filling the MerKaBa Vehicle of you and your Twin Self, and be aware of this Golden Light filling the Flower of Life within your heart chakra.
You now stand within the presence of the Universal Lords and Ladies of the Light and the Great Celebration of the Universal Solstice is now taken to another level as we all celebrate your Unified Coming of Age, stepping into the Golden Age, embracing the Rays of Life that liberate you. We ask you now to stop, to turn and face your Twin Self again and this time we ask you to embrace one another so that the Flower of Life on your heart chakras merge and become One.
This Flower of Life now becomes a three-dimensional spinning ball of Light. This spinning ball has magnetic qualities to it ensuring that the two of you are always drawn together and if you are both in physical form this vibration will ensure that the two of you unite and live your life together as one if you have not already.
Continue to breathe as we complete the activation. We will remain with each of you until midnight at which time the Universal Solstice Celebration comes to its end, however the energies that have been activated will continue for as long as you allow it to. Remember what you have stepped into, remind yourself of who you are, of what you emanate and allow yourself to choose a life of Light reflecting Light.
Take another deep breath in and as you exhale gently begin drawing your awareness back into your physical reality. Become aware of the sounds around you. Become aware of the feelings inside your body and know that even though you are returning to physical life, to physical consciousness and awareness, that what you have experienced today will remain with you. Every single one of you who have experienced this activation today, you will continue to emanate that Light through you for the rest of your existence. The Sacred Sound that exists inside of you, held within that Flower of Life, will facilitate the emergence of the same process for the planet and for every willing soul who chooses to become an active One within the 2,304,000.
Never underestimate your ability to make a change. Never underestimate your ability and power to change your own life. You are now at Zero Point where zero tolerance exists, therefore no room for excuses. There is only room for action. Even when you are being passive you are being active, it is the active act of being passive, the active act of being still, of being creative. Everything embodies an action and the universe supports action.
Beloved ones, we celebrate the journey you have chosen. We honor you for making the choice you did today and for allowing yourself to become one with your Twin, that Flame of Life that reveals to you your Light within everything around you. Celebrate your life, give thanks for everything you have, give thanks for every journey you have embarked upon, every lesson you have learnt. Give thanks for every day of your life and you will see how an attitude of gratitude is in itself one of the most important keys of Alchemy Consciousness. May each of you fully recognize the gifts that lie within gratitude. May each of you feel the presence of the Divine inside of you expressed outside of you and may all always be well in your world.
I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.
Taken from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugql6D4pFKM
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