Earth Changes
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Books by Luis Prada Journey into the City of Light of BVC/ Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/ Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro
Earth Changes 2003 Iran Quake:December 26 01:56:52 UTC , 2004 Asia Quake:December 26 00:58:55 UTC Exactly one year apart to-the-hour, 58 minutes shy of being to-the-minute! This an amazing coincidence- or is it more than coincidence? The United States government has the capability of creating earthquakes with HAARP (High-frequencyActive Auroral Research Project). There are 180 72-feet-tall metal towers built on 33 acres in a field located in Alaska, in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Monument area, a combined 24-million acre wilderness area, now designated as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations on 24 October, 1979. See a picture of it down below. The HAARP project, part of the secret government‘s Dark Agenda, has been aimed at creating weather changes. It has been informed by Soltec that although this is true, the 2004 tsunami was manmade in a different way. Here are his words: "This one, however, while caused by man, was “accidental.” But do not take that lightly, for man is still highly to blame in his ignorance of his planet. Before I reveal the cause, do understand that this area of the world sits on many fault lines and this will not be the first major earthquake in that area. "That area is being or, better said, was because the production is not going well now either, pumped for natural gas. It is a huge natural gas field worth a great deal of money. It had experienced some settling during many minor quakes in the region and was no longer producing the quantity of flow it had once produced. And, in fact, dear ones, all pumping puts any area of earth at increased risk of quakes from settlement after material, be it solid as in coal, or liquid as in gas and oil, will cause some loss of structure and quakes and cave-ins may well result. So goes also with the pumping of water out of aquifers also, and many areas over aquifers are experiencing sink holes and quakes. "So, some bigheaded thugs decided to see if they could make some changes to open up the obstructed flows and placed detonations in an attempt to do that. Being that the area was greatly destabilized already from the excess pumping and inflowing water into empty gas reservoirs, plus the natural response to the remodeling of the globe at this time, they created that catastrophe. And hundreds of thousands paid with their lives. So be it, Many make the dollar more important than lives." —Excerpt from Soltec: "The Truth behind the Tsunami of 2004 with Some Comments from Candace". Monday July 21, 2008. See it at Soltec on Earth Changes. December 26, 2004. Earthquake and Tsunami, Southeast Asia. Over a quarter of a million deaths. The HAARP (High-frequencyActive Auroral Research Project) |
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