A Call For Prayer
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A Call For Prayerby Patrick Henry Bellringer
[email protected] , www.fourwinds10.com
August 30, 2005
Source:http://www.fourwinds10.com/phb/PHB-08-30-05-a-call-for-prayer.html . Posted in this website on September 4, 2005.
In the last short while there have been large areas of our planet devastated by hurricanes and cyclonic storms. Japan, China, Central Europe and now the United States are some of the areas hardest hit by gale force winds, torrential rain, mud slides, extreme flooding and extensive damage to nature and property. There have been many deaths. People are without shelter, water, food, medical care and sanitation facilities.
Hurricane Katrina of August 29 in the U.S. has left unprecedented destruction and flooding in the three gulf coastal states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The people living in New Orleans, LA, Gulf Port MI, and Mobile, AL and the other coastal towns of this region were the hardest hit by this extreme hurricane.
It is again apparent, as was the case in Florida, USA, last year, that both the state and federal governments are incompetent and unable or unwilling to meet emergency needs quickly. Whole areas of Florida’s hurricane devastation were sealed off last year from outside help by the authorities for days without water, food and medical care. As a result, many people died.
We are now beginning the third day since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the U.S. Local people are doing what they can, but again outside help is slow to arrive. Many people need to be rescued from their flooded homes. They need shelter from the 100 degree F. heat. They need sanitary drinking water, food, medical care and sanitation facilities.
Many of these people are poor, low income black people who have deliberately been kept in “slavery” by the oppressive county, state and federal government systems. Many are considered to be “useless eaters” by the “system”. Without immediate emergency help from surrounding communities and states many people in this devastated coastal region will die.
So, it is that many Lightworkers are asking for a mutual call for assistance by Divine Intervention in the affairs of our planet at this time. Will you join us in making such a petition to the Realms of Light for their help, now?
Through my God Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence I petition Creator God Christ Michael, Immanuel Sananda, the Ascended Masters and all the Forces of Light to come to the aid of the people of Earth Shan at this time. I request that those needing to be rescued be picked up by starship immediately or by other means. I request that those needing medical care be given that immediately. I request that those needing shelter be provided such immediately. I request that clean drinking water and food and sanitation facilities be provided to everyone without further delay.
I request the Healing Angels to come and help where they are needed. I ask the comforting Angels to come and give peace and Love to the children and to the elderly and to anyone who needs it in these storm devastated areas.
I petition for the White Light of Creator God, the Golden Light of Immanuel Sananda, and the Violet Light of St. Germain to surround and protect totally all these needful people, their families, pets, property and all those who are helping in any way to assist in this time of distress. May this be a time of caring, of helping, of healing, of enlightenment and of great soul growth for all the people of Earth Shan.
I, now, so order all Dark entities and energies be removed forever from these areas of distress around our world, and their spaces be filled with the Light and Love of Creation. I, also, petition that NESARA would be brought quickly into readiness and the mission completed this very day, so that abundance, freedom and peace may be brought to the people of Earth Shan, now!
I give the Lighted Realms permission to act in our 3D world in any way necessary to complete fully my petitions of good intent at this time. I thank Heaven for their help and request that they act quickly for the greatest good of all. So be it!
May anyone who helps another be forever blessed by the ripple effect of the positive energies returned to him!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
— The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at —http://www.fourwinds10.com
— The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at —http://www.phoenixarchives.com
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