Ashtar and Soltec On the Non Lift Off
Ashtar and Soltec Speak Out and So Do I:
Ashtar and Soltec On the Non Lift Off
# 50 something, April 25 and into the 26th, In the Glorious Year of Our Lord, all of us, 2006
Channeled messages through Candace Frieze. Published initially in this website on April 30, 2006.
25th and 26th April, 2006
Hi, everyone, today comes a work from Ashtar and Soltec in answer to the continuing statement of Patrick Bellringer that lift off is potentially near. Today, I have been informed by others, is a copy of a chapter on the liftoff from Phoenix Journal #5 composed primarily by Ashtar. It is an interesting read, I read much of it today, after I did this message. I downloaded it a long time ago, and never finished reading it. Much history behind the interference in Earth and the remedies for it. I have read some of this in other material and was unsure of the validity until today.
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Ashtar Sheran |
Dearly Beloveds, I Am Ashtar, yes, that Ashtar, my friends, of the mighty Ashtar Command, deliverers from evil. It has come to my attention that a section of my previous dictation through Dharma of 1989, in Phoenix Journal #5 is being misused. That was 1989. Things have changed.
At this time the planet Shan is reasonably stable. She has moved into 4D consciousness overall, on average you might say, with many still living in petty circumstances, and beings from 9D and higher incarnate upon the Earth plane.
People, the Earth is not going to roll over, at least not at this time, and I see little now that should cause this to occur. Now, I am going to Soltec, your friendly geophysicist, for an update on the nature of the planet’s magnetics at this time.
Yes, beloved, I am here, you are surprised a bit? You always seem to much enjoy my energy. Recently you pointed to your readers about the beauty of the moonshine, and someone was able to place a picture upon your forum of it. Now this moonshine is very directly related to the glow which is everyday increasing from the Earth herself.
Granted the time waiting for this last cartel to be leaving is irritating to many, but in the larger picture, I remind you, they are in the very minority. Earth would not be lighting up the moon, if it was otherwise. It is your 4D effect, visually seen. The magnetics are stabilizing a good deal now. There is little risk whatsoever of a magnetic pole shift. There are two types of shift, one in which the poles reverse their polarity, the other in which the planet rolls over. You are well past that danger now, actually of either occurrence.
The "pole shift" coming, is a good one, and not a catastrophic event. The planet is approaching the stage of unipolarity, meaning it magnetically will not have a North and a South Pole. This is a gradual and not a sudden occurrence. We are well pleased with the progress. And what does unipolarity mean? Unity. The end of duality as you know it. The unipolarity is the positive node of the magnetic minus the negative node.
When this does occur, and it is still a bit off in the development, your magnets are not going to work as usual. This is the goal of Ascension. Often times this is a sudden event, and if so, it occurs on a vacant planet, but such is not the case with Earth as you all know. You are taking the unusual journey, a great experiment of moving with the planet. Actually, this is not so unusual, as planets customarily do this over a prolonged period of time and come into Light and life gradually.
What is different on Earth, in the cosmic plan at this time, is the Correcting Time. You are not on the slow journey, it is being sped up. Now there will be more Earthquakes, particularly in the coming months, because people have not awakened quite enough about this war and the condition of the planet. But they are on the cusp.
The current tornadoes and rains are the Earth cooling herself off. You will continue to have stormy conditions to drive the heat into the outer atmosphere and into near space, actually space cools it. This will calm down a great deal, in a few years time, when you create less heat, and as we get the firmament rebuilt.
There may come periods of time, once the planet is awake, that we evacuate and move people, an assistance to you who are in dangerous areas. The Mother, Gaia does not desire the stress that her life forms would feel from massive events but until we are on the surface ourselves and can provide education directly, we can’t evacuate. It would not only frighten ones but the churches would take advantage of that rapture teaching.
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Waiting in Line for Lift Off |
You have chosen, all of you who read these messages, to stay on the surface and ride this out for your own growth. You have chosen to rebuild just about everything on the planet. You will be rebuilding the politics, the infrastructure, housing, how you eat, the media, and many other technologies to come when you are mature enough for them.
The planet’s population will decrease because some people will return home. Couples will pay attention to their reproduction. And many who are of the robotics will find their fertility will decline greatly because of the change in vibrations. Shortly, maybe in about 2 years, the magnetic changes will cause those of lower vibrations to not be able to conceive. This is a natural event.
As a planet ascends, because of the like attracts like, star people incarnating can’t use this lower DNA. It can’t even be remodeled and the higher vibrations of the planet will prevent incarnation of lower evolved forms. And some will make their transition in some of the earthquakes yet to come because people have chosen to live and build their homes on faults.
We continue to relieve pressure as we can, generating earthquakes daily, many at sea or deep below where they are not as easily felt. You will have a hurricane season once again this year, and there will be plenty of hurricanes, matters not the name, some are called cyclones. The Earth must vent the heat or she will blow to bits otherwise. At some point, those in California are going to have to get well back from the coast, because the coastal areas of a large portion of California are actually a shelf, and that shelf is going to go into the sea, and it will take a lot of buildings with it.
You do have a time of chaos before you because these events are going to occur and you must solve the problems with them. God is not going to solve these surface problems, God will give some notice but you, my friends, are going to do the work. And simply prayers, pleading of us, and "thought" will not solve the problems of where the people are going to be when part of California slides into the sea. This, as I said is some time off, and I am not today going to say when exactly, but we will say when, in greater estimate of time when we are on the planet and can do so. It is not the time to "freak out" as your saying goes.
Patrick, you need to stop this nonsense you are proposing. You are creating not only fear in some but you are promoting a change of consciousness that is not beneficial to the magnetic fields. Fortunately the number of your readers is small, but you give also information of incorrectness to a few readers who check you out, and then create coming rapture propaganda for the churches. You are harming the cause and I personally am requesting that you do what you on Earth call "Shut Up."
There is some possibility, that sole depend thing, that there will be partial evacuations for a time to allow cleansing in specific regions. But the whole of the planet will not be, and partial evacuations are not in order at this time. The folks of Inner Earth, some may need some evacuation themselves, because some of the changes will affect them. Had we had to evacuate the planet back in the late 80s to early 90s we would have had to evacuate also the people of Inner Earth because a roll over is worse than a reversal of the poles.
So, Patrick, your information of masses being evacuated not only to ships but to Inner Earth would be a bit incorrect to a degree. There are those in certain Inner Earth regions, not to be disclosed at this time, who will be unaffected by changes, and they have made some room and allowance for the care of people of the surface if required. But it is not developed in inner Earth enough to handle huge populations suddenly.
Now, what are your poles currently doing, particularly the North Pole? It is moving around. You with compasses can determine that. Also the Earth is changing its tilt, slowly, this is normal remodeling. Earth is tilted away from the sun at the maximum in its yearly cycles, now about 18 degrees. At one time it was about 38 degrees, so we have a 20 degree change. This is causing the milder winters, simply because you wander less far from the sun.
Now to chemtrails. Stop the squawking now on them because this is part of the Divine Plan that is rebuilding your firmament. These draw moisture by the forming of clouds up into the higher sky from the Earth’s surface. There are then some specializing in this activity who use energy to draw it even higher. We test them constantly and there are no longer additives that will cause disease in them. Your increased respiratory problems are from pollutions and the successful establishment of virus upon the planet in you and your animals which you pass around in the usual patterns.
If you want to observe our work with the quakes, just check out as I have suggested before your government websites.( is one). I know of what I speak on all of this. I could give some more numbers and statistics but you would not understand them and we will not give out certain information yet to the general public. Your scientists in cooperation with us, do know them. I return you now to Ashtar, I bid you Adonai, I AM Soltec.
I return, my friends. In all of this put on some humor and laugh a bit. You can have some fun with the rapture idea. I would love to see comedians take on the rapture with some humor. It would be a great way to teach others. I think shortly the comedians, once they are freed up a bit more, will do much teaching to the peoples of Earth.
Can you imagine a sky filled with naked humans, sitting on clouds, watching the destruction of Earth? How would they stay on the clouds? There could be wonderful celestial humor in all of this.
However, the idea in the rapture, of returning after 7 years, does have some validity because if Earth either would roll over or change her polarity, the place wouldn’t be habitable for some time and most likely well more than 7 years. In that Journal, this is well covered and I need not repeat it here.
Those of you incarnate, even if unaware of this "Second Coming" event, have made huge changes upon the planet. There is of course still way too much pollution from the failure to develop methods given the planet, but even those in organized religion have made a difference in changes of the mass consciousness and thus made changes in the magnetics of the planet. It will all happen. Earth will ascend with her plants, animals and peoples. As it should be, just hastened a bit over the usual process, but of course at the same time long delayed by her unfortunate history.
You all are going to build with Gaia, the most marvelous of places in creation, a virtual heaven. You will ascend this planet over a fairly short time into the heights of glory. You will, with help, particularly from Shekhmet rebuild the evolutionary process as it should be. And one day, you will live in small clusters often under the Earth, not necessarily inner Earth, so that the surface of the planet can resume the creation of new souls by the evolutionary process, that this great planet intended and was stolen away.
You will decrease your populations but not by the hideous methods planned by the dark but by the natural process of sorting going on, and by the moving of those staying with the planet onto other places, at a future time, colonizing in essence. Many of the star people will go home for a long deserved rest, some have been incarnate here for several thousand years now. Many will graduate the 5D school, and move to 6D planets. In time you yourself will move into 6D and onward in schools of learning. The planet will become Eternal as all Light and Life Planets do because they are beyond the lower levels and exist in different ways. They are in Heaven.
You will journey about, perhaps create another sun from Jupiter, after you have a firmament again, to supplement your current sun. Perhaps you will build new Mother Ships and journey the galaxies. Many on Mother Ships live on them entirely, they have become home. A personally created Heaven. And of course many of you are in training here for the great journeys to come, the Creator Beings of the future creations coming into formation in the Outer Space Regions, You will be the Gods. And your experience shall be magnificent, gained from your learned experience of returning Urantia to Heaven. How great you will be, for your "been there, done that" experience. Let the planet roll over and cleanse, NO, THANK YOU! We have all come too far in this grand experience to toss in the rag now.
I know you all sit there, in your inferior body, or meat suits right now, trying to understand that you are great and grand souls of substantial experience already, but this is Truth. You only fail to see it because the meat suits are animal suits and you are deprived of your psychic abilities. Even the animals have lacked some in this but are coming back into their knowledge too. You will build back a lush garden of Eden upon the surface from whence the new souls shall come continuing the journey of life.
In entering the meat suits, you understand by your experience, a fallen planet, and you will know the signs when you become the Creators, when you colonize other systems and you will know how it feels and you will not allow it to occur again. I have never entered a meat suit on the Earth Plane, I would think it a horrid experience and your bravery is to be so very commended. Again I say, throw in the rag now, I don’t think so. Go in Peace, beloveds, and continue thy journey. Namaste, Ashtar.
We must not fear these coming changes. I talk about them with others, think about it and consider our tasks. We can do this, we can ride it out for the most part on the surface and have that grand “been there, done that” experience for it all. We are the ones who are brave, who can do this. We are creators already and we shall come together now in this new endeavor to us and we shall overcome. We shall solve the problems as they come. We will make some errors and we shall learn too from that. Can you imagine how we will feel when we do stand victorious some day? This is the "victory in God" that churches mis-teach, meaning shallow, in their teachings of following Jesus and the Ten Commandments.
Now an uncomfortable but necessary note. I am not putting more of my time into this liftoff issue with Patrick, nor any more of my personal time into his other statements such as the NESARA updates. He apparently has not learned that Clinton did not sign the bill. I need to detach from him and I never do know what he is doing except when others inform me. I have had considerable email over this. I do what I do and it is up to people to read me or him or both of us, it matters not to me, because we are all on our personal journeys. I personally have experienced great darkness from Patrick that broke my trust of him and I am not going to be continually dragged about in these soap operas. I have and continue to delete many emails suggesting I remain entangled with him.
Again, it comes out in the wash. Maybe we will be lifted off, maybe my messages are wrong. But I wish to get on with what I do and not be sidetracked. I allowed it, once again this time because of the nature and concern generated. I feel, and this is my genuine opinion, that at least part of what is behind this lift off stuff is the continuing effort to raise fear and distrust and I do not like playing this game. I feel that when Patrick does the “we can’t get involved in 3D thing,” that he is saying we are to back off, and let Santa Claus, aka the star folks, do it.
If you want to work with thought in a more directed way, I suggest you might practice your telepathy or similar psychic skills by picking somebody in the media or political scene and attempt to contact a higher self and see if you can influence change in this manner. Be supportive and encourage doing the right thing.
I tried after I opened the forum to generate interest in getting the names of several in media and politics and pushing on them as a group-concerted effort. I encouraged also the listing of missions. What I got was a huge attack on the forum by parties using it merely as a chat room and nothing more. Taking a great deal of my time and energy. As I pressed to move into higher activity, I was struck by some who posted some very nauseating stuff and I closed the forum for remodeling which was the goal of the dark interference, shutting me down for a bit but it was necessary. So I lost the momentum, we all find our excuses, don’t we?, for procrastination. Then came my father’s passing, and a long nasty illness from, guess what, the bird flu. It is amongst us all very well now.
I am now back in action and it seems we should not continue in awaiting our own version of the rapture using it to avoid action on our part because in a short time we won’t need too. But we will, because there will be many actions such as new elections and we need to be the leaders in this. We need to show another way to be politically, we need to say, never again, and mean it. Some folks will get elected who are not worthy and don’t stand up to promises made and we need to then remove them.
It seems Illinois and California may use an obscure law to impeach the resident of the White House. Had Americans stood up in the first place, this would all be done long ago. I still am at unrest about the lack of huge antiwar protests in America. We need numbers and when I search myself for groups, I find lots of little groups doing just what we do, bitching, but not making a change. There is so much good information on the Internet but it is only information if acted on. It too is a great place to bitch but not to go into action.
After I started writing for Lewis News, I was not satisfied because I was just another person bitching but accomplishing little else. I do run into lots of people who want Bush gone, they don’t like him, but how do they handle the situation? Bitch. Think on it. Take care, Candace.
PS. I have an old favorite T Shirt. It says “I Bitch, therefore I AM.” It is taken two ways by people. Some think it means I am a bitch. (rarely true, but more so when I was much younger). The others see the same meaning I did when I bought the shirt, it means I have a mind, I bitch, therefore I AM. And that is the truth about me, still. I do lots of it and I have done lots of it in this wait. And I AM.
But it hasn’t brought the resident of the White House to his knees, nor has it brought truth to the forefront on 911. I don’t know the solution except that action is required. And action does seem hard to generate. And like many of you, I have those around me who threaten that if I can’t stop the bitching, I will drive them away. So I basically support the idea of waiting for America to get mad enough to bitch in loud concert and demand change. So Be It.
Another PS: (added this Wednesday morning) The problem with Patrick’s lift off scheme right now is that it is an invitation for you to just pack the bags you don’t need to take with you and stop doing of your works during the packing. And should liftoff happen, partially or completely at some point, we will still be doing our works just in another environment and we won’t be the ones who will be put into sleeping for the journey.
Our good friends and neighbors who attend rapture-teaching-churches are getting the same thing, it is not necessary to do works and learn et al, just be a friend of Jesus and await the rapture and do nothing to fix of self or this planetary home. Read Journal #5 about the doing of the work on the planet and on ourselves and you will see the misuse of what Patrick does with the Journals. He uses them to support his current scheme, whatever it is. If you read his writing of long ago, as Patrick Henry, you see in it, the asking of God to fix the problem. It is still there.
Did he not plead, and ask you to plead (beg), to the Forces of Light? If he had truly gotten the message in Journal #5, that is not the comment he would have made. A rapture solves non of our problems, even if it becomes necessary, meaning lift off. We will still have problems to solve and we are not going to be pampered during the time in flight. Perhaps Patrick has battle-fatigue too right now. But the solution is to return to the void for a bit and redesign the game plan, not to rapture oneself away from the reality.
This is occurring a great deal on the planet with people who have lost the will to stay in this reality. Some incarnate star folks are doing this, returning to old worlds in their minds. This is a cause of some of the mental illness I used to work with long ago on psyche wards and in the MS society in the support groups I used to run as a counselor. People fracture when it gets to be too much and live in other worlds. Earth is a tough place but the solution is not to rapture into a nonexistent reality or past life. Others use alcohol, drugs and sex and open themselves to the potential dark-side manipulation which Ashtar covers also very nicely.
Ashtar, or possibly Sananda or CM in it, I don’t remember, talked of Maldek, and asked just where did the souls of Maldek, after it was converted to the asteroid belt get “raptured” to complete their journeys? Planet Earth. Many are being raptured off the planet right now, being placed on the new planet or the void planet, or uncreated. Maybe the ones who are staying on the planet, those left behind, are perhaps the Gods themselves, us, who together, Two or More In My Name, will ascend and rebuild the planet. Quite the opposite story from that apparently created by the Left-Behind books and related stories. I haven’t read those books, the covers gross me out. [Editor’s Note: The article Candace refers to about Maldek by Christ Michael and Sananda is entitled Resurrection, see it in ].
This journal is highly recommended by me, I finished it at midnight last night because it does a fine job of explaining just how Satan, who can‘t create, uses us to do his bidding and with our permission. Ashtar is pretty good with his explanation and I laughed and chuckled and experienced quiet understanding, some reinforcement for my battle-fatigue so nicely described by Christ Michael with Jess recently. [Editor’s Note: She is referring to the articleMessages from the Celestials by Christ Michael through Jess Anthony]. I have needed some time in the great void to recreate or create some more, a battle-plan, but it must move now from the void into this reality. When the student is ready, the teacher shows up. I have read much of this type of stuff already but I did need the reinforcement and I am happy to announce, I am back in the great game. So for that I do thank Patrick, nice timing.
I just this morning read the message from Sheldan sent to me in an email. You are seeing the “networking” and planning done by our sky buddies, as Sheldan’s work is discussing the monopolarity developing. Notice the Sheldan’s report is not suggesting a liftoff at this time either. To do so is to cause us to pack instead of work. But I do admit that Sheldan’s reports have suggested the possibility at some point. We can assist the Earth and her peoples, and we must, now is the time, do not pack of thy bags! Take care again, Candace
And yet another PS: As long as I am still on the Patrick stuff, he once put down the concept of many messiahs, just what is a messiah anyway? Many people are trying to concept the messiah, it seems a messiah to most is a God that comes and walks in the flesh amongst us, picking us up, setting an example, fixing the problems of the planet, doing what others can’t do for themselves. Now beloveds, doesn’t that describe all of us? LET US STAND IN OUR HOLY SHOES.
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