Aura Sonics, Healing with Sound
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Aura Sonics, Healing with Sound
Celia Fenn
Taken from Newsletter No. 1 for November 2004 at
Celia Fenn’s email address to request Aura Sonics,[email protected] . In subject wirite: “Aura Sonics as a Distance Healing Modality” and in the body of the email write: Full Name, Birthday (Month, Day and Year. Example:01 13 1965 corresponding to January 13, 1965), City and Country where you live. Free of charge. With this information Celia can locate you for her Sunday 8:00PM session. This healing session includes energy transmission and aura sonics healing waves. Aura sonics and distance healing can also be arranged privately as part of a Reading and there is no extra cost involved if you have paid for the Reading.
Hi Everyone,
This is the first Aura Sonics newsletter. I hope this will become a regular feature, and that many of you will share your experiences and information with me. In this newsletter I will talk briefly about how I perceive Aura Sonics as a part of a tradition of healing with sound and energy, and then share with you a Case Study so that you can see the effectiveness of Aura Sonics as a Distance Healing Modality.
Aura Sonics is a Sound Healing Modality or Technique that has been developed through channeled information from Archangel Michael and the Hathors, who are the Keepers of the Sound Frequencies used in Ascension and Healing. It is a Fifth Dimensional New Earth Healing technique that has been given to us as more and more people make the shift from Third Dimensional Consciousness and the Old Earth energy and become more ready to work with the energies appropriate to the Fifth Dimension.
The Use of Sound as an Energy Healing Modality
Sound, or Sonics, has been explored and used in previous spiritually advanced civilizations. There is evidence that the Egyptian priestesses were masters of Sound Energy Techniques, probably trained by the Hathors who were active in that civilization as well. But, before that, sound healing techniques were used and known in Atlantis and Lemuria.
As we move into the Fifth Dimensional New Earth, we are rediscovering the effectiveness of Energy Healing that was known to these previous civilizations. We have come to understand, through physics, that everything is energy and that everything has a vibrational frequency composed of color and sound.
In the technique of Aura Sonics, sound and color are linked, as the sounds produce colors that are absorbed by the aura of the person receiving the benefits of the technique. These sound/light waves can then be used by that person to rewire or re-connect meridians and channels in the auric grid.
Healing, DNA and Sound
Contemporary science and medicine has recognized that human DNA and its codes are an essential component in health and balance. So-called “defects” in DNA are considered to be the cause of disease, and hence the scientific enthusiasm for “biogenetic engineering”.
However, if one considers that, in metaphysical terms, the human DNA sequences are a “hall of records” or a set of informational codes that functions like a huge library, then we realize that techniques of healing can be less invasive and more holistic. It is possible to access the DNA records and “switch” the codes through the use of energy by means of sound and color. This is because DNA, like the basic units of creation, the basic templates of our being, is structured through the geometrics of energy and is activated or altered by the keys of energy, which are light and sound.
If we can accept and understand that we have “spiritual” DNA as well as physical DNA, and that within these various codes are all the information about the human species, the planet and its history, we can then learn to activate these codes, or find the informational template in geometric energy terms, that would be most beneficial to the healing and balance of the individual and the planet at this time.
Following this line of logic, within our DNA or records must be the original or source blueprint for perfect health and balance in the Fifth Dimension. We can find it and activate it by using the energy sequences —sound and color— that are most appropriate at this time. The present color keys for the Aquarian Age of the New Earth are: Gold, Silver, Magenta, Indigo-Violet, Blue-Black-Silver, Aquamarine, Copper or Red-Gold and Peach-Orange. Each of these colors carries a vibrational key that will unlock energies or sequences in the DNA. The sounds that are used in Aura Sonics correlate with these colors. The image on the left is a Kirlian photo of Healer and Medicine Woman Lois Lenz. In this image you can clearly see the beautiful new Aquamarine color that Lois is running in her aura.
There is evidence that spontaneous healing episodes that occur when people swim with dolphins, and benefits of dolphin swim contacts in general, are related to the ability of dolphins to use sonic or sonar waves through water to re-arrange the human genetic templates. For more information on this, please read my channel from Archangel Michael called “New Earth Healing Techniques for the 21st Century”, and the comments on the work of Michael Hyson at the Sirius Institute in Hawaii.
Case Study: Aura Sonics as a Distance Healing Modality
Aura Sonics is offered on my website as a free long distance healing modality. People send me their name and date of birth and where they live. Using this information, I am able to locate them and send them the sound waves/colors as part of a healing session that is conducted on Sunday evenings. This was the response I received from a 45 year-old woman living in California, USA:
“On Monday night around midnight or so, my heart began pounding while I was trying to sleep and then I began hyperventilating. I could not catch my breath. I practice energy healing and began taking energy off my field around my heart and solar plexus. My breathing began to manifest tears and I was soon beginning to sob. I cried for an hour while my boyfriend held my hand, not knowing what else to do. I felt an overwhelming sense of grief pouring out of my heart. Just prior to the tears, I also felt a stabbing pain in the right side of the back of my neck. I held my hand there to release whatever was entering or leaving my throat area.
“When my sobs finally calmed down my whole body was vibrating as energy was being released. Then I saw a golden light above my body and to the left. It sent waves of light over me. I kept asking for assistance in letting go or healing. For a bit it looked like the ceiling was opening up and I could see the stars. It was quite remarkable.
“At the end of all this, I could breathe again, my previous congestion from crying was suddenly cleared up, and I felt like a weight had been lifted.”
In this case, the energy was received by the woman long distance, and the process of re-wiring or re-arranging the meridians was initiated. At a certain point, the energy shifts were so intense that the system needed to release blocks, and so whatever was blocking at the heart and throat chakra was released as an outpouring of sorrow and grief.
It is interesting that she saw the color energy – the color Gold and experienced waves of Gold light pouring over her together with vibrations in her body. The Gold light is the key to the ascension process, and what was happening here was that her auric system was being re-wired to facilitate her movement to a higher level of consciousness, and the healing that would go with it.
This can be a rapid and spontaneous process, as in the case of this woman. However, as she mentions, she is a healer, and is able to work with energy herself. This kind of rapid release only happens with people who are able to cope with it. In most case the shifts are slower and the integration process can take up to a month.
But, this case does show the potential for instantaneous healing through the Aura Sonics process. And the potential that in the near future, spontaneous and instantaneous healing will be a normal occurence on the Fifth Dimensional Earth.
Love and blessings to you all.
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