Brother Veritus’ Store
Brother Veritus’ Website
Portal of Teachings— Portal de Enseñanzas
What Is Friendship? It is a door that opens, an extended hand, a smile that encourages you, a look that understands you, a tear that joins to your pain, a word that cheers you up, and a critique that improves you. It is an embrace of pardon, an applause that stimulates you, an encounter that rejoices you, a favor without reward, a giving without demanding, a devotion without gauging and a waiting .. without weariness. ¿Qué Es la Amistad? Es una puerta que se abre, una mano extendida, una sonrisa que te alienta, una mirada que te comprende, una lágrima que se une a tu dolor, una palabra que te anima, y una crítica que te mejora. Es un abrazo de perdón, un aplauso que te estimula, un encuentro que te regocija, un favor sin recompensa, un dar sin exigir, una entrega sin calcular y un esperar… sin cansancio. If the stone would say: “A stone cannot build a house”, there would be no house; if the drop would say: “A drop cannot make a river”, there would be no river neither ocean; if the grain would say: “A grain cannot seed a field”, there would be no harvest. And if the human being would say: “A gesture of love cannot save humanity”, then, there would have never been justice, neither peace, nor dignity, nor happiness on the land. —Anonymous, translation from Spanish Si la piedra dijese: “Una piedra no puede construir una casa”, no habría casa; si la gota dijese: “Una gota no puede formar un río”, no habría río ni océano; si el grano dijese: “Un grano no puede sembrar un campo”, no habría cosecha. Y si el ser humano dijese: “Un gesto de amor no puede salvar a la humanidad”, entonces, jamás llegaría a haber justicia, ni paz, ni dignidad, ni felicidad sobre la tierra. —Anónimo |
Brother Veritus’ Store
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Size 5.5″x8.5″, illustrated, English version.
This book is a compilation of articles written by Luis Prada, Editor and Publisher of Brother Veritus’ Website and Director of the Brother Veritus’ Community. It covers subjects like New Age, science and spirituality, Egyptian mysteries, mysticism, esoterism, conspiracy, etc., always written in a politically-incorrect language, but loaded with truths, and with the goal of waking up humanity from the Holographic Prison slumber.
How to order it:
Version in paper, B&W, with soft or hard laminated cover, size 5.5″x8.5″. Click on the soft cover title to access the publishing house website so you can make the purchase there.
Electronic version in PDF, in color, edited in size 5.5″x8.5″ appropriate to be conveniently read in tablets and cellular phones. This eBook has color illustrations. You can order this digital version here from this store. To order it use PayPal down below.
In one page you see the text in English and in the opposite page you see the same text but in Spanish. Ideal to learn Spanish.
How to order it:
Version in paper, B&W, with soft or hard laminated cover, size 5.5″x8.5″. Click on the soft cover title to access the publishing house website so you can make the purchase there.
Electronic version in PDF, in color, edited in size 5.5″x8.5″ appropriate to be conveniently read in tablets and cellular phones. This eBook has color illustrations. You can order this digital version here from this store. To order it use PayPal down below.
In one page you see the text in English and in the opposite page you see the same text but in Spanish. Ideal to learn Spanish.
How to order it:
Version in paper, B&W, with soft or hard laminated cover, size 5.5″x8.5″. Click on the soft cover title to access the publishing house website so you can make the purchase there.
Electronic version in PDF, in color, edited in size 5.5″x8.5″ appropriate to be conveniently read in tablets and cellular phones. This eBook has color illustrations. You can order this digital version here from this store. To order it use PayPal down below.
Questions and Answers in the Forum (“Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro”), 2nd Edition
You can copy/paste the text from this eBook into Google Translate to get the text in English in a fair translation.
The book Questions and Answers in the Forum (“Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro”) is available in digital form.
Now this material of interactions with the forum users is no longer inside information of a private forum that requires registration but is available to the public at large through this book. Even the members of the forum would spend many hours of research to be able to reach these publications that here are compiled in a book to facilitate their access. Part of this material is no longer in the current Spanish forum.
The author does not give quick and evasive answers to the questions asked him as it would be usual or expected of someone as busy as he is interacting in a forum, but he better take advantage of the questions as an excuse to patiently elaborate on the subject, intentionally extending himself beyond the reach of the question to teach, as it is his mission in this reincarnation. By doing so, he benefits a larger audience instead of only a single person based on the conjecture that if someone has this concern quite for sure others may have it too. Verify it by yourself.
Once again, don’t be caught unprepared!
In one page you see the text in English and in the opposite page you see the same text but in Spanish. Ideal to learn Spanish.
How to order it:
Version in paper, B&W, with soft or hard laminated cover, size 5.5″x8.5″. Click on the soft cover title to access the publishing house website so you can make the purchase there.
Electronic version in PDF, in color, edited in size 5.5″x8.5″ appropriate to be conveniently read in tablets and cellular phones. This eBook has color illustrations. You can order this digital version here from this store. To order it use PayPal down below.
Size 5.5″x8.5″, illustrated, English version
How to order it:
Version in paper, B&W, with soft or hard laminated cover, size 5.5″x8.5″. Click on the soft cover title to access the publishing house website so you can make the purchase there.
Electronic version in PDF, in color, edited in size 5.5″x8.5″ appropriate to be conveniently read in tablets and cellular phones. This eBook has color illustrations. You can order this digital version here from this store. To order it use PayPal down below.
Order “The Return of the Dove”, an interpreting treatise written by Luis Prada based on the Keys 104 and 105 of the Book of Knowledge, Keys of Enoch of Dr. James J. Hurtak. Insightful document in PDF, 28 pages with hyperlinks and profusely illustrated. Size: 3MB zipped.
Brother Veritus’ Website in partnership with CafePress and Logo Sportswear is offering products such as T-shirts, mugs, cap, license plate frames, hats, mousepads, etc., displaying Luis Prada’s art. Please visit our stores by clicking here (CafePress),here (Logo Sportswear Store 1) and here (Logo Sportswear Store 2). Also visit our Art Gallery to enjoy the art used on some of our products.
For ordering, click at the pictures. Do not order these products from this website but directly from CafePress or from Logo Sportswear.
You can make payments to Brother Veritus’ Website in two ways:
1. By sending a personal check (US residents only) or a Money Order check payable to Luis Prada or by sending a US dollar cash bill in a certified-mail envelop to the following address. Please send an email informing us of your order:
Brother Veritus’ Publishing
c/o Luis Prada
2979 Cloudview Lane
Hayward CA 94541, USA
2. By making payment using a PayPal account. Clicking at the PayPal icon below.
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