“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” (Proverbs 16:3, King James Version, KJV). You commit unto God your plans that are the best thoughts and works you have and produce, that are worthy of God and His laws, and God shall make those thoughts and plans A REALITY. Anything you do that is aligned with Divine Plan, will happen. ―Luis Prada, BVW, September 8, 2018
Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/
Plan de la Comunidad Brother Veritus
Brother Veritus’ University Plan/
Plan de la Universidad Brother Veritus
“Bullets and nuclear bombs are part of a second rate masculine energy… it is not a true masculine energy; it is the energy of cowardice, a lack of understanding of mankind. When a man kills another man in an act of war or warrior-ship that is committed in absolute integrity with the way things are, then that man will sleep peacefully at night, but when men hide behind the barrel of a gun and don’t see into the eyes of another man that they are shooting at 1000 meters away, or drop bombs from a plane on innocent women and children, that kind of man will not sleep at night, will not rest easy, will not rest in peace – it is impossible because that man is acting out of a second rate masculine energy; that kind of man has created a very unsafe world for his own wife and children. “The great nations of the western world suffer great and severe psychological damage as a result of this kind of warfare. Where there is no honor in death Spirit will make men pay the price for his actions. Whether a man is ordered to take this action or not each individual man has to take responsibility for acting in whichever way he acts here on earth. Each man has a choice in every single situation in which he takes action. Each man has always been held accountable by Spirit for his actions. The west will be made far more accountable for their actions than at any other time in their history. This accountability process begins with Spirit. The more spirit that flows through a man the more choices he has and the more true to integrity he can be. “ Excerpt of the article True Feminity. Kryon channeled through David Brown, February 4, 2004, in Lakeside, Cape T own, South Africa. See full discourse in https://www.luisprada.com/true_feminity/ Before bullets and bombs were invented, war was made fighting tooth and nail. With bullets and bombs now thousands of persons are killed without seeing them. With chemtrails the population and the environment, Mother Gaia, are poisoned, without noticing the tremendous consequences of this action. It is a coward attitude, and those who do this are culprit regardless of whether or not they were following orders from their superiors. Thus Kryon says in the message.
Donald-Rumsfeld-Run Chemtrails
About Happiness. Excerpt of a Conversation with Sonja Lyubomirsky, Happiness Expert: Happiness can mean lots of different things to different people. What do you think is the biggest misconception? —That it’s all about pleasure and feeling good. Happiness is a lot more than that. It’s about engagement and meaning and progressing toward your goals. Why is that so important? —People who are happy accrue a lot of positive outcomes. They’re healthier, more creative and have better relationships. Happy people are not as self-centered as unhappy people. They’re more generous and other-focused. Would getting rich make me happy? —It might if you’re poor. But if you’re already comfortable, it won’t make you as happy as you think. Why not? —Some research suggests that it’s not having money that matters, it’s how you spend it. If you’re spending your money on helping others or on experiences like taking your friends out to dinner or learning new things, that can make you happy. Does happiness have a co-relation with age? —People get happier as they get older. The least happy are probably teenagers and people in their 20s. We get happier at midlife, but the peak is, depending on the study, around 65 or 70. Why the arc? —One Stanford researcher has a theory that older people are, in a sense, emotionally wiser. They know what makes them happy, which often means spending time with people who make them happy. When you ask younger people who they’d have lunch with, if they could invite anyone, they’re more likely to choose a celebrity. Older people will say, “my sister.” Isn’t there a danger on focusing too much on happiness? —Yes, if you’re constantly asking yourself: “Am I happy yet?”, it’s going to backfire. You’re better off trying to be more generous or grateful or forgiving—whatever works for you. If you do that, happiness will be a byproduct. —Interview by Hugh Delehanty for AARP Publications. Published on AARP Bulletin, aarp.org/bulletin, June 2016, Vol. 57, No. 5.
One does not remember who one is until reaching Full Consciousness, the expanded consciousness. Before that, one is a combination of what one IS and a mixture of culture and beliefs of what one IS NOT. Remember that we are in an illusion called The New World Order, plagued with lies. —Luis Prada, October 10, 2016
This book presents a paradigm shift in education that will prepare humanity to become a galactic society. The present educational system, however good in many aspects, is also used as a mind control tool. I invite you to read this book online for free, or order it in electronic format or on paper, whatever you prefer… but read it to change your perspective of what education should be.
We are being governed by a bunch of criminals who belong to secret societies.
Some New Agers wrongly think that studying conspiracy theory is not spiritual, they are wrong. Actually, it is quite the opposite: Sticking their heads in the sand is not spiritual. —Luis Prada, Sept. 19, 2016
The Pharmaceutical Cartel is constantly scanning the world health landscape for doctors or scientists who claim to have found a cure for cancer to eliminate them in one way or another. They don’t want the cure for cancer to take away such a lucrative way of making billions of dollars in useless chemotherapy and radiation treatments. That’s why the cancer cure research organizations, the so-called “fight against cancer”, are a cover screen and a distraction: They never find anything and do collect money from the poor worker to supposedly fund research projects (of more useless and highly profitable treatments for that cartel aimed at keeping the patient alive longer but sick to suck out their savings and those of their family). Avoid chemical medicine as much as possible and say yes to alternative natural medicine. Luis Prada, BVW, April 4, 2018
Love does not die: The woman that one lost, was won by another; the woman that someone lost, was won by one. It’s like in the post: We all pass by the same place but at different times. Besides, how is it going to die if love is before us. We say innocently that we make love. We do not make love, love made us and remakes us every moment. Love that saves the human beings. Love that will end up making a society where everyone has a place at the table, without borders. It will not be necessary to spend so much money in the army because they will not need the soldiers because we are going to live like a family. For society goes there. When the thing gets as violent as it is now it is because it came to the end of a stage. Thus empires fell. That way all power will fall that has nothing to do with love. And you will see that you who are young. You will see an extraordinary world. The Mayans already suspected it: A change of attitude so great that the human being will be like a new creature. And they are already going around: I find these wonderful people constantly: In service, in respect, in trust … -Facundo Cabral, singer-songwriter and Argentine philosopher. Extract from the video of the last concert of Facundo Cabral at the Teatro Roma in the city of Quezaltenango, Guatemala, on Thursday, July 7, 2011 before 5,000 Guatemalans. Original en Spanish, translation to English by Luis Prada, Editor and Publisher of Brother Veritus’ Website.
Vaccines are part of Agenda 21: World depopulation program. Are tools for depopulation of the 99%. That’s why Bill Gates, the promoter of vaccines, did not authorize his doctor to give them to his children. Power Elites around the world are globalists, not patriotic nor nationalists. This business of patriotism is not for them, it’s concocted for the masses, the sheeple. Same with vaccination, it is not for the affluent, but for the people on foot. That’s why, and I state it again, Bill Gates, the promoter of vaccines, did not vaccinate his own children. Wake up, People, from the slumber of the Matrix. This is the reason this website was created, to wake people up! —Luis Prada, Editor and Publisher of Brother Veritus’ Website
The Disinformation Campaign Agenda
On this planet people have been bombarded with so much disinformation through their multiple reincarnations that span thousands and thousands of years that today they are so gullible and prone to believe the lies of officialdom.
There are multiple layers of disinformation stored in their psyche that once a layer is removed, other layers of lies show up. People really don’t understand the levels of manipulations they have been subjected to throughout centuries that barely they can distinguish what is real and what is fake but presented as real. Official religion is fake, for instance, but they think is real, the monetary system is fake but they think is real, patriotism is fake but they think is true and a good sentiment, and so on.
All official religions, Catholicism, Christian sects, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Moslem, etc., all have fallen dogma intentionally put there to misinform and control. True religion is personal and free from human manipulation. It is as deep as is your level of spiritual Light absorption.
Money is an illusory earthly invention because it has no real backing, it is created from nothing. It is only a cunning means of controlling the people and governments of countries, and keeping everyone in slavery to the Rothschild mafia. This is a prison planet ruled by criminals.
The reason for war is not one, multiple reasons there are: Stealing resources from countries for corporations is one reason, spreading suffering and the feeling of impotence is another, human sacrifice for Luciferian forces is another, a ritual to dark forces is another, generation of negativity, fear and hate another, and so on. All these reasons converge in every war. We need to learn war no more!
Only the person through persistent research and validation and using common sense, discernment and inner guidance can arrive at truth. Read Brother Veritus’ Website and other sites of like orientation and use the God’s given power of the mind to remove the mental programming embedded in your subconscious mind. —Luis Prada, Editor and Publisher of Brother Veritus’ Website
The corrupt in government and corporations do whatever they want and people turn the other way, are apathetic, do not care, ignore it. That sets a bad example for the future generations to copy their parents’ behavior and do the same. Expose injustice. —Luis Prada, Editor and Publisher of Brother Veritus’ Website
We do not stand for the chaos, misery, mind control and disparity of the New World Order (NWO) but for the order, love, kindliness, individual freedom and sovereignty of the New Age Order (NAO) _ _ ═ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ۩ NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM MORTUUS EST۩ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ═ _ _ The Effect Will Meet the Cause
══ Internet Should Be a Free Service. Internet, the New Gutenberg Press. Some updates and news are published in the forum and not here, visit the forum to keep yourself up-to-date ══ Brother Veritus’ Website – English (ENGLISH PORTAL)
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★ Channeled Messages ★
The Etheric Temple is a mental construct we have done as a way of anchoring in a reference point our presences with the objective of being able to make there a group meditation. Due to the constant daily visualization of this place in the mental plane —which affects the causal plane— we are going to make it a reality in the future within the City of Light of BVC with a circular physical temple. —Luis Prada. April 5, 2012
Thank you, Mother Gaia, for sustaining us and putting up daily with weakness and human error that contaminate land, sea and sky with physical and etheric pollution. —Luis Prada. September 3, 2014
Brother Veritus’ Website
♪„ø¤º°¨ ¨°ºLight, Life and Love Wave:„ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤Woo Ascension Wave!¸„ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤øº Go to the 5thD!!!¤¤º°¨ ¨°º¤øº¤ø„¸¸ø¤º°♫¨We’re going to theCity of Light of BVC!!!!¤¤º°¨ ¨°º¤øº¤ø„¸¸ø¤º°¨ ♫♪???
Meditation and Inspirational Music
Audio Guided Meditations
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——————— ——————— ——————— Dear All That Is, I thank Thee for the goods I received today. Keep showering me with blessings, health and understanding. Amen. —Luis Prada. September 8, 2014
Audio – Journey into the City of Light of BVC
Luis Prada,
Director of BVC Narration:
Crystali Music Sound Master:
Armando Ibarra
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May Peace Be On Earth and May the Dark Forces Finally Be Removed from the Planet. Amen Thank you, Beings of Light, for your fight against the obstinate darkness of this planet and for you constant and decisive intention to liberate the planet from its claws
eBook: Behind the Brands, Food Justice and the ‘Big 10’ Food and Beverage Companies by Beth Hoffman
Download or Read Online by clicking here
in the City of Light of BVC… “Cultural decisions will be based on agreements among individuals in alignment with spiritual truth. One group of men will not presume superiority over other men. Individual skills and cultural traits will be recognized as a spectrum of personal talents that can be used for the betterment of all. Each person is unique with a role to play with others in a unified quest for Ascension. ” Esu Immanuel Sananda Kumara through Jess Anthony, “Esu Speaks on Conclusion and Closure”, message of March 29, 2014.
?~♫.•*¨`*•.¸♥¤♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫~? ?~”Let There Be Light”~? ?~♫.•*¨`*•.¸♥¤♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫~?
God didn’t make everything in one day. What makes me think I can? Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. If strength were all, tiger would not fear scorpion. Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a Light shining somewhere nearby. Blessed be those who unlearn, because the higher knowledge will be revealed unto them. The knowledge of the Age of Pisces is riddled with disinformation, we must format the hard disk of our memory. —Luis Prada, April 25, 2012 The ignorant always mocks those in the know. All the darkness of the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle. You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience. —Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Seek not abroad, turn back into thyself, for in the inner man dwells the truth. —St. Augustine The authentic liberation of the human being is born within the same individual. Free yourself. Be independent. Do not deceive yourself. Seek truth. Knowledge and liberation must be searched for and earned. Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body. —Seneca We must be the change we wish to see in the world. —Mahatma Gandhi The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. —Benjamin Disraeli, former Prime Minister of England, 1844 The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. —H. L. Mencken, American writer (1880-1956) (Because people do not want to hear the truth and be responsible.) Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. —Buddha (Kalama Sutta) One thing is to believe in God by faith and another very different is to know that He exists due to we have fused with the Thought Adjuster gifted to us by the Celestial Father of Havona. Note I used the words “to believe” and “to know”. Believing is of young souls, knowing is of old souls with old and mature minds, and who have fused with the Thought Adjuster. The Thought Adjuster is the Master Within or the God Within. —Luis Prada, March 17, 2013 God is a Being that knows good without needing evil as a reference point. —Unknown author The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. —Lao Tzu Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. —Ralph Waldo Emerson Don’t expect your friend to be a perfect person. But, help your friend to become a perfect person. That’s true friendship. —Mother Teresa However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do if you do not act upon them? —Gautama Buddha When someone shares something valuable that will benefit, he who receives it has the moral obligation to share it with everybody. —Unknown author Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. —Aristotle Everybody talks about leaving a better planet for the children. Why nobody tries to leave better children to the planet? —Unknown author Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand. —Chinese proverb The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. —Robert M. Hutchins (1899-1977) Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth. —Muhammad Ali There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. —Edith Wharton All you leave the world is what you’ve done. No one will ever know the conditions, the comments, the pressures. Only the work remains. —Arnold Friberg (1913-2010), painter of The Prayer at Valley Forge … asked about the time-sucking quagmire that is social media, Mirren lets out with, “It reminds me of a stinky old pub. In the corner would be this slightly disgusting old man who sits there all day, every day. If you went up and talked to him, you’d get the kind of grumpy, horrible, moldy, old meaningless crap that you read on Tweeter.” —A Wise and Witter Dame, interview to Helen Mirren by David Hochman, AARP Magazine, June/July 2014 A single act of compassion can put you in touch with your own humanity. —Captain Katharine Janeway, character of the TV series Star Trek Voyager, Season 4, Episode 16, Prey Worrying is praying for something that you don’t want. So, stop worrying! —Baghavan Das In the Age of Information… Ignorance is a choice. —Unknown author We often fear what we don’t understand. Our best defense is knowledge. —Tuvok, character of the TV series Star Trek Voyager, Season 2, Episode 22 Open your mind and your heart and The Way will become clear. —Surak, Vulcan character of the TV series Star Trek Enterprise, Season 4, Episode 8 Success is like a garden with too much sun. Be careful it does not dry your roots. —Joan Walsh Anglund You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. —Richard Buckminster Fuller The Love of God is like the ocean. You may see where it starts, but never where it ends. —Unknown author Never play with the feelings of others. Because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely loose the person for a lifetime. —William Shakespeare The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people. —Napoleon Bonaparte I am thankful to all those who said NO to me, it’s because of them I did it myself. —Albert Einstein If friendship is your weakest point then you are the strongest person in the world. —Abraham Lincoln We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. —Mahatma Gandhi It Is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone. —Dr. Abdul Kalam From a knowledge of God’s work, we shall know Him. —Robert Boyle, father of modern chemistry Dispel negativity with creative activities. —Unknown author As long as we do not change inside, we continue having the leaders we deserve and to whom we hate. —Luis Prada, Editor and Publisher of BVW If you don’t have time to live your life now, when do you? —Unknown author Use you natural talents to obtain more. —Unknown author If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. —Maya Angelou The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he’s always doing both. —James A. Michener (U.S. novelist and short-story writer, 1907?-1997) When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind. —Jiddu Krishnamurti At first life was a struggle for existence, now for a standard of living, next it will be for quality of thinking, the coming earthly goal of human existence. —Urantia Book, (910.1) 81:6.28 It is not a duty but rather your exalted privilege to cleanse yourselves from all evils of mind and body while you seek for perfection in the love of God. —Urantia Book, Jesus (1610.1) 143:2.6 The only people you need in your life are those who need you in theirs. —Unknown author Don’t ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness. —Unknown author May they tell you not that happiness is a goal, nor is even a road, it is a way of walking. —Luis Espinoza (Chamalú), Peruvian Quechua shaman Where all think alike, no one thinks very much. —Walter Lippmann It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: The music is nothing if the audience is deaf. —Walter Lippmann He who does not know, and does not know that does not know, is an idiot. Avoid him! He who does not know, and knows that does not know, is an ignorant. Teach him! He who knows and does not know that he knows, is asleep. Wake him up! He who knows and knows that he knows, is truly a wise man. Follow him! —Arab Proverb What do you get when you argue with an idiot? Two idiots having an argument. —Unknown author Obi-Wan asked, “Who’s more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?” —From the movie series Star Wars “Perfection is not a symbolic concept of an inaccessible status of Being and which only a very selected elite can achieve and of which so much has been spoken and written about.” [The New Galactic Consciousness and Its Planetary Implications by the Great White Brotherhood of the Galaxy, message transcribed by Ramathis-Mam on October 5, 2003. Full message in: https://www.luisprada.com/the_new_galactic_consciousness/] Common folks always think that somebody else is the one with talent, perfection, spiritual gifts and powers, etc., but they don’t have them. That’s far from true. What have achieved the Ascended Masters and all the geniuses humanity has had, has been gained on the basis of personal work and effort of many reincarnations. There is not a privileged elite that is the preferred of the Creator and therefore endowed with powers the rest of mortals lack of. To achieve Ascension it is required to develop the dormant talents with which we were originally endowed but for the lack of use have been atrofied in us. —Luis Prada, Director of BVC, August 11, 2016 About Happiness. Excerpt of a Conversation with Sonja Lyubomirsky, Happiness Expert: Happiness can mean lots of different things to different people. What do you think is the biggest misconception? —That it’s all about pleasure and feeling good. Happiness is a lot more than that. It’s about engagement and meaning and progressing toward your goals. Why is that so important? —People who are happy accrue a lot of positive outcomes. They’re healthier, more creative and have better relationships. Happy people are not as self-centered as unhappy people. They’re more generous and other-focused. Would getting rich make me happy? —It might if you’re poor. But if you’re already comfortable, it won’t make you as happy as you think. Why not? —Some research suggests that it’s not having money that matters, it’s how you spend it. If you’re spending your money on helping others or on experiences like taking your friends out to dinner or learning new things, that can make you happy. Does happiness have a co-relation with age? —People get happier as they get older. The least happy are probably teenagers and people in their 20s. We get happier at midlife, but the peak is, depending on the study, around 65 or 70. Why the arc? —One Stanford researcher has a theory that older people are, in a sense, emotionally wiser. They know what makes them happy, which often means spending time with people who make them happy. When you ask younger people who they’d have lunch with, if they could invite anyone, they’re more likely to choose a celebrity. Older people will say, “my sister.” Isn’t there a danger on focusing too much on happiness? —Yes, if you’re constantly asking yourself: “Am I happy yet?”, it’s going to backfire. You’re better off trying to be more generous or grateful or forgiving—whatever works for you. If you do that, happiness will be a byproduct. —Interview by Hugh Delehanty for AARP Publications. Published on AARP Bulletin, aarp.org/bulletin, June 2016, Vol. 57, No. 5.
Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. —Albert Einstein
To avoid suffering, in life one should never have what one is unwilling to lose. —Unknown author
53:9.8 (611.7) But for ages the seven prison worlds of spiritual darkness in Satania have constituted a solemn warning to all Nebadon, eloquently and effectively proclaiming the great truth “that the way of the transgressor is hard”; “that within every sin is concealed the seed of its own destruction”; that “the wages of sin is death.” —Manovandet Melchizedek, onetime attached to the receivership of Urantia
Popular Music Sung by Luis Prada, BVW
????♫♪???♫♪???♫♪???♫♪???American and Latin Music???♫♪???♫♪???♫♪???♫♪???
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This is popular music, it is not New Age nor meditational
Think Outside “The Box” of “The Machine”
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AN ANASHA: Thankfulness. OMAR TA SATT: Salutations to Lightworkers. OM TAT SAT: Lightworker
Livestream. Global Revolution Jail the fraudsters of Wall Street
The answer to 1984 is 1776, Part 2
Meaning of the Word “Veritus”
Make the politicians work for you. The Corporate Money Out of Politics. The government is not representative of the majority of people and of its interests but of the interest of the 1% minority. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) Courage is the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear. —Unknown author He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. —Benjamin Franklin The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. —Albert Einstein Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. —Dr. Martin Luther King He who knows, should do. And he who does not do what he should, creates karma. —Tibetan maxim If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom. —Dwight D. Eisenhower The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be… The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists. —Martin Luther King, Jr. Courage is contagious. —Daniel Ellsberg In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. —Mark Twain Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing. —Aristotle Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders… and millions have been killed because of this obedience… Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem. —Howard Zinn Old Ways of Doing Business. Limited Liability Society: “The Corporation” with characteristics of a psychopath listed as follows: 1. Callous unconcern for the feeling of others; 2. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships; 3. Reckless disregard for the safety of others; 4. Repeated lying and conning others for profit; 5. Incapacity to experience guilt; 6. Failure to conform to social norms and lawful behavior. —Fix the World Presentation by HopeGirl, Quantum Energy Generator, Free Energy We have made the Reich through propaganda. —Herr Doktor Josef Göbells The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government. —Thomas Paine History is a lie agreed upon. —Napoleon Bonaparte It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority. —Benjamin Franklin Our party system in the United States is divisive and none of you chooses anybody of your free will voting. Who runs [for president] is chosen by global thugs and then you are controlled to vote by media with lies. —Candace Frieze, AbundantHope.net, from a message on the AH Forum In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. —Franklin Delano Roosevelt Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. —Nelson Mandela When a Law is Unjust, It is Only Right to Disobey. —Mahatma Gandhi Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves. —Henry David Thoreau Bureaucracy: The art of converting the easy into difficult by means of the useless. —Unknown author It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. —Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) Christopher Columbus is a symbol, not of a man, but of imperialism… Imperialism and colonialism are not something that happened decades ago or generations ago, but they are still happening now with the exploitation of people… The kind of thing that took place long ago in which people were dispossessed from their land and forced out of subsistence economies and into market economies —those processes are still happening today. —John Mohawk, Seneca, 1992 When people fear their government, there is tyranny. When government fears the people, there is liberty. —Thomas Jefferson Fear is the oldest tool of power. If you’re distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those Above. —Agent Fox Mulder. X-Files, Season 2, Episode 3, Blood
¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨)You are in my thoughts and heart always. ღ ღ .。.:* (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.•¨*Sending continuous warm Reiki love to you. Xoxox.٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ƸӜƷ *•.¸♥¸.•* ƸӜƷ Meditation on the Key of Metatron. Intone: OD ER IM IS AL — IS IS IM AL — KI RIS TI. (Ki is the vibration of Archangel Michael, Ris is the vibration of Christ and Ti is the vibration of Mother Mary.) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
False Flag: Self aggression with subsequent inculpation on somebody else in order to justify a conflict with this one. Thus any war of invasion, extermination and wrongful hoarding starts. We ask the protection of Archangel Michael against the dark forces of the Anti-Christ who by all means have tried to implement the New World Order utilizing the lie, false-flag operations, mental programming through the media controlled by these forces and corporations, and by means of coercion and control of the financial and economic system.The Federal Reserve and the central banks have printed so much fiat money and issued so much electronic money that have lost control of the money they have issued, and for which they are responsible, to such degree that they do not know how much money they owe and is owed to them, besides that this money has been issued from nothing, however it has been used to buy real property. When asked to convert this debt money into real value, the central banks cannot answer since in reality in their vaults they do not have real money backed up by gold, that is, they do not have gold to back up their fiat money they have issued. Ergo, they are in bankruptcy. And these central banks are in reality property of the Federal Reserve, ergo, the Federal Reserve is in bankruptcy.If we ask ourselves why Christ Michael has not precipitated the 3DD yet, here we find the answer. He has not done it yet to give more rope to the dark ones so they hang themselves. Since the more we wait, the more time there is for their errors to come up to public light, their bankruptcies precipitated, their programmed wars frustrated, and their plans becoming evident. —Luis Prada, Sept.25, 2013
Milky Way Cycles and the History of Urantia, see here this important document: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
Grand Universe. From the Urantia Book
Soul Journey From Urantia to Paradise
Keshe Knowledge. Download it here. 1.22 GB. Compressed File (zipped). In English. Allow about 2 Hrs. of Downloading Time: Keshe Knowledge
Free Energy: Quantum Energy Generator. Download it here. User Manual, Open Source. PDF. In English.
Roads initially traversed by mad men, later on are traversed by wise men. —Unknown author
Let love be your guide in all things and know that as you begin to convert your energy, your entire breath will change as will your respiratory system. You will begin to experience the Divine Breath circulating through you and this is the Breath you will begin to exhale into your world. —Gabriel of Salvington through Hazel, December 17, 2013
What you think upon, grows. Whatever you allow to occupy your mind, you magnify in your life. Whether the subject of your thought, be good or bad, the law works and the condition grows. Any subject that you keep out of your mind tends to diminish in your life because what you do not use, atrophies. The more you think of grievances, the more such trials you will continue to receive; the more you think of the good fortune you have had, the more good fortune will come to you. —Emmet Fox from Make Your Life Worthwhile, 1942
Thank you, dear Christ Michael, for listening our supplication. I know that the promise has not been fulfilled yet but it will as it will fulfill the New Ascended Earth, because beloved St. Germain told us: “Blessed are those who believe, those who dream and those who believe that dreams will come true.” We are blessed since our faith in the future of Earth is that of a Kingdom of God on Earth. As Esu taught us to pray addressing the Celestial Father: “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” The Will of the Universal Father is that we live in harmony and love, in peace and abundance, all the inhabitants of the planet without distinctions of any kind. But the Illuminati elitist classes twisted this Divine Agenda and gave us a prefabricated reality, wrong and of the lie. That is why in this Correction Time these psychopath classes will be removed from power. —Luis Prada, September 11, 2013
Dear Celestial Father Christ Michael, I ask that during the 3 Days of Darkness you remove from the planet not only the Illuminati but also the psychopaths owners of the taurine cartels who torture the bulls for the insane and perverse diversion of a drunken and unconscious public who encourages the bullfighter to harm more and more the bull. These psychopaths should not remain in our planet since their low energies contaminate the ethers of Mother Gaia and perpetuate a bad and inhumane tradition in humanity. So Mote It Be! —Luis Prada, December 22, 2014
Without hope there is no reason to live. People who lose hope of recovering of an illness, die from this. The planet is sick and we, Lightworkers, are its hope of recovering and who will work in its cleaning. —Luis Prada, February 3, 2015
“May in every Human Heart be born the idea of being a TRUE CHILD OF GOD.” When a person has the idea of being a True Child of God in the heart, is firmly a believer in God. When the person does not feel in the heart to be a son of God, it is because he has turned away from Him. Alienation from God creates atheism manifested in two ways: One is open, conviction that God does not exist; the other is by omission, meaning that believes in God but in his actions does not show it, hence he is an atheist in practice since there is no connection between our actions and the conviction of a God who observes and judges our actions. In prayer there are many keys but you have to decipher them as I have done with this phrase of the Prayer for Peace by Sonia Gonzalo-Reyes. They are teachings veiled in poetic words. May we not remain in the poetic part and do not understand what they are really telling us. —Luis Prada, August 5, 2016
One does not remember who one is until reaching Full Consciousness, the expanded consciousness. Before that, one is a combination of what one IS and a mixture of culture and beliefs of what one IS NOT. Remember that we are in an illusion called The New World Order, plagued with lies. —Luis Prada, October 10, 2016
St. Germain
Q&A Session on Earth Changes and the Future of Humanity
St. Germain channeled by Luis Prada, Director of the Brother Veritus’ Community, on Friday September 21, 2018. Audio was left unedited by not removing pauses between words and sentences to give the perfect feeling you would have if you were witnessing the channeling session, because, more than channeling, this was a dictation, and, as in any dictation you wait for the next word o sentence without knowing what this might be. Original in Spanish, transcription and translation to English by Luis Prada, BVW. Both English translation and Spanish transcription are available in Brother Veritus’ Website (www.luisprada.com).
Part One
Question (Q): Welcome beloved Count St. Germain. We are pleased to have you visiting us today and accompanying us in this conversation. Our concern, ours —of those present and of those absent— will be the same as the one I am going to express with regard to the world we live in and the world we are going to live in. Master, may you explain us what is the reason for so much social upheaval in the world?
Saint Germain (SG): My dear children: Thank you for inviting me to this Question-and-Answer session and I will answer the question that the beloved student of Light has just asked me.
The world today is going through a very difficult phase of Kali Yuga cleansing. The Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness are in a war that is not new, it is a war of many millennia in the galactic system, but the site of combat is this planet Earth.
There has been great confusion among humanity regarding the historical events reported by the alternate media and, secondly, by the mainstream news media. What happens at the front is a slight reflection of what is actually happening behind the scenes.
We, the members of the Great White Brotherhood, are working intensely infiltrated in different social, governmental, educational, institutional and technological strata, as well as in military areas. If it were not for our constant work this planet would go to destruction. But our Forces combined with the works of the beloved Celestial Friends have achieved a triumph already about to manifest. Be patient that what will manifest will be what you have been asking for so long with love and intensity, with steadfastness of heart and faith.
A New World awaits you, great changes are coming that will shock all social strata. No one will be free of suffering the changes. Expect news of what will happen through the alternate media that are working for the Light. The social networks will be intensely working on this dissemination process to inform you of the different activities we are carrying out. Any other questions?
Q: Yes, Master. At this moment the financial system creates concern. What can you tell us about it?
SG: For several centuries I have been working with the financial system of planet Earth. I have accumulated wealth that will be used for the Prosperity Programs to come. This is one of my legacies to humanity and from which I cleanse myself of some of the karma I accumulated in the distant past when being king of a country in North Africa I was in charge —among many other activities— of the financial system.
In this future financial system we will correct the problems of the generation of Fiat money. We will generate real money, not fiduciary notes with no real value, and electronic currency generated from nothing. This is part of the changes that will happen on this planet.
Q: Master, what do you tell us about the future of the new generations in the New Age?
SG: The New Age will be very different from the Age of Pisces and earlier eras. Humanity will undergo genetic changes that will transform it into a New Man.
Nothing that you know and are familiar with will remain the same. Everything will change: Social, political, economic, educational systems —as I told you at the beginning— will undergo changes, and these changes will affect the consciousness of the human race, and generate the I AM Race that will rule the planet.
This planet will eventually overpopulate but will bring enlightened thinking minds into the Solar System. There will be colonies on all the moons of the different planets of the Solar System. New developments on Mars. Venus will have a dignified enlightened civilization that will eventually travel to the stars. Planet Earth will have free energy technology. Diseases will eventually be solved, cured. There will be transformations at planetary level, not only physical of the planet, but also emotional-etheric. Nothing will be as it is at present.
Q: Beloved Master Saint Germain: I would like to know what is happening to the health of humanity in the present and what is expected of health in the future?
SG: Health has been commercialized in the present. It has been blocked in its development. It has been aimed at generating economic benefit rather than solving the cause of the individual’s health problems. But we have very important plans to apply to different health problems that currently afflict humanity.
There will be such great transformations that humanity will come to the point where it has no more diseases. Disease will be a thing of the past.
There will be such great transformations that humanity will come to the point where it has no more diseases. Disease will be a thing of the past.
SG: The people of the millennials comprise stellar seeds that came to this planet to exert fundamental changes through the awakening of consciousness. But, upon reaching the planet through the reincarnation process, they found a world so chaotic and convulsed that they have been astonished, confused, full of fear to face the operative Dark Forces on the planet and, therefore, some are not doing their function, the function that is expected to be performed when they made the agreements prior to reincarnation for their mission.
However, when the changes begin to work, they will join them, those changes, and begin to remember their mission and carry it out. Some are observers but most millennials come with particular missions to modify the planet’s Holographic Matrix system.
Q: Master, I’d like to know how we’re going to… where we’re going to go with this kind of people who are governing us and are failing in the face of what they promise us when we elect them to run this world we’re living in.
SG: I think you mean the politicians, don’t you?
Q: Yes, Master.
SG: Politics through millennia on this planet has been used as a form of control of the human being, in favor of the arrogant and the ruling classes and their interests.
We plan to perform a… or present a new form of government that is more of a galactic nature for the planet. To present galactic patterns through the stellar seeds that came to reincarnate on the planet for the social and economic transformation.
There are great technologies for the liberation of the human being, such as free energy, that have been suppressed, that we will liberate for all humanity to benefit from and thus catapult the changes we expect, and that we make from humanity a New Advanced Star Seed.
The direction of the planet will be more focused on following the Divine Laws of the Divine Plan, than on following material laws imposed on humanity for the benefit of the classes in power. But this we will not do alone, but in collaboration with the inhabitants of the planet who will be the leaders who will implement these political reforms.
Q: Master, there is a very common concern among the people and that is the alliance between religion and politics. What can you say about that, Master?
SG: Traditionally on this planet religion and politics have been united, or go hand in hand, but in some cases there have been changes in society that have separated politics from religion. However, you always have to keep in mind that religion, even though in its origins it has always had a spiritual vision, has been manipulated by the governing elites to be used as a tool of control of the human race in different civilizations. That is something historical that you yourselves can verify.
We wish to teach you with all our heart how to unite universal religion and government without any conflict as it is done in other galactic societies.
The Divine Laws are the same human laws if the right plan is applied. Humanity must be taught the equilibrium, the balance, between its spiritual beliefs and the management of the human race towards that spiritual ideal. There is a point of balance but for that you need to remove from power the dark elements that are blocking those changes.
There will be changes in religion. Some religions will cease to exist and others will be elevated to the spiritual teachings that the Great White Brotherhood has given throughout the ages.
You have in your religious, metaphysical and esoteric books, all the bases you need to establish a society spiritually-oriented and materially-directed to give the support that the human being needs for his own spiritual and material evolution, only that you have been submitted but that is still part of your teaching and your experience to acquire wisdom. However, you have stepped forward and are ready to receive an improved system, free from the karmic bonds of previous generations.
Q: Master, it troubles me to know what will become of humanity once man has finished with planet Earth, with all the wreak havoc and damages he has done to date. What will become of us, Master, who has a mission for you?
SG: As I said in my introduction, the planet will undergo great changes of many kinds. The illuminated remnant society will rise to the stars, will travel the Cosmos with breathtakingly beautiful ships where life will be a constant joy.
The planet will have advanced technologies. It will be a one-government but not a one-government as the Dark Forces see it but one universal government according to the Law of One.
The human race will shine, it will be an exact manifestation of the Image of God as it was originally dictated before it had been genetically manipulated.
The transformations will be so beautiful, so impressive, that to describe them here would be as if I were a science-fiction writer, so I leave them to your exalted imagination, to the best that you can give, to the most sublime that you can conceive. You decree… and it will happen!
I leave you, brethren, and I hope that this message reach the minds of the advanced beings of the stars reincarnated as stellar seeds and serve as inspiration for what is to come. Good night.
Q: Good night, Master.
Part Two
Note: Once the first message was received a foul odor was felt in the room, something like a rotten egg, and the lady present felt psychically the presence of a dark entity in the place who came out of a room and moved to the room near the channeler. Then candles were lit, an aerosol air freshener was spread, invocations were made to Beings of Light and decrees or affirmations to drive away the intruder, and he was emphatically commanded to withdraw. He withdrew from the place and the nauseating smell slowly ceased.
Q: Master St. Germain, how can I do to combat negative energies that want to harm me and use my husband as a medium creating diseases that really don’t exist in him?
SG: Negative forces have always been on this planet creating chaos, unrest, confusion, and sabotage. We, the members of the Great White Brotherhood, the Ascended Masters of the planet, have always been controlling its effects, avoiding the destruction of the planet due to their outlandish attempts to sabotage the Divine Plan. That is why when a group of “Two or More in My Name” —using the words of Divine Master Sananda— comes together, these Dark Forces come to try to create error, confusion, and to sabotage the message. That is very clear to us. This is why every time we gather our chelas, or disciples, we are always alert to find the appropriate channel that has the spiritual level and telepathic skill to receive our message without interference or intervention.
In your case, indeed, the Dark Forces try by all means to divert you from your mission and to create confusion in the marriage in order to achieve their purposes of sabotage. In other words, they wish to “sink the ship”. This is why we ask the two of you to always stay in tune with the Light, to do your mantras, your decrees, and to always have a positive mind to prevent the dark ones from interfering with your purpose of Light and mission.
Yes, it is true, you have been subjected to attacks, as have other seekers of The Path, who with firm faith follow the dictates given by us from the higher planes to make drastic changes in their life and affect planetary development for the better.
Q: Master Saint Germain, I need of you and of your collaboration. Every time I try to connect with you to express my concerns I feel the presence of some negative dark energies that want to interpose in my initiation in the Light. What to do about these situations?
SG: As I said before, you must focus on the Light, you must appease your Inner Being, you must find your space, your emptiness, where you can take the energy that we send you through dimensional portals such as the sun.
We wish you to follow our advice in the best way for there to be a complete change of healing in your body and for you to find your mission that is very great. Some of your mission has already been done but there is still much more to be done. The detours caused by the material world cause your energy to lose attunement with the Celestial Spheres.
Follow my meditation, which I gave through Guy Ballard in the thirties on the Violet Flame to produce alchemical transmutation in your body and mind and to keep away the low energies that at times besiege you, harass you to take you out of your Center.
Your Spirit is brilliant, pure. Many would envy your power, but it must be tuned up more. We help you, only ask for our help and follow our advice. Another question?
Q: No, Master.
SG: It has been a pleasure to come tonight to this home, sweet home, to bring this information of vital importance to the development of humanity for the awakening of consciousness in the Age of Aquarius, and to give you in particular, on a personal level, a teaching that you can apply in your daily life.
I am Saint Germain, Avatar of the Age of Aquarius. I carry the Violet Flame as a symbol of my spiritual status. Goodbye.
MESSAGES FROM PREVIOUS MONTHS ARE PUBLISHED HERE: First Part (2008-2010), Second Part (2011-2012), Third Part (2013-2014), Fourth Part (2015-2018)
When you visit these WebPages, read them from bottom up to read the most recent first.
The sins of omission are greater than the sins of permission and the sins of silence are greater than the sins of action. The greatest sin is the sin of silence in the face of evil. —Unknown author Time Will Come When Silence Is Treason. —Martin Luther King Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. —Thomas Jefferson Our party system in the United States is divisive and none of you chooses anybody of your free will, voting. Who runs [for president] is chosen by global thugs and then you are controlled to vote by media with lies. —Candace Frieze, AbundantHope.net, from a message on the AH Forum We are at the End Times of the ungodly, not of the just. God cannot be fooled!
Man Never Went to the Moon, a Video by Sibrel. Spanish Subtitles
Documental written and directed by the movie director and research journalist Bart Winfield Sibrel, a renown critic of the space program of the United States and proponent that the Apollo lunar landings between 1969 to 1972 were montages carried out by NASA. According to Sibrel, there were numerous technical and scientific insurmountable problems to carry a man to the Moon and bring him back to Earth in a safe manner and that certain anomalies and inconsistencies in the records of NASA point to a farce. Man did go to the Moon and Mars but with extraterrestrial technology and at a different time. NASA is a channel of disinformation and a covered military agency.
Stanley Kubrick Faked the Moon Landings
We are at the End Times of the ungodly, not of the just. God cannot be fooled! The sins of omission are greater than the sins of permission and the sins of silence are greater than the sins of action. The greatest sin is the sin of silence in the face of evil. —Unknown author A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. —Marcus Tullius Cicero People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. —Carl Jung Studies showed that individuals who had been isolated from their familiar social and cultural environment became neurotic. This shows that when those individuals had no object to identify their darker emotions with, they began to see these things in themselves, that which they refused to recognize before, and were unaware of why they appeared and how to cope. —Lilli. 1956; Grunebaum. 1960; Heron. 1953. If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. —The Gnostic Christ (Dead Sea Scrolls) On 12 February 1958, Hatonn [Christ Michael, Creator Son of Nebadon] transmitted a momentous message which included the following words: “Soon our physical presence on Earth is called for. Earth is about to experience the dawn of a New Age. The Human Race… is about to become extinct. Those who remain on Earth will have made a transition and will now be MAN… Even as we speak, a Great ‘Light” from the cosmos draws closer to the Solar System containing Earth. Soon it will fill the heavens, and the Earth will be transfigured.” (Page 45).
On 28 March 1975, Hatonn [Christ Michael, Creator Son of Nebadon] had this to say about the radical changes that we are now in the midst of: “Oh, people of Earth, you are undergoing change. Even as these words enter your awareness, your bodies are changing… All matter upon your world is changing —the result of your Earth returning to its natural state after so many eons of existence in an unnatural state… All about you, that which has seemed real to your peoples is now being exposed as illusion… You are witnessing throughout your world the massive failure of your governmental systems. You are seeing… the hypocrisy, the fraud, the deceit that is present in these governmental bodies… Your governments, as those who are governed become aware of how they have been manipulated and misled, will crumble… When your planet has undergone the transition that it is now experiencing, there will be no falseness in your environment. Only that which is true will exist… You either live in the Light, in truth, in reality, or you will not exist upon the planet Earth, for any other condition will find the Earth to be inhospitable.” (Pages 270-271)—Excerpts taken from the book “Star Wards” by Richard T. Miller (Publisher: Solar Cross Foundation).
Shamballa is a subterranean city under the Himalayas. It is the planetary headquarters of the Galactic Federation, and is the headquarters of the Great White Brotherhood of the Ascended Masters, that is, it is the headquarters of the Planetary Hierarchy.
Power of Integration—Syncretism—Synthesis—New Age—From Higher SourceLove > Love of Power
The Power of We, the People > The People in Power
> = (is) Greater than…
“Treason doth never prosper: For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” —Ovid “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” —George Orwell “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own governours, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” —James Madison When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty! “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” —George Santayana
“People who dismiss the unemployed and dependent as ‘parasites’ fail to understand economics and parasitism. A successful parasite is one that is not recognized by its host, one that can make its host work for it without appearing as a burden. Such is the ruling class in a capitalist society.” —Jason Read Occupy Sacramento: https://www.livestream.com/occupysacto; Occupy Boston: https://www.livestream.com/occupyboston ; Occupy Los Angeles: https://www.livestream.com/owslosangeles
A Personal Prayer… I believe in the Power of my Heart, I believe in the Power of my Will, I Am The One who can bring balance on the Universe around Myself because I AM That I AM because God and Christ are inside Myself… The Kingdom of God is inside Me and around Me… All is One… unto the Ages of the Ages… Ah-Men.
Yes, some of the illegals working in the United States are Aliens from the Galactic Federation! So, do not feel bad or guilty if your migratory status is not legal yet, that your Brotherhood of the Light from above is in the same condition. They walk the Earth sometimes incognito, but, who gave them papers?
“…I, with the Second Coming event, become what is called a “Planetary Prince” in our Universe. I will be the representative of the Universal headquarters on Earth.” —Sananda (Jesus), April 23, 2005, see the full message at: No Other Planet Has Walked Personally with Christ Michael As You Shall Do.
From JESUS-SANANDA, THE CHRIST: “There must be peace on Earth. There must be an end to wars and hatred between brothers. The millions that come from other worlds, from far-off galaxies, to assist in bringing Peace upon Earth, have My staunch support and backing for all of their endeavors. They have come in My Name and they serve under My Banner, as Lord of this Planet. They come not as intruders nor usurpers of My Authority, but in loving subjection to the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System, and the Divine Plan for mankind, the deliverance from bondage that has long held Humanity in subjection to darkness and sorrow. “This shall be no more, for these come as My Angels, to reap that which has been sown, to divide and set asunder the tares from the wheat, to gather the wheat into My Barn. For I AM the householder who cometh at the end of the day for an account from His Servants, and to give to all men justly in the manner given by them to Me. So judgment must come; divisions and sorrows must come, but the Earth shall survive all of its totterings. The Just shall inherit the New Earth and the Meek shall know the joy therein. “I am SANANDA, known to you as JESUS THE CHRIST. I speak in the Authority of My Name and My Office, and I say to you that in the multitudes of the people of the Earth there shall be found that Remnant who can steadfastly be faithful to those right principles of my teaching. Those who come In My Name go from heart to heart, sealing them against that day and marking them for deliverance and safety from all that would destroy. But you shall NOT be taken out of your physical forms, but you shall be spared to live on in those days that follow. So, I shall call unto those who follow Me, to listen to the voices of these who come from other worlds, and harden not your hearts against their words nor practices. Rather, lift up LOVE unto them and desire for their coming, for They are the Angels of the Harvest!
“I am SANANDA, and this is My Message to the World.” Esu Immanuel Sananda through Tuella (Thelma Terrell) from the book The Ashtar Command through Tuella, Project World Evacuation.
The Second Coming Is Near
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Mystical Proverbs ” If you understand, things are such as they are. If you do not understand, things are such as they are. —Gensha, a character from Buddhist folklore “Experience is not what happens to one, but what one does with what happens to one.” “When you speak, procure that your words be better than silence.” ” The sage does not say what he knows, and the fool does not know what he says.”“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” “The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” —Samuel Johnson “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” God is within. Go within and find all answers and help you were looking for. You were created self-sufficient. “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” “Wherever the footsteps of the master are, there the ears of whom is ready to receive his teachings are wide open.”
“When the ear is able to listen, then come the lips that have to fill them with wisdom.” —The Kybalion “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” (…) after the history of NESARA is known, there will be many people who will ask: “why did it take so long?, and, “who caused the blockages that delayed NESARA’s announcement?” The fact that six World Court Judges consistently voted against NESARA will become known… —Dove Report of February 5th, 2004 “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””
“…the SINISTER FORCE attempting to create chaos and destruction throughout the world, WILL BE COMPLETELY DESTROYED.” —Seventy years ago [today 2003] Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine said these words. See more on this as we observe the Illuminati activities to pursue their world domination plans.
Meditation lifts us above life’s storm clouds into the radiant skies of the inner Light. —Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, A Message from the Valiant (Unknown Author)
—Learn to free thyself of all slaveries.
—Assume the reign of Light, defend it with the stealth of a lion and with its royalty.
—That traitors flee before thine presence and that the Spiritual Majesty be thine main force.
At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done. Then they begin to hope it can be done. Then they see it can be done. Then it is done and the world wonders why it was not done centuries ago. —Frances Hodgson Burnett
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident. —Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” A Time Comes When Silence is Betrayal. —Martin Luther King “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””
“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. ” —Thomas Jefferson
“There is no road to freedom, freedom is the road.” —Unknown Author
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” —Johann Goethe (1749-1832)
“There is a quantum leap that’s about to take place, and we’re ready to take that leap. When that happens, the world will transform by itself, simply because we will have transformed our minds about the world.” —James Twyman
“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” —Robert F. Kennedy
May “Peace”, “Abundance”, “Love” and “Happiness” come to us in the ensuing years
The business of the multinational pharmaceutical cartel is the expensive chronic illness and not the cheap fast healing that for them would be ruinous
Main Multinational Drug Corporations: Bayer, Ayerst, Abbot, Merck, Lilly, Pfizer, Squibb, Upjohn and Wyeth “The System” Is Falling! Peace and Prosperity for All!
“If dogs don’t go to heaven, I want to go where they go.”
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? —Mahatma Gandhi
The Japanese government ignores international laws to protect the animals. Watch this video where dolphins are brutally massacred in Japan https://www.glumbert.com/media/dolphin
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies… If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency… the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” —Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 “If you want to remain slaves of the bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation’s credit.” Sir Josiah Stamp 1880-1941 “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” — Woodrow Wilson 1919 “If you can create money out of nothing… you don’t have to charge a lot of interest on it to make a profit.” —G. Edward Griffin “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” —Aesop The Banking System is a worldwide corrupted institution, read this excellent article: The Matrix, the Federal Reserve, the Banks and the Strawman The Federal Reserve. The banking system, NWO, Jekyll Island secret meeting, by Stephen Lendman The Humongous Deceit of the Income Tax I Want the Earth Plus 5% Preparing for the Coming US Economic Collapse “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents… to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure —one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” —David Rockefeller, Memoirs 2002 (Page 405)
Votum Spiritualis : Frater Veritus Consecrat Servire Genus Hominum
Life is not always splendorous, but if the sun can shine after the darkest of storms, so can we. —Unknown Author “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who disbelieve, no amount of proof is sufficient.” —St. Ignatius of Loyola “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” The great works are dreamt by the crazy geniuses. They are executed by the innate fighters… Are enjoyed by the happy sane… And are criticized by the chronic good-for-nothing…. —Unknown Author “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” —Jung “We cannot do great things on this Earth. We can only do little things with great love.”
—Mother Teresa “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” “Be in peace. Be that which is Love. You are the Light that you seek.”
—Rev. Dr. Meg Blackburn, www.spiritlight.com,[email protected] “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” “The grand dawn already shows its first rays of Immaculate Light…” “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” “All we need is Love”, wrote John Lennon. You really only need is Love —everything else will be added unto you. But no matter how much Love you have, you still need more. And the fountain to draw it from is infinite, remember, soul? “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” “…Men are like fruits attached to the tree of life, what is more important is not how long we last attached, but how green or ripe we are when they detach us…” —From the poem “Today I Felt” (“Hoy Sentí”) by Rene J. Trossero. Original in Spanish, translation. “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””
Luis E. Prada May Our Mission Be Fulfilled in Thy Hearts, Dear Readers
ISHTAR ANTARES‘ e-Book: THE COMING ASCENSION AND RENEWAL OF THE EARTH A MANUAL FOR PREPAREDNESS Contents telepathically received from The Pleiadians and Krotron Star Base Mother-ship Excalibur of the Ashtar Command AVAILABLE FROM THIS WEBSITE, ORDER IT NOW by entering to Brother Veritus’ Store. This fantastic e-book contains the whole collection of Beloved Ishtar’s 10-year channeling from the Ashtar Command and Krotron StarBase Mother-ship including up-to-date material. Here are some of the subjects: Meditations for Connection With Ashtar Command; Three Waves of Ascension and how they will happen; Preparations for Ascension; the 11: 11 Doorway, the Antarion Conversion (11: 11, 12: 12), the Antarion Doorway (The New Heaven and The New Earth and what is awaiting for you after 12:12); Star People (where is Star People coming from?, why are you here?, Star Children, your connection With Starry Brothers, your Divine Mission); Spiritualization of Matter; Intimate Group Consciousness (Twin Souls, Soul Mates and Soul Families and how we meet each other); Ascension Time and preparation for it; Awakening from the Dream of Duality; Release of Karma; your Angelic Presence; Releasing Attachments of Duality; Love and the Power of Redemption; the Law of Manifestation; Atlantis; Lemuria; Galactic Tantra; Islands of Light and how to create Islands of Light; Starry Stones, their variety and how to use them; Life in the Pleiades (Liquid Light and Ascension in the Pleiades); Unconditional Redemption and the Technology of Redemption; Groups of Ascension; The Order of the Star; the New Atlantis; World Light Grid, Mer-Ka-Ba and Group Mer-Ka-Ba Activation; Meditation for meeting your Soul Family with the help of Mer-Ka-Ba Body; the Vision 2012, and many more… Ishtar is also a Number-One writer on Galactic Wars and the Galactic Federation and the true history of Earth blocked by the Illuminati. He has contributed and published many articles in New Age magazines and websites since the 1990s to present. He also is an international speaker conducting Galactic Tantra seminars and workshops, a cosmic astrologer and consultant, and regular contributor to “Brother Veritus’ Website.” As a sample read some of his excellent articles published here (click at title):
“Galactic Wars“, “Journey Into the Resistance Movement“, “Liberation of Planet Earth“, “The Underground Kingdom of Light” and “Vision 2012: Islands of Light and the Waves of Ascension“.
Boycott this inhumane spectacle, do not attend bullfighting where the animal is sacrificed or treated inhumanely! Do not sponsor another irresponsible cartel! Here is the big kept secret behind the bullfighting game that the Bullfighting International Cartel does not want you to know and that is finally and carefully exposed in this profusely illustrated article! www.luisprada.com/Protected/taurine_feast_in_spain.htm “The commiseration with the animals is intimately bonded to the kindness of character, in a way that can be stated for sure, that he who is cruel with animals cannot be a good person.” —Schopenhauer. www.luisprada.com/Protected/taurine_feast_in_spain.htm In a mad world I’m happy to be considered ‘insane’. It’s the ‘sane’ people I feel sorry for!
—Unknown author QUESTION AUTHORITY! “The problems we face will not be solved by the minds that created them.” —Unknown author
In other words, the Illuminati and its tentacles in government, the military, in education, science, economics and manufacturing created the problems we have today to serve their selfish interests. How can you expect they, in the government and in corporations, solve the problems of poverty, low salaries, inflation, energy crisis, over taxation, lack of education, lack of jobs, terrorism and war for oil they have created in the first place? It is our responsibility to solve the problems of our countries. “…It is being considered more and more that one must not question, otherwise one is not patriotic. True patriotism demands civic responsibility. And civic responsibility means we need to create a little chaos…” —Candace Frieze, Message #43, “Santa Claus Is Not Coming to Town”, Dec. 4, 2005.
There is karma in silence…
We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people. —Martin Luther King
A Time Comes When Silence is Betrayal. —Martin Luther King
The lowest rung of Hell was reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, stoutly affirm their neutrality. —Dante Alighieri
Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience … Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem. — Howard Zinn, historian
The Thoughts of Few Can Change the Reality of Many. —Kryon
A Light Warrior does not waste his time listening to provocations; he has a destiny that must be fulfilled.
—Manual of the Light Warrior” (“Manual del Guerrero de la Luz”), Paulo Coelho
Sword of Truth is the Word of the Illumined
(The etheric sword of Archangel Mikael, of empowerment and responsibility, assigned to us at the beginning of the reincarnational cycle.)
Shield of Purity His Protection
…These are testing times, but that is how it was meant to be. You will sense within yourself that the challenges you are overcoming, are forging your sword of Truth in the fires that clean away the dross.
You are drawing nearer to becoming a vessel that holds nothing but the Truth. Your crowning glory will be when you rise up with Mother Earth, and go quickly into the higher dimensions. No longer will you be held in bondage to the lower vibrations, and no more will you have to experience such duality. The Golden Age is thus named because it is of such a high vibration, and nothing but the Truth can exist within it. —St. Germain through Mike Quinsey, excerpt of the message of May 25th, 2005.
Radiance, radiance, radiance may it shine through you. – Qala
The Holographic Prison, Illuminati and Reptilians, Reptilian Addiction and Manipulation, Dark Agenda. See the complete story.
You got trapped into the Matrix Cycle, a fabricated survival reality: Get education and do what they ask you to do, work for the Dark Forces for 35 years giving to them 50% of your money, freedom and energy, comply with the Illuminati system and are mentally conditioned. After some years later you recycle your life, go to the Astral Plane and come back again inside the Matrix to repeat the same designed cycle but in another life and so goes the Wheel of Karma. There is a escape to this cycle, though.
“There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner.” —George Duisman “The lowest rung of Hell was reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, stoutly affirm their neutrality.”—Dante Alighieri
“But you, why do you return to so much woe? Why do you not climb the delectable mountain, the Source and Cause of every happiness?” —Dante Alighieri. Inferno
The Word “America” As a Cryptogram
—Luis E. Prada, Editor and Publisher of Brother Veritus’ Website
The name for the continent America was proposed by the mapmaker Martin Waldseemuller to consider the Spanish explorer Américo (or Amérigo) Vespucci (1454-1512), instead of Columbus, as the man who discovered North and South America. He suggested naming these portions of the new continent after Américo to honor his expeditions. This word was also initially adopted by Europeans as a second name for the United States.
However, the word America may have been carefully selected, or inspired to be selected, for other reason of an occult gematric value of number five in the English language than the word Columbia or Colombia, after Columbus, did not carry. And as can be seen in the graphic it is an English cryptic acronym.
The acronym, America, names —and is equal in value to— the Fifth Root Race, or I AM Race, that will spring forth in the American continent as a seat of the star seeded race. As the Land of the Free, or of the I AM Race, this word is the name for the American country as an Illumined and peaceful Golden Age Society, “America the Free”, with the merging of the gentle heart of the dove into the courage, vision and strength of the eagle and with the expression of true freedom in the hearts and minds of its citizens, the Return of the Dove. This name is not intended for an enslaved, warlike, materialistic and Imperialistic society ruled by the corrupted Illuminati of the Secret Government. These are simply not the ideals of its citizens.
The hint to this cryptogram —and related concepts discussed above— was given by Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain in the text below. The proclamation of NESARA signals the beginning of St. Germain’s vision.
“I did what I could to inspire the founding fathers of this, your America, to be the land to receive the dove and the eagle into a merging of a union, to plant the seeds that a race of beings may come forth, an I AM race, America the Free. There is much love in my heart for this…” —Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain channeled through Claire Heartsong. From the book “St. Germain, Twin Souls and Soulmates”, by Azena Ramanda and Claire Heartsong, Chapter 8: “St. Germain’s Story”. [Character emphasis added to the quote.]
Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself. Learn to become still… and take your attention away from what you don’t want, and place your attention on what you wish to experience. When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life. You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose. Are your thoughts worthy of you? If not —NOW is the time to change them. You can begin right where you are right now. Nothing matters but this moment and what you are focusing your attention on.