Brotherhood of Light Versus Brotherhood of Darkness
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Brotherhood of Light Versus Brotherhood of Darkness
Master Jesus
Channeled by Kim Michaels. Taken from: Published in this website on January 19, 2005.
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Beloved Jesus, I want to start by thanking you for this precious opportunity to reach out to you in such a direct and worldwide way. My question is related to my country. I come from Colombia. I simply want to understand what horrid old records we must have that we don’t seem to be able to get rid of the curses of cocaine, kidnappings, guerrilla, violence, paramilitary groups and corrupt politicians, social inequality, lack of opportunities for so many, profound indifference from the upper classes or a media so obsessed with ratings they end up debasing any concept of morality. These people are minorities in total control of different aspects of the country and its future, amidst the most incredibly hardworking people, full of hope, faith and charity. The poorer the people, the kinder. A few numbers of people amongst new educated generations seem to come out with bright and generous solutions to teach others how to give and share. They are few but their example is notorious. We keep seeing that we are many who are good and these few people full of selfishness and desire for control or revenge, or these other violent or dishonest people seem to be in total command of one of the most beautiful countries in the world! Where can we begin to produce a noticeable change, dear Jesus? How are we to change so much unbalance?
With gratitude for your reply and all my love for you,
Answer from Jesus:
What you are seeing outplay itself in Colombia is not primarily a matter of old records, although there are old records of human sacrifice in many nations in South andCentral America. What you are seeing is typical of the process that is taking place in every nation. The specific problems can vary from nation to nation, but all nations go through a process of moving from a dictatorial form of government to greater freedom and democracy. Along the way, there will be tensions in society, and they can manifest in a variety of ways, but there is always a tension between an elite – that is often divided into factions – and the general population.
If you take a look at Europe, you will see that during the Middle Ages, most nations were monarchies. Almost every aspect of a nation was controlled by a small elite who had total control over the general population. Yet there was often a small part of the population who was able to bring forth new ideas. The ruling elite always resisted any change that could threaten their power, but eventually they were not able to maintain total control and they had to give the people greater freedom.
This process of moving away from a society controlled by a power elite and moving toward a society with greater freedom and equal opportunity for all is inevitable. It is a product of the fact that humankind is progressing toward a higher state of consciousness. Yet the process does not happen with equal speed in all nations. And even in Western democracies, the process can be temporarily slowed down or reversed when an elite attains power behind the scenes. Colombia is simply a bit behind the nations in Europe, but it is on a track that leads toward greater freedom.
The speed with which this transition occurs depends more than anything on the consciousness of the people. To fully understand this process, it is necessary to consider that people have different levels of consciousness, as I explainelsewhere. To simplify things, let us divide the population of a country into three categories depending on their level of spiritual awareness and Christ consciousness:
- The people who are the lowest 10 percent in terms of Christ consciousness make up the power elite. I know this will be difficult to believe for many people, because this actually includes many of the people who are the leaders of society, in politics, business, the media and entertainment. These people might seem to be very intelligent, powerful and sophisticated, but I am not here talking about worldly abilities and appearances. I am talking about Christ consciousness. And the bottom line for measuring Christ consciousness when it comes to leadership is described in my statement:
And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. (Mark 10:44)
This describes how a person with Christ consciousness acts in a leadership position. This person is not out to get power, money or fame because the person has transcended the desire for personal gain. So the person seeks a leadership position with the pure motive of serving the people. My point being that most leaders are not truly selfless, and this demonstrates that they belong to the ten percent of the population with the lowest level of Christ consciousness.
- Next we have the top ten percent of the population, and they form what we might call the creative elite—although they ideally should not see themselves as an elite but as part of the population. These are the people who have some awareness of what is going on. They have some degree of creativity that allows them to be the open door for new ideas, and they have some degree of courage to fight for higher principles. Yet they often have no desire for power, so they are easily pushed out of decision-making positions by the lowest ten percent who have an insatiable desire for power.
- The third group are the 80 percent that make up the general population. Although they have various levels of awareness, they all fall into the category of being followers. They do not have a sufficient level of Christ consciousness to be true leaders, and they do not have a sufficient level of anti-Christ consciousness to belong to the power elite. Consequently, they have no desire to lead and they want someone else to lead so they can focus on their daily lives.
The fate of a nation depends largely on whether the general population follow the power elite or the creative elite. Now, one might think that the power elite has an unfair advantage in that they are good at getting power and they are ruthless in terms of crushing opposition to their control. In a sense this is true, and it explains why so many nations have taken a long time to establish true freedom and democracy. In fact, it explains why no nations have truly established a free and democratic society that is not dominated by a power elite.
Nevertheless, the reality of the situation is that the people who are truly deciding the fate of a nation are the top ten percent, the creative elite. If these people do not have a sufficient level of Christ consciousness to pull the population up, the population will either follow the power elite or they will be so controlled by the power elite that they cannot challenge the power and control of this elite.
Yet if the top ten percent have a sufficient level of Christ consciousness, they can pull the population up. And when the population rises above a certain level of awareness, the control of the power elite begins to slip. The more the consciousness of the people rises, the more the power elite will lose their stranglehold on the nation. The reason being that the power elite can maintain their control only by keeping the population ignorant. So when the population’s awareness is raised, the power elite can no longer hide, and thus they must give up some of their power.
Yet the population simply cannot be the driving force behind positive change. They can only follow the strongest current in the nation’s consciousness. So it really is up to the creative elite to manifest a high enough degree of Christ consciousness to awaken the population to the need for change, the awareness of how change can come about, the acceptance that change is possible and the determination to take a stand for change.
Take note that it doesn’t take the entire top ten percent to bring about change. Even one person who attains Christ consciousness can shift the equation of consciousness for an entire nation. In some cases a Christed person becomes the catalyst for change without ever being known to the public. This is the case for many spiritual people who can hold the balance for a nation behind the scenes.
In some cases a number of people have reached a high enough degree of Christ consciousness to be the catalysts for change. One example is the American revolution in which a group of people had some degree of Christ consciousness. Out of such a group often emerges one person who becomes the focal point for national change, such as George Washington, who is today an ascended master.
I am not hereby saying that the American revolutionaries were perfect people or had full Christ consciousness. If they had had a higher degree of Christ consciousness, the revolution could have happened without bloodshed, although it would have taken longer to achieve independence. I am saying that there was enough Christ consciousness to bring the first democratic nation into existence, which was a major victory over the forces seeking to suppress the population. The fact that the birth of the American nation involved bloodshed shows that neither the creative elite nor the population had a high enough level of consciousness to achieve progress without violence. In several European nations, the transition to democracy did happen without violence and this can indeed happen in many other nations today. Yet this can only happen when the consciousness is raised above a certain level.
So what can be done to change the equation in a nation? Well, besides striving for Christ consciousness, it can be helpful to be aware of the spiritual poisons that Mother Mary describes in herdiscourse. The basic poison is ignorance, and although this poison affects all people, it has the greatest effect on the general population. Many people are simply so overwhelmed by the poison of ignorance that they cannot lift their awareness to find out what is really going on behind the scenes. Many of them don’t want to know because they don’t want the responsibility that comes with knowledge. Yet the extreme effect of the poison of ignorance is an unwillingness to know the truth.
Members of the power elite often have a sophisticated knowledge of the material world but they are ignorant about the spiritual world. Yet they are primarily controlled by the four poisons that are derivatives of ignorance, namely anger, pride, greed and envy. These people are often angry at God and seek to spread this anger to the people. They take great pride in their skills and position in the earthly hierarchy, and their pride prevents them from changing their ways or admitting they have made a mistake. They simply will not se that they are being hypocritical in claiming to work for good causes while suppressing and exploiting the population. Their greed gives them an all-consuming drive to gain money and power, and their envy often splits them into rivaling factions.
For example, before the French Revolution, a small power elite controlled society through the monarchy and the Church. Yet this elite was too small to include all those who were in the lowest ten percent of the population. So a rival faction formed, and it was made up of people who were lusting after the power held by the king and aristocracy, a power they could not get because it was inherited. They then formed the revolutionaries who overthrew the king and the aristocracy.
Take note that although these people claimed to be fighting for the freedom and equality of the people, many of them were driven by a quest for power. They did not want to free the people; they simply wanted to steal power form the king. The proof is the grizzly blood bath of the Guillotine that would never have been perpetrated by the creative elite. These people set themselves up as a privileged elite by using the government, at the same time as they claimed to be working for the people. This pattern can be seen in many other nations, such as the Bolshevik revolution in Russia that created a totalitarian regime far more abusive than the Tzar. This is also what drives the rebels in modern Colombia, who are drunk with the quest for money and power and have no desire to free the population.
The final poison is non-will and non-being. Again, it affects everyone, but it has the greatest effect on the top ten percent. These are the people who have acquired some level of Christ consciousness, so they have the potential to be the catalysts for bringing positive change. Yet to bring that change, they need to avoid the trap of pride that makes them feel better than the population. And they have to be willing to step into the limelight, which will expose them to attack by the power elite.
This is the story you see outpictured in my life. You will notice that at the wedding in Canaa I hesitated to turn the water into wine, even to the point that my mother had to remind me that I could no longer procrastinate my mission. What I was dealing with at that moment was the poison of non-will that prevents so many people from actually expressing their Christhood. As Kim can tell you, this is a powerful poison that he had to fight to start this website and that all spiritual seekers have to fight in order to break through to Christ consciousness.
So one might say that the fate of a nation depends on whether the top ten percent will summon the awareness, determination and courage to overcome the poison of non-will and non-being. Will the creative elite dare to step into the limelight and challenge the power elite? Will they dare to give the population an example of true leadership, so the people have someone to follow and are not tricked into a lynch-mob consciousness, where they blindly scream “Crucify him, crucify him!” and reject the living Christ in favor of a murderer from the power elite.
On top of the poisons, you also have the influence of dark forces who can use the poisons to take over people’s minds. These forces often have complete control over the power elite, and they use them as their henchmen to subdue the population. Once the majority of the people are pacified or controlled, the dark forces can easily milk them of their energy, almost as you milk cows. Once the dark forces control the lowest 90 percent of a population, you cannot expect positive change to come from these people. The reason being that these people are now getting what their carnal mind’s want. The power elite are getting position, fame, privilege, money and power. And the people are getting a somewhat secure and comfortable life, especially in the industrialized nations. So the only way change can come about is if the top ten percent refuse to be controlled through the poisons of pride and non-will, and thereby are able to see through the serpentine lies that seem to solidify status quo.
How can you begin to produce a noticeable change? You can make the greatest possible effort to manifest your own Christhood, because this will not only raise the entire top ten percent but also the population. You can also seek to consume the poisons that keep the people in ignorance or imprisoned by anger, pride, greed or envy. And finally you can educate the people as much as possible.
For those open to the teachings on this website, I strongly recommend seeking your Christhood first. There is an essential truth in my statement:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)
The kingdom of God is the Christ consciousness. As one of the means to attain Christhood and consume the poisons and dark forces burdening your nation, useArchangel Michaels Rosary to bind the dark forces and the power elite. Then useMother Mary’s rosaries to consume the spiritual poisons burdening the people. As you begin to manifest your Christhood and lift the heavy cloud of poisons that are weighing down your nation, you will get a clear vision of what else you can do. Yet you will also make it easier for other people from the creative elite to receive new ideas and new courage.
So for now, you are on the right track with your efforts in Colombia. Continue to translate and distribute the rosaries and books and continue to strive for your Christhood. You will then be given additional directions as you are ready to take the next step. I can assure you that Mother Mary is very pleased with the efforts of the group in Colombia and looks forward to her translated rosary booklets to be spread as droplets of light across Spanish-speaking nations. I too am excited to see how much impact small booklets can have on the fate of nations. There are examples from history where a small pamphlet has changed the course of a nation—for better or for worse. In this case, it can only be for the better!
Obviously, I am not saying that using the spiritual tools is all that you can or should do. The spiritual tools only provide the driving force behind change, but people must still take action to manifest that change. They must take a stand for truth. Nevertheless, take note that the deciding factor in any nation is the level of Christ consciousness manifested by the top ten percent and by the general population. So the first step toward positive change is to raise the consciousness of the people. If the consciousness is not raised, there will not be real change. Instead, you will see fighting between rivaling groups of the power elite. This can never improve the lot of the people, and in many cases it makes things worse.
My point being that when a nation seems stuck in a conflict or has problems that seem impossible to solve, the underlying cause is that the creative elite has not manifested a high enough degree of Christ consciousness. The only thing that can break the stalemate is that someone must manifest a higher degree of Christ consciousness. Even one person can make a tremendous difference and a group of determined people can turn around an entire nation. So if you want to improve a kingdom on Earth, begin by reaching for the kingdom of heaven. Yet don’t forget that the kingdom of God is not above you but within you.
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Is there a Brotherhood of Light and a Dark Brotherhood?
Answer from Jesus:
There is indeed a Brotherhood of Light, and there is also a brotherhood of darkness.
The Brotherhood of Light has traditionally been referred to by many names, such as the Saints Robed in White, the Great White Brotherhood, the White Lodge, the Ascended Masters, the Ascended Host, the Heavenly Host and others. In the 1800s we received a special dispensation to work more directly with humankind and to make our presence known to all who are willing to listen.
We have given spiritual teachings through many organizations and individuals. The dark brotherhood has attempted to counter our efforts by giving forth teachings that are aimed at deceiving people. Therefore, not all teachings that claim to represent the Ascended Host is truly from us.
I would like to make one thing clear about dark forces. Many members of the dark brotherhood, also called the false hierarchy, sincerely believe that they are in opposition to God. Some of them even believe that they form a sort of polar opposite to God, and that they are a necessary element for the wholeness of creation. You can even find some religions on Earth teaching that evil is a necessary polarity to good, or even to God. This is an illusion.
I have given detailed teachings on this elsewhere, but let me mention the key issue. In Taoism, you find the symbol of the Tai-Chi. This symbol depicts two complementary forces and their harmonious interaction gives rise to the entire universe. This is a correct teaching and a wonderful illustration of divine principles.
Take note that the key issue here is that the two forces depicted in the Tai-Chi are not mutually exclusive. Although they have different qualities, these qualities are not opposites. Therefore, when the two forces, or polarities, are united, their interaction creates a new aspect of reality. This new creation is in accord with the laws of God, and therefore it is sustainable. It will not self-destruct.
In contrast, evil simply cannot form a creative polarity with good. Evil cannot create something new and sustainable. If you put evil and good together, they annihilate each other. Therefore, evil can never create; it can only destroy. Consequently, evil is not a necessary part of the universe. Evil was not created by God. It was created because certain beings used their free will to go against God ‘s law and God’s intent.
How can you tell the difference between the Brotherhood of Light and the brotherhood of darkness? One major difference is that the Brotherhood of Light always seeks to unite, whereas the brotherhood of darkness seeks to divide.
The most basic spiritual truth is the simple fact that everything in the entire universe is created from God’s substance, God’s energy. No matter what the outer appearances may be, everything is created from God’s being. Therefore, no matter what the outer appearances might be there is a fundamental unity that transcends all differences.
The essential key to spiritual growth is that a human being must overcome the illusion that there is anything that is separated from God, including him- or herself. The only real problem for human beings is a sense of being separated from God. The key to spiritual growth, the key to enlightenment, is to overcome this illusion of Maya.
The dark brotherhood will do anything they can possibly think of to prevent human beings from overcoming that illusion. The dark forces made the choice to separate themselves out from God. Some of them actually believe that they have somehow created a world that is outside of God or in opposition to God.
In reality, there is nothing but God. God is All There Is, and God’s substance is everywhere. If God is omnipresent, how could there ever be a place where God is not found? In reality, God truly is everywhere, but because certain beings have been given free will they have the ability to create the illusion that they are separated from God. However, that illusion only exists inside their own minds and it can only continue to exist as long as they give it power by choosing to uphold the lie.
The central message of this website [] is to encourage everyone to walk the path of personal Christhood. As you walk that path, you gradually become able to see beyond the illusion that you, and anything in this world, are separated from God. You gain the ability to see the unity behind diversity. You also begin to get an intuitive sense, an inner discernment, that allows you to see through the illusions and lies perpetrated by the brotherhood of darkness.
Make no mistake, these forces have been around for a long time and they have developed a certain cleverness. They are very skilled at creating ideas or belief systems that contain many statements of truth, yet contain a few statements that perpetrate the illusion of separation. In some cases, the only way to tell the difference between light and darkness is by vibration. As you walk the path of personal Christhood, you will attain the ability to read vibrations and to tell the difference between light and darkness.
If you have not yet attained this intuitive ability, this website contains tools that will help you speed up this process. However, it will also help you to always keep in mind that the brotherhood of darkness seek to divide whereas the Brotherhood of Light always seeks to unify.
Note of Publisher [of]: If you want more detailed and extensive teachings on this, I would recommend the book Memories of God and Creation by Shakuntala Modi. It gives a good overview of the process of creation, including the origin of evil. Additional teachings are found in the books Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch and Strategies of Light and Darkness, both published by Summit University press.
Note of Brother Veritus’ Website’s Publisher: See the articles “The Holographic Prison” and The Need of Existence of the Dark Forces in this website.
Why is there evil in the world?
Answer from Jesus:
The concept of evil has caused much confusion, not only among Christians, but also among spiritually interested people all over the world. The main reason behind all this confusion is the widespread denial of the importance of free will.
In the answers to other questions, I talk about a power elite that is seeking absolute control over the people. This elite will do anything to spread false beliefs, through religion or science, stating that free will either does not exist or is not important. What this power elite is trying to do is to make you deny your God-given potential to manifest Christhood on earth.
If you deny the existence of free will, then it becomes exceedingly difficult to explain the obvious fact that there is evil on this planet. If you are a scientific materialist, you have virtually no explanation for evil, so most of these people tend to ignore it. I might add here that ignoring a cancerous tumor is not the best way to deal with it.
If you are a religious person, then you end up having to come up with a series of contrived arguments that somehow seek to deal with the problem that if human beings do not have free will, then God must have created evil. For most people, the idea that God has created evil just doesn’t sound right. It doesn’t sound right, because it isn’t right.
The reality of the matter is that God has not created evil. Contrary to what some religions teach, evil is not the polar opposite of God. God is a completely self-contained being and God has no opposite. I have earlier told you that when God starts creating the world of form, God creates two polarities, as illustrated in the Taoist symbol called the Tai-Chi. Nevertheless, evil does not form the polar opposite of God, and it does not even form the polar opposite of good.
The polarities of the Tai-Chi are not mutually exclusive. They are complimentary and through their interactions they bring forth a new aspect of the world a form. That aspect of the world a form will be in harmony with God’s law, and therefore it will be sustainable. It will not self-destruct.
The essence of evil is that it is not in accordance with God’s law. Therefore, evil does not form a creative polarity with good. Evil cannot create anything; it can only destroy. Nothing that is influenced by evil is sustainable, because it violates God’s laws. Therefore, anything affected by evil will be temporary, and it will eventually self-destruct.
Evil As the Result of Choice
Why is there evil in the world? The presence of evil is the result of a free-will choice, or rather numerous free-will choices. The original free-will choice that brought evil to this planet was not made by human beings. It was made by the leader of a band of Angels, and his name was Lucifer. Lucifer made the choice that he was not willing to follow one of God’s commands. That command was that the angels of God were to serve human beings.
Lucifer made this choice because of pride. He wanted to be the most important angel in heaven, and when God refused to show this favoritism, Lucifer rebelled. You must understand that in heaven all beings have free will. Yet, because they clearly know the laws of God, it is extremely rare that a heavenly being will use this free will to go against the laws of God. However, it did indeed happen with Lucifer.
In heaven, all spiritual beings have unlimited potential for expressing their individuality and creativity within the context of God’s law. Yet, if a being chooses to go against God’s law, that being cannot remain in heaven. What is God to do with such beings? God has two options.
God can consume these beings as if they had never existed. Our God is a consuming fire, and God can consume any part of the world of form, leaving absolutely no trace.
God can give these beings a second chance to voluntarily choose to come back to the laws of God. However, if God does so, these beings cannot remain in heaven. Therefore, God must create some other place where these beings can reside. That other place is the material universe, including planet earth.
In the material universe, the energies are so dense that it is not immediately obvious that everything in this universe is created from God’s light. Therefore, this universe can serve as a temporary home for those beings who have stepped outside of God’s law and therefore no longer see themselves as God’s offspring. I want you to understand that this was not God’s original plan for the material universe. This was, to use a popular expression, Plan B.
I want you to know that during my life on earth, I and all of my close associates studied an old biblical text, called the Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch describes the process whereby fallen angels were cast out of heaven and took on human bodies. The Book of Enoch also states that these fallen angels have continued to appear in human bodies. I consider the Book of Enoch to be an extremely important work, and I would like all my followers to familiarize themselves with this book. If I studied it, why would you not study it? I might add that the Book of Enoch was later taken out of the orthodox Bible. I wonder why?
The Origin of Evil
My basic point is that the origin of evil was a free-will choice made by a group of very powerful spiritual beings who chose to rebel against God. They have since formed what I have called the power elite. Many of these souls have so far demonstrated an absolute commitment to stick with their original decision to rebel against God. Therefore, they have attempted to turn planet earth into a world where God does not exist. In other words, they want to shut God out of this world in an attempt to prove that they can exist without God. They also want to set themselves up as surrogate or false Gods on earth. They believe that their ends can justify absolutely any conceivable means. These souls will do anything to gain and maintain control over the people of earth.
Unfortunately, maintaining such control is not very difficult. The fallen angels have a powerful weapon in their quest for control, namely the relativity of the carnal mind. Any human being in the grips of the carnal mind is an easy target for the manipulators of this earth. If everything is relative, then everything can be defined by some authority here on earth, including right and wrong, truth and error. The fallen angels have created numerous philosophies in an attempt to spread false ideas.
You must understand that the power elite will do anything to prevent you from discovering the truth of God. For example, for the past 2,000 years they have attempted to use the orthodox Christian church to prevent the spreading of knowledge. For centuries, the orthodox church was a very efficient mind control machine, as the burning of books and the inquisition clearly demonstrate.
Today, the power elite is facing the problem that technology has made it easier than ever to disseminate information. They are attempting to cope with this by actually flooding the market with false information of every conceivable type. That is why you see so many books or websites that promote the most incredible theories (including a number of books that contain false theories about me and my true teachings). The hope of the power elite is that you will be overwhelmed by all of this information, so that you will either shut your mind (and refuse to consider any new ideas) or become so confused that you no longer know what to believe (and therefore end up doubting everything).
The only way to escape this subtle manipulation is to reach beyond the level of the carnal mind and put on personal Christhood. The essence of personal Christhood is the ability of discernment, the ability to discern what is of God and what is not of God. Therefore, a Christed being is the ultimate threat to the fallen angels who consider planet earth their territory. They will do anything to prevent a Christed being from walking the earth. They will do anything to prevent a large number of Christed beings from walking the earth. Therefore, they will do anything to prevent people from discovering and accepting the path of personal Christhood.
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