Prayers To God
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Prayers to God
When you pray, you talk to God, but when God talks back, you’re considered a schizophrenic.
Lilly Tomlin, Comedian
This Prayer Section is universal and non-sectarian. Anybody is welcome. They are here to offer you comfort and solace especially in times of trouble. The prayers were taken from various spiritual traditions. You may choose the ones of your preference based on your religious perspective and skip others that may not be in line with your belief system. I guarantee you there is a prayer here that you may call “my own”. This section is constantly growing. Bookmark it and revisit it as often. Luis Prada, Webmaster
All translations made by Luis Prada, Editor and Publisher of BVW, Director of the Brother Veritus’ Community.
This painting portraits George Washington kneeling on the snow of the harsh winter in 1777 where food, warm cloths and supplies were scarce. If the founding father of a great nation knelt down to pray in hard times, won’t you? “Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God.” From George Washington’s Address to the Constitutional Convention 1787.
“The Prayer at Valley Forge” was painted in 1976 by Arnold Friberg in honor of thebicentennial year of the United States.
Summary of the Teachings of the Master on Prayer
Taken from the discourse”The Prayer of the Heart” (
The Master Jesus taught that when we pray, weshould:
- Pray in private, not in public
- Be sincere and pray from the heart, not for show or other reasons
- Pray in a sense of speaking to one’s beloved and respected Parent
- Pray with a sense of humility -not with a sense of superiority to others
- Pray for anything we want because we are children of God. However, just as a child doesn’t ask a parent for inappropriate things or outcomes, there are clear limits. We are not telling God what to do; we are merely asking.
- Praying for the benefit of others in healing, for example, has been demonstrated to be very effective. But what if we pray for our will to be done to others? What if we ask God to convert someone else to our religious opinions? What if we ask God to make us win the lottery? A wise old woman once said, “God answers all prayers, and we must listen and observe to see how God answers us. But God gives us what we need, not what we want.” A good parent does the same.
Prayer of the Hands of Christ
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
The open hand of Christ joints the closed hands of men; it is the joining bridge of Love.
We pray and see many people praying the Lord’s Prayer taken by the hands. We would like you to reflect over the deep mystery surrounding those hands that joint each other:
The young hand joints the old hand and, between them, it is crossed the eternal hand of Christ.
The weak hand joints the strong hand and, between them, it is crossed the firm hand of Christ.
The white hand joints the black hand and, between them, it is crossed the holy hand of Christ.
The trembling hand joints the steady hand and, between them, it is crossed the sustaining hand of Christ.
The wrinkled hand joints the smooth hand and, between them, it is crossed the experienced hand of Christ.
The physician’s hand joints the patient’s hand and, between them, it is crossed the bleeding hand of Christ.
The employee’s hand joints the boss’ hand and, between them, it is crossed the teaching hand of Christ.
The hand of ignorance joints the hand of wisdom and, between them, it is crossed the omniscient hand of Christ.
The sinful hand joints the hand of grace and, between them, it is crossed the pardoning hand of Christ.
The hand of life joints the hand of death and, between them, it is crossed the redeeming hand of Christ.
Sadly, only the closed hands do not joint to other closed hands. And, even then, between them it can be done, it is that between them it is crossed the open hand of Christ!
For all with wishes for abundant protection form the Father.
The Lord’s Prayer
Pater Noster
Delivered by Master Jesus on a Mountain
Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 9 through 13.
See also:
Our Father, Which art inHeaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done
on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For Thine is the Kingdom,
and the Power,
and the Glory, forever.
The Lord’s Prayer
Adapted by Bishop Dr. Lewis Keizer
Our Father-Mother God in Heaven
May Thy Way be hallowed in every heart,
Thine Inner Guidance made manifest in every soul,
And thy good Will be done:
As in Heaven, so on Earth;
As Above, so below;
As Within, so without;
As in Spirit, so in flesh.
Grant us this day our spiritualsustenance,
And release us from our debts,
As we forgive those in our debt,
Not abandoning us unto the test,
But delivering us from all evil,
Within and without.
For Thine is the Rulership,
The Power,
And the Glory forever;
Amen Amen Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Version Given By St. John, the Evangelist, Apostle of Jesus (Yohannan theEvangelist, Apostle of Joshua) to Atteshlis (or Daskalos)
Seethe book The Esoteric Practice
Our Father Who Art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done,
On earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our transgressions as we
forgive those who transgress against us.
And lead us while in temptation
and deliver us from evil,
for Thine is the Kingdom
and the Power and the Glory, Forever.
Absolute Infinite Beingness, God;
Everlasting Life, Love and Mercy;
Manifest Yourself in Yourself,
as the Total Wisdom and the Almightiness;
Enlighten our minds to understand You as the Truth.
Clean our hearts to reflect Your Love towards You, and
towards all other human beings.
The Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, Light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love:
For it is in giving, that we received,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying to self that we are born to Eternal Life.
From the Book Illuminata by Marianne Williamson.
I see in my mind a little ball ofgolden light.
I watch this light as it begins to grow larger and larger, until now itcovers the entire inner vision of my mind.
I see within this light a beautiful temple.
I see a garden that surrounds the temple and a body of water that flows throughthe garden.
I see that the inside of the temple is lit by thissame beautiful golden light, and I am here,
For I have been drawn here by the power and in the presence of God.
I dedicate my days and my relationships and experiences to You.
May Your Spirit, which is within me, so guide my thoughts, my feelings and myperceptions of all things
That I might grow into a happier, more peaceful, more loving human being.
Illumine my mind, illumine my life.
By Felix Frazer, Adytum News Notes 1965
Builders of the Adytum
Oh Lord, hear my supplication!
Open my eyes to Truth, that out of Your all-comprehending mercy and understanding I may see Your world and my fellow men as You have made them … not as I wish them to be.
Unseal my ears to the eternal rhythm and cadence of your universe, that I may hear Your voice and word in the cause of all things … not the empty echo of my own pronouncements.
Enlighten my understanding that I may know that behind All Which Is, You are … not the feeble reflection of my own personality.
Teach me to believe but one thing: Your reality and ever present nearness to me.
Instill within my heart and mind the consuming desire to know all else by my own work and effort, that I may at long last come to the perfect understanding and realization of Your mighty works, and so pass on from this temporal consciousness to whatever destiny Your unfailing wisdom may have ordained for me.
Unknown Author
Holy Spirit, to Thee I raise mywhole
being – a vessel emptied of self.
Accept Lord, this, my emptiness, and
so fill me with Thy Light, Thy Love,
Thy Life … that these, thy precious
gifts, may radiate through me and
overflow the chalice of the heart
into the hearts of all with
whom I come in contact
this day, revealing unto
them the
of thy
of thy peace.
John, the Beloved
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
We give you thanks, Father, for having revealed to us thy protective Universal Light;
For within this Light we are completely protected of any destructive force;
For the Holy Spirit of Your Presence enfolds us in that Light,
And everything over which we project it.
We give you thanks, Father, for thou fills us with the protective fire of Thy Love;
For within this Love there is a complete protection of any destructive thought and feeling;
For within Thy Love the consciousness of Christ is elevated within us,
And in anyone in which we light the flames of that fire of Love.
We give you thanks, Father, that Thou art in us and we’re in Thou;
For through us Thy Will is launched with wings of power;
For Thy Purpose is fulfilled here on Earth as it is in Heaven;
For through us Thy Light, Love and Power
Manifest to all Children of Humanity.
Saint Germain
From the Spanish book: “Semillas y Perlas” (“Seeds and Pearls”), Volume 1,
Centro Lusitano de Unificación Cultural,Argentinean Delegation,
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
Blessed are those who work for the New Age.
Blessed are those who forget about themselves in this path and in this effort.
Blessed are those to whom neither fear nor doubt, nor mundane worries take them away from Truth and the Way.
Blessed are those who believe, those who dream and those who believe that dreams will come true.
Blessed are the servants of God.
Blessed are those who serve because they will be served at the table of the Lord, in the kingdom of GOD.
From the book: “Defending Sacred Ground”, Volume 1,
The Andromedan Compendium in collaboration with Alex Collier
O Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
Hear me. I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in Beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things You have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things You have taught my People.
Let me learn the lessons You have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy – myself.
Make me always ready to come to You with clean hands and straight eyes.
So, when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to You without shame.
Unknown Author
Lord, grant me Serenityto accept the things that I cannot change,
Courage to change the things that I can,
and Wisdom to recognize the difference.
Adaptation from Isaiah 2:1-5, Holy Bible
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the Most High.
And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares, and our spears into pruning hooks.
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation – neither shall they learn war any more.
And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken.
Mahatma Gandhi
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
help me to tell the truth before the strong
and not to tell lies to win the applause of the weak.
If you give me fortune, don’t take away my reason.
If success, don’t take away humility.
If you give me humility, don’t take away dignity.
Help me always to see the other side of the coin,
don’t let me blame others of treason because they don’t think like me.
Teach me to love people like unto myself
and not to judge myself like unto others.
Do not let me fall into pride without triumph,
neither in desperation without failure.
Rather remember me that failure
is the experience that precedes triumph.
Teach me that forgiveness is a sign of greatness
and that revenge is a sign of lowness.
If you remove from me success, leave me strength to learn from failure.
If I offend people, give me courage to apologize
and if people offend me, give me courage to forgive.
Lord…if I forget you, never forget me!
How Would God Pray the Lord’s Prayer?
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
My son that art on Earth, worried, lonely, disoriented.
I know perfectly thy name, and I pronounce it sanctifying it because I love thee.
No. thou art not alone, but inhabited by me,
and we both wilt build this Kingdom, of which thou wilt be the heir.
I like that thou maketh my will, because my will is that thou be happy.
Count always on me and thou wilt have the bread for today. Do not worry, only I ask of thee that knowest to share it with Thine brethren.
Know that I forgive thee of all offences, even before thou maketh them
because I ask of thee to do the same with those that offend thee.
So that thou mayest not fall into temptation
hold my hand strongly and I wilt free thee of evil.
Love thee for ever,
Thy Father
Prayer for Peace
Sonia Gonzalo Reyes
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
Divine Mother/Father God, that with Christ, the Saint Masters and the Angelic Hosts in charge of all men and our Planet Earth:
I ask thee with all the strength of my soul, of my heart, of my creative energy, of my vital energy, with your divine assistance allow me, for goodness, love, peace, union, truth, justice, and equity from all our Brothers of the Earth, that all souls that inhabit this Beautiful Planet Earth be aware of the necessity that we have of love, participation, service, help, of being just, truthful and equitable among ourselves and with others.
Divine Mother/Father God:
That from the Earth’s Aura be vanished the nuclear and biological armaments.
That from the heart of the rulers of the nations be vanished the craving for power and possession.
That in the rulers of the nations die the desire for armaments.
That in every Human Heart be vanished evil, the negative, all that separates.
That each Human Heart feel in itself the pain and necessities of all its Brethren of Earth.
That in each Human Heart be ignited the flame of Divine Love, Union, Peace, Truth, Justice, Equity, Comprehension and Participation among all men in this beautiful Planet Earth.
That in each Human Heart be born for ever the Good Will.
That in each Human Heart be born the idea of being a TRUE SON OF GOD.
That each Human Heart understand how Good and Happy it would be to Live all in Union.
That each Human Heart understand that we only arrive to Divine Union if we achieve Human Union.
So Be It. Amen.
Prayer to the Father
Unknown Author
Father, I ask you: Bless our friends, our kin, the people that are dear to us and to everyone that is reading this prayer at this moment. Receive in your Kingdom all those dear beings that departed for your Will. Show us your Love and your Power. Holy Spirit, I pray that thou enrich our spirits. Where there would be pain, give us Your Peace and Mercy. Where there would be incredulity, give us renewed confidence through your Infinite Grace. In the name of Jesus, Amen.” |
Pai, eu vos rogo: Abençoai nossos amigos, parentes, e as pessoas que nos são queridas e todas que estejam lendo esta oração neste momento. Recebei em vosso Reino aqueles entes queridos que partiram por Vossa Vontade. Mostrai-nos Seu amor e Seu poder. Espírito Santo, peço-vos que enriqueçais nossos espíritos. Onde houver dor, dá-nos Sua Paz e Misericórdia. Onde houver incerteza, dá-nos renovada confiança através de Sua Infinita Graça. Em nome de Jesus, Amém.” |
to my Beloved Inner Master, my I AM Presence.
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
©Madeleine E. Belliard
Thou affirm in my soul every day
the desire of having Thee all the time.
Thy Presence is Eternal, I affirm,
And I feel it continuously.
I Love Thee! That’s my source…
,,, And if I ever sin
(Perhaps by ignorance)
Transmute me of Love all arrogance.
I want to be love with all my soul,
That infinite well that is surrendered.
I want to be love, with all the calm,
Who humbly the Light before Thee reach.
I AM Resurrection and I AM Life,
Since Thou art who lead
And who give me joy.
That before Thy Light, humbly, is kneeling down…
Enfold me with Thy Light
Wrap me with Thy Peace
Inflame me with Thy Love,
That I want to Be Perfect,
That I want to Be Power,
That I want to Be Love
And Be Intelligence
To fly with Thee in Ascension…
Victoria Lucía Aristizábal,January 27, 2002
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
I thank you, Lord, on this day
for in the center of your precious cross
I’m crucified with the bleeding rose
of your mystical agony.
Today I feel myself sown with happiness
by feeling your kind hand
taking me through the Via Dolorosa
and guiding me by the path of your love.
I was nearly dying of pain
by rejecting this condemnation in vain
and cursing this useless sorrow.
But you waited for me day after day
forgiving my useless cowardice
and today you deliver me at the realm of your love.
I thank you, Lord,
for this new solitude of now
so full of light and truth,
freed the heart already of its shackles
the mind surpasses the distance
between good and evil.
For the diaphanous secret of silence,
for the sublime wisdom of the pain,
for the shadows that hide the dawn
and light the depth of my nothingness,
I thank you, Lord.
For I am possessing day after day
faith in your doctrine and love,
for giving me freedom of thought,
poems, will and understanding
I thank you, Lord.
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
Thank you, Lord, for my perfect arms, when there are so many maimed.
For my perfect eyes, when there are so many without light.
For my voice that sings when so many are mute.
For my hands that work, when so many beg.
O marvelous Lord!
I thank you for having a home where to return to
when there are so many people that do not have where to go.
For smiling when there are so many that cry.
For being able to love when there are so many that hate.
For being able to dream when there are so many that toss and turn in nightmares.
For living when there are so many that die before birth,
and, above all, for having so little to ask and so much to thank you for.
Chano S. Rivera J.
Original in Spanish, translation.
Lord, in the silence of this new day being born I come to ask Thee for peace, wisdom and strength.
Today I want to see the world with eyes full of love, I want to be patient, understanding, humble, gentle and good.
I want to see Thy children behind the appearances as Thou see them, to appreciate the goodness in each of them.
Close my ears to all gossiping, keep my tongue from all evil talk so that only the thoughts that bless remain in me.
I want to be so well-intentioned and just so all who come to me feel Thy presence.
Cover me with Thy goodness, Lord, and during this day make me reflect Thee.
Lord, Wilt Thou Accept My Prayer in the Middle of My Rush?
Vera de Carvalho
Original in Spanish, translation.
I am living hurriedly, Lord, I do not stop to anything, circumstances are living me and I am not living circumstances. I pass from one activity to another. They say this is the illness of the century; I don’t like it, Lord, to go so fast. Days and nights pass rushing by and I think I leave beautiful things undone.
My life slides vertiginously, I want to stop myself and see a sunset that dyes in red the waters of the lake, or the clouds over the mountains, I want to find time to visit the sick, give me time to read.
But I continue repeating myself: “I don’t have time”. When I see the clock at night and it is already eleven o’clock, I ponder: “I run, run as all the mortals. I stop enjoying, savoring the tender sights of children, observing the fine petals of a rose.”
I don’t have time to stop to see the parks, the beauty of flowers, the sound of fountains and the trill of birds, the nearby running-around children, they make a poem. Give me strength, Lord, to stop my run. I want to feel peace to give it to my brothers and sisters of the pilgrimage, who, like me, run. We leave aside the transcendental for the transitory.
In all faces is seen a hard rictus of speed that is disfiguring them. Give me, Lord, serenity to live, calm to stop and be able to love them all. Without hurries, without speed, without hustling.
I offer to Thee my journey of today, Lord, fill it with Thine Love, so that I can give it to others. Amen.
Unknown Author
Dear Lord:
I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I’m blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me.
Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness.
Please keep me safe from all danger and harm.
Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You.
Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. Let me continue to see sin through God’s eyes and acknowledge it as evil.
And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God.
And when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus’ example, to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. It’s the best response when I’m pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can’t pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will.
Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others.
Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. I pray for those that are lost and can’t find their way.
I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don’t know You intimately. I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others. I pray for those that don’t believe. But I thank You that I believe. I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households.
I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met.
I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God.
Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every mouth that confesses them willingly.
This is my prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
For the Lakota Sacred Space is the space between inhalation and exhalation. To walk in Beauty is to have Heaven (spirituality) and Earth (physicality) in Harmony.
Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery,
teach me to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner wisdom,
my body senses,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things,
so I can enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Beauty
with the passing of each glorious Sun.
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
By request of Beloved Master Hilarion
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
I make an effort to comprehend that Wisdom occupies a place in my life. I make an effort to cooperate so the Master in my life and alsoHe whom I serve carry the Light to other through me. ¡AUM!
In this instant I surrender myself to You as a physical instrument for Thy task.
I give Thee my eyes so with Thy sight flood with LIGHT all men;
I give Thee my tongue so with Thy word shower them with wisdom and hope;
I give Thee my ears so You hear the cry of those who suffer and the laughter of children;
I give Thee my hands so You heal the sick and caress all beings;
I give Thee my feet so You walk through the world.
From here irradiate LOVE to all living:
Transmute desires and passions in feelings of happiness, compassion, tenderness and harmony.
From here irradiate Thy PEACE;
Dissolve all the negative thoughts that separate men from You.
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
Father, there are moments when I have felt so much fear,
Upsetting and stormy moments and it is when I say:
Father, come to me in this moment in which I have fear.
Come to me when I doubt, when I torment myself by the pain and incomprehension.
Come to me when the Worldly Noise affects me and I do not understand it.
Come to me at each moment in which You see me tormented by the ignorance of thinking You are not near.
Come to me when I get sick not just of body but spirit.
Come to me to forgive me for thinking You are not near.
Come to me, since I praise You and under you leafy tree I lay down to elucidate Your thoughts and to atone myself with Your Love and Wisdom.
So Mote It Be.
Mother Teresa
When I am hungry, give me someone that I can feed.
And when I am thirsty, give me someone who needs a drink.
When I’m cold, give me someone to keep warm.
And when I grieve, give me someone to console.
don Miguel Ruiz
Today, Lord, Help me to deliver the real message of humanity: the message of joy and love. Help me to deliver this message to my own mind, to that part of me that is always judging and abusing me. Let me deliver this message to that part of me that judges other humans. Beginning today, help me to free my mind from all the false messages I deliver to myself, to every human, to every life form on this beautiful planet. Today, Lord, I will manifest your love in every word I express, in every action I take, so that everything I do becomes a ritual of love for you. I love you so much that I can see you everywhere. There is no way you can hide from me because my love will always find you.
Beginning today, I will respect every creation and treat every creation the way I respect and treat you. I will see you in the eyes of all humans —behind their masks, behind the images they pretend to be. I will respect the life that manifests through me, so that every time I see myself in the mirror, I see the beauty of your manifestation.
Thank you, Lord, for creating me, so that I can perceive the beauty of your manifestation. Thank you for giving me an emotional body, so that I can be in ecstasy just by feeling your divine presence. I know that your are my Life Force, my Creator. Together we can create the most beautiful dream —a dream of love and peace and joy. Together we can create Heaven on Earth, to the eternal happiness of humanity. Amen.
Michael’s Prayer for Karmic Balance on Earth
Lord Michael
Channeled by Qala on March 12, 2003. See her websites and
Message from Archangel Michael
“Blessed Be are the peacemakers of Earth and may their hearts rain with love throughout the hearts of all on Earth. I am Lord Michael. I offer this gift to each of you as you read this. I place within your heart a golden chalice of love that holds the Christ Consciousness of your Divine Presence. I ask each of you to breathe into your hearts and open this sacred vehicle of love. As you intend this, the elixirs from this chalice will begin to flow through you, radiating through each chakra and divine aspect of your being. Breathe and release as I offer you divine assistance for your opening to Source at this time. I ask each of you to say this sacred prayer and to breathe in three times deeply afterwards to receive the highest benefit of this.”
Michael’s Prayer for Karmic Balance on Earth
“Beloved God/dess, I call forth for karmic absolution for all on Earth and for all held within the Earth that through all space, time and dimension has created war and separation in the hearts of humanity’s collective consciousness. I ask now that all that is held in the heart and mind of the collective of humanity be forgiven, released and restored as Love. I offer now all that lays within my heart and mind to Source, that may be unresolved from this life or any other life, this dimension or any other dimension, that may create me to war within myself or create me to live in separation consciousness from any other being on Earth. I release all memories of war, separation and all that these energies create to Source. I now forgive all beings and I now forgive myself for all that has occurred to co-create war on Earth.”
Lord, Give Us the Key of Thy Sanctuary
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
Lord: Give us the key of thy Sanctuary and give shelter to our hearts in the August Nest of Thy Harmony!
Celestial Bird: Thou hast the tutelage of all Doors, lead our aspiration to the Eternal Abode of resplendent clarity!
In our breast we carry, latent, the mark of the Living God, the cruciferous seal of Love that strips of petals the Heart of the Rose.
In the hand we carry, lifted up, the Gladiolus that tears all veils and reveals, in living fire, the steps of the Ascension. Aum!
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
This divine prayer of the inner recognition has the power to activate the energetic triune flame of the Christ of God in all the hearts. As servers and guardians of the Universal Cosmic Flame raise ourselves this prayer in all situation in which we find ourselves in the company of other beings.
The Christ in myself blesses, recognizes and loves the Christ in all my brethren. Beloved Celestial Father: May Thy Divine Power dissolve the capsule of ignorance and the error that cover the flames in the heart of all my brethren. May their Inner Christs manifest to be able to awaken Thy Divine Image and Infinite Resemblance. So Mote It Be and So Shall It Be!
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation. The original is rhymed.)
Omnipotent, most high, kind Lord,
Thine is the praise, and glory and honor;
Of all benediction only Thou worthy art,
And man’s never worthy of mentioning Thee.
Praised be Thee for all the creatures, my Lord,
And specially praised for brother Sun,
Who lights, opens the day, and beautiful in splendor is,
And in the skies carries of his author good news.
And for sister Moon, of minor white light,
And the clear stars, that Thy power has made,
So clean, so beautiful, so vivid they are,
And shine in the skies: Praised be, my Lord!
And for sister water, in candor precious is she,
She’s useful, chaste, humble: Praised be, my Lord!
For brother fire, that shines when the Sun is gone,
And it’s strong, beautiful, happy: Praised be, my Lord!
And for sister Earth, that is all benediction,
Sister Mother Earth, that gives in all occasion
The herbs, and fruits and flowers of color,
And sustains and governs unto us: Praised be, my Lord!
And for all those who forgive and endure for Thy love
The body illnesses and the tribulation:
Happy are those who suffer in peace with the pain
Because consolation time for them will come!
And for sister Death: Praised be, my Lord!
No living her persecution escapes;
Woe if the sinner she surprises in sin grave!
Joyous be who follows the Will of God!
Will not taste the condemnation death!
Serve Him with tenderness and humble heart.
Thank Him for His gifts, sing His creation.
The creatures all: Praise to my Lord!
Dear God, Please Hear Our Deepest Requests
Inspirational Group Prayer. December 2, 2003
Luis Prada,
Editor and Publisher of Brother Veritus’ Website
Inspired by the reports of the brave souls for NESARA who during demonstrations have endured the blizzard and poignant cold at the World Court in late Autumn and Winter, I have written this prayer for them. Some of these valiant heroes and heroines travel great distances throughout Europe to meet each Friday from 10:00AM to 2:00PM at the International Court of Justice (World Court), Peace Palace at The Hague, to display pro-NESARA banners made by them and received from other NTAT members throughout the world and to hand out flyers with information about NESARA. The whole world (6,000 million people) is in debt to them. They carry the torch of freedom and hope in NESARA.
Some of them are: Erik, Nel, Nelleke, John, Miep, Thea, Ad, Monique, Katharina, Hugo, Mari-Elise, Irena Ilona [USA], Marianne, Horst [D], Robin, Zorica [D], Erik [no.2], Corry, Barry, Freed, Marijke, Nel B, Jelle, Leonardo and Lenie.
May God Bless them a thousand times more than what they have given us!
Lord of Heaven, here Thy servants ask Thee to please hear our deepest requests. We, mortals, in this plane of suffering and sorrow, ask to grant us the inner vision of Thy Radiant Countenance so we never turn away from Thee. We want to find Thee amidst the confusion and despair of this physical existence.
Dear Lord, please speak to us with Thy silent and sweet voice in our hearts when in humble supplication we ask for answers and directions to our lives. Please, Lord, let us know when we have gone astray so we may correct our ways back to Thee.
We know, deep inside, that Thou always look after us and are our inner guidance, and that the test is not beyond our strength, but at times we get confused and ensnared by the materialistic allure of our temporal natures and need extra help to strengthen our hope and faith to overcome the crafty works of the Sinister Forces.
We know, Lord, Thou command Heavenly Hosts of Angels and benevolent Forces of Light that we, so many times, have forgotten and ignored. Remind us to invoke and use these Higher Forces to give us inspiration, guidance and protection. They are our true Family of Light and are here in service to us.
It is in the best of our interests to connect with these Celestial Friends and receive their help. However, in ignorance we have lived and acted as though they are not available, our Beloved Guardian Angels, the Celestial Angelic Choirs, the Beloved Ascended Masters, the cherished elementals, our Spirit Guides and our Starry Friends. We should, instead, be vessels of their Sweet Energies to be filled to overflow!
Lord, when we’re astray, please remind us to go back to the Radiant Golden Path and to NEVER give up in the battle nor lose our Heavenly vision for this beautiful planet! We shall overcome the Dark Nature both within and without to make of this inspired dream, a reality.
We ask this in the name of Beloved Jesus Sananda, our True Friend and Sure Guide. Amen.
Dear Lord, I Abide By the Galactic Codex
January 25th, 2004.
Luis Prada,
Editor and Publisher of Brother Veritus’ Website
Make your vows to God and the Galactic Federation to support the Galactic Codex with your decisions, will and actions. You can do it by making the following prayer (you may also make your own or expand this one with extra requests). See the article “Liberation of the Planet Earth” by Ishtar Antares for more details:
God of my Heart and my Comprehension, I lay upon Thy Holy Altar my commitment and vows to, from now on, abide by the Galactic Codex in every decision, will and action I undertake and to be a vessel of Light, Life, Love, Oneness and Harmony among my fellow beings. I humbly petition to please receive on myself all protection from all Ascended Beings of Light working for the Plan the Masters Know and Serve who are helping us to bring to reality the New Atlantis on this beautiful Planet Terra.
This protection I consider I am entitled to as long as I abide by my vows and keep working, directly or indirectly, to fulfill Thy Divine Plan in myself, others and the planet. The protection I request is in the form of removal of implants from my four lower bodies, be them physical or etheric, and the complete protection of myself, my family, friends and neighbors in all interactions related to my divine mission from any attempt of intrusion, be it physical or psychic, of the Dark Forces and their Dark Agenda in my personal life, my family, friends and neighbors, my computer systems, Internet, email and work environment; and any other unforeseen nefarious and related schemes. This I pray in the Name of Lord Jesus Sananda. Amen.
May Peace Prevail Now
Praying for Peace in Iraq with James Twyman, March 20, 2004
James Twyman, Peace Troubadour
“Turning on a flashlight in the middle of the day has little if any effect, but when it shines in the darkness it becomes truly useful.” —James Twyman
“I am an Emissary of Light NOW, and I claim the world that was intended for us from the beginning of time. I claim peace this moment, and I feel its presence in the life of all beings everywhere. I acknowledge that God’s Light shines through me now, and I use that Light to heal and bless, allowing a New World to be made manifest. I do this because it is in my power to do so, given to me by God. Peace Prevails NOW because we claim that it is so.”
Prayer of Reconciliation
Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, Translation)
Oh Jesus, through your compassion teach us to forgive from love, teach us to forget from humility. Help us examine our heart and see if there is any wound to forgive it or any bitterness without oblivion.
Allow the Holy Spirit penetrate and remove any trace of anger.
Pour your love in peace and joy in our hearts in proportion to our emptiness of self complacency, vanity, anger and ambition.
Help us cheering us up carry the Cross of Christ. So Mote It Be.