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Brother Veritus’ Community

Brother Veritus' Community


EnglishThis is the Home Page- Ésta es la Página HogarEspañol
Holistic and Lucid Vision
Visión Holística y Lúcida
 New Age Website Dedicated to the Dissemination of Truth—F. 1997—Sitio Web de la Nueva Era Dedicado a la Diseminación de la Verdad
Integration—Syncretism—Synthesis—New Age—From Higher Source   —   Integración—Sincretismo—Síntesis—Nueva Era—Desde la Fuente Mayor

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Done a Este Sitio Web
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Twelve Spiritual Principles and Laws
Los Doce Principios y Leyes Espirituales

Index/ Índice

Brother Veritus' University Plan
Brother Veritus' Community Plan
Journey into the City of Light of BVC
Requirements for Ascension and to Be a Part of BVC
The Ecological Community of BVC Renegades
BVC Flag and Specifications
BVC Logotypes
BVC and BVW Slogans and Legends

Books by Luis Prada
(Libros por Luis Prada)

Free eBooks, read them here or order them printed from publisher:
(Libros Electrónicos Gratis, léalos aquí u ordénelos impresos de la casa publicadora:)

Journey into the City of Light of BVC/
Viaje a la Ciudad de la Luz de CBV

Bilingual Version/Versión Bilingüe
To order it / Para ordenarlo:
Brother Veritus’ Store
Tienda del Hermano Veritus

Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/
Plan de la Comunidad Brother Veritus

Bilingual Version/Versión Bilingüe
To order it / Para ordenarlo:
Brother Veritus’ Store
Tienda del Hermano Veritus

Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro

Time Zones – Zonas Horarias
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Brother Veritus' Website



Brother Veritus' Community


⚑ BVC Flag

In the Aquarian Communities we will achieve:

  Love in Oneness shared unconditionally with our brothers and sisters
  Peace, pacific coexistence while sharing differences, no more war
  Fulfillment of our heart’s desires
  Joy as the result of correct living and freedom

Excerpt taken fromNew Beginnings by Ashtar-Athena:

Dream the seemingly impossible dreams, beautiful dreams, keep seeing a world that works, that supports and meets the needs of all people everywhere. Dream, envision, postulate and project the thought form that all may live quality lives of happiness, creative participation, goodwill and peace.

Envision yourself and your planetary co-sharers walking with heads held high, serene, secure, healthy, radiant with happiness, with kind and loving demeanor. Hear their joyous laughter, see their glowing, smiling faces. Visualize well-cared-for, beloved children of all nationalities growing up in a world that allows for their full potential to be cultivated and expressed.

Imagine beautiful artistic and environmental creations adorning the Earth, lush crops and all manner of plant and animal life. See futuristic and welcoming new architecture and city planning designs replacing the outworn… beauty everywhere you look lavishly displayed. Imagine what it will be like to live in a world with peace and love as its major characteristics. This is the higher vibrational version of Earth into which you are now entering.

This is for each and everyone of you willing to walk forward in faith without looking back. You enter the door which is just before you although invisible. Trust and know that the door is opening before you and is approached through your heart. The creative vision is there too, glowing within your quiet mind… waiting behind the cloud of thoughts. You can find it… do so now.

This is the time you’ve awaited and been preparing for throughout the ages. Now allow the past history of all you thought you knew to be replaced with all the goodness that the Creator has prepared for you to inherit. The best, the very best, is yet to come… arise and go greet it with a kiss.

Your Cosmic family surrounds you with ever embracing love and certainty. Truly it can be stated that for those who live in loving Grace and innocence of intent… all is well.