Christ Michael Aton Speaks on Man’s Choices
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Christ Michael Aton Speaks on Man’s Choices
By Christ Michael
Creator Son of Nebadon
Tuesday August 25th , 2009, 22:56
Christ Michael channeled through Jess Anthony. Message taken from Published in this website on August 30th, 2009.
Jess:Christ Michael, I ask to continue our conversation this morning. My insight into your being in me and seeing my interpretation of the world for you was a thread that carried through the day. I see my role as experiencing my circumstances in connection with you. I make choices and I am responsible for my decisions; their results are not what shapes me or causes me to suffer because of punishment or anger. I create the perceptions of separation or failure, not you. Speak on how we all should view our world. Give us a statement of where we are in your thinking and what you are projecting. We find it difficult to wait without some sense of schedule or confirmation.
Christ Michael: Jess, good evening. This is a session I requested. When I spoke to you this morning, you were open to my discussion of separation and my spark inside you. It is just as easy to imagine that I am speaking from inside your head, instead of pouring my insights into your crown chakra area. That is an artistic estimation of how energy moves through you and your physical body. In reality, all is energy and all is moving. All is connected and I am part of all. You are connected to me in every manifestation of energy you see as a separate three dimensional entity. We are all One and you are connected to me through all.
This means what you refer to as both the good and the bad. The “bad” is really only “not-good,” by which I mean it is not connected with me by intent. The individual collection of energy that has been given a specific personality that indentifies itself as a separate person has the option of flowing whichever way it chooses to explore its expression. I am part of that “bad” person, but I don’t make the choices for them unless they ask my assistance. There is no power in conflict with my power. I am all power and all of creation is my idea and my vision. I am in all and I love all because it is an extension of me. Man has chosen to characterize those choices and actions that are in conflict with a balanced alignment with me as “evil.” I didn’t create evil, man did through his interpretation of choices. Man chose to be victimized; man chose to be what he interprets as injured and suffering. What is hurting but a way of experiencing a relationship with me? The more someone hurts, the more they are detached from their intentional connection with me.
Life in your world is created by man, and your conflicts and disharmony are a result of your willingness to accept this situation of detachment from me. Part of this detachment manifests itself as a feeling of powerless or a fear of others being your God. You have forgotten how you are always connected with me, how you have infinite power through me to do anything you choose. Your situation is because you want it. You don’t take steps to change it—in fact, you have the mistaken belief that you can’t change it because others have power over you. This is not the truth. Everyone has equal power because I am in all and I am more powerful than anything else. Your ability to create balance and harmony is part of your nature, but you have forgotten what that means.
The situation you see in the world today is man’s creation and man determines how it progresses. Men that have been given control are shaping how the world operates, and they are acting completely in disregard of my universal laws. They are intending to go against me. You label them “bad” or “evil.” I say they are consciously ignoring me. I love all and I am not the wrathful, vengeful God looking to make someone suffer. Your perception of self protection and an assumed threat to your existence causes you to imagine I operate in the same way you have created on Earth for your dual existence. I do not punish with hellfire—you do. I do not hate part of my creation—you do. I see all as moving at an individually determined rate of seeking re-union with my love. Once you realize the true connection with me, you realize the error of judging others by thinking some are good and some bad. Your higher spiritual self realizes that you are all part of the same creation and that everyone you find inferior or second class is, in truth, your equal. You are not better than they; they are not worse than you. They are only at a different place in their progression back to me and are making choices that seem at odds with yours.
It is not your role to determine what anyone but you alone should do. You make your decisions to the best of your ability to discern my truth, and then you live complete by those decisions. Your interaction with others is shaped by your awareness of what I guide you to do. You don’t choose to react without consulting me first. You don’t rely on your collected memories and past experiences without examining your feelings first. Your feelings know my truth when you seek to communicate with me. This knowing allows you to choose thoughts and behaviors that cause you to act in line with my wishes. What else can you do but seek my guidance and live in balance with my vision of a created universe?
I will speak some on the time you live in. I am shaping your material universe to reflect a different concept. I choose to have balance and harmony again. I have experienced all I wish to experience through duality and illusory perceptions of man’s relationship to me in this particularly dimensional construct on this planet. My vision is of this system moving into a higher frequency of energy reaction. The chaos you feel caught up in is still of your perception, but we with a higher overview are helping some of you shape a new awareness of the true facts the illusions mask. The awareness and awakening to your true status and power is all that will break the restrictions you have assumed. We will not intervene in the sense your movies describe for you. We will intervene through a quickening of your inner understand. We will guide those of you that are receptive to actions and behaviors that are more and more in keeping with your heightened awareness of your connection with me.
This is reaching a peak and is being influenced by physical stimuli that are coming with the increasing energy that is surrounding you. Jupiter is sending more to you regardless of whether you can see the planet or not. The photon belt is raising your physical stamina and forcing your body to reconnect its basic elements to be in sync with its greater vibrations. All these elements are playing into your quickening as an extension of me. You are raising your frequencies as I change mine to experience a different set of universal parameters.
I will not give you a timetable. That is purely a fiction you feel you need to satisfy your ego. If you seek to be every more in alignment with me and my truths, the timeline becomes unimportant, or at least secondary in importance in your thinking. The truth is that man will end the chaos when man ends the chaos. You choose when that will be and how soon it will be. The mitigating factors in this are your surroundings are changing, forcing you to change and causing your previous assumptions and behavioral choices to be ineffectual. Things you have accepted as certainties are no longer the norm. Your perceptions are no longer the same and your beliefs are continually being questioned. Wake up! See your power and choose to live in balance with others. Take control of your life by my assistance and create a new existence.
These words this evening by Christ Michael Aton.
The Charts of Questions
CM through Eve
Tuesday 1st Sept., 2009
Taken from:
Eve: CM, time for a chat?
CM: Welcome, Eve, this is your Big Cheese speaking. What are you pondering about, hmm?
Eve: That the same questions are being placed all over again, for years. Are you not getting tired of answering again and again?
CM: Well, we are always trying to keep our answers interesting, although the content is mainly the same. If we had the “Charts of questions”, it would always be the same 3 questions on the top starting with the “Big W’s”.
1. When will we see Jupiter as a sun?
2. When will earth stop rotation to occur the big rip?
3. Will I attend the Stasis training event among the selected 100,000s?
Most of you are yearning for big events from outside to prove you were not telling nonsense. You have a perception in your mind that your good old Big Cheese has the power to arrange a day —a date— willingly, on which it is supposed to happen. Now, if it does not happen, you start arguing at us, state we would be playing games, or that it did not happen just because you failed, that the non-happening must have a reason which is to be found inside yourselves, or in the “non doing fine” of humanity, as if seeing Jupiter as a sun was some kind of reward for pleasing behavior. You seek to create “backdoors” to explain why “it” did not happen so far.
Well, Eve, to all the readers… the answers have all been given a hundred times already. I could —very well— select a certain day for the rip of the magnetosphere if I was lacking responsibility and if I was seeking to play Anunnaki games. Of course I won’t do that. I do not wish to make a poker game out of this, with a high risk to lose the seed which lies on this planet and which has been waiting for so long to bear fruit. I have said that before.
This event from outside is as delicately seeking its right time for happening as a soufflé you have inside your oven which you want to expand nicely instead of collapsing. In your book of recipes you may well read it must stay inside for x minutes, but you still have to use your eyes and intuition to make the right decision when to open the oven. Your idea of the almighty God has been implemented in your heads very firmly. But also a Creator Son has to watch and to observe carefully and to follow the rules of matter when working with matter —if havoc shall be prevented.
So I tell you once more that the expected event from “outside” will happen when the circumstances allow it to happen at the least risk. This is the reason why dates cannot be given. Also, regarding the question if you will attend the stasis training event or not, I would consider it wise not to invest so much energy into this question and expectations connected with it, but rather into the question: what every single one among you can contribute NOW to the education of the world’s people and for improvement of the present status?
Yes, I would appreciate your direct contacting Esu or me for workouts and advice. For all who wish to see evidence for the magnetosphere/Jupiter issue there is evidence available, and the chronic doubters would even deny evidence if the evidence was placed straight in front of their eyes. As the acceptance of evidence lies in the personal free will of a human being. There will for a while still be the presence of the “3 monkeys” among you, who do not want to see, nor to hear and neither to speak.
Your asking the same questions all over will not speed up the process. Some of you are similar to small children asking the same question all over. I have patience enough for all of you and I will answer the hundred times and more that you ask. But I wish that you finally understand that there are questions which will contribute more to your personal development than the ones showing up in the “cosmic charts of questions”. Surely you must deal with what you feel you have to deal with, but at some point you were fine if you reached a level where you are in peace with the situation.
Using a pendulum to find out a date is just a method of making time go by. The pendulum cannot know the potential of a certain day in a better way than me. The point of “let it rip” will not be known very much in advance. The measurable factors are always just potentials and not more. Things may change from now to then. If you stay prepared it will not be a disadvantage for you if things come to happen in a felt manner of “suddenly and unexpected”. So, think well before you ask so that you do not waste energy and that the outcome of the answer will have the highest possible benefit for you. Just a small hint from your cosmic dad.
Eve: CM, if the same questions are being asked again and again, could you not implement a cosmic “hotline”?
CM: (Laughs loudly) Yes, this would be a funny idea. In the manner of:
“If you have a private question for your personal development, say ONE, if you have a question relating to the “CHARTS”, press the button to end this conversation and read the Abundant-Hope Website.” You would not be Eve if there was not at least one funny idea in this conversation. I appreciate your ‘light-mindedness’ for a reduction of distance very much!
“Ok, now, if you have another question, say ELSE and if you feel fine to give me good-bye hugs, say: HUGS” (grinning).
Eve: HUGS. (Grinning.)
CM: OK, Eve, then take my good-bye hugs and let me go to implement the new hotline for the most common questions. (Smiles). Always your Big Cheese, CM.
Gaia Speaks
Esu, Christ Michael and Gaia Through Candace
Monday June 14, 2010
Taken from:
Esu: Hello, my beloveds, it has been more than a busy week for all of us. Matters have now changed with Gaia’s large saying of the right No’s and the right Yes’. This is something everyone who is on the Ascension path has to learn to do and it takes much practice. There is always the ability and desire to not rock the boat, so to speak, but if you are climbing into the Father’s way, you must begin to rock the boat.
For those “new souls” it is rocking the boat that brings the Thought Adjuster. I covered this to some degree long ago in a piece we did about the animals, Candace and I, in those now long ago early days of this project. Candace once did a piece with Christ Michael on how he has been rocking the Creator Son boat for a long time, leading to a new way of moving the creation forward.
We have discussed how the animals must also grow, and when each animal suddenly realizes it is an individual, it stands up and says I AM. I AM is what starts the human journey, it’s not the end like so many think who will not use the statement about themselves.
Most herd animals don’t find their I AM except those with loving human contact who as thus removed a bit from the herd. We are now seeing some sweet animal souls who have long found their I AM actually now receiving real Thought Adjusters, not just temporary ones needing training, and these ones, even while still in the animal form, are now baby humans. Real humans, with real God mind, because they are making CONSCIOUS decisions and choices and truly desiring to move forward and upward.
Now, how does this story relate to our beloved Gaia? In a way Gaia, while she long has her I AM, and is thus self conscious, she was before then much like the animal herself. Her MIND is the mind and record of everything that has even happened on this planet. Her soul is a giant Akashic Record and one day you will become more skilled at accessing her record.
But for the many eons she did not know herself as separate from the Creation, and in the journey upward, EVERY mind HAS to do this at some point. It has to become a PERSON. Person has nothing to do with a body. But of course Gaia has a body, it’s the planet. But there are many created Spirit beings who have Spirit forms, which are real and bounded, but not a body as understood in the material realms.
Your SOUL, beloveds, IS your MIND. Well, Gaia spent some long time after she said I AM, but not so long a time really, and realized she was indeed a PERSON. It always takes the mother planet a long time before she realizes she exists SEPARATE from those maturing on her.
Before that time the Mother of a planet, is more like what you term the elementals, a fairy as such. Very much a group soul of many parts blended together so much, there is not a unique mind. Now, once the mother planet, now a Planetary Supreme, when she realizes she exists as a mind, the work does begin for her Ascension. Once she is a reasoning being herself, and not engrouped with the Mother Spirit of the Universe, in this case Nebadonia, she cannot long tolerate the darkness on this world or any other world. Gaia for a long time actually resisted this awareness because of the great darkness here.
But because of the experience of the great darkness she will be one of the greatest mothers in Nebadon and I want you all here who are progressing towards being administrators in the existing and new creations to under that your experience of this great darkness is what will propel you into great masters of the Light. For you do not know except by first knowing the darkness.
Gaia has done it all in this sense. She is ready to assume her true role as the Planetary Supreme, conscious of her many parts now and able to make informed decisions. This was tough on her, letting go of the old, saying NO, and choosing the New. Many of you have to make similar choices on this world, or you are depressed and stagnant.
Depression and the resulting stagnation are always a blessed message to say you need to get back into co creation with God. ALWAYS. And, dear ones, now and then, I myself get bored and stagnant for a short time and I have had a bit of depression myself over the massive losses we have experienced over the years. Being a Sananda does not relieve one of emotion and great sadness. It does not guarantee there is always bliss and joy. Now I will release the podium to Christ Michael. Namaste, Esu.
Christ Michael: Well, dear ones, here I am. And pursuant to the discussion of Esu, even Creator Sons and the Father himself experience emotion, for it is part of personality. I am returned because of my own sadness and depressions about this sector of my creation and like all of you have to clear your own souls of that which is troubling in our experience and lighten it, so must I.
I like you, have to look carefully at all the possible options and outcomes. Man as he grows in spirit learns to do the same and thus anticipate and create his life, by planning where possible how he will act in a future event. That IS the creative process. With being able to discern some future and how one might play in that, there would be NO creation, beloveds. This creation would not be in existence at all. There are all those massive systems that you can perceive from your telescopes, and all those you can’t see with them that make up a mighty creation. You circle around the outer rim of the creation, and Paradise itself and innumerable black space bodies prevent you from seeing much of what exists. In fact a great deal of what you do see, is new creations forming in outer space. The creation is VAST.
Nebadon could not exist without my ability to create in my thought and of course that includes the abilities added of those I first create of my angelic realms on forward to the periods of life implantation, to the coming of Ascending Sons into my universe. I am a dreamer and so are you.
Dreams are of HUMAN, and, beloveds, here is something to digest. I AM ALSO HUMAN, just much progressed past you. I am of course a spirit being and borrowing a body for this project, but nevertheless HUMAN. I am a product of the Father. All who have individual minds of the ability to think forward, to dream new possibilities are HUMAN, even those of the angels of my creation.
Does it not say in the Bible that man shall become LIKE the Angels? That means he will move PAST “man” the animal that does not think yet, and INTO HU-man (Higher Universal Man). Now, as Esu said, we are getting some animals that are touching on the Human mind and receiving Thought Adjusters. OK, how does this relate then to Gaia?
Gaia, beloveds, is Human herself now and faced with all those wondrous challenges ahead. You become of the Father when your fuse with your adjuster, and, beloveds, most of you that read here did that long ago so don’t dwell on trying to do that, it is long done.
Gaia in her merging with the FATHER is Merging with ME as her creator, but also WITH the Universal Father through me and separate from me. Her first merging is more with Me and when she and her life forms enter Monopolarity, the state of Light and Life, this will bring about the Advent of God upon this planet, to Gaia personally and all who have or will have reached this point.
Fusion with the Thought Adjuster, which is the Father Fragment, a piece of the Universal Father’s mind, is the ADVENT of God upon the god-seeking mortal who has elevated himself to that point. When man fuses with his Father Fragment, he is then Eternal. He has made the choice of Eternal Life. He is a REAL ETERNAL BEING. Until then, he is temporary.
Gaia first “fuses” which means blending of two or more minds into one mind, with ME. But this does not mean she is not a separate entity. She remains so but now she is part of my knowing, she has more access to my knowing, we are one mind, while still retaining our individual journeys into knowledge. She IS a PERSON now, and her fusing with ME makes her a PERMANENT personality in the Kingdom of GOD. She will shortly, as this process happens, become like you when you once fused with your Thought Adjuster.
Gaia when she fuses with me, BECOMES ETERNAL. THIS is HER Ascension, and it’s not the only one, just the first one of record. She will be written into the BOOK of LIFE. It’s not a state of perfection, but it’s a state of having chosen ETERNAL LIFE. So many souls do not and not all planets chose this.
Now when Gaia and her peoples enter Monopolarity, Light and Life, that is her FUSION as such with the Universal FATHER in Paradise. Most of you fused with that Father, through you Father Fragment LONG ago. My Candace herself is a very OLD soul and fused so long ago in Nebadon, and then completed the long journey to Paradise and graduated a Mighty Messenger.
But she’s a young Mighty Messenger, that happened only shortly before she took on this public project. Esu also became a Mighty Messenger shortly after he left his Earth incarnation with me which was his final test to become a Mighty Messenger himself. Ascending Graduates of Paradise are Sanandas. Thus you now know also that Candace is a Sananda.
Now the Planetary Supreme in a way also must become sort of a Mighty Messenger in her long training too. She will never bear that title, but she must continue her own journey of learning when to say NO and when to say Yes. As must all. It comes as wisdom over time. She has some long learning yet ahead of her and she’s going to have to move on the fast tract, because of the Correcting Time. (Candace: A Mighty Messenger is one who has survived and worked through a major rebellion. They are rebellion-tested. There are many types of graduates of Paradise, with different backgrounds and specialties. In this piece, Christ Michael is saying that Gaia is rebellion-tested.)
This time period for your planet, which you adopted for a time, most moves along a bit faster and that is why you are all here, because this planet is so far behind in all ways. You must regularly join with Gaia and give her the pats on the back she needs, that ALL NEED, and that, my beloveds, includes myself. OK, Candace is chuckling here because, you see, she often pats the Creator Son on the back when she sees the merit of the choices coming down. Hey, Christ, this is really cool, is what I often hear. Oh, a Mighty Messenger pats the Creator Son on the back for a job well done? Certainly so. This is a group project and there should be patting on the back, whenever something goes right! Don’t you all do that? Well, I hope so.
That’s what is meant by bringing God down to your level. When this glorious planet enters Light and Life, when there is the ADVENT of God upon this place, so will God on High be blended with God on Low. The God lost and not seen for so long, rises up to Fuse with the God on High, Blends with it. Now, that is all the magic to see, in that strange and silly term in the Urantia Book called fusion. It is the blending of a lower mind with the higher mind that pervades the creation, the Mind of the Father.
Gaia is now well on the way to that goal. She will likely fuse with me during stasis, but it may be a bit later, it matters not, she’s on her way now, she said the Right NO and the Right YES.
Now we have a treat for you. Gaia is HERE with us, and Candace will take a short break to recoup and then Gaia will take the Podium. Be Blessed one and all, I AM THAT I AM (which also you are), Christ Michael Aton.
Gaia: Hi my beloved members of AbundantHope, I AM Gaia. And I am here mostly today to state a warm and huge THANK YOU for all your work in helping me Say NO and Yes at the same time. Candace and Don have walked with me a lot, as have many others of you here and many more also around the world who heard the call, but of course never heard of AbundantHope.
A few years ago when I began to talk with Candace she gave me a lot of encouragement then about the new process being developed on this planet, in which there would be MANY MESSIAHS, all working together as one but carrying out individual roles and talents to lift me and my creations up into real Glory. This sustained me a great deal, but then as the wars progressed on my surface, and more people are entering into just the physical pleasures and some really dark behaviors in sexuality, music and the arts, I slipped a bit more and more into a depression. The darkness was again winning and moving past the Light and it had lots of support.
My depression worsened. I did not know what to do about it. And I was not asking for enough help. We all need help in this journey. Now in the recent weeks, you have come magnificently to help me and the depression began to lighten. I began to feel your love and I began to consider maybe I could come again into the idea of creating, and it’s the idea of co creation which is never singular. I begin to really, really see that a great Light was coming together on my surface and the purpose of this Light was in fact to HELP ME. And I am so grateful for it.
I get much encouragement from the angels and those in the higher realms, but, beloveds, I so need this from you because it is you ON my surface that must help me move up. I cannot enter Light and Life without a civilization on my body. Had the decision been used of many years ago that the planet would be fully cleansed and reseeded as happens to many, so much is lost and my own Ascension would be delayed because it is entwined with the Mind upon my surface, as I cannot enter Light and Life without people on this planet, merging their minds with me. I cannot merge one day with the Father of Paradise myself without YOU.
This was a depressing thought in and of itself. I did not wish to have a totally new civilization of people from elsewhere, to make my own Ascension into Light and Life. This is used on many planets, but you see, beloveds, I am a SEED PLANET for the developing new souls from scratch, and I could not just wash it all away. I desired with the most earnest of desires to carry some of my evolutions with ME.
And you are now going to help this happen, a great experiment and I am convinced this will work and satisfy my desires to be blended with those whom were created here. Now of course, all advancing souls leave their home planets, even the seed planets and journey forward. But I was looking at a really huge lose and it pained me terribly. If my own children, at least some of them, could not travel with me, it was like abandoning them to the wilderness. All of you do not like to see your children lost and cast out and maybe even “dead’, meaning uncreated.
I know there is always a dividing and sorting. Many of my children I know will move to other families, other worlds who are willing to adopt them and give them a further chance because they are not yet ready for what we are doing. And this is fine with me, because it is good and I am grateful for the offer to continue caring for my children. And you see, when these children who are being fostered out to other Planetary Mothers, are grown up a bit more, they will return into my bosom to grow some more, until they themselves are ready to the greater journey into their God-hood. This is “OK”. It’s wonderful in fact. It is like your children who leave to go learn and come back home at some point.
But a full cleansing, this was not acceptable as to ME. I can handle others, like the story in your Bible of the prodigal son, leaving and returning to embrace, but I didn’t want all of my children leaving! I felt that some were almost ready and under the right conditions might be able to stay with me as they venture into their God-hood. In this discussion I am not including the dark ones who were sent here to work out their karma, but some of these ones ARE finally ready, and while not my “blood children” so to speak, I did adopt them, just as other Mothers in the creation are going to adopt some of mine for a time. I have an awfully large family.
These ones that have grown enough will continue under my adoptive arms until they fly away in the proper manner. And some of my children who evolved here are also near a state of readiness too. Actually I have in a way few children of my own, because when the Sirian Sun was blown to bits long ago, evolving souls were placed on my surface as they had NO mother at all, and I embraced them AS MY OWN just as some of you have taken in children as your own that have no parents. You know NO difference, these are YOUR children even if another mother birthed them and so it is with these ones that I adopted long ago. They are my children just as much as if I had birthed them myself.
Candace: I was going to add some teaching and commentary. While I knew I was going to work with Gaia today, in fact I asked for her to be part of this message, I was not prepared for this. I am a mess of tears right now. This piece is done and it needs no commentary from me.
But that said, I am so happy to have my forum up again. There is new life in it now. So far there are about 55 new missions of all sorts. I haven’t tried to count how many of the original members have returned, but it’s quite a few so far. Please do not think you cannot be a messiah because the word seems so huge. The Many Messiah idea of my dreams is being made manifest.
Welcome aboard. We need as I have posted before, all sorts of messiahs. Big ones, little ones, medium ones. We need your many and varied special skills. Do not ever hide your head and think you cannot possibly be a messiah, because we came to be just that. It is what is needed and it is going to WORK. Hold your heads high. Take care, Candace.
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