Egyptian Mysteries
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Books by Luis Prada Journey into the City of Light of BVC/ Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/ Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro
Contrary topopular belief and accepted viewpoint of mainstream archeology, the pyramids of the Gizahplateau were NOT funerary tombs but temples of initiation. Witness here an initiation inthe Great
Sabber andKonozer-Horeb are two priest of the Temple of the Sun at On or An [knownas Heliopolis by the Greeks] and close friends. Sabber has been absent to Nubia for almosta year fulfilling a diplomatic mission entrusted by the Pharaoh Akhnaton. Uponarrival he went to the Temple and there he finds his old friend Konozer-Horeb, an oratorand chanter priest, when he had just finished an afternoon offering to the Sun God Aton.The scene happens during Akhnaton’s time (circa 1350 B.C.) before the construction of thecity of AkhetAten (today’s Tel El Amarna).
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