El Morya On Idolatry
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El Morya On Idolatry
and the Abuse of Power
by Ascended Master El Morya* through Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
* Also known as Moria, El Moria, Moria El, Morya, El Moriah or Morya Khan.
EL MORYA. Tibetan Master of the First Ray – Blue. Connected tothe Throat Chakra. Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great WhiteBrotherhood. He is connected to the Temple of Will Of God.
This is an edited version of a 26-page transcript of a dictation of El Morya given on August 5, 1985. This material was then presented by Clare Prophet to the Board Members, Elders, Department Heads, and leaders in the Study Groups of the Church Universal and Triumphant. In this discourse she is referred to as ‘Mother’ and ‘Messenger’.
Extract from original dictation prepared by Michael O’Connor from the London Study Group and presented on January 17, 2002 to the current Board of Directors of this organization.
Supplemental teachings on idolatry and the abuse of power are to be found on a past conference cassette album, "Feast of the Resurrection Flame, Album 1", (A8116) and "Idolatry and the Fiery Trial, Parts 1 & 2," ( B8122 & B8123 ).
At high levels of a spiritual organization sometimes are placed individuals who do extensive work for the organization and come to be highly respected for their service. But they are dogmatic, have the root of evil and end up destroying it. Because they are almost of Christ Consciousness it is very difficult to discern their reasons of self idolatry and extirpate them. This is the challenge of "listening to the inner voice" to identify them. They are like the serpent of cunningness and always speak politically correct. As such are popular and accepted. Have you seen one of them in your organization?
Here El Morya addresses a particular organization but his massage is generic. You may substitute "Church Universal and Triumphant", "Summit Lighthouse", "Camelot" and "Inner Retreat" by the name of your religious, philosophical or mystical organization, if you belong to one. The message still applies. The Messenger could be the head of your organization or group. Do not assume the naive and comfortable stance that this lecture do not apply to you because you are not associated with this organization in particular.
See other article of El Morya at:http://luisprada.com/servicenservitude.htm where a biography of this master is alsogiven.
The tower of idolatry, like the Tower of Babel, is fated to be cursed by the LORD —not because the tower is not magnificent to behold, pragmatic in its multiple uses, and a symbol of human achievement. Nay, the tower of idolatry is doomed because at its root is the foundation of human pride and ambition, tyranny —the tyranny of man against man and eventually man against God. The tower of idolatry is a tower of rivalry built by fallen angels who rebelled against the LORD God Almighty and the original Guru, Sanat Kumara, saying, " We can do it better. Let us take His power and use it to self-aggrandize to the end that we shall prove that our way is the better way."
As in the case of the Tower of Babel, so in the tower of idolatry, no matter how well-intended, far-reaching and benignly intended for the good of mankind, the one-world power-elite corps of fallen angels, each one an idol made in his own image and likeness, cannot justify their means by their ends. Not for short-term gains, nor for the long-term goal to which we are all pledged —the soul’s reunion with God.
I trust my chelas will most certainly agree with me that one can never sacrifice the true path of initiation for immediate gains in our organization, The Summit Lighthouse and the Church Universal and Triumphant —immediate gains of increasing membership, supply, public awareness, even the approval of our Messenger and our Brotherhood by certain citizens of the planet. I am certain that my chelas will concur and they have concurred for many a year that no scheme or business enterprise done in the name of God or for the patronage of the organization or the Messenger, no matter how lucrative, is worth the sacrifice of a single twig of honor on one’s Tree of Life.
Our agreement in theory is unanimous. But in practice, the road to its keeping is hard. The serpent of self-idolatry is devious, unique for every individual. The serpent’s makeup is comprised of one’s electronic belt patterns, one’s astrology, environment and hereditary influences, karma, and a human personality developed over aeons. The serpent of self-idolatry is the blind spot in the being of every chela on the homeward path. Its ways are treacherous, devious, and undulating. Now it is aggressive and somewhat apparent; now it is passive, retiring, asleep, feigning humility, sincerity or ignorance of the Law.
The problem of the carnal mind, or ego, and the synthetic self that it calls forth out of the mists of astral illusion – as a snake charmer with his tune beguiles the serpent to rise in slithering, sinuous motion —is that the self that is raised, though synthetic, is akin to the Real Self. You may be surprised when I say this, but in fact, the idolatrous self is only a hairbreadth removed from the reality of the Christ Self. This is why the judgment of Serpent and his seed who have woven themselves into the very fabric of the body of God is so painful and difficult,
Ascended Masters and their chelas desire with a profound desiring of heart to save that which is lost. To us it is infinitely apparent that the adjustment by degrees from centeredness in the human-ego self to centeredness in the divine-ego Self is a two-edged sword and a fine line of allegiance.
In the final analysis all humans are self-idolaters and must be weaned step-by-step to the point of true adoration of the Great God Self, the I AM Presence, the LORD God Almighty. When this adoration and devotion has reached a pinnacle of profound love —measured, tried, purified and made white through surrender, selflessness, service, fully aware of the meaning of sacrifice —it is then ready for the God-realization that where I AM, God is, therefore I AM truly God in manifestation. This is the moment of the alchemical marriage when the devotee and the object of devotion, the living Christ, are become one and the path is no longer bhakti yoga but the royal road of integration where one maintains the balance of positive self-reinforcement —a sense of self-worth, side by side with complete humility: Not I but God in me.
This point of union is realized by few in the physical octave. Those who do realize it are initiates in advanced stages of God- realization of the Mother and the Buddha. Those who have not attained to it nevertheless experience snatches of this God-realization, then return to the path of bhakti yoga and through it, from time to time, have exalted moments of the perfect balance of what is called God Self-awareness; a term lightly used, a state of consciousness not easily acquired. And when it is acquired it must be guarded zealously, even as one who walks a tightrope must focus all of his attention and concentration on the balance of that walk, a thousand feet in the air, from the point A to the point O. Alpha to Omega and back again.
Thus the initiates who come to this realization are symbolized in the statues of East and West of the Buddha or Shiva or Krishna in the wholeness of profound meditation, Samadhi, nirvana. Krishna’s playing of his flute is the playing of the soul’s song of wholeness, which melody itself retains the absolute Impersonal Impersonality of the Godhead in the very Personality Personality typified in all these idiosyncrasies and interesting events in the life of Krishna/Govinda.
We speak not of the attainment of those in embodiment, but we point for example to the person of Mark Prophet and his integrated wholeness in the Godhead while he was in embodiment that has truly accorded him his position in the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood, which office has not been fully revealed to you even now.
With these opening remarks on the perils of self-idolatry and the powers of those overcomers of this sinister force (inimical to human nature), we address ourselves to a study of how the problem of self-idolatry is to a certain extent burdening the path of chelaship as we have taught it and as it is currently being experienced by our staff at Camelot and the Inner Retreat. If you will review the lectures given by myself through the Messenger on idolatry some years ago, you will have a better background to the following teaching which I bring to you from the heart of the Darjeeling Council.
It is important for the Messenger and staff and community to realize that although we have pointed to the extreme danger of a cult of idolatry growing up around the Messenger or around certain staff members or department heads or ministers, it is the tendency deep- dyed and stubbornly rooted in our chelas to want to perceive in others levels of spiritual attainment and even mastery, thereby assigning to another the responsibility and the office of one’s own measured beat of spiritual accomplishment on the Path.
The run-of-the-mill staff (if there be such a classification, which I think not) tend to avoid responsibility and decision making, deferring to those who, right or wrong, have assumed the posture of knowing what is to be done and setting a course of action for others. The more the responsibilities for decision making, administration, and activities are assigned to the few by the many and the more the few take these upon themselves without delegating, without teaching others to at least take responsibility for a slice of the whole loaf, the more the focus of attention and a certain idolatry becomes centered in those few.
Often newcomers to our community who have such experiences do not know where to turn, do not know enough about the Path to realize that it is their supervisor who is incorrect in his behavior and not themselves. They come to a point of hopelessness, self- condemnation, and a sense that we ourselves are tyrants because of the image portrayed by such supervisors.
Thus, in truth, such a supervisor does displace the Mediator and the role of the Mediator, the role of Christ and shepherd, which everyone who is in some form of leadership should portray —the mediator between the new student and ourselves. Thus, by the example of the leadership, our image is either clarified and we are able to be seen as we really are through the wise, compassionate, and very firm leader, or we are seen as tyrants who stand ready with sword in hand to deliver a death blow upon the aspiring one who may make a minute mistake.
We have set before you a Messenger who does not have self-idolatry and therefore does not tolerate well idolatry from others. Without even thinking about it, the Messenger removes herself from those who have either the idolatry of human hatred or the idolatry of human love or those who attempt to manage her or her office. These are they which are possessed with the idolatry of considering that they know better than the Messenger how her life and personal affairs should be run, who make decisions superseding the Messenger’s and whose idolatry, therefore, is situated in the misuse of power and the taking of the power of the office unto themselves inordinately without assignment or without authorization.
It is one thing, then, to work for the Messenger and with the Messenger and it is another thing to work in her stead, literally displacing her and assuming that role, whether willingly or unwillingly. Oftentimes the one who assumes that role feels forced into the position by various responsibilities and decisions that have to be made. This comes about by that one’s own self-idolatry and momentums untransmuted and also by the idolatry of community members, initially described in my lecture, which so desperately seeks in another the Person responsible instead of seeking him in one’s own Christ Self. Said idolatry forces the mantle of idolatry upon the unsuspecting one who may not have sought the role but, in fact, does not shun it either.
The problem, then, of displacement of the Messenger and taking the law into one’s own hands in imitation of that office must be squarely addressed, for truly a tower of idolatry has been built in the community of Camelot and like the Tower of Babel it will not come tumbling down, it will not be dismantled, it will not, say, die except by the intercession of myself and the Darjeeling Council. This tower of idolatry built by an individual department head with the aid of other staff members who also are smitten with the illusions of their own self-idolatry must be pointed out for the health and survival of all individuals involved.
We address your attention, therefore, to the idolatrous cult which has been built around —despite our warnings repeated of many years. This cult has been fostered by herself as well as by her co-workers both ignorantly and carelessly until it has reached a point of threatening her spiritual path and her physical health —and most assuredly that of others in her coterie. Although warned by the Messenger over the years that the assuming of the mantle of the Messenger would bring upon her the world opposition to that mantle which she is not equipped to handle, nevertheless, repeatedly she has acted beyond the borders defining her office as a department head, a committee member, and a minister —not malintendedly but simply not knowing how and not finding out how to do otherwise.
Mother’s Comments:
One of the things I have beenexplaining is that when a person assumes an office above the office that they have, they also take on themselves the planetary momentum of opposition to that office and these demands are not in keeping with your stature as a ministering servant —the word is very important. A ministering servant serves and does not ask to be ministered to inordinately.
And I want to comment on the fallacy —for instance, your interruption of— at this stump and the fallacy in your thinking is your non belief in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost can use the rusty, bent cup. It does not need a crystal chalice to serve its cup of cold water in Christ’s name.
So when you stopped her speaking, what you did is to say, "The Holy Spirit cannot use her. She’s an inadequate vessel. These people will not get the teaching. Because I want them to have the teaching, I’m going to give the lecture myself". And in fact, her aura of sweetness, even if it might have been halting, even if she made mistakes, people are extremely comforted when a vessel isn’t perfect sometimes because it makes the person like them. And you find when people make mistakes, they applaud the louder in the end because they’re rooting for you.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t have to deliver too many pieces of fruit to a new person to draw them in. But it really is the flame and if a person doesn’t have a flame, doesn’t have a heart, he shouldn’t be speaking to begin with.
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