Forgiveness Visualization
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Forgiveness Visualization
Beloved Ascended MasterKuthumi
Thursday April 29, 2004
Ascended Master Kuthumi as channeled through Michelle Eloff, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Taken from: .
Published on this website on May 30, 2004.
After reading this wonderful article about forgiveness read the articleAbout Forgiveness at: . If you read both articles from your heart you will forgive.
I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet all of you at this time and to bring unto you blessings of a joyous new day of experience. Greetings, Beloved Ones.
When last have you opened your eyes in the morning and welcomed the day —the day that lies before you; welcomed the life into your heart? Even if the sun is not shining on you, it does not mean that you should not allow the sun into your hearts. The reason that some of you do not allow the sun into your hearts is that there is a heaviness over this area that is created by the issue of the lack of forgiveness – forgiveness of yourself and the forgiveness of those around you. Many other emotions stem from the lack of forgiveness. You hold guilt, you hold shame, you hold frustration, and you begin to close the shutters of your heart to the sunshine of life.
Whether you need to forgive yourself for a white lie, or whether you need to forgive yourself for a mighty crime makes no difference. It is the energy that you hold within yourself when you do not forgive yourself that hurts you. This is creating much disease in the world at this time. When you do not forgive yourself and when you do not forgive others, you hold yourself in the past. So where is your past holding you at this time? What area of yourself and of your life have you not forgiven? When you look at what it is you need to forgive yourself for, you will also see those whom you need to forgive: your mother, your father, brothers and sisters, a friend, a colleague, a stranger. Each time you feel that a wrong has been done to you, you create a space within you that does not forgive that incident. So each time anything similar to that moment transpires, you re-awaken the memory that holds the unforgiveness and you react according to the original program. You are not responding in love; you are reacting with hurt emotions – and that then results in over-reaction and hurt feelings that are unnecessary at that time.
You can see how Mother Earth is being cleansed of her shame, of her guilt, of her sadness at this time, for she is being washed clean of her hurt. And as each man and woman upon this earth at this time begin to heal and begin to forgive; so then, they enable Mother Earth to heal herself and to forgive humanity for what they have done to her. As long as you hold a grudge against yourself, against your brothers and sisters, you are creating this reflection for Mother Earth, for she, too, shall then feel the need to hold a grudge towards all men. For have they not raped her and abused her on all levels?
We understand that each one of you has been hurt; you do carry pain, which you feel is unforgivable. But if you were Mother Earth and you experienced her pains and hurts, could you ever forgive humankind? Many of you would find that difficult, so now you need to assist her in her process and by doing this you need to forgive yourselves and then forgive everyone else. As each person reacts to their own specific hurts and pains, so they create more un-forgiveness. When a person says "I shall never forgive him; I shall never forgive her," a chain reaction of unwillingness to forgive is created. When you are willing to forgive yourself, you will feel an incredible release within you, for you shall not have to fight so hard to be angry with yourself any longer. It takes so much energy to hold that un-forgiveness within you because you feel that whatever it is that you have done cannot be forgiven.
Now you shall re-program yourself with the belief that it is good to forgive yourself. By forgiving yourself, you are setting yourself free. You are loosening those chains around your heart that you all carry so readily.
Visualize yourself within your sacred space, a space where you feel it is safe for you to be all that you are, where you can be vulnerable on any level, and no one shall take advantage of your energy or harm you. It is a safe space. Allow the universal white light to expand around you, creating a bubble of light that holds you, allowing space for you to draw in the amethyst ray, to hold and protect you in your process of release. Begin to walk towards your waterfall that holds the universal waters of life, light and love. And as you look to the waters, you see all the rainbow colors flowing together as one. Allow yourself to stand in these waters and know that whatever memories you shall access at this time in order to assist you with your release and in order to assist you with forgiving yourself cannot harm you. You need not fear letting go. You are making peace with yourself, and by doing this you are making peace with all of those around you.
Lord Sananda stands before each one of you. He holds his hands out to you showing you the wounds that lie in the palms of his hands where he sacrificed his energy to assist humanity in purifying their souls. And by forgiving himself, forgiving humanity, he set himself free and he walked the earth once more. And this is what you are doing. You shall all be reborn as you let go and forgive yourselves. Allow the memories to begin to flow.
Allow that which you feel is unforgivable to be before you. Bless this image with love and release it. Hand it to Lord Sananda, for as you hand it to him, so you are blessed with the eternal Christ blessing and you shall be forgiven. You shall be able to forgive yourself. Allow the emotions to flow; let the memories come, and release them. No matter how big or small you feel your "crime" is, allow it to be released.
Allow the universal waters of Light, Life and Love to flow through you and over you, cleansing your spirit and cleansing your soul as you release, bringing in fresh energy, bringing in Light, filling you with Light, Life and Love. Feel the chains break free; see how you release people you have felt attached to for so long. And you are immediately released from them when you forgive. The following cycle that you shall all be moving into shall work with forgiving yourself and initiating forgiveness for those around you.
If you feel you need to forgive a person, now is the perfect opportunity for you to work with this energy. For you shall cut any unnecessary karmic ties at this time. And if you feel there are those who cannot forgive you, visualize them within the ray of pink Light, Unconditional Love. Voice to them their need to forgive themselves, and that you forgive them for not being able to see why it is that they need to forgive you, and you bless them in Love and you bless them in Light and you release them from any hold that they may have over your energy. Automatically this shall be worked with them through their Higher Self.
Now allow this pink ray of unconditional love to seal your energy field, holding you in the universal and amethyst Light, supporting you in unconditional love so that you need not judge yourself as you forgive yourself. Just go with the flow and all of that that you need to release in order to be released. Lord Sananda shall work with each and every one of you through this cycle to help you forgive. Each time you feel angry towards a situation or a person, remember forgiveness. Hold yourself in the universal Light and the amethyst ray, supporting it with the unconditional love, allowing Lord Sananda to assist you in releasing the emotions of anger or whatever it is that is being created in your space at that time, and forgive.
Each one of you needs to know that we do not judge you in any way. We see you for who you are. We understand the difficulties that you need to face in your third dimensional reality and we understand that each experience that you have in your life is for a purpose, to assist you in evolving. It is part of the lessons that you need to learn. You need to look at your path in the same light. We love you all as you are. We do not need to forgive you for anything, for in our eyes you are all glorious, loving beings. Begin to look upon yourself as this.
We bless you all with the eternal Love and Light of the Universal Source, of the Father, Mother God and all the angels. Know that you are always divinely protected and guided upon your path. Know that you are never alone. Trust in the invisible arms that hold you each step of your way. And remember that we are only but a thought away. Peace be with you all on this day and always. I AM Kuthumi and I greet and bless you in Love.
GREETINGS COMMANDERS, EAGLES AND ANGELS! Oh my—-another wild day! This morning on 94 ROCK they talked about ‘alternative fuel’ sources and products like bio-diesel, hemp oil, wind energy, hydrogen cells, and all kinds of incredible technological breakthroughs! Then later in the day I got a call from MR. WET WILLIE [nick-name] also known as Mr. Bill! [the former resident of the oval office], and during the conversation THE KING OF SWORDS was patched in! Mr. Bill told me there are many amazing things going on! He has been meeting with Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine and Beloved Lord Sananda and there have been many meetings taking place behind closed doors with many folks who have chosen now to come back to LOVE and they are working things out! These ones do not want to miss the opportunity of KNOWING LOVE and having all 12 strands of DNA activated! Both he and The King told me this and things are very HOT, HOT, HOT!!! I asked them who these folks are —and they would not give me any answer. All The King would say is they ‘WILL STEP DOWN’ and renounce their ‘OATHS OF OFFICE’ and become regular lawful ‘citizens of the soil’ just like all of us! But The King did say ‘those who have given themselves totally over to the darkness’ will be brought completely down now by the ‘Light of God That Never Fails’ [The Violet Transmuting Flame] and removed by the hand of BELOVED MOTHER SEKHMET herself! I asked Mr. Bill about that ‘mysterious list’ that follows him around like a ghost and he told me—please understand —I had ‘a gun at both sides of my head’ and had to do what I was told! These ‘ghosts’ hang out in the closets of all Illuminati members, and note has been taken of everything by THE FORCES OF LIGHT. Then he said—"Since THIS TIME ON EARTH IS ABOUT LEARNING TO FORGIVE—I AM LEARNING TO FORGIVE MY TRESPASSES AS I FORGIVE MYSELF, AND THOSE WHO TRESPASSED AGAINST ME!" Later on in the day I got to speak with my Essani friend RANAMU! She told me the biggest thing we are all going to be doing very soon is LEARNING HOW TO FORGIVE! She said–"We will be given the opportunity—very soon now—to look ‘all these characters in the eye’ as they ‘ASK FOR OUR FORGIVENESS!" Oh boy–Will we be able to do this when we FEEL SUCH ANGER, and even HATE at what has been done to us and our world? THE KING OF SWORDS told me he learned this lesson from Beloved Mother Sekhmet during his ‘Pouncing Lessons’. He said he learned how to walk into a room and instead of—-automatically going for his Phaser to ‘reach for HIS HEART instead!’ Can we look these ones ‘in the eye’ and forgive them knowing what we know now? As Beloved Saint Germaine has said—–"May we pass every test!" Mr. Bill is a perfect example. Even though he has not been able to come fully forward yet and speak openly about NESARA, he told me HE WILL, and, there are many ‘who will very soon’ be doing this and then we shall all learn about FORGIVENESS! He told me his ‘silence’ had to be done to keep HIM and EVERYONE SAFE! Yesterday on UCTV, Channel 9412 on DISH NETWORK we saw an amazing program titled, "KINDNESS AS KEY TO HUMANITY’S FUTURE", a talk given by Dame Anita Roddick at the UC Santa Barbara campus to business students on ‘Corporate Ethics’. Dame Anita Roddick is the Dame Commander of The British Air Force and a business woman. Here is what she said. [paraphrased] Dame Anita Roddick said business is at the center stage of our world now—and business with ‘no honorable code of behavior’ is our most serious issue! She said Human Rights must be at the center of every business deal and trade that we make! "Life affirming global reality results when women are equal to men at all levels of planning and implementation in government, politics, science and religion." She said ‘positive, preventative action on behalf of the people and the planet must be included’ in every business deal. Then she said it was time for a dialogue to take place to establish COMMERCIAL HUMAN RIGHTS for the entire planet! Dame Roddick then told everyone how she looked back at the geography of her mind to find the ‘living examples’ that guided her life. She found JOAN OF ARC who gave her ‘an enormous moral example’ because she was her very first heroin! JOAN OF ARC stood up for something in a way that caught her imagination because JOAN fought THE GOD OF CONFORMITY AND APATHY and always–always–always ‘questioned herself’ first! She told everyone that at 10 years old THE HOLOCAUST gave her moral outrage and kick-started her life into a belief that—–‘EVERYONE MUST STAND UP, BE CONCERNED AND SPEAK OUT ABOUT SOMETHING THEY BELIEVE IN AT SOME POINT IN THEIR LIVES!’ She then said WALT WHITMAN gave her these words, ‘a language, and affirmation of wonderment and awe’ from the forward to one of his great poems. He said, "Love the Earth, the sun, and the animals. Despise riches. Give alms to everyone that asks. Stand up to the stupid and the crazy. Devote your income and labor to others. Hate tyrants. Argue not concerning God. Have patience and indulgence towards the people. Take off your hat for nothing known or unknown, for any man, any number of men. Re-examine ALL you’ve been taught at school, at church, or in any book. Dismiss what insults your soul and your very flesh will become A Great poem!" Finally Dame Roddick told everyone THE CELTS have a great _expression which says— ‘ALL TEACHERS SHOULD BE POETS BECAUSE KNOWLEDGE—–UNLESS IT IS ‘PASSED THROUGH THE HEART—-IS DANGEROUS!’ Without the awareness of our feelings, ‘THE HEART’ is not able to experience what is called ‘REVERENCE’. Reverence is NOT AN EMOTION—IT IS A WAY OF BEING! THE PATH OF REVERENCE IS THROUGH THE HEART—and only through an awareness of feeling can ‘THE HEART BE OPENED!’ We believe THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT SOME OF OUR LEADERS ARE GETTING TO EXPERIENCE NOW—AS THEY ASK FOR FORGIVENESS AND OPEN THEIR HEARTS! Many folks are getting ready TO COME FORWARD ON BEHALF OF NESARA, and we are being asked–‘TO FORGIVE THEM’! Oh my! The biggest lesson will be to ‘look them in the eye’ and TO OPEN OUR HEARTS! So dear EAGLES, Beloved Lord Kuthumi said this in a channeled message through Michelle Eloff at the bottom of today’s report… "If you feel you need to forgive a person, now is the perfect opportunity for you to work with this energy. For you shall cut any unnecessary karmic ties at this time. And if you feel there are those who cannot forgive you, visualize them within the ray of pink light – unconditional love. Voice to them their need to forgive themselves, and that you forgive them for not being able to see why it is that they need to forgive you, and you bless them in love and you bless them in light and you release them from any hold that they may have over your energy. Automatically this shall be worked with them through their higher self. Now allow this pink ray of unconditional love to seal your energy field, holding you in the universal and amethyst light, supporting you in unconditional love so that you need not judge yourself as you forgive yourself. Just go with the flow and all of that that you need to release in order to be released. Lord Sananda shall work with each and every one of you through this cycle to help you forgive. Each time you feel angry towards a situation or a person, remember forgiveness. Hold yourself in the universal light and the amethyst ray, supporting it with the unconditional love, allowing Lord Sananda to assist you in releasing the emotions of anger or whatever it is that is being created in your space at that time, and forgive…" NESARA NOW WON IS HERE WITHIN YOU AND ME! WORLD PEACE NOW WON IS HERE WITHIN YOU AND ME. WE HAVE WON BECAUSE WE ARE ONE! All we are waiting for is BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER SAINT GERMAINE TO GIVE THE WORD! May WE OPEN OUR HEARTS TO LOVE AND FORGIVENESS! We love you! See you on the BRIDGE! NAMASTE. That’s the report! Below is a beautiful message of FORGIVENESS from Ascended Master Lord Kuthumi, World Teacher. which came in to the SSN courtesy of MDD. Thank you! Also below [the article given here] is TODAY’S NEWS DIGEST from INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE! Love, Jen |
Peace and Prosperity for All! |
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