From the Lighted Beings of Nebadon
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From the Lighted Beings of Nebadon Lighted Beings of Nebadon
Channeled through Lauren Gorgo
Published in this website initially on September 9, 2006.
“We are surrounding you”
L: Who, please?
“We are the Lighted Beings of Nebadon.”
L: Greetings.
“We greet you with joy and gratitude for your service. We are a group of souls who assist in the rehabilitation of Earth Shan. What we offer humanity is insight and wisdom for the healing properties of Earth. We have implored your services before and wish to ask you for service again this day.”
L: How may I assist?
“We are embarking upon a great journey to Earth for the purposes of resurrecting the skin of Shan. This means that we have a special mission in serving Creator by way of restoring the balance to the auric field of the Great Mother. What we would ask of you, if you so choose, is to be a telepathic communicator for this special service.”
L: I would be pleased to assist. Whom would I share this with?
“You could begin by sharing these messages with your network of support.”
L: Very well, please proceed.
Warm thanks for your selfless service to Earth Shan at this very special time. Firstly we would like to address the issues of your current eco-system. There is a polarity issue that most of your scientists are aware of, one of extreme imbalance. In this scenario, there is coming a time of great shifting that will cause some upheaval upon your plane. What we wish to advise is that all who are vibrating at a rate of intended Ascension shall be in tune with the gamma-ray frequency wavelength. This process is one to ensure that all who have begun to initiate changes will in fact be restructuring their auric fields in tune with the Mother’s. In other words, all who intend to ascend are moving along with the vibrational pull of Earth since Earth is ready now to take her position for change.
In knowing this, each of you may prepare yourselves by being in a state of acceptance with the coming frequencies. These frequencies are allotted to the sector of population who has attained a great deal of self mastery. It will be up to these souls to begin the new grounding of higher energies to Earth once the shifting has occurred. This message is to specifically make those souls aware that the time to change form is at the fore.
This is in no way something to be alarmed of, in fact it is a very natural process, one that you will find to be joyful. What will begin to change is the frequency by which you vibrate. It will become easier for you to alter your state of consciousness at will. This is the beginning phase of planetary Ascension. It is a paced event that will herald the new form of your physical vessel as well as the physical structure of your planet. To this we add that you are currently being downloaded with a tremendous amount of Light which is causing some erratic behavior among some of you. We wish to ease your minds by telling you that this is the last and final push to bring about the afore mentioned changes. It is in the downloading of specific codes that each of you will begin to transform into your intended outcome, that of a Light being. Your auric fields have already received the encrypted data necessary for this alteration and it will work its way into your physical domain as you are prepared to incorporate it. This process is an individual one, but available to all who are prepared on higher levels.
This coming time of restructuring will indeed be confusing for some. With your new DNA activated, it will become easy to understand what is taking place. You will then be in a position to assist others. In the days ahead, you who have a life purpose to lead your world to the unknown dimensions will begin to take the lead. This line-up of sorts will become an urging and opportunities will abound to take the next steps. What our role incorporates is assisting those of you who will be coming aboard to help lead Earth Shan to her destination vibration. We specifically have a role to play in aiding those who have roles in rehabilitating the land and seas. In this way we are urging those of you who have an interest in these environmental issues to step forth in your desires for a better world. We will be implanting many new ideas in the minds of those receptive and will show support for those who need assistance. Our role is divinely inspired, one of great magnificence and we are delighted to share the responsibility with you all. With balance restored, Earth Shan will be capable of lifting herself to even higher planes. It will be up to you to assist her as a sentient being, the way that she has enabled you to exist within her massive body. She is desirous of immediate transformation as are many of you. Remember that you are all connected so none of you is exempt from the ramifications of an un-ascended planet. It is with this knowledge that each of you should take joy in cleaning especially the energy of thought forms existing within and around the planet.
It is our special duty to assist all who are ready to take hold of the direction that Earth is headed. It is our responsibility to see this through, though we do it with great joy. Allow yourselves to become part of the new direction of Earth by seeing to it that you all have cleaned your auric fields and eliminated any residue of lower vibration. Continual cleansing will not be necessary after you move up, however to make the shift with ease you are encouraged to let go of anything holding you down. Call on us, the Lighted beings of Nebadon, to assist in releasing you from density, we will gladly oblige.
Take heed for you are at the cusp of great shifting. You are one step away from altering your lives for the highest good. You are at the bounty awaiting your turn at the splendor of what’s in store. Your patience will have paid off 100 times over and you will forever be lifted above the chaos of duality. Give praise for the ability to take this leap with the Great Mother, for this opportunity is truly a gift. We await your calls and join you in your pursuits to total transformation. It will be a glorious time indeed. Thank you for your service to us this day.
L: It is my pleasure. Farewell.
“Greetings, Beloved. We are of the Lighted Realms of Nebadon.”
L: Good day to you.
“We wish to convey some higher truths if you so wish”
L: I do, please, proceed…your energy is very strong.
“Indeed, we may lessen our impact if you wish.”
L: No, I would like to experience this, please.
Very well then we shall proceed to the point. Thank you for your selfless service to Creator. We are indeed in a position of great thrust and wish to ignite the light of hope in the heart centers of all who hear our words. It will be up to you, our dedicated purveyor of truth, to see this through.
In our now moment we are divulging the next steps in your reality as ones of great importance. What we wish to convey is that the Light at the end of the tunnel has arrived. In great forward strides you have moved entire structures of society to an enlightened realm of great potentiality for all of civilization. What we offer you now is a moment to reflect upon the amount of work that has been put forth by selfless servants to initiate these great and expected changes. We of the Lighted Realms have great respect for the civilization upon your planet and we are here to affirm that your intentions have finally broken through the crust that has kept you bound.
In lieu of much greater events about to take place in your reality we wish to bestow upon those of the Light the first opportunities to actualize the visions of their intended outcomes. It is in the dedication of the warrior that you are owed grandiose rewards for such deliberate and compassionate undertakings. Allow yourselves to be fulfilled with the Light of Creator, for he beckons each of you now to absorb the Light of Omnipotence. He has determined that rewards shall be bestowed to all who have steadily worked toward the total upliftment of man. It will be up to you then to show the ways to the world of the total power of abundance that you have commanded for yourselves in the name of ascendancy. It will be a great undertaking still to complete your missions to serve, however these missions employed will be of great joy.
As each of you receives thy bounty, be astute to the underpinnings of society who currently holds the power. For they will continue to grasp for this power that is now changing hands. Each of you who are about to take the final steps out of duality should have a firm understanding of that which no longer serves you. In knowing this, you shall be free to disconnect yourselves from the paradigm which holds limits to reestablish yourselves within the new paradigm of limitless supply. This great step in your evolution is one that has been whole heartedly earned by you and it should be in this knowledge that you find the deepest respect for your journey and admiration for your tenacity in times of challenge. Whether you are tempted by the fruits of lower thinking matters not. What matters then is the way in which you choose to react to those urgings. If your actions are suited for the higher ways then you will have known the discipline to choose a better way regardless of the pull of lower thinking and feeling. This is what is meant by self mastery, knowing the outcome before it is presented to you and choosing the highest good for yourself and for all in these circumstances.
What we see is a rise in discernment among the human race and this lends credence to the readiness of man to take the quantum leap forward to your destiny. Most who are duly prepared for this next step in your virtual reality will be undergoing a transformation of great impact. This means that the timing of your soul’s journey to evolve is timed with the Great Mother’s. In this quest for transformation you will undoubtedly find resolve with any discordant energies in your life. It will be a time of healing for many, a time of clarity and purpose. It will be up to each of you to utilize this new expansion for the purposes of enhancing your lives and the lives of others. It is in the successful completion of the cycle of initiation that you shall victoriously emerge.
We are with each of you now preparing to assist you with your new roles. You all have the divinely encrypted blueprints encoded within your DNA which will unravel before you. In choosing the opportunities that lie ahead, know that you may call upon us, the Lighted Beings of Nebadon, to assist you in your missions. Many of you will find all the support you need within but know that it is available to you should you ask. We are ever so joyous at the coming transformation of the new Earth and her inhabitants. We assure you that you will be in great joy as well. The times before you now will offer each of you an illumined path to greater service. Of course it is always up to you to determine your destiny, however we see you as duly prepared for greatness.
Blessings on each and every one of you in the successful completion of a most divine journey to truth. The seasons draw to a close and the heightened energy abound for rebirth and renewal gather at each equinox. Utilize the cosmic intelligence for the alignment of your cosmic being at this very special time. As always, we are supporting your endeavors as our role in this great shift of consciousness. Soon, all of you will have untapped resources to explore and new heights of transformative energy to share with all. We are safeguarding your future under lock and key, however, Creator has beckoned each of you prepared to be given the combination to unlock your rightful destiny among the stars.
We are the Lighted Beings of Nebadon and we give thanks to you for your assistance this day.
L: My pleasure, thank you.
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