General Remarks
Brother Veritus’ Website
Good tidings: This is a New Age Website for seekers of the Greater Light! Here we present just a small sample of hundreds of articles that are in this Website. Articles are catalogued by Sections according to subject. Some individual Web pages are massive in information containing hundreds of short articles, easy to read in one session or on-the-run, all indexed at top of page for your convenience and easy find. Science is very important to us, that is why you find scientific articles here. But articles that do not relate or connect to spirituality, serve political agendas or are of a scientific materialistic nature are excluded here. Also those articles that inspire doubt or skepticism over the existence of spiritual realms or their influence on you, are filtered out and excluded from here since they serve the Dark Forces. If a scientific article relates science to spirituality or to higher dimensional worlds then it may be included. All articles have a New Age approach in mind and are non-sectarian in focus. The Prayer Section! It containing prayers across the wide spectrum of mystical traditions, you may find appropriate to visit it often and use it in times of sorrow or deep devotion. We have a Section for children of all ages. It is called "Fables and Tales". There is an ample collection of bedtime stories with a moral behind to introduce your child to the spiritual world and to focus him/her on the realm of Light where everything is possible and where peace is so deep that you wonder why youdidn’t find it before, I mean, why you did not find this Website of Peace before. Do not worry about us selling you a religious viewpoint or to catechize or preach you to take you to a religion, cult or an organization. There are so many with this agenda in mind, we have no interest on being part of that bunch. Besides, what you believe is your business, not ours. We would like you, though, to think for yourself whatever you believe, be responsible for your actions, find your Master Within, the beloved I AM Presence and listen to it, and find your own Truth within. Some religions and organizations in the world won’t get you there but instead will confuse you even further, they divide people, create bigotry and elitism and instill the concept of an external God. We have enough of that today, don’t you think? Also most present-day Mystery Schools keep themselves away from New Age teachings "fearing contamination of their teachings", and in sodoing they bury themselves under a pile of old dogma and belief system given for a different time continuum, do we need that too? This Website is not a place to find world news of present events. The information contained here is intended to be true and applicable now or five hundred years from now and in some cases the spiritual principles are universal across galaxies. Yes, we do cover extraterrestrial teachings. Astrophysics is a Section where the subject is viewed from an extraterrestrial perspective, not from the present materialistic scientific viewpoint. And so it is the case with quantum physics, holograms and morphogenetic fields. Are we concern about other laughing at us because of what we believe? They do not really know who is really laughing at who. Poor lesser men! Enjoy it. And May the Peace of God Be with you. |
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