Message for a New and Joyous Year
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Message for a New and Joyous Year
Archangel Metatron
Channeled byReniyah Wolf.
Message of January 12, 2004. Taken from:
First published in this website on January 19, 2004.
Editor’s Note: This message refers to the year 2004, however, the spiritual principles here exposed are equally applicable to any year on before our ascension.
Beloved Ones, I greet you this day in eternal joy. As you are beginning your year 2004, you are truly beginning to walk in the Light that you have worked so hard to bring into your Earth plane. The year that has just past, 2003, has been a tumultuous one in your world and a personally challenging one for some of you. It was an extraordinary year for your ascending Earth. Gaia, and her life forms, released a very great deal of lower energy. The events that transpired in your world were signs of that releasing. As your planetary energy shifting continues to pick up momentum, you are riding high on a wave of Rainbow Light. The higher frequencies of Love are entering into your plane in an unprecedented manner. You have called this forth from God and the Higher Realms, Beloved Ones. You have been heard and answered. We are humble before you in your great courage and perseverance under very challenging conditions. You have done extraordinary work. In truth, even your God could not bring these things to be without your cooperation and intent, because you live in a plane of free will, and no power in the universes can interfere with that. The door is now open to the restoration of humanity’s Divine state.
Now, Beloved Ones, it is time to begin, in earnest, to reap your rewards for your hard work. Before you can receive these rewards, though, you must open your eyes a bit and see what is really happening, both within yourself and without. In your spiritual circles, in your study, you are often discussing frequency or vibration. These are words that you hear over and over, but do you understand what they really mean? You interpret in the context of duality —low frequency is bad, high frequency is good. We would ask you to move beyond that viewpoint for a moment. Frequency is a level of sound vibration. All that which you perceive as real, your planet, her animate and inanimate life forms, the stars in your night sky —these all exist because of the vibration of sound waves. Frequency then is the rate of speed with which any portion of creation vibrates, from slow to fast. There are certain types of manifestations that are characteristic of the lower frequencies, yes —and also of the higher ones. You also, Beloved Ones, are beings of frequency. The lower frequencies of sound vibration, the realms of dense matter and lower emotion are not necessarily bad, nor are the higher ones necessarily good. They simply are —they are the basis for God to experience all the possibilities of creation.
The frequency level of any portion of creation is determined by the collective frequency level of the consciousnesses that inhabit it. The frequency level of that portion of creation will be raised when an intention is created amongst the collective to do so. This is, of course, is what you have been doing for the past years, raising the frequency of your Earth plane. Yes, Beloved Ones, there are millions of you that came to Earth to assist. Those of you who know your purpose here are very few in comparison. There are millions more who have served incognito. They have lived their lives following their hearts and their gut feelings, crying “no more!” to the old energy ways. While still embodied here, they will not know why or how they served, only that they followed a call. As they were leading their lives, they were silently reweaving the tapestry of your planetary consciousness. Now, as Earth is well on her way to a higher frequency, many of them will be leaving the Earth, their work completed.
Loves Heals All |
You who are reading this, Beloved Ones, can choose to be among the emerging Divine Humans. This is the reward of which we spoke, your opportunity to experience your full Divine connection while still in embodied form. You must choose this, though, and you must call it forth into your entire being. This choice has not been available before. Your planet was immersed in the lower frequency energies of fear. Beloved Ones, you have worked so hard to bring love back to your Earth plane. You must now realize that you have done that, and you must allow it into your own being as well. This Divine connection will not be bestowed upon you simply because you believe in the work of the Light, and because you have worked toward the cause of your planetary ascension. The Love that you have worked to bring to this plane is also a level of frequency. You must align yourself with that higher frequency in order to benefit from your own work. Many of you are trying to live in two worlds, two frequency bands, Beloved Ones, at the same time – the old one and the new. You are finding that increasingly difficult to do. It is like trying to watch two television shows on different channels at the same time, on the same television. It is eventually going to drive you crazy if you do not choose which one. You are not equipped to exist both frequencies at once.
Beloved Ones, the energies of Metatron are the energies of Divine Joy and Bliss. I am now more fully able to come into your plane and bring these energies to you, because you have earned that, you have called it forth. You have raised the frequency enough for me to do that. Yet there are many among you whose hearts are closed, who are clinging to the old energy ways of judgment, duality and fear. Beloved Ones, now that Love has entered into the Earth plane, you can choose to live in a state of Grace, rather than one of karma. You must, though, be willing to open your hearts —to give up your fears, your rigid belief systems, your desire to be right. Until you are willing to unfetter yourself of those things, you will not be able to accept the gift of Divine Grace. As more of the higher energies enter into your plane, hanging on to your lower energy belief systems and emotions will become increasingly uncomfortable. You will ultimately have to choose either old energy or new —because Love and Fear cannot exist in the same frequency band. Beloved Ones, gallant crusaders of the Light, we would hope that each one of you would choose to claim your reward.
This year 2004 now looms before you. There will be more changes in your world as the old falls away. There will be more changes in your personal lives, as well as your societal structures and conditions change. Unless you are balanced within yourselves, Beloved Ones, these changes may be quite unsettling and disturbing. This will also be a year in which Divine unfoldment and synchronicity will abound. Those of you who are willing to release your attachments to the old energy ways and open your hearts to the energies of Love and Joy will see miracles every day. You will move into Divine Time and Flow and your lives will assume a quality of effortlessness that will delight you. You will find yourselves moving into alignment with your own Higher Selves and an intuition based way of living. No matter what happens in the world around you, you will be above it all because you are simply not in vibrational alignment with it. Much more of what you call Ascended Master Abilities will be available to you. Some of you will discover that you have extraordinary gifts for healing, for art, for writing. All of you who choose the path of Love will be in full alignment with your Divine purpose. You will bring forth the work that is the foundation for the new energy Earth. You will prepare the way for the children coming along behind you. Beloved Ones, know that the battle is won. There is no more fighting and defending to be done. It has generally much easier for those embodied upon this plane to fight than to love. This will be a more challenging game, perhaps, to forget about the past and to accept the Grace and Love of God into your being and your lives.
The energies of Metatron come into your plane to embrace you and to assist you in opening your hearts to the State of Grace and Joy that is now possible for you to have. You must be willing to release the lower energies throughout your whole being, Beloved Ones. You cannot speak of love and act in judgment and still remain in harmony with the State of Grace. You cannot say you love others while you despise yourself for all your perceived mistakes and shortcomings. If you cannot open your hearts enough to love yourselves, then what you profess as love for others is false. If you are constantly wishing to be some other place besides this Earth, then you are in denial of what you, yourself, have helped to create. You cannot know the beauty and joy that exists here. If you compromise your own truths and principles for the sake of others, you are acting out of fear. You will not, then, come to know your own Divinity.
Beloved Ones, 2004 is the year in which the new Divine Humans will stand up and be counted, will begin to make an indelible mark on the tapestry of consciousness that creates your world. We would ask each one of you, in the stillness of your prayers and meditations, to put all else aside for a brief time. Simply call forth the opening of your hearts and the entrance of your own Divine State of Grace. Call forth the true experience of the emotion of Joy. Focus, for a short time, not on what is happening without, but within your own hearts. In truth, Beloved Ones, when you are in balance within your own selves, and aligned with the energies of your Higher Selves, you will be the most formidable force for change that Earth has ever seen. The more of you that rise to the challenge, the faster your world will rise in frequency. The manifestations of the old energy of fear will swiftly fade away. It is in your hands. It always has been in your hands. We can only assist you as much as you call us forth, as much as you allow us to. You have asked, already, for a very great deal, and it has been given. We are ready to give you infinitely more. Once again, we would hope that you all, each and every one, will allow us to share the energies of Divine Joy with you in your year 2004.
I AM Metatron
I AM With You Always.
© Reniyah Wolf, 2004
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