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What Is NESARA? Books by Luis Prada Journey into the City of Light of BVC/ Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/ Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro
“We are ALL PROTECTED by the benevolent Forces in all we do in support of NESARA. We have every divinely given and lawful RIGHT to speak out in support of NESARA!…” —Dove of Oneness, Dove Report of January 16, 2004.
In the Name of the Office of the Christ, and by the power of our Mighty IAM Presence, we call upon Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine, and theViolet Flame, and the FORCES OF LIGHT to fully protect our White KnightTeams, and all those who are bringing NESARA to announcement, and wecommand and demand the continuous presence and overshadowing protection ofthe FORCES OF LIGHT on their behalf! We pray that they might come to afull understanding of what it means to ‘humbly ask for help’ by the powerof their own Mighty I AM presence, and to use THE VIOLET FIRE ofTransmutation, and the gifts that the FORCES OF LIGHT, and the GalacticFederation of Worlds are presenting to the world. And so it is!
The Deception Dollar “I’m told there is a lawful way that Americans could hold the World Court Judges accountable for delaying the announcement of the NESARA law.” —Dove Report of February 5th, 2004. [The Americans may blame the World Court Judges for having to pay the fraudulent federal income taxes this year, 2004!] In the World Court of The Hague, Peace Palace, October 10, 2003 Taken from Dove Report of November 30, 2003. Irena Ilona from Los Angeles, USA, on European NTAT Team: Dear Dove, Friday, Nov. 21st, 2003, I had the great pleasure to join the Dutch NESARA group in front of the Vredespaleis in The Hague, The Netherlands. I understand why St. Germain is touched to tears by the efforts of these wonderful people. A blistering cold wind was blowing, permeating its icy grip through our bodies. Yet, these people seem so determined to assist Dove and bring forth NESARA that even this freaking cold could not deter them; they did not even seem to notice. They glow from the inside out, intuitively knowing they are making a major contribution to one of the most major shifts during our civilization. They left the comforts behind of their homes, families and jobs to put up the banners, reinforcing them repeatedly against the howling, strong winds. Many banners filled me with warmth and pride; especially a beautiful “Lone Star” banner from Texas. There was great interest in the flyers and websites. People from everywhere expressed their need for Peace. Busloads of Chinese tourists visited the Peace Palace and took many pictures of all of us together in front of the banners and demanded PEACE . Two nations, so different, yet ONE VOICE, let there be PEACE. People on bicycles stopped and joined us for a while, some people at the tram stop crossed the busy streets to share their hopes and dreams. The Euro has negatively affected many Dutch people and they feel NESARA gives them hope. I thank you, Dove, St. Germain, the Masters, and these Diamond Shining Life Streams who assist the Earth once more, bringing Peace to our beautiful planet, so we may all walk and talk again with Them and create Heaven on Earth. Peace be with you. )))))))((((((()))))))((((((()))))))((((((()))))))((((((( Bush US Supreme Court
The five Illuminati U.S. Supreme Court Justices (with the sign “For Bush” on their chest) unconstitutionally “selected” Bush Jr. in the year 2000 election case. This is a case of great treason and fraud against We The People of the United States. Left to right in front row are Associates Justice Antonin Scalia, John Paul Stevens, Chief Justice of the United States William H. Rehinquiest, Associate Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, and Anthony M. Kennedy. Back row, from left are Associate Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter, Clarence Thomas, and Stephen Breyer. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite). “…The main parties of interest behind submitting the petition to World Court for the next NESARA announcement time period are the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice John Paul Stevens, Justice David Hackett Souter, and Justice Steven G. Breyer. These courageous U.S. Supreme Court Justices are driving the current activities moving NESARA into announcement…” —Dove Report of February 5th, 2004. “… Let’s keep our courageous U.S. Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer in our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses. These four brave people are literally taking on the Illuminati in the U.S. and around the world with their courageous actions of pushing NESARA forward! They are being given divine protection and we can add to that protection with our supportive and loving prayers. NESARA is moving ahead thanks to these four strong and brave U.S. Supreme Court Justices! NESARA Yes!” —Dove Report of February 6th, 2004. It turned out these four Pro-NESARA Justices are cowards and betrayed the American people and pro-NESARA corporate executives by succumbing to the Illuminati threats and coercion and playing the political game. When tested their metals in taking the decision to give the order of the date of March 2004 announcement they failed the American people and the world by slowing the process and expecting to order NESARA announcement after April 15 tax time. This way, they lost their leadership of NESARA.
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