NESARA Updates, Dove Reports, I
NESARA Updates, Dove Reports
Part 1
National Unless stated otherwise these updates are taken from reports of
Dove of Oneness
(See her life story by clicking here)
The majority of information contained here is made up of excerpts from the Dove Reports carefully selected to inform you on key events and for historical reasons. See other NESARA information at: . For most people this information is enough and serves its purpose. However, if you want to investigate further, see full reports NESARA Yes! NESARA Now!
Editor of this material: Luis Prada, Editor and Publisher of "Brother Veritus’ Website".
Saint Germain is also spelt St. Germain, Saint Germaine and St. Germaine.
Peace and Prosperity for All! |
May 1, 2003 11:13 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
One of the problems in our world is that many activities are carried out by corporations and sometimes these corporations do not take responsibility for providing harmful products or harming the environment. After NESARA is announced, all corporations will be required to make changes which will enable the people who make decisions for corporations to be held accountable more easily for their actions.
After the announcement of NESARA, corporations will have a number of months to make the changes required. There will be public education about the changes required and how the changes are to be made. Corporations will have plenty of time to make these changes.
There will also be new kinds of corporations which we can use after NESARA is announced. We will be educated about these new kinds of corporations. We will have to forget all the limitations and rules of the illegal federal income tax system after NESARA abolishes the IRS.
Financial planners and everyone else will have to forget most of what they know now. After NESARA’s announcement, we will all be educated regarding our new economic system based on our new currencies backed by precious metals. I do know that some well-known financial management experts have been educated about NESARA and are prepared to assist with the educational process after the announcement.
I fully expect to use some of the new corporations as financial entities for my world improvement projects. I’m hearing rules for setting up new Trusts will also be changed. We will all be learning about these things together.
These changes will ripple out around the world over the next year or so after NESARA’s announcement. There are over twenty years of work and planning involved in the massive world improvements that NESARA brings. The people who have been involved in the developing and planning have been the top experts in their fields. They’ve worked under Non Disclosure as they have collaborated to plan and coordinate the many worldwide improvements that ripple out from NESARA.
May 5, 2003.
Currently, there are MORE than 300 MILLION CHILDREN who are HUNGRY in the world. quarter of Zimbabwe’s 12 million people are starving. investigation conducted by the UNICEF, the poverty rate of children in the United States rates SECOND [worst] among the 29 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In 1998, the poverty rate of American children hit 18.7 percent [almost 19%], 13 million children live in poverty. MILLION: Number of HOMELESS PEOPLE WORLDWIDE (United Nations).
35.1 MILLION: The estimated number of internally DISPLACED PEOPLE and refugees worldwide. (U.S. Committee for Refugees)
24%: Percentage of homeless people in the United States with full- or part-time jobs. (Ohio State University)
22%: Percentage by which homelessness INCREASED among families in the United States in 2001. (U.S. Conference of Mayors).
These are only a FEW of the world’s problems that we are supposed to be solving with NESARA and the humanitarian prosperity programs’ funds. These numbers are barely scratching the surface of the vast needs of people in the world.
Every night there are MILLIONS of children and adults who are starving. I can imagine the crying of children worldwide whose stomachs are empty and ache from lack of food; children who are dying from the simple lack of food. Every White Knight should be doing his and her utmost to get NESARA announced.
Ifind these failures of announcing NESARA totally unconscionable. I doNOT support the White Knights in their choices of scheduling the NESARAannouncement. If I had it in my power, I would force every White Knight who made thesedate decisions to trade places with a starving child for a week.
Maybe if the White Knights had to experience what the world’s people areexperiencing, the White Knights would get their act together and announceNESARA.
We need to call for the highest divine intervention to get NESARAannounced in our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses! NESARAYes! Peace Yes!
May 30, 2003, 4:23PM PST
…what does the restoration of Constitutional Law really mean? It’s been a few years since I have written about the impacts on certain organizations in the U.S. which will be required to change. There are literally thousands of ways NESARA impacts our country when Constitutional Law is restored. One of the thousands of ways involves the American Bar Association (ABA) which will be required to cease functioning under its CURRENT charter in the U.S. The reason for this is that the ABA is an organization whose official “charter” was authorized by the British Crown. The British Crown is a foreign agent and this makes the current ABA a “foreign agent” which has power the Constitution prohibits a foreign agent to have. Through various means the ABA has spread its tentacles of control into our legal and judicial system, government, and Congress. The ABA is controlled by the Illuminati/dark agenda and is one of the ways the Illuminati have gained covert control in the U.S.
The American Medical Association and the American Dental Association are also tools of the Illuminati and will have to cease functioning under their current charters. The Illuminati have very carefully step-by-step taken control of our country in a myriad of covert activities and through many organizations. We are currently blocked from accessing many helpful alternative medical technologies and therapies due to restrictions by government and these Illuminati controlled organizations.
All of these organizations, theABA, the AMA, and the ADA, are controlled by the Illuminati and have been used to control our people in various ways. In addition, the Illuminati have their tentacles into well-known charitable organizations, foundations, universities, media conglomerates, corporations, and much more. NESARA requires changes in the structures and charters of literally every organization; the changes NESARA requires will enable the Illuminati’s personnel and control to be identified and removed.
The reason that NESARA is under such strict gag orders by both the World Court and the U.S. Supreme Court is due to NESARA’s massive ripple effects. What happens when someone perceives that their “power” or income will be impacted by a new law? If people perceive they have less power or that their incomes might become less, they band together and raise objections to the new law.
With NESARA, there will be less attorneys needed for several reasons: 1) there will be no federal income tax and eventually no state income taxes which eliminates need for tax attorneys; 2) there will be radically fewer laws because NESARA wipes out many laws. If NESARA had not been passed in secret sessions, there would have been years of fighting by attorneys to keep NESARA from passing.
There are provisions in NESARA to compensate these attorneys and all others whose income is reduced by NESARA, but this probably would not have kept attorneys from lobbying against NESARA. In addition, there is the new prosperity program for all U.S. citizens and natural persons/sovereigns which is part NESARA and will be announced within a month or so of NESARA’s announcement. However, most people who have had significant power and income will fight against something they “perceive” as limiting them. If NESARA had not been kept secret, NESARA would have been bogged down for decades in fights and attempts to water it down. The only solution to this was to pass NESARA'secretly and keep the gag orders on NESARA until the official announcement.
And there’s more reasons why it has to be done this way. There are literally THOUSANDS of LIES which the government and others have spread and which most Americans believe to be true. However, the U.S. Supreme Court and those who contributed to writing NESARA were given irrefutable evidence which proves the government and media have spread a vast web of lies for decades as part of tricking and controlling the American people. The Justices realized it would be impossible for the public to understand WHY NESARA was so desperately needed when the American public has been brainwashed into believing a huge web of lies. The Justices also knew that they would only be able to educate the public AFTER the true NESARA law is announced because major media conglomerates are owned by the Illuminati. Only after NESARA is announced will the Illuminati’s power to withhold the truth be ended.
The average attorney, doctor, dentist, corporate executive, and others who might have tried to fight NESARA are equally as deluded as most other Americans. Most of the American population does not know, for example, that the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE corporation owned largely by FOREIGN bankers and has been part of the great federal income tax swindle since the beginning. The IRS acts as the bully-boy to coerce payment of the unlawful federal income tax and guess where the money goes? The majority of it goes to the Federal Reserve and the Queen of England.
What you may ask does the Queen of England have to do with it? It happens that there was an agreement made by the Founding Fathers to buy independence from the British Crown in order to end the Revolutionary War. The Founding Fathers worried that the British would continue to send British troops to the colonies and bloody war would drag out for years. To end the killing, the Founding Fathers agreed to pay the British Crown for a number of years. In their usual trickery, the Illuminati have forced the agreement to be extended far beyond the years agreed upon and also have increased the amount of money paid to the British Crown. Each year, the British Crown makes payments out of these funds stolen (via unlawful income tax) from Americans to the top Illuminati families. The truth about this and thousands of other Illuminati actions will come out in vast numbers of exposes after NESARA is announced.
The federal income tax money paid to the Federal Reserve is paid on the bogus “debt” owed to the Federal Reserve for interest and fees charged in managing the banking and monetary system. The whole issue of the U.S. government owing money to the Federal Reserve is another complex Illuminati scam wrapped up in convoluted, unconstitutional laws and financial transactions designed to increase the debt. The majority of the national debt is actually due to these bogus debts owed to the Federal Reserve and NESARA wipes out the bogus debts. Because NESARA’s new U.S. Treasury Bank System is based on NEW money which has come into the U.S. after being accumulated offshore and which is backed by gold, silver, and platinum, there will be no economic problems from wiping out the majority of the bogus national debt. I’ve touched on many complex issues today and ALL these issues are much more complex than I’ve discussed. I’m using these issues as illustrations of why NESARA had to be passed secretly and why it will be under gag order until the official announcement. I hope this helps you to understand a little about the complexities involved.
There are vast sums of money assigned to each member of the current 31 humanitarian prosperity programs. There are over 700 bank locations in the U.S. which have been designated as “funding banks” for these programs. As we know from bank staff in the Los Angeles area, prosperity program members’ accounts have been set up and are in a secret part of the banks’ computer systems which can only be opened when the prosperity member’s personal “code” is provided. Each prosperity program member receives his/her own personal code in the funding notification materials delivered.
There are literally QUATTUORDECILLIONS of dollars of wealth (backed by precious metals) sitting in U.S. banks under special designations waiting for the announcement of NESARA and the deliveries and funding of the first 31 humanitarian prosperity programs. These prosperity programs funds are the massive funds capitalizing the new U.S. Treasury Bank System which Constitutionally requires that the capital for the new banking system come FROM OUTSIDE the current Federal Reserve banking system. These vast amounts of funds have been transferred from offshore banks where they have been accumulating for many years. Some of the current prosperity programs began over 20 years ago in offshore bank programs; these programs account for about 30% of the funds we are receiving. The World Trust accounts for over 70% of our funds; the World Trust has been accumulating vast wealth for over 250 years. The World Trust is the top financial trust in the world (it supercedes the Vatican Trust, the French Trust, the Russian Trust, and all other financial trusts in the entire world) and was set up by Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine (prior to His Ascension) in the mid-1700’s for the Children of Light. In the 1700’s le Comte de Saint Germaine gave German bankers a formula for programs which could accumulate vast amounts of wealth. This formula for wealth accumulation does not involve a single penny of “interest” being charged and therefore is in alignment with higher spiritual values. Le Comte de Saint Germaine put large sums of funds into the World Trust and instructed the German bankers on how to conduct the wealth accumulation programs. The World Trust has been accumulating vast wealth annually ever since the mid-1700’s in preparation for distributing this massive wealth to the Children of Light who are here on Earth in these times to do world improvement projects as part of anchoring in the Golden Age for all on Earth. The World Trust, as well as wealth from numerous other Ascended Masters, is the basis of worldwide prosperity for all Earth’s people within three and a half years of NESARA’s announcement. Most of the 20+ Ascended Masters, who are contributing to bringing forth the Golden Age for all Earth’s people, have Their own private banks and have been accumulating vast sums of wealth as the basis of worldwide prosperity in these times. We in the current 31 humanitarian prosperity programs will also be informed how we are contributing to providing worldwide prosperity. There is PLENTY of money on Earth to make every person as wealthy as a millionaire. It is part of Earth Humans coming transformations to self-actualizing, self-transcendent people that Earth Humans must leave struggling for survival behind. NESARA must be announced before the mass deliveries in the U.S. and Canada to current prosperity program members can occur. If you are sitting around this weekend expecting to receive your delivery, you are wasting your time. The soonest NESARA may be announced is next Tuesday and currently it is expected that mass deliveries will not be made on the same day as NESARA’s announcement.
Also, many of us who will be doing world improvement projects will be looking for good people to fill positions to assist in the planning, development, and carrying out of world improvement projects. I will be looking for spiritually oriented people with various skills and experience to fill these new positions and other prosperity program members will also be looking for good people. I know some of you reading the Dove Reports would dearly love to be doing useful work to improve the world and be paid for it too. I’m sure there will be such opportunities arising a few months after NESARA’s announcement
[Note: I found the right words to express the huge amounts of money being distributed in the prosperity programs at the following website. In year 2000 we heard from the official auditors of the prosperity programs that the big O prOgram by itself accounted for “quintillions” of dollars. One million is written as $1,000,000 while the next level up one billion is $1,000,000,000. One quintillion therefore is $1,000,000,000,000,000. The last level shown below is quattuordecillion and I think one quattuordecillion is written: $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. The U.S. funding banks have many quattuordecillions for funding the U.S. prosperity program members and backing the new U.S. Treasury Bank System and new prosperity programs. Other countries also have large amounts of prosperity funds waiting to be distributed to prosperity programs members and to support their new monetary systems. I’m showing you this to give help you understand there are HUGE amounts of money in the world which are soon beginning to be distributed to provide worldwide prosperity. million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, undecillion, duodecillion, tredecillion, quattuordecillion, ….
June 11, 2003, 1:11PM PST
Part of NESARA’s cleaning up of our federal government is that all members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives must resign their positions within 48 hours of NESARA’s announcement. Originally, members of Congress had up to 72 hours to resign but this has been decreased in order to encourage them to leave Washington, D.C. as soon as possible after NESARA�s announcement.
As of now I’m hearing members of Congress must move out of their homes and out of their offices in Washington, D.C. within one week of NESARA’s announcement. They are receiving some assistance that will enable them to move quickly.
The reason all of Congress and those holding the positions of President and Vice President must resign is because they have broken their oaths to uphold the Constitution. For many years Congress and the Presidents and Vice Presidents have knowingly and purposely written, passed, and signed bills which are unconstitutional. Many of them have privately commented that the Constitution is not valid any longer, after they have assumed office with an oath to uphold the Constitution. Too many in Congress are duplicitous, arrogant liars who pursue their own goals of power and greed and look down on the average American. Some of them laughingly refer to the American public as "cattle".
These members of Congress are facing a big come-uppance when NESARA is announced. All their betrayals will be made public. When they voted for the misnamed p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act, they committed high treason. When they voted for the homeland security office, they committed high treason. When they voted for the pre-emptive strike resolution, they committed high treason. ALL the truth about how Congress has sold out Americans will be exposed after NESARA is announced.
Today, some members of Congress asked to meet with Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine and some White Knights. These members of Congress are asking for a cover-up of their betrayals. They do not want the fact that they committed treason by passing these unconstitutional laws to come out.
June 17, 2003 1:18 p.m. PDT
For centuries the Illuminati/dark agenda have controlled the world’s major banking systems. If you heard that the world is run by the 13 top banking families, you basically heard correctly. The Illuminati have used their big banks to buy politicians, fund war industries and warmongering despots, and rob their customers using loopholes and outright fraud. Now the Illuminati are losing control of their big banks in the U.S. and are also losing their power to interfere with NESARA.
There’s a mistaken assumption the Illuminati have made in ordering sabotage of the banking preparations for NESARA. The Illuminati think that the White Knight Treasury banking professionals will be withdrawn before NESARA can be announced. However, the Illuminati are wrong. In fact, Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine has set up a fund of millions to pay for the travel expenses, hotel, and compensation of these Treasury banking professionals; this fund provides for the Treasury banking professionals to stay in control of the major banks in the U.S. as long as necessary. There will be ZERO retreat; NESARA is being announced soon.
June 18, 2003 3:32 p.m. PDT
Today I understand there’s a bunch of misinformed rumors about how some law just passed might impact the prosperity programs funding amounts. Let me explain something in very straightforward terms: ALL ALL ALL laws that have been passed since 1933 are being WIPED OFF the books by the NESARA announcement. Therefore it does NOT MATTER in the least what laws are passed by Congress now because ALL these laws will be totally wiped out by NESARA’s announcement. ALL these laws since 1933 were passed AFTER Roosevelt used a sneaky change to the Trading with the Enemy Act to take our country and people out of Constitutional Law and made all of us enemies of the federal government. Therefore, since we are returning to the Constitution, NONE of these laws since 1933 can remain in force.
After NESARA is announced, there will be official notices of a new prosperity program that will enable most Americans to become independently wealthy and is the start of worldwide prosperity. Other countries will also have these kinds of prosperity programs. Once the new prosperity program funding begins to be distributed to U.S. citizens/natural persons/sovereigns about 15 months after NESARA is announced, there will be much less need for federal government financial assistance.
Citizens, natural person, and sovereigns of the U.S. can apply for the new prosperity program if they are at least 21 years old and mentally capable of handling their funds. The new prosperity program funds will be paid out monthly for a five-year period and everyone eligible will be a millionaire. As Americans turn 21 years of age, they will be able to apply for these funds.
NESARA authorizes funds to continue providing essential services and military services, although the military will also change because we will see worldwide peace after NESARA. After NESARA is announced, there will be multitudes of exposes which will inform us that all wars on the planet in the last thousands of years have been instigated by hidden controllers. We will find out we are all part of one human family and quit waging war on other humans on Earth. Our military will need to become trained in space operations to eventually take on patrolling the solar system.
There will be many, many changes after NESARA is announced and manynew technologies will become available. When there is national and worldwide prosperity, people will only work on things they want to do; it will not be necessary to flip burgers at McDonalds in order to make a living. There will also be new ways to purchase and transport things.
Every time I write about these things, some people simply cannot imagine such a world. All I say is just watch and see.
August 16, 2003 5:15 p.m. PDT
I learned this morning that there is MORE we can do and also more the TakeAction White Knights can do to move NESARA into announcement. I havelearned that the more people we tell about NESARA, the more people thereare who want some or all of the benefits of NESARA. This is veryIMPORTANT because the more people who want some or all of the benefits ofNESARA, the more divine intervention we will receive from the AscendedMasters and benevolent Forces and other divine helpers. Even if peopleare only lukewarm about NESARA, it still helps add to the overall energysupporting NESARA and gains us more divine intervention.
We can think of it as a "matching contribution" formula: when we makemore people aware of NESARA, this is OUR human contribution and as moreand more people learn about and want NESARA, our divine helpers are ableto give more and more divine intervention to help get NESARA announced. We need this divine intervention to overcome the advantages the Illuminatihave in their long-standing worldwide organization.
August 19, 2003 7:42 p.m. PDT
Some people have wanted the Ascended Masters and benevolent Forces to"take over" and get NESARA announced. Even I have wished this was possible at times and have asked Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine why They are not "taking over and getting the NESARA announcement done". The reason is the Ascended Masters and benevolent Forces are here to ASSIST all of us in doing our part to bring NESARA to announcement. The Ascended Masters know that WE will be the ones who will play key roles in improving the world after NESARA is announced. The Ascended Masters know that WE must become wiser and stronger from the challenges we face when taking action on behalf of NESARA in order for us to be WISE enough to carry out our important responsibilities of improving the world. The Ascended Masters are not going to "do it" for us because WE need the challenges and experiences of doing our parts to personally grow wiser and stronger.
The Ascended Masters have no desire to "baby-sit" a planet of Earth Humans; if the Ascended Masters "did it" for us, then we, Earth Humans, would be no further along in our own attainment of wisdom and strength. The true White Knights and those of us taking action for NESARA and other valuable improvements, are growing and maturing as we handle the challenges of doing these things. WE must grow and mature in order to be ready to take on our responsibilities for improving our world after NESARA is announced; the Ascended Masters and benevolent Forces have agreed to support us in our actions to transform and uplift our world.
"The meek are inheriting the world", but the "meek" must also be wise and strong in order to handle the responsibilities of inheriting the world. This is why WE must do our contributions to bringing NESARA’s announcement to the world and our contributions do enable more divine intervention in support of NESARA. If the Ascended Masters were intending to "do it" for us, I think They would have already done it because They are certainly wanting the NESARA announcement done.
August 20, 2003 7:55 p.m. PDT
I’ve had some questions about the Illuminati bank accounts. Did you think that the extremely wealthy have just a few bank accounts? Did you even stop to think how many bank accounts the Rockefellers and Rothschilds might have? There are major Illuminati Trusts which are the umbrella for hundreds of thousands of subordinate trusts and all these trusts have multitudes of bank accounts. A few of the Illuminati Trusts are two major Rothschild trusts, a major Rockefeller trust, the Hapsburg Trust, and several royal trusts such as the French Trust which were set up more than 200 years ago.
Two years ago, I learned that highly sophisticated computer research had found that the Rockefeller Trust was the umbrella over 800,000 bank accounts in more than 24,000 banks worldwide. Today I checked and the Rockefeller Trust is the umbrella over more than 1,023,000 bank accounts in more than 26,000 banks worldwide.
The confiscation of funds from the Illuminati is a massive process and will go on for some time. However, it is GOOD NEWS that the process IS happening and will continue until the majority of the fortunes the Illuminati have accrued are fully confiscated.
The confiscation of funds from the 400 Illuminati families is being done per court orders due to the war crimes of these families. The confiscated funds will be given as legal reparation to the survivors of these war crimes. The distribution of the reparations funds will begin after NESARA is announced because it requires distribution to survivors throughout the world and requires use of many banking systems. Although we are not personally familiar with big bankers literally stealing money, this DOES occur, which is why the banking changes need to be completed before these funds can be moved out to survivors. In the meantime, these funds are being kept in a bank owned by Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine and the funds are protected until they can be distributed.
September 5, 2003 7:30 p.m. PDT
The World Court has ruled in favor of NESARA thus far. The Rothschilds’ banks are being ordered to remove the “terrorist money” block on the prosperity funds supporting the new banking systems which will be initiated worldwide by NESARA’s announcement.
Below is information [not shown here but see Senate Bill: Vitamins Only by Prescription 06-Aug-2003,] about a sneak attack being mounted by the big pharmaceutical companies using the U.S. Congress to try to take our natural supplements away! This is basically the same thing that was tried ten years ago. There was a storm of protest from the American public ten years ago which stopped this exact same effort to take our food supplements and healing herbs away.
U.S. Senator Durbin is either a dupe of the drug companies or is Illuminati. He has sponsored Senate Bill 722 (SB 722) which would give the FDA the right to take any supplement off the shelves and would also make it impossible to take so-called "mega-doses" of vitamins and other supplements!
Please note the article below[not supplied here] quotes a study of 13,000 men and women in which 31% of women and 37% of men benefited significantly from “mega-doses” of natural supplements in reducing cancer!
I’m told this is EXACTLY WHY the big Illuminati drug companies want to restrict our ability to use natural supplements! The sicker the world’s people are, the more the drug companies make in profits and even worse, the more malleable people are to being controlled by the Illuminati.
When NESARA is announced, the big Illuminati drug companies will no longer be able to use the U.S. Congress and U.S. government Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to try to take our supplements away. NESARA restores us to Constitutional Law and thus wipes out the FDA’s current unconstitutional powers. Also, I’m told NESARA'stipulates that the FDA will be mainly an ‘educational’ agency and will not have the power to take away our food supplements.
When NESARA is announced, theUnited States will also be instantly OUT of the World Trade Organization! The WTO is another Illuminati front-organization used to take power of choice away from the people. As noted in the article below[not shown here], the WTO is one organization the Illuminati are using to take our food supplements away inEurope and other countries. The UN is also being used in this Illuminati scheme.
As we work to get NESARA announced, if we are talking to people who support freedom of access to natural supplements, vitamins, minerals, etc., we can tell them that members of Congress who are supported by the big drug companies are once again trying to take away our choices in using natural supplements! We can tell them that NESARA wipes out once and for all the ability of the federal government to take away our natural supplements.
One of the ripple effects of NESARA will be the restoring of full choice to people in the use of natural supplements again. All nations who are part of the U.N. (180+ nations) have agreed by treaty to transition to common law which is the basis for U.S. Constitutional Law and restores liberty to the world’s people. This transition to common law is scheduled to be completed within four months of NESARA’s announcement and is part of the keeping of “peace” which is a strong element of NESARA’s international impacts. Therefore, ALL the efforts to take away our rights to use natural supplements will be wiped out by NESARA and the worldwide change to common law!
The last article below [not shown here but see and also,] identifies some countries such as including Greece, Norway, Germany, and Australia as having already passed very damaging legislation which restricts people’s rights to use natural supplements to improve their health. I’m also hearing that major Illuminati pharmaceutical corporations are trying to become the providers of natural supplements that are still allowed in these countries. WE have the answer to removing the Illuminati’s control of and actions against our supplements in NESARA!
NESARA takes on almost every major Illuminati scheme to harm our world’s people and neutralizes the Illuminati activities fast and fully! Once again, we see another HUGE reason to support NESARA’s announcement.
September 6, 2003 6:07 p.m. PDT
The article below [not shown here, see it at: ]makes the point that natural supplements which have been taken away from consumers have a history of being sold as "drugs" at HUGE increases in price. For example, the article states: "Just look what has already happened to amino acids like tryptophan. Once available for under $20 for a bottle of 100 tablets of 500 mgs. at your local health food store, the same tablet is now only available by prescription at a cost of over $120 at your pharmacy." Another quote from the article states: "Shering-Plough, the Norway pharmaceutical giant, now controls an Echinacea tincture which is being SOLD there as an OTC (over the counter) drug AT GROSSLY INFLATED PRICES."
Clearly, the Illuminati’s efforts to take away our natural supplements include the Illuminati pharmaceutical corporations becoming the only providers of such natural supplements and charging huge prices for these natural supplements.
And, please note the natural supplements that the Illuminati in the Canadian government have listed as "drugs" at the end of this article. Folks, when you look at this list, you are going to wonder if these people are insane or stupid. They are neither; they are being used by the Illuminati. When the Illuminati are behind these kinds of nefarious plots, we see irrational decisions from government officials like those in Canada labeling as drugs: Aloe Vera, GARLIC, GINGER, LICORICE, and PEPPERMINT!
However, we are NOT going to let the Illuminati get away with their plots and there will be millions of people in the U.S. who will pick up the battle cry. In case you don’t know, when the U.S. Congress tried to take our natural supplements away ten years ago, the Congress received more phone calls, emails, faxes, letters, and other protest than on any other issue. Americans demanding free choice to use natural supplements and keep the FDA from controlling our vitamins even surpassed the levels of public protest against the Vietnam war!
September 8, 2003 12:36 p.m. PDT
When Clinton was in office, I wrote critical comments about the Clinton administration and those of you who were reading the Dove Reports in year 2000 are aware that I was critical of Clinton. I was critical of Clinton many times and of the well-publicized “anti-terrorist exercises” led by Janet Reno; I was very aware that these totally unnecessary “anti-terrorist exercises” were propaganda to make Americans think there were “terrorists”. But the terrorists were and are working for the U.S. government. The Clinton administration did its part to spread the propaganda of “terrorists” to prepare Americans for the great harm done by the Bush regime’s 9/11 attacks on Americans.
I am not a fan of Bill Clinton nor of Hillary Clinton; it is obvious that Bill Clinton has been Illuminati, regardless of what he may say now. I know some other very dedicated and sincere NESARA'supporters have recently made positive comments about Bill Clinton, however, those are their opinions and not mine.
I write about the Clintons rarely because they are not the main ones causing the problems right now. The major trouble-makers in the U.S. are the Rockefellers who are Democrats, by the way, and their very good friends and relatives, the Bush Senior family, who are Republicans.
When we learn the TRUTH about our government, we will see that there have been very few honest men in the oval office. We will learn that there are Illuminati in BOTH the Republican and Democrat parties and that the Illuminati are NOT Americans. They’re not Democrats or Republicans; they are GLOBALISTS. This is how they see themselves: as members of an elite bunch of Illuminati globalists who are trying to control the world. They have zero loyalty to our people or our nation or any other people or nation; they have proven this over the years.
The Illuminati always have their people in all major political parties. This is true in every country in the world where the Illuminati are pulling strings.
The Illuminati use the “divide and conquer” strategy which is, members of different political parties publicly denouncing each other while in secret meetings they plot together to deceive the world’s people. When NESARA takes us back to Constitutional Law the Illuminati will LOSE their ability to control our country through political parties.
September 12, 2003 1:05 p.m. PDT
In addition, one of the most amazing improvements that rolls out from NESARA and across the world is that all people worldwide will eventually have the same rights that we Americans have when NESARA restores our Constitution and Bill of Rights to law of the land. When I first heard about this, I wondered how this was being arranged. All I can tell you today is that over 180 countries have signed treaties to do this and there was “divine intervention” in the process of getting these treaties signed. Fairly soon after NESARA is announced, the details will be revealed.
October 31, 2003 3:11 p.m. PDT
Some of you have written me about the man-made fires in the L.A. area of California. Yes, these fires were set by federal government agents of the CIA and FBI to serve the Bush regime for several reasons. There are certain records being destroyed in these fires and also the fires are to provide a diversion from other things happening in the L.A. area. There will be NO terrorist attacks in L.A. just as there have been no major terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 9/11 despite the thousands of efforts by the Bush regime to cause more terrorist attacks; many attempted terrorist attacks by the Bush regime in the U.S. have been neutralized by the benevolent Forces and special units of the U.S. military White Knights. There is skullduggery occurring in the L.A. area under cover of these fires by order of the Bush regime.
I’m hearing that “planted false intelligence reports” are the Illuminati’s latest weapon against the White Knights who are overseeing actions to bring us NESARA’s announcement. The White Knights have discovered some of the information they are receiving is false but they are not aware that some intelligence they think is correct is also false. In addition, there are two staffers to the White Knights who are secretly giving information to the Illuminati and helping plant the false information which is now delaying NESARA. The White Knights can surmount all the problems by contacting Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine’s office and asking for immediate assistance.
Even if the White Knights don’t choose to accept assistance now, there are other factors coming to bear upon NESARA which will ensure that NESARA is announced in the currently authorized time period. We can expect to have a wonderful holiday season after NESARA’s announcement.
As we approach NESARA’s momentous announcement, I’m requesting that we take a few minutes in prayer, meditation, or energy work focus to give our support to the World Court Judges and White Knights. These brave people are working on behalf of the world’s people to bring about the most historic and vast improvements on Earth in thousands of years; NESARA’s announcement is the catalyst of these wonderful improvements.
It is time that NESARA'swept this country clean of the Bush regime and the cowards in the U.S. Congress! There are many actions occurring about which I cannot write and which are moving NESARA into announcement position. It is only a matter of which day we will see NESARA’s announcement in this current time period! NESARA Yes! NESARA Now!
November 1, 2003 9:58 p.m. PST
Our NESARA Take Action Team had a great day at World Court yesterday passing out flyers and holding banners in support of NESARA. I have a preliminary report from the NTAT [NESARATake ActionTeam] at World Court but due to the time difference of nine hours between the Pacific Time Zone and the Time Zone in Germany, I probably won’t have the final report to share with you until tomorrow.
One thing I saw in the preliminary NTAT report caused me to do some research. At about 4:30 p.m. yesterday, some NTAT members at World Court saw a big procession of limousines arriving and parking inside the Peace Palace courtyard. At one point in this procession a group of police on motorcycles escorted a limousine into the Peace Palace courtyard. Our NTAT members asked the police standing near them about the identity of the important person being escorted by the motorcycle police. They were told it was the President of Hungary.
This information definitely provoked my curiosity and I began researching WHY the President of Hungary was arriving at World Court on a FRIDAY at 4:30 p.m. which is close to the end of the business day. A telephone conversation provided the details that a caterer was delivering food to the World Court building late yesterday afternoon also.
It turns out that dignitaries and official representatives from 14 small countries, including the President of Hungary, were at the World Court purposely at the end of the business day to attend a confidential meeting after business hours. The meeting was expected to run late into the evening and therefore a caterer delivered food which enabled the attendees to be able to work through the evening without taking a break for an evening meal.
The reason these official representatives were at World Court is because the World Court was facilitating some issues being handled so that these countries can complete their preparations for their countries’ banking improvements and other activities after NESARA is announced. These countries needed some extra help obtaining necessary assistance and the Court was acting as a facilitator between those who needed the help and those parties who could give the help.
The Court also made it clear that it is not delaying the NESARA announcement for even one day because these countries still have things they need to do. The Court intends that NESARA will be announced in the currently authorized time period and the Court is continuing to work its strategies to ensure that NESARA is announced soon.
NESARA’s announcement is approaching and the Court is actively involved in making sure NESARA is announced soon. I cannot tell you the details of what is happening, however, NESARA’s announcement is forthcoming and good things are happening to ensure it occurs so that we all have a wonderful holiday season.
In doing my research, I also learned that most of the World Court’s organizational and administrative activities related to NESARA are handled by a special group of people in an office some miles from the World Court’s official location in the Peace Palace in The Hague. There were many phone calls made and faxes sent and received which were used to organize yesterday evening’s meeting at World Court. I asked WHO made these phone calls, etc., and was told there is a special group working on all NESARA related activities for the Judges and this group has its office in a different, high security location in The Hague.
Tomorrow you will see from the NTAT’s report on their activities at World Court yesterday that they actually handed flyers to one or more World Court Judges! Also, one man who came out of the World Court courteously refused to accept a NESARA flyer by smiling and saying, “I am fully informed.” He was admitting that he already knew all about NESARA!
My sources tell me that the Judges are very pleased to see the support for NESARA right there at World Court. In addition, our postcards are making very big impacts as the Judges realize the extent of support for NESARA worldwide. The Judges know that people all over the world are sending postcards asking the Judges to use the benevolent Forces and all resources to get NESARA announced NOW!
Our postcards and our NTAT activities are very much part of why very, very good things are happening and we will be seeing NESARA’s announcement SOON! NESARA Yes! NESARA Now!
November 1, 2003 9:58 p.m. PST
Although I’m not allowed to discuss the details of what is happening, there are important actions being taken to set up the conditions in which NESARA can be announced soon.
All our postcards to the World Court have had large and favorable impacts on the World Court Judges. The Judges realize that thousands of people worldwide are supporting the Court in using the benevolent Forces to neutralize the Illuminati interferences with NESARA.
The NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) in Europe demonstrated at World Court again last Friday and had a very successful day. I’m including their comments and the link to the pictures from last Friday’s World Court NESARA demonstration below. Their activities on behalf of all of us are making big impacts for the benefit of getting NESARA announced in this currently authorized time period. I am very proud of all of them!
NESARA NOW is becoming our physical reality. Thousands of people worldwide are helping to spread the word and energize NESARA’s announcement into our lives! NESARA Yes! NESARA Now!
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At the World Court of The Hague, Peace Palace, October 31, 2003. |
November 15, 2003 6:57 p.m. PST.
"… I heard the voices of My People speaking. Their voices brought tears to My Eyes.” -Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine
… I had the great pleasure of speaking with each person supporting NESARA and the benevolent Forces as they stood in front of World Court from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Netherlands time. Each of these people are so clear and so strong in their dedication and service to NESARA and the world. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with all of them and told them how much we all appreciated their great service for the world.
After I finished the phone call, Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine said He had listened in on the phone call and shared His Observations with me. I was sure everyone would enjoy knowing His Comments and He gave me permission to share them.
After listening to my call with the NTAT members at World Court, here is what Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine said: “As I listened to the people speaking on the phone, I WAS very touched by their sensitivity to the world’s people’s needs and their awareness that NESARA begins the healing of the world. I AM very grateful for their dedication and participation in the NESARA events before World Court on behalf of all Humanity. I AM so grateful you [Dove] made that call and I heard the voices of My People speaking. Their voices brought tears to My Eyes.”
December 6, 2003 8:47 p.m. PST
There certainly are many hidden facts which will prove the Bush regime ordered and carried out the 9-11 attacks. These facts include the unheard of shutting down of the normal Air Force scrambling of fighter jets when any airplane strays into restricted air space such as over New York City. The facts that many people working at the Pentagon were told not to go to work on Tuesday, 9-11; I personally received details of this from a woman working at the Pentagon who was told on Monday, 9-10-2001, not to come to work the next day and whatever she did, not to go to the WTC in New York. Another fact proving this was a Bush regime terrorist act on Americans was the sudden appearance of dozens of FBI agents running out from their hiding places in the trees next to the location where the plane crashed in Pennsylvania. The fact that the FBI agents were already IN PLACE and HIDING, waiting for the crash to occur, PROVES again that the Bush regime ran the 9-11 attacks. A resident living next to the Pennsylvania 9-11 crash site was quoted as saying these FBI agents ran around the neighborhood forcing residents to sign secrecy agreements that they would not talk about what they had seen. I’ve also received direct confirmation of this.
After NESARA’s announcement, the truth will come out about how the Bush regime ordered and carried out the 9-11 attacks. It will be a huge lesson to all of us about how our collective ignorance has allowed the Illuminati the ability to do such things.
December 8, 2003, 9:59 p.m. PST
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Yesterday I sent out a copy of the article written by Alan Greenspan which states that “debt” is an Illuminati tool to make the people dependent on the government.
Debt has also been used by the Illuminati to set up the world’s people’s loss of their homes and resources. Most of the world’s major banks have been under Illuminati control for centuries. The Illuminati have been using major banks to accomplish some of their world domination objectives by encouraging people to become in debt to the banks.
Below is the Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 which states that they intend to FORECLOSE on people’s homes to obtain strong control over the people: [Editor’s Note: Not shown here but see it at: ].
“When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”
It is very true that “People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”
There have been rumors in the last year or two, particularly in Europe, about a big financial downturn which is expected. These rumors are put out by the Illuminati bankers in Europe as part of their plan to try to cause such a worldwide downturn. The Illuminati have put together a plan which they think will enable them to cause a worldwide, very severe economic crash which would result in people losing their jobs, not having the money to pay their mortgages, and then the banks and mortgage companies would foreclose on people’s mortgages and loans.
However, certain actions have stalled Illuminati efforts to cause this financial downturn and I’m told this massive worldwide financial downturn will NOT occur. There will continue to be stalling of the Illuminati’s efforts to cause the “big crash” and when NESARA is announced, NESARA will begin the defeat of the Illuminati’s world domination plot. NESARA’s announcement will provide debt relief in the U.S. and NESARA’s international banking law changes will provide the impetus for debt relief in over 150 countries worldwide soon after NESARA’s announcement.
January 26, 2004 8:40 p.m. PST
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The Bush-Rockefeller gang have been trying to cause other attacks and I was told a few months ago that the Bush-Rockefeller gang plans to try to stage more 9/11-type attacks in order to keep Bush Jr. in the oval office. However, the benevolent Forces have and will continue to neutralize these attempted attacks since 9/11; there will be no more attacks by the Bush-Rockefeller gang.
NESARA will be announced this year before Fall 2004 and the November elections. The Illuminati Bush and Rockefeller families and their Illuminati friends will be charged with their many crimes and will face the consequences.
NESARA is the best option we have to begin removing the Illuminati and bring forth the Golden Age for the world’s people! NESARA Yes!
January 30, 2004 9:59 p.m. PST. [This is a full report, not an excerpt.]
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Two hints of the expectation of an economic boost were given at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, last week. U.S. Commerce Secretary Don Evans (see article below) [not shown here] and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan both expressed optimism about the U.S. economy in this coming year. Both these men are supporters of NESARA and it is NESARA’s announcement and implementation of debt relief and abolishing income taxes which will give the U.S. economy the biggest boost ever. Naturally neither Evans nor Greenspan can say "NESARA" in public due to gag orders, but insiders are well-aware that NESARA is expected to improve the U.S. and by ripple effect, the world economy.
What was not reported in the news was the much more important revelation that there exists a film which proves the Bush regime involvement in the 9-11 attacks. Certain key White Knights, including a famous business man in Europe, held a private meeting of many high level business executives and government officials while in Davos for the World Economic Forum. A television reporter and camera crew filmed activities around the World Trade Center on 9-11 which have never been seen on U.S. television but these shocking scenes were shown at the private meeting in Davos.
The WTC 9-11 pictures and sound on the film shot by the television crew of a major network showed that BEFORE the first WTC tower was hit by the first plane, there were already dozens of men in police uniforms going into the WTC and then the sounds of gun shots were heard. The film also includes pictures and sound which prove that there were explosive charges going off inside the WTC BEFORE and simultaneously with the attack by the first plane.
My sources state that the people in the police uniforms were not NYC police but were American men wearing police uniforms and they were carrying out orders to shoot certain people on Floors One and Two of the WTC. The people shot were involved with the banking systems computer download that was supposed to begin at 9 a.m. from the first WTC tower as part of the NESARA banking improvements due to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on 9-11-2001.
At the private meeting in Davos, Switzerland, there were many powerful people who want to see NESARA announced and the Bush regime removed from power. Most of these people are aware the Bush regime was behind 9-11.
Although the truth about 9-11 contains many elements of innocent people being killed by the Bush regime, this secret film adds a new dimension of malevolence to our knowledge of the Bush-Rockefeller gang. The secret film is part of many proofs which must be broadcast in the U.S. and worldwide as part of educating all of us about the treachery of our government officials.
Thank heaven we have NESARA moving forward. If we all do our parts, we can see NESARA announced before the official start of Spring 2004 and end the Bush regime’s reign of terror over Americans and the world. NESARA Yes!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
February 6, 2004 6:54 p.m. PST
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In this terrible U.S. economy, we all should be doing all we can to ensure that NESARA is announced as soon as possible. I know of people who have been out of work for two years and every day there are good people who cannot pay their bills and mortgages due to being laid off work or other reasons over which they have no control. Too many adults and children in the U.S. are having a very hard time financially and the immediate financial improvements of NESARA would help many of these people. Doing the NESARA announcement a week or two sooner can save some of these people from losing their homes and suffering other serious damage. This is another very strong reason why the Justices need to do all they can to get NESARA announced as soon as possible!
Because of the 30-day notice which must be sent officials of all banking systems worldwide after the NESARA announcement time period start date is approved, the soonest we could have NESARA announced is in March 2004.
Americans are also being robbed of their much needed money by the unlawful federal income tax. The longer we wait for NESARA, the more billions of dollars are unnecessarily paid by Americans to the federal income tax agency which is merely a collection agency for the Illuminati-owned Federal Reserve System. 80% of all federal income tax ends up going to the Illuminati owners of the Federal Reserve banking system as payment for the bogus national debt which is mainly comprised of ridiculous fees and interest charged to the federal government by the Federal Reserve System. The 80% of federal income taxes goes into the pockets of several Illuminati banking families in Europe and others who are sworn enemies of freedom and are major Illuminati pursuing their world domination scheme.
One of the big lies propagated by the U.S. federal government is the purposeful propaganda which leads people to think the Federal Reserve is part of the government. In fact, you can confirm for yourself that the Federal Reserve is NOT part of the government but is owned by a dozen private and public entities which are known to be Illuminati. I and a friend confirmed this by calling U.S. Representative Ron Paul’s office in October 2002 and asking his staff representative to tell us who owns the Federal Reserve. We were told that a dozen private and public entities own the Federal Reserve. We called Ron Paul’s office because in September 2002 he introduced a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve and he is well aware of the truth behind the Federal Reserve.
This year, we have the opportunity to reduce the amount of money the Illuminati are unlawfully receiving from hard working Americans and American businesses. By announcing NESARA in March 2004, we can score a great psychological and financial victory over the Illuminati hierarchy and let them know that their days of running the world are ending!
THE JENNIFER LEE REPORT for Friday, February 6th, 2004.
St. Germaine Attends the G7 Group Meeting
Here is today’s report from A&A:
Today I got to speak with someone who is a close friend of The King Of Swords! He is a member of the ACIO [Alien Contact Investigation Organization] and a former member of the Delta Force. He now works full time for GOD/GODDESS ALL THAT IS. And, he gets his orders directly from THE MAN WITH THE PLAN -Beloved Lord Sananda Kumara- and Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine! He is a Sovereign Militia member, stands at 6’4′ and weighs about 300 lbs of solid muscle! He also carries a ‘Phaser’ and knows how to use it and, NOBODY SHOULD MESS WITH THIS ONE!
In his very eloquent voice this morning he told me there are some ‘very wild scenarios’ going on behind the scenes with THE FORCES OF LIGHT which he could not talk about. However, he said even through we see the ‘HOLODECK PROGRAM’ BEING PLAYED OUT -IT IS RUNNING OUT OF STEAM VERY FAST! We are VERY CLOSE TO THE END NOW!
ANYTIME -Mother/Father God/Goddess ALL THAT IS! WE ARE READY!
He said these Renegade Reptilians have ‘talked-sideways-out-of-their-mouths’ [lied] for 65 million years now and all they have created is ‘Infinite Samsara’ [infinite suffering] for the people of this planet! He said IT IS TIME FOR THE LIES to be exposed to THE LIGHT OF DAY! Their time in the sun is over and this is exactly what is going on right now!
He said the best thing we can do is to continue to HOLD THE LIGHT FOR NESARA NOW AND BE IN AS MUCH JOY AS POSSIBLE even as we see so much suffering around us! This is not the time to CAVE-IN AND GIVE UP -because WE ARE ALMOST THERE!
This is OUR MISSION! To REMEMBER OUR JOY in simply LIVING OUR LIVES amidst the most trying-of-times! May we tear ourselves away from the ‘intoxication of FEAR’ that we see every day on our TV screens. May we remember that FEAR is just FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.
One last thing I got to speak with the King this afternoon. He said there is a G7 MEETING of world leaders from the 7 major countries taking place in Florida right now. Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine will be in attendance and will make his entrance by ‘walking right through the wall’ with the King at his side. He will tell everyone ‘YOUR TIME IS UP’! NO MORE DISCUSSION -ITS TIME FOR NESARA NOW!!!
February 9, 2004 9:52 p.m. PST.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The petition for NESARA’s next announcement time period is within hours of being submitted to World Court. The petition is requesting that NESARA’s next announcement time period begin on April 5, 2004. Since the petition is being submitted almost two months prior to April 5th, the World Court should be able to approve the petition.
Within a few days after NESARA is announced, the European Central Bank will announce publicly that the Euro is backed by precious metals just as the new U.S. Treasury currency is. Within the week after NESARA is announced, the British banking, the Canadian banking system, the Australian banking system, the New Zealand banking system, and the Japanese banking system are expected to announce that their own currencies are also backed by precious metals. The rest of the 140+ countries will announce their own banking systems improvements within four months after NESARA is announced.
Some of these banking systems will also announce credit card debt forgiveness within four months of NESARA’s announcement. Each country has up to four months after NESARA’s announcement to publicly announce and do these banking improvements.
Tuesday February 10, 2004. Excerpt from special message of Saint Germaine channeled by Nancy Tate:
Question: St. Germain, It has been brought up recently that some of the orders such as theFree Masons, Rosicrucians, and Mormons are in fact being run by the illuminati. Since you are reported to have been instrumental in the creation and development of these groups, how is it that now they are associated by some with the darkness?
SG: When I involved my self with these organizations, it was with the prompting of the light. I saw that there was need to bring forth a number of groups in which the Light of the Creator could be recognized and shared. This brought about the discovery of the innate power within each of those who took part, and added to the organizations. The lightness of the Orders was powerful and mighty.
Then the ones who lived in the shadows saw the power that came from these groups, and being supreme beings of the darkness decided that they would tap into and use to their advantage the power of these groups. So they set out to subvert the causes of the original intent, and to utilize them for their own purposes. They had even then discovered how craftily they could do this, and so they used their abilities to garner the membership to their own purposes.
This is the nature of the darkness, to slowly, insidiously creep in and swallow up the light that has been present. They swallow it up and over-cover it so that the truth is more challenging to see. However they cannot destroy the light, for it is always there, and when the ones who are involved with these organizations see the light that lives there, they do one of two probable things. They either remain in the light of the Order and allow their light to illumine others, or they withdraw from the Order, though not from the light. There is nothing that can quell the light from these Orders, if you but recognize it and live it.
Tuesday February 10, 2004. Excerpt from Jennifer Lee Report:
Today I am hearing that incredible things are about to come to pass!
This morning I got to speak with the King Of Egypt! He told me there are some very wild things going on! He said there are very intense meetings going on with different HEADS OF STATE who are meeting with Beloved Saint Germaine, some White Knights and THE FORCES OF LIGHT in preparation for what is about to come forth! THINGS ARE VERY HOT!
He said THE TRUTH IS BEING TOLD in so many ways now—-we are SEEING IT ALL OVER THE PLACE coming from almost every nation! This is very good news!
The King of Egypt also told me ALL THE STAR GATES HAVE NOW BEEN ACTIVATED from REMOTE LOCATIONS IN SPACE by the FORCES OF LIGHT! This has been done to bring up the frequencies all the way to the 12th dimension in order to keep those areas safe! This has caused much confusion and consternation among those on the ground because they cannot figure out how it was done—especially since they have not been able to figure out how to do it themselves. Oh my!
All I can say is IT IS VERY HOT! This is why everywhere we look we are seeing folks demanding THIS ADMINISTRATION MUST STEP DOWN NOW! We are seeing all the RATS JUMP SHIP NOW—because THE SHIP IS SINKING! It can no longer stay afloat—there are too many holes in the boat! ALL THE LIES ARE BEING EXPOSED!
Any moment now we are going to see THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11 and when it happens THE FORCES OF LIGHT WILL BE THERE along with Saint Germaine! I can feel that any moment now Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine IS GOING TO CALL IT—and the EBS [Emergency Broadcast System] will go off and we will ALL BE HEARING HIS VOICE! All of this will coincide with THE TRUTH BEING TOLD FROM EVERY CORNER!
February 11, 2004 9:13 p.m. PST. [This is a full report, not an excerpt.]
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today some additional refinements were made to the NESARA announcement time period petition. The petition is expected to be submitted to World Court for approval later this week.
I will report the interesting details of the NESARA petition once it is actually submitted to World Court either tomorrow or Friday.
A friend called today and left me a message about some interference on CNN with Bush Jr.’s speech. Apparently there were some technical problems during Bush Jr.’s speech on the CNN channel she was watching and she wondered if someone was causing these technical problems. The answer is "yes", someone was causing the problems. My sources say some true White Knights used certain processes to cause the technical problems and disrupt Bush Jr.’s speech of self-serving lies and comments.
Below is an excerpt of testimony [, not shown here]given by a high Bush regime official to the 911 Commission which shows that Cheney knowingly prohibited the order to military interception jets to shoot down the rogue plane which was on course to Washington D.C. on 9/11 long after the WTC had been attacked by two planes. Mr. Cheney goofed. As an Illuminati, he depends on the Illuminati to "win the war", but the Illuminati are losing the war this year. After NESARA is announced, we will be happy to see Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush arrested for the blatant treason they committed on September 11, 2001 among other crimes.
All of us who are supporting NESARA can feel good about our actions on behalf of the world’s people. NESARA’s announcement is the death knell of the Illuminati and the beginning of world peace, prosperity, and truth. NESARA Yes!
February 13, 2004 10:25 p.m. PST. [This is a full report, not an excerpt.]
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
This morning the petition for the next NESARA announcement time period was submitted to World Court. After weeks of actions leading to this point, the NESARA petition is now sitting at World Court awaiting approval by the Court.
This week after receiving comments from many influential NESARA'supporters, the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer decided to add some very important improvements to the NESARA petition. The NESARA petition to World Court today included THREE potential starting dates for the NESARA announcement time period and the request that the Court approve the earliest starting date possible. The requested starting dates are March 22, 2004, March 29, 2004, and April 5, 2004. This is great news as this makes it possible for NESARA to be announced in March 2004 if the World Court will approve one of the March dates!
Each person who has sent postcards to the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices in the last month has helped to encourage the four Justices to take this strong action to move NESARA into announcement. Great work, everyone, in helping to energize NESARA forward in these crucial days!
And many heartfelt thanks, on behalf of all of us, to the four U.S. Supreme Court Justices who submitted the NESARA announcement petition!
In order for the NESARA announcement time period to begin on March 22, 2004, World Court must approve the March 22, 2004 starting date on or before February 20, 2004.
There are no valid reasons to delay approving the March 22, 2004 NESARA announcement time period starting date. However, there are, as usual, several petitions from Illuminati banking systems officials asking for delays of the NESARA announcement. As of today there are eleven petitions submitted by Illuminati banking officials of small countries claiming they need 90 days to be ready for their own banking improvements and asking that NESARA’s announcement be delayed for 60 days.
Numerous times in the past we have observed this Illuminati ploy of submitting petitions to World Court asking for unnecessary delays of NESARA’s announcement. In the case of these eleven small countries, the Illuminati have purposely manufactured problems to use as excuses for why these countries are petitioning the Court to delay NESARA.
Because of NESARA’s ripple effects, particularly the fact that the new U.S. Treasury currency is backed by precious metals, over 140 other countries will be impacted by the NESARA announcement. Just imagine, if the new U.S. Treasury currency were the only major country’s currency to be backed by precious metals, this would cause a huge imbalance in world currency markets and world trade. Therefore, most major countries’ banking systems will announce that their currencies are also backed by precious metals within days after NESARA’s announcement.
It’s not necessary for the Court to delay NESARA. Instead, the Court can tell these countries to submit petitions asking for delays in implementing the banking improvements in these eleven countries. Therefore, there’s no valid reason for the Court to allow any of these eleven petitions to delay NESARA. If the Court does not approve a delay of NESARA’s announcement, it’s likely the Illuminati banking officials in these eleven countries will suddenly find the solutions to the problems they secretly manufactured. There’s no reason to reward the Illuminati by letting eleven countries delay NESARA’s benefits which will ripple out to people in over 180 countries.
The four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices also know there is no valid excuse to delay NESARA because the four U.S. Supreme Court Justices have received copies of all petitions asking to delay NESARA’s announcement. These four U.S. Supreme Court Justices have also taken additional steps to encourage the World Court to approve the NESARA announcement time period petition. Along with the petition requesting the next NESARA announcement time period, the four U.S. Supreme Court Justices sent a second petition to World Court.
The second petition submitted by the four U.S. Supreme Court Justices to World Court today strongly requests that the World Court Judges approve the NESARA announcement time period petition by or before March 5th. If the World Court fails to approve the NESARA announcement petition by March 5th, the second petition demands that six of the World Court Judges INSTANTLY RECUSE themselves from ruling on the NESARA announcement period. This is because six of the World Court Judges have a history of always ruling against approving the NESARA announcement time period. This history of the six World Court Judges voting records shows these Judges have a “bias” against NESARA. Therefore, the second petition is likely to cause these six anti-NESARA World Court Judges to be replaced by other Judges if the World Court fails to approve the NESARA announcement time period by or before March 5, 2004.
This second petition is a very strong message to the World Court that if they delay approving the NESARA announcement time period, the bias of these six World Court Judges will become part of the official record about World Court’s actions. This second petition demanding the recusal of the six World Court Judges should also serve as a warning to the swing vote Judges on the World Court that they should distance themselves from the six anti-NESARA World Court Judges. In addition, the second petition asks the World Court to replace the six biased Judges and vote on the NESARA announcement petition again by March 10th.
WE will also be taking action to encourage the World Court Judges to approve NESARA’s announcement time period. This coming Sunday I will explain what each of us can do to encourage the World Court Judges to quickly approve the NESARA announcement time period. There are things we can do to help move NESARA forward in World Court and we will be doing these things.
Also, our NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) which does NESARA demonstrations in front of the PeacePalace (home of World Court) every Friday will also be taking action to encourage the World Court Judges to approve NESARA as soon as possible. In discussions with the NTAT Team Leader, Nel, over the last month I have suggested that there be new banners used at the NESARA demonstrations which directly address the World Court. Late last night I called Nel just before she left to go to today’s NESARA demonstration in front of the Peace Palace (The Netherlands is 9 hours ahead of the Pacific time zone where I live). Some of the NTAT had already made a new banner to use after the NESARA petition arrived at World Court; the new banner addresses the “World Court” and urges the Court to approve NESARA now. In addition, I approved some new information to be printed on the back side of the NESARA'six point flyers which states: "The World Court Judges now have the authority to approve a date for The NESARA Law announcement which initiates Peace, Prosperity and Freedom for all the world’s people. We The People demand that the Judges fulfill their duty and obligation to serve Justice, and approve a date for The NESARA Law Announcement Now!"
(For those of you new to the NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT), at my request we formed NTAT teams around the world last Summer to spread the good news of NESARA to people worldwide. As the Worldwide Director of the NTAT, I frequently work with NTAT Directors and Team Leaders regarding strategies and actions to help move NESARA forward. You can join the NTAT by going to and in the top left corner, click on "Join NTAT", fill out the form and send it, and an NTAT leader in your area will contact you.)
While speaking with Nel this week, I learned a new development has occurred which shows that our NTAT activities are definitely making an important difference. Before I explain this, however, I need to describe the scene in front of the Peace Palace each Friday when our NTAT members are demonstrating for NESARA. Dozens of banners supporting NESARA in varying sizes, most at least 3 feet high by six feet long and some larger, have been made by NTAT members all over the world and these dozens of NESARA banners are displayed during the NESARA demonstrations in front of the Peace Palace/World Court. Most of these banners include the country or state from which the banner was sent and when these banners are displayed, it shows instantly that people from numerous countries worldwide support NESARA.
If you have never looked at the pictures of the NTAT NESARA demonstrations in front of the Peace Palace, you have missed a very interesting sight. The NTAT generally post the banners facing all drives going into and out of the Peace Palace and the sight of all these banners lining the drive into the Peace Palace is very impressive. (Click here to see a picture from the December 5, 2003 NESARA demonstration which shows how the NESARA banners line the drive into the Peace Palace.) The sight of all these NESARA banners from around the world is very impressive.
The reason I suggest you look at this picture is to understand the impact the NESARA demonstrations at PeacePalace are having.
On Wednesday when I spoke with Nel, she told me that she, Monique, and Miep had met with the Chief of Police in The Hague (city in which the Peace Palace is located). The Chief of Police told them that their permit to do NESARA demonstrations during the period of February 23 through March 5, 2004 is probably going to be withdrawn. The Chief of Police said that because they are expecting demonstrations related to the Israeli wall case (discussed in yesterday’s Dove Report), they do not want the NESARA demonstrations to occur during this two-week time period.
However, my sources indicate that real reason for wanting to suspend the NESARA demonstrations is that there will be many media representatives from around the world covering the Israeli wall case at World Court during these weeks and the Illuminati do not want the world to see the dozens of NESARA banners posted in front of the PeacePalace. What a picture that would make for the world’s media to include with their reports on the Palestine-Israeli wall issues dozens of NESARA banners lining the drives into and out of the Peace Palace! These NESARA banners and our NTAT members would certainly draw a great deal of attention from the media. This is the big reason the Illuminati have acted to keep NESARA demonstrations from happening during the February 23 through March 5 timeframe.
Our NTAT activities at World Court and other places and our NESARA'support activities ARE making important impacts to move NESARA forward! We will continue to take strong actions in support of NESARA. TOGETHER, WE are VICTORIOUS! NESARA NOW!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
February 14, 2004 8:46 p.m. PST
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices also took another proactive step to obtaining approval of a NESARA announcement time period from World Court as soon as possible.
Yesterday morning the four Justices sent a “notice of grievance” to the U.N. oversight committee in charge overseeing the World Court. The four U.S. Supreme Court Justices included the voting history of the six anti-NESARA World Court Judges and clearly explained why they are concerned about the bias of the six World Court Judges. In addition, the four U.S. Supreme Court Justices asked the U.N. oversight committee to pursue certain actions.
February 16, 2004 8:03 p.m. PST
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Last Friday the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices also submitted a second petition to World Court requesting that six World Court Judges who have a history of voting against NESARA to recuse themselves from ruling on NESARA unless the Court approves either March 22 or March 29, or April 5, 2004. The four U.S. Supreme Court Justices also submitted a “notice of grievance” to the U.N. about the appearance of bias in the six World Court Judges. (See last Friday, February 13 Dove Report for full details about the NESARA announcement petition, etc., at ) Also, to understand why the U.S. Supreme Court is involved, read the History of NESARA at .
Today a U.N. group of five is arriving in The Hague (city in The Netherlands) where World Court is located. These five U.N. personnel are going to World Court to investigate the decisions made by World Court Judges regarding NESARA over the past few years. They are very concerned about the pattern revealed in the records of World Court rulings related to NESARA which were included in the notice of grievance submitted to the U.N. by the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices. (To learn more about the World Court, see the Court’s website at .)
The five U.N. personnel are traveling to The Hague today and will spend time this week reviewing the Court’s records of rulings related to delaying and approving NESARA announcement time periods. Illuminati bankers and government officials have often submitted petitions asking for delays of the NESARA announcement as a strategy for causing weeks or months of delays. The five U.N. personnel are not happy with the indications of bias against NESARA which the six World Court Judges have shown.
In addition, the U.N. personnel have copies of the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices’ statements that none of the petitions seeking to delay NESARA are based on valid reasons. Therefore, the U.N. personnel would like to see the World Court avoid any appearance of bias by approving the March 22, 2004 beginning date for the NESARA announcement time period.
The U.N. group will also be interviewing each of the World Court Judges in the next few days. A notice of grievance from the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices against six World Court Judges is a very serious matter; the six World Court Judges’ records of voting against NESARA are so clear and obvious that these World Court Judges could face sanctions from the U.N.
Excerpt from Jennifer Lee’s Report.
Greetings ALL you precious COMMANDERS, EAGLES and ANGELS out there!
Thursday, February 19th, 2004
Here is THE A&A REPORT for today:
I got to speak with The Nameless Ones today! They are in a very safe place within that ancient City of Ladak. [Editor’s Note:Ladak region is located to the East of Kashemir, it is called "The Little Tibet", because it is a territory of Tibetan culture that is part of India and its capital is Leh.] They told me they have been meeting with Ascended Master Sanat Kumara [Editor’s Note: He’s called also as The King of the World, who lives in Shamballa],also known as ‘The Ancient Of Days’ or ‘LORD OF THE WORLD’. He told them ‘THE DECREE’ has gone out across the planet:
Truly—-IT IS TIME FOR PEACE to come to pass in our lives!
They told me to tell ALL OF YOU the best thing we can do is to HOLD THAT ENERGY OF LOVE and NEUTRALITY and not get ‘caught-up in the Maya [The Illusion] we see every day in the news media! We must not be ‘as the tree in the wind, swaying back and forth’—[fretting and worrying about this and that]—and being tossed HERE AND THERE by the currents of CHAOS!
We must gather ourselves UP and STAND FIRM IN OUR RESOLVE—neither bending this way or that—but standing STRONG AND IMMOVABLE IN OUR TRUTH just as the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’ which has remained immovable for aeons even when fierce stormy seas crash upon it continuously!
We must hold the SACRED CIRCLE OF NEUTRALITY and BE IN A PLACE OF PEACE. As we do this WE ARE TRULY IN THE EYE OF THE STORM! When we get caught in the Maya—‘we wear it’, we ‘identify-with-it!’ And then it becomes a burden to us. We are weighed down, and then we have lost the ABILITY TO USE OUR LIGHT TO LIFT UP OUR WORLD!
No matter what we ‘hear’ or ‘see’ or ‘witness’ may we remember—in that moment—-to REMAIN NEUTRAL AS WE BLAZE THE ROSE RAY OF DIVINE LOVE and send out THE ENERGY OF DIVINE PEACE AND SAFETY—-instead of being caught-up in the fear! We must always remember what FEAR really is! It is ‘FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL!’ It IS ALL AN ILLUSION—‘A HOLODECK PROGRAM’ created to pull us down into despair and hopelessness!
This is why every day we receive these messages from The Ascended Masters and all of these amazing beings! These messages are sent to you with so much LOVE AND CARING so that we might always REMEMBER WHO WE ARE! So we can continue TO HOLD THE SACRED FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT for this planet—NO MATTER WHAT! This is our mission! Together with the help of the Heavenly Hosts, The Ascended Masters and so many beings from many Star Nations [over 200,000 civilizations]—-we are laying A NEW FOUNDATION for our planet and for this galaxy—-IT IS CALLED NESARA!
This is what they asked me to share with you today! So dear EAGLES—it is true "LOVE AND ONLY LOVE CAN HEAL THE TRIBES OF MAN" [taken from the song: ‘Love Can Build a Bridge’]:
"Love can build a bridge—between your heart and mine!
Love can build a bridge—don’t you think it’s time? Don’t you think it’s time!"
The last thing they told me to tell you today was to ‘Please understand—NESARA IS COMING TO PASS! IT IS WRITTEN IN STONE! It has already come to pass IN THE FUTURE!’ We are simply building it stone-by-stone, brick-by-brick, each and every moment! The mortar between the bricks is our ‘Labor of LOVE’ and it will be the greatest thing we have ever participated in any lifetime!
And now, finally, here we are at THE END where the last few blocks are being put into place—even as we speak! This IS THE TIME where the greatest momentum is needed! This IS THE TIME—-WHERE OUR LIGHT, OUR COMPASSION, OUR LOVE can MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE!
Today’s ‘LAST WORD’ come from Paramahansa Yogananda:
"Divine Mother–open wide the bud of my devotion and release its fragrance, that it may spread from my soul to the souls of ALL OTHERS, ever whispering of THEE!"
See you on the Bridge.
Excerpt from Jennifer Lee’s Report.
Friday February 20th, 2004.
This is Ms. A speaking for Jennifer tonight.
Here is today’s A&A REPORT:
Greetings all you COMMANDERS, EAGLES and ANGELS!
Today I got to speak with The King Of Swords! He and I were on 94 ROCK this morning and he told the people THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11!
The Ex-Mayor of New York City, Rudolph Giuliani, participated with the New York Police Department in the September 11 Conspiracy. |
He said that on that day, September 11th, of 2001 ‘We the People’ of this planet were supposed to have our DAY OF FREEDOM because that was the day NESARA WAS TO BE ANNOUNCED! Instead—the dark cabals, which include this administration and many others, plotted, planned and committed THE MASS GENOCIDE of 30,000+ PEOPLE! He told everyone on the bottom floors of that building there were many people who were THAT DAY working to GETTING NESARA ANNOUNCED!
They were summarily murdered—-‘gunned down in cold blood’ right after the planes struck—and just before the buildings came down! The horrors that were going on above in the burning buildings along with all the chaos was used to cover-up what was REALLY HAPPENING BELOW!
The King was very intense today with what he said! He came right out and talked about how the bodies of those killed below were stacked like firewood in ‘a certain tent-in-the-park’ and how people were silenced and kept away so no one would KNOW THE TRUTH! He told how the City Government of New York, Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the NYPD participated in this and are complicit in this great ‘Crime Against Humanity’!
He said they WILL ALL BE ARRESTED and dealt with according to The Laws of God and according to The Constitution VERY SHORTLY! He said IT IS TIME NOW FOR THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11 TO BE TOLD—that there are many who are ready and willing to step forward and TELL WHAT THEY KNOW! He said right now The 9/11 Commission is SO SERIOUS ABOUT THIS and in the King’s words—‘they are moments away from cuffing-and-stuffing!’
The King Of Swords also said we are in a time period where we should ‘EXPECT THE UN-EXPECTED’ because of the frequencies having to do with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto—-with ‘sudden-unexpected movements’.
And again—please—-the King of Swords and the folks at 94 ROCK ask that YOU DO NOT CALL THEM, e-mail them, or PURSUE THEM IN ANY WAY asking any questions about what was SAID ON THE AIR TODAY! THEY WISH TO HAVE THEIR PRIVACY AND WILL NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS OR SPEAK TO YOU OR ANYONE ABOUT ANYTHING! Do we make ourselves PERFECTLY CLEAR?
The King also told me today there have been some ‘very intense scenarios’ going on around the planet! He said THE FORCES OF LIGHT HAVE REMOVED over 70 Renegade Reptilians from secret areas in the bowels of Europe having to do with the Bavarian Illuminati! And—the word through heard through the grapevine is Prince Phillip is MIA! How very interesting!
Formal Disclaimer: This is a Sci-fI 'movie, a private conversation and I love to lie!
February 20, 2004 10:27 a.m. PST. Full report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Late this afternoon in The Netherlands, the World Court Judges ended the court session and recessed to vote on the NESARA announcement time period petition. A few hours later, the Judges presented their decision in Court. The Judges ruled in favor of and approved the March 22, 2004 beginning date of the NESARA announcement time period!
When I checked last night, my sources indicated the vote at that time was nine Judges in favor and six Judges against the NESARA March 22, 2004 beginning date. In spite of Illuminati attempts to interfere this week and especially last night and this morning, the Judges remained steady in their support of NESARA and by a vote of nine Judges to six the March 22, 2004 beginning date of the NESARA announcement time period was approved!
What this means is that on Monday, March 22, 2004, about 25,000 White Knights in the U.S. military will begin being deployed around the U.S. to their NESARA announcement security duty assignments. Thousands of U.S. military reservists will be ordered to report to active duty to replace the White Knights in the U.S. military who will be doing NESARA announcement security duty.
The actual NESARA announcement is expected to occur later in the week of March 22, 2004!
A big High Five to all who have worked in support of NESARA! We have accomplished our goal of encouraging the World Court Judges to approve the March 22, 2004 date and we can now send a final email thanking the Judges for today’s important NESARA approval.
On behalf of all of us, I sincerely thank the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices, Justice Ginsburg, Justice Souter, Justice Stevens, and Justice Breyer, who have courageously taken very strong actions culminating in today’s approval of the March 22, 2004 date!
We can also send a thank you postcard to the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices: Justice Ginsburg, Justice Souter, Justice Stevens, and Justice Breyer. Their mailing address is:
U.S. Supreme Court
One First Street
Washington, D.C. 20543
Great work, everyone! Let’s continue to spread the good news of NESARA through our NESARA flyer handout activities and in other ways. We will be celebrating NESARA’s announcement in March 2004! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
February 22, 20047:56 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In order to do NESARA’s announcement, a number of massive actions must occur.
In order to protect the key banking centers in the U.S. and perform many other security tasks including preparing to arrest Illuminati government officials and others, about 25,000 of the 40,000 White Knights in the U.S. military are deployed to over 200 locations in the U.S. It takes a day or two to move 25,000 military personnel into their NESARA announcement security positions around the U.S.
Since these 25,000 White Knights in the U.S. military are active duty military, when they have to go into their NESARA announcement security duty locations, many of their regular military duties have to be handled by other military units. In some cases, active duty military groups are moved to do the normal duties of the White Knight military groups. In other cases, U.S. military reservists are called to serve for a period of weeks to do the normal duties of the White Knight U.S. military groups.
Although the White Knights in the U.S. military are paid their regular military pay during their deployments to do NESARA announcement security duties, there are other expenses which are paid by corporate foundations and wealthy individuals who support NESARA and the White Knights. Every so often, a White Knight military group conducts a fund raising campaign among wealthy NESARA'supporters to raise the money needed to pay the expenses of deploying and maintaining the White Knight military groups in over 200 locations during their NESARA announcement security duties.
In addition, all the major banking corporations in the U.S. are notified that they need to standby for the NESARA announcement and be prepared to add additional staff to carry out the banking changeover activities after NESARA is announced. After the three business days of bank closures following NESARA’s announcement, the banks will be open longer hours for a period of time. To cover these extra hours and activities, the banks will have to call in additional personnel immediately after NESARA is announced.
White Knights and bankers of central banks in other countries are also now being informed of the recently approved NESARA announcement time period. These groups in other countries must be on alert to carry out the banking and government improvements in their countries after NESARA is announced. The banks in other countries will also have to call in additional personnel to assist them in their banking improvements activities and must have advance notice of the NESARA announcement time period so they know they should be ready to call their additional personnel.
There are also about 20 NESARA announcement presenters who must be informed a few weeks prior to NESARA’s announcement so they can schedule themselves to be available in theWashington, D.C. area during the NESARA announcement time period. The NESARA announcement presenters include people directly involved with the Farmers Union whose case in the U.S. Supreme Court in 1993 resulted in rulings which form the foundation of the NESARA law (see "History" section at for details). Some other NESARA announcement presenters include three Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, Alan Greenspan, world level expert economists, experts in Constitutional Law, some U.S. Congress members who sponsored the NESARA law, and the NESARA President and Vice President Designates. (Alan Greenspan is a Libertarian whose Doctoral Thesis was on the value of gold-backed currency; see article below.)
The NESARA announcement process is expected to require over four hours. There will be no advance public notice that the NESARA law announcement is going to be broadcast. On the day NESARA is announced, there will be an unexpected break in normal broadcasting and the television and radio stations will announce they are interrupting regular programming to cover breaking news from Washington, D.C. As the NESARA announcement broadcast begins, we will see U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist do a short introduction to NESARA; then the video tapes of Bush’s and Cheney’s resignation speeches will be broadcast. Next we will see the NESARA President and Vice President Designates sworn in. The last part of the NESARA announcement will be almost four hours long and include NESARA’s history, overview, and benefits.
The 25,000 White Knights in the U.S. military can begin being moved into their NESARA announcement period security assignment locations on March 22, 2004 and it will take a few days for these security assignments to be fully covered. After the security assignments are fully covered and other final activities are in “go” status, the NESARA announcement is expected to occur.
The mass deliveries of humanitarian prosperity programs funding notices are expected to proceed in the U.S. within a few business days after NESARA’s announcement, followed by mass notifications to prosperity program members in other countries around the world within a few weeks. Although not all prosperity programs require gifting, those of us in the Big O program can use these next few weeks to work on our gifting lists.
(Please do NOT write me asking to join the humanitarian prosperity programs as these programs have NOT accepted new members since the Fall of 2000. There will be NEW prosperity programs which will be publicly announced in the U.S. and other countries after NESARA is announced. I will write about these new programs when they are officially announced.)
Within hours of NESARA’s announcement, the NESARA President Designate will declare peace and begin ordering U.S. military troops back to the U.S. The United Nations should take over the management of the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Other countries will also be required to declare peace if they wish to move smoothly through the worldwide banking and economic improvements initiated by NESARA’s announcement. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
February 23, 20046:51 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In order to understand why the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices are the main power behind getting NESARA announced now, you need to understand the history of NESARA.
In the 1970’s, a small group of independent farmers who farmed small family farms began suing the government, and later various U.S. banks, for questionable practices related to loans to independent farmers. As time went by, more independent farmers also began doing lawsuits and eventually the national, loose-knit organization of independent farmers, the Farmers Union, became involved in suing federal government agencies and banks for unlawful activities involving foreclosures of many family farms.
From the 1970’s to the 1990’s, the farmers pursued court case after court case and occasionally had to back off due to lack of financial resources. The farmers involved also discovered that they were being unfairly targeted by federal government agencies such as the unlawful Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The farmers looked for ways to deal with the IRS and discovered there was proof that the income tax amendment had NEVER been ratified by the U.S. states. Eventually the Farmers Union appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court for review of a court case they lost and the case was heard in 1992-93 by the U.S. Supreme Court. During this case, the Farmers Union’s attorneys included proof that the IRS was unlawful, that banks in the U.S. had unlawfully foreclosed on farms with the help of federal government agencies, and other government frauds.
The U.S. Supreme Court finally announced their rulings on the Farmers Union case in 1993. Because so many shocking revelations about government and banking fraud had been presented and proven by the Farmers Union, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices knew the details of their decisions could not be made public as it was going to take some time to develop and implement reformations to correct the flagrant government and banking frauds perpetrated for years on Americans. The U.S. Supreme Court Justices put the entire case under strict gag order and began working on correcting the injustices.
To read more about how the U.S. Supreme Court Justices proceeded, please read the “History” section at .
The U.S. Supreme Court Justices do have a lawful and judicial requirement to make certain that reformations are instituted to stop the frauds being perpetrated by the federal government as proven in the Farmers Union case. The Justices are ultimately responsible for making sure necessary reformations are instituted in banking and government to end the many frauds.
This is WHY the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices, Justice Ginsburg, Justice Souter, Justice Stevens, and Justice Breyer, have stepped forward to take control of making sure NESARA is announced. After years of attempting and failing to do the reformations by using “Accords” (agreements) with the Clinton Administration, the Justices decided to pursue having the NESARA law drafted and passed which encompassed all the reformations ordered in their 1993 ruling to correct the frauds.
The result was that the true NESARA law was passed for the first time in March 2000. NESARA has been passed again each year since, mainly for the political excuse that when NESARA is announced, the date of passage of NESARA will be more recent than March 2000. Politicians don’t want Americans to realize that NESARA has been blocked from being announced for years because Americans will be angry when they learn how long their NESARA benefits have been delayed.
Some people have wondered how the U.S. Supreme Court, who unconstitutionally ruled for Bush Jr. in the year 2000 Presidential election case, could possibly be the main forces behind NESARA. The answer is that there was divine intervention by Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine on the Justices and others involved related to the 1993 landmark rulings in the Farmers Union case and also as the rulings progressed to becoming the NESARA law.
However, in other matters, Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine has not intervened because Americans must go through certain experiences in order to realize how far off course the U.S. has gone and thus more proof of why NESARA is needed. For this reason, He did not intervene when the five Illuminati U.S. Supreme Court Justices unconstitutionally “selected” Bush Jr. in the year 2000 election case. You can see who the five Illuminati in the U.S. Supreme Court are in the January 2004 picture of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices at . Those Justices who ruled in favor of Bush Jr. have the words “For Bush” stamped in yellow on them. (Recent problems with accessing this and some other pages at have been corrected per our webmaster this morning.)
The other four U.S. Supreme Court Justices in the picture at are the four pro-NESARA Justices who ruled against Bush Jr. and this year have been the driving force working to get NESARA announced. Essentially, because NESARA is the implementation of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1993 rulings in the Farmers Union case, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices have the obligation to ensure the rulings and reformations are implemented.
In most court cases, Judges hand out rulings and consequences such as sentences of imprisonment or monetary fines or community service. We are accustomed to seeing Judges hand down these kinds of rulings. However, the broad spread fraud and harm done to Americans by agencies of the federal government and the Federal Reserve banking system had to be rectified in other ways; fundamental reformations of the federal government and the banking system must be made and many officials and politicians who have knowingly broken their oaths to uphold the Constitution must be removed from power. The NESARA law became the tool by which the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1993 rulings are being implemented.
Years ago the U.S. Supreme Court Justices recruited support for the NESARA reformations and in the process developed a committee of leaders whom I call the White Knight Decision Team. The U.S. Supreme Court Justices authorized the White Knight Decision Team leaders to carry out actions to handle preparations for NESARA and bring NESARA to announcement. However, from the beginning the White Knight Decision Team included numerous Illuminati double-agents posing as White Knights. Over the years, the Illuminati have periodically managed to infiltrate and control the White Knight Decision Team members.
This year, the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices (Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer) were encouraged by many people, including thousands of us via our postcards, to take control of the actions to move NESARA to announcement. After years of watching the NESARA announcement be sabotaged by Illuminati interference, the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices decided to take control of the actions needed to move NESARA into announcement.
To accomplish this, one of the things the four pro-NESARA Justices have done is issued lawful orders to the members of the White Knight Decision Team prohibiting these WK Decision Team members from doing anything related to NESARA except what the four pro-NESARA Justices specifically tell them to do. The four Justices develop all documents and orders related to NESARA and when necessary, require the White Knight Decision Team to “sign” the documentation or orders. This is how the Justices are accomplishing having the thousands of U.S. military reservists called to active duty to replace the 25,000 White Knights in the U.S. military who must be deployed around the U.S. on security duty beginning the week of March 22, 2004 when the NESARA announcement time period begins. The four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices will continue to require the White Knight Decision Team to basically rubber stamp the orders the Justices develop. The White Knight Decision Team is constantly watched to keep them from causing problems with the NESARA announcement actions.
This is the first time the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices have taken over control of the actions needed to get NESARA announced. These four dedicated people are determined to see NESARA announced this year. Let us keep these four Justices and all the people who are helping move NESARA to announcement in our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses in these weeks as NESARA’s announcement approaches. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Full Jennifer Lee’s Report.
Monday February 23rd, 2004.
Here isThe A&A Report for today…
Greetings all you beloved COMMANDERS, EAGLES and ANGELS!
This morning I was on 94 ROCK with an older gentleman of great wisdom who shall remain nameless—but I will call him ‘Dr. Joe Doe’, the physicist. This awesome being is a scientist who has been around for a very long time and has spent his lifetime working on many projects at laboratories in this area. He was there from the very beginning when ‘The Manhattan Project’ was created and he saw ‘Fat-Man and Little-Boy’ [the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki] being built. He knew ‘Oppenheimer’ personally. He is now a MAN OF PEACE and has stood beside Martin Sheen/Charlie Sheen and many others demonstrating against what these ‘labs’ have been doing that are against life. He has even been arrested for his ‘dissenting remarks’!
He talked on the air today about how the Reptilian Agenda has been ‘Retro-fitting the Atmosphere’ of Earth with ‘Exotic Space-Based Weapons’ which began way back before any of us ever came into this dimension! This was done to make the planet’s atmosphere ‘habitable’ for the Reptilians! This is why our weather patterns have been almost totally interfered with. He said all of this technology has now been ‘RENDERED IMPOTENT’ by THE FORCES OF LIGHT! He said all this space junk is still flying around out there and is being removed right now even as we speak!
He told everyone today he sat ‘in person’ and talked with Beloved Lord Sananda Kumara and John, The Baptist who are both walking on this planet RIGHT NOW and many miracles are happening in many places! He said ‘John–The Beloved’ was also there with them when this meeting took place. They told him [Dr. Joe] that he is a very courageous man to stay working in ‘that laboratory’ and keep BRINGING THE LIGHT into that place—even when others would not listen to him and his ‘dissenting remarks’!
He also talked about the beautiful book ‘The Immortal’ by J. J. Dewey which tells many stories of John,The Beloved’s immortal work on this planet. Dr. Joe Doe told everyone this book changed his life!
Here is a short synopsis taken from the book: [quote]
"Legend has it that John the author of The Apocalypse never died and still walks the Earth after 2000 years. These pages have the fascinating story of one man’s encounter with a virtual immortal." To receive a free digital copy of this book email to:[email protected] His website
Dr. Joe then said we are at THE END OF AN ERA and the BEGINNING OF A NEW AGE where everything is about to change in ways we have only dreamed of! He said please—-do not give up HOPE and throw in the towel, because things look so bad! It is always darkest right before the dawn—and he said ‘SOMETHING VERY WONDERFUL’ is about to take place on our planet. SOMETHING that WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING!
He told everyone ‘The Reptilian Agenda’ has already been stopped by THE FORCES OF LIGHT! This is why they have come! He said it is just like Michael Moore said: ‘TIMES-UP Mr. Bush!’
It’s time for ‘these ones’ to step down and surrender before they are removed by THE FORCES OF LIGHT because PEACE WILL BE DECLARED ON EARTH! This is the ONLY FUTURE that lies before us!
One last very important thing—please, this man ‘Dr.Joe’ asks, that YOU DO NOT PURSUE HIM -or- CALL HIM -or- WRITE HIM -or- ASK HIM ANY QUESTIONS! He was very clear about this today and said: ‘If you do this I will "star-69" you, and I will find out who you are—-and I WILL MAKE LIFE VERY DIFFICULT FOR YOU!’ [These are his words] He wishes to have HIS TOTAL PRIVACY and you must understand–WE ARE IN VERY SERIOUS INTENSE TIMES! This is NO JOKE! If you do any of this right now YOU ARE PUTTING YOURSELF AND HIM IN DANGER!
Not once today did Dr. Joe use ‘the N-word’ but he said everything else! He said we are about to see ‘something very magical happen on this planet—something we have not witnessed since the miraculous events that took place when John, The Baptist and Jesus were here 2000 years ago! This man said we are all going to get the chance to ‘walk and talk with these wonderful beings’ and TO DO OUR MISSIONS because this is what we came here to do! And—IT WILL BE VERY SOON NOW!
Remember the words Beloved Lord Sananda said so long ago: ‘This is the way, the truth and the life—yet greater things than these shall YOU do!’
THE ADMIRAL is the greatest TEACHER OF LOVE that has ever been on this planet. I am deeply blessed to have sat with him in his private quarters on THE NEW JERUSALEM [Mr. A is crying] and I can tell you the love within this being is beyond all measure!
IT IS ALL COMING TO PASS! WE SHALL SEE NESARA ANNOUNCED VERY SOON and HE–Beloved Lord Sananda will be there ON THAT DAY standing up on that stage with all those folks!
So dear EAGLES it is truly time to hold the place of NEUTRALITY, BALANCE and LOVE and to surrender into THE FREQUENCY OF THE MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE! It is time to REMEMBER ALL THAT WE ARE—for we are about to be called to ‘ACTIVE DUTY’!
Today’s ‘last words’ comes from Romans, 12:9-10:
"Let love be genuine…hold fast to what is good; LOVE ONE ANOTHER."
See YOU on the Bridge.
Excerpt of Jennifer Lee’s Report.
Hi! This is THE JENNIFER LEE REPORT for Friday, February 27th, 2004.
Today’sA&A Report reads…..
Greetings all you beloved COMMANDERS, EAGLES and ANGELS!
Finally I got to speak with The King Of Swords today! He has been very busy! He told me there are many amazing scenarios going on out there and PROGRESS IS BEING MADE! We may not be seeing it with our 3D eyes but much is being done behind the scenes!
He said for the past few days THE FORCES OF LIGHT and Beloved Mother Sekhmet have removed many Renegade Reptilians from various above-ground bases and underground facilities all over the planet! These ones are being sent back to their home star system known as ‘DRACOS’ where they will be tried for their ‘crimes against life’ by their own planetary tribunals. He said Mother Sekhmet has been leaving a trail of ‘that red-stuff’ wherever she goes and it is NOT A PRETTY SITE!
This is all very good news! The King also told me a story of some recent very exciting events and asked me to share this with all of you! As he did this–my Father, Lord Ashtar showed up in ‘a holographic image’ and showed me this whole story as it happened!
In the Land Of Ur, in the ancient City of Baghdad, there is a StarGate that was used for many aeons only for the Light! However, in recent times the one we know as ‘Saddam Hussein’ found a way to use it for his own dark deeds. He tricked some ‘good Iraqi scientists’ into opening it and he brought through some dark Reptilian Warriors from outside this Galaxy! Then the invasion of Iraq took place and The Coalition forces took it over.
This ancientStarGate wanted to be back to it’s ‘original blue-print of goodness’ and sent out a call for help! The call was answered by Lord Ashtar and THE GALACTIC COMMAND FORCES OF LIGHT and a ‘protective force field’ or ‘SHIELD’ manifested around it. It could no longer be used by anyone without 12 strands of DNA [ LOVE] for any dark purpose!
In the last 72 hours, some U.S. Forces and these same [now captured] ‘good Iraqi Scientists’ tried to use it again—by re-programming it to bring in more DARK REPTILIAN WARRIORS! But something very surprising happened! There was a ‘Feed-back Loop’ that went through it and instead of bringing in more dark Reptilian Warriors—it sucked out all 25 U.S. Soldier-scientists and the 10 Iraqi Scientists into the StarGate and in a ‘flash-of-a-second’ they ended up on The DRACOS Star System instead!
But this is not the end of the story! When they arrived on Dracos they were met by some good ‘Draconian Forces’ who immediately reversed the pulse and they suddenly found themselves transported into the ASHTAR COMMAND BASE between The King and Queen’s Chamber of the Giza Pyramid!
Oh my fur and whiskers—WHAT A RIDE!
When these folks ‘woke up’ they had ALL 12 STRANDS OF DNA FULLY ACTIVATED and you can imagine just how surprised they were!
Now these same 25 U.S. soldier-scientists and Iraqi scientists have COME BACK TO LOVE. They have asked permission to return to get ‘the rest of their company’ which is somewhere between 50-100 people who are stationed somewhere outside the City of Baghdad! Permission has been granted and right now these soldier-scientists, 15 Galactic Beings and some The Pachat Warriors are on their way to do just that!
This company will lay down their weapons and SURRENDER TO THE FORCES OF LIGHT and be removed by ‘Transporter Beam’ [‘beam-me-up-Scotty!’] to the same Ashtar Command Base in the Giza Pyramid where they will be lovingly granted the activation of their 12 strands of DNA as well!
The King said ‘this news’ is spreading like wildfire! The WORD HAS GONE OUT to all the U.S. and Coalition Forces stationed over there and anywhere else!
Today’s ‘last word’ comes from THE ELOHIM OF PEACE: [See ‘Meditation Of Peace’ below]:
‘I AM the Elohim of Peace. I radiate out into the world domain the vibratory action of infinite peace-a consuming fire to those who radiate out the awful vibratory action of hatred, war, and destruction and the influences of the carnal mind, but a fire of hope, a shining diadem of our love to all who see the beauty of our temple…
I tell you of a truth, the gift I give you today is a point of contact with universal peace…
In the name of the Prince of Peace I say, “Peace be unto you.”
* The Retreat of the Elohim of the Sixth Ray, Peace and Aloha, is on the etheric plane over the Hawaiian Islands.
We love you.
See You on the Bridge
March 3, 20049:39 a.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Each time that NESARA has been scheduled for announcement, the worldwide Illuminati organization has launched various sneak attacks in efforts to block NESARA’s announcement. The most famous of these sneak attacks by the Illuminati were the 9-11 attacks launched on three locations necessary to carry out NESARA’s announcement which was supposed to have begun at 10 a.m. Eastern on September 11, 2001. Because NESARA requires the resignations of the current occupants of the President’s and Vice President’s offices (Bush and Cheney) in the White House, the Bush regime ordered and carried out the 9-11 so-called terrorist attacks.
For those of you new to the Dove Reports, this may come as a surprise, however, I reported on September 9, 2001 that the last action needed before NESARA could be announced had been completed that day. I had been reporting on the progress of NESARA in the Dove Reports since June 2000 and was tracking day-by-day the events leading to NESARA’s anticipated announcement on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. There are thousands of NESARA'supporters and White Knights in the U.S. military, in Washington, D.C., and around the world who also knew that 9/11/2001 was a date set for the NESARA announcement date.
This year for the first time, the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices have taken control of the NESARA announcement process and were successful in obtaining approval from World Court for the NESARA announcement time period to begin March 22, 2004. These four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices are Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice John Paul Stevens, Justice David Hackett Souter, and Justice Steven G. Breyer. These four U.S. Supreme Court Justices voted against Bush Jr. in the year 2000 election case and are strong NESARA'supporters.
Since obtaining the approval on February 20th from World Court for the March 22, 2004 beginning of the NESARA announcement time period, the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices have been ordering the necessary actions for logistical and other support of the NESARA announcement to occur in late March 2004.
All was going well until Monday and Tuesday of this week when the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices received a barrage of phone calls and contacts from people in Congress and in the legal profession urging the Justices to DELAY the NESARA announcement until after April 15, 2004!
The Illuminati have managed to influence numerous people who have personal access to the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court to contact the Justices and give the FALSE excuse that NESARA'should not be announced until after April 15, 2004 “because it would not be fair to everyone who has already paid the full amount” of their income taxes. Illuminati leaders have strong personal reasons for wanting to delay NESARA’s announcement until after April 15th. Over 75% of the total federal income taxes paid by Americans goes to paying the Illuminati-owned Federal Reserve banking system for the bogus national debt. (You can confirm that the Federal Reserve is a privately held corporation by calling U.S. Representative Ron Paul�s office in Washington, D.C.; Ron Paul submitted a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve in September 2002.)
Last night the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices held a meeting to discuss the barrage of phone calls and contacts they have received this week regarding �delaying� NESARA until after April 15, 2004. Due to the deluge of contacts, the four pro-NESARA Justices are currently considering delaying the NESARA announcement until after April 15, 2004!
However, the Justices were not given the truth by the people who requested the delay. The FACTS are that 79% -SEVENTY-NINE PERCENT– of all people who submit tax returns with payments for so-called taxes owed for 2003 will NOT send their tax returns and payments until April 2004!
By announcing NESARA in March 2004, SEVENTY-NINE PERCENT of these Americans will be SAVED from paying the spurious income taxes they do not lawfully owe in the first place! And the Justices KNOW income taxes are not owed because the secret 1993 rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court which form the basis for NESARA found that the federal income tax was not lawful! (See History behind NESARA at for details.)
By announcing NESARA in March 2004, over NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of corporations will also be SAVED from paying the spurious corporate income taxes! Corporations almost universally wait and use their corporate funds to make money rather than pay theIRS any earlier than necessary. Most corporations wait until the second week of April to file their income tax returns and send payments for so-called taxes owed for the previous year.
WE MUST have NESARA announced in MARCH 2004 and stop the insidious Illuminati robbery of Americans’ hard-earned money!
I’m calling onALL NESARA'supporters and White Knights who have personal access to the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices to CONTACT the Justices TODAY and tell them that NESARA must be ANNOUNCED in March 2004!
I’m asking all NESARA'supporters reading this Dove Report to take action TODAY and send postcards to the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices and DEMAND that NESARA be announced in March 2004! Send as many postcards as you can TODAY to all four Justices:
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Justice John Paul Stevens
Justice David Hackett Souter
Justice Steven G. Breyer
Mail your postcards to:
U.S. Supreme Court
One First Street
Washington, D.C. 20543
Tell the Justices that they MUST announce NESARA in March 2004! It is their ethical and judicial duty to SAVE SEVENTY-NINE PERCENT of Americans and NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of corporations from paying any more unlawful federal income taxes!
These four pro-NESARA Justices NEED our SUPPORT of their taking the courageous action to announce NESARA in MARCH 2004!
I’m calling onALL White Knight corporate executives to contact the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices and URGE the Justices to announce NESARA in March 2004! You White Knight corporate executives KNOW the money that would be paid for the unlawful corporate income taxes would be BETTER SPENT improving your businesses and keeping your people employed!
WE ALL need to take action TODAY to get NESARA announced in March 2004! TOGETHER, we were successful in our campaign urging the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices to petition World Court for the March 2004 beginning date of the NESARA announcement time period. The Justices received thousands of phone calls from high level NESARA'supporters and over 60,000 postcards since January 11, 2004 urging them to get NESARA announced in March 2004!
We must demand the Justices save Americans and corporations from the Illuminati robbery of HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars that are currently needed to improve people’s lives and the economy. We demand NESARA’s announcement be done in MARCH 2004!
The four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices also need to realize that for the FIRST TIME, WE are PUBLICIZING the fact that the NESARA announcement time period BEGINS in MARCH 2004! There is a newspaper article in an important city which will likely include the fact that March 22, 2004 is the beginning date of NESARA’s announcement. We are also putting this information on NESARA flyers we are handing out in the U.S. and worldwide and are putting the March 22, 2004 beginning date in prominent locations in our major NESARA'supporting websites.
Thousands of Americans KNOW that they should not be paying any more federal income taxes as of late March 2004! If the NESARA announcement is delayed past April 15, 2004, thousands of Americans, thousands of corporate executives, and thousands more who read the press report will know that they should have been SAVED from paying the spurious taxes! NESARA must be announced in March 2004!
Please FORWARD this email to every person you know who supports NESARA and ask them to contact the Justices in support of NESARA’s announcement in March 2004!
Let�s get those contacts with the four U.S. Supreme Court Justices and our postcards going! NESARA must be announced in March 2004! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 7, 20041:21 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
My thanks to KOS, our White Knight in the White House, for sending a message to me yesterday that he was making sure more security forces were assigned to Justice Breyer and his family. I understand that within minutes of the Dove Report being sent out, more White Knight security personnel were dispatched to provide additional security to Justice Breyer and also to the other three pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices.
There were also many calls from powerful and influential NESARA'supporters to the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices offering support to the Justices in going ahead with the NESARA announcement in March 2004.
Many White Knights and NESARA'supporters helped yesterday and in recent weeks to assure the Justices that they are fully protected and supported in going ahead with the NESARA announcement in March 2004. Everyone who has expressed support to the Justices has helped to move NESARA forward.
I’ve just learned that today in their meeting, the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices have voted unanimously on a date in March 2004 for NESARA’s announcement! This moves NESARA'strongly forward and we can expect to see NESARA’s announcement this month.
Below is another confirmation I received this week from someone in Minnesota who received an “unspoken” sign from a bank president that NESARA’s announcement is expected very soon.
Let’s keep our postcards going to the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices and continue to tell the Justices we support them in announcing NESARA this month! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
The Dove Report currently has 15,183 subscribers and is read by over 310,000 people worldwide in forums on other websites and published in magazines and journals nationally and internationally.
Jennifer Lee’s Report. March 5th, 2004. Full Report.
Here is today’s A&A Report….
Greetings all you COMMANDERS, EAGLES and ANGELS.
This morning I finally got to speak with The King Of Swords for a few minutes! He told me many intense scenarios have been going on this week of which he gave no details and shall remain undisclosed!
However, he did say ‘a very great [big] lizard who held a generational seat’ within the Illuminati’s Rothschild family has been removed from Earth by ‘SHE WHO WAS HERE BEFORE THE GOD’S WERE’—Beloved Mother Sekhmet,The King Of Swords, and the Galactic Forces of Light! He said our planet can now take a big breath of fresh air and rejoice because this very good news!
He said—it truly is a day in time to rejoice and behold the frequencies of THE MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE—THE LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FAILS!
I then got to speak with The Lady Master Of The Solar Tribunal–Lady Master Nada [twin flame of Beloved Lord Sananda Kumara]. She said basically ‘the same thing as the King’ which is, ‘to—by all means—HOLD THE LIGHT and remain true to the energies of Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine and THE VIOLET TRANSMUTING FLAME!
She said, we—must not get caught in the swirling ‘MIASMA OF ILLUSION’ [the Hologram of Fear] that is being pumped out every second! She told me we are ‘in-the-process’ of NESARA RIGHTNOW—with many undisclosed events taking place behind the scenes which cannot be discussed—-and IT IS ALL TRULY COMING TO PASS—even as we speak!
Lady Master Nada told me ‘She is standing right here on earth with her hands out–and palms open just as her twin flame, Beloved Lord Sananda Kumara IS’ as well!
She said:"Healing the Atrocities Of War is MYMISSION! I come as a GODDESS OF PEACE and I answer to my Grandmother—-Beloved Mother Sekhmet who is in charge of ALL FORCES OF LIGHT!
Then She went on to say: "As Head of THE SOLAR TRIBUNAL, I WILL STAND in any Court of Law across this Universe and my ruling REMAINS FIRM! And—that ruling is:
Lady Master Nada then told us we must ‘not listen to ‘The Miasma of Maya’–or the ‘Illusion of Fear’ and become hopeless! It is designed to do just that–to pull us down into an angry cesspool of despair! She specifically said, ‘Do not allow anything to make you LOSE YOUR FAITH!
In the last few days we have received several angry messages left from desperate and fearful people ‘who have lost their faith’! These ones ‘are very angry’ and ‘all they want is their money right now’! They don’t want to help any of ‘the messengers’ who are every day bringing messages of PEACE, TRUTH and HOPE in NESARA NOW, and ‘they no long wish to believe in anything!’
Oh my!
This is very sad—because this kind of attitude does not uplift these poor souls or anyone else! And—-it certainly DOES NOT BRING OUR DEMOCRACY BACK!
After all, we must realize money–prosperity–abundance do not mean a thing without OUR FREEDOM!
It is so important to understand WE MUST PULL TOGETHER ASONE VOICE, ONE THOUGHT TO MAKE NESARA REAL! In consciousness WE ARE ‘The Unified Field of Living Light, Living LOVE’!
When we get frustrated and tired from holding this ‘burden of light’ for so long, as we all do at times, that’s the time to ask someone for help, TO SHARE LOVINGLY YOUR FRUSTRATIONS—and LOOK FOR THE GLIMMER OF HOPE OUT THERE—instead of dumping all that ‘yucky energy’ and ‘trying-to-kill-the-messengers’ who are every day giving their ALL TO DO what they have been asked and guided in their hearts to do!
Each and every one of us can ‘ignite again the ‘GLIMMER OF HOPE’ as ‘IT IS IN EACH ONE OF US!’
WE urge you—it is THE TIME TO STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT! Each one of us must find a way to make OUR VOICES HEARD—RIGHT NOW!
*Join a list -or- sign a petition!
*Write a letter to a Judge!
*Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper!
*Call or e-mail your congressmen or representatives!
*Pass out a few hundred NESARA flyers!
There are so many things we CAN DO to help NESARA HAPPEN!
And of course—the first thing to do is TOGET INFORMED! Everyday THE TRUTH is coming out in hundreds of places!
See the the full archives of DEMOCRACY NOW with Amy Goodman at This show is aired on over 210 stations—both radio and TV, every day across this nation! You can see it 3 times daily on FREE SPEECH TV, CHANNEL 9415 as well.
Also at World Link TV you can see ‘live video streaming’ of THE MOSAIC NEWS from The Middle East and THE JOURNAL NEWS from Berlin which is aired several times each day.
FREE SPEECH TV, channel 9415 on DISH NETWORK, also on the Internet at has all kinds of programming throughout the day that tells the real truth of what is going on here! It’s a smorgasbord of extraordinary world news!
Then of course there is that wonderful INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE Everyday they have a continuous stream of the latest breaking headlines in the news!
So you can see there really is NO EXCUSE FOR NOT GETTING INFORMED! All of these people who we are telling you about are SPEAKING THE TRUTH are indeed TRUE WHITE KNIGHTS. They know everything about NESARA, however they are under a strict gag order and cannot speak out!
At the bottom of today’s report is a very important ‘Worldwide 9/11 Call’ to let YOUR VOICES BE HEARD! Please do participate and you may copy and pass this on!
Today’s ‘last word’ is a song which was taken from Democracy Now today.
‘A Buddhists Prayer’
May I be peaceful and happy. May I be healthy and strong. May I be free from fear. May I be filled with love and kindness.
May you be peaceful happy. May you be healthy and strong. May you be free from fear. May you be filled with love and kindness.
May all presidents, prime ministers, dictators and despots be peaceful and happy.
May all presidents, prime ministers, dictators and despots be healthy and strong.
May all presidents, prime ministers, dictators and despots be free from fear.
May all presidents, prime ministers, dictators and despots be filled with love and kindness.
May we all be peaceful and happy. May we all be healthy and strong. May we all be free from fear. May we all be filled with love and kindness.
We love you all.
See you on the Bridge.
Jennifer Lee’s Report. March 6th, 2004. Full Report.
Here is today’s A&A Report….
Greetings again all you beloved COMMANDERS, EAGLES and Workers Of Light!
Today I got to speak with The King Of Swords again for just a few minutes. He said, ‘I am right now observing a group [somewhere in the middle east] of about 50 large [25 ft.] Reptilians [Lizards] who are about to be removed from this planet by THE LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FAILS!‘ Oh my gosh!
Then he said, ‘Any moment now—we ARE going to see NESARA! The FIREWORKS HAVE BEGUN!’
He also told me THE GALACTIC FORCES OF LIGHT and ALL OF HEAVEN and EARTH are behind and totally protecting everyone who is working feverishly toward NESARA’S ANNOUNCEMENT! They have placed FORCE FIELDS OF LIVING LIGHT around everyone, and this includes the four Supreme Court Justices as well!
THE TRUTH IS LEAKING OUT—but sometimes it is very important to ‘READ BETWEEN THE LINES’ to understand what is going on! The TRUTH ABOUT 9/11 is spilling out as well, as we saw from yesterday’s ‘World Call for 9/11’ which was posted at the bottom of yesterday’s report.
A great place to find out the whole story is at Alex Jones’ INFO-WARS.COM. Go to He does a radio show every evening from 11PM to 2AM which you can access through his website and his new book is also out , titled 911: The Road to Tyranny by Alex Jones.
To see his amazing new video Alex Jones presents 911:The Road To Tyranny, click below:
As Alex always says: ‘There is HOPE…You Need To Know The Truth!’
People like Alex Jones have ‘gag orders’ on them that are tighter than the Supreme Court Justices—so don’t bother to ask about THE N-WORD! Also today I heard that Peter Werby will be back on the air soon! We will let you know when we find out that information!
So dear EAGLES—-please JOIN US IN THE MOMENTUM OF MAKING NESARA REAL by participating in someway as we suggested in yesterday’s report! This is the time for an all out, over-the-top flood of energy PUSHING US TOWARD NESARA NOW! We have been asked to ‘anchor this’ and ‘give it our biggest push’ by The Ascended Masters–and we are passing it onto you!
Today’s ‘last word’ comes from ‘Unconscious Influence’ by Martha Smock from The Unity School Of Christianity.
"We are not separate and apart. We are one in Spirit. What affects one affects all. What is true in real sense for one is true for all. There are not a few super beings who know all Truth, who perform all the good acts; rather, there are many many people who combine their forces, as it were, who help one another—unconsciously for the most part—by their good thoughts and deeds and attitudes."
We love you.
See you on the Bridge.
Jennifer Lee’s Report. March 7th, 2004. Full Report.
This isMother Sekhmet speaking to you today!
This morning I can report to you that 50 more Lizards were removed from Earth! The affects of this is indeed going to ‘ripple-out’ across your entire planet! It is with ‘great sadness’ that WE MUST REMOVE OUR OWN CHILDREN! Every Mother knows what it is like to lose a child forever! WE feel these same emotions when WE MUST DO THIS so that AN ENTIRE PLANET CAN HAVE ITS FREEDOM AND JUSTICE RETURNED!
Tremendous events are COMING TO PASS EACH DAY that ARE affecting your very lives! In fact, YOU are surrounded by the greatest Wealth, Abundance, Truth, Wisdom, Love and Joy because—-The Kingdom of Earth IS BEING MATCHED by the Kingdom of Heaven!
The time draws nigh for this [NESARA’S ANNOUNCEMENT] to come to pass! And it is—in the process of happening even as we speak!
H-m-m-m-m-m? [sounds like a p-r-r-r-r]
Yet and still—we see it is hard for ‘some of you’ to believe in THE MAGIC [of NESARA NOW] and this is why we see so many ‘angry and upset’ people! The anger and hatred you are putting out DOES NOT CREATE PEACE ON EARTH–it only adds to the darkness instead which is a win for them! It does not solve the issues at hand—WHICH ARE ALL REALLY ABOUT YOUR FREEDOM!
And–please help these ones [the messengers] who are bringing you these reports, because WHERE ELSE DO WE [your Galactic Brothers and Sisters] HAVE A VOICE TO SHARE WHAT WE MAY SHARE? Your governments do not share this wisdom with you. Your ‘media’ does not share this truth with you. Where is THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE? Where are these Galactic Folks—your brothers and sisters who have come from so far away—going to share their wisdom with you–if not here in these messages?
This VOICE [THE A&A REPORT] is one of the sure voices of WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLANET! And WE, your Galactic Brothers and Sisters, are asking YOU to ‘PAY-IT-FORWARD’ and help these ones [the messengers] at this time; because no where else on your planet can you find this kind of news about ‘what is really happening’!
There are only two other sources, maybe—that speak of our daily presence, and this is in ‘The Pravda’, the Russian Newspaper; the other is in China where everyday The Galactic Forces and UFO’s are read about in their newspapers and recent sightings are shown on their media! There [China]—our Galactic Society and Presence is a part of their everyday reality, and over half of the population know about and believe in us.
This is how you manifest everything in your lives—you just do not know you are doing it! ‘Action’ always follows thought!
Work with THE ENERGIES OF LIGHT that are coming in! Work with what is being asked of you from the Higher Realms! BELIEVE IN THE MAGIC of what is occurring every day and you WILL SEE IT MADE MANIFEST!
Never before in this planet’s history, has there been such a ‘great awakening’ as we see now! Yes-s-s-s-s—the ‘dark ones’ are wanting to stop you, and stop this awakening. They are pulling out their entire ‘arsenal of dirty-tricks’ to try to do it!
This IS a request from GOD/GODDESS ALL THAT IS!
Do not ‘throw-in-the-towel and hit-the-showers’ yet—the game is not over! WE ARE GOING TO WIN—because YOU have something they don’t! That something is called ‘Serendipity’ and THE PRESENCE OF GOD/GODDESS ALL THAT IS and THE GALACTIC FORCES OF LIGHT who are standing right beside you!
See you on the Bridge.
March 8, 20048:16 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I’ve had some questions about how the NESARA debt relief will work in the U.S. Basically, during the actual NESARA announcement there will come a point where bank debt relief will be mentioned. In the past I was told it would be at this point that the banks in the U.S. would begin to run special computer programs to zero out their customers’ credit card balances; this is when and how the credit card debt forgiveness would be done. All the balances on any credit cards issued by banks in the U.S. would be zeroed out; this includes credit cards issued to individuals, corporations, Americans, and non-Americans. Due to the balance zeroing out process, there will probably be a period of time when no credit card charges can be processed.
Now I’m hearing that in the last few weeks several major credit card issuing banks in the U.S. have requested that the banks have “more time” to do the credit cards balances zeroing out computer processes. My sources say that today some U.S. Treasury Department officials in charge of the NESARA bank debt relief processes have agreed that the banks can have up to 72 hours to do the credit cards balances zeroing out computer processes. My sources say that at the most, it should take the banks up to 12 hours to do this credit cards balances zeroing out process.
Someone in the White Knights needs to look into this because I’m being told the ONLY reason these Illuminati-controlled major banks in the U.S. are asking for 72 hours is to cause Americans to blame NESARA for this unnecessary delay. Anyone with mainframe computer systems background knows that the zeroing out of all credit card balances is a relatively simple computer program and should only take a few hours at most to run on any of these banks� computers. In addition, the credit card charges telecommunications processes should only take a few hours to transmit all the last credit card charges to each bank. There is no excuse for the banks to have up to 72 hours to zero out credit cards balances.
As we know, the majority of large banking corporations in the U.S. and other countries are headed by Illuminati banking executives. I’m also told there are some Illuminati among the U.S. Treasury Department officials who made this decision. This 72 hours of processing is simply another Illuminati ploy to cause problems for NESARA and Americans. We won’t be able to remove the Illuminati officials in banking or the government until after NESARA is announced. We know the Illuminati will try in every way possible to sabotage NESARA; this particular Illuminati ploy can be proven unnecessary by consulting the results of the banks� past test runs of these computer programs to zero out credit card balances. These test runs generally took less than 14 hours; these tests should show that 72 hours is unnecessary.
Someone who is a true White Knight and an expert in banking computer systems needs to investigate and lodge a protest against this unnecessary 72 hours of delay. The IlluminatI 'must not be allowed to sabotage NESARA’s benefits to the people.
The details about how the other debt relief on mortgage loans, car loans, education loans, home equity loans, personal loans, corporation business loans, small business loans, etc. will be processed will be announced in a day or so after NESARA’s official announcement. For these other kinds of debt relief, Americans will have to fill out applications requesting the forgiveness and debt relief.
Once NESARA is announced, the U.S. Treasury Bank System is a reality and thus the bank loans given under the Federal Reserve banking system will not be valid. Therefore, all payments on any of these loans will be suspended for some months while Americans apply for and receive the forgiveness and relief for these other loans.
I’m asking the true White Knights and powerful, well-placed NESARA'supporters to find some ways to scrutinize every decision made about how NESARA’s improvements will be implemented. We know from past experience that the Illuminati will try to disrupt, delay, and otherwise sabotage everything about NESARA that they possibly can. We have Illuminati involved in making decisions at the U.S. Treasury Department and now we are seeing them already trying to cause problems for NESARA. Some people who truly support NESARA and have expertise in the various aspects of NESARA need to WATCH like a hawk all the implementations of NESARA’s improvements and make sure the Illuminati sabotage is eliminated. It’s going to take vigilance like we have never expended to keep the Illuminati from corrupting NESARA’s wonderful benefits to the people.
After NESARA is announced and the gag orders are lifted, we will all be able to obtain a copy of the NESARA law -every word of it- from either the official government NESARA website or the government printing office. Then many of us can help to monitor how NESARA’s improvements are being implemented and protest any attempts to sabotage NESARA’s benefits to the people.
The bank debt relief in other countries will be done according to processes and rules devised by the officials of each country. Some countries will do the debt relief very similar to how it is planned to be done in the U.S.; other countries may have different processes, rules, and timeframes.
Another person wrote to ask if after NESARA is announced, would they have to pay the back taxes that the IRS claims they owe. The answer is NO! When NESARA is announced, the IRS is officially ABOLISHED — OUT OF BUSINESS permanently! Not one more penny in income taxes will be collected by the IRS after NESARA is announced whether it is taxes supposedly owed due to a court decision or an agreement someone signed with the IRS or any other way. After NESARA’s announcement ZERO more money will go to the IRS; the IRS will no longer exist. Some IRS personnel will be put under the U.S. Treasury Department to continue processing tax refunds. ONLY tax REFUNDS will be processed after NESARA is announced. Refund checks will come from the U.S. Treasury Department.
Below are two more great confirmations of NESARA'sent to me in the last few days. One confirmation mentions a company strongly urging the person to make a payment on their credit card by March 21st. I’m hearing the credit card companies are making extra calls trying to encourage people to send their late payments as soon as possible — before NESARA is announced. Also below is a NESARA editorial submitted by Karl of our California NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) and published in a California newspaper last week. Good work, Karl!
I see from emails sent to me that I need to clarify NESARA’s announcement date. NESARA is currently scheduled for announcement this month, March 2004, after March 22, 2004. NESARA is NOT scheduled for announcement on “March 22, 2004“. March 22, 2004 is the BEGINNING of the NESARA announcement time period, but BEFORE NESARA can be announced, over 25,000 White Knights in the U.S. military will be deployed to their NESARA announcement security duty assignments in over 200 locations around the U.S. It will take a few days for these thousands of White Knights to be moved into their NESARA announcement assignments locations. After these deployments have been completed, NESARA will be able to be announced. NESARA Now.
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. World Court is the International Court of Justice in the city calledThe Hague, in the Netherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which Bush Jr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with different purposes.
The Dove Report currently has 15,210 subscribers and is read by over 310,000 people worldwide in forums on other websites and published in magazines and journals nationally and internationally.
March 13, 20041:57 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today I'm writing about several NESARA-related topics and including comments I have received regarding these topics.
One person wrote asking about the precious metals backing the new US Treasury rainbow currency.
Most of the precious metals backing the new US Treasury rainbow currency are NOT in locations under the control of the current Bush regime government. The Bush regime has fought to keep NESARA from being announced and the Clinton administration also opposed NESARA. NESARA requires the current administration and Congress must resign their positions within hours of NESARA's announcement. In the case of Bush Jr. and Cheney, they were ordered by World Court to film the video tapes of their resignation speeches after they refused knowing when they moved into the White House that they were lawfully obligated to do so. The World Court had to fine Bush Jr. and Cheney each over $8 MILLION dollars before Bush and Cheney finally complied and filmed their resignation speeches.
The people who are bringing us NESARA are people I call "White Knights" and they are NOT supporters of the status quo of our government, banking, or legal systems. These White Knights include the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Justices Ginsburg, Stevens, Souter, and Breyer; plus many high level corporate executives and wealthy visionaries; plus many knowledgeable people in the legal/judicial profession; economics experts; monetary systems experts; thousands of officers and personnel in the US military; and many others in the US and around the world. These people are all dedicated to restoring Constitutional Law and cleaning out the corruption in our government, banking, and legal systems through NESARA's improvements and other actions.
Thomas Jefferson said (paraphrasing) that when the government becomes corrupted, it is up to the people of the US to stand up and reform the government. That is what the White Knights and NESARA are doing. NESARA is the NEW American Revolution.
Over the last 30 years, several dozen wealthy visionaries and wealthy corporate executives have funded the building of stockpiles of gold, silver, and platinum in preparation for a US Treasury currency backed by precious metals. These stockpiles have been augmented by caches of gold provided by the Ascended Masters of Light through their Earth Human assistants. Most of these huge caches of precious metals are being kept in secret locations around the US and being guarded by White Knights around the clock.
These huge stockpiles of precious metals are NOT under the control of the Bush regime for the obvious reason that the Bush regime opposes NESARA and would steal the precious metals if they could.
After NESARA is announced, these great caches of precious metals will be made available to back the new US Treasury currency. There have been regular audits of these caches of precious metals to ensure there is plenty to back the new currency and that these vast riches remain secure. I personally heard a few years ago from one group who are custodians of a cache of gold in the Southwest United States and are guarding it until this gold can be utilized to back the new US Treasury currency.
I received a timely confirmation of the precious metals backed currency from Bank of America (B of A) sources this week:
~ ~ ~ ~
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:41 PM
Subject: Timely Info to Share [NESARA Confirmation]
Oh yes, getting to be old hat now in LA [Los Angeles]: B of A callers soliciting new biz [business] now admit that new gold-backed currency being put into place and should be ready in about (2) weeks. Happened with a friend a couple days ago when the caller was trying to drum up B of A biz. When asked of the new currency, the caller did not hesitate in her reply.
May the Blessings Be, G.
~ ~ ~ ~
Some banks have had the new US Treasury rainbow currency sitting in their vaults for almost three years. A week ago I was told the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices ordered shipments of additional US Treasury currency to be delivered to major banks around the time of the NESARA announcement this month. This confirmation from B of A clearly shows the banks are aware the new shipments will be in the banks this month.
One of the clear examples of why NESARA is needed and how dangerous the Bush regime is to ordinary, law-abiding citizens came in a phone call I received yesterday about a man in California, another person in the US, and a woman in Canada not being able to transfer any large sums of money in their bank accounts in the last week. In all cases mentioned, the banks said the money was frozen due to the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act, more correctly called the "Bush Gestapo act". I have checked into why the Bush homeland security agency is freezing these bank accounts and learned the Illuminati Bush-Rockefeller groups are using homeland security to freeze and steal money from innocent people who have ZERO terrorist connections. The Bush-Rockefeller groups are using homeland security to steal money from innocent people's bank accounts and the money is funneled from homeland security bank accounts to Bush and Rockefeller bank accounts. The people losing their funds do not have any powerful connections to protect them and are simply law-abiding people who happen to have large sums of money.
My sources say that the top American Illuminati headed by the Bush-Rockefeller group are "cash poor" right now due to their fortunes in Europe being frozen by the European Illuminati. Over the last few years, there have been escalating tensions between the American Illuminati "the Bush-Rockefeller groups" and the European Illuminati who have traditionally held the greatest Illuminati power. The Bush-Rockefeller Illuminati have not fully cooperated with the top European Illuminati. Now the European Illuminati are punishing the American Illuminati by
freezing their funds in many offshore bank accounts.
In addition, there are US intelligence agents who know the European Illuminati are considering "taking out" Bush Jr. in order to bring the upstart Bush-Rockefeller Illuminati groups to heel. However, Bush Jr. is being protected so he will be alive to face treason charges after NESARA is announced.
The secondary reason the Bush homeland security agency is stealing innocent people's money is that some of the top American Illuminati are planning to try to escape being charged with treason after NESARA is announced. These top American Illuminati, including some members of the Bush and Rockefeller families, are planning to leave the US after NESARA�s announcement and they will need large amounts of cash to take with them.
In these days when homeland security is aggressively stealing large amounts of money from innocent people, the conditions are far too dangerous for mass deliveries of prosperity programs funding notifications to be done until after NESARA is announced. Only after NESARA is announced will it be safe for the hundreds of thousands of prosperity programs funding notifications to be delivered in the U.S.
For those of you new to the Dove Reports, there are dozens of humanitarian prosperity programs which have been kept from lawfully distributing funds to program members due to corrupt government and banking officials' interference for over a decade. I began writing the Dove Reports in 1999 to discuss the progress of the humanitarian prosperity programs funding activities. A few years ago, the funding of these humanitarian prosperity programs became connected to the announcement of NESARA. The funds of these prosperity programs will be a significant portion of the capitalization of (money behind) the new US Treasury Bank System.
Before the 9-11 attacks, it was possible that the mass deliveries of prosperity programs funding notifications would be done just before NESARA was announced. However, after the 9-11 attacks stopped NESARA's announcement on September 11, 2001, it was clear that it would be too dangerous to do the mass prosperity deliveries without NESARA already announced. There is ZERO protection to prosperity program members from having their prosperity confiscated by the IRS or homeland security until after NESARA is announced.
Following the 9-11 attacks, the Funding Committee in charge of authorizing the mass deliveries and funding of the humanitarian prosperity programs decided to wait until AFTER NESARA is announced to order the mass deliveries of prosperity programs funding notifications. The rules were changed so that we members of the prosperity programs have 30 days (THIRTY days) to activate our prosperity funds bank accounts after we receive our deliveries so that our prosperity funds can officially be part of the money backing the new US Treasury Bank System.
In addition, the White Knights in the US military will be performing security duties for both NESARA�s announcement and our mass prosperity programs deliveries. The first priority is to get NESARA announced; then after NESARA's announcement wipes out the IRS and homeland security agencies, it will be safe to do the mass prosperity programs deliveries. The prosperity programs mass deliveries will begin in the US within a few business days after NESARA is announced. Those of us in the current prosperity programs will have up to 30 days (THIRTY days) to go to the bank and activate our prosperity funds accounts.
Regarding current prosperity funding rumors, there are three CIA DISinformation agents who have been writing emails under the name "truth warrior/tw" and these CIA agents are instructed to put out false information to try to confuse humanitarian prosperity program members. The "tw" DISinformation is hoped to cause funding problems for prosperity program members. Recently these CIA agents calling themselves "tw" have sent out a ridiculous statement that prosperity program members will have to go �offshore� to get their funds and will have to stay offshore for three years. These are TOTAL LIES. These statements are ludicrous to anyone who has actually done business with the big trading programs European and offshore banks. These offshore funding lies have come out many times and are always rejected by official sources. Per my source who has been involved directly in these trading programs with top European banks for over 20 years, this is totally false information. My intelligence sources have also confirmed many times that this "tw" DISinformation comes from CIA agents working for the Bush-Rockefeller Illuminati. Ignore the LIES being sent out by these Illuminati CIA agents; these CIA agents claiming to be "tw" will be quickly arrested after NESARA is announced.
We have had hundreds of confirmations from prosperity program members in the U.S. who have received their prosperity programs funding notifications and ALL these people reported they went to a funding bank NEAR their homes in the US to fill out paperwork and learn about their prosperity funds bank accounts. We know for a fact that there will be absolutely ZERO need to go offshore to deal with our funds. There are over 500 funding bank locations in the U.S. and most are within 100 miles of prosperity programs members' delivery locations. We will be totally safe receiving our deliveries and will be required to do our banking activities in the U.S. People in other countries will have bank funding locations close to their delivery addresses also.
I will be putting out revised Receiving Reminders for the prosperity programs members during the week of March 22, including information on how to do our gifting lists. I'm checking for the latest changes before I put out the Reminders. I see in my emails I have some questions from people about the gifting and other aspects of the prosperity programs. I will do my best to make sure your questions are answered in the revised Receiving Reminders this month.
(Please do NOT write me asking to join the humanitarian prosperity programs as these programs have NOT accepted new members since the Fall of 2000. There will be NEW prosperity programs -notably the new prosperity based on "financial redress for all Americans- which will be publicly announced in the US. There will be similar prosperity programs available to people in other countries also after NESARA is announced. I will write about these new programs when they are officially announced and remind everyone not in the current prosperity programs to apply for the new prosperity.)
The activities bringing us NESARA's announcement this month are moving steadily forward. We have an incredible opportunity to share the good news of NESARA with thousands of people around the world at the March 20, 2004 peace rallies being held in many countries and many locations in the U.S. Our enthusiastic and dedicated NESARA Take Action Team Leader, Tami T., is planning to take 50,000 NESARA flyers to the Los Angeles peace rally on March 20! I'm asking for at least 100 people to JOIN Tami in passing out NESARA flyers to the 50,000+ peace activists expected to attend this rally. Here's what Tami wrote me:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: You may want to look into this – Tami
Dearest Dove,
Raymundo and I talked this morning. He is going to take care of the cost of printing and sending that many flyers. I will be in charge of distributing every last one of them. The Los Angeles Rally expects numbers starting at 50,000 people and there will probably be more. At this point the number of my team members that will be attending is about six. However I am working at lighting a fire perhaps with a blow torch.
My sons will be carrying a huge banner and the rest of us are going to pair off into the crowd and proceed to hand out every flyer. I decided we will be best served by getting into the crowd and making sure everybody has an orange colored NESARA paper. (I read somewhere that people won't throw away orange colored paper, so I have been printing them on goldenrod colored paper the past six months, and it works! I have watched hundreds of people walking away clutching that little orange paper! I can still highlight the two points at the bottom as you suggested.) Tami
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If I could join TamI 'myself I would, however, I know we have many NESARA's supporters in California. I'm asking for 100 volunteers to join Tami in Los Angeles on March 20, 2004 at the peace rally to help hand out the 50,000 flyers that Raymundo is so generously printing. If you can arrange your schedule to join Tami at this peace rally and hand out NESARA flyers, please send an email to [email protected] with a Subject of "LA Peace Rally" asking her to send you directions and instructions and copy me at [email protected] on your email so I 'may also personally thank you for helping in this important NESARA activity.
The NESARA flyers Tami is distributing include the new information that NESARA's announcement time period begins March 22, 2004 and we expect the announcement later in the week of March 22. Many people are very excited to hear that NESARA�s announcement will remove Bush and Cheney and cause the U.S. to "declare peace" and bring home our troops. Many people at these peace rallies will be very happy to hear the good news of NESARA and learn that NESARA's announcement is expected this month!
People are spreading the good news of NESARA in other ways also. Below is a great email I received from Marika in New Hampshire who is sharing her own confirmations of NESARA with her friends and family members. Great work, Marika!
NESARA�s announcement is expected to be broadcast from Washington, DC in March days after March 22, 2004. The broadcast will be carried live in the US and also internationally. NESARA is coming! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 15, 200410:28 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I’ve had some questions about what people can or should do regarding buying or selling real estate now that NESARA is about to be announced. As I explained in the March 12, 2004 Dove Report entitled Overview of NESARA Economic, Financial, and Legal Benefits (see to read this Report), EVERYTHING will be repriced, including real estate, to SQUEEZE OUT the inflation in today’s prices due to the worthless, fiat Federal Reserve currency which is backed by nothing. The repricing activities about two months after NESARA’s announcement will reset prices on everything to a non-inflated value expressed in our new U.S. Treasury currency backed byprecious metals.
Nothing, including real estate, can remain valued at the same inflated amount based on Federal Reserve fiat money after NESARA is announced. Two months after NESARA’s announcement, real estate now for sale at $200,000 will probably be repriced to $20,000. The seller who receives $20,000 for this property will have the SAME PURCHASING power from $20,000 that they have today from $200,000 because EVERYTHING will be repriced downward at the same time.
A few days after NESARA is announced, the discussion of repricing EVERYTHING in the WHOLE United States will begin to come out of the government along with discussion of the new mortgages under NESARA regulations. At this point when the repricing and new mortgages are being discussed, many prospective real estate buyers may decide to wait until later to go through with the real estate purchase because under NESARA, some new mortgage loans will not require as large a down payment as is usually required currently. The new mortgages will have much lower interest costs and will be offered by banks a few weeks after NESARA is announced.
Once the news about the new mortgages is made public, it's really up to the buyers what they want to do, but if buyers care about saving money on the down payment, they may choose to wait until they can be approved for one of the new mortgages.
IF a buyer waits until the price reductions go into effect about two months after NESARA is announced, sellers will not actually be making less money on their sale. What you can buy with $200,000 today you will be able to buy with $20,000 after the price changes are implemented about two months after NESARA is announced. If sellers can sell their property now and KEEP the CASH from the sale until after the price reductions two months after NESARA’s announcement, their cash will buy more after the price reductions.
These comments are regarding how things will be done in the U.S. and these same things will occur in other countries in similar ways although details may vary from country to country regarding percentage of price reductions and timing of these things being implemented.
It may be beneficial for some sellers of real estate to wait until they obtain the debt forgiveness on their mortgages before they sell their property. If a seller has property for sale at $250,000 today and they owe $100,000 on the principal, after they obtain the NESARA debt forgiveness on their mortgage (which will take a few months) they can sell their property and make a much larger percentage of profit on the sale. Even though obtaining the mortgage debt forgiveness would probably require waiting until after the repricing two months following NESARA’s announcement, and they would likely sell the property at the repriced value of $25,000, they would receive almost all the $25,000 in profit minus any real estate commissions or other fees. Again, $25,000 after the repricing will buy the same amount as $250,000 buys today.
Each real estate seller and buyer must decide for themselves what the best timing is for them to buy or sell after NESARA is announced.
Below are some more confirmations of NESARA. One is from a CPA who has already attended classes on the post-NESARA improvements. Another discusses the U.S. military troops brought back from Iraq to do some of the security missions related to NESARA’s announcement. In addition, another person writes that credit card companies are flooding her with offers including sending out blank checks, which if used will open a new credit card account immediately. U.S. banks have been encouraging people to open up new credit card accounts for the last few years in anticipation of NESARA’s announcement and bank debt relief payments to the banks.
We are only one week away from the beginning of the NESARA announcement time period and we need to keep telling the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices that we support them in announcing NESARA this month, March 2004. These four Justices need to know that many people are behind having NESARA announced as soon as possible this month. Let’s keep sending our postcards to these four pro-NESARA Justices who ruled against Bush Jr. in the year 2000 election case:
Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Associate Justice John Paul Stevens
Associate Justice David Hackett Souter
Associate Justice Steven G. Breyer
Here’s their mailing information again:
U.S. Supreme Court
One First Street
Washington, D.C. 20543
For those of you new to the Dove Reports, our postcard campaign begun in January 2004 to these four pro-NESARA Justices helped convince these Justices to take over control of getting NESARA announced this year. So far, these Justices have received over 78,000 postcards from all around the world urging them to get NESARA announced before April 2004; the fact that NESARA’s announcement is scheduled for March 2004 shows our voices are being heard. We need to continue to let these Justices know that thousands of people worldwide support them in getting NESARA announced immediately. Each day this week and next week I’m sending two postcards to each of the four Justices telling them to STAY on course and get NESARA announced this month! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 16, 20047:58 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I’m answering more questions about NESARA today. By far the biggestinterest people express in emails to me is related to the financialaspects of NESARA; this makes perfect sense since all of us have to manage our financial interests.
To clarify my comments about bankruptcies, if you are currently making payments on credit card, mortgage, or other bank debts as ordered by a bankruptcy court, in this case you will have paperwork you can submit to the bankruptcy court and other authorities to obtain the NESARA bank debt forgiveness for these debts. NESARA does not directly obtain this for you; you will have to do the paperwork after NESARA is announced. The bankruptcy court judges will be educated about this.
The past decades of damage done by fraudulent banking practices and government collusion have caused harm to many people including directly and indirectly causing foreclosures and bankruptcies. This was recognized and there is a blanket approach to financially rectifying these past damages to Americans. Rather than taking the approach of the Farm/Bank Claims, there will be "financial redress" for past government and banking frauds. This “financial redress” prosperity will be available to everyadult American and will be made public after NESARA’s announcement. Thefinancial redress in the U.S. will amount to $9-10 million over ten yearspaid out in monthly installments. The monthly payments for financial redress will begin about 16-18 months AFTER NESARA’s announcement; ALLadult Americans will begin receiving about $80,000 to $90,000 US Treasurydollars a month in financial redress payments over ten years time.
Canada‘s White Knights have a similar "financial redress" prosperity program put together for Canadians which will be paid monthly. The Canadian financial redress will amount to about $5 million paid out over twelve years. I don’t know when the Canadian financial redress will begin because Canadian White Knights and the Canadian people have to clean up their government and banking system before this Canadian financial redress can be publicly announced.
Regarding immediately after NESARA is announced, the banks in the U.S. will be closed for three business days so bank personnel can do change-over functions from the Federal Reserve banking system to the new U.S. Treasury Bank System. Major retailers such as Wal-Mart and Safeway supermarkets have been informed of NESARA and many retailers will be stocking up on the new U.S. Treasury currency so they can give change in the new U.S. Treasury currency when we pay for purchases in Federal Reserve notes. Each day of the three bank closure days, businesses and corporations will have a few hours when they can go into the banks to do deposits and withdraw currency for their business needs.
Most businesses -supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants, departmentstores, etc.– will be open during the three business days of bankclosure after NESARA is announced. Some supermarkets will offer the service of cashing checks to help fill that need for the three days when the banks are doing change-over activities. The Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) will be kept fully stocked with cash at all times; ATM cards and debit cards will continue to work. Most businesses will function as usual; there is no need to worry about stocking up on food, gas, or anything else because businesses will be open as usual. There will be NO loss of money in our bank accounts due to the change-over from the Federal Reserve to the U.S. Treasury Bank System; all our money will automatically be included in the new U.S. Treasury Bank System and we will have the same amount in our accounts after NESARA is announced as we had before NESARA was announced (minus any withdrawals or deposits we ourselves do of course).
I’m hearing from our NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) that many members areplanning to go to various peace rallies around the US and world thisSaturday to share the good news of NESARA. If there are any NESARA supporters in the New York City area who can join Richard this Saturday to pass out NESARA flyers, please send an email to[email protected] with a Subject of “NY Peace Rally”. Below I’ve included Richard’srequest and Deb’s request from Australia for NESARA supporters to joinothers in sharing NESARA flyers at the March 20 peace rallies.
I also wish to publicly thank and welcome two new NTAT Directors. In recent weeks I spoke to Luis R. who was our NTAT Director for Mexico and Central America and due to a heavy work schedule, Luis asked to step down from the NTAT Director position and recommended Ricardo as his replacement. I’m very pleased to announce that Ricardo of Mexico City isour new NTAT Director for Mexico and Central America. I have also askedVida of Brazil to become our new NTAT Director for all of South Americaand was very happy to receive Vida’s acceptance of the position today. Inaddition, I recently asked Cory C. to expand his NTAT Region to includeall of Asia and Cory graciously agreed. I have also asked a person inNamibia to become the NTAT Director for Africa and hope to hear a response soon. I see that in the months after NESARA’s announcement our worldwideNTAT organization may have new and important activities which will helppeople in many countries to receive the many benefits rippling out fromNESARA.
I also thank all our NESARA supporters and NTAT members worldwide. I don’t always hear about your activities but each time you share the goodnews of NESARA with others, you give these people hope for a better futureand help to energize NESARA into announcement!
I’ve received more confirmations that various people know of NESARA’simminent announcement in emails included below. The first confirmationbelow involves a prosperity program member who received a call from a Bankof America [B of A] representative soliciting new account business. I’veheard that other prosperity program members are also receiving these callsin areas where B of A is the prosperity program funding bank. Two B of Apersonnel in the L.A. area have confirmed the gold-backed currency isexpected to be available this month and the only gold-backed currency is the new U.S. Treasury currency which will be released with NESARA’sannouncement. Another confirmation below involves some White Knight U.S.military units who will be doing security duty for the NESARAannouncement.
Also below is an email from Milson confirming that Canada will soon have new currency. Canada is expected to announce its own gold-backed new currency very soon after the NESARA announcement.
More and more people are confirming in various ways that NESARA’sannouncement is expected soon. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 17, 20048:25 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
As of today, the four U.S. Supreme Court Justices are staying firm in their plans to have NESARA announced this month. As we have seen in the emails I’ve been receiving and sharing in the Dove Reports, the Justices’orders for White Knights in the U.S. military to perform NESARA securityduties are being carried out. All is going well now as actions steadilymove toward bringing us NESARA’s announcement this month.
I’ve had some questions about the financial redress prosperity. Mostcountries which have corrupt governments and banking systems using fiatmoney similar to the Federal Reserve also have their own White Knights whowant to correct these problems. These White Knights plan to cause government reforms in their own countries and to ensure the new banking improvements are carried out.
The “financial redress” about which I wrote yesterday is a lawful way torectify damages done to people due to purposeful fraud by corrupt, Illuminati-controlled governments and banking systems worldwide. There is a main principle in law that if someone is injured, there should be effort made to rectify the damage. The corrupt banking systems have caused financial damage to many generations of people worldwide. Fraudulent lending practices, fraudulent foreclosures of homes and businesses, and other bank fraud have resulted in robbing hard-earned money and assets from generations of people.
We know for example that White Knights in Australia are pursuing various strategies to breakAustralia free of their corrupt Illuminati government and the UK/Queen legal connections to Australia. One of the strategies Australia‘s White Knights are pursuing is a court case in the British high courts but this case is not expected to move forward until after NESARA is announced.
We also know there are White Knights in Britain who are poised to expose the lies and take down the Illuminati Blair government and end the Illuminati monarchy as well as completely reform how government works in Britain to remove the corruption.
White Knights in the European Union are also preparing to bring about governmental reforms in each country and also in how the European Union itself operates. The European Central Bank is expected to announce the Euro is backed by gold within three business days of NESARA’sannouncement.
White Knights will take action to make massive banking and governmentimprovements in each country which uses fiat money and is controlled by corrupt government officials. Once these government and banking improvements are implemented, then the White Knights in each country can announce the “financial redress” prosperity for which citizens can apply.
The vast sums of money to fund these financial redress prosperity activities have begun being generated in the revenue generation processes formulated by Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine in the 1700s and given to German bankers at that time. These revenue generation processes have been kept secret by top bankers and available only to the wealthy until recent years when wealthy visionaries initiated new prosperity programs for non-wealthy people who wish to do humanitarian projects.
I’ve had some questions recently about the humanitarian prosperity programs and the Farm/Bank/Agri Claims program. Yes, over 50 prosperity programs including 31 humanitarian prosperity programs and the Farm/Bank/Agri Claims program will be funded AFTER NESARA’s announcement. The mass deliveries of prosperity programs and Claims funding notifications will begin in the U.S. within 3-5 business days after NESARA is announced.
White KnightU.S. military will provide security for the prosperity programs and Claims funding notifications deliveries. First these White Knight U.S. military must provide the security for NESARA’s announcement. Then once NESARA is announced and certain security assignments have beencompleted, some of these White Knights U.S. military troops can be sparedto do security for the funding notifications deliveries.
I will be putting out revised “Receiving Reminders” providing informationto humanitarian prosperity program members about things we need toconsider as the time approaches to receive our funding notificationsdeliveries and things to do after we receive our deliveries. I expect to put out the revised Receiving Reminders next week.
ZERO mass deliveries of prosperity programs will occur until AFTER NESARA’s announcement. This week’s rumors that prosperity deliveries are happening this week are not true. I understand some people waited all last evening hoping for their deliveries and were very upset the deliveries did not occur. Regardless of the rumors, the mass deliveries will NOT occur until AFTER NESARA is announced; people are wasting their time paying attention to the false rumors of deliveries this week.
There is a plan for worldwide prosperity to be brought about in various ways in the next six years. The financial redress prosperity will be part of creating this worldwide prosperity and it’s no accident that NESARA’sannouncement is setting up the conditions which support the beginning ofworldwide prosperity. When there is worldwide prosperity, people will notbe forced to work at jobs they dislike in order to survive.
The plan is to bring the world’s people out of the shackles of povertywhich tremendously limits them in expressing their potentials. Theworldwide prosperity is part of what is needed to enable people to trulyreach their highest potentials. When people have prosperity, they will make contributions to the world based on their own unique interests and abilities. People will reach out and do what they are drawn to do to serve the world in their own ways.
NESARA also brings new conditions such as the restoration of Constitutional Law which enable the public unveiling of thousands of advancements in technology, energy sources, medical therapies, transportation, and much more. Many new advancements will make certain products and services obsolete. Just as more people are receiving their prosperity and choosing not to work for money, many of the jobs they held will become obsolete due to new options and advancements. All is in process to bring worldwide prosperity and advancements so these improvements dovetail in great synchronicity.
NESARA also ushers in new conditions worldwide which will help make war obsolete. The world’s people have increasingly called for peace andthere’s much excitement as people prepare to go to the peace rallies thisSaturday and share the good news that NESARA brings peace with peace activists. I’m hearing from people who are getting together with otherNESARA supporters at the peace rallies to hand out NESARA flyers andlooking forward to having a good time meeting others of like-mind who support peace.
I’m asking again for more volunteers to join Tami in Los Angeles on March20, 2004 at the peace rally to help hand out 13,600 NESARA flyers. We’veheard from some great people who are volunteering and looking forward to meeting other like-minded folks when they meet at the LA rally. If you can arrange your schedule to join Tami at the LA peace rally and hand out NESARA flyers, please send an email to[email protected] with a Subject of “LA Peace Rally” asking her to send you directions andinstructions. My thanks to those who have volunteered. From talking withTami it sounds like everyone will have a good time at the rally and at the socializing afterward.
We are days away from celebrating NESARA’s announcement — the greatestcelebration for peace on the planet in many years! NESARA brings peace. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthyperson. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. World Court is theInternational Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in theNetherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which Bush Jr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with different purposes.
March 18, 20041:35 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Regarding which mortgages, car loans, personal loans, business loans, etc. given by banks, mortgage companies, car dealers, etc., come under NESARA’sdebt relief, there are two requirements. Basically, the person requestingthe debt relief on these loans must be a citizen/natural person/sovereign of the U.S. and the person must have made at least ONE payment on the loan.
Education loans backed by the government are also funded by banks and these loans are an exception to the “at least one payment” rule because education loans have deferred payment plans. All education loans up to the date of NESARA’s announcement will be subject to NESARA’s debtrelief.
However, regarding other loans even if someone has a new loan and has madeonly one payment on a new mortgage loan or car loan or other kind of loan, these loans will still be subject to the NESARA debt relief.
Someone wrote to ask what will happen to various federal government agencies which currently have too much power to intrude on people’s livesand choices. They asked about the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), FDA (Food & Drug Administration), CIA, FBI, IRS, etc.
The IRS will no longer exist after NESARA’s announcement as theannouncement includes the immediate closure of the IRS. Some IRSemployees will be assigned to the U.S. Treasury Department to process tax REFUNDS and some IRS employees and facilities will be transferred to the U.S. Treasury Department to collect the new national sales tax on new, non-essential items which will fund the government.
The other federal agencies including FTC, FDA, CIA, FBI, SEC, NSA, and many more will be dramatically reformed due to the fact NESARA wipes out many of the laws upon which these agencies base their activities. The key theme of these reformations involves these agencies being forbidden to impose on the privacy and rights of Americans. Our rights under the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are being restored by NESARA and all government agencies will be required to cease snooping, spying, and interfering in Americans lives to a very large extent. NESARA allows for many issues these agencies handle to be handled in different ways that do not require government agents to interfere with people’s private lives andcivil rights except in very LIMITED circumstances.
The missions of these agencies will change after NESARA is announced. The CIA, which has become almost a secret autonomous agency operating outside acceptable parameters, will be shut down and the valid intelligence functions handled by the CIA will be incorporated into other vastly reformed federal government intelligence agencies.
Many treaties which are building blocks of the Illuminati’s worlddomination plans will be null and void after NESARA is announced becausethese are unconstitutional. This includes NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and other Free Trade Agreements made by recent federal administrations. Also null and void will be the US membership to the WTO (World Trade Organization) and other such organizations. US companies can continue to do business with organizations in other countries but will have to do business under free market economy conditions as supported by the return to Constitutional Law.
Attorneys, judges, law enforcement, and government agents and officials will have to attend educational courses on common law/Constitutional Law after NESARA is announced. I’m hearing some Certified Public Accountantsare already attending such workshops and courses. Stockbrokers, financialadvisors, and financial planners will also have to attend these courses and learn how to do financial planning and how economies work when major banking systems and currencies are backed by gold.
As we go about spreading the good news of NESARA at peace rallies around the world, I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of numerous people who have translated certain NESARA information into various languages. Most of these translations of NESARA information and Dove Reports can be found on our website. Our NTAT Director for Europe, Richard, has developed this website – – which displays the flags of many countries on this link. When people click on the flag of their country they are taken to NESARA information in their own language. As we spread the word of NESARA around the world, we can also refer people to this website if they do not read English.
I’m hearing that numerous groups of NESARA supporters are going to various peace rallies around the world to spread the good news that NESARA brings peace and other benefits to the world. I’m asking all of you who aregoing to these peace rallies to TAKE DIGITAL PICTURES of your group handing out NESARA flyers and any NESARA banners you may display and send the pictures to us at[email protected] with a small caption for each picture telling us what is happening in the picture and the first names of the NESARA supporters in the picture. For examples of pictures with captions, look at the pictures of the last NESARA demonstration at World Court here:
Below is the report from our NTAT team at the World Court NESARA demonstration last Friday where Chinese tourists received copies of our new NESARA flyers translated into Chinese. My thanks to my nephew, Rory, for translating the NESARA flyers into mainland Chinese.
With each day we are closer to seeing NESARA’s announcement. Howwonderful that we can share the good news of NESARA with peace supportersaround the world this Saturday. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 21, 20046:47 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Tomorrow, March 22, 2004, is the beginning of NESARA’s announcement timeperiod.
The first actions that must happen involve the deployment of 25,000+ WhiteKnights in the U.S. military who are doing NESARA announcement security duty. These 25,000+ White Knights must be moved to over 200 locations in the U.S. None of these deployments can lawfully happen until after the NESARA announcement time period begins. Therefore tomorrow is the first day that these thousands of White Knights in the U.S. military can begin moving to their NESARA security duty assignment locations.
It’s expected that it will take a few days for the 25,000+ White Knightsto be moved around the U.S. into their security assignment locations. These White Knights will be handling security around many large banking centers, will provide security for many new U.S. Treasury currency shipments to the banks, will be ready to put numerous Illuminati officials and Illuminati bosses under arrest when NESARA is announced, and many other security duties.
There are about 20 NESARA announcement presenters who are also going to be moving into position this week. The NESARA announcement will be broadcast live from Washington, D.C. Not all NESARA announcement presenters live in the D.C. area however, the four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices have ordered the NESARA presenters to be present in the D.C. area beginning tomorrow.
It will take a few days for the White Knights in the U.S. military to move into positions and some other last minute actions to be completed. Once these things are ready, the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices will order the actual announcement to go forward.
Mass deliveries of the prosperity programs funding notifications will be done with security provided by the White Knights in the U.S. military. The mass deliveries will begin within three to five business days AFTER the NESARA announcement. I will send out newly revised Receiving Reminders and information about gifting lists later this week.
(Please do NOT write me asking to join the humanitarian prosperity programs as these programs have NOT accepted new members since the Fall of 2000. There will be NEW financial redress prosperity programs which will be publicly announced in the U.S. and other countries after NESARA is announced. I will write about these financial redress programs when they are officially announced and remind those of you not in the current prosperity programs to apply for the financial redress prosperity. For more details on the financial redress prosperity, read theMarch 16, 2004 Dove Report at .)
This is it! The countdown to NESARA’s announcement starts tomorrow! Let’s keep all who are bringing NESARA to the world in our prayers,meditations, and energy work focuses this week. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 22, 2004 8:59 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Last Saturday many NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) spread the good news of NESARA at peace rallies around the world. In addition to the great report below of some NTAT at peace rallies in the US and Canada, I’ve received other reports which I will be sharing in the Dove Reports this week.
To see pictures of our NTAT teams sharing NESARA at various peace rallies, click on (click on the word "pictures" for Crawford TX pictures). To send pictures of NTAT and NESARA supporters at peace rallies, send an email to [email protected] and attach your pictures to the email as regular .jpg files. Do not send .zip files as zip files are currently being used to spread Internet computer viruses.
Although we are accepting emails with attachments of pictures, I never send Dove Report emails with attachments. If you ever see an email appearing to come from Dove and the email has an attachment, DELETE the email as it is NOT from Dove, but from an imposter and could contain a virus.
Today groups of White Knights in the US military began traveling to their NESARA announcement security duty assignments around the U.S. More than 25,000 White Knights in the U.S. military are being quietly deployed to over 200 US locations to provide security to banking centers and other NESARA resources. Once these and other key actions are completed, the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices will order the NESARA Announcement Presenters to do the announcement.
There will be no advance notice of the NESARA announcement broadcast. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), also known as the Emergency Alert System, is being controlled by White Knights and when they throw the switch, the EBS will take over numerous major networks and broadcast the NESARA announcement from Washington, D.C.
NESARA is coming! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 24, 200410:20 a.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The four pro-NESARA U.S. Supreme Court Justices, Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer, are being attacked in petitions filed in US Supreme Court by influential Illuminati groups and individuals challenging NESARA and these four Justices� right to bring NESARA to announcement. To date a total of 44 such petitions have been submitted to the Court in the last three weeks. These petitions are personal attacks on the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices and threaten professional sanctions against the Justices and demand that the four Justices cease all actions related to moving NESARA into announcement. My thanks toKOS, our White Knight in the White House, for confirming this morning that these threat-filled Illuminati petitions have been submitted to the US Supreme Court.
In the Fall of 2000, the World Court ruled on this issue of NESARA and the U.S. Supreme Court’s right to implement their 1993 rulings (see History behind NESARA at ) requiring sweeping government and banking reforms through the NESARA law. TheWorld Court ruled against the Clinton administration’s challenge against NESARA and thus this question has basically already been addressed by the highest court in the world and NESARA was upheld. In addition, the World Court upheld the right of the four pro-NESARA Justices to control the announcement process of NESARA in the World Court‘s February 20th approval of the March 22, 2004 beginning date of the NESARA announcement time period.
These current petitions attacking the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices are Illuminati tools of intimidation and coercion cloaked in legalese and legal processes. The Illuminati are using every effort they can to try to keep NESARA from being announced and these malicious petitions are weapons in the Illuminati’s war against NESARA and the White Knights.
These threats against the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices are having a psychological impact on the four Justices that is depleting their strength to push NESARA into announcement immediately. In attempting to deal with this flood of petitions attacking them, the four pro-NESARA Justices are slowing down in their efforts to get NESARA announced this month. There ultimately is NO legal basis for these petitions but the coercion and threats in these petitions are having a detrimental impact on the four pro-NESARA Justices.
The four pro-NESARA Justices’ current concern is that the five Illuminati US Supreme Court Justices might decide to go ahead and do an immediate hearing of one of these petitions attacking NESARA and the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices. In this situation, the four pro-NESARA Justices would have to recuse themselves and be replaced by other temporary Justices for the purpose of hearing one of these petitions against NESARA and the four Justices.
If this happened, these four pro-NESARA Justices are worried about going ahead with ordering NESARA’s announcement and this worry is now causing the four Justices to consider delaying NESARA’s announcement up to two weeks!
These four pro-NESARA Justices NEED to be reassured TODAY that they DO have the power to go ahead with the NESARA announcement regardless of what the five Illuminati US Supreme Court Justices might do. There is absolutely NO lawful REASON to delay NESARA’s announcement even one minute due to these malicious Illuminati petitions.
Even if the five Illuminati Justices voted to hear one of the 44 Illuminati petitions against NESARA (the nine Justices vote on what petitions to hear and a five to four vote would allow a petition to be heard) and even if the five Illuminati US Supreme Court Justices then ruled against the four pro-NESARA Justices’ right to get NESARA announced, an appeal of the situation to World Court would result in the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices being upheld in their rights to get NESARA announced. These Illuminati petitions attacking the four pro-NESARA Justices serve many purposes including trying to coerce the Justices into delaying NESARA’s announcement, trying to diminish the four pro-NESARA Justices ability to get NESARA announced, and trying to cause weeks of delays if possible.
Our four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices NEED TO HEAR from many powerful NESARA supporters TODAY strongly urging them to go ahead with NESARA’s announcement and telling the Justices that they will be protected from the threats and any damaging impacts by these petitions! It would be especially helpful if our pro-NESARA World Court Judges would unofficially call the four pro-NESARA Justices and offer their support and reassurance as well.
I’m asking all powerful NESARA supporters who have lines of contact to the four pro-NESARA Justices to IMMEDIATELY contact the Justices and strongly urge them to go ahead with the NESARA announcement immediately! I’m hearing the White Knights in theUS military have successfully arrived at their NESARA announcement security duty locations and therefore this necessary action is completed. My sources say that although there are other actions in process for the NESARA announcement, the four pro-NESARA Justices do have the capability to get NESARA announced later THIS WEEK!
All of us, who do not have direct contact with the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices, can send our own flood of postcards to the Justices today urging them to ignore all threats and get NESARA announced this month! Here are their names and their mailing address:
Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Associate Justice John Paul Stevens
Associate Justice David Hackett Souter
Associate Justice Steven G. Breyer
Mailing address:
U.S. Supreme Court
One First Street
Washington, D.C. 20543
I called the U.S. Supreme Court this morning and learned that the Justices were expected to end the court hearing of oral arguments on the Pledge of Allegiance case by noon Eastern today. This means that the Justices are probably available to accept phone calls this afternoon and evening. I’m strongly requesting every influential NESARA supporter and White Knight who has the ability to contact the four pro-NESARA Justices to CALL them TODAY and URGE the Justices to get NESARA announced THIS WEEK!
We need NESARA Now! Let’s all do our parts. Please forward this news to all powerful NESARA Supporters and White Knights who might be able to help boost the confidence of the four Justices to get NESARA announced this WEEK! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
PS: I am not posting the revised Receiving Reminders today as this situation related to the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices is priority.
March 24, 20045:26 p.m. PST. Full Report. Second report of the day.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
It’s critical that the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices realize they have the full support and power to order NESARA’s announcement this week! The timing is so critical right now that I’m taking the unusual action of posting a SECOND Report today on this extremely vital issue.
It’s crucial thatALL White Knights and strong NESARA supporters who can personally contact the Justices do so immediately and urge the Justices to get NESARA announced this week!
The Justices originally picked a date during this week on which to announce NESARA. There is absolutely NO reason for the Justices to swerve away from announcing NESARA on this already planned date this week. The White Knights in the US military are all in position and waiting to carry out their NESARA announcement security duties. The 20+ NESARA Announcement Presenters are all in Washington, D.C., waiting to be called to do the announcement. These are the key elements that must be ready before the four Justices can order NESARA’s announcement to be done; these key elements are READY!
Although there have been some phone calls to the four pro-NESARA Justices Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer today urging them to ignore the malicious Illuminati petitions being submitted to the US Supreme Court and threatening the four Justices, there MUST be MORE CALLS made from influential NESARA supporters to the Justices IMMEDIATELY.
I’m strongly requesting all pro-NESARA Judges in the U.S. to immediately call the four Justices and discuss the 44 malicious Illuminati petitions and assure the Justices that the Justices DO HAVE full power and authority to immediately order NESARA’s announcement. The Illuminati petitions would be thrown out without being heard by any truly lawful court but since there are five Illuminati Justices sitting on the US Supreme Court bench, the four pro-NESARA Justices NEED to hear from other pro-NESARA Judges in the federal and state court systems that these Judges fully support the Justices in ignoring the Illuminati attacks and ordering NESARA’s announcement this week!
Two pro-NESARA World Court Judges did call Ginsburg and Souter today to reassure them that that the four Justices do have the lawful authority to get NESARA announced immediately. I’m asking these two pro-NESARA World Court Judges to also call the Justices Stevens and Breyer and give them the same assurance. In addition, I’m asking the other pro-NESARA World Court Judges to also call Justices Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer and assure them the four Justices do have all the lawful authority they need to order NESARA’s immediate announcement.
In addition, I’m asking influential pro-NESARA corporate executives and powerful White Knights to call the Justices all this evening and tomorrow urging the Justices to get NESARA announced this week!
All who call the four Justices need to urge them to GO ON the OFFENSIVE and pre-empt the Illuminati attacks by launching NESARA’s announcement THIS WEEK! No war was ever won without major offensive actions and this is exactly what is needed now to defeat the Illuminati and get NESARA announced!
There are SERIOUS RISKS to delaying NESARA’s announcement past March 31. The Justices MUST feel empowered and supported to go ahead with NESARA’s announcement THIS WEEK!
In addition I’m asking that all powerful NESARA supporters and White Knights who have the ability to contact the five Illuminati US Supreme Court Justices, (Rehnquist, O’Connor, Thomas, Scalia, and Kennedy) to contact these Illuminati and inform them that it is in their best interests NOT to attempt to hear one of the Illuminati petitions against the four pro-NESARA Justices. These five Illuminati Justices need to know they are NOT immune to consequences if they pursue this Illuminati attack on the four pro-NESARA Justices.
Justices Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyers DO have the lawful authority to ignore these Illuminati attacks and order NESARA’s announcement to be done THIS WEEK. MORE powerful NESARA supporters need to give the Justices the full support they need to order NESARA’s announcement THIS WEEK!
I’m asking everyone who knows White Knights, knows federal and state Judges who support NESARA, knows World Court Judges who support NESARA, and who knows corporate executives who support NESARA to forward this extremely crucial NESARA news to these people. We must rally overwhelming support for the Justices to go ahead with NESARA’s announcement this week!
These four Justices are the CRUCIAL link to getting NESARA announced in this time period and it’s absolutely critical that these four Justices stay FIRM on their plan to get NESARA announced THIS WEEK. The only thing currently needed to make NESARA’s announcement a reality is for these four Justices to feel empowered and order the announcement to be done and we will see NESARA’s announcement on television. Everything else is ready and being kept ready! Please forward this email and this news to everyone who can help!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 25, 2004 9:04 a.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The four pro-NESARA US Supreme Justices (Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer) need MORE support and backing from influential NESARA supporters. In particular, they need phone calls from pro-NESARA Federal Court System Judges in the US urging the four Justices to announce NESARA in March 2004!
If you know a pro-NESARA Judge in the Federal Court System, please contact this Judge immediately and tell the Judge that the four US Supreme Court Justices in charge of getting NESARA announced are being attacked with malicious petitions to the Supreme Court and threats of disbarment by Illuminati groups and individuals. About half the Judges in the Federal Court System, know about NESARA and many insiders know that for the first time, the four Justices are in control of ordering NESARA’s announcement.
I’m calling on the East Coast Coalition, who are members of the big prosperity prOgram, to please CALL the four Justices and give them your support in these critical hours. Since many of you in the East Coast Coalition are attorneys, you also know some Federal Judges who support NESARA. I’m asking you to contact pro-NESARA Federal Judges and strongly request they also call and urge the four US Supreme Court Justices to go ahead with NESARA’s announcement immediately. Some of you attorneys in the East Coast Coalition have called some of the four Justices. I’m asking ALL of you to call Justices Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer and urge them to ignore the Illuminati petitions and get NESARA announced THIS WEEK!
YOU can help ensure NESARA is announced THIS WEEK and the prosperity funding will occur within 5 business days after NESARA’s announcement. All aspects of funding the prosperity programs have been completed. Mass deliveries can begin in the US next week; first we need NESARA announced this week. By getting NESARA announced this week, FUNDING will be NEXT week! This is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE! Please DOALL you can to make this happen!
You East Coast Coalition members fought a hard fight in the year 2000 and made some progress only to be stopped by the Illuminati Bush-Rockefeller gang in November 2000. You can reverse that defeat now by helping get NESARA announced which brings you your prosperity funding. Neither you nor any other member of the 50+ prosperity programs has your prosperity funding because NESARA needs to be announced first. Now you have the opportunity to help get NESARA announced by giving support to the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices at this CRITICAL time when it IS POSSIBLE to get NESARA announced immediately! Once the Justices make the decision, they can carry out their plan and have the NESARA announcement on television IN JUST A FEW HOURS time!
I’m asking those of you in the East Coast Coalition who have called the Justices to make sure every one of the East Coast Coalition attorneys also calls the four Justices. I’m asking you to make sure all of you also contact every pro-NESARA Federal Judge you know TODAY and ask the Judges to urge the Justices to do NESARA’s announcement this week. YOU East Coast Coalition members have your own network and you KNOW the four Justices are in charge. This is our big chance to get NESARA announced. Pull out all the stops and let’s get this done!
Some of the pro-NESARA World Court Judges have called the four Justices, however, we needALL the pro-NESARA World Court Judges to call all four Justices and urge them to do NESARA’s announcement this week! You pro-NESARA World Court Judges also have done your best to rule in righteousness in support of NESARA against heavy odds; YOU also can claim victory by doingALL you can to help get NESARA announced. If you pro-NESARA World Court Judges know other high level Judges who support NESARA and know the Justices, please contact these other Judges and ask them to immediately call the Justices and urge them to do NESARA’s announcement THIS WEEK/this month!
In addition, I have sent a message to one of our top White Knights in D.C. and I’m calling all our White Knights, all our corporate executives and other influential NESARA supporters to TAKE ACTION and help rally support for the four US Supreme Court Justices in these CRUCIAL HOURS! Those of you with direct access must call the Justices and urge them to do NESARA’s announcement THIS WEEK! If you know pro-NESARA Federal Judges, request the Judges call the Justices and urge them to do NESARA’s announcement IMMEDIATELY THIS WEEK/this month!
It’s EXTREMELY CRITICAL that the four Justices get NESARA’s announcement done in March 2004. For the first time ever, all the White Knights in the US military have been moved into their security positions without a single problem delaying them. Also for the first time ever, all the NESARA Announcement Presenters are in Washington, D.C., awaiting doing the announcement without any interference causing delays. ALL the other actions necessary prior to NESARA’s announcement have been carried out without any delays.
ALL is in readiness for NESARA’s announcement! Today, it is only the four Justices� fear of the malicious Illuminati petitions against them submitted to the US Supreme Court which is stopping them from getting NESARA announced. As of this morning, there are 46 such petitions submitted to the Court. These threats MUST be NULLIFIED by MASSIVE support from influential people, particularly pro-NESARA Judges and high level attorneys, URGING the four Justices to announce NESARA this week!
This MIRACULOUS readiness will not last into April. The four Justices MUST get NESARA announced in March 2004! I cannot give details � I can only state that NESARA MUST be ANNOUNCED in MARCH 2004!
The miraculous readiness will NOT last into April 2004. The four Justices have not been in charge before so they may not realize how stupendous it is to have ALL in readiness without any delays! But, this readiness will deteriorate after March 31, 2004. The Justices MUST get NESARA announced in March 2004!
Furthermore, there is NOTHING stopping the four Justices from getting NESARA announced THIS WEEK, except their fear of these Illuminati petitions. We literally could see NESARA’s announcement within mere hours from now, THIS WEEK, if enough of the right people call the four Justices and urge them to do NESARA’s announcement this week!
Less than 24 hours have passed since I sent out the first Report asking for people to call the four Justices. Not all influential NESARA Supporters who have personal contact with the Justices have heard of the need to call the Justices.
If you know any of these influential people, you MUST step up and act NOW -request anyone you know with access to the four Justices to urge the Justices to do NESARA’s announcement immediately THIS WEEK/month! DO your part — we are all in this together! It’s time to be courageous and take action to get NESARA announced NOW for the benefit of yourself, your loved ones, your country, and the world!
To all of you who read the Dove Reports and support NESARA, I say: YOU MUST take action TODAY for your own sake and the sake of your loved ones. I’m asking you to send one postcard to each of the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices TODAY or as soon as possible. Yesterday, Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine explained to me that when we put the postcard into the mailbox, our energy at THAT moment INSTANTLY TOUCHES the Justices with our intent and message urging them to get NESARA announced THIS WEEK! Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine explained it does not matter when the postcard is received, the IMPACT of our energy is FELT by the Justices the INSTANT we put the postcards into the mailbox!
All of us who want the benefits of NESARA and all of us in the prosperity programs who want our funding CAN have an INSTANT IMPACT which helps get us NESARA and our prosperity funding! WE have the ability to energize NESARA and our prosperity into our lives! I’m asking ALL of you to take action TODAY and make sure you put one postcard to each of the four Justices urging them to announce NESARA THIS WEEK into a mailbox in the next 24 hours. The moment you put your postcards into a mailbox, the Justices WILL GET your message and feel more energized to move NESARA into announcement IMMEDIATELY!
To give you an example of an effective message, here’s what I’m writing on my postcards today:
Dear Justice Ginsburg, (Souter, Stevens, Breyer)
You are fully supported in getting NESARA announced THIS WEEK! Millions support NESARA being announced NOW! Please get NESARA announced THIS WEEK!
Dove of Oneness
Please get your postcards into the mailbox ASAP! Here’s the Justices� names and mailing address: Justice Ginsburg, Justice Souter, Justice Stevens, Justice Breyer.
Mailing address:
US Supreme Court
One First Street
Washington, DC 20543
WE all have something we can do to get NESARA announced immediately. Those of us in the humanitarian prosperity programs have $ Billions $ of reasons to want to help get NESARA announced THIS WEEK.
It’s time some of you, who have not done anything to help, also TAKE ACTION for your own sake. Get four postcards and send one postcard to each of the four Justices. You do NOT even have to sign your name -just write a message asking the Justices to announce NESARA THIS WEEK/this month! You have only YOURSELF to blame if you need NESARA’s benefits and/or your prosperity and you sit around and do nothing. Doing nothing gets you nothing in return.
It’s TIME we all STAND UP and TAKE ACTION for what we want. DEMAND NESARA NOW! It’s possible to get NESARA announced THIS WEEK! Let’s get those phone calls and postcards going NOW! NESARA Now!
Please IMMEDIATELY FORWARD this email to every person you know who needs/wants NESARA’s benefits and improvements and to every member of the prosperity programs! Let’s get this done!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
The four Pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices Chickened Out Before Illuminati Threats. They are no longer the leaders who will give the NESARA announcement order. They lost their leadership before the world because of their lack of courage, they have failed We the People! Now the Divine Plan goes from overt to covert. Nobody knows who will give the NESARA announcement order and when. The actions are now in secrecy and the announcement will be unexpected, without warning, as thief in the night.
March 26, 20045:14 p.m. PST. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I’m mainly writing this Report to the true White Knights who have risked their lives over the years guarding shipments of gold into the US to back the US Treasury Bank System, guarding shipments of the new US Treasury currency backed by precious metals, and doing many other missions where they risk their lives in support of NESARA. Many true White Knights read the Dove Reports and it is to them I am addressing this request for a NESARA Launch Team.
There is a need for a group of true White Knights, who are not afraid of the Illuminati nor afraid of Illuminati backlash, to step into action and bring us NESARA’s announcement. The White Knights I’m calling for arepeople of great physical courage as well as strong ethical courage. Weneed White Knights who know what is "right", are in the right positions to take the helm and navigate NESARA into announcement, and will not make deals with the Illuminati to delay NESARA for even one day.
Information I received this afternoon indicates that the four Justices have been told that if the Justices wait until after April 15, 2004 (when IRS income tax filings and payments for 2003 are due) before going ahead with NESARA’s announcement, then the Illuminati will not pursue themalicious petitions or threats of disbarment against the four Justices. In spite of all the support these Justices have received, this afternoon’sinformation indicates the four US Supreme Court Justices (Ginsburg,Souter, Stevens, and Breyer) in charge of ordering NESARA’s announcementare succumbing to the Illuminati threats and likely will not order NESARA’s announcement until after April 15, 2004.
This decision the four Justices are making to hold NESARA’s announcementback until after the Illuminati pay day of April 15, 2004 is not right;there is no righteousness in waiting until after April 15. The four Justices are now saying to each other that announcing NESARA before April 15, 2004 is a "political liability". In other words, the four Justicesdon’t want to risk incurring a backlash from the Illuminati so they are giving into the Illuminati threats and planning to delay NESARA until after April 15, 2004.
The Illuminati have maintained control of the US and most of the world by knowing how to manipulate people and sabotage activities bringing us NESARA. The Illuminati have analysts who study the lives of leaders in charge of bringing us NESARA and they analyze how to manipulate these people to deter them from getting NESARA announced. Unfortunately, once again the Illuminati are manipulating the people in charge of the NESARA announcement to cause delays.
The four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices are proving they cannot stand up to the Illuminati pressure and because of their lack of courage, all Americans are suffering and by extension all the world’s people are suffering from the lack of NESARA’s benefits and ripple effects.
I’m calling for a group of true White Knights to develop and carry out themost important action of their lives: get NESARA announced. On behalf ofthe world’s people I’m calling for a group of true White Knights to put together and carry out a secret plan to ensure NESARA is announced in this time period.
I understand the current time period is 45 days long; since the time period just began on March 22, 2004, there’s 40 days in which to carry out this mission.
I’m calling upon a group of true White Knights to develop and carry outYOUR OWN plan to put the right people in front of the television cameraand get NESARA announced. It appears that even the four pro-NESARA USSupreme Court Justices are not courageous enough to stand up to the Illuminati now that we are in the announcement time period.
However, among you true White Knights there are many who have the training, experience, and positions which enable you to secretly develop and carry out your own NESARA announcement plan. Do not continue to take orders from leaders who invariably succumb to Illuminati threats and coercion as these four Justices are succumbing. Develop your own plan and resources, and then carry it out.
Consider the basic actions an independent true White Knight group would take to get NESARA announced: 1. First, to get the NESARA announcement started, you need to have Chief Justice Rehnquist and the President Designate and Vice President Designate in either the White House or the US Supreme Court from which to begin televising the announcement. It would not be too difficult to pick up these three people and put them into position to carry out their parts of the announcement. You White Knights know what this would take and could get the cooperation needed from certain other White Knights. 2. You need a crew to run the television broadcasting equipment at either the White House or the US Supreme Court. There are true White Knights who have these skills. 3. You need to have control of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS; also known as the Emergency Alert System) so you can throw the switch to broadcast the NESARA announcement on television and radio. The White Knights in charge of the EBS would need copies of the Bush Jr. and Cheney resignation speeches tape to play in the first few minutes of the NESARA announcement process. 4. You would need to make certain all the NESARA announcement presenters are in Washington DC and available to do their parts of the announcement process. You would need to move the announcement presenters to the broadcast location. 5. You would need to remove Bush Jr. and Cheney and the Illuminati in the Bush regime cabinet from their official offices and keep them under guard. 6. You would need to carry out your plan in secrecy so the announcement broadcast could begin suddenly without warning.
Once the announcement is done, those who might protest this independent action to get NESARA announced will have to resign their positions and lose their power to protest. They have failed in their duties to get NESARA announced and in many cases have betrayed Americans. Proof of their failures and betrayals would serve to nullify any protest of how the announcement was brought forth.
There are many White Knights who want to get NESARA announced but they are not the ones in charge. By numerous accounts, many of the true White Knight military officers in the Pentagon are in favor of NESARA and removing the Bush regime. They know the Bush regime is using US military personnel as disposable tools in the Bush regime’s plans to take over theMiddle East and steal the oil and other resources from Middle Eastcountries for the Bush regime’s friends such as Halliburton, CarlyleGroup, and others.
There are many NESARA supporters and true White Knights who are losing their patience with the way those in charge of NESARA’s announcement havebeen running the process. Over and over, those in charge of gettingNESARA announced have either betrayed their duties or seem to lack the necessary courage and determination to get the announcement done.
It does not look like giving support to the four Justices is going to be enough to get them to order NESARA’s announcement. They have had a greatdeal of support and yet they are now giving into the Illuminati threats and planning to delay NESARA’s announcement. Apparently these fourJustices do not care about offending the many corporate executives whohave poured money into funding NESARA actions and missions; I can onlyimagine how angry these corporate executives will be if NESARA is delayed past April 15, 2004.
From what I’m hearing, this independent action by true White Knights toget NESARA announced is the only way we are going to see NESARA’sannouncement in this announcement time period.
During my research today, I’ve learned there are true White Knights whoare currently considering taking independent action to get NESARAannounced and I have made some contacts to assist these White Knights inbeing successful. I strongly encourage these White Knights to GO FOR IT and get the job done!
Let’s keep these true White Knights in our prayers, meditations, andenergy work focuses and support them in taking these courageous actions.
It’s time for "true" White Knights to TAKE OVER and get NESARA announced! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 27, 20043:07 p.m. PST.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
After hours of research last night and this morning, I have learned more about the White Knights who are doing independent action to bring us NESARA’s announcement. I fully support these White Knights who have themselves waited for years for the White Knight leadership to get the announcement done and who are now taking independent action to ensure NESARA is announced.
I’ve learned these White Knights who are taking independent action have the right resources needed to bring us NESARA’s announcement in this timeperiod. I fully support these independent White Knights carrying out theactions necessary to get NESARA announced in this official announcementtime period. In addition, I’m assured they can bring us NESARA’sannouncement before April 15, 2004 if they move forward quickly.
The blunt facts are that the Illuminati always focus their attention onthe leaders in charge of giving the orders to get NESARA announced and theIlluminati use whatever threats and inducements they can to ensure the leaders don’t actually get NESARA announced. Over and over again we haveseen the leaders in charge of ordering NESARA’s announcement betrayAmericans by succumbing to Illuminati pressure and coercion. However, the Illuminati’s tactics have a serious flaw in them. They are successfulonly as long as they know who is leading the action to get NESARAannounced. The Illuminati have paralyzed the four Justices because thesefour Justices are the current leaders. The Justices managed to obtain the NESARA announcement period; however, they do not seem to have the courage it takes to get the announcement done. Luckily, the four Justices are NOT, by a long shot, the only people who can get NESARA announced.
Although it may seem shocking, there is ONLY ONE way NESARA is going to be announced any time soon. The independent White Knights have realized they have no choice but to stop taking orders from the cowardly four Justices and other cowardly White Knight leaders and launch their own independent NESARA announcement operation. The Justices simply do not have the necessary courage forged in years of intense actions, nor do the Justices have the experience or the training to take theBOLD actions necessary to announce NESARA and defeat the Illuminati. I fully support the independent White Knights in taking over and doing the actions necessary to bring us NESARA’s announcement in this time period.
After hours of research and contacting sources for information since yesterday afternoon, I’m convinced the independent White Knights have ALLthe resources necessary to get NESARA announced in this time period. Infact, I’m assured these independent White Knights realize the right thingto do is get NESARA announced before April 15, 2004 and they abhor the “political thinking” of the Justices and other leaders who want to delayuntil after April 15 for “political” reasons. These independent WhiteKnights are the ones risking their lives every day and they have every right to take over control from the cowardly leaders and get NESARA announced as soon as possible.
These independent White Knights also have the LAWFUL right to throw off the cowardly leaders who are betraying the duties and obligations of their leadership positions. I have confirmed with a high level authority the independent White Knights’ lawful rights to take these independent actionsand bring us NESARA’s announcement.
To protect these independent White Knights, there are things I cannotdiscuss in the Dove Reports. However, there’s a new energy of resolve andsteely determination to see NESARA announced soon!
I have just spoken with Mark, our webmaster at , and he hasrevised our ticker tape message on the home page to include the 45-day length of the NESARA announcement period. Our graphics designer, Scott, is revising our NESARA Six Point and Debt Relief flyers to include the international ripple effects of NESARA and also the 45-day length of the announcement period information. We hope to have the revised flyers available in the next 24-48 hours and I will mention this in the Dove Report. Because of the new way the flyers are being done on the website, there should not be any problems with printing the newly revised flyers.
As for ways we can support these independent White Knights, we can energize NESARA’s announcement by continuing to share the good news ofNESARA and NESARA’s announcement time period through our flyers and otherpublicizing actions. We can also support these White Knights in our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses daily. Due to security issues, I will not be discussing the identities of these White Knights and there are no email addresses or mailing addresses to which we can write. However, they will feel our support from our other actions.
Although the failure of the Justices to do the right thing is disappointing, frankly I see a “rightness” to the fact that it is takingaction by independent White Knights to get NESARA announced. Theseindependent White Knights are “of the people”, not members of the few atthe top of the leadership hierarchy. Some of these independent WhiteKnights have lost their best friends who were also White Knights and whodied carrying out missions related to NESARA and the prosperity programs. These independent White Knights know from personal experience that NESARA’s announcement in this time period is crucial to the future of theworld. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Channeled by Nancy Tate. From the "Lavender Lad":
Special Message, St Germain March 27, 04. Taken from: .
"Dear Ones: This is the time in the history of your planet when all of youare being called upon to support us in our plans to intervene and bringabout the announcement of NESARA. This has gone on long enough, and now we are readying ourselves to come in and take the initiative to bring this tothe screens of the world. We need your acquiescence and your permission, andthough we know that we have it from you, and have had for some time now,this is the present moment, and we must ask for your support at this momentin time and in the intervening moments until the announcement is made.
"We ask that you hold the intent for this and set this intent to carrythrough the moments that occur, and beyond the announcement that you givethis every ounce of intent that this go smoothly. This will make a greatdeal of difference in the way this is implemented and the way all the peopleof the world carry this forward in their parts throughout theimplementation.
"I am here to tell you that the forces of Light are gathered intheir positions and are ready to bring this action for the people and by thepeople. What we require is that your energy be strong and ready to assist inthe portions of the implementation as we go about our parts in this. It isnot that we are not able to come in and sweep the changes with ourabilities. It is that you are, as we are, the captains of the ship, and youhave the capability to see that this gets done. We work as a team, and whenthe work shows that the cause is just, equitable for all and in the interestof the whole of humanity, then we see that there is no choice but to come,and at this time, work with a wholeness and unity that strengthens theenergetic output of this task.
"We shall give our all, as we are sure you shall as well. We arein this position because you have requested that we step in and give ourassistance in this matter. Now we are at the ready and we are opening thegates to the stars and we are flowing through to become and begin this newGolden Age with the announcement of the freedom flame and the justice energythat will purify the intent of the world and show just cause why this hasbeen done. We are all soldiers of the light, and we shall bring forth thepeaceful measures that will be as a beacon to the unbelievers and provide anarena in which they may feel the safety to awaken and join those numbersthat represent a freedom from the tyranny that has clouded their world forlonger than they can remember.
"This is your finest hour and we are weeping with joy and bringing our feelings of love, compassion and revelation into the fray and spreading it forth into the same that is being emitted back to us.
"What a powerful passionate energy is being created!! What a beautiful storyis being written! You are the bearers of the truth of the ages, and there isno other that is grander than what we see before us and what we feel in ourbeingness.
"Come my dear ones and stand beside us in the golden and violetflame of truth and love, and we shall march to the halls of justice andtruth and beauty shall reign forever on planet earth."
Thank you, Beloved Master St. Germain.
With Love,
Nancy Tate
[doveofo] NESARA; Independent White Knights; NESARA Confirmation. Full Report.
March 28, 20048:59 p.m. PST.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Those of us who have been tracking NESARA’s progress through the yearshave received an education in how things are actually done, as opposed to how people think things are done. We have learned that some people among the leaders appointed to bring us NESARA are actually double-agents working for the Illuminati. We have learned how the Illuminati issue death threats to the leaders in charge of NESARA, or issue threats to kidnap their family members, threats to destroy them financially and professionally, and many other threats. NESARA was first passed in March 2000 but Illuminati actions to delay NESARA have kept it from being announced these last four years. This is the UNSEEN WAR that has kept NESARA from being announced.
Those of us with insider contacts in Washington, D.C., have learned that many high officials in government in D.C. do not think like we do: their values and decisions are centered around what they can do without making waves; few of them demonstrate high ethics nor do they show proper concern for the American people. Many times we have watched them succumb to Illuminati threats, bribery, and trickery. NESARA’s announcement beginsthe total dissolving of the Illuminati’s world control and dominationefforts, therefore, the Illuminati use everything possible to try to blockNESARA’s announcement.
The four pro-NESARA Justices in the US Supreme Court in charge of getting NESARA announced have made one good contribution: they did obtain approval from World Court for the current NESARA announcement time period of 45 days which beganMarch 22, 2004. However, in response to a threat from the Illuminati, the four Justices have chosen to unnecessarily delay NESARA’s announcement until after April 15, 2004. Illuminati bankingfamilies own the Federal Reserve banking system which receives most of ourfederal income taxes in payment of the national debt owed to the Fed from charging the US government spurious interest and fees. (You can verify the Federal Reserve is privately owned by contacting US Representative Ron Paul’s office; Ron Paul has sponsored a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve.) The majority of corporations and individuals who owe income tax payments for 2003 will not send their tax returns and payments until almost mid-April. NESARA’s announcement prior to mid-April would saveAmericans billions in federal tax payments and reduce by billions the money paid to the Illuminati owners of the Federal Reserve. This is why the Illuminati have coerced the four Justices into delaying NESARA’sannouncement until after April 15, 2004.
NESARA could have been announced during the last four days but the four Justices did not order the announcement to take place. Every day of unnecessary delay of NESARA’s announcement is a BETRAYAL of the Americanpeople and the world. I constantly receive emails from people whose homesare in foreclosure due to the people being laid off from their jobs or other financial problems not of their making. I hear from people who are homeless, have lost their jobs, have medical problems, people with loved ones in danger in Iraq and Afghanistan, and many other problems which NESARA’s announcement directly or indirectly would alleviate. It is wrongfor anyone who has the power to get NESARA announced to unnecessarilydelay the announcement and the alleviation of the pain and suffering of somany people. Betraying the American people and the world by delaying NESARA is a very serious offense and cannot be condoned.
One suggestion emailed to me which I’m including below is that we sendpostcards to the four Justices telling them we know they are unnecessarily delaying NESARA’s announcement. This may be a useful way to inform theJustices that thousands of us know their choice to delay the announcementis a betrayal of Americans and the world. If you choose to sendpostcards, please do not use cursing, profanity, or other objectionable language; just express your thoughts clearly. Here’s what I’m writing tothe four Justices; please use your own words to express your thoughts:
Dear Justice Ginsburg,You could have ordered the NESARA announcement to be done this last week. Your choice to delay the announcement until afterApril 15, 2004 is a serious betrayal of Americans and the world. Sincerely, Dove of Oneness
There are no email addresses available for the four Justices; postcards are our best way to contact the four Justices Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer. Their mailing address is: US Supreme Court One First Street Washington, DC 20543
We do not send letters because letters to Washington D.C. are delayed for weeks by anthrax checking.
Over the years as NESARA’s announcement has been delayed, some of ourWhite Knights have begun to realize they may need to take control ofgetting NESARA announced. Time after time these White Knights have riskedtheir lives doing dangerous missions in support of NESARA; these dangerous missions and long years have severely stressed them, their families, and their loved ones. For some, such as those guarding the caches of precious metals to back the US Treasury currency, their duties require that they not be in communication with their loved ones; once a month they are allowed to send one email a few lines long to let loved ones know they are okay. Some have been doing this duty since June 2000! The stresses on them of the unseen war are enormous. These White Knights who are serving in many dangerous situations feel doubly betrayed by leaders who chose to delay getting NESARA announced.
The four Justices and other White Knight leaders have an obligation to get NESARA announced as soon as possible in the lawful announcement time period. Unnecessarily delaying NESARA’s announcement and putting WhiteKnights at risk longer than necessary is a betrayal of leadershipresponsibilities.
Some of these White Knights have decided that four years is long enough towait for flawed leaders to order NESARA’s announcement. These WhiteKnights are ready to take independent action to ensure NESARA is announcedin this announcement time period. These independent White Knights havethe capability to get NESARA announced; they have the lawful right to take over control from their flawed leadership. My sources say the independent White Knights are very motivated and are proceeding on their independent actions to get NESARA announced soon.
There’s a lot I am not allowed to discuss in the Dove Reports about what is happening related to NESARA and I’m not mentioning a certain kind ofsupport. This is because the Dove Reports are read by the Illuminati and"IF" the Illuminati can obtain proof that a "certain kind of support" ishelping NESARA, the Illuminati will act to stop NESARA’s announcement, or if after NESARA is announced, to stop all banking improvements and other NESARA related ripple effects from going forth in other countries. This is a very real problem IF the Illuminati could obtain such proof. Therefore, at this time, I am not able to discuss certain kinds of support being given to help NESARA. I’ve been instructed by the highest authority in this worldwide shift to say nothing of this certain kind of support. Some of you would feel more assured if I could write about this, but it’s not worth sacrificing NESARA’s benefits and stopping NESARA from being announced to write about these things in the Dove Reports.
On another subject, there are IMPOSTERS who send out emails which “appear”to come from Dove but do not and these emails have attachments containinga virus. Any email that looks like it comes from Dove and has anattachment is from an imposter; DELETE these emails without opening theattachment. I NEVER send Dove Reports with attachments. Also today, someone sent me an email with an attachment which was named “”; “zip” files are being used to spread viruses on theInternet. Never open a zip file that includes “dove” in the name; deletethese emails. I never send attachments or zip files to people. These imposter emails come from government personnel working for the Illuminati.
Regarding emails you send to me, if you want to ask me a question or give a comment, please put the reason you are writing me in the Subject field of your email. Each week I receive many thousands of emails and cannot open all these emails. To get my attention, clearly state your reason for writing or your question in the Subject of your email. If you REPLY to a Dove Report, you must CHANGE the Subject of the email so I know WHY you are writing or your email will not be read. Due to time restrictions, I don’t individually answer many emails but often answer your questions inthe Dove Reports.
The world needs White Knights of courage and integrity to take control of the NESARA announcement process and get NESARA announced. The independent White Knights have what it takes to get NESARA announced for the benefit of Americans and the world! We can support these independent White Knights in our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] Why Independent White Knights are Needed for NESARA Announcement. Full Report.
March 29, 20042:15 p.m. PST.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In a few weeks, the Illuminati who own the Federal Reserve bank are hoping to receive billions of dollars from Americans� income taxes for 2003 aspayment for the spurious Federal Reserve charges of fees and interest andfor money borrowed by the US government from the Federal Reserve, aprivate corporation. It makes no sense that the US Treasury prints our currency and then pays a subcontractor, the Federal Reserve, to manage our banking and monetary system AND then borrows money to run the government from the subcontractor, the Federal Reserve, thus creating the majority of the national debt! Americans� income tax money is then paid to theFederal Reserve in payment for the loans, fees, and interest charges. TheIlluminati-owned Federal Reserve is an unnecessary and unconstitutionalmiddle-man draining money from Americans and businesses in the US.
The unlawful income taxes will be instantly abolished by NESARA’sannouncement. Americans and businesses in the US should NOT have to payone more cent in federal income tax. We should have had NESARA announcedby last Friday, March 26; it was possible to announce NESARA by last Friday.
However, the four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices who are in charge of getting NESARA announced, did not order NESARA to be announced last week. The four Justices, who have dozens of White Knight military guards and very high levels of protection, succumbed to the Illuminati threat that if they ordered NESARA announced before April 15, 2004, the Illuminati would have the Justices assassinated. The four Justices succumbed to the threat, however, the Illuminati did not agree to stop interfering with NESARA’s announcement.
The problem with the Justices allowing themselves to be manipulated by thedeath threat is that the Illuminati will continue to use this threat tokeep the Justices from ordering NESARA’s announcement. Since the Justiceshave caved in to the Illuminati’s threats, it is clear the independentWhite Knights will have to take over and get NESARA announced.
We may be able to help the Justices change their minds and do NESARA’sannouncement sooner if they receive enough postcards demanding NESARA’sannouncement now. Also, some of the powerful corporate executives whosupport NESARA may be able to convince the Justices to go ahead with theannouncement prior to mid-April. Maybe if the Justices realize that many people know they are betraying the American people by delaying this announcement, they will be moved to order the announcement be done sooner.
The four Justices and all the White Knights do have and have had full protection of the highest level. They will continue to have this highest level protection. If the Illuminati could have gotten to them, they already would have. The high level protection is keeping them safe.
These Illuminati death threats are standard operating procedure. Since the Illuminati know they have been successful in stopping the four Justices with this death threat, it’s certain the death threats willcontinue to be used. This is part of the unseen war by the Illuminatiagainst NESARA. However, in a war, it’s not acceptable for leaders to fail to give the orders to win the war due to worrying about their own physical danger, and there very much is a war going on in the US as the battle to get NESARA announced continues. This is why the four Justices cannot be relied upon to lead the charge to get NESARA announced. The Justices do not perceive themselves as being in the middle of a war, even though they know that the 9-11 attacks were carried out by the Bush regime on locations where important functions were supposed to support NESARA’sannouncement secretly scheduled for September 11, 2001!
Thousands of White Knights know all about the unseen war as they arecaught in the middle of it every day. The solution to getting NESARAannounced is the independent White Knights. The independent White Knights cannot be identified by the Illuminati and thus cannot be threatened. Also, the independent White Knights are equipped to take the actions necessary to put the NESARA announcement presenters in front of the camera and broadcast the announcement. As more and more independent White Knights realize the four Justices and other White Knight leaders are paralyzed from ordering the NESARA announcement, these independent White Knights are deciding they must do what is necessary to bring about NESARA’s announcement.
The NESARA announcement must be done by the 20 authorized NESARAannouncement presenters who have special expertise and positions whichenable them to introduce parts of NESARA to the world. These people arehighly respected in their fields of economics, monetary systems, banking, Constitutional Law, and other fields which gives them immediate credibility in the eyes of the world. They have thoroughly rehearsed and prepared for their parts in the announcement. They have the credentials, experience, and knowledge necessary to cover such complex subjects as how the nation’s new US Treasury currency backed by precious metals willimpact the US economy and many related aspects of our lives. They havethe knowledge to explain how the new, limited national sales tax will fund the government and be a great improvement over income taxes. The NESARA announcement process is expected to take up to four hours without breaks for commercials; every minute will be packed with very important information vital to all Americans and also to people around the world. The entire NESARA announcement process has been very carefully organized to initiate orderly and vast improvements in our government, banking, legal, and economic systems.
The independent White Knights are currently in the process of organizing their efforts to get NESARA announced soon. They are making contact with other like-minded independent White Knights to coordinate the secret and high precision actions needed. They have the necessary training, experience, and resources to carry out the actions needed to secretly bring the NESARA announcement presenters and the NESARA President Designate and Vice President Designate to the broadcast location and also have control of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). Once the NESARA announcement presenters are in position, the announcement broadcast can begin and the switch can be thrown on the EBS to get the announcement instantly onto our television and radio networks. The major networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC as well as cable networks such as CNN will carry the NESARA announcement live. Many networks in other countries will pick up the live coverage from the major networks in the US.
With the help of the independent White Knights, we should be seeing NESARA’s announcement soon in the current announcement time period. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Actions by Independent White Knights. Full Report.
March 30, 20045:25 p.m. PST.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knight,
It’s going to take all of us to get NESARA announced. There’s no otherplan to do the world improving actions which NESARA’s announcementinitiates. Vast corruption is rampant in our governments, our bankingsystems, our legal systems, etc. I hear about the corruption from peopleall over the world every day by email and postal mail. If everyone knewthese things, we would have a tidal wave of demands bringing NESARA to immediate announcement. NESARA’s announcement starts a cascade of actionswhich will cause desperately needed improvements in governments andbanking and legal systems around the world.
The key action needs to come from Independent White Knights who are realizing their own freedom, pursuit of happiness, and the security of their lives and their loved ones relies on getting NESARA announced. These White Knights have watched the years of delays and the many betrayals. They know the current leaders of the White Knights in charge of getting NESARA announced have been threatened and subjugated by the Illuminati.
In discussing with my contacts what is needed to get the NESARA announcement done in this announcement time period, the key to receiving help �from above� is that Earth Humans must shoulder the key actionsnecessary to get NESARA announced. This is why the Independent WhiteKnights are such a powerful factor in getting NESARA announced.
The White Knights in the US military include many Independent White Knights who know NESARA must be announced. Although the military is forced to take orders from the Bush regime, many officers and enlisted personnel in the military want the Bush regime removed from power. I included excerpts from an interview with retired Colonel Grand-Pre in the March 6, 2004 Dove Report. Grand-Pre is in touch with top Pentagon officers who know the Bush regime ordered the 9-11 attacks and want to remove the Bush regime: Here’s what Colonel Donn Grand-Pre said in his radio interview two months ago about how the US military feel: DGP: Well, I’m in personal contact at least on a weekly basis with the Joint Chiefs and other select people. My computation is that 70% of us are with us. That’s the higher ranking military, field grade officers, etc. and even the first three grades of the enlisted ‘ 70% are with us. [to remove the Bush regime from power].
If you have not read the excerpts of Grand-Pre’s February 2004 interviewin the March 5, 2004 Dove Report, I strongly suggest you do so by clicking on this link: .
The Independent White Knights hold positions in the US military, in US intelligence services, and in the US government. These Independent White Knights know their leadership is betraying them, all Americans, and the world. Using the resources available to them, these Independent White Knights do have the capability to get NESARA announced in this current announcement time period. As I’m able, I will report on their progress asmuch as possible without causing security risks to them.
Regarding sending postcards to the four Justices, I was asked not tomention another reason regarding why it might be helpful to send postcards to the Justices protesting the delaying of NESARA’s announcement. I’vedecided to discuss this today. NESARA requires that the Bush regimeofficials, the US Senators and Representatives, and the US Supreme Court Justices must RESIGN their positions within mere hours after NESARA’sannouncement. The four pro-NESARA US Supreme Court Justices (Ginsburg,Souter, Stevens, and Breyer) are expecting to be reappointed to the USSupreme Court by the President who will be elected under NESARA election rules a few months after NESARA’s announcement. However, by giving intothreats from the Illuminati and choosing to delay NESARA until after April15, these four Justices have shown they are not the right people to be appointed to the US Supreme Court after NESARA is announced.
Our postcards to the Justices are one way we can let them know that we will make certain their betrayals of Americans are known. Their choice to choose “political expediency” and unnecessarily delay NESARA’sannouncement is a betrayal of all American who are having financialproblems, are losing their homes to foreclosure, are unemployed, andmillions of other Americans and people around the world whose sufferingwould be alleviated by NESARA’s announcement. It is absolutely wrong foranyone, no matter who it is, to unnecessarily delay NESARA’sannouncement!
Several people have emailed me to remind people that it’s fairly easy tofile an extension on filing their 2003 income tax returns if they owe taxes. The first extension for filing is generally automatically approved. Income tax preparation offices, such as H & R Block, will often give people a free copy of the extension request form or you may be able to find it on the Internet.
Regarding making decisions related to the timing of NESARA’s announcement,I always suggest that people set a deadline when they know they must makea decision and take care of their business in a responsible manner if thedeadline arrives without NESARA’s announcement. I do not recommend quitting your job, not paying your credit card payments, or anything else based on the hope NESARA will be announced at a certain time. Until we see NESARA’s announcement on television, we cannot predict exactly when itwill occur because the Illuminati are constantly waging their unseen war to block NESARA’s announcement.
However, the Illuminati are LOSING the war even though they havesubjugated the few White Knight leaders. The thousands of IndependentWhite Knights and their allies CAN get NESARA announced and they will be given all the resources they need to accomplish this! Let’s support theIndependent White Knights and allies in our prayers, meditations, andenergy work focuses to increase their determination to bring NESARA to announcement soon!
There’s six billion people on the planet who want the kinds ofimprovements which begin with NESARA’s announcement. Each of us can HELPto move NESARA forward by sharing the good news of NESARA with others. Asthe truth about NESARA’s benefits and ripple effects reaches more and morepeople, the wave of energy pushing NESARA forward will build to a tidalwave that sweeps NESARA’s announcement into our lives! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
March 31, 20042:50 p.m. PST. Full Report
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
My research in the last few days has turned up some amazing information. As noted in yesterday’s Dove Report, there are about 70% of the USmilitary who want the Bush regime removed from power. I spoke by telephone today with Col. Grand-Pre whose radio interview on the Alex Jones radio show included his comments that he is in personal contact with numerous high level officers at the Pentagon and in the US military and from his contacts, he’s saying 70% of the US military want Bush removed. Col. Grand-Pre specifically mentioned Genl. Peter Pace, Vice Chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff, whom my sources confirm is pro-NESARA.
One thing I need to make clear is that while I appreciate Col. Grand-Pre’sinformation exposing that the 9-11 attacks were done by the Bush regimeand no Arab terrorists were involved, his comments about the possibilityof a military coup being used to remove Bush are TOTALLY WRONG. Therewill be NO military coup or martial law ever in the United States and Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine is adamant that He will prevent all groups from doing these things. My sources also report that the high level US military officers who want Bush removed also know that they will not do a military coup but must use the NESARA announcement process to remove the Bush regime and restore Constitutional Law. Absolutely no military coup or martial law will ever be allowed and the restoration of Constitutional Law done by NESARA’s announcement ensures the lawful andorderly process of removing the Bush regime, installing interim NESARAPresident and Vice President Designates (chosen according to theConstitutional rules of succession) to be in charge with limited powersuntil we have new elections about four months after NESARA’s announcement.
Today when I called Col Grand-Pre, I introduced myself as Dove who writesthe reports about the NESARA law on the Internet. He did not say, “Whatis NESARA?” His answer was “Oh, that is very interesting.” and his toneindicated he was well aware of NESARA and also that he was going to becareful about what he said. I asked him if he is still in close contactwith the top officers at the Pentagon who want Bush removed, and he said: “Yes.” I mentioned we are currently in a NESARA announcement time period and he made the response of “Umhum” which is a sound signifying agreement.I then asked how he thinks these top military officers are doingregarding getting NESARA’s announcement done soon and removing Bush. His response was, “I’m very encouraged from what I’m hearing now.”
I informed Col. Grand-Pre that there are people around the world who arespreading the news of NESARA including NESARA demonstrations atWorldCourt because World Court is where the NESARA announcement time periods are approved, and he said “Umhum”, signifying his agreement. I alsostated there are people passing out NESARA flyers to the public in the USand other countries and that we are getting very good interest in NESARA from the public including that very few people seem to care that Bush Jr. will be removed. I mentioned we have dozens of websites supporting NESARA. I then asked Col. Grand-Pre if he thinks these top Pentagon officers know how many people in the US and around the world support NESARA’s announcement and the removal of the Bush regime? His responsewas that he didn’t know if these high level officers realized there wasthis kind of support among the public and that it was “veryinteresting.”
It’s time we let these members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the US military know that we want NESARA announced and that we have been telling the world about NESARA! I am assured by Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine that we are TOTALLY SAFE and have the protection of the benevolent Forces in voicing our NESARA support to these top military officers. If we are uncomfortable, we do not need to provide our names and locations. However NOW, during NESARA’s announcement time period, isdefinitely the TIME to tell them WE WANT NESARA! They will probably be pleasantly surprised to learn there are so many people who support NESARA’s immediate announcement!
My sources say there are two of members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff atthe Pentagon who are working for the Illuminati; they are: General Peter Schoomaker, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army and General John P. Jumper, Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force. We will ignore these people.
Here’s what my sources say about the pro-NESARA high level officers weneed to contact. Although not a NESARA supporter originally, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, (highest position in the US military) Genl. Richard Myers is now a NESARA supporter. The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Genl. Peter Pace is also now a NESARA supporter. Admiral Vern Clark, Chief of Naval Operations, is a long-time true White Knight and NESARA supporter. Genl. Michael Hagee, Commandant of the Marine Corp, is also a White Knight and NESARA supporter. These top military officers DO have the power to order the actions necessary to get the NESARA Announcement Presenters in front of the camera and get announced!
It’s time WE speak out and ask these officers to take action and getNESARA announced! As usual, there are no email addresses available tothe public for these people. However, we do have their mailing addresses and by early next week we can easily have thousands of postcards pouring into their offices telling them WE are actively informing the world of NESARA and urging them to get NESARA announced in this NESARA announcement time period!
Here’s what I’m writing on my postcards today (please write your messagein your own words):
Dear General Meyers,
Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide want NESARA announced. We urgeyou to get NESARA announced in April during this current announcement window! We are spreading news of NESARA constantly in public demonstrations; the world’s people want NESARA! See for pictures and details of our NESARA publicizing actions. Sincerely,
Dove of Oneness
I’m going to be sending one postcard each day to these pro-NESARA officersand asking them to do all in their power to get NESARA announcedimmediately. I’m asking all of you to also send one postcard a day toeach of them and I’m asking you to include the website addresses “ and ” on your postcards. They NEED to realizethere is STRONG support among Americans and people from other countriesfor NESARA’s immediate announcement! From the Joint Chiefs of Staff website, here are their addresses:
General Richard B. Myers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
General Peter Pace
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
Admiral Vern Clark
Chief of Naval Operations
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000
General Michael W. Hagee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20380-1775
Many of you have asked, “What can YOU do to get NESARA announced?” These pro-NESARA high level military officers DO HAVE the capability to put the NESARA Announcement Presenters in front of the camera and get NESARA announced. Let’s get our postcards going and urge them to get NESARAannounced now!
Just weeks ago our postcard campaign to get the NESARA announcement petition submitted to World Court was SUCCESSFUL in moving the NESARA announcement petition forward months earlier than was planned this year! We must now take action and let these high level officers know that MANY Americans and many people worldwide support them in getting NESARA announced NOW! It is well known in the military that they need PUBLIC support of their actions and never have they needed public support more than for getting NESARA announced in this time period!
Let’s get our postcards going now! Remember, we send postcards becauseletters are delayed up to six weeks for anthrax checking, but postcards gostraight through. Let’s keep a daily flood of postcards going to thesehigh level, pro-NESARA officers until we see NESARA’s announcement! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Needs Boost from All of Us NOW, We can Make theDifference. Full Report.
April 1, 200412:50 p.m. PST.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
As reported in recent Dove Reports, we need certain White Knights to takeaction to get NESARA announced. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Chairman who support NESARA are among those who can ensure NESARA is announced soon. They have a personal interest in seeing NESARA announced, in spite of the fact the Bush regime has forced the US military into unlawful attacks on other countries.
In doing my research on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I learned part of why so many high level military officers are not supporting the Bush regime’swarmongering but are forced against their own consciences to follow BushJr.’s orders to attack Iraq, etc.
Col. Grand-Pre made reference in his February 2004 radio interview that the military is very much in conflict with the civilian heads of the US Defense Department. Grand-Pre said that if the civilians did not have control of military pensions, he personally thinks many high level military officers would have rebelled against the Bush regime’swarmongering and orders to attack Iraq. Insiders know there is a big,ongoing conflict between the good high level US military officers and the Illuminati Bush regime officials, including Rumsfeld, at the Defense Department.
While reading the Joints Chiefs of Staff website yesterday, I learned another cause of the friction between the civilians running the US Defense Department and the officers of the US military. Since World War II, there have been laws passed by Congress which have resulted in the Defense Department being put “in charge” of all military units who are activelyinvolved in battle or war operations. The commanders of all military units which are involved in battle must report to and take orders from civilian officials at the Defense Department, NOT from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Essentially, this means that the Illuminati can put civilians into key positions, such as heading the Defense Department, and these Illuminati civilians can then force the US military to attack countries and engage in wars that the high level US military officers may not believe is right.
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld is one of the Illuminati and “crazy neo-cons”known in insider circles in DC as being wildly and irresponsibly pro-warfor the benefit of certain corporate interests and for building power forthe Illuminati Bush regime civilian officials. This Illuminati civiliancontrol of the military is how the Bush regime officials have managed to force the good people who are high level officers of the US military into carrying out orders with which many high level officers do not agree.
Never assume that simply because Bush Jr. has been successful in forcing the military to attackIraq for his oil corporations, that the majority of the military willingly went along with Bush’s orders. Under laws passedsince World War II, the military officers had no choice but to take ordersfrom the Illuminati civilians in the Defense Department of the Bush regime. The Illuminati ensured that these laws were passed as it is easier for the Illuminati to put someone like Bush Jr. into the oval office so he can order illegal attacks on other countries than it is for the Illuminati to control the entire US military from inside the military.
I was told that the Illuminati realized they needed to set up civilian control of the military after General MacArthur won the war in the Pacific by keeping his plans secret from the President. In World War II, General MacArthur was in charge of the war against Japan in the South Pacific and after noticing that the enemy always seemed to know his plans beforehand, MacArthur launched secret operations which won the war in the Pacific; he did not tell the President about his plans ahead of time. The Illuminati planned to control the office of the President and made sure new laws were passed which would make it harder for a commander to take independent action; the Illuminati civilians of the Bush regime are running the war, not the military.
Helping get NESARA announced is of great benefit to these high level US military officers who do not want to unconstitutionally attack other countries and who do not agree with the Bush regime’s warmongering. This is one reason why 70% of the officers in the US military support getting NESARA announced.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have command of the US military actions in the US which do NOT involve war and battle. Thus, they can issue orders for operations which can result in NESARA being announced. Until now, we who are supporting NESARA’s announcement from around the world have nevercontacted any pro-NESARA US military officers urging them to help getNESARA announced. These high level military officers need to hear from thousands of us who are urging them to get NESARA announced before April 15!
It is possible for NESARA to be announced before April 15. The Joint Chiefs do not realize how many thousands of people around the world want NESARA announced. They do not realize how many Americans support NESARA; if they knew the level of support they have to get NESARA announced, it would definitely help. The high level military officers need to hear THEY HAVE OUR SUPPORT to get NESARA announced before April 15!
Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine has assured me that these officers and all of us supporting NESARA have protection from the benevolent Forces to carry out our actions to help get NESARA announced. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Chairman who support NESARA are being totally protected and will continue to be protected in carrying out their actions to bring us NESARA’s announcement.
WE have the unique opportunity to add energy to get NESARA announcedBEFORE April 15. General Meyers and the Joint Chiefs of Staff who support NESARA NEED to KNOW that WE SUPPORT them in getting NESARA announced ASAP! These high level officers KNOW that PUBLIC support is crucial and they have no idea how many of us support NESARA. It’s TIME we tell them!
I’m asking all of you who need and want NESARA announced to send one postcard to each of these four high level officers TODAY urging them to get NESARA announced before April 15! We can have a big impact , we needto get our postcards into the mail today and urge them to get NESARA announced before April 15. Please also put the website addresses and on your postcards. A picture is worth a thousand words, and for this reason we have been posting pictures of NTAT NESARA publicizing activities on precisely to show that many people around the world support NESARA and want NESARA announced now!
Here are the addresses and names of the people to whom we need to send our postcards. Please send ONE postcard to each of these four people EVERYDAY until we see NESARA announced. Our postcard campaign was successful in helping get the current NESARA announcement time period approved. These four high level officers will be absolutely amazed to receive thousands of postcards urging them to get NESARA announced before April 15.
General Richard B. Myers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
General Peter Pace
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
Admiral Vern Clark
Chief of Naval Operations
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000
General Michael W. Hagee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20380-1775
Our postcards could make the critical difference! In addition, I’mworking on another BIG action which will encourage these high level officers to get NESARA announced immediately. To make the impact needed,ALL of YOU also need to help by sending postcards TODAY and Friday! I can’t tell you what the other action is yet, but it will coincide with our thousands of postcards arriving at the Pentagon early next week. This is BIG, Folks, so let’s get our postcards into the mail TODAY!
I also want those of you in other countries to begin sending yourpostcards. Even though your postcards will take longer to arrive, it’sstill important for these high level officers to see the worldwide supportof NESARA! Let’s get rolling on our postcards, Folks! Together WE areVICTORIOUS! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Action on the Move; Great Postcard Ideas. Full Report.
April 2, 20044:06 p.m. PST
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Action is happening in many places to get the NESARA announcement out and on our televisions and radios before April 15! Due to security issues I cannot share any details on these actions but I can tell you that action is heating up to get NESARA announced SOON!
The “BIG thing” I mentioned yesterday is also moving forward to coincidewith our flood of postcards reaching the Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff early next week! I can’t give details on this but I plan toprovide pictures of the BIG THING as it is happening next week on website. In this case, a picture really will be worth athousand words! I guarantee you will love it!
For those of you in other countries, remember, Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine said that “our energy and intent” reaches out and touchesthe receiver of the postcard when we put the postcard into the mailbox! You can still help to influence the Joint Chiefs and Chairman by just putting your postcards into the mailbox! Your energy and thoughts will instantly reach out to them and on some level they will feel your message.
Some of you have come up with GREAT ideas for your postcards! I think the idea below, if you have the right kind of printer, to print your own postcards with PICTURES of the NESARA Take Action Team members passing our NESARA flyers on the front of the postcard is GREAT! What a super idea!
My thanks to the person who sent me the US Postal Service requirements regarding what qualifies as a postcard so we know if we decide to make our own postcards by printing them on card stock: To qualify for mailing at First-Class Mail card rates, a [post]card must be:
Rectangular At least 3-1/2 inches high x 5 inches long x .007 inch thick No more than 4-1/4 inches high x 6 inches long x .016 inches thick.
Here again are the addresses and names of the people to whom we need to send our postcards. Please send ONE postcard to each of these four people EVERY DAY until we see NESARA announced. Our past postcard campaigns have been successful and these four high level officers will see NESARA’swidespread support from the thousands of postcards urging them to getNESARA announced before April 15.
General Richard B. Myers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
General Peter Pace
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
Admiral Vern Clark
Chief of Naval Operations
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000
General Michael W. Hagee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20380-1775
Our postcards may make the critical difference!
WE are doing it! Together with the true White Knights and their allies who are determined to get NESARA announced, WE are bringing NESARA to the world’s people SOON! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 11:31 AM
Subject: Postcard – Dear General/Admiral__________.
Dear General / Admiral ___________,
In The Names of Millions, who have suffered and died, at the diabolical agenda of The-Enemy-Within (the Illuminati Crime Families and their puppets in all 3 branches of the government, banking, pharmacopoeia, petrochemicals, etc.) please gather your true White Knight cohorts in our military, and announce, enact and enforce, by Supreme Court order, NESARA, before the April 15 unlawful Illuminati payday. I look forward to paying excise tax, the only Constitutionally lawful tax, in real "rainbow" dollars, very soon.
The same unseen forces that helped General George Washington & troops, 200+ years ago to vanquish the Illuminati then, stand ready to assure your success for NESARANOW!!!!
God Speed,
Dr. Bob Metteer, Jr.
[doveofo] NESARA on the Roll; New NESARA International Flyers; Confirmation. Full Report.
April 3, 2004 8:05 p.m. PST.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today more secret actions, by those who have the right resources, have occurred to move NESARA forward into announcement. At this time, their plan is for NESARA to be announced before April 15! To avoid causing security risks, I’m not giving any details except that things look good!
On we have NEW versions of the NESARA flyers. We have revised the two standard flyers to include the "international rippleeffects" of NESARA on the bottom half of the flyer. This will let peopleknow that NESARA is impacting the whole world. I want to thank Rob andNel of the World Court NTAT [NESARA Take Action Teams] and others of our NTAT teams in Canada, Europe, and Australia for giving input on the points that needed to be added to make the NESARA flyers relevant to people in other countries. Although there’s very little that can accurately be predicted regarding the timeframes of when improvements will happen in other countries due to Illuminati interference after NESARA is announced, the new flyers do have time estimates of when various kinds of improvements will occur around the world.
We expect that NESARA supporters and NTAT groups worldwide will use the new International version of the Six Point Flyer and there will be no need for people to make up their own flyers or print information on the back of the flyers as we have included the accurate international impacts on the front of the NESARA Six Point Flyer. We have also revised the NESARA announcement time period information on the bottom of the flyers to show the 45-day announcement period beginning March 22, 2004.
For NESARA supporters and NTAT in the US who want to share NESARA in areas with many people who vote the Republican party ticket, we have also revised the NESARA Debt Relief Flyer to include NESARA’s internationalripple effects on the bottom half as this shows NESARA will result in beneficial effects around the world. The NESARA Debt Relief Flyer also has the revised information about the 45-day NESARA announcement time period which began March 22, 2004.
You can find the newly revised flyers on this webpage: You will notice that the appearance of the new flyers is not changed on the webpage but when you click to display and print the flyers, you will see that both flyers are changed. Also, we have made the flyers a graphic¨¨ so there are noproblems with missing font¨¨ error messages. Downloading the flyers doestake some minutes on a slow dial-up modem connection like I use and on myPC the flyers load from the middle to the bottom and top, so just be patient and let the whole flyer download before your print it. These revised flyers print two flyers to one sheet of paper and are loaded with information, although they are still very readable thanks to the expertise of our graphics designer, Scott.
One of the reasons I wanted to add NESARA’s international ripple effectsto the NESARA Six Point Flyer is so this flyer can be used in countriesworldwide to begin to educate the people of those countries that they also will be receiving many improvements after NESARA’s announcement. TheIlluminati will be trying to keep people in some countries from receivingall the improvements they should be receiving. Educating people to expectthese improvements in their countries will help to build people’sdetermination to receive their rightful improvements. After NESARA’sannouncement, some of us in the US will be helping people in othercountries with activities to ensure they do receive all theirimprovements.
Richard, our NTAT Director for Europe, is working with volunteers who have offered to do translations of the NESARA information into numerous languages. Richard is asking the translators to translate the revised NESARA Six Point Flyer so it can be ready to use soon. Richard’s website, , has basic NESARA information in many languages. Ourgraphics designer, Scott, will be working with Richard after thetranslators finish translating the new NESARA Six Point flyer. Scott willhelp to provide the NESARA flyers in other languages with the same impressive appearance as our English language flyers.
NESARA is rolling forward to announcement! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Gets Big Boost; Postcards; NTAT at World Court. Full Report.
April 4, 2004 4:35 p.m. PST
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The secret BIG thing happening this week in support of NESARA is on target. It’s a very unusual activity which will give NESARA’sannouncement a BIG boost forward!
Our postcards to the Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff are alsoenergizing NESARA forward. My sources say some of our postcards havealready reached the Pentagon; Monday’s mail will contain thousands moreof our postcards urging them to help get NESARA announced before April 15.I’m hearing the Generals and the Admiral are pleasantly surprised thatpeople are writing and asking them to help bring NESARA to announcement. Our postcards are definitely helping to energize NESARA forward!
Because certain White Knight groups in the US military must provide security for NESARA announcement processes, for gold and new Treasury currency shipments to banks after the announcement, and for many other actions, these pro-NESARA high level officers definitely have an interest in knowing about our support of NESARA. Our postcards are showing them NESARA has broad public support and will be welcomed by thousands of people in the US and worldwide.
All these top Pentagon officers want NESARA announced as soon as possible. Although the military officers in charge of combat groups and actions are required by law to carry out orders given to them by the Illuminati Bush regime Defense Department, there are numerous insiders who know over 70% of the top officers in the US military DO NOT support the Bush regime’sattack on Iraq.
Top US military officers KNOW Bush Jr. ordered the attack and occupationto steal Iraqi oil and resources for Bush’s oil corporation buddies. TheBush family are “oil men” and have been for decades. My sources say manytop military officers also know Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Cheney, and otherofficials in the Bush regime are receiving billions in pay-offs from the oil companies now in charge of Iraq’s oil wells. These top officers inthe US military support NESARA being announced soon and our troops broughthome.
Let’s keep our postcards going to these high level NESARA supporters;never have they needed to hear about public support of NESARA as much as they do now. Here are their names and mailing addresses:
General Richard B. Myers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
General Peter Pace
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
Admiral Vern Clark
Chief of Naval Operations
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000
General Michael W. Hagee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20380-1775
Let’s continue to send one postcard to each of the three Generals and the Admiral every day until NESARA is announced. These top officers will find our support of NESARA very encouraging.
Below is the March 26 report from our NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) who demonstrates in front of World Court every Friday. It’s inspiring to readabout our NTAT informing tourists from around the world about NESARA andhow happy people are to learn about NESARA and that NESARA begins worldpeace.
I’m starting to think about how to celebrate and support NESARA after NESARA’s announcement. I’m going to put some kind of sign on the road infront of the house which tells the world I support NESARA. I loveChristmas lights and I’m thinking about stringing some lights in the shapeof the word “NESARA” across the front of the house and adding a festive look to the house in celebration for a month after NESARA’s announcement.
After the announcement, we each can support NESARA in many ways includingwriting letters to the Editor stating we have been supporting NESARA for years. We can also call in and email talk shows and news shows on radio and television in support and celebration of NESARA’s announcement.
The good times are coming soon! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA “Big Thing”; Extra Media Reps in DC; Confirmation. Full Report.
April 5, 2004 9:16 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
From what we know right now, we expect to have pictures of the secret BIG thing about NESARA on our website tomorrow evening after 9 p.m. EDT. We are relying on someone to take the pictures and send them so it will be late in the evening before we receive the pictures. This secret BIG thing is expected to give NESARA a boost forward to announcement. You will be amazed when you see the pictures.
We are putting one picture of the secret big thing on the home page of and will have other pictures which you can look at this week on a special page on the website. I plan to wait until we have the picture on the home page before I send out tomorrow’s DoveReport so I can tell you in tomorrow’s Report that the picture is there.
Sometimes people have trouble accessing and this is almost always because their Internet Service Provider (ISP) is causing a blockage. The website has been “up and online” continuouslyfor about 5 months since we moved the website on to our own highperformance hardware, so when people cannot access the problem is on their end. We know from several people that “Road Runner”ISPs frequently block people from being able to access andthese people get an error message that the website is not found.
There is a way around this problem, however. If you have trouble accessing, you can FIRST access a “gateway” website and thenfrom that “gateway” website, you can access . By going tothe “gateway” website, you are bypassing the problem caused by your ISP.
Our webmaster informed me of two gateway websites; I have tested both and they work. Go to and scroll down to the bottom left side of the page where there is a box in which you can enter the website address. Enter in the box and then click on the "Start surfing" button; that should take you to .
The other website which also can be used as a gateway to is . On this website you can enter in the Keyword box at the top of the page. It will give you info on NESARA and when you click on the word "NESARA" which is underlined in the search result, it will take you to .
If you sometimes have trouble accessing , test these gateway websites and if one or both work for you, I suggest you put these gateway websites in your Favorites so you can use them to get to in the future.
I’m hearing from a top White Knight contact in D.C. and two contacts onthe phone network that many extra media reporters began arriving inWashington, D.C. several days ago. Apparently the “buzz” is that thesemedia reporters are expecting to report on a big surprise. This surpriseis the NESARA announcement and they are there waiting to cover it. Lastyear many media reporters were put under gag order by World Court andgiven a NESARA information package in preparation for covering the announcement during last Spring’s announcement time period. They arestill under gag order and will be until the official NESARA announcement. This time it looks like they will be covering NESARA’s announcement and their waiting will be rewarded.
Let’s keep our postcards going and continue energizing NESARA’sannouncement in our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses! NESARANow!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Needs Independent White Knights; NESARA Confirmations. Full Report.
April 6, 2004 7:46 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
It’s obvious that White Knights who are dedicated to getting NESARAannounced are the ones who must take action and get NESARA announced in this official announcement time period. I’ve been calling for independentWhite Knights to take action because the four pro-NESARA US Supreme CourtJustices (who were successful in obtaining NESARA’s current announcementtime period) are expecting the White Knight Decision Team to manage NESARA’s announcement process. There are still Illuminati double agentsamong the White Knight Decision Team members normally in charge ofordering the NESARA announcement; these Illuminati have sabotaged NESARA’sannouncement from the inside¨¨ for the last four years. These Illuminatidouble agents must be overthrown by independent White Knights. Only byoverthrowing these Illuminati double-agents, can independent White Knightsget NESARA announced.
We are sending postcards to dedicated White Knights who know how important it is for NESARA to be announced. Our postcards are the very first time these White Knights have seen the broad public support for NESARA’sannouncement. Our postcards are very important in encouraging these White Knights to do all they can to get NESARA announced in this NESARA announcement time period. We need to continue sending our postcards and urging these NESARA supporters to ensure NESARA is announced in this announcement time period. Our flood of postcards is helping to move NESARA forward to announcement.
The secret BIG thing will also give NESARA a big boost. One of the parties involved in this BIG thing had technical problems, so we will not be seeing pictures of the BIG thing tonight as planned. We will check tomorrow to see if the technical problems have been solved and as soon as possible, we will post pictures on the website of a whole new way we are energizing NESARA into announcement.
We have several weeks left in this NESARA announcement time period. We all must do everything we can to get NESARA announced immediately! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Rolls into Public View in Washington, DC Today. Full Report.
April 7, 20048:58 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In addition to reporting the actions related to NESARA’s progress toannouncement, I’m always researching HOW WE can help to move NESARAforward. Based on my research and knowledge of who is involved in variousactions required to bring NESARA to announcement, I’ve developedstrategies which we have pursued to stimulate action moving NESARA toward announcement.
Last summer I called for people to join an organization with the purpose of getting NESARA announced. Very quickly, hundreds of people around the US and the world joined and the NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) were born. The NTAT continues to grow daily. Our NTAT have spread the good news of NESARA to tens of thousands in theUS and around the world. Our strategy is to give NESARA public exposure outside the internet and we have been successful. As the number of people who know about NESARA increases, so does the number of people sending postcards and doing other actions to influence those who have the power to get NESARA announced.
By sending our postcards to those who can impact the timing of NESARA’sannouncement, we are telling these people that WE want NESARANOW! The more postcards we send, the greater the energy moving NESARA forward.
In the last week I’ve been working closely with NESARA supporters on astrategy to bring NESARA into PUBLIC VIEW in a BIG way! Today, we successfully launched this action calling for NESARA’s immediateannouncement. Knowing that the people who can get NESARA announced are inthe Washington, DC area, we are focusing this strategy in the DC area. Weare showing the people on Capitol Hill, the US Supreme Court, and the Pentagon that WE want NESARA NOW!
The great news of NESARA is being broadcast all around the DC area on a BIG 10 foot by 22 foot MOBILE BILLBOARD! Our billboard is circling the Pentagon area and Capitol Hill for HOURS every day! You can see a picture taken TODAY of this NESARA mobile billboard with the Capitol Building in the background on our home page! Click on the picture of the NESARA mobile billboard truck and you will be taken to additional pictures.
Enjoy these pictures and also enjoy knowing that at last, OUR VOICES are being heard in D.C. in a BIG way. It may take some time to download the pictures based on your Internet connection speed but it’s well worthwaiting to see the pictures of the NESARA billboard.
This is the IDEAL time to show our public support of NESARA in Washington, DC. There are thousands of extra media reporters in DC awaiting the NESARA announcement. Some of these media reporters have been informed about NESARA and are under gag order. They will be amazed to see proof that thousands of us are calling for NESARA’s announcement!
Our NESARA mobile billboard is circling the areas where those who can getNESARA announced have their offices. For hours and hours every day, ourNESARA mobile billboard is circling their buildings and letting everyone know that WE are demanding NESARA’s announcement now. NESARA is NOW inPUBLIC VIEW in a BIG way!
My thanks to those who worked with me and put in long hours and resourcesto make our great NESARA billboard a reality on the road so quickly. We must do all we can to get NESARA announced. Until we actually see NESARA’s announcement on television, we must do everything we can toenergize NESARA’s announcement!
Our dedication to NESARA’s announcement is NOW being SEEN for the first time ever in Washington, DC and the Pentagon areas! Let’s keep ourpostcards going to increase the energy moving NESARA to announcement! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Mobile Billboard is Big Hit; Dove on San Francisco Radio Friday. Full Report.
April 8, 20047:57 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The NESARA mobile billboard circling Washington, DC and the Pentagon is a big hit! I’ve included some of your comments at the end of this Report. We will be adding more pictures of the NESARA mobile billboard to ourwebsite. Next week, the NESARA billboard will be even “bigger”. We willhave more pictures next week to show you this great NESARA action in theD.C. area.
The NESARA mobile billboard activity is the idea of and is beinggenerously funded by a strong NESARA supporter who wants to do something to help move NESARA into announcement. We all owe this person many thanks for the generous funding of this action supporting NESARA and calling for NESARA’s announcement.
The NESARA billboard schedule varies on the weekend but generally is: – 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. NESARA billboard circles the Pentagon area – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. NESARA billboard circles Capitol Hill –2 p.m. to 5 p.m. NESARA billboard circles the Pentagon area
We will have more exciting news on the NESARA mobile billboard next week.
Your POSTCARDS to the Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff are very important. Your postcards are showing these high level officers who support NESARA that NESARA has BROAD support of Americans and others around the world. So far, they have received about 8,000 postcards and they are very surprised that so many people are expressing support of NESARA. We need to keep sending our postcards every day and continue to urge these high level officers to take action to bring NESARA to announcement.
Our postcards are necessary to get the point across to these officers that WE WANT NESARA NOW! Having these postcards arriving at the Pentagon at the same time that we have the NESARA mobile billboard circling the Pentagon is very important to show that thousands of people support NESARA and also that we want NESARA to be made officially public now! BOTH these actions calling for NESARA’s announcement are very important NOW duringthese crucial days of the official announcement period.
In another action to publicize NESARA, tomorrow morning I will be doing a 15-minute interview on aSan Francisco radio show hosted by Xianti Hoo. Xianti (pronounced shen-tee) Hoo (aka Sande Julian) is a certified nutritionist, owner of Alternative Choices and a Contact Reflex Analysis practitioner. She is on the air talking to Bay Area listeners about making the best possible choices to maintain their health. Her radio talk show called “Healthy Choices” is broadcast on KEST Radio 1450 AM from 7a.m. to 9 a.m. She plans to talk with me about NESARA from 7:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. tomorrow. We will obtain a copy of this radio interview and put it on our website as soon as we are able.
This radio interview opportunity was set up by a NESARA supporter who personally knows Xianti. I’m willing to do more radio interviews if some of you have connections to a radio host who might be interested in supporting NESARA. I did several radio interviews in late 2002 and early 2003; you can find these radio interviews on the Dove Reports page of and we will add this radio interview when we have a copy of it.
Each of us can make a difference and help move NESARA forward to announcement. Our postcards are of major importance and every time we hand out a NESARA flyer, we are building support for NESARA. We are in the ALL IMPORTANT official NESARA announcement time period and we must do all we can to energize NESARA to announcement! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA on Radio in San Francisco Today; NESARA Confirmations. Full Report.
April 9, 20043:41 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
This morning from7:30 am to 8 am, I shared the good news of NESARA on the “Healthy Choices” show on KEST Radio 1450 AM in San Francisco. The host,Xianti, is very supportive of NESARA and the 15-minute interview developed into a 30 minute discussion of NESARA. Xianti urged her listeners to become involved with our activities to get NESARA announced. As soon as we receive a copy of this interview, we will post it on so you may listen to it via the Internet.
I’m interested in doing more radio interviews and especially now duringthe official NESARA announcement time period. Because of time and energyconstraints, if you personally have a connection to a radio talk show host who might be interested in the topic of NESARA, I’m asking that you makean initial contact with the host suggesting an interview with Dove onNESARA. If you find a host interested in an interview about NESARA,please email me at[email protected] with the email Subject of: “RadioInterview” and give me your name and phone number as well as details aboutthe radio show. I will then follow up with you and/or the radio show host.
There is a Pacifica Radio station in Los Angeles, KPFK, which might be a good possibility. Months ago I did one interview on NESARA with Eben Ray who hosts a wee hours ” 2 am to 4 am ” radio show on KPFK. If you have apersonal connection to one of the daytime radio show hosts on this station and the host covers topics like NESARA or is interested in NESARA, then please make an initial contact with the host suggesting an interview with Dove on NESARA and let me know is the host wishes to pursue an interview with me.
I’m following up on several radio talk show ideas some of you have sent mein the past and you will be receiving emails from me about these ideas. I’m looking into offers to discuss NESARA in major cities in the US as well as Canada and Australia. Right now while we are in the announcement period, the more we publicize NESARA the better. I’m personallycommitting myself to doing MORE interviews and projects to energize NESARAinto announcement in this time period.
I’m asking our NESARA supporters and our NESARA Take Action Teams to alsolook for more opportunities to get the great news of NESARA out to theworld. In the Northern Hemisphere, there are currently events which drawlarge crowds and at which we may be able to pass out NESARA flyers — check with your local city about any regulations or permits needed. During April in cities in many countries, there are home shows, boat shows, flower and garden shows, etc. which are taking place at major arenas and stadiums on the weekends. I recall the Seattle garden show was expected to draw 80,000 people in just four days time. These are places we may be able to pass out NESARA flyers as people come and go from the events.
This weekend there are Easter parades and community Easter celebrations which are open to the general public and which will draw crowds of onlookers and parade watchers. These are ideal times to spread the good news of NESARA. Some of you like to dress up and have fun passing out NESARA flyers; in some communities dressing up for Easter is a tradition. These are events where we can go with some brightly colored NESARA flyers, keep it simple, and just say “Here’s some good news” as we pass out theflyers. For those of you who have the time and interest, going to an Easter parade in your area could be fun and helpful to NESARA at the same time.
I searched the Google search engine for “April 2004 home show boat showgarden show” and also for “Easter parade” and received thousands ofresults back so there are definitely many events of this sort happening. Here’s a few of the Easter parade results I found:
The Kiwanis Club of Ahwatukee, Arizona, hosts the 28th annual Easterparade event this Saturday. In New York City, the Easter Parade is along Fifth Avenue from 49th to 57th Streets10 am to 4 pm. San Francisco’s 13th annual Union Street Easter Parade & Spring Celebration is Sunday, April 11, 2004 ~ 10 am to 5 pm, Union Street between Gough & Fillmore. Asbury Park, New Jersey has an Easter parade on April 11 on the Asbury boardwalk.
We are receiving more rave reviews of the NESARA mobile billboard from around the world as noted below. The NESARA mobile billboard will GROW, so stay tuned for more pictures and news.
There are numerous strategic objectives being met through the use of the NESARA mobile billboard. By injecting the NESARA mobile billboard into the D.C. area during this crucial time, we are breaking down the psychological barrier of years of “secrecy” surrounding NESARA; thisunseen barrier needs to be broken. We are bringing NESARA into full daylight in the location where NESARA will be announced. As the days go by, and more and more people see the NESARA mobile billboard, the phone lines in D.C. will begin to sizzle with phone calls about NESARA. The thousands of extra media reporters are going to see the NESARA mobile billboard and make calls to their contacts to find out “what’s going onwith the NESARA billboard? Is it a White Knight warm-up to the officialannouncement?”
NESARA supporters who have the capability to get NESARA announced are going to see the NESARA billboard circling them and their office buildings hour after hour, day after day, over and over again. They will also be asked “what’s going on with the NESARA billboard?” The NESARA mobilebillboard is creating a whole new ripple of energy in DC in support ofNESARA’s announcement during this crucial time!
Next week, when the full NESARA billboard action is in effect, you willbetter understand why this action will have some very interesting impacts. We are giving a jolt of energy into the very center of those who are capable of bringing us the NESARA announcement! They are receiving two big messages from us: the NESARA mobile billboard is telling them it’stime to bring NESARA into public view! Our postcards are telling them that THOUSANDS of Americans and others around the world SUPPORT the true NESARA law and demand its announcement now!
Our postcards are an IMPORTANT part of the strategy to make the Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff realize there is very broad support for NESARA and we want them to take action and bring NESARA’s announcement toAmericans and the world. Our postcards are telling them that WE ACCEPTand want the NESARA improvements. Some NESARA supporters in the Pentagon and DC do not realize that the average person upon learning about NESARA, WANTS the NESARA improvements and is thrilled with the financial benefits of NESARA which so many people desperately need. Others learning about NESARA are thrilled that world peace will at last begin to become a reality. Still others learning about NESARA are excited about the restoration of Constitutional Law!
Our POSTCARDS are the KEY to telling these four men that WE want NESARA and want NESARA’s improvements. I’m told the NUMBER ONE �hot button� forthe Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff is the “restoration ofConstitutional Law”. We need to tell the Chairman and Joint Chiefs ofStaff that WE want CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, that we realize with ConstitutionalLaw comes more “individual responsibility”, and we are ready to acceptthat responsibility along with all NESARA’s improvements. Each time wesend a postcard we need to include: “I want Constitutional Law and I’mready to accept the increased individual responsibility involved” orsimilar comments.
The Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff have the experience, knowledge, andthe resources to do what is needed to get NESARA announced in thisofficial NESARA announcement time period! We need to DO EVERYTHING we canto urge these four top military officers to use their resources and get NESARA announced immediately!
They know all about NESARA because over 25,000 US military personnel are currently on NESARA announcement security duty assignments to provide security for gold and the new Treasury currency shipments, security for banking centers, and many other security activities. Here are the names and addresses of these top military officers who support NESARA and have the capability to get NESARA announced:
General Richard B. Myers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
General Peter Pace
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
Admiral Vern Clark
Chief of Naval Operations
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000
General Michael W. Hagee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20380-1775
Folks, WE each can contribute to getting NESARA announced! Let’s keep ourpostcards going to the Pentagon to prove that THOUSANDS of Americans WANT NESARA NOW!
The regular leadership of those responsible for getting NESARA announced is called "the Committee", also known as the White Knights Decision Team. From the beginning, the Committee has included and still includesIlluminati double-agents who secretly plan to sabotage and delay NESARA’sannouncement once again. My sources say the Committee has set a date forthe NESARA announcement but that at the last minute, the double-agents onthe Committee plan to help sabotage and delay the announcement. This is a key strategy of the Illuminati in everything they do: to infiltrate something good and then sabotage from within.
We must have independent White Knights who sincerely support NESARA and who step forward and take over control of getting NESARA announced. The key to getting NESARA announced is for independent White Knights to take charge of the NESARA announcement process and get NESARA announced without informing the Committee. Each day I address the Dove Reports to the true White Knights who are sincerely dedicated to getting NESARA announced and it is to these White Knights that I say: YOU must take control of the NESARA announcement process, put the NESARA Announcement Presenters in front of the camera, and throw the switch for the NESARA announcement broadcast! This is what must be done to ensure NESARA is announced in this official time period.
In an effort to encourage and energize our true White Knights, the NESARA billboard action is going to get bigger and better next week. The NESARA mobile billboard is already beginning to stir energy in DC.
Those of us in the US and around the world who want NESARA announced can also increase our efforts to energize NESARA to announcement. We have almost a month left in this official announcement time period, so let’s gofull steam ahead in every possible way: sending postcards, handing outflyers, etc. — building support for NESARA’s immediate announcement! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Begins World Peace; New International Banking Regulations Require Peace.
April 10, 20047:12 pm PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
NESARA’s announcement initiates a four-month process during which allcountries in the world must implement new international banking regulations which regulate banking and money transfers worldwide in the changed worldwide economic environment where all currencies are backed by precious metals. These new international banking regulations have been sitting on the shelf for years waiting to go into effect after NESARA’sannouncement.
The new international banking regulations are designed to regulatemonetary and banking issues after the world’s monetary systems change overto precious metals backed currencies. The change over to precious metals backed currencies will change the world economy and commercial transactions between countries involving import and export of goods and services will also change in various ways. New banking regulations are necessary to address the new world economy in which we will find ourselves after NESARA’s announcement.
The new international banking regulations require much more fluidity andfree flow of money around the world and between countries than can be allowed when countries are at war. When countries are at war, the countries invoke wartime monetary restrictions such as no transfers of money to the enemy country and other kinds of constraints on money transfers to other countries. In the US, we are seeing many such constraints imposed by the Bush regime. The new international banking regulations disallow these kinds of war-time restrictions due to very complex issues having to do with the whole world going to gold-backed currencies and related banking improvements which require the removal of war-time monetary restrictions.
According to the new international banking regulations, once a country declares its currency is backed by precious metals, the country must declare peace and remove all wartime monetary and banking restrictions. Therefore, within hours after NESARA’s announcement the NESARA PresidentDesignate will declare that the US is at “peace” and will order an end toaggressive US military actions immediately.
After NESARA’s announcement, as various countries’ banking systemsannounce their currencies are backed by precious metals, the officials ofthese countries will also declare they are at peace and will cease waractivities. According to the new international banking regulations, countries have only four months to adopt the new banking regulations and peace.
The pressure on countries to adopt the new banking regulations and peace is strong. If a country has not adopted the new international banking regulations and peace by the end of four months after NESARA’sannouncement, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will stop all monetarytransfers of funds into and out of that country. The IMF acts as theinternational clearing house and record keeper of money transfers from onecountry to another country. This means that the country would be totally cut off from the world economy because the country would not be able to pay for imports or receive payments for exports of goods and services. No country can survive if it is cut off from the world economy.
Therefore, it can be reasonably expected that all countries will adopt the new banking regulations and peace within four months after NESARA’sannouncement. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Restores Constitutional Law and Bill of Rights. Full Report.
April 11, 20047:53 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In March 1933, newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) took Americans out of Constitutional Law. You can read details about this in the January 15, 2003 Dove Report entitled “How NESARA Cancels War &Restores Our Constitutional Rights” at this webpage address: .
FDR used both a banking act ("Emergency Banking and Bank Conservation Act"approved on March 9, 1933) and amendments to a “trading with the enemy”act to expand his powers and to keep our country perpetually under “emergency and war powers”. This is how our Constitutional Rights wereusurped by the Executive Branch (President) and the Congressional Branchof our government using underhanded and disguised changes to laws in 1933.
I included in the January 15, 2003 Dove Report an analysis of the Emergency War Powers by Dr. Gene Schroder who has written a book entitled “Constitution: Fact or Fiction”( ) detailing his years of research into the unlawful use of emergency and war powers by federal government officials to suspend the Constitution and hold more power than they lawfully should hold.
Here’s an excerpt from my January 13, 2003 Report which explains some ofwhat FDR did in 1933 to take us out of Constitutional Law: Gene Schroder writes: "Under the amended version (1933) of the 1917 Actand by operation of law, the American people became the same as the foreign "Enemy" of 1917. As such, all Americans were therefore subject to regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of Treasury since March 4, 1933 (12 USC 95b). After the American people were declared to be "enemies", all legal and commercial intercourse became illegal, and the only way one could do business or any type of legal intercourse was to obtain permission from our government by means of a form of license (by law, a ‘license" is a permit to do that which would otherwise be illegal)."
As you might expect, our government normally protects the United States by restricting the activities of "enemies". For example, we wouldn’t expect the Federal government to allow Communist agents to travel freely or open a business in our country. Nevertheless, there are times when the government might allow members of an "enemy" nation to travel from New York to Chicago. For example, when athletes of the former Soviet Union came to America, our government granted them a special permission ("licenses") to do that (travel) which would otherwise be prohibited for Russian agents.
That our government might "license" foreigners who might be enemies is unremarkable, but who ever imagined that our own government licensed us for the very same reason? Today, if one wants to travel, one has to have a Driver’s License, if one wants to open up a business, one has to have a business license, if one wants to work, one must obtain a license (Social Security Card).
You may read more on this subject as authored by Gene Schroder and othersat the following link: .
Immediately after NESARA is announced, all courts in the US will be closed for a month or two while all Judges, law enforcement officers, and attorneys attend courses in Constitutional Law. When NESARA restores Constitutional Law, the unconstitutional laws passed since 1933 will be wiped out including the amendments FDR used in 1933 to take us out of Constitutional Law. Through various press releases and publications from the NESARA Designate officials after NESARA’s announcement, we the public will also be educated about Constitutional Law. There will also be information on government websites and booklets which we can order from the government printing office containing information about Constitutional Law. It’s expected that it will take about two months for these educational processes to be completed and then Constitutional Law will go into full effect; prior to that, if people understand their rights under Constitutional Law, they can claim these rights in certain situations.
As noted above, prior to 1933 only people from “enemy” countries had to be “licensed” by the government to carry out activities inside theUnitedStates, Americans did not have to be licensed for anything. After NESARAis announced and Constitutional Law is in effect, the government will no longer be involved in “licensing” Americans. The government will nolonger be involved in issuing driver’s licenses. People will still beheld responsible for driving safely and they will need to adhere to therules of driving correctly or they can be arrested for causing harm or endangering public safety. Under Constitutional Law, people will have to take responsibility for any harm they do to anyone else or to property when driving or in other situations.
After Constitutional Law goes into effect, vehicle insurance companies will ask for proof that a new driver has demonstrated proficiency in driving and knowledge of the rules of the road. Insurance companies will ask new drivers to provide a “certificate” showing the new driver has passed a driving test and knowledge test regarding rules of the road. Currently, driving schools would be able to provide such a certificate and there will probably be new businesses set up to provide such certification service, or the insurance company itself may provide this certification service. Most people will choose to carry vehicle insurance because they do not have the funds available to cover the costs of vehicle accident repairs, replacement of the vehicle due to theft, medical costs due to vehicle accident, etc.
After Constitutional Law goes into effect, some wealthy people will choose to “self-insure” which means they will not carry vehicle insurance becausethey have the financial resources to cover any expense that might arise. These people will still be responsible for driving safely and for any damage they may cause while driving.
Under Constitutional Law, we are each held responsible for our actions and expected to avoid harming anyone or anyone else’s property. We are heldaccountable for any damage we do to anyone else or their property. We are not allowed to disturb the peace or conduct ourselves in ways that endanger others. Instead of millions of statutory laws telling us how to act in every conceivable situation (there are millions of statutory laws on the books in the US today), we will be required to accept individual responsibility for governing our actions.
Today there are people who drive without a driver’s license and withoutvehicle insurance due to lack of money, or a bad driving record, or in rare cases because they reject the government’s requirements for adriver’s license and insurance. After Constitutional Law is in effect,people who do not carry vehicle insurance will still be held responsiblefor any damages they cause while driving and will be subject to arrest and prosecution for causing harm or endangerment.
After Constitutional Law is in effect, businesses will not be licensed by the government because doing business is not illegal and under the Constitution, a license is needed only for something which is normally considered illegal. If there’s a need for professionals to be tested andcertified in their field, this will be done by non-governmentorganizations.
Regarding Social Security cards, after Constitutional Law is in effect it will not be necessary to use a Social Security card unless we are applying for Social Security benefits. Social Security income payments and disability payments WILL CONTINUE to people in the US after NESARA is announced.
About 16 months after NESARA is announced, Americans over 21 years of age will begin receiving “financial redress” funds paid monthly over tenyears; the financial redress monthly payments will be tens of thousands ofdollars per month and will replace Social Security and disability payments for American adults mentally capable of managing the funds. (See theMarch 16, 2004 Dove Report in the Dove Reports on for details on financial redress payments.) Americans will be expected to invest or save a portion of their very generous financial redress funds to provide for their own retirement income.
For people not able to receive the financial redress payments (non-Americans living in theUS who need financial help or mentally disabled adults), there will be ongoing government programs to provide reasonable amounts of income to these people or for their care.
Under Constitutional Law, Americans will have more freedom and privacy and also more responsibility for their lives and futures. The Bill of Rights will be fully restored as will all of our rights under the Constitution.
The improvements brought by NESARA’s restoration of Constitutional Law aremany and involve numerous areas of our lives. This is just a briefintroduction.
The key to having NESARA announced in this official NESARA announcement time period are certain strong NESARA supporters who have the capability to take action, put the NESARA Announcement Presenters in front of the camera, and bring us NESARA’s announcement. Our postcards are reaching some of the strong NESARA supporters who can bring us NESARA. Let’scontinue our postcards to the Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff at thePentagon urging them to bring us NESARA’s announcement and telling them wewant Constitutional Law and are ready to accept the increased personal responsibility involved.
The NESARA mobile billboard is continuing to circle Capitol Hill and the Pentagon throughout the weekend and the coming week. You can see the NESARA billboard with the Pentagon in the background by going to , clicking on the NESARA billboard picture, and on the next page scrolling down to see the new pictures. We will continue to add more pictures this week as the NESARA mobile billboard becomes even bigger! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Progress; Constitutional Law Supports Personal Freedom. Full Report.
April 12, 20044:21 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
There is positive movement forward in certain aspects of getting NESARA announced in the next few weeks! Certain actions had to be carried out and then response to these actions had to be given time to occur before I could give you an update on the progress of moving NESARA toward announcement. To avoid causing problems, I cannot give you details but can say that there are encouraging signs that NESARA is moving forward. More activities are in process to move the necessary elements into action so NESARA’s announcement can be made in this official announcement period. It’s taking some time for some of these things to occur, however, there arevery encouraging signs!
Today I’m continuing to cover some ways the restoration of ConstitutionalLaw will benefit us. One of the key elements of Constitutional Law isalso a key element of divine law: this is a person’s freedom to makechoices for his or her life, which is known in divine law as "free will". Under Constitutional Law, which is based largely on common law, the basicpremise is that people may make choices that are harmful to themselves or their own property, but they may NOT impose their choices on other people or other people’s property. Also, under Constitutional Law, people areresponsible for the actions they take and they must make restitution toanyone they harm.
Under NESARA’s provisions and Constitutional Law, manufacturers ofproducts and providers of services will have to make their customers fullyaware of dangers associated with their products and services. Forexample, the pharmaceutical industry will be required to make publicly available the statistics of how many people die each year due to complications caused by the prescription drugs the pharmaceutical corporation is making. Right now information is not made readily available regarding how many people die from taking a specific drug and the side effects of the drugs people take are often not known by the people themselves.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is NOT making sure prescription drugs are safe. According to the testimony to Congress in May 2001 by the Institute of Medicine, over 770,000 people die in hospitals from medication side effects each year. This does not include the thousands who die outside of hospitals from medication side effects and it does not include the severe damage done to people’s lives by medication side effects.
The pharmaceutical industry has the highest profits of any industry in the top 500 businesses in the Fortune 500. Even when most industries were suffering in the last few years, the pharmaceutical industry has continued to make record-breaking profits of 33%! One of the reasons the profits are so high is that people do not know the dangers of the prescription drugs they are taking; if people knew, they would not take certain drugs. Even doctors are not told the whole truth about the dangers of drugs they prescribe and it is believed the FDA receives reports on only ONE percent of the prescription drug side effects people experience.
Under NESARA, the FDA will be required to give much better information about prescription drugs side effects and deaths due to prescription drugs. The pharmaceutical manufacturers will also have to provide much more public information about the dangers of their products, as will all manufacturers of products.
Under Constitutional Law, what are currently considered “illegal drugs”will become legal and sellers of these drugs will be required to registerwith county/township government and collect sales tax on their sales. According to the information I’ve found, about 20,000 people die each year from illicit use of drugs or using illegal drugs (see ).
Let me say here that I STRONGLY DISCOURAGE anyone from using mind-altering substances because all these substances kill or damage brain cells and it is due to the effects of killing or damaging brain cells that the person taking drugs gets a “high”. I have done social worker case management forpeople with drug and alcohol addictions and I definitely DO NOT approve of people using mind-altering substances. That said, I will continue with this topic.
Under NESARA and Constitutional Law, ALL drugs that are currently considered “illegal” will be legal which requires the sellers of thesedrugs to “register” with their county/township government that they areselling these kinds of substances. The sellers will also have to provideproof of independent laboratory testing that all substances they areselling do not contain rat poison or other such ingredients. The sellers will be required to post warnings in their places of business explaining the dangerous effects of these drugs, including that these drugs can cause death, and sellers will be required to give each customer detailed information about the dangers of the drugs. It’s possible that somepeople will choose not to take these drugs when they are confronted withinformation about the damaging effects of the drugs.
Once these drugs are legal, the huge profits of the illegal drug tradewill fade. It is known that groups in the CIA are involved in trafficking illegal drugs (see ex-Los Angeles cop Mike Ruppert’s report ). The CIA uses billions of dollars of drug money to run some of their secret, non-approved operations and is a major supplier of drugs in the US and other countries. The CIA has forced Afghanistan people to plant poppies for opium production in place of food producing crops in the last few years. Making drugs legal will vastly reduce the huge profits anyone is making from illegal drugs; it will also reduce the need to build more prisons due to the 1.6 million arrests made yearly due to drug related charges.
Under Constitutional Law, people have the personal freedom to decide whether they want to use mind-altering substances such as cocaine, crack, etc. People can choose to do things which cause themselves harm if they wish, but they may not impose harm on other people. Anyone who causes harm to someone else or someone else’s property will be held responsibleunder Constitutional Law.
If sellers of drugs do not register or comply with the requirements, theywill be charged and face consequences in court. If people using drugs harm others, they will be held legally responsible.
Although I do not in any way support people taking mind-altering substances, it is clear the current drug laws do not work. It’s clearthere’s so much profit from illegal drugs that this profit by itself is a major contributor to the growing and distribution of these substances and to the many problems related to the illegal distribution of these drugs. Taking the big profits away will have a huge impact on cutting down on the supply of these substances. Requiring sellers to register and test their products will cut down on other harmful aspects.
From doing case management of addicted people, my sense is the real answer is to help these people find the root cause of why they take drugs and address the root issues. Some of us can do improvement projects to address these needs.
NESARA’s restoration of Constitutional Law will result in people beingbetter informed about the pharmaceutical drugs they are using and whether these drugs are dangerous to them; this may save some lives that otherwise would not be saved. People buying mind-altering drugs will also be informed about the dangers of the drugs and may choose not to take the drugs.
Many of the crimes related to illegal sales of drugs on the street, such as adults recruiting school children to carry and sell drugs, will be removed. Gangs fighting over territories in which to sell drugs will end. CIA and other groups trafficking in drugs will lose the billions in cash they now make; losing their income will help end their secret, unapproved and unacceptable operations in the US and around the world.
The restoration of Constitutional Law provides us more freedom and it also requires we take more personal responsibility for our actions. I think Americans are ready to accept the additional personal responsibility involved. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] Overview of NESARA Economic, Financial, and Legal Benefits. Full Report.
April 13, 20043:19 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today I revised the following overview of NESARA’s economic, financial,and legal benefits to reflect the most recent information I have on these subjects.
The “National Economic Security And Reformation Act” -NESARA- providesmajor benefits to Americans including:
1. Forgiveness of credit card, mortgage debt, and other bank loans as remedy for bank and government frauds;
2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only"sales tax revenue for government
3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System which absorbs the Federal Reserveand new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4. Restores Constitutional Law;
5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days;
6. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.
Some of the major purposes of NESARA are to improve the liberty and prosperity of most people worldwide. All aspects of NESARA have been thoroughly researched and developed to ensure the average person’s life isimproved and their financial and economic assets are safeguardedthroughout the NESARA improvements processes. All aspects have also been carefully considered and designed so that NESARA’s improvements will beimplemented in an orderly and well-managed process.
People in most countries will receive bank-related debt forgiveness forcredit card debt, mortgages, car loans, education loans, personal loans, home refinancing mortgages, home equity loans, etc., similar to what people in the U.S. are receiving. Credit cards issued by major merchants such as Sears will also be forgiven because the funds backing these merchant credit cards are ultimately linked back to banks.
Credit Unions are “banks” and they will have to do the NESARA debtforgiveness just like other U. S. banks. Some credit unions have signedagreements to be affiliated with the majorU.S. banks alreadycontractually set up to be U.S. Treasury banks. All U.S. credit unions will have to do this to become part of the new U.S. Treasury bank system within weeks of the true NESARA law announcement.
The banks and credit unions in the U.S. are being PAID $9,000 per credit card to zero out the credit card balances and are also being PAID GENEROUS amounts to forgive car, education, mortgage, personal, refinancing, and equity loans, etc. The banks are being paid generously to do the debt forgiveness out of massive funds that have been accumulating for well over 20 years in European banks. The banks will be very profitable after they receive all these NESARA payments for doing debt relief.
In most countries, there are expected to be increases in the monthly amounts of social services payments similar to what people in the U.S. will receive for Social Security retirement payments, disability payments, military disability and pensions payments, and family support payments, etc., within a few months of NESARA being announced. All federal government social services payments will be continued after NESARA’sannouncement. This means that all Social Security payments, all federalgovernment payments to people for welfare, unemployment, pensions, etc.,will continue after NESARA is announced; in most cases the monthly amounts will be increased within two months of NESARA’s announcement.
About 18 months after NESARA’s announcement, U.S.citizens/sovereigns/natural persons will begin receiving funds from the “new prosperity” program based on “financial redress” for past governmentand banking frauds. The “new prosperity program” based on financialredress will be publicly announced after NESARA is announced. Eventuallyall people worldwide will have access to new prosperity options. It’stime the world’s people were lifted out of “survival”. Some experts statethere has been enough money in the world for the last 30 years that if themoney were evenly distributed, every person would be a millionaire. Fivepercent of the world’s people control 95% of the world’s wealth.
For decades, vast sums of humanitarian prosperity programs funds have beenaccumulating in special revenue generating processes in European banksawaiting the right time when these funds could safely be released toprogram members who will be doing world improvement projects. NESARA’sannouncement sets up the new banking and legal conditions which allow thedistribution of this vast wealth to people all across the world during thenext several years.
People’s pensions and investments are also being protected by the NESARA process. Most people’s pension funds are invested in stock marketinvestments or similar kinds of investments. There are special provisionsin NESARA to protect people’s pensions and investments. NESARA’sannouncement does not change the value of people’s investments in thestock markets. People who are drawing pensions can expect to continue todraw their pensions after NESARA without any problems.
The stock markets, currency exchanges, and commodities markets will be closed for a period of days after NESARA is announced. The White Knights enlisted contributions from the world’s best experts in economics andbanking systems regarding how this worldwide shift in our economies willbe handled. There is an index of prices of products and services which will be tied to the price of gold and which will be used following NESARA’s announcement. The major stockbrokerage firms have already set up “conversion tables” which they will use after NESARA is announced. It is expected that the price of gold will go up after NESARA is announced.
We all will be receiving education via the news media and seminars in the principles underlying our new worldwide economy based on currencies backed by precious metals. On May 19, 2003, a CNN news reporter stated that Alan Greenspan has 30 hours of education on film about the "new monetarysystem". All 30 hours of information on the new monetary system will bebroadcast within a few days after NESARA’s announcement. Some sections of the 30 hours will apply to other countries as well as the U.S.
One of the major principles of good financial management in our new economy will be living on the financial means we have available and staying out of debt except for major purchases such as homes and vehicles. Most people will have much more disposable cash available to them after NESARA is announced due to no longer having to make monthly payments for their credit cards, mortgages, car loans, etc. and will have increased take-home pay due to no deductions for income taxes. Once people’s creditcard debts are forgiven, NESARA’s banking improvements are designed toensure people avoid having long-term credit card debt. Under NESARA,people will use credit cards and pay off their balances monthly or within a few months time rather than carry balances on their credit cards for years.
Most of us have no knowledge of how economies work when the value of products and services are expressed in currency which is backed by precious metals. Most of our beliefs about how economies work will have to be changed after NESARA is announced. The 30 hours of education will provide us considerable education about the new economic foundations of our economies before normal trading activities in stocks, bonds, gold, commodities, etc., are restarted. Some well-known financial advisors have books ready to be released which provide guidance in managing our financial lives in accordance with the new worldwide economy initiated by NESARA’s announcement.
The amount of money people have in their checking and savings accounts will be the same amount right after NESARA that was there immediately before NESARA was announced. The amounts people have in their bank accounts will be automatically valued in the new U.S. Treasury currency immediately after NESARA’s announcement. There will be ZERO loss of moneyin people’s bank accounts from NESARA’s announcement and improvements. The Federal Reserve’s facilities and personnel will be absorbed into theU.S. Treasury Department and the Treasury Department will take over managing our U.S. banking system. All money we have in our bank accounts will be automatically included in the new U.S. Treasury bank system. None of our money will be reduced or lost due to the U.S. Treasury taking over managing the banking system from the Federal Reserve.
After NESARA is announced, we will be exchanging our Federal Reserve Notes for the new U.S. Treasury “rainbow currency” during the weeks followingNESARA’s announcement and we may do the exchanging in a number of ways. We can pay for our purchases with the Federal Reserve Notes we have on hand and major merchants and the U.S. Post Office will give us our change in the new U.S. Treasury currency. We may also exchange our Federal Reserve Notes at “certain” ATM machines where we can insert our FederalReserve Notes and get back the same amount of money in the new U.S.Treasury bills. Finally, when U.S. banks re-open their lobbies followingthree business days of bank closure to do their NESARA transition processes after the announcement, we can take our Federal Reserve Notes into banks and exchange them for the new U.S. Treasury bills. There is zero benefit in holding onto the Federal Reserve Notes after NESARA is announced, and we will be able to easily convert them to the new Treasury currency. The coins we are using will continue to be used.
Just as in theU.S., the paying of personal and corporate national income tax will end around the world within a few years after NESARA is announced. Immediately, as of NESARA’s announcement, the IRS is abolishedin the U.S. and all payments of federal income tax by individuals andcorporations will totally cease. The only thing IRS staff will do isprocess refunds for some months after NESARA is announced. SomeIRS personnel and facilities will be transferred to the U.S. Treasury Department to carry out the new activities of collecting and processing the new limited national sales tax which NESARA establishes to raise funds for government services.
Because NESARA abolishes the Federal Reserve System and provides for the buyout of all shares and facilities of the Federal Reserve corporation by the U.S. Treasury, NESARA immediately wipes out over 70% of the U.S. national debt. The Federal Reserve System’s charges of fees and interest are the main cause of the U.S. national debt and therefore after the NESARA buyout of the Federal Reserve, the government can cancel all debts owed by the government to the Fed and this will wipe out over 70% of the national debt. For anyone who does not understand the truth behind the Federal Reserve System, I suggest you read the Dove Report entitled “NESARA Brings Prosperity; Fed. Res. is Private Corp.” and dated December5, 2002. You may find this in the Dove Reports in the December 2002 section.
I have written about the price reductions required by NESARA over the last nearly four years of writing about NESARA. Right now the price of everything in our lives is based on the purchasing power of the Federal Reserve Notes which are basically “worthless” fiat money that has nothingbacking it but “confidence” in the U.S. government. Since Roosevelt tookus off the gold standard in the 1930’s, we have had massive inflation dueto the fact there was nothing of value standing behind our money and also the Federal Reserve banking system has many “built-in” factors that causeinflation.
When the U.S. Supreme Court Justices developed the reformations of ourbanking and currency system which sets up our new U.S. Treasury bank system and absorbs the physical assets and personnel of the Federal Reserve system, the Justices called together a coalition of the world’sforemost economic, monetary, and banking experts, as well as experts inConstitutional Law. One of the major tasks was to remove the inflation from the prices of everything we buy. The decision was made to re-price everything so that we start with a new price structure and an economy where the value of everything is supported by the new precious metals backed Treasury currency.
The Justices and their coalitions of economic, monetary, and banking experts have met with the heads of nearly all governments worldwide to discuss these issues and have agreements signed by heads of all these governments stating that their country will also make these changes within two years of the true NESARA law being announced. When the true NESARA law is announced, there will be many follow-up press conferences regarding the details about how the new pricing structures will work. Basically within 60 days of NESARA’s announcement, prices on most products andservices will be reduced in the U.S. to ten percent of what they are now. Two months after NESARA is announced, a new television which currently ispriced at $350 will be repriced to $35 purchase price.
The U.S. Supreme Court Justices have had the top experts in all fields provide input and when all prices of all items are adjusted downward about two months after the true NESARA law is announced, there will be similar adjustments in the prices of stocks and bonds. Stocks and bonds will keep their relative value because everything is being repriced. The repricing of stocks and bonds will be just like the repricing of milk, eggs, and bread in the supermarket. Instead of paying about $4 for a gallon of milk, we will pay 40 cents when the price changes go into effect. Instead of paying $1.80 for a gallon of gas, we will pay 18 cents per gallon. Stocks and bonds will be repriced in the same way as other commodities we buy.
A month or two after the true NESARA law is announced, all items and services we buy will be repriced to correct for the massive inflation in prices that the Federal Reserve banking system has caused. Right now we pay for things with basically worthless Federal Reserve “fiat” money. Butafter the true NESARA law, we will change over to our new U.S. Treasurybank system and currency and our Treasury currency is backed by gold,silver, and platinum. Consequently, under the new U.S. Treasury bank andcurrency system, there must be an adjustment in the current prices on items and services to squeeze out the inflation in current prices that is totally due to our using worthless Federal Reserve fiat money.
In the two months after NESARA is announced, people in the U.S. will be paid at their current rates until the new price reductions go into effect. During this two month period, people can plan to save their disposable cash to accumulate a nest egg of funds which might be enough to use as a down payment on a house or to buy a vehicle after the price reductions go into effect. Whatever cash funds people have on hand at the end of the 60 days when the reduced prices are instituted, the cash on hand people have will be like a big bonus and will buy 90% more when the lower prices are instituted.
In the month after the price reductions take effect, people’s wages,salaries, and other compensation will be repriced and will have the samepurchasing power as now because all prices of products and services willalready be adjusted downward in exactly the same proportion as people’swages, salaries, etc.
Let me give an example so you understand. For example if NESARA’sannouncement occurs in April 2004, it’s likely that merchants and serviceproviders will be given two months (about 60 days) to be ready to implement the 90% price reductions. In most cases this means simply moving the decimal point to the left one position in the merchant’scomputerized databases of prices for products and services and posting newprice labels where appropriate when the changeover date arrives.
Although I expect NESARA to be announced before the end of April 2004, I will use April 30th in the following explanation to simplify matters. IF NESARA were THEORETICALLY announced on April 30, 2004, then all merchants and providers of products and services would have 61 days (May and June) to get ready to implement the new reduced prices by July 1, 2004. On July 1, the new reduced prices of everything would take effect. If your income is $3,000 a month, in May and June, you would continue to be paid $3,000 a month.
Let’s say that you normally pay $600 for food and other routine supplies amonth. On July 1st when prices would be decreased by 90%, you would have earned$3,000 in the month of June, however you would only have to pay $60 for your food and routine supplies. You would have $540 you can use for other things. In addition, you would have NO income tax taken from your paycheck as of NESARA’s announcement in April 2004 and you would havesaved disposable cash from your income for May and June due to no credit card, mortgage, car loan, education loan or other bank debt payments to make. You would pay social security taxes & Medicare (FICA taxes – 7.4%) but with all the debt forgiveness and no income tax deductions or other deductions, you could have as much as $2,778 of your $3,000 a month income available to you to spend or save.
The point I’m making is that after NESARA is announced, you can save yourincreased disposable cash and much of your current income prior to the price reductions; then the cash-in-hand you accumulate will buy you much more after the price reductions go into effect. If you’ve been wanting toaccumulate enough cash for a down payment for a house, or a new vehicle,or some other expensive thing, the time to do this is during the 60 days after NESARA is announced. The cash you have on hand when the price reductions go into effect will buy you 90% more at that time.
Because all prices must be adjusted to 10% of the current prices 60 days after NESARA is announced, your income and salary must also be adjusted to 10% on July 1st. Your new income WILL STILL BUY THE SAME AMOUNT as now because the prices of everything will also be repriced to 10% of today’sprices. The repricing of everything at the same time means that no one loses any money.
The prosperity programs amounts being funded to current prosperity program members in theU.S. will NOT be reduced after NESARA is announced because these amounts are “cash” in our bank accounts today. If we have, for example, $10 billion in our prosperity program bank account before NESARA’s announcement, it will still be $10 billion after NESARA isannounced. However, the $10 billion will buy 90% more after the repricingof products and services.
In addition, one of the most amazing improvements that rolls out from NESARA and across the world is that all people worldwide will eventually have the same rights that we Americans have when NESARA restores our Constitution and Bill of Rights. When I first heard about this, I wondered how this was being arranged. All I can tell you today is that over 180 countries have signed agreements to do this and there was “divineintervention” in the process of getting these agreements signed. Fairlysoon after NESARA is announced, the details will be revealed.
The restoration of Constitutional Law vastly improves our lives in ways that are almost unlimited. NESARA wipes out all the unconstitutional laws like the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act, the homeland security act, and all laws back to 1933 when FDR took us out of Constitutional Law as well as selected laws prior to 1933. All our civil liberties will be restored with NESARA’s announcement. Under Constitutional Law, the inventors of the newenergy devices will be able to safely make their devices publicly available and zero government agency or corporation will be able to stop them. Alternative medical therapies and technologies can also be made available without worry of attacks by FDA agents or other government interference. There are many technologies and products which have been suppressed and the inventors of these will be able to safely and publicly unveil these technologies and products which will help many people.
The restoration of Constitutional Law also requires that all judges, law enforcement, and others must attend educational seminars and learn about Constitutional Law. All courts in the U.S. will be closed for two months while these Constitutional Law seminars are being conducted. Any court cases in process when NESARA is announced will have to be re-filed using Constitutional Law foundations; many cases now clogging up the court systems will no longer be valid court cases under Constitutional Law. In addition, many people who have been imprisoned under unconstitutional laws such as income tax laws, will be released from prison within weeks after NESARA is announced. There will also be educational seminars on television regarding Constitutional Law which is based on Common Law and we all will be learning about this.
Some people, such as IRS employees, will find that their jobs no longer exist or their income is decreased by the announcement of NESARA. In the U.S., all people who can prove their income has been reduced by NESARA will be eligible to apply for generous financial allotments which will carry them through until they have new income sources.
NESARA brings most of the world’s people increased prosperity, liberty,peace, and knowledge which enables them to flourish. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] Our NESARA Support Actions in D.C. Now Gaining Notice. Full Report.
April 14, 20049:01 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
At this time, the date for the NESARA announcement is secretly scheduled for LATE this month, April 2004. The NESARA announcement is being unnecessarily delayed by “the Committee” due to “political” expediencyreasons. The Committee is in charge of deciding the timing of the NESARAannouncement.
There are independent White Knights who are questioning why the announcement is being delayed. These independent White Knights are right to question the current plans and some of these independent White Knights believe the problem rests with the Committee. I can confirm for these independent White Knights that the Committee cannot be trusted to get NESARA announced. It will require the actions of independent White Knights to ensure the NESARA announcement is broadcast in our current official announcement time period.
To help some of our independent White Knights realize there’s widespreadsupport of NESARA’s immediate announcement, I’ve been busy with certainprojects which I will be able to discuss in a few days. The scope ofsupport for NESARA will become evident to certain parties and once that has occurred, some parties may realize it’s time to take action and getNESARA announced. Progress is being made.
I’ve received numerous suggestions for radio interviews about NESARA fromseveral of you and I will be pursuing your suggestions in the next few days. When I have more radio interviews lined up, I will share this information in the Dove Reports.
Our postcards to the top four officers at the Pentagon are definitely making a good impression! As of today, about 18,600 postcards in support of NESARA’s immediate announcement have been received at the Pentagon! The Generals and Admiral are beginning to be impressed by seeing so manypostcards calling for NESARA’s announcement. These officers are not easyto impress. We need to keep flooding them with postcards calling for NESARA’s immediate announcement and asking THEM to take action to bringNESARA to announcement in this current announcement time period.
We need to continue sending our postcards each day to these top pro-NESARAofficers at the Pentagon. Here are their names and addresses again:
General Richard B. Myers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
General Peter Pace
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
Admiral Vern Clark
Chief of Naval Operations
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000
General Michael W. Hagee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20380-1775
This week I learned these four top officers are especially interested in NESARA’s restoration of Constitutional Law. I also learned that some areconcerned about Constitutional Law legalizing the sale of certain drugssuch as cocaine, crack, etc. I decided to explain this aspect of NESARAand Constitutional Law in my April 12, 2004 Report. Then on April 13th, I called numerous people to discuss this information and receive their feedback. What I learned is that most people do realize that the “war ondrugs” has not worked and that there needs to be new ways to deal with drug addiction. I received no comments against the sales of these drugs being allowed under Constitutional Law; it was clear everyone felt NESARA’s required education about the dangers of drugs will be extremelyimportant.
When I was doing my research, I noticed that deaths from cigarette smoking are about 400,000 per year, which is about 20 times more than the 20,000 deaths due to illicit use of drugs. I’m certain there are unknown optionssuch as vitamin and herb supplements, frequency adjustment technologies, and other therapies which will come to light after NESARA’s announcementand will provide ways for people to easily recover from their addictions. Many people with medical and health issues will benefit from NESARA’srestoration of Constitutional Law which will enable so many suppressed health technologies and options, as well as energy technologies and other advancements, to become available.
Our NESARA mobile billboards are on the road in the Washington, D.C. area.
For those in the Washington, DC, area the NESARA billboard trucks schedule Monday through Friday is:
– 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. NESARA billboard circles the Pentagon area
– 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. NESARA billboard circles Capitol Hill
– 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. NESARA billboard circles the Pentagon area
On the weekend, we have one NESARA billboard truck following this schedule and ending its final circles around the Pentagon at 3 p.m.
Tonight we have new pictures on and as you will see when you click , the NESARA mobile billboard has expanded! There are two NESARA mobile billboard trucks in today’s picture! The weather inD.C. this week has been rainy and stormy, however, in spite of that I’mhearing a few of the media in D.C. have taken pictures of the NESARAmobile billboards, but due to the gag order they cannot publish the pictures at this time. The NESARA mobile billboards do have them wondering. The buzz has begun as the word is spreading about the NESARA mobile billboards. We hope to have more great pictures of our NESARA mobile billboards later this week!
Let’s keep our postcards going each day! Our postcards are the PROOF thatthousands of Americans and people around the world are calling forNESARA’s Announcement Now! Our postcards are beginning to make it clearwe want NESARA Now! Our NESARA mobile billboards are showing in a big and public way that we want NESARA made public now! There’s another action inprocess also designed to make it clear that Americans and people worldwidewant NESARA’s announcement immediately! We all can contribute to energizing NESARA into announcement in this official announcement time period by keeping our postcards going to the Pentagon! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Mobile Billboards; Explanation of “the Committee”. Full Report.
April 15, 2004 8:20 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Some of you sent me emails asking “who is the Committee?” There is agroup of about a dozen people who have the legal responsibility to getNESARA announced; these people call their group “the Committee”. TheCommittee was set up in 1993 by the U.S. Supreme Court after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Farmers Union against the U.S. government and major banks. The Committee was supposed to help plan and coordinate actions to accomplish the reformations the US Supreme Court ruled were necessary including restoring Constitutional Law, ending income taxes, providing bank debt relief, establishing the new US Treasury Bank System and new Treasury currency backed by precious metals, and other NESARA reformations.
I have in the past referred to this group of people on the Committee by the name of the White Knights Decision Team. However, the Committee has failed to get NESARA announced and some members of the Committee are not to be trusted. In deference to the true White Knights who have risked their lives doing missions for NESARA, I am no longer referring to the “bigwigs” on the Committee as White Knights; the members of the Committeedon’t deserve to be called White Knights.
Because NESARA is under gag order, most true White Knights are not incontact with members of the Committee. The true White Knights in the U.S. military must guard the locations where NESARA resources’ gold to backthe new Treasury currency, stockpiles of the new Treasury currency, legaldocumentation related to NESARA, etc. — are being held. In the past, true White Knights have been attacked as they guarded these NESARA resources. These White Knights truly do deserve our respect and support.
The Committee is made up of “bigwigs” who have desk jobs and never risktheir lives doing dangerous duty guarding NESARA resources. Some members of the Committee are not sincerely interested in getting NESARA announced. Unfortunately, the true White Knights are risking their lives, while the “bigwigs on the Committee are sitting safe and sound in their offices and homes. The Committee members seem to think nothing of delaying NESARA’sannouncement for political reasons for weeks while the true White Knightsrisk their lives and the world waits.
I’m exposing in the Dove Reports the fact that some members of the Committee are not to be trusted. I’m urging independent White Knights totake over the management of the NESARA announcement activities and bringNESARA to announcement now, in this official announcement time period. One of our true White Knights in D.C. says there are White Knights who know the Committee is not to be trusted and they just are giving the Committee “enough rope to hang themselves”.
In talking with one of my White Knight contacts, I asked what the trueWhite Knights in the D.C. area are saying about seeing our NESARA mobile billboards circling Capitol Hill and the Pentagon. One of our NESARA Take Action Team members is paying for the NESARA mobile billboards and I’msure she will be very happy to hear that our true White Knights “love the NESARA billboards!” My White Knight contact said the true White Knightsare very encouraged by seeing the NESARA mobile billboards and see theNESARA billboards as a symbolic foretelling of the Bush regime beingremoved by NESARA’s announcement.
NESARA will be on the radio again soon, I hope. Today I followed up on several radio interview suggestions and will discuss the dates and times in the Dove Report when more interviews are scheduled. Tonight I spoke with John Weeks who is a radio host in Melbourne, Australia, and expect to do an interview with him in the next few weeks. I also expect to do interviews in the U.S. and Canada soon.
One person I spoke with today asked why we don’t publish the emailaddresses of the people who send their NESARA confirmation experiences to us. You may not be aware that in less than 24 hours of when I publish any email address in the Dove Reports, that email address will begin receiving 200-400 hundred SPAM emails with viruses every day thereafter! If you have ever had your PC damaged by a virus attack, then you know it is expensive to pay for repairs; many people are already financially stressed and would have trouble paying for repairs. It also often takes days to fully repair your computer and reload all the software and data. I certainly am not going to publish someone’s email address when I knowthat they will be attacked by spammers sending them viruses!
In addition, there are a few crackpots who sit on the Internet and sendharassing emails with four-letter curse words because they are rabid Bush fans and don’t want to see NESARA removing Bush. If you’ve ever opened upan email from an irrational crackpot who wrote harassing, ignorantcomments condemning you, then you know this is a very unpleasant andshocking experience. I certainly am not going to expose people to this kind of harassment. Any reasonable person can easily understand why I fully protect the identities of the people who take the trouble to report their NESARA confirmations to me.
Those of us who are supporting NESARA are the “advance team”. We haveaccepted the special divine mission of getting NESARA announced andbeginning the great Shift of the Ages from the Age of Darkness to theGreat Golden Age! We are hearing from our own hearts and spirits that we must take action to bring about this great Shift to the Golden Age. We know we have only a few years to accomplish this great Shift and that NESARA is the pivotal event which begins the Golden Age of peace, prosperity, and higher wisdom for all people on Earth! I salute all of you who are helping to bring NESARA and the Golden Age to the world’speople!
Let’s keep our postcards going! Our energy supporting NESARA is beingfelt and is helping to move NESARA forward to announcement! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Action Expected to Heat Up in Next Ten Days. Full Report.
April 16, 2004 1:38 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The situation in Washington, D.C. regarding NESARA is “very political”. Most insiders have known that once April arrived, the NESARA announcement would be held off until the last half of April. If you watch the television show “West Wing”, you can see examples of the “politicalthinking” of people in D.C. In my years of researching the people and actions involved with NESARA, it’s become obvious that choosing politicalexpediency is considered a smart choice by people in the D.C. area.
Now that the political expediency issue is behind us, it makes it possiblefor certain independent White Knights to lawfully pursue taking independent action to bring NESARA to announcement. Right now, our NTAT NESARA mobile billboards and our postcards are BUILDING the energy to move NESARA forward. We can help by continuing to send our postcards to clearly show that we are DETERMINED to see NESARA announced immediately and we will continue our efforts until we do see NESARA announced!
The four top officers to whom we are sending postcards at the Pentagon are motivated to help bring NESARA to announcement for professional reasons. Admiral Clark and General Hagee are true White Knights and have been NESARA supporters for years. General Myers and General Pace have more recently realized that NESARA must be announced. For those of you new to the Dove Reports, the reason we send postcards is because letters are delayed for weeks due to anthrax checking. Our postcards are physical proof that thousands of Americans want NESARA announced immediately. Here are the names and addresses to which we are sending postcards requesting their help in bringing NESARA to announcement in this announcement time period:
General Richard B. Myers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
General Peter Pace
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
Admiral Vern Clark
Chief of Naval Operations
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000
General Michael W. Hagee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20380-1775
There’s plenty of time for the NESARA announcement to be broadcast in the current official 45-day announcement time period which began March 22, 2004. Certain parties are looking into taking independent action to get NESARA announced in this official time period. Let’s keep these strong NESARA supporters in our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Foundations in 1993 U.S. Supreme Court Rulings. Full Report.
April 17, 2004 5:15 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In the 1970’s, American farm families began to lose their family farms inrecord numbers. Many of us in the U.S. know that Willie Nelson, a famous country singer, has been doing Farm Aid music concerts for many years to raise money to help American farmers keep their family farms.
Banks routinely made loans to the American farmers so the farmers could buy seeds, fertilizer, and farm equipment each year. Farmers paid the loans off from the proceeds of their harvests later in the year or the following year. The family farms were given as collateral for these business loans the farmers received from the banks.
In the 1970’s, certain banks began to foreclose on the farmers’ businessloans in a more aggressive manner than they had in the past. These banksalso did not follow the proper foreclosure processes and did not give thefarmers the proper amount of time to raise the money to pay off their business loans and rescue their farms from being taken over by the banks and sold to pay off the loans. Some farmers investigated the hurried foreclosures by banks and discovered these banks were fraudulently foreclosing on their farms. Also, some of these banks had already arranged with big agricultural corporation buyers to buy the farmers’ farmlands. When the farmers asked for help from various federal governmentagencies involved with farming, the farmers eventually discovered some officials in federal agencies were in collusion with the banks.
After years of experiencing fraudulent foreclosures on their farms, groups of American farmers in various states began suing the banks and later included some federal government agencies in the lawsuits. At times, the federal income tax agency, the IRS, targeted the farmers bringing the lawsuits to intimidate and impoverish the farmers as a means of dissuading the farmers from continuing the lawsuits; however, the farmers persevered. Eventually, the independent farmers’ loose knit organization known as theFarmers Union also became involved in suing the banks and governmentagencies.
The farmers’ lawsuits continued off and on for years and finally reached the U.S. Supreme Court. The testimony and proof brought into court by a retired CIA agent led to further evidence and proof that the Farmers Union claims were legitimate. It also led to evidence the income tax amendment was never properly ratified by the required number of states and therefore, income taxes were unlawful.
In early 1993, almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled in favor of the Farmers Union. The Justices recognized that overwhelming evidence proved theU.S. government and the Federal Reserve Banking System were perpetrating fraud in many ways upon Americans. The Justices recognized that to remedy this situation, massive reformations would be required.
When rulings are made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more Justices are assigned to monitor a process by which the rulings are carried out. In this case, five Justices were assigned to a committee to develop steps to implement required government and banking reformations. As the Justices went about developing the required reformations they enlisted the help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, Constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. The Justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; these thousands of people working to bring us NESARA have been named "White Knights". The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight� corporation or wealthyperson. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the worldthe benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government andbanking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”.
Because of the enormously sweeping changes the rulings require, an extremely strict gag order was placed on everyone directly involved and the court case records are sealed until after the reformations are accomplished. To maintain secrecy, the case details for the docket number assigned to the Farmers Union case were changed so doing a search for this case will fail to reflect the correct information until after the reformations are made public. At every step of the process, anyone directly involved has been required to sign an agreement to keep the U.S. Supreme Court’s process of implementing the required reformations “secret”, or face charges of Treason which are punishable by death.
To implement the required reformations, the five Justices spent yearsnegotiating how the reformations would occur in agreements called “Accords” with the U.S. government, with the Federal Reserve Bank owners,with the International Monetary Fund, with the World Bank, and withnumerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone. The U.S. banking system reformations require the Federal Reserve Bank system be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’ fraudulent activities stopped as well as remedies to U.S. citizensfor past harm due to fraud by government and banks. The U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world and therefore the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved.
Because the process of using Accords to implement the reformations were not successful, the Justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a law named the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA) which was passed secretly on March 9, 2000. Again, secrecy was maintained by revising the official records; details of the bill number for NESARA were revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently. Members of Congress have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to “deny” the existence of NESARA. Therefore, all membersof Congress pretend that NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justices’ gag order.
The “National Economic Security And Reformation Act”, NESARA, providesmajor benefits to Americans including:
1. Forgiveness of credit card, mortgage debt, and other bank loans as remedy for bank and government frauds;
2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential “new items only”sales tax revenue for government;
3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System which absorbs the Federal Reserveand new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4. Restores Constitutional Law;
5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days;
6. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.
This information explains why the U.S. Supreme Court was involved in appointing the Committee whose members are responsible for ensuring NESARA is announced. The Committee has not succeeded in getting NESARA announced. We are calling on true White Knights to take independent actions to bring NESARA to announcement in this all-important, current official announcement time period!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] Profiles of NESARA Take Action Teams Show NESARA’s Broad SupportApril 18, 2004 11:09 p.m. PDT. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I’m saluting all NESARA supporters in this Report. I’ve been privilegedto see in my emails from NESARA supporters and in the hundreds of NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) applications from people joining the NTAT, that wonderful people are supporting NESARA.
Today, I’m sharing information showing NESARA has a broad range ofsupporters including college professors, bankers, doctors, mechanics, students, retired professionals, secretaries, nurses, mortgage bankers, mothers, fathers, carpenters, truck drivers, housewives, sales managers, ministers, and many more. People from all walks of life, from age 92 to 16 and from many countries support NESARA.
Our NTAT members live in Africa, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, England, Finland, French West Indies, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Thailand, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and Venezuela.
Our NTAT members include sincere, dedicated Americans who care about their country and the world as well as dedicated, wonderful people from many other countries. Those of us who support NESARA can be proud of our association with so many great people. Here are brief comments 186 people joining the NTAT made about themselves in their NTAT applications showing NESARA’s broad support:
Neuroscientist and neurologist. Professor Emeritus at the Albert EinsteinCollege.Retired Navy Captain, Aerospace Industry. Multitalented. motivated. Former Manager National Bank, has team of 7 that works to inform about NESARA.Medical Doctor, Specialist in General Surgery, working in heart surgery research.
Economist, Philosophy, psychology and accounting.Scientist, writer, political activist Retired Medical college professor.Law Professor US CODE & THE CFR is my area of specialization.Retired former business owner, Activist who is very motivated to bring changes.
Special health teacher & therapist, musician, works with impaired children.Retired Mech Engineer, Communicator, Common Law Advocate Christian. Motivated.Former Analyst/Programmer, motivated Lightworker with time to help.Mechanic, father of 3, organizer, motivated to do whatever.Retired Sgt Police Rescue squad, exp public speaking, Motivated.Reiki master health practitioner, Communications skills, motivated to spread word.Trader in futures market, visual artist, mother of 2 teens.Recording eng, video editor, computer sills, author, organizer, motivated.Business owner, Motivated Lightworker ready and willing to assist in whatever.Self Employed, Architect, computer skills, communicating, drawing, graphics.
Multi educated, teacher, political activist, motivated.Housewife, poet, take care of elderly parents, motivated.Retired aircraft pilot, party to Farmers class action suit. webmaster ed. site.
Bachelor in International Relations, motivated, letters, emails.Very aware Control Engineer, motivated, wants to help others.92 yr old retired school teacher, carpenter, building contractor, rancher.Actor, volunteer worker, motivated, will do whatever is needed.Working mother, motivated, will do flyers, emails., letters.Volunteer firefighter, ham radio operator, world wide contacts, motivated.Motivated Christian, good organizer, post flyers, etc. do what’s needed.Optician, computer skills, motivated, wants to meet others of like mind.Elect Tech, plant manager, communicator, trainer, motivated lightworker.Clinical Phychologist, motivator & support plus organizing.Mother of 8, likes talking to people.System Analyst, Computer skills, Motivated Lightworker willing to do whatever.
Motived to meet with people, distribute flyers, write letters, etc.Motivated Sgt in law enforcement. Motivated to get changes in place.PhD Psychology, Health coordinator, PR, teacher, communications.Cop, paramedic, Banker, ATM Technician, computer savvy, motivated to do any.
Psychologist, computer skills, networking skills, writer, motivated.Administrative abilities, works out of home, willing to do whatever at home.
Motivated Multi-talented, Political activist, healer, Wants to see NESARA enacted.
Civil Engineer, Coordinator, Motivated Lightworker devoted to making changes. Nurse, Midwife, Regression Therapist, Masseuse, Priest in Gnostic Church.Former home builder, Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Broker.Mortgage Banker, motivated, wants to see world change for better, willing.RN, good organizational skills, communicator, flyers, emails, etc.Metallurgical Engineer, 45 yr, Lead groups of high Performance. consistent, Motivated.Educated, motivated Lightworker talks about NESARA at events.College Professor, Public Speaking, Open, Multi-talented, author 20 books, founder & guide European Comm.Hypnotherapsist, Psychotherapist, counselor, motivated Physician.Architect, motivated Roman Catholic, looking for pro-NESARA Pres.Retired Professor, Sales & Marketing skill, PR. computer skills, networker.Holistic Energy Practitioner, Motivated to help people awaken to their potential.
BS degree in Bus, Business Owner, Exc. organizer, PR, great leader, Former CEO of Company, Author, Public Speaker, Very Motivated. Certified Public Accountant, MBA finance, accounting & Management. Consulting.Interior design, motivated, willing to do whatever is needed.Retired Pharmacist, firm believer in strict constitutional interpretation.Organizer, communicator, spiritual works well with others.Political Science, International Affairs, good writing & communication skills.Student lightworker, Motivated to get NESARA implemented.Magazine Publisher, organize, communicate, computer, whatever.Vidiographer, writer, motivated to help wherever needed. flyers, etc.Retired, worked with non-profit groups, motivated, meet other like minded.Home school Mother, Medical background, motivated.Retired Marine officer, Master Reiki, Motivated Lightworker ready to do it.Radio talk show host, announcer, comm. radio Production. People person.Masters in Wholistic systems, communication, writing, motivated.Motivated traveling Trucker couple, willing to distribute flyers & post posters.
Mortgage & legal background, writer, coordinator, willing to do whatever.Office Manager for Attorney.Alternative health practitioner, communicator.Retired Professional Accountant, tax researcher, emails, letters from home.Retired law enforcement, people skills, loan officer, motivated.People oriented, enjoys talking to others, motivated. flyers, letters, emails.
Bartender, Artist, makes flyers,& distributes, desire to meet like minded.Former Engineer, Political Activist, motivated, emails, letters, motivated.Legal Secretary, Motivated Lightworker, ready to do whatever to usher it in.
Retired Military, senior Cit, in programs, Motivated to get work for NESARA.Retired Lt. Col, management skills, communication, motivated,Optometrist, volunteer experience, motivated, willing to help.Motivated Dr. of Chiropractic, speaker, single, Motivated, will do whatever.Speech & Language Pathologist Therapist. Teacher, lightworker.Disabled Office Manager, great multitalented skills, Motivated to help.Retired flight attendant, Nurse, organizer.Engineering, Architecture, Doc. healer, motivated, will help in any way.Army Vet, computer skills, Social worker, reliable, motivated lightworker,Motivated retired Librarian, email & internet experience, willing to help.BA Journalism, computer skills, musician, writing, emails, etc.Former Farm Claims processor, organizer, freelance marketer, motivated.Commercial Banker, Investment Manager.Manager local repair shop, farm claims, motivated lightworker, PR work.Commander Naval Reserve, PR, Writer, Motivated, dedicated, whatever.BA in Economics, Marketing, consulting.Cultural Adv. to US Army Trans. at PTA, investigator, History research.Restaurant Manager, communicator, motivated, letters, emails.Self-employed auto mechanic, coordinator, communicator, motivated to help.
Business owner, consultant, PR, communicator, organizer, motivated.Cen. South. East coast Trucker, Been posting & handing out NESARA flyers.Doctor, people motivated, has meeting space for 50-60.Will do whatever.Motivated & willing to be team leader if needed, Will do whatever needed.Self-employed, computer skills, broadcasting, advertising, motivated.Motivated lightworker who posts and distributes flyers. Ready!Civil Engineer, computer skills, emails, communicator, coordinator, open.Tour guide, communicator, writer, open.Artist, single mother, works at home, motivated.Biotech Sales Rep, Martial Arts.Motivated, Land Developer, communicator, PR.Former Minister, computer consultant, Exc. writing, organizing, managing.Sales manager for Technical Electronic Sales, Motivated supporter.Retired Minister, Public Speaker, Seminar/Workshop leader, motivated. I am passionate about change, also work well with people.Carpenter, communicator, motivated to get NESARA announced.Retired Secretary, Very motivated, will distribute flyers, emails, whatever.Chiropractor, Communicator, Coordinator, motivated.Restaurant cook, motivated wants more info on NESARA.Editor, Printer, Motivated Lightworker ready to do whatever needed.Typist, Media Relations, Writer, coordinator, communicator, motivated.Self educated on Citizens rights, Motivated to help get the word out.Quality Assurance, Minister.Motivated to get it announced to get on with Humanitarian projects.Junior in College, Friendly, likable, willing to help wherever.Social worker good communication, computer & phoning skills.Retired Naval Officer, Political Activist, Lightworker, emails, group work.70 yr store owner, motivated hands out flyers & communicates.Ex Navy Officer, Product Man, Electrical Engineering degree.Homeopathic Physician, managerial & teaching abilities, motivated.Retired tax & constitutional law, computer, email, phone, letter writing.Health practitioner, meditator, motivated to meet people & get word out.Dept of Defense, supervisor, motivated to get it announced.Video Producer company owner, communication skills.Works in large department store & does art shows, can hand out flyers at both.Self Employed, Mortgage Broker, Communicator, Flyers, email, phoning.Editor, new Energy, 80’s, symposium, 10-19th speak on NESARA.Heavy equip operator, construction.Martial art teacher, lightworker, motivated and willing.Married, Husband will help, Motivated, willing to help.Former airline agent [TWA] with excellent customer service/communication skills.Mental Health Therapist, Motivated to educate people about NESARA.Owner of construction company, quick mind & good intuition, Motivated.Professional Photographer, computer sales & support experience.Country Club Manager, REB, Financial background. Key connections worldwide.Lobbyist, coordinator, team leader, open.Taking classes at UCF in an Education Major. Active in the Mormon church.Motivated Vietnam Vet, Electrical Engineer, Patriot motivated to do whatever needed.
Electronics training, Real Estate & Banking, activist, disillusioned with government.
Family Physician, Political Science Major.Teacher, football coach, active in church, pass flyers, communicator.Facilitator, PR, teacher, organize events big or small, make flyers, emails.Waiter. Father, Lightworker, motivated to explain NESARA.Beautician, communicator, has 200 flyers ready to distribute, motivated.Flight Instructor, Public Speaker.Family Physician, limited computer skills, motivated.Real Estate Broker, Securities Broker, communication skills, Farmer, Very Motivated.
23 years in electronic countermeasures; Comm/Nav USAF. Currently in computer sales.
General Contractor specializing in Healthy Synergy-Energy Homes.Passionate about abolishing the usuries on credit card debt & federal taxes.
Mortgage broker over 20 years. Been sales all my life. Father of 4 and love my country.
PhD candidate at the University majoring in mathematics, both secondary and elementary.Medicine Doctor, 49 years old, work with Anthroposofical Medicine and Homeopathy.
Organizer, Publisher, Teacher, historian, Coordinator, Constitutionalist, Nutritionist.
I‘m an ordinary person. I work as Baker’s assistant, sometimes help tutor sign language.
Stay at home mom who was formerly in the secretarial/office manager field.Working, married, mother, of two children 20 and 16. Office Manger for small firm.
Lobbyist at State Capital Michigan, former banker 22 1/2 years, retired part time.
Expertise in International trading and Travel Agency.40 plus years in sales and management.Involved in the Canadian Regular Navy as captain and since acted as General Contractor. Committed to helping to get the word out about NESARA. I have had much experience passing out NESARA flyers in the downtown Chicago area.Author of various travel-books, hold a Master Mariners ticket, Private Pilot’s License.
I am loyal supporter of NESARA, good in craft and arts.I’m 16 years old, play football and go to high school, like doing things for good purposes.
My husband and myself are farm/ranch people.Information Technology Specialist working in network administration and support.I am Deaf and a good net worker for our causes; Professor of American Sign Language.
Involved in sales, marketing, management, Fellowship of Christian Athletes.I am a sovereign person and I am determined to have NESARA announced.Human Resources Administrator, active in the church, and musician.English & Drama teacher.Concert pianist and opera singer; going to law school to become an International Lawyer.
Naturopathic Doctor, Bodyworker, Speaker, Teacher.PhD in structural engineering, interested in providing housing for needy, seniors.
Chemical Engineer with a PhD. in Engineering and Economics & Digitalization.Retired lawyer. Have use of computer.I am a Christian and believe this is something that should have happened long ago.
As you can see from the profiles above, there are wonderful people supporting NESARA. If you would like to join the NTAT, go to , in the top left corner click on "Join the NTAT", fill outthe form and send it. I will acknowledge your application and forwardyour information to the NTAT Director responsible for your area.
This week there will be new actions occurring to help move NESARA forward to announcement. I extend my deep thanks to all NESARA supporters and NTAT Members, Leaders, and Directors for sharing the good news of NESARA with people around the world! Together, we are victorious! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Radio Interview to Broadcast in Australia; NESARA Take Action Teams. Full report.
April 19, 2004 9:47 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Last Saturday night, I did a 90-minute interview with John Weeks, a radio talk show host in Australia. John asked some very good questions and covered many different aspects of NESARA as well as related topics. John’s radio show is called “Spectrum” which broadcasts between 10 a.m.and noon on Saturday mornings. The interview was taped and will be aired in Australia this coming Saturday. The radio station broadcasting Spectrum is 97.1 FM Mountain District Radio operating in Emerald, located in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria, Australia. The station’s transmissionreaches the south-eastern Melbourne Metropolitan areas plus surrounding country districts.
Grant, our NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) Director for Australia and New Zealand, is working with our webmaster at to provide a copy of the interview for us to post on . I will let you know when this interview will be ready to hear via the Internet from .
Our NTAT NESARA mobile billboards are continuing to circle Capitol Hill and the Pentagon for hours each day this week. Some members of Congress and their staff have seen the NESARA billboards and were amazed and surprised to see information about NESARA on the 10 foot by 22 foot billboards! We expect to have more pictures of our NESARA mobile billboards on in the next few days. Our NESARA mobile billboards are definitely creating a buzz in the Washington, D.C. area and are showing everyone our big support for NESARA!
In yesterday’s Dove Report, I included brief comments NTAT members madeabout themselves when they joined the NTAT to show there are great people supporting NESARA. The people who support NESARA are intelligent, sincere people who want a better world for everyone.
The NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) began last Summer when I called for NESARA supporters to become an organization with the mission of publicizing and supporting NESARA to announcement and after the announcement. The structure of the NTAT includes:
Dove as the Worldwide NTAT Director
Jane and Mike as the International NTAT Coordinators Jim and Yvonne as the NTAT Directors of US and Canada aided by 11 District Leaders
Ricardo as NTAT Director of Mexico and Central America
Vida as NTAT Director of South America
Richard and Susan as NTAT Directors of Europe aided by District Leaders Grant as NTAT Director of Australia and New Zealand aided by District Leaders
Cory as NTAT Director of Asia
Ashok as NTAT Director of India and surrounding countries
Rashmi as NTAT Director of Middle East countries
Suzy as our NTAT Manager of Records
And thousands of NTAT Leaders and Members in the US and worldwide.
Although I shared NTAT members comments about themselves in yesterday’sDove Report, our NTAT members’ personal information and email addressesare made available only to the NTAT Directors of their countries, theDistrict Leaders, and the local NTAT Leaders in their area and are used only for NTAT activities and communications.
One reason I shared NTAT self-descriptions in yesterday’s Dove Report isbecause the four top officers at the Pentagon are impressed by thethousands of postcards they are receiving. We have captured their attention. The officers are interested in more information about what kind of person is supporting NESARA and the officers’ assistants arereviewing information on the website. We want these top officers to know that people who support NESARA are intelligent, sincere people who know NESARA must be announced for the benefit of the world.
Our NTAT self-descriptions in yesterday’s Report are representative of themany wonderful people who support NESARA and clearly introduce to these top officers the good people who support NESARA. If these top officers truly understood how much support NESARA has, they would be very encouraged about announcing NESARA immediately! Providing our NTAT self-descriptions in yesterday’s Report is one way to inform these topofficers about NESARA’s broad support.
Later this week, some new actions are expected to add energy to gettingNESARA announced in this official time period! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA on Radio in Vermont April 25; Three NESARA Billboards in D.C. Full report.
April 20, 2004 9:47 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
NESARA will be on the radio in Plainfield, Vermont this coming Sunday. From 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern, Tonio will be interviewing me about NESARA. The radio station is WGDR which is 91.1 FM on the radio dial. According to their website: “Established in 1973, WGDR has always operatedas a true hybrid radio station, supported both by Goddard College and thesurrounding communities. Over 60 community volunteers contribute to each week’s broadcast, providing music and public affairs programming reflective of the unique and independent spirit of the GDR community.”
WGDR webcasts 100% of its broadcasts and will carry the NESARA interview live on . There is limited bandwidth to accommodate a few dozen listeners via the Internet, so I suggest you click onto some minutes before3 p.m. Eastern if you want to listen to the interview. When you access , scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see a section which says in red lettering:
“Listen to WGDR Online”and down below a speaker symbol are the words “LISTEN NOW!” Simply clickon the words “LISTEN NOW!” or the speaker and you access the current radio broadcast over your PC. You do need a PC with speakers and also an audio player software such as Windows Media Player or Real One Player to hear the live interview on the Internet. Since the bandwidth is limited to a few dozen PCs, you will want to get online for the interview a little before 3 p.m. Eastern or you may not be able to access the online broadcast.
Tonio, the host of Sunday’s interview, recently discovered NESARA and saysthere is very little publicity about NESARA in his area, although he did see one NESARA poster in a store. Tonio says his audience will be interested in this topic and I look forward to sharing NESARA with them on Sunday.
This week, certain strong NESARA Supporters are reviewing the website to see what the NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) are doing and learn about their support of NESARA. Because I knew these reviews would be happening early this week, I decided the best way to share information about who supports NESARA was to do the Report on April 18th entitled “Profiles of NESARA Take Action Teams Show NESARA’s BroadSupport”. The profiles I included were chosen at random as beingrepresentative of the wonderful people we have supporting NESARA, whetherthey are in the NTAT or not.
Today, one strong NESARA supporter in the D.C. area who reviewed was very favorably impressed by the NTAT profiles in the April 18th Report and the information about NESARA on the website. Due to our postcard campaigns and other actions, news of NESARA’s broad supportis spreading in certain key groups in the D.C. area. This news ofNESARA’s support is encouraging to those who truly can ensure NESARA isannounced. Our voices calling for NESARA’s announcement are definitelybeing heard in the D.C. area!
I’m also hearing that many NESARA supporters around the US and the worldenjoyed reading the NTAT profiles in the April 18th Report. One personsaid that it was wonderful to see so many good people from many walks oflife are supporting NESARA. Another person said that reading the NTAT profiles made him feel like he is more a part of the big worldwide NTAT group supporting NESARA. We are all in this together and I’m glad sharingthe NTAT profiles made people feel more connected with others who also support NESARA.
We haveNEW pictures of the NESARA mobile billboards on today! There are now THREE NESARA mobile billboards running tandem – one behind the other – in the Capitol Hill and Pentagon areas Monday through Friday! We have a new picture on the home page of showing THREE NESARA mobile billboards in a row with the dome of the Capitol building over the center NESARA billboard. Click on the new picture of three NESARA mobile billboards on the home page of and you will be taken to another page of more new pictures of these three mobile billboards driving down the street with the Capitol building straight ahead. My thanks to our webmaster, Mark, and also to David in Australia who is providing special help on the pictures of the NESARA mobile billboards. Thanks to their dedication, these new pictures were posted within minutes of Mark receiving the pictures from the East Coast this evening.
This week the weather is much better in the D.C. area and many more people are seeing the NESARA mobile billboards. More media representatives are taking pictures of this parade of NESARA mobile billboards this week too and some are checking out the website to find out who is behind the NESARA billboards. Although the media cannot discuss NESARA due to the gag order, those checking the website are surprised to learn how much support NESARA has!
Let’s keep our postcards going to the top four officers at the Pentagon! As of today, there are over 42,000 postcards calling for NESARA’sannouncement that have arrived at the Pentagon! We are truly gettingtheir attention now!
Here’s the names and addresses of these four top officers who supportNESARA:
General Richard B. Myers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
General Peter Pace
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20318-9999
Admiral Vern Clark
Chief of Naval Operations
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000
General Michael W. Hagee
Commandant of the Marine Corps
The Pentagon Washington, DC 20380-1775
All the attention we are generating for NESARA is definitely helping. There are new actions happening behind the scenes this week to move NESARA forward! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Take Action Team Reports; NESARA Confirmations. Full report.
April 21, 2004 8:20 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
There’s much good activity of sharing NESARA around the world. Reportsfrom the NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) Directors for the US and Canada and also for Australia and New Zealand are included below. Sharing NESARA flyers at flea markets and festivals are good ideas shared by NTAT members below.
Today I’m pleased to welcome Sabine of Namibia as our NTAT Director for Africa. Sabine has been a NESARA supporter and reading the Dove Reports for two years. She has already begun translating our approved NESARA information into native languages of Africa.
Tomorrow is Earth Day and I agree with the suggestion below that gatherings of people who care about the environment would be a good place to share NESARA flyers. Our new Six Point NESARA flyers include the statement in “Ripple Effects” at the bottom of the flyer that restoration of Constitutional Law allows for the introduction of our air, land, and water. This will be of interest to people at Earth Day gatherings.
There’s energy growing to get NESARA announced soon! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] Dove’s NTAT & Supporters of NESARA Intro to Influential People; Request
April 22, 2004 3:12 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Some weeks ago I was informed that many influential, strong NESARAsupporters in the D.C. area were not aware of the broad public support of NESARA. These strong NESARA supporters were not aware of the NESARA Take Action Teams, (NTAT) activities of sharing the good news of NESARA withpeople in the US and around the world. They also were not aware of the WWW.NESARA.US website, the Dove Reports, and all we are doing to build support for NESARA.
In researching this further, I discovered that these strong NESARA supporters also were not sure Americans were ready for NESARA. After researching their concerns, I developed a strategy to address these concerns so their doubts would be removed and thus they would be encouraged to more vigorously support the announcement of NESARA. To introduce the NTAT and NESARA supporters in the US and the world to these influential NESARA supporters in D.C., over a two-week period I worked on a package of information which included pictures of NTAT members sharing the good news of NESARA with the public in the US and other countries, and other information showing broad support for NESARA.
Last week, I developed the final 23-page information package which I sent to three dozen strong and influential NESARA supporters in the D.C. area to clearly show them that Americans ARE READY for NESARA. For security reasons, I’m not including the names of the key NESARA supporters who areactually involved with getting NESARA announced and who received thisinformation package.
I can share with you the names of those who are acting in a "support role"to the ones involved with getting NESARA announced. Those ones actually working on the NESARA announcement are supported by the following people with whom you are familiar: Justice Ginsburg, Justice Souter, Justice Stevens, Justice Breyer, General Myers, General Pace, Admiral Clark, and General Hagee.
As you will see in my cover letter, I have addressed their doubts about whether Americans are ready for NESARA. I included attachments containing NTAT reports of the great enthusiasm from the public for NESARA when our NTAT pass out NESARA flyers and also pictures of NTAT activities at World Court (International Court of Justice, ICJ) and NTAT at peace rallies aswell as a page of snapshots of all the banners from various countries andstates which are displayed at World Court in support of NESARA.
I knew these important people only deal with “leaders of constituencies”and as the Worldwide Director of the NTAT, I have a leadership positionregarding NESARA which ensured my letter would reach them. I can also say I had powerful help which made sure my letter did reach them. Here’s theletter I sent to three dozen strong NESARA supporters in the Washington,D.C. area to show them that Americans truly are ready for NESARA:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
April 2004
Dear : (Justice Ginsburg, Justice Souter, Justice Stevens, Justice Breyer, General Myers, General Pace, Admiral Clark, and General Hagee, and others)
I’m writing on behalf of hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. andworldwide who support the NESARA law being announced immediately. Since June 2000, I have been writing frequent Internet reports on the progress of the NESARA law. Last Summer I began the worldwide NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) for the purpose of building support for NESARA. Thousands of members of the NTAT in the US and worldwide regularly share information about NESARA with people in their countries. Through passing out NESARA flyers to the public, giving radio interviews, holding community meetings, and other communications, we have taken the news of NESARA to people across the US and around the world. The NTAT is funding the NESARA mobile billboards now circling Capitol Hill and the Pentagon. We find in sharing NESARA with others that over 75% of those we contact immediately want the improvements NESARA brings.
I believe from the thousands of emails about NESARA I have received and answered over the years, from telephone conversations, and answering questions during radio interviews, that Americans are ready for NESARA. I understand one major concern may be how Americans will react to the restoration of true Constitutional Law, and particularly that drugs such as cocaine, crack, marijuana, etc., under Constitutional Law can be sold publicly. With the best information I have been able to obtain, I addressed this topic in yesterday’s Dove Report which is included asAttachment A to this letter. Today in discussing the subject of thesedrugs being legalized with readers of the Dove Report, I find most peopleunderstand the “War on Drugs” has failed. They also understand that in order to have the freedom promised us by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, people need to take personal responsibility for their choices. One comment is that the public will need to be educated about Constitutional Law, about the harmful effects of these drugs, and about the failure of the war on drugs. I have received no comments against the idea that Constitutional Law allows the sale of these drugs.
Although a minority of Americans, such as the conservative religious right, may still want to use laws to control everyone’s behavior, thisapproach clearly does not work. I’ve read polls which state only 30% ofAmericans fall into this category; do we want to let these people oflimited knowledge control the lives of the other 70% of Americans? We who support NESARA are strong in our support.
We find in our discussions with people when we pass out NESARA flyers and I have found in answering questions from the public during radio interviews on NESARA, that over 75% of the Americans want NESARA’simprovements immediately. Very few are concerned about the Bush regimebeing required to resign; many look forward to the post-NESARA elections. By far, NESARA’s most interesting aspect to 90% of Americans is the bankdebt relief, end of income taxes, and other financial benefits NESARA brings.
For your information, I’m including pictures which show our NTAT providingNESARA information at peace rallies and at our regular Friday NESARAdemonstrations at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague which began last October. NESARA supporters from around the U.S. and the world have sent NESARA banners to show the world’s support of NESARA atthe ICJ each Friday. Pictures of the NTAT sharing NESARA with touristsand displaying these banners at the ICJ are included in Attachment B. I’malso including in Attachment C, NTAT pictures and the March 22, 2004 DoveReport which contains reports from NTAT members in Texas, California,Washington, Canada, Oregon, New Mexico, Colorado, New York, Virginia, and Utah and the responses they had from people learning about NESARA.
Since June 2000 when I first learned of NESARA, I’ve spent many hours intelephone discussions with people knowledgeable in aspects of NESARA. With the best information I’ve been able to gather, I’ve shared the majorpoints of NESARA in the Dove Reports including the Report entitled"Overview of NESARA Economic, Financial, and Legal Benefits" which I’veposted numerous times in the last few years and is included here asAttachment D.
There is tremendous support for the NESARA law being announced and implemented immediately as the attachments to this letter indicate. I’masking you to do everything in your power to support NESARA’s announcementimmediately. Hundreds of thousands of people know about NESARA; we receive over one million hits on our website each month. The NTAT have handed out thousands of NESARA flyers and shared NESARA in many other ways. I’ve done and am currently doing radio interviews about NESARA in the US and other countries. We are finding great acceptance of NESARA among Americans.
Because of my years of discussing NESARA and answering thousands of people’s questions about NESARA, if there is any way I can be ofassistance to you regarding NESARA, please contact me. You may contact me by telephone at ###-###-####, by email at[email protected], or at the address below.
I’m asking you to support NESARA’s immediate announcement. NESARA willhave great support from Americans.
Dove of Oneness
3430 Pacific Ave SE
Suite A6 PMB 217
Olympia, Washington 98501
Attachments: A, B, C, D
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Because I had powerful help making sure my letter above was delivered to these strong NESARA supporters, they have received my letter. I do not recommend that any of you attempt to send a letter to these NESARA supporters because ordinarily, letters are delayed for anthrax checking for weeks before being delivered. It was only because I had special help that my letters were delivered more quickly.
I’m hearing they are amazed at how many people know about NESARA and theNTAT actions sharing NESARA with the public. Some of them have had their assistants review the WWW.NESARA.US website and have read the profiles of the NTAT members and other Dove Reports. They are glad to see that NESARA is understood and supported by many Americans and also people in other countries. In providing them this package of information, I addressed their doubts directly and am hearing most now feel more comfortable about Americans’ readiness for NESARA.
Three dozen of the most influential, strong NESARA supporters now know ofyour great support of NESARA in America and around the world. In addition, this Sunday I am sharing the good news of NESARA in a radio interview which will be carried on the Internet with a radio station in the state of Vermont, USA. (See the April 20, 2004 Dove Report at for details.) I’ve also received a call from a radio showin British Columbia about a NESARA interview; I will let you know whenthis radio interview will be broadcast. The more people who know aboutNESARA, the more energy there is to carry NESARA to announcement. I’mdoing all in my power to move NESARA forward to announcement immediately.
All the activities I do as the Worldwide NTAT Director includingcontacting influential NESARA supporters on behalf of all of you, callingNTAT Directors worldwide to answer questions and share information, calling contacts to research NESARA information and announcement progress, giving radio interviews to build support for NESARA, working with our webmaster and our graphics designer on website improvements and improvements to NESARA flyers, working with NTAT members on special projects such as the three NESARA mobile billboards, researching and writing the daily Dove Reports, paying for theWWW.NESARA.US website monthly costs, and many other NESARA related activities are funded by your financial gifts. NEXT WEEK I must pay for some large communications expenses and other expenses and I’m asking those of you who are able tosend financial contributions to fund the many actions I’m leading for thebenefit of all of us to move NESARA into announcement immediately. Please send your contributions to:
3430 Pacific Ave. SE
Suite A6 PMB 217
Olympia, WA 98501
Please address your envelope EXACTLY as above or your envelope may not be delivered. Also, please REPLY to this message telling me you are sending me a financial gift. You may make checks or money orders payable to “Dove”. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who are able toprovide donations so I can continue the many actions to help bring NESARAto announcement immediately. I will be thanking each of you for your donation by “Thank You” letter and also in person when I host a NESARAcelebration in your area, so please include your name and return addresswhich I will use to invite you to our celebration. I also appreciate all the prayers and good wishes from those of you who are unable to send funds.
There’s action moving NESARA forward now! Due to security issues, I canonly say the energy is high and moving to bring NESARA to announcement inthis current official announcement time period! The mass deliveries of prosperity programs will occur in the US in 3-5 business days after NESARA is announced and will be followed by mass prosperity notifications in other countries around the world. I will post the revised Receiving Reminders for members of the current prosperity programs soon. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA: After the Announcement; NESARA Confirmations. Full report.
April 23, 2004 5:24 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Someone wrote to ask about how the government reformations will be done after NESARA is announced. NESARA requires that some federal government agencies be dismantled and some agencies greatly reformed.
NESARA requires the resignations of many people who have failed to uphold the Constitution in their government positions. There will be U.S. Marshals who will go to the Bush regime officials and Cabinet members and collect their resignations. All US Senators and US Representatives as well as all Governors and Lt. Governors of the 50 states are also required to resign within hours after NESARA’s announcement. If anyone refuses tocooperate, the U.S. Marshals will arrest them.
The Constitution allows for a line of succession in case the President andVice President resign or die. The line of succession if the President isremoved goes from the Vice President to the Speaker of the House and then the Senate Majority Leader and other Congressional leadership positions. The people who will be the NESARA President, Vice President, and Cabinet Designates are all members of Congress who hold positions in the line of succession. These people will have limited powers. Serving in these capacities requires that these people will never be able to run for election to a government position again. The Designates will simply oversee the transition of government agencies according to NESARA’sreformations and manage the government until the new elections about fourmonths after NESARA’s announcement.
Regarding how NESARA’s reformations will be carried out, for example,NESARA requires the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to be totally dismantled due to the unconstitutional actions the CIA is and has been doing since its inception. It’s expected that there will be a public newsrelease outlining the dismantling of the CIA a few days after NESARA’s announcement. There is a three-month plan to dismantle the CIA which will be followed. The current Directors of the CIA will be required to resign within hours of NESARA’s announcement. There are people who havebeen selected to take over the management of the dismantling of the CIA.
Regarding the IRS, the agency which collects US federal income tax, the Director of the IRS and other top IRS officials are required to resign within hours after NESARA’s announcement. There will be White Knight USmilitary guards who will provide security and new people who have been chosen to go into the IRS offices and oversee the partial closure of some IRS offices and the full closure of other IRS offices. The White Knight guards will make sure these closure actions do occur in an orderly fashion. Also, payments which arrive at IRS offices in the mail after NESARA’s announcement will be collected and taken to another governmentoffice which will return these payments to the individuals and businesseswho sent the payments. As of NESARA’s announcement, the IRS is out of thebusiness of collecting income taxes although some IRS personnel willcontinue to process income tax refunds for some months. Some IRS officesand personnel will be transferred to the US Treasury Department to collect the new limited, national sales tax which goes into effect 30 days after NESARA’s announcement.
There are NESARA reformation manuals which have been developed for eachfederal government agency discussing how the agency will proceed afterNESARA is announced and what activities each agency can no longer do under the restoration of Constitutional Law. The agencies generally will have 30 days to implement most of their reformations although they must immediately cease all unconstitutional activities. These manuals will be distributed to all federal government agencies the next business day after NESARA’s announcement. NESARA’s reformations have been carefully plannedto proceed in a smooth and orderly fashion.
Below are two new NESARA confirmations emailed to me this week.
There are good things happening to bring NESARA to announcement soon! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA’s Restoration of Constitutional Law & Better Health Options. Full Report.
April 24, 2004 2:51 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
One of the important benefits of NESARA’s restoration of ConstitutionalLaw is much greater access to better health options.
There are “cures” already existing for many diseases that thepharmaceutical industry wants us to believe cannot be cured. Thepharmaceutical corporations have a vested financial interest in trying toconvince us that diseases cannot be cured and that we must take their drugs for life in order to survive. Big pharmaceutical companies have a major hand in keeping alternative health options from being made publicly available and some of the pharmaceutical corporations’ efforts areillegal. It’s well known that pharmaceutical corporations have bribedofficials at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is thefederal agency regulating prescription drugs and food products.
Below is the true story of how the dangerous aspartame/NutraSweet food additive was “approved” due to the Reagan administration’s politicalappointment of a Defense research contractor, Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, to beCommissioner of the FDA. Donald Rumsfeld (current Bush regime official) was at that time the President of GD Searle company, the owner of NutraSweet, and Rumsfeld was on Reagan’s transition team and bragged thathe would get NutraSweet approved. Hayes’ first decision as Commissionerof the FDA, in direct conflict with years of scientific studies showing aspartame’s brain damaging effects, was to approve aspartame/NutraSweetfor dry foods and a few years later he approved aspartame/NutraSweet forsoft drinks.
Currently, the FDA has its own division of federal agents who routinely harass and unlawfully arrest practitioners of alternative health therapies and options. This FDA bully-boy action on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry will cease with NESARA’s announcement. |
Peace and Prosperity for All! |
After NESARA is announced, the FDA’s role will change and the FDA will have no lawful authority to keep alternative health options from being available. Currently, the FDA has its own division of federal agents who routinely harass and unlawfully arrest practitioners of alternative health therapies and options. This FDA bully-boy action on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry will cease with NESARA’s announcement.
The only role the FDA will have after NESARA’s announcement will be torequire all manufacturers and providers of goods and services to providedetailed information about the health hazards of their products and services to those using the products. The FDA will have power to enforce that manufacturers and providers of products and services give consumers detailed information about all health hazards related to their products and services. This means the truth about aspartame/NutraSweet causing holes in brain tissue and being converted to a neurotoxin when ingested will have to be printed on every product which contains NutraSweet. Other products, such as fiberboard, used in the construction of homes and furniture which outgases chemicals that can be hazardous to some people, must also have health warning information given to consumers.
The American Medical Association (AMA) will be required to reorganize after NESARA’s announcement due to its being chartered by the Britishroyal family and thus being a foreign agent. The AMA will lose its powerto keep alternative health options from public availability.
NESARA’s restoration of Constitutional Law will also enable many alternative energy technologies to become publicly available which will indirectly allow health improvements. We will be able to purchase our own electric power devices for homes and vehicles. Since fresh air is generally twice as healthy as indoor air, we will be able to heat or cool our homes less expensively due to owning the energy device and can allow more fresh air into our homes. Ending the use of fossil fuels for energy will greatly improve the health of people with respiratory problems and the health of our Earth. We will also have access to suppressed and alternative technologies to remove the pollution from our soils, water, and air.
There are currently therapies which actually revitalize and rejuvenate the human body but the discoverers must keep a low profile to avoid being attacked by the FDA. After NESARA’s announcement, these therapies willbecome publicly available and people will be able to live healthier andmore enjoyable lives.
Although we can easily see the financial benefits of NESARA’s announcementand implementation, NESARA’s restoration of Constitutional Law will likelybe the most important improvement of all.
It’s looking good for us to see NESARA’s announcement soon! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
The Aspartame/NutraSweet Fiasco
by James S. Turner
Many health-conscious people believe that avoiding aspartame, found in over 5000 products under brand names such as Equal and NutraSweet, can improve their quality of life. The history of this synthetic sweetener’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including a long record of consumer complaints and the agency’s demonstrated insensitivity to public concern, suggests they’re right.
In October 1980 the Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) impaneled by the FDA to evaluate aspartame safety found that the chemical caused an unacceptable level of brain tumors in animal testing. Based on this fact, the PBOI ruled that aspartame should not be added to the food supply.
This ruling capped 15 years of regulatory ineptitude, chicanery and deception by the FDA and the Searle drug company, aspartame’s discoverer and manufacturer (acquired by Monsanto in 1985), and kicked off another two decades of maneuvering, manipulating and dissembling by FDA, Searle and Monsanto.
In 1965, a Searle scientist licked some of a new ulcer drug from his fingers and discovered the sweet taste of aspartame. Eureka! Selling this chemical as a food additive to hundreds of millions of healthy people every day would mean many more dollars than limited sales to the much smaller group of ulcer sufferers.
Searle, a drug company with little experience in food regulation, began studies to comply with the law — but which failed to do so. Its early tests of the substance showed it produced microscopic holes and tumors in the brains of experimental mice, epileptic seizures in monkeys, and was converted by animals into dangerous substances, including formaldehyde.
In 1974, however, in spite of the information in its files, the FDA approved aspartame as a dry-foods additive. But the agency also made public for the first time the data supporting a food-additive decision. This data was subsequently reviewed by renowned brain researcher John Olney from Washington University in St. Louis, and other scientists.
Dr. Olney discovered two studies showing brain tumors in rats and petitioned FDA for a public hearing. Consumer Action for Improved Foods and Drugs (represented by the author of this piece) also petitioned for a public hearing based on the approval process having been based on sloppy science and the product’s having reportedly caused epileptic seizures in monkeys and possible eye damage.
Dr. Olney had already shown that aspartic acid (one aspartame component) caused microscopic holes in the brains of rats after each feeding. Aspartame also includes phenylalinine, which causes PKU in a small number of susceptible children, and methyl, or wood, alcohol which is neurotoxic in large amounts.
Faced with this array of possible health dangers, FDA granted the hearing requests. In lieu of withdrawing its aspartame approval, the agency prevailed on Searle to refrain from marketing the sweetener until after completion of the hearing process. It then proposed that a Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) review the matter.
In July of 1975, as the FDA prepared for the PBOI, an FDA inspector conducted a routine review of the Searle’s Skokie Ill., testing facilities and found many deviations from proper procedures. This report led the FDA commissioner to empanel a Special Commissioner’s Task Force to review Searle’s labs.
In December of 1975 the Task force reported serious problem with Searle research on a wide range of products, including aspartame. It found 11 pivotal studies conducted in a manner so flawed as to raise doubts about aspartame safety and create the possibility of serious criminal liability for Searle.
The FDA then stayed aspartame’s approval. It also contracted, over serious internal objection, with a group of university pathologists (paid by Searle) to review most of the studies, set up a task force to review three studies and asked the U.S. Attorney for Chicago to seek a grand jury review of the monkey seizure study.
The pathologists paid by Searle only reviewed failure to properly report data and not the study’s design or conduct. They found no serious problems. The FDA task force found Searle’s key tumor safety study unreliable, but was ignored. The U.S. attorney let the statue of limitations run out, then (along with two aides) proceeded to join Searle’s law firm.
While these committees met, the FDA organized the PBOI. Searle, the petitioners and the FDA Bureau of Foods each nominated three members for the board and the FDA commissioner selected one member from each list. The board, which convened in January of 1980, rejected petitioners’ request to include the commissioner’s task force information in its deliberations. Still, in October 1980, based on its limited review, the board blocked aspartame marketing until the tumor studies could be explained. Unless the commissioner overruled the board, the matter was closed.
In November 1980, however, the country elected Ronald Reagan President. Donald Rumsfeld (former congressman from Skokie, former White House chief of staff, former secretary of defense and since January 1977 president of Searle) joined the Reagan transition team. A full court press against the board decision began.
In January 1981 Rumsfeld told a sales meeting, according to one attendee, that he would call in his chips and get aspartame approved by the end of the year. On January 25th, the day the new president took office, the previous FDA commissioner’s authority was suspended, and the next month, the commissioner’s job went to Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes.
Transition records do not show why the administration chose Hayes, a professor and Defense Department contract researcher. In July Hayes, defying FDA advisors, approved aspartame for dry foods -his first major decision. In November 1983 the FDA approved aspartame for soft drinks– Hayes’ last decision.
In November 1983 Hayes, under fire for accepting corporate gifts, left the agency and went to Searle’s public-relations firm as senior medical advisor. Later Searle lawyer Robert Shapiro named aspartame NutraSweet. Monsanto purchased Searle. Rumsfeld received a $12 million bonus. Shapiro is now Monsanto president.
Shortly after the FDA soft-drink approval, Searle began test marketing, and complaints began to arrive at the FDA –of such reactions as dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, and seizures. The complaints were more serious than the agency had ever received on any food additive, At the same time, scientists began looking more closely at this manufactured chemical sweetener.
In 1985, the FDA asked the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to review the first 650 complaints (there are now over 10,000). CDC found that the symptoms in approximately 25% of the complainants had stopped and then restarted, corresponding with their having stopped and then restarted, either purposely or by accident, aspartame consumption.
The CDC also identified several specific subjects whose symptoms stopped and started as they stopped and started consuming aspartame. The FDA discounted the report. The day the FDA released the CDC report, Pepsi Cola –having obtained an advance copy– announced its switch to aspartame with a worldwide media blitz.
Former White House Chief of Staff Rumsfeld owed a debt of gratitude to former White House confidante and Rumsfeld friend Donald Kendal, Pepsi’s chairman. The Pepsi announcement and aggressive marketing (millions of gumballs, a red and white swirl, tough contracts) made NutraSweet known in every home.
At the same time, according to data released in 1995, human brain tumors like those in the animal studies rose 10% and previously benign tumors turned virulent. Searle and FDA’s deputy commissioner said the data posed no problem. Two years later this same FDA official became vice president of clinical research for Searle.
From 1985 to 1995, researchers did about 400 aspartame studies. They were divided almost evenly between those that gave assurances and those that raised questions about the sweetener. Most instructively, Searle paid for 100% of those finding no problem. All studies paid for by non-industry sources raised questions.
Given this record, it is little wonder that many health-conscious people believe avoiding NutraSweet improves their quality of life. If and when a scientific consensus concludes that aspartame puts some, if not all, of its consumers at risk, it will be much too late. The point is to eat safely now. Remember: the brain you save may be your own.
James S. Turner, Esq., is a partner in the 27-year-old Washington, D.C. consumer-interest law firm of Swankin and Turner. He is the author of “The Chemical Feast: The Nader Report on the Food and DrugAdministration”, “Making Your Own Baby Food”, and a number of law journaland popular media articles.
[doveofo] Two Dove Radio Interviews on NESARA Today. Full report.
April 25, 2004 5:52 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Beginning at3 p.m. and ending at 5 p.m. Eastern, I spoke about NESARA to listeners in the Plainfield, Vermont, USA area. The interview was also webcast to anyone who was able to go online and listen at the radio station’s website.
We covered many aspects of NESARA as well as numerous subjects related to NESARA during the first 90 minutes. In the last half hour, I answered questions about NESARA from the public.
I extend my sincere thanks to Tonio, the host of the radio show, for the opportunity to share the great news of NESARA with his listeners. Tonio and his listeners asked very good questions and it was a pleasure to discuss NESARA on his show.
From 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Pacific, I will again be discussing NESARA on a two-hour radio show. I will be a guest on the “Eye on the Future” hosted by Hehpsehboah. The “Eye on the Future” radio show is broadcast on thePaltalk Radio Network. PalTalk has over 22 million users worldwide and is the largest multimedia community on the Internet. PalTalk is an interactive, internet radio medium which is also webcast.
For people interested in hearing the show, there are two options:
a) Click on link to listen to the show live
b) Sign-up with PalTalk and interact during the show through audio and text. People will need a microphone if they wish to ask a question of you in audio. for detailed instructions.
If you were not able to listen to the first radio interview today, you may be able to listen to this second radio interview beginning at 8 p.m. Pacific this evening.
I cover a great deal of information about NESARA in these interviews. We hope to have both interviews posted on the website in the near future.
For security reasons, details must remain secret, however, there continues to be good news about NESARA’s progress! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] Explanation of NESARA Interview this Evening on “Eye on theFuture”
April 25, 2004 9:44 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The second NESARA interview I did tonight was with a host named Hehpsehboah who is clearly one of the most close-minded, unintelligent people I have ever met.
When I made the arrangements to do this interview, there was no indication that the woman hosting the “Eye on the Future” radio show was going toattack NESARA. This Hehpsehboah woman asked me to explain NESARA and thenwent off on an irrational diatribe about her concerns and linking someinformation she heard about Post Offices controlling things to NESARA. I explained to her that NESARA abolishes ALL laws back to 1933, and therefore, the Illuminati were the ones behind the scheme to use Post Offices to control people. She was entirely unable to refute this because I was speaking the truth.
I attempted to explain how NESARA will bring world peace, however, Hehpsehboah continued to interrupt with her irrational issues. When I explained how the international banking improvements would bring about world peace, she was completely unable to refute my comments because I was speaking the truth. I explained that NESARA gives greater freedom to Americans and that no Americans will be required to be licensed to drive or have to use a Social Security number or have any other kind of government tracking. What I said made sense and is true but she was completely unable to rationally discuss any aspects of NESARA.
At one point I asked her to let me explain how NESARA works but she did not honor that reasonable request. In fact, she was irrational and illogical throughout the brief 25 minute discussion. Finally I told her that she was the most close-minded person to whom I had ever spoken and she needed to clean the garbage out of her mind so we could have a reasonable discussion about NESARA. She was not able to do this and I said "Goodbye" and ended the discussion. It’s unfortunate that such anirrational, unreasonable, and unintelligent person has a public forum.
I did receive a phone call from one person who was in the chat roomassociated with this radio show and he informed me that everyone in the chat room was writing Hehpsehboah and telling her to let Dove speak because Dove knows what she is talking about. Clearly, she was not listening to her listeners.
For the most part, it was Dove readers who were listening to her show and when I hung up, they all quit listening. At that point, only three people were still listening to the radio show.
As another person said after the interview tonight, perhaps my purpose in doing this interview was to expose Hehpsehboah as the unreasonable and irrational person she is. I’m told her radio program will not bebroadcast much longer after her wrongful attack upon NESARA tonight.
I did have a wonderful interview earlier today with Tonio in Vermont. Tonio asked some good questions and so did his listeners. Tonio promised he would provide us with a copy of this interesting interview soon so we can post it .
I understand we now have the NESARA interview with Australian radio host John Weeks . This interview which I did a few weeks ago is about 90 minutes long and is split into three parts for ease of downloading. You can listen to this very interesting interview with John Weeks at . John asked questions about many aspects of NESARA and related topics; we covered a lot in this informative interview.
There’s very good progress moving NESARA forward! We will be celebrating NESARA soon! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Jennifer Lee’s Report. Excerpt. April 27, 2004.
Greetings all you beloved COMMANDERS, EAGLES AND ANGELS!
This is Beloved Mother Sekhmet and Lord Alcyone speaking to YOU today!
This morning WE got to speak with The King Of Swords and The King Of Egypt! What WE can tell you is this! The past few days have been very significant—over 4,000 of The Shrub-gang’s [Jr. and Sr.] Private Army [which is all of them] have been removed by the WK’s and THE FORCES OF LIGHT! This army of Anunnaki Reptilian Hybrids are no longer on Planet Earth because they were basically ‘Droids’—or ‘programmed replications without any soul matrix’ just like what you saw in the movie STAR WARS—ATTACK OF THE CLONES!
It is TRULY TIME! WE ARE STANDING AT THE BLACK GATE with THE SWORD that was broken and re-forged and WE ARE SWINGING IT! "The bodies are stacked to the sky!"
It is ANEW DAY DAWNING and WE [Beloved Mother Sekhmet and Lord Alcyone] ARE STANDING here beside Beloved Lord Michael, Beloved Lord Metatron, Beloved Lord Maitreya and ALL THE FORCES OF LIGHT and we say—–
"NO MORE WAR EVER AGAIN!" [Mother lets out a whimpering sound of mourning for SHE is weeping as she says this]
It is truly time for all the children to be healed of their wounds, pain and suffering! It is truly time for ALL OF US who have participated in wrongful thoughts, words and deeds to come into balance with this! Understand there is NO JUDGEMENT! There is no blame! There is nothing else [to do] except to step into THE FREQUENCIES OF THE MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE and give yourself to LOVE! It is just like that song—"Give Yourself To Love"! [She can hardly speak these words through the tears]
Jennifer Lee’s Report. Excerpt. April 27, 2004.
Happy Hump Day! Oh my gosh—–things are INTENSE! Keep breathing everyone and stay centered in THE MIGHTY I AM!
This morning I was on the air on 94 ROCK with ‘Gonzo Gary Johnson’ our former Governor from this state. He talked about the absolute failure of the so-called ‘War On Terror’ as well as ‘The War On Drugs’! It is all a lie!
He has been working with ‘The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws’ at and other groups who are trying to legalize the use of Hemp and bring the understanding to the people of how valuable this magnificent herb can be for our lives, including industrial products like clothing, paper goods, for its healing and medicinal properties, and for fuel to solve our energy crisis! It has been around the planet for thousands of years and it is the agricultural product of the future because it has so many uses! Did you know that in the very first car made by Henry Ford, the interior was made entirely out of hemp fibers! For more information about Hemp go to:
Mr. Gary Johnson went on to talk about ‘The War On Terror’ and how we have ‘Lex Luther’ in the White House pulling out his hair, believing he is ordained by God to plan more ‘terrorist attacks against helpless peoples’ because he is defending THE RIGHT by MIGHT! Oh Brother! He said we definitely need SuperMan to show UP HERE—along with Batman and Robin,SpiderMan,Wonder Woman as well as anyone else who can come to our aid!
And interestingly enough this is exactly what RanaMu told me is actually HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! She showed up on the ‘Holodeck Viewing Screen’ that appeared on my windshield this morning! She told me there are so many magical and wonderful Beings of Light who have come in TO HELP EARTH at this critical time. They have come from all across the Universes of Time and Space, in service to Mother Gaia and all life, because ALL the different TIME-LINES HAVE ALL CONVERGED—at ‘ONE INTERSECTING POINT’ which is right here and right now on our beloved tiny little planet!
She said this is why it is TIME FOR NESARA TO BE ANNOUNCED! We ‘ARE THE ONES’ who are CALLING IT IN! In doing so WE are bringing forth the manifestation of healing for ALL THE TIMELINES for ALL ETERNITY! And—it is ALL COMING TO PASS RIGHT NOW!
As Mr. Gary put it—-‘The X-Files are meeting The X-Men’—through our children—those magical Crystal Beings and Indigos who are coming in with such incredible gifts of healing and frequencies for this planet. These children have gifts and abilities just like the X-Men and they are healing entire timeline and vortices with their love and insights. He said isn’t it interesting how we were programmed and indoctrinated to ‘not believe in magic’ which cut us off from having ‘the beliefs’ that would allow us to communicate with life forms from other dimensional levels like ‘The Fairies’ and ‘The Devic Kingdoms’? And now OUR CHILDREN ARE SHOWING US HOW TO DO IT AGAIN because they are already in-touch with these levels and are guiding US BACK INTO THE LIGHT OF UNDERSTANDING!
Mr. Gary came right out and told everyone ITS TIME TO BELIEVE IN THE MAGIC AGAIN! OUR CHILDREN ARE SHOWING US THE WAY that BY BELIEVING—IT IS SO! Just as in the story of the Velvetine Rabbit! This is HOW WE WILL HEAL OURSELVES and OUR WORLD!
So dear EAGLES—‘Magical Beings’ are here amongst us! Let us take our power and our planet back with LOVE~POWER~WISDOM, the three-fold flame in action and balance within The Frequencies of The Violet Transmuting Flame of LOVEAND LIGHT!
Last evening I was TAKEN UP PHYSICALLY into THE SHIPS OF LIGHT to be with Beloved Mother Sekhmet, Beloved Lord Michael, Beloved Lord Maitreya, Beloved Lord Metatron,and many other Galactic Beings. Our ships were parked at 35,000 feet above Fallujah and other cities of Iraq and THE VIOLET TRANSMUTING FLAME was send down into these places! We all stood together in a circle WITHIN THE BEAM OF VIOLET FLAME so THE PEOPLE COULD SEE US and KNOW THERE IS HOPE—that GOD/GODDESS IS WITH THEM! [Mr. A is sobbing as he says these words]
[doveofo] Why NESARA’s Worldwide Ripple Effects are Expected; US State of Emergency. Full report.
April 26, 2004 11:10 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
It all comes down to self-preservation; this is why NESARA’s internationalripple effects are expected to result in other countries adopting theinternational banking regulations that go into effect after NESARA’sannouncement, the abolishment of income taxes, and the adoption of CommonLaw.
After theUS announces our new US Treasury Bank System and new Treasurycurrency backed by precious metals, the US Treasury currency will be the most valuable currency on the planet because it is backed by precious metals. If the US Treasury currency remained the only major currency backed by precious metals, this would throw the balance of import and export trade way out of balance because the new US Treasury currency would be able to buy much more than the Federal Reserve currency could.
Consequently, out of self-preservation, all other nations will also announce that their currencies are backed by precious metals and this will help keep the import and export trade between the US and other countries more balanced. The new international banking regulations also require nations’ banking systems give the full debt relief; any nation which failsto do this within four months will be cut off by the IMF from transferring money into and out of that nation. No nation can survive without the transfers of money into and out of the nation although some nations’corrupt government officials may still try to give only partial bank debt relief.
The same self-preservation relates to other countries abolishing their own income taxes. If the United States were the only country which abolished personal and business income taxes, then people and businesses from other countries would relocate to the US to take advantage of the tremendous savings of not having to pay income taxes. Therefore, to keep their people and businesses from relocating to the US, other nations are expected to abolish their own income taxes.
Even the issue of all nations adopting Common Law is a matter of self-preservation. Today in most countries there are many government requirements in statutory law with which businesses and organizations must comply in order to transact their business. Many of these government requirements are time-consuming and costly for businesses. Under Constitutional Law which is based on Common Law, these cumbersome government requirements are removed, making the US a location where businesses and organizations can conduct their activities without being overloaded with government requirements. If other nations failed to change over to Common Law, eventually many businesses and organizations would relocate to the US. To keep their businesses, organizations, and people, other nations are expected adopt Common Law.
Someone asked me to explain about NESARA ending the state of national emergency which President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared in March 1933 and which has been continuously in effect and used by Presidents since Roosevelt. To answer this question, we need to look at what happened when Roosevelt took office in March 1933. If we are not attorneys, or have not studied law, it would be easy to not understand what Roosevelt was doing. I don’t blame people for not understanding what Roosevelt did in 1933 because it was a well-planned, secret Illuminati effort to take us out of Constitutional Law.
Here’s part of what Roosevelt said in his first inauguration speech onMarch 4, 1933:
” “I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measuresthat a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. Thesemeasures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption.
" "But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis-broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as greatas the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe”.”
America‘s Constitutional Dictatorship
[Quote] On March 4, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as President. On March 9, 1933, Congress approved, in a special session, his Proclamation 2038 that became known as the Act of March 9, 1933:
"Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Congress hereby declares that a serious national emergency exists and that it is imperatively “necessary” speedily to put into effect remedies of uniformnational application". [Quotes added around the word “necessary” to show where the rule of necessity is expressed in this Act.]
This is an example of the Rule of Necessity, a rule of law where necessity knows no law. This rule was invoked to remove the authority of the Constitution. Chapter 1, Title 1, Section 48, Statute 1 of this Act of March 9, 1933 is the exact same wording as Title 12, USC 95(b)”, provingthat we are still under the Rule of Necessity in a declared state ofnational emergency.
According to current laws, as found in 12 USC, Section 95(b), everythingthe President or the Secretary of the Treasury has done since March 4, 1933 is automatically approved:
"The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made, or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury since March the 4th, 1933, pursuant to the authority conferred by Subsection (b) of Section 5 of the Act of October 6th, 1917, as amended [12 USCS Sec. 95a], are hereby approved and confirmed. (Mar. 9, 1933, c. 1, Title 1, Sec. 1, 48 Stat. 1]".
12 USC 95(b) refers to the authority granted in the Act of October 6, 1917 (also known as The Trading with the Enemy Act or War Powers Act) which was "An Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes". This Act originally excluded citizens of the United States, but in the Act of March 9, 1933, Section 2 amended this [Trading with the Enemy Act] to include "any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof". It was here that every American citizen literally became an enemy to the United States government under declaration.
According to the current “Memorandum of American Cases” and “RecentEnglish Cases” on “The Law of Trading With the Enemy”, we have no personal Rights at law in any court, and all Rights of an enemy (all American citizens are all declared enemies) to sue in the courts are suspended, whereby the public good must prevail over private gain. This also provides for the taking over of enemy private property. Now we know why we no longer receive allodial freehold title to our land… as enemies, our property is no longer ours to have.
The only way we can do business or any type of legal trade is to obtain permission from our government by means of a “license”.
So who initiated all of these emergency powers?
On March 3, 1933, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York adopted aresolution stating that the withdrawal of currency and gold from the bankshad created a national emergency, and "the Federal Reserve Board is hereby requested to urge the President of the United States to declare a bank holiday, Saturday March 4, and Monday, March 6".
Roosevelt was told to close down the banking system. He did so with Proclamation 2039 under the excuse of alleged unwarranted hoarding of gold by Americans. Then with Proclamation 2040, he declared on March 9, 1933 the existence of a “national bank emergency” [quotes added for emphasis]whereas"all Proclamations heretofore or hereafter issued by the Presidentpursuant to the authority conferred by section 5(b) of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended, are approved and confirmed".
“Once an emergency is declared, there is no common law and the Constitution is automatically abolished. We are no longer under law. Law has been abolished. We are under a system of War Powers. Our stocks, bonds, houses, and land can be seized as Americans are considered enemies of the state. What we have is not ours under the War Powers given to the President who is the Commander-in-Chief of the military war machine.
“Whenever any President proclaims that the national emergency has ended, all War Powers shall cease to be in effect. Congress can do nothing without the President’s signature because Congress granted him these emergency powers. For over 60 years, no President has been willing to give up this extraordinary power and terminate the original proclamation”.[EndQuote]
Actually, there was one President who was taking action so he could endthe national emergency. President John F. Kennedy successfully put $4.3 billion in US Treasury silver certificate currency into circulation as part of gradual plan to remove the Federal Reserve Banking system and he also intended to recall US troops from Vietnam and end the state of national emergency declared in March 1933 as soon as he could. He was killed to stop him by US military snipers in an operation organized by the CIA under orders from the Illuminati Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The US military snipers were paid $1.5 million by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in secret payments. Kennedy also had plans to dismantle the CIA.
Here’s why President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a CIA plot: [Quote] The following article appeared in "The Final Call", Vol15, No.6, onJanuary 17, 1996 (USA) President Kennedy, the Federal Reserve and Executive Order 11110 by Cedric X.
On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy’s order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. [silver certificate] notes into circulation. The ramifications of this [executive order] are enormous.
With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these silver certificates were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything.
Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.
After Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just five months later, no more silver certificates were issued. the Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President through an Executive Order and is still valid. [End Quote]
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York LIED in their 1933 resolution claiming that gold had been withdrawn in large amounts by bank customers. In fact, my sources say that the majority of the so-called withdrawn gold was actually stolen by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York lied in order to give Roosevelt an excuse to claim there was a national banking emergency. These actions by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Roosevelt were planned many months before Roosevelt was inaugurated. Roosevelt was Illuminati and well aware that he was declaring Americans the enemy of the government and executing a huge power grab which took us out of Constitutional Law. Roosevelt could have taken the steps necessary to rebuild the American economy without declaring a state of national emergency and thus taking us out of Constitutional Law.
We now know why NESARA’s establishment of the US Treasury Bank system and Treasury currency and NESARA’s abolishment of unconstitutional laws backto March 1933, including the “state of national emergency”, are soimportant. The NESARA President Designate will publicly declare allstates of national emergency are ended on the day after NESARA’s announcement. We will already be in Constitutional Law again as of the beginning of NESARA’s announcement.
I have a clarification about repricing of products and services which occurs about two months after NESARA is announced. Most things we can buy with $100 today, we will be able to buy for $10 after the repricing. The actual increase in the purchasing power of $100 (and all our money) after the repricing of all goods and services in the US will be a 900% increase. In the past, I said the purchasing power would increase 90% because just getting the point of the repricing across was a challenge; frankly I didn’t want to deal with skepticism about the percentage of increase inour money’s purchasing power until I felt the repricing issue was understood. Now most people who have been reading the Dove Reports understand about the repricing, so it’s time to explain that the actualincrease in the purchasing power of our money in the US after repricingwill be 900%. That’s right: NINE HUNDRED PERCENT. Most of us areunaccustomed to thinking about things in this way, however, that’s thereality. This 900% increase is the good news about the purchasing powerof our money after inflationary pricing due to past use of Federal Reserve Notes is squeezed out of the prices of most goods and services during the repricing.
For example, you can buy an inexpensive HP color printer for about $100 at WalMart today. After the repricing two months following NESARA’sannouncement, this same HP color printer will be repriced to about $10. That means after the repricing, you could buy a total of ten of these color printers, or NINE ADDITIONAL color printers for $100 cash; that’s a900% increase in purchasing power.
There are many good things going on behind the scenes to bring us NESARA’sannouncement. Our years of hard work supporting NESARA are about to payoff! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] Updated Overview of NESARA Economic, Financial, and Legal Benefits. Full report.
April 27, 2004 2:12 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today I revised the following overview of NESARA’s economic, financial,and legal benefits to reflect the most recent information I have on thesesubjects.
The “National Economic Security And Reformation Act”, NESARA, providesmajor benefits to Americans including:
1. Forgiveness of credit card, mortgage debt, and other bank loans as remedy for bank and government frauds;
2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential “new items only”sales tax revenue for government;
3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System which absorbs the Federal Reserve and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4. Restores Constitutional Law;
5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days;
6. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.
Some of the major purposes of NESARA are to improve the liberty and prosperity of most people worldwide. All aspects of NESARA have been thoroughly researched and developed to ensure the average person’s life isimproved and their financial and economic assets are safeguarded throughout the NESARA improvements processes. All aspects have also been carefully considered and designed so that NESARA’s improvements will beimplemented in an orderly and well-managed process.
People in most countries will receive bank-related debt forgiveness for credit card debt, mortgages, car loans, education loans, personal loans, home refinancing mortgages, home equity loans, etc. similar to what people in the U.S. are receiving. Credit cards issued by major merchants such as Sears will also be forgiven because the funds backing these merchant credit cards are ultimately linked back to banks.
Credit Unions are “banks” and they will have to do the NESARA debtforgiveness just like other U. S. banks. Some credit unions have signed agreements to be affiliated with the major U.S. banks already contractually set up to be U.S. Treasury banks. All U.S. credit unions will have to do this to become part of the new U.S. Treasury bank system within weeks of the true NESARA law announcement.
The banks and credit unions in the U.S. are being PAID $9,000 per credit card to zero out the credit card balances and are also being PAID GENEROUS amounts to forgive car, education, mortgage, personal, refinancing, and equity loans, etc. The banks are being paid generously to do the debt forgiveness out of massive funds that have been accumulating for well over 20 years in European banks. The banks will be very profitable after they receive all these NESARA payments for doing debt relief.
In most countries, there are expected to be increases in the monthly amounts of social services payments similar to what people in the U.S. will receive for Social Security retirement payments, disability payments, military disability and pensions payments, and family support payments, etc. within a few months of NESARA being announced. All federal government social services payments will be continued after NESARA’sannouncement. This means that all Social Security payments, all federalgovernment payments to people for welfare, unemployment, pensions, etc. will continue after NESARA is announced; in most cases the monthly amounts will be increased within two months of NESARA’s announcement.
About 18 months after NESARA’s announcement, U.S.citizens/sovereigns/natural persons will begin receiving funds from the “new prosperity” program based on “financial redress” for past governmentand banking frauds. The “new prosperity program” based on financialredress will be publicly announced after NESARA is announced. Eventually all people worldwide will have access to new prosperity options. It’stime the world’s people were lifted out of “survival”. Some experts statethere has been enough money in the world for the last 30 years that if themoney were evenly distributed, every person would be a millionaire. Five percent of the world’s people control 95% of the world’s wealth.
For decades, vast sums of humanitarian prosperity programs funds have beenaccumulating in special revenue generating processes in European banks awaiting the right time when these funds could safely be released to program members who will be doing world improvement projects. NESARA’sannouncement sets up the new banking and legal conditions which allow thedistribution of this vast wealth to people all across the world during the next several years.
People’s pensions and investments are also being protected by the NESARAprocess. Most people’s pension funds are invested in stock marketinvestments or similar kinds of investments. There are special provisions in NESARA to protect people’s pensions and investments. NESARA’sannouncement does not change the value of people’s investments in thestock markets. People who are drawing pensions can expect to continue todraw their pensions after NESARA without any problems.
The stock markets, currency exchanges, and commodities markets will be closed for a period of days after NESARA is announced. The White Knights enlisted contributions from the world’s best experts in economics andbanking systems regarding how this worldwide shift in our economies will be handled. There is an index of prices of products and services which will be tied to the price of gold and which will be used following NESARA’s announcement. The major stockbrokerage firms have already set up “conversion tables” which they will use after NESARA is announced. It isexpected that the price of gold will go up after NESARA is announced.
We all will be receiving education via the news media and seminars in theprinciples underlying our new worldwide economy based on currencies backed by precious metals. On May 19, 2003 a CNN news reporter stated that Alan Greenspan has 30 hours of education on film about the “new monetarysystem”. All 30 hours of information on the new monetary system will be broadcast within a few days after NESARA’s announcement. Some sections ofthe 30 hours will apply to other countries as well as the U.S.
One of the major principles of good financial management in our neweconomy will be living on the financial means we have available and staying out of debt except for major purchases such as homes and vehicles. Most people will have much more disposable cash available to them after NESARA is announced due to no longer having to make monthly payments for their credit cards, mortgages, car loans, etc. and will have increased take-home pay due to no deductions for income taxes. Once people’s creditcard debts are forgiven, NESARA’s banking improvements are designed toensure people avoid having long-term credit card debt. Under NESARA, people will use credit cards and pay off their balances monthly or within a few months time rather than carry balances on their credit cards for years.
Most of us have no knowledge of how economies work when the value of products and services are expressed in currency which is backed by precious metals. Most of our beliefs about how economies work will have to be changed after NESARA is announced. The 30 hours of education will provide us considerable education about the new economic foundations of our economies before normal trading activities in stocks, bonds, gold, commodities, etc. are restarted. Some well-known financial advisors have books ready to be released which provide guidance in managing our financial lives in accordance with the new worldwide economy initiated by NESARA’s announcement.
The amount of money people have in their checking and savings accountswill be the same amount right after NESARA that was there immediatelybefore NESARA was announced. The amounts people have in their bank accounts will be automatically valued in the new U.S. Treasury currency immediately after NESARA’s announcement. There will be ZERO loss of moneyin people’s bank accounts from NESARA’s announcement and improvements. The Federal Reserve’s facilities and personnel will be absorbed into the U.S. Treasury Department and the Treasury Department will take over managing our U.S. banking system. All money we have in our bank accounts will be automatically included in the new U.S. Treasury bank system. None of our money will be reduced or lost due to the U.S. Treasury taking over managing the banking system from the Federal Reserve.
After NESARA is announced, we will be exchanging our Federal Reserve Notes for the new U.S. Treasury “rainbow currency” during the weeks following NESARA’s announcement and we may do the exchanging in a number of ways. We can pay for our purchases with the Federal Reserve Notes we have onhand and major merchants and the U.S. Post Office will give us our changein the new U.S. Treasury currency. We may also exchange our Federal Reserve Notes at "certain" ATM machines where we can insert our FederalReserve Notes and get back the same amount of money in the new U.S.Treasury bills. Finally, when U.S. banks re-open their lobbies following three business days of bank closure to do their NESARA transition processes after the announcement, we can take our Federal Reserve Notes into banks and exchange them for the new U.S. Treasury bills. There is zero benefit in holding onto the Federal Reserve Notes after NESARA is announced, and we will be able to easily convert them to the new Treasury currency. The coins we are using will continue to be used.
Just as in the U.S., the paying of personal and corporate national income tax will end around the world within a few years after NESARA is announced. Immediately, as of NESARA’s announcement, the IRS is abolishedin the U.S. and all payments of federal income tax by individuals andcorporations will totally cease. The only thing IRS staff will do is process refunds for some months after NESARA is announced. Some IRS personnel and facilities will be transferred to the U.S. Treasury Department to carry out the new activities of collecting and processing the new limited national sales tax which NESARA establishes to raise funds for government services.
Because NESARA abolishes the Federal Reserve System and provides for the buyout of all shares and facilities of the Federal Reserve corporation by the U.S. Treasury, NESARA immediately wipes out over 70% of the U.S. national debt. The Federal Reserve System’s charges of fees and interestare the main cause of the U.S. national debt and therefore after theNESARA buyout of the Federal Reserve, the government can cancel all debtsowed by the government to the Fed and this will wipe out over 70% of the national debt. For anyone who does not understand the truth behind the Federal Reserve System, I suggest you read the Dove Report entitled “NESARA Brings Prosperity; Fed. Res. is Private Corp.” and dated December 5, 2002. You may find this in the Dove Reports on in the December 2002 section.
I have written about the price reductions required by NESARA over the last nearly four years of writing about NESARA. Right now the price of everything in our lives is based on the purchasing power of the Federal Reserve Notes which are basically “worthless” fiat money that has nothingbacking it but “confidence” in the U.S. government. Since Roosevelt tookus off the gold standard in the 1930’s, we have had massive inflation dueto the fact there was nothing of value standing behind our money and alsothe Federal Reserve banking system has many “built-in” factors that causeinflation.
When the U.S. Supreme Court Justices developed the reformations of our banking and currency system which sets up our new U.S. Treasury bank system and absorbs the physical assets and personnel of the Federal Reserve system, the Justices called together a coalition of the world’sforemost economic, monetary, and banking experts, as well as experts in Constitutional Law. One of the major tasks was to remove the inflation from the prices of everything we buy. The decision was made to re-price everything so that we start with a new price structure and an economy where the value of everything is supported by the new precious metals backed Treasury currency.
The Justices and their coalitions of economic, monetary, and banking experts have met with the heads of nearly all governments worldwide to discuss these issues and have agreements signed by heads of all these governments stating that their country will also make these changes within two years of the true NESARA law being announced. When the true NESARA law is announced, there will be many follow-up press conferences regarding the details about how the new pricing structures will work. Basically within 60 days of NESARA’s announcement, prices on most products andservices will be reduced in the U.S. to ten percent of what they are now. Two months after NESARA is announced, a new television which currently is priced at $350 will be repriced to $35 purchase price.
The U.S. Supreme Court Justices have had the top experts in all fields provide input and when all prices of all items are adjusted downward about two months after the true NESARA law is announced, there will be similar adjustments in the prices of stocks and bonds. Stocks and bonds will keep their relative value because everything is being repriced. The repricing of stocks and bonds will be just like the repricing of milk, eggs, and bread in the supermarket. Instead of paying about $4 for a gallon of milk, we will pay 40 cents when the price changes go into effect. Instead of paying $1.80 for a gallon of gas, we will pay 18 cents per gallon. Stocks and bonds will be repriced in the same way as other commodities we buy.
A month or two after the true NESARA law is announced, all items and services we buy will be repriced to correct for the massive inflation in prices that the Federal Reserve banking system has caused. Right now we pay for things with basically worthless Federal Reserve “fiat” money. Butafter the true NESARA law, we will change over to our new U.S. Treasurybank system and currency and our Treasury currency is backed by gold,silver, and platinum. Consequently, under the new U.S. Treasury bank and currency system, there must be an adjustment in the current prices on items and services to squeeze out the inflation in current prices that is totally due to our using worthless Federal Reserve fiat money.
In the two months after NESARA is announced, people in the U.S. will be paid at their current rates until the new price reductions go into effect. In the month after the price reductions take effect, people’s wages,salaries, and other compensation will be repriced and will have the same purchasing power as now because all prices of products and services will already be adjusted downward in exactly the same proportion as people’swages, salaries, etc.
Let me give an example so you understand. For example if NESARA’sannouncement occurs in April 2004, it’s likely that merchants and serviceproviders will be given two months (about 60 days) to be ready toimplement the 90% price reductions. In most cases this means simplymoving the decimal point to the left one position in the merchant’scomputerized databases of prices for products and services and posting newprice labels where appropriate when the changeover date arrives.
Although I expect NESARA to be announced before the end of April 2004, I will use April 30th in the following explanation to simplify matters. IF NESARA were THEORETICALLY announced on April 30, 2004, then all merchants and providers of products and services would have 61 days (May and June) to get ready to implement the new reduced prices by July 1, 2004. On July 1, the new reduced prices of everything would take effect. If your income is $3,000 a month, in May and June, you would continue to be paid $3,000 a month.
Let’s say that you normally pay $600 for food and other routine supplies a month. On July 1st when prices would be decreased by 90%, you would have earned $3,000 in the month of June, however you would only have to pay $60 for your food and routine supplies. You would have $540 you can use for other things. In addition, you would have NO income tax taken from your paycheck as of NESARA’s announcement in April 2004 and you would havemore disposable cash from your income for May and June due to no creditcard, mortgage, car loan, education loan or other bank debt payments to make. You would pay social security taxes & Medicare (FICA taxes – 7.4%) but with all the debt forgiveness and no income tax deductions or other deductions, you could have as much as $2,778 of your $3,000 a month income available to you.
Because all prices must be adjusted to 10% of the current prices about 60 days after NESARA is announced, your income and salary must also be adjusted to 10% on July 1st. Your new income WILL STILL BUY THE SAME AMOUNT as now because the prices of everything will also be repriced to 10% of today’s prices. The repricing of everything at the same time meansthat no one loses any money.
The prosperity programs amounts being funded to current prosperity programmembers in the U.S. will NOT be reduced after NESARA is announced because these amounts are money in our bank accounts today. If we have, for example, $10 billion in our prosperity program bank account before NESARA’s announcement, it will still be $10 billion after NESARA isannounced. However, the $10 billion will buy 900% more after the repricing of products and services.
In addition, one of the most amazing improvements that rolls out from NESARA and across the world is that all people worldwide will eventually have the same rights that we Americans have when NESARA restores our Constitution and Bill of Rights. When I first heard about this, I wondered how this was being arranged. All I can tell you today is that over 180 countries have signed agreements to do this and there was "divineintervention" in the process of getting these agreements signed. Fairly soon after NESARA is announced, the details will be revealed.
The restoration of Constitutional Law vastly improves our lives in ways that are almost unlimited. NESARA wipes out all the unconstitutional laws like the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act, the homeland security act, and all laws back to 1933 when FDR took us out of Constitutional Law as well as selected laws prior to 1933. All our civil liberties will be restored with NESARA’s announcement. Under Constitutional Law, the inventors of the new energy devices will be able to safely make their devices publicly available and zero government agency or corporation will be able to stop them. Alternative medical therapies and technologies can also be made available without worry of attacks by FDA agents or other government interference. There are many technologies and products which have been suppressed and the inventors of these will be able to safely and publicly unveil these technologies and products which will help many people.
The restoration of Constitutional Law also requires that all judges, law enforcement, and others must attend educational seminars and learn about Constitutional Law. All courts in the U.S. will be closed for two months while these Constitutional Law seminars are being conducted. Any court cases in process when NESARA is announced will have to be re-filed using Constitutional Law foundations; many cases now clogging up the court systems will no longer be valid court cases under Constitutional Law. In addition, many people who have been imprisoned under unconstitutional laws such as income tax laws, will be released from prison within weeks after NESARA is announced. There will also be educational seminars on television regarding Constitutional Law which is based on Common Law and we all will be learning about this.
Some people, such as IRS employees, will find that their jobs no longer exist or their income is decreased by the announcement of NESARA. In the U.S., all people who can prove their income has been reduced by NESARA will be eligible to apply for generous financial allotments which will carry them through until they have new income sources.
Self-preservation is why NESARA’s international ripple effects areexpected to result in other countries adopting the new international banking regulations that go into effect after NESARA’s announcement, theabolishment of income taxes, and the adoption of Common Law.
After theUS announces our new US Treasury Bank System and new Treasurycurrency backed by precious metals, the US Treasury currency will be the most valuable currency on the planet because it is backed by precious metals. If the US Treasury currency remained the only major currency backed by precious metals, this would throw the balance of import and export trade way out of balance because the new US Treasury currency would be able to buy much more than the Federal Reserve currency could.
Consequently, out of self-preservation, all other nations will also announce that their currencies are backed by precious metals and this will help keep the import and export trade between the US and other countries more balanced. The new international banking regulations also require nations’ banking systems give the full debt relief; any nation which fails to do this within four months will be cut off by the IMF from transferring money into and out of that nation. No nation can survive without the transfers of money into and out of the nation although some nations’corrupt government officials may still try to give only partial bank debt relief. Other nations will also do price reductions to squeeze the inflation out of their prices, although the percentage of price reductions will vary from nation to nation.
The same self-preservation relates to other countries abolishing their own income taxes. If the United States were the only country which abolished personal and business income taxes, then people and businesses from other countries would relocate to the US to take advantage of the tremendous savings of not having to pay income taxes. Therefore, to keep their people and businesses from relocating to the US, other nations are expected to abolish their own income taxes within two years after NESARA’sannouncement.
Even the issue of all nations adopting Common Law is a matter of self-preservation. Today in most countries there are many government requirements in statutory law with which businesses and organizations must comply in order to transact their business. Many of these government requirements are time-consuming and costly for businesses. Under Constitutional Law which is based on Common Law, these cumbersome government requirements are removed, making the US a location where businesses and organizations can conduct their activities without being overloaded with government requirements. If other nations failed to change over to Common Law, eventually many businesses and organizations would relocate to the US. To keep their businesses, organizations, and people, other nations are expected adopt Common Law within four years after NESARA’s announcement.
NESARA brings most of the world’s people increased prosperity, liberty,peace, and knowledge which enables them to flourish. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
[doveofo] NESARA Take Action Teams at World Court; Four NESARA Billboards. Full report.
April 28, 2004 7:32 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Our NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) Director for Europe (Richard) was so busy in the last weeks bringing his NTAT database information up-to-date, that he did not have time to post the NTAT reports from World Court. Below is one of the NTAT at World Court reports. I love reading about the happiness our NTAT bring to people who learn about NESARA while visiting World Court; there have been many tourists who learned about NESARA while at World Court the last few weeks.
In the next few days as we see what happens with NESARA, I hope to catch up with posting the wonderful reports from our NTAT at World Court.
There are tourists from many countries who visit World Court, including people from Germany. In the last few years, the daily Dove Reports have been translated into German by a dedicated person who is now needing to take some time off. We know people in Germany love hearing about NESARA and hope to continue to provide German translations of the Dove Reports to them. I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who is willing to help with the translations of the daily Dove Reports into German. Please send me an email at[email protected] with the Subject of “GermanTranslations” and I will be in touch with you.
We have new pictures of our NESARA mobile billboard trucks in Washington, DC! There are FOUR NESARA mobile billboard trucks in front of the Capitol Building in our new picture on the home page of . I agree with Nel’s comment below: it makes me smile every time I see these beautiful NESARA mobile billboards. I can just imagine the surprise on the faces of many D.C. and Pentagon insiders when they see these great tributes to NESARA.
We are looking for what we want to happen soon! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
Excerpt from Jennifer Lee’s Report for April 30, 2004.
He had these friends on the phone, The Grande Nagus and Mr. B-Microsoft himself who all told me "Mr. A—–THIS IS COMING TO PASS RIGHT NOW!"
Mr. B told me he is a friend of The King Of Swords, and has never before spoken to me, but he KNOWS ALL ABOUT NESARA! IT IS TRUE—IT IS HAPPENING!
He told me ‘these Judges’ and ‘the ones in office’ are not upholding and defending The Constitution on any level and they need to be REMOVED FROM OFFICE IMMEDIATELY! This Administration and their friends have no intention of voluntarily leaving their positions of power and SHOULD BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY! These ‘WAR CRIMINALS’ have committed ACTS OF HIGH TREASON against THE CONSTITUTION, including mass murder [9/11 was 30,000+ people]; they created unnecessary wars that have killed and maimed thousands upon thousands of people [mass genocide] with generations still yet to die of radiation poisoning, trashed the world economy and the environment, deceived, manipulated and betrayed the trust of the American People and the people of this planet!
"The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq" dissects how the president exploited 9/11 in order to wage a misguided war of empire.
Mr. B also went on to say ‘yes—my hands are also stained’ which I am very sorry for—-but when ‘that announcement comes forth on your screen I may be standing up there with all the other presenters’! I am not making any promises! Mr. B then told me ‘you can quote me’ and I don’t KNOW ANYTHING AND WILL DENY EVERYTHING!
Then he said—-I will just tell you straight—NESARA IS COMING TO PASS AND THERE ISN’T ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY! It is A FACT! *********************************************************************************************************
Formal Disclaimer: This is a private conversation, a Sci-fi movie, and I love to lie!
[doveofo] NESARA Wipes out Control over US by World Trade Org., NAFTA, Others. Full report.
May 1, 20046:34 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
This morning a contact called from Texas to discuss the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) recent preliminary ruling that US subsidiaries to UScotton farmers are unfair. As I write this it makes my stomach turn touse the word “ruling” in conjunction with the WTO.
The WTO is another Illuminati organization designed to give the Illuminati control of the world. What right does the WTO have issuing a ruling which has power over Americans? The WTO has zero lawful power under the Constitution to issue any ruling whatsoever. The fact that President Franklin D. Roosevelt took the US out of Constitutional Law in March 1933 is what has allowed Illuminati organizations like the WTO to gain control over the US.
The WTO claims each nation that has signed the treaty to join the WTO has an equal vote. Each nation has an appointed representative to the WTO much like each nation sends an Ambassador to the UN. The facts are the WTO is simply another Illuminati organization where “unelected”representatives, not accountable to the citizens of their countries, sitin closed session meetings and make decisions which impact the economic futures of billions of people. One clue to organizations which are used by the Illuminati in their global domination efforts is the representatives to these organizations are “not elected” and therefore arenot able to be held accountable by the citizens of the countries.
The Illuminati plan is to use the WTO to destroy the economic health of the US and other leading nations by favoring trade restrictions against the US using the excuse the WTO is helping the less developed nations. However, later the WTO will remove these trade benefits to less developed nations and will turn around and damage these less developed nations as a means of continuing to wreak economic havoc in order to destroy the economic stability of all nations.
Any and all industries and commercial enterprises in the US are open to being attacked by the WTO. Computer hardware manufacturers, computer software corporations, automobile manufacturers, electronics manufacturers, all farm crops which are exported, and thousands of other commercial enterprises are open to being devastated by an unconstitutional attack by the WTO. There is no limit to the damage the WTO can do to US businesses and the businesses and industries of other countries.
The “National Economic Security And Reformation Act”, NESARA, providesmajor benefits to Americans including: 1. Forgiveness of credit card, mortgage debt, and other bank loans asremedy for bank and government frauds;
2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential “new items only”sales tax revenue for government; 3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System which absorbs the Federal Reserveand new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4. Restores Constitutional Law;
5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days;
6. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.
The history behind NESARA is available on in the “History”section. It was the court case taken by the Farmers Union in the US tothe US Supreme Court which uncovered the banking and government fraud involved in foreclosing on so many independent farmers’ family farms inthe last thirty years.
NESARA’s announcement abolishes all treaties since 1933 including the USmembership to the WTO, the United Nations, NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement) and many others. NESARA takes us back to Constitutional Law where the people we elect to office are the only ones who can make “rulings” and regulations over activities in the US.
This WTO action against US cotton farmers was planned TWO YEARS AGO. Both Bush Jr. and the Brazilian President Lula are Illuminati and were involved in this plan. Bush Jr. and his agricultural advisors agreed to obtain higher government subsidies for cotton farmers in order to give less developed countries an excuse to complain to the WTO. This is how the Illuminati government officials of various countries work together in secret to cause conflicts which enable the Illuminati to advance their global domination plans.
Below are two articles about the issue of cotton prices. The first article shows that world cotton prices are due to many complex factors, not just US subsidies to cotton farmers. If you do your own research as I did, you will find that some West African cotton farmers were flooded out in 2001 and have not been able to obtain funding from their governments to grow cotton. Clearly, this had nothing to do with US subsidies. The second article is in the official Illuminati propaganda of why the WTO is attacking US subsidies to farmers, but the real reason is the WTO’s planto destroy the US and other countries’ economies as part of the Illuminatiworld domination plan. Impoverished people cannot fight the Illuminatiwhich is why the Illuminati use their government officials and multi-national corporations to impoverish people around the world. NESARA brings about conditions which result in more prosperity for people worldwide; NESARA’s announcement will begin the end of Illuminati worlddomination.
Yesterday,April 30, 2004, was the date chosen weeks ago for NESARA’sannouncement. On Thursday morning, April 29, six key White Knight USmilitary groups assigned to NESARA announcement security duty wereerroneously recalled to their home bases and immediately sent on two-week furloughs. This recall of six key White Knight US military groups from the locations of their NESARA announcement security duty assignments was ordered by a betrayer aware of the plan to announce NESARA on April 30. Because these six key White Knight US military groups have special training, they cannot be replaced by other military groups. There are efforts being made to find the members of these six White Knight US military groups who are on furlough, instruct them to report to their bases, and move them back into their NESARA announcement security duty locations. I will continue to report the progress of these activities.
We need NESARA for all the world’s people. NESARA begins the end of theIlluminati’s world domination efforts. Let’s continue spreading the good news of NESARA, including sending this Report to US independent farmer organizations who may be concerned about WTO attacks, and continue our postcard campaign. The more people who know about the NESARA, the sooner we will see NESARA’s announcement! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide Director of NESARA Take Action Teams
Dove uses a pseudonym for security and privacy reasons. The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world thebenefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. World Court is theInternational Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in theNetherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which BushJr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with different purposes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
W.T.O. Rules Against U.S. on Cotton Subsidies
New York Times, Published: April 27, 2004
WASHINGTON, April 26 – Brazil won a preliminary ruling at the World TradeOrganization on Monday night that could force the United States to lowerthe subsidies it pays farmers to grow cotton and, eventually, mostsubsidized crops.
The decision supports Brazil‘s contention that the subsidies paid to American cotton farmers violate international trade rules. A final ruling against the United States could lead to stiff penalties if it fails to change its practices. In another recent case involving steel, President Bush chose to remove subsidies and therefore did not have to face the penalties.
The ruling also puts the Bush administration in a tight bind in an election year, when Republicans are counting on support from the Farm Belt. The largest American farmers have grown dependent on the $19 billion they receive in annual subsidies.
If the final decision in June goes against the United States, the administration is expected to appeal, if for no other reason than to delay action until after the election. Nearly all preliminary opinions are eventually upheld by the W.T.O.
As the first successful challenge of a wealthy nation’s domestic agricultural subsidies, the Brazilian case could also force the United States, the countries of Europe and other well-to-do nations to act this summer and offer new compromises at global trade talks that have been blocked over this agriculture issue for more than a year.
The $300 billion in annual farm subsidies and supports paid by the world’s wealthiest nations have been the bane of Third World farmers. The United Nations, the World Bank and charities like Oxfam have said their elimination or reduction would provide the single biggest possible benefit for the economies of poor countries with many subsistence farmers.
Brazilian officials said they brought the case against the United States out of frustration, saying that all attempts by poorer nations to negotiate a reduction of the subsidies had failed.
The ruling Monday night was not publicly disclosed, and the United States and Brazil have agreed not to discuss the findings in detail until the final decision is made in June. At a news conference in Brasília, however,top government officials said they were pleased and gratified with the “ruling”.
Ken Cook, the president of the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that posted a database of subsidies on its Web site that was used by Brazil, said that the ruling was putting into question how the government would pay subsidies in the future.
"This could mean problems for all domestic subsidy programs, for corn, wheat, rice, everything that receives big direct payments from the United States Treasury," he said.
A United States trade official said Monday night that the administration would appeal the decision if the final report remained unchanged.
"United States farm programs were designed to be and are fully consistent with our W.T.O. obligations," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the confidential nature of the ruling. "We have serious concerns with aspects of the panel report."
[doveofo] NESARA; NESARA Take Action Team at World Court April 23. Full report.
May 2, 20047:23 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Regardless of what happens in the next few days, there is new momentum gathering to move NESARA into announcement. We will see NESARA announced; that is guaranteed. There’s new energy gaining strength to ensure this. I will write more about this soon.
Some of you have asked why I’m not writing about the Ascended Masters and the benevolent Forces. I’ve been asked by Beloved Ascended Master SaintGermaine not to discuss our help from above because in February 2004 theIlluminati prepared a petition to take to World Court to protest any helpwe have from above as a way to block NESARA and NESARA’s ripple effectsbringing improvements for the world’s people. The Illuminati are deadserious in using this petition to try to block NESARA and NESARA’s rippleeffects from happening. The Illuminati have analysts who scrutinize theDove Reports for any information giving clues to “proof” of our help fromabove. If the Illuminati could find something in the Dove Reports thatwould enable them to obtain “proof”, the proof would go with theIlluminati petition to World Court to block NESARA.
The Ascended Masters and benevolent Forces continue to give us protection from more 9-11 terrorist attacks by the Bush regime and other Illuminati; They continue to protect those of us supporting NESARA. A few days ago, due to Their Protection, US Supreme Court Justice Souter was not seriously harmed when he was attacked. There are supposed to be guards with Souter however, due to a communication glitch, he went jogging without guards. Souter learned that he does need to be protected and his choice to go jogging without guards was his free will right to learn this important lesson.
We have the same help from above that we have always had, but that is NOT the issue regarding NESARA. The issue is that the “right people” in theworld must take action to do what their positions enable them to do to ensure NESARA is announced. People who hold the right positions and are dedicated to getting NESARA announced must be the ones who take the necessary actions to bring NESARA to announcement. THIS is the issue: the right people in the right positions, who are dedicated NESARA supporters, must become aware that NESARA needs their efforts and they must take over the actions needed to bring NESARA to announcement. When these “right people” do their parts, we will see NESARA announced. There is reason to believe this awareness is now coming to some of the “right people”.
There is one thing absolutely certain: NESARA will be announced!
Below is another report from our dedicated NESARA Take Action Team who dodemonstrations each Friday at World Court in The Hague, Netherlands. There is a truly inspiring picture, which as the report states, shows the Peace Flame in front of the Peace Palace where World Court is located. The amazing thing about this picture is that the glass enclosing the Peace Flame is reflecting one of the NESARA banners across the way and the word “NESARA” is exactly over the Peace Flame. A beautiful foretelling ofNESARA bringing world peace! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Totally Ends Bush Regime Plan to Electronically Track Homeless. Full report.
May 3, 20049:32 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
There are many reasons we absolutely must have NESARA announced. The Bush regime is definitely making it clear they are expanding their dangerous actions against Americans in several ways. Our best course is to build support for NESARA in order to remove the Bush regime and their supporters from power.
I thank the person who sent me the article below about the Bush regime plan to implant homeless people in five states with electronic tracking devices known as Radio Frequency Identification tags (RFID chips) the size of matchsticks. This is part of the Illuminati military-industrial complex leaders’ scheme to increase the control the Bush regime has overAmericans. Implanting tracking devices in the homeless is the first stepto desensitizing Americans to this extremely dangerous governmentintrusion on personal freedom. This is the first step toward requiring all Americans to accept the implantation of a “chip” for tracking andidentification purposes; NESARA’s announcement will totally end allefforts to do this because this is totally against our Constitutionalrights, particularly the 10th Amendment as discussed below.
There are zero good uses for this kind of technology in “today’s” world. In today’s world, the top government officials in most countries areworking with the Illuminati military-industrial complex leaders who are attempting to bring about global domination by the elite few wielding complete control of the world’s people. The government officials of“today’s” world cannot be allowed to have this kind of control overanyone, homeless or not. This is exactly like Hitler’s requiring the Jewsto wear yellow armbands and tattooing them with identification numbers inthe death camps, except that today’s electronic technology is far moredangerous; this RFID “forced” implantation gives the government theability to track these people regardless of where they go.
Regardless of the excuse given, this forced implanting of RFID tracking and identification devices in homeless people is in direct violation of the Constitution and every ethical principle of freedom. This RFID tracking would enable the government to find and pick up these people in the middle of the night and make them disappear.
NESARA’s announcement will absolutely end all efforts in the US to do thiskind of electronic chip implantation and tracking of Americans. In addition, merchants, who are currently having RFID chips integrated into their merchandise so they can obtain information about where consumers of these items reside, will be forced by NESARA to stop putting RFID chips in their merchandise. RFID tracking of people who purchase merchandise is totally against the Constitution and will not be allowed.
As I reported on May 1, 1004, there were six key White Knight US military units of hundreds of military personnel deployed on NESARA announcement security duty who were erroneously recalled back to their home bases and sent on furlough last Thursday. This means that dozens of important NESARA resources have been left unprotected since last Thursday when these hundreds of military personnel were recalled from NESARA announcement security duty. This erroneous recalling of these hundreds of military personnel on NESARA security duty was a planned sabotage of the NESARA announcement by an insider. Until the dozens of important NESARA resources now unprotected can be again provided protection by these US military personnel with specialized training to do NESARA security duties, the NESARA announcement must wait. The sabotage included sending these hundreds of military personnel on furlough on Thursday so it would be difficult to order these personnel back to NESARA announcement security duty. There has been little success in reaching these military personnel on furlough as of now. We will have to see how this situation develops this week.
There are already people preparing actions to open up a new NESARA announcement time period very quickly if NESARA’s announcement misses theMay 5th deadline. We will see NESARA’s announcement soon, one way or theother! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide Director of NESARA Take Action Teams
Dove uses a pseudonym for security and privacy reasons. The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world thebenefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and bankingfraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. World Court is the International Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in the Netherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which Bush Jr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with different purposes. For more information on NESARA, go to WWW.NESARA.US
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Program to implant RFID tags in homeless
April 3, 2004
WASHINGTON (UPI) — The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said Thursday that it was about to begin testing a new technology designed to help more closely monitor and assist the nation’s homeless population.
Under the pilot program, which grew out of a series of policy academies held in the last two years, homeless people in participating cities will be implanted with mandatory Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags that social workers and police can use track their movements.
The RFID technology was developed by HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in partnership with five states, including California and New York. "This is a rare opportunity to use advanced technology to meet society’s dual objectives of better serving our homeless population while making our cities safer," HRSA Administrator Betty James Duke said…
The miniscule RFID tags are no larger than a matchstick and will be implanted subdermally, meaning under the skin. Data from RFID tracking stations mounted on telephone poles will be transmitted to police and social service workers, who will use custom Windows NT software to track movements of the homeless in real time.
In what has become a chronic social problem, people living in shelters and on the streets do not seek adequate medical care and frequently contribute to the rising crime rate in major cities. Supporters of subdermal RFID tracking say the technology will discourage implanted homeless men and women from committing crimes, while making it easier for government workers to provide social services such as delivering food and medicine.
Duke called the RFID tagging pilot program "a high-tech, minimally-intrusive way for the government to lift our citizens away from the twin perils of poverty and crime." Participating cities include New York City, San Francisco, Washington, and Bethlehem, Penn.
Participating states will receive grants of $14 million to $58 million from the federal Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) program, which was created under the McKinney Act to fund support services for the homeless. A second phase of the project, scheduled to be completed in early 2005, will wirelessly transmit live information on the locations of homeless people to handheld computers running the Windows CE operating system.
A spokesman for the National Coalition for the Homeless, which estimates that there are between 2.3 million and 3.5 million people experiencing homelessness nationwide, said the pilot program could be easily abused.
"We have expressed our tentative support for the idea to HRSA, but only if it includes privacy safeguards," the spokesman said. "So far it’s unclear whether those safeguards will actually be in place by roll-out."
Chris Hoofnagle, deputy director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said the mandatory RFID program would be vulnerable to a legal challenge. "It is a glaring violation of the Tenth Amendment, which says that powers not awarded to the government are reserved to the people, and homeless people have just as many Tenth Amendment rights as everyone else," said Hoofnagle, who is speaking about homeless privacy at this month’s Computers Freedom and Privacy conference inBerkeley,Calif.
While HRSA’s program appears to be the first to forcibly implant humans with RFID tags, the technology is becoming more widely adopted as retailers use it to track goods. Wal-Mart Stores said last year that it will require its top 100 suppliers to place RFID tags on shipping crates and pallets by January 2005.
[doveofo] NESARA Benefits Seniors; Ends Drug Companies Pork Barrel Profits May 5, 200411:27 p.m. PDT. Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Thank Heaven NESARA removes the Bush regime. Tonight I watched a live session of C-SPAN covering discussions in the US House of Representatives regarding the Medicare prescription drug bill that Bush, Republicans, and drug company lobbyists pushed through Congress. Representatives from Maine, Ohio, New Jersey, and Washington discussed the underhanded tactics the Bush regime used to get a prescription drug bill passed which will hurt, not help, Seniors.
Do you know “how” the bill was passed? It was presented to the US Houseof Representatives on Friday morning, November 21, 2003; it was debated all day and all night. At3 a.m. on Saturday, November 22, 2003, the first vote on the bill was taken and the bill failed to pass. Then the drug company lobbyists began bribing Representatives who opposed the bill to change their votes and approve the bill. One Representative who is retiring was told by a drug industry lobbyist that the drug companies would donate $100,000 to his son’s campaign if he would vote for the bill.At 4 a.m. Saturday morning after the first votes on the bill failed, Bush was called and told the House was not passing the bill. Bush got on the phone and started pressuring Representatives to vote in favor of the bill. After several efforts to pass the bill, finally at 6 a.m. the drug lobbyists had bribed enough Representatives to sell out our country and our Seniors.
It turns out this prescription drug bill is nothing but a big profit maker for the drug companies. It’s going to cost $46 BILLION MORE a year to payfor Seniors’ drugs under this bill than it did under the previous Medicare process. In addition, Seniors must choose between 50 different drug insurance companies plans and most of these plans save Seniors less than 10% on their prescriptions, plus, the drugs they need may not even be covered by the plan they choose and the prices can be changed at the whim of the insurance plan or the pharmacy. There are many more problems with this bill, and that’s why the Bush regime is running $18 Million inadvertisements to try to brainwash Seniors into thinking it’s a good thing. However, the key point is that Bush has once again PAID OFF some of his campaign supporters, drug companies, with government money and hurt Seniors in the process.
When NESARA is announced, this $46 billion a year pay-off to the drug companies will be abolished. Medicare is supported by NESARA and will continue after NESARA is announced.
This prescription bill is just one of the many terrible things the Bush regime has done to Americans and the world. It’s appropriate to reviewsome of the crimes the Bush regime has committed and remind ourselves that NESARA is the ONLY process which rids the world and Americans of the Bush regime and their power-hungry, greedy military-industrial corporate supporters working the “Project for a New American Century” worlddomination agenda.
The Bush regime is worse than the mafia and operates as a bunch ofarrogant, dictatorial thugs with no regard for the sanctity of life. TheBush regime has earned the right to be called the worst federaladministration in the history of the United States. Some of the notable actions of the unelected Bush regime, and the Rockefeller-Bush contingents who strong-armed Bush illegally into the White House, include: – ordering the 9-11 attacks and killing thousands of innocent Americans so Bush could send military into Afghanistan and Iraq on behalf of big oil companies, Halliburton, Carlyle Corporation, Bechtel, and other Bush military-industrial corporate supporters;
– passing the wholly unconstitutional, misnamed patriot acts, more properly named the Bush Gestapo acts, without letting Congress read or debate the bills beforehand;
– arm-twisting Congress to pass the unconstitutional pre-emptive strike resolution;
– killing thousands of innocent Afghanis and Iraqis to steal Middle East resources;
– harming US military personnel and Iraqis with depleted uranium weapons; – using the unconstitutional homeland security office to steal millions of dollars from innocent people’s bank accounts and arresting people on thefalse charges of being terrorists;
– destroying theUS economy, spending the federal surplus, and creating a huge federal deficit;
– lying to Americans and the world about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and almost everything the Bush regime does;
– taking millions from education and poor children to give the rich a big tax break;
– the list of the Bush regime’s treachery against Americans and the worldis miles long, these are just some of the highlights.
The list of the Bush regime’s crimes show us that the Bush regime is the most dangerous group to ever take over our government. Their plans are to do even greater harm to Americans and the rest of the world. This is the world in which we live; it will continue to worsen until NESARA is announced and implemented.
This is no time to whine and cry because we have not yet seen NESARA’sannouncement. This is the time to REDOUBLE our actions and support NESARAeven more strongly. We MUST build support for NESARA because the“alternative” is a future too horrible to contemplate: the Bush regime’sworld domination agenda and “endless wars” scenario.
There are many groups who are against the Bush regime; these groups arefertile soil in which to plant the seeds of NESARA’s benefits for theworld. I’m developing strategies we can use to build support of NESARA with these groups and continue to expand the numbers of people who are calling for NESARA’s announcement. I will share these strategies in thenext few days. Since most of us have Internet access, some of thesestrategies will include sharing news of NESARA in Internet forums. For now, we can suspend our postcard campaign and move our attention to new activities which I’ll explain. I’m also involved in other importantactions to boost NESARA forward; these actions must remain confidential at this time.
There are certain people who will be checking into the most recent sabotage of NESARA. When they have proof of the sabotage, very well hidden double-agents will be exposed and removed from being able to cause problems for NESARA. This time, these double-agents, who betrayed NESARA and who pretend to be patriots, have put their necks into a noose. When the full truth of their betrayals is known, these double-agents will be excised from their positions of power. This extremely important exposure of double-agents will greatly benefit the overall actions necessary to bring NESARA to announcement by removing incredibly deep-cover moles who work for the Rockefeller-Bush military-industrial corporate groups pushing the Bush regime’s world domination agenda and opposing NESARA.
Activities are also already in process to develop and submit a petition toWorld Court for an official NESARA announcement period to begin in thenear future. There are pressing reasons why the new NESARA announcement period must be opened quickly. These reasons are expected to be presented to World Court in ways that strongly demonstrate why a new NESARA announcement period must be approved soon! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
Saint Germain through Mike Quinsey. Thursday May 6, 2004.
There are many ways that we can bring into being the gifts that we hold for you. You have been told that the position is very fluid and changing at every moment. This is how it is, and to ensure the outworking of the plan, we have constantly revised it, and you should not think that we do otherwise. It has been done, so that in the immediate future we shall no longer rely or have the necessity of an announcement window such as NESARA. The benefits that we wait to give you are still safe, and I extend that comment to cover First Contact also, as you may be assured that no earthly action can stop or obstruct our plan indefinitely. We are able to manifest on Earth exactly what we wish, but we must ‘play the game’, as we, unlike the dark, do not get our way by means that are in opposition to our belief and intention, that all shall be carried out in perfect Light and Love
We have admired how resolute all of the workers and supporters of NESARA have been, there has been much admirable support from so many people. Your excellent work and the results you were intended to achieve WILL be fully manifested; but now it will be in our time, and no longer do we have to tolerate the obstructive nature of the dark. We will now go ahead and events will quickly transpire that will allow First Contact to go ahead without delay. The protocol and method of introduction of your Brothers and Sisters from Space has been established for quite some time, and with Divine blessing we shall now proceed, and already approaches are being made to those who will be at the forefront of these activities, our Allies upon Earth.
You need our help now more than ever; we feel your heartache, your sorrow and even your despair at what is taking place on your planet earth. IT IS TIME for things to rapidly change, IT IS TIME for the first actions to establish peace on Earth. IT IS TIME for the dark forces to be removed from their places of power, we will no longer tolerate the abuse of your right to live in a secure and peaceful environment, where your every needs are supplied, where you are able to claim that which was always your divine right. The gifts we shall unveil are God given and no one can take these from you. There are wonderful events about to unfold, and wondrous times of great joy and happiness ahead. It is like the great feeling of release that you have when a war is brought to an end, and indeed this is exactly what is taking place, you are about to be released from the misery, the hurt, the uncertainty, and the unfairness of living under a hierarchy who have only known how to bring about chaos, unhappiness, death and injury upon your planet. The dark have had their day, it is now time for the new Earth to be born and quickly at that. All your darkness will be removed, the Light and Love is already shining through, we feel your joy already and we share it with you, you are in a historic time, release your ties with all that is negative, create another path, another reality that embodies all of the gifts we have promised you and shall place before you very shortly. Your friends from Space are very eager to play their part in manifesting all we have to give you, and have been waiting for this period of time for so long.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, you really are at the end of the cycle of the dark, their power is being removed; their influence is weakening each minute of the day. Take no notice of the last lashing of their tails, there is little more that they can do, and they know it. THEIR TIME IS UP, so rejoice and prepare for the news that we are about to come openly to you. We imbue you all with our Strength, our Love, our Will.
Thank you, St. Germain, for such encouraging comments.
Mike Quinsey
[doveofo] NESARA Begins Gold-Backed Currencies & Improved Economic Stability. Full Report.
May 7, 20042:03 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Yesterday I researched and wrote about groups of people around the world who care about improving the world. We, who support NESARA, are also in favor of these improvements. In addition, we have been called by our own hearts and inner knowing to do the great work of helping bring NESARA to announcement and implementation. Those of us who strongly know that NESARA is key to beginning to improve the world are also what I call the “Advance Team”.
As members of the “Advance Team”, we have an awareness that not everyoneelse has. It’s our mission to be the ones who build support for NESARA and energize NESARA into announcement. We have, through our experiences and gathering of knowledge, realized there are many aspects of current life, governments, and economic systems which must be improved and changed for the benefit of all the world’s people.
When we share the good news of NESARA with other people, we giveinspiration for a better world to others and we often see their eyes lightup with excitement and hope; they realize that NESARA represents thesolutions to many of the world’s problems. In recent times, many people have begun to lose hope for a better world; when we share NESARA with them, they suddenly see there is reason for hope and there are activities occurring to bring about a better world. It’s a great privilege to givepeople inspiration for their lives.
I’ve received at least a dozen letters and emails over the years frompeople who said they were severely depressed about the state of worldaffairs and the lack of hope for a better life for their loved ones andthemselves, but after they discovered NESARA, their whole outlook improved and they felt inspired about life again. This is the gift we give to people when we share the good news of NESARA.
As we share NESARA with others, we also may encounter people who are not ready for this amazing news. Some people see the world in a pessimistic way and these people simply cannot understand how NESARA could be happening. Others have had difficult experiences which have led them to also become very pessimistic and doubtful of anything good happening. Others have been taken in by CIA DISinformation websites including “” and its associated websites which are run by the CIA inefforts to fight NESARA because NESARA requires the “total dismantling ofthe CIA“. When we encounter these people, we simply need to allow them their understandings and go on to share NESARA with others who are more open. As members of the Advance Team, we must realize that we have a natural awareness which many others do not yet have; that’s why WE have been called to action to bring NESARA to the world!
Let’s spread the news of NESARA’s many beneficial improvements and rippleeffects for the world. Together, we are building support to push NESARAinto announcement; the more people we inform of NESARA, the sooner NESARA will be announced!
I’m looking into doing more radio interviews. If you have a contact witha radio talk show host who would be interested in NESARA, please askcontact the host and ask them to invite Dove to discuss NESARA. If the host is interested in discussing NESARA, please send me an email at[email protected] with the Subject of “Radio Interview”. Please include yourphone number so I may call you to ask questions about the radio show. If you do not hear back from me, I may not have received your email, so please resend it after a few days and that may help your information to reach me. I’m also taking other confidential actions to increase the actions involving opening another NESARA announcement time period.
Below is an article quoting one of our White Knights who has worked for years to change our banking and currency system to an honest and strong system of currency based on precious metals. U.S. Representative Ron Paul is a White Knight who introduced an Honest Money Act in his remarks to the U.S. House of Representatives on July 25, 2003. Ron Paul knows that for the world’s people to have economic security, the currencies of the U.S. and other countries must be backed by gold/precious metals.
Ron Paul is telling us that as long as we have a Federal Reserve monetary/banking system, the ordinary person LOSES MONEY due to inflation of prices over the years. This is true for people in all countries which have fiat money currency not backed by gold or anything tangible.
Ron Paul, who is bound by the US Supreme Court gag orders from confirming NESARA, is continually attempting to educate the public about various aspects of NESARA by introducing bills like the “Honest Money Act”. Eventhough Ron Paul cannot talk about NESARA publicly until after theannouncement, he is constantly informing the public of the benefits ofNESARA through introducing these other bills.
There are good-hearted people in high positions of power enabling them to act to move NESARA into a new announcement time period soon. Actions are occurring to open a new announcement period. Other actions are focused on obtaining the proof of who caused the sabotage of NESARA’s announcementand eradicating these deep-cover double-agents from positions related toNESARA’s announcement process. NESARA Yes!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
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[Article below first posted in Dove Reports on August 6, 2003]
Bring Back Honest Money
by Rep. Ron Paul, MD
Ron Paul in theUS House of Representatives, July 25, 2003
Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce the Honest Money Act. The Honest Money Act repeals legal tender laws, a.k.a. forced tender laws, that compel American citizens to accept fiat (arbitrary) irredeemable paper-ticket or electronic money as their unit of account.
Absent legal tender laws, individuals acting through the markets, rather than government dictates, determine what is to be used as money. Historically, the free-market choice for money has been some combination of gold and silver, whenever they were available. As Dr. Edwin Vieira, the nation’s top expert on constitutional money, states: "A free market functions most efficiently and most fairly when the market determines the quality and the quantity of money that’s being used."
While fiat money is widely accepted thanks to legal tender laws, it does not maintain its purchasing power. This works to the disadvantage of ordinary people who lose the purchasing power of their savings, pensions, annuities, and other promises of future payment. Most importantly, because of the subsidies our present monetary system provides to banks, which, as Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has stated, "induces" the financial sector to increase leverage, the Federal Reserve can create additional money, in Mr. Greenspan’s words, "without limit." For this reason, absent legal tender laws, many citizens would refuse to accept fiat irredeemable paper-ticket or electronic money.
Legal tender laws disadvantage ordinary citizens by forcing them to use money that is vulnerable to vast depreciation. As Stephen T. Byington wrote in the September 1895 issue of the American Federationist: "No legal tender law is ever needed to make men take good money; its only use is to make them take bad money. Kick it out!" Similarly, the American Federation of Labor asked: "If money is good and would be preferred by the people, then why are legal tender laws necessary? And, if money is not good and would not be preferred by the people, then why in a democracy should they be forced to use it?"
The American Federation of Labor understood how the erosion of the value of money cheated working people. Further, honest money, i.e., specie, was one of the three issues that encouraged ordinary people to organize into unions when the union movement began in the U.S. circa 1830.
While harming ordinary citizens, legal tender laws help expand the scope of government beyond that authorized under the Constitution. However, the primary beneficiaries of legal tender laws are financial institutions, especially banks, which have been improperly granted the special privilege of creating fiat irredeemable electronic money out of thin air through a process commonly called fractional reserve lending. According to the Federal Reserve, since 1950 these private companies (banks) have created almost $8 trillion out of nothing. This has been enormously advantageous to them.
The advantages given banks and other financial institutions by our fiat monetary system, which is built on a foundation of legal tender laws, allow them to realize revenues that would not be available to these institutions in a free market. This represents LEGALIZED PLUNDER of ordinary people. Legal tender laws thus enable the redistribution of wealth from those who produce it, mostly ordinary working people, to those who create and move around our irredeemable paper-ticket electronic money which is, in essence, just scrip.
The drafters of the Constitution were well aware of how a government armed with legal tender powers could ravage the people’s liberty and prosperity. That is why the Constitution does not grant legal tender power to the federal government, and the states are empowered to make legal tender only out of gold and silver (see Article 1, Section 10). Instead, Congress was given the power to regulate money against a standard, i.e., the dollar. When Alexander Hamilton wrote the Coinage Act of 1792, he simply made into law the market-definition of a dollar as equaling the silver content of the Spanish milled dollar (371.25 grains of silver), which is the dollar referred to in the Constitution. This historical definition of the dollar has never been changed, and cannot be changed any more than the term "inch," as a measure of length, can be changed. It is a gross misrepresentation to equate our irredeemable paper-ticket or electronic money to "dollars."
However, during the 20th century, the legal tender power enabled politicians to fool the public into believing the dollar no longer meant a weight of gold or silver. Instead, the government told the people that the dollar now meant a piece of government-issued paper backed up by nothing except the promises of the government to maintain a stable value of currency. Of course, history shows that the word of the government (to protect the value of the dollar) is literally not worth the paper it is printed on.
Tragically, the Supreme Court has failed to protect the American people from unconstitutional legal tender laws. Salmon Chase, who served as Secretary of the Treasury in President Lincoln’s administration, when he was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, dissenting in Knox vs. Lee, summed up the argument against legal tender laws in twelve words: "The legal tender quality [of money] is only valuable for the purposes of dishonesty." [emphasis added.]
Another prescient Justice was Stephen Field, the only Justice to dissent in every legal tender case to come before the Court. Justice Field accurately described the dangers to our constitutional republic posed by legal tender laws: "The arguments in favor of the constitutionality of legal tender paper currency tend directly to break down the barriers which separate a government of limited powers from a government resting in the unrestrained will of Congress. Those limitations must be preserved, or our government will inevitably drift from the system established by our Fathers into a vast, centralized, and consolidated government." A government with unrestrained powers is properly characterized as tyrannical.
Repeal of legal tender laws will help restore constitutional government and protect the people’s right to a medium of exchange chosen by the market, thereby protecting their current purchasing power as well as their pensions, savings, and other promises of future payment. Because honest money serves the needs of ordinary people, instead of fiat irredeemable paper-ticket electronic money that improperly transfers the wealth of society to a small specially privileged financial elite along with other special interests, I urge my colleagues to cosponsor the Honest Money Act.
Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas.
Ron Paul Archives
[doveofo] NESARA; One Person Can Make a Difference: James Twyman. Full Report.
May 8, 200411:07 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Sometimes people think that they cannot make a difference. They say, “I’mjust one person; what can I do?”
However, what I see is that all great improvements on the Earth start with one person. Gandhi taught us about peaceful resistance as a way to create massive changes to benefit humanity. Einstein brought forth theories of relativity and early information about quantum physics; Einstein’sunderstandings changed how science looks at reality.
One person truly can make a huge difference for the betterment ofhumanity. Each of us has something wonderful to contribute to the world. I’m sharing an interview with James Twyman, the Peace Troubadour, below. James Twyman’s story of how he became the Peace Troubadour shows us thatwe sometimes find our missions in life in unusual ways.
Each of us can help bring NESARA to announcement; we each have our ownunique talents and contributions to offer in bringing NESARA to the world’s people. I hope you find James Twyman’s story as inspiring as Ihave.
NESARA has strong supporters around the world. We will absolutely seeNESARA announced! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
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Peace in the New Millennium
An Interview with James Twyman, Peace Troubadour
by Randy Peyser
On April 23, 1998, a circle of people joined hands with James Twyman for a brief moment of prayer inside the United Nations building. James, a wandering techno-minstrel who had come to be known as the “PeaceTroubadour,” had performed peace concerts in such war torn areas as Bosnia, Belfast and Iraq. Now on this momentous occasion, he was about to sing his songs-composed from the prayers of peace taken from the world’stwelve major religions-before an assembly of ambassadors to the UnitedNations.
When they had finished their brief joining in prayer, a woman stepped forward with the following pronouncement: “Four years, four months, fourweeks and four days ago, a group of Native American Hopi Elders wereinvited to the United Nations to give their vision of a new world. One of the things they said was that, “Four years, four months, four weeks andfour days from now-this very day-something would occur in this buildingthat would forever shift the consciousness of humanity.
Although this prophecy was previously unbeknownst to him, via the internet, James, along with authors, Gregg Braden, Awakening to Zero Point, and Doreen Virtue, Divine Guidance, had already extended an invitation to the world’s population to focus on world peace at the exactmoment he would be singing the peace prayers at the United Nations.
The result? Billed as “the Great Experiment,” millions of people aroundthe globe simultaneously joined with James to send a message of peacethroughout the world. Says James, “It was perhaps the most profound experience of my life. It was like it was raining prayer. It was a tangible feeling and the ambassadors even joined us in this. We feel that between five and ten million people in at least eighty countries participated.”
The previous year, the seed for “the Great Experiment” had been plantedwhen James had been invited by Saddam Hussein to sing his prayers forpeace in Iraq. Says James, “I had made a silly comment over a London radiostation that I wanted to go to Iraq and sing the Muslim peace prayer to Saddam Hussein, not thinking that anyone would take me seriously. The next thing I knew, I was on a plane heading to Iraq.
At the time, war with Iraq seemed imminent. An e-mail had been sent out inviting people to send the feeling of peace as he performed. “Millions ofpeople around the world responded,” says James. “Three days later thepeace accord was signed.”
Because of what had happened in Iraq, the following week James was askedto come to Northern Ireland where the peace talks in Belfast were stalled. “I was invited to sing and once again we put out that same e-mail andmillions of people focused their prayers on Northern Ireland,” says James.“Three days later a breakthrough occurred in the talks which allowed thepeace accord to be signed a month ahead of schedule.”
Then on November 13, 1998, newspaper headlines declared that negotiationswith Saddam Hussein had been broken off. The United States was about toattack at any moment. James, Gregg, and Doreen just happened to betogether at a conference in Florida where they had already scheduled a worldwide peace vigil for later that day. Called, “There’s Nothing toFear,” again millions of people joined to simultaneously pray for worldpeace.
“Little did we know,” says James, “that on the same day we were holding the worldwide prayer vigil, President Clinton had given the order to attack. Planes were in the air waiting for the order to go ahead and begin the bombing. Within hours of the vigil, Bill Clinton gave an unprecedented stand down order, calling the planes back, not once, but twice. As far as I know, this has never occurred with an executive order.”
Although there is no way to scientifically measure the connection betweenmillions of people engaged in prayers for world peace and the signing of peace treaties, there certainly appears to be a strong correlation. “Manypeople believe that prayer is a passive thing,” says James. “Theseexamples show that true prayer-not perhaps the prayer that we’ve beenraised to believe in, but real prayer-is probably the most powerful forcein the whole universe.”
So what is true prayer? According to Gregg Braden who James quotes, a modeof prayer existed which was lost to our Western culture about 1700 yearsago. “This form of prayer requires a feeling element-you feel that whatyou want has already occurred.”
“When we ask for something to happen,” says James, “the attention is onthe fact that we don’t have it now. But when we feel that it has alreadyoccurred, then we put out an energy that actually draws that reality to us. Gratitude is a key element. It is very important to be grateful.”
So, how does one grow up to be a “Peace Troubadour?” As a teenager, Jameswanted to be a priest, and even went so far as to enter a Franciscanmonastery. But like many young men, he also had a secret desire to be a rock star. Since age twelve, he’d been writing music and performing guitarand vocals. Although his love for his spiritual roots ran deep – and stilldoes – his career as a Franciscan was short-lived. His music, however, remained.
In his early twenties, he graduated from college, married, and had a daughter. Soon thereafter, he felt a deep churning to be fulfilling some sort of longing that he couldn’t quite yet identify. After less than twoyears of marriage, he and his wife divorced. The next five years were tough. “I was working different jobs, just surviving and not doing verywell spiritually,” says James.
Then at age 28, a flicker of light began to glimmer at the end of theproverbial tunnel. James had moved into a home in Chicago called, St. Catherine’s Catholic Worker, a residence for people who were both homelessand living with AIDS. Finding himself immersed in service, he found newmeaning for his life. Says James, “It was when I stopped focusing on myself and began to reach out that I rediscovered that spiritual part of me.”
James devoted himself to being of service. Shortly thereafter, an eventhappened that would influence the direction of his life’s journey. For thefirst time in history, the leaders of the twelve major religions of the world had come together in Assisi, Italy to pray for peace. Each leader had prayed the peace prayer from their religion. James, who was moved by their prayers, set them to music. He was then sponsored by the Peace Abbey in Boston to travel around the globe, a strolling troubadour singing on behalf of world peace.
“Up until this time,” says James, “I’d never figured out how to combinethe two great things in my life which were my music and my spirituality. I realized that when I was given those prayers, a synthesis took place. My music and my spiritual path became the same thing in that moment.” Usingacoustic guitar as well as techno-looping devices to create rich layers ofsound, James transported listeners into realms of heavenly bliss as he performed his prayers of peace worldwide.
In 1995, James decided to go to those places where peace was needed the most. Bosnia was at the top of his list. “The reason I wanted to go toBosnia,” says James, “was because I knew that there is a power in music that cannot be found in many other places. I felt that maybe people could hear through music and prayer what they were not hearing through the politicians – that it was time to turn toward peace.”
While in Bosnia, James was led to the “Emissaries of Light,” an elusivecommunity of thirteen men and women who lived in seclusion in themountains along the border of Bosnia and Croatia. Their purpose was tohold the consciousness of peace and extend it out to the world via a twelve hour daily meditation.
James wrote Emissary of Light, a book based on his experiences while in Bosnia. “The emissaries were nurturing that inner part of us until thetime when we would be able to spring from that same place. At that time, they would no longer be needed as a physical anchor point, because each one of us would become that anchor point, giving that same light to each other.
“The message,” says James, “that the Emissaries want to give to the worldis that this is the time we’ve been waiting for – “We’re ready.” We’reready to transform the world into a world based upon the laws of loverather than the rules of fear.”
According to James, “there is a quantum leap that’s about to take place,and we’re ready to take that leap. When that happens, the world will transform by itself, simply because we will have transformed our minds about the world.”
[doveofo] NESARA Requires Termination of Gov. Contracts Against the Constitution. Full Report.
May 10, 20048:31 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In the article below, Ralph Nader discusses a disturbing trend in how the federal government has been operating. The Iraqi prisoner abuse has brought to light that private contractors, who are not military personnel, were involved in the interrogations of Iraqi prisoners. He discusses the incursion into day-to-day government operations by corporations.
It’s clear the military-industrial complex is extremely involved in ourfederal government and military operations. In most cases, the cost ofhaving corporations involved increases dramatically the expenditures offederal government agencies.
After NESARA is announced, all government and military contracts will have to be reviewed and all contracts which are against the Constitution will have to be terminated immediately. It’s not Constitutional for employeesof corporations to be doing military actions because they are not under the US military chain of command.
Every day it seems we see more reasons NESARA must be announced. Good actions moving NESARA forward are quietly in process. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
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Published onMonday, May 10, 2004 by
by Ralph Nader
Remarkable what digital cameras can do. The photos of low level prisoners being abused and humiliated by both U.S. troops and private contractors in an Iraqi prison are the beginning of what Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) called "the worst is yet to come." The Senator warned Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, at a Senate Hearing on May 7, 2004, that he doesn’t want to see just Sergeants and Privates punished with the higher-ups getting away.
The higher-ups are not just military brass; they include private corporate contractors who are so embedded in the military operations in Iraq that it is increasingly difficult to tell the difference. Contractors were involved in the interrogation of the prisoners in that notorious Saddam-era jail near Baghdad.
About twenty thousand employees of the Halliburton and hundreds of other companies are feeding the troops, guarding installations, managing logistics, and in some cases even doing the fighting. Blackwater Security Consulting, for example, was engaged in full-scale battle in Najaf, with its helicopters involved in a firefight while resupplying its own commandos.
These growing military theatre contractors are now forming their own lobby to represent their interests before Congress. Their interests are clearly not Peace. The profits are in War and the more War, the more profits.
What’s wrong with corporatizing more and more of the Pentagon’s functions? Don’t the corporate members of the military-industrial complex, as President Eisenhower called them in his famous farewell warning to Americans, already have plenty of power? Yes, they do, as illustrated in half of our federal government’s operating budget going for military expenditures in a world where we no longer have a major state enemy. But this encroachment (another Eisenhower description) moves deeply into an operational dimension without adequate laws or disclosure for accountability. Nobody elected these mercenaries to perform governmental missions.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939 called the control of government by private power "fascism." He probably never envisioned such control would be so embedded as to constitute a virtual merger of corporate power over government power.
Here is what is happening. Without letting the American people know what is going on in recent years, the corporatists, who fund both major Parties, have been turning more and more essential governmental functions into business deals. More and more, the corporations are not just controlling our government, they literally are running it. Years ago, it was disclosed that even the speeches for the Secretary of Energy were being written by private consulting firms.
In addition to secrecy and lack of accountability, these corporate contractors are costing you taxpayers a bundle, while some of these companies move to tax havens like Bermuda. Pentagon contractors have told me that it cost you $120,000 for a corporate cook to do a six month tour of duty in Iraq to feed the Army troops. Some of you old army hands know how much less Army cooks used to make to give you the nutrition.
How about one corporate dog handler and a team of dogs to sniff out road mines — a dangerous mission to be sure? Well, that goes for $666,000 for a six month tour of duty with the trained dog handler making $200,000 of that sum.
We read about these tens of millions and billion dollar corporate contracts being announced in the press. We almost never read about how these contracts break down. Why the secrecy? Well the disclosure in the Eighties of the $435 claw hammer sparked public outrage about the waste when such a hammer cost $10 or $12 in a hardware store. (For obvious reasons, the Pentagon contractor felt the need to describe this simple claw hammer as a "uni-directional impact generator"). That’s why the secrecy. These companies and their Washington buddies don’t want the people to know.
There is another consequence to contracting out Pentagon operators to private corporations. It is causing a brain drain and a skills drain from the Department of Defense. Why stay in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines when you can double, triple or quadruple your pay by moving over to these companies and do the same job.
It is way overdue for a major Congressional hearing on what Peter Singer called his new book "Corporate Warriors." It is time for the media to become specifically interested in the details of these deals and these policy implications, and demand more disclosure of these government contracts.
Even George W. Bush’s first director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mitchell Daniels, favored suitably redacted placement of all government contracts on the government’s Internet. The Pentagon developed the Internet. It is time they used it for the taxpayers who are funding this increasingly outsourced Department.
[doveofo] NESARA Dismantles CIA; NESARA Meditation; Fraud of Australian Gov. Full Report.
May 11, 20048:47 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
One key activity of the CIA has been to hire local leaders of rebels in many countries and give orders to the local leaders to cause problems so the local rebels are blamed for causing the problems. The truth will come out eventually that the CIA was behind many so-called rebel groups in many countries and it was the CIA’s agenda these groups were working.
To take the heat off the Bush regime over the terrible treatment of Iraqi prisoners, yesterday the CIA sent orders to a leader of the Al Qaeda to kill an American civilian in a particularly dramatic way. The CIA’sintention was to make Americans and the world angry about this shocking killing of an American civilian and turn Americans’ attention away fromthe Bush regime’s guilt in the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners. The AlQaeda group who killed the American, Nick Berg of Philadelphia (per info from Google Search) are just one of many groups whose leaders report to the CIA and carry out CIA agendas.
This is just one of hundreds of examples of why NESARA requires the CIA to be dismantled. Within three months after NESARA’s announcement, the CIA must be totally dismantled.
Below is information from John Wilson, Australian radio show host, about the fraud perpetrated by Australian government officials, judges, and banks. We have some of the same frauds in the US. John’s information simply illustrates that these frauds are perpetrated on people in many countries. NESARA’s ripple effects will help to end these frauds.
Also below Nel, our NTAT Leader of the regular Friday NESARAdemonstrations at World Court, is inviting everyone to participate in a “world peace” meditation this Friday.
I’ve been very busy this last week researching the next actions movingNESARA forward. All actions must be kept confidential at this point,however, there are very good activities in process. All of you who support NESARA have helped to build the energy moving NESARA forward. Please know that ALL we’ve done for NESARA is proving to be so very wellworth our time and energy. We will see NESARA announced! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Brings Truth; von Buelow Interview: CIA & 9-11, FirstHalf. Full Report.
May 13, 20048:08 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
After NESARA is announced, the truth that 9-11 was a CIA operation onorders from the Bush regime will come out. Below is an interview with former German Defense Minister Andreas von Buelow who has written a book explaining from his research into 9-11 and his years of working with government intelligence agencies, it is obvious 9-11 was a CIA operation.
I believe this interview is so important, I am asking those of you who translate the Dove Reports to translate this interview so people can read this in your languages. Tomorrow I will post the second half of the interview and I ask the second half also be translated.
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
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[The date of this interview appears to be February 11, 2004 from the link info.]
Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11: Alex Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow
Please understand that this is a transcript made directly from a live radio interview. It may not conform to exemplary standards of grammar. Mr. Von Buelow’s first language is German.
Alex Jones: All right my friends. We are already into the third and final hour of this global transmission against tyranny. And, in the last hour we had Hutton Gibson, expert on the New World Order and of course father of Mel Gibson, on talking about the different key issues. In this hour, we are joined by Andreas von Buelow and he was the federal Minister of Defense, or the equivalent of our Secretary of Defense, been in the German government since the 70s. And up until just a few years ago he was also the Minister of Technology and he has written a book that according to Reuters is the best seller in Germany that translates into “9 11 and the CIA.” And he’s not the only German minister who has said we are lookingat world fascism here and a powerful military industrial complexinstitution engineering terror attacks to scare us into submission. And,Andre von Buelow, Herr Andreas von Buelow, we are so honored to have a man of your stature and obvious intelligence and your courage on this show. Thank you for joining us.
Andreas von Bulow: Hello and it’s wonderful speaking, yes.
AJ: Uh, we’re going to break here in a few minutes and come back in a longer segment but for those who just joined us, tell us a little bit more about yourself and your book please.
AvB: Well I…I have spent over twenty-five years in politics and now I am out. And in the end I was Minister of Technology before I was Secretary of Defense. Then I had to deal in a commission on East-West transactions about the secret service of East Germany. And this was very interesting inside story because of the Western side doing deals violating the laws in Eastern Eur, err, East Germany, European Community and the United States. It was always two parts dealing with East and West and this bought me a lot of insights in the secret service business.
AJ: And in fact I remember reading about the huge investigations you did that was massive international headlines concerning the Stasi and how different governments had actually been working with these people. If you would like you are of course welcome to get into that as well. Again folks, the equivalent secretary of defense, minister of defense of Germany, and of course technology, the head of that. Just absolutely amazing. Your best selling book, and I wish there was an English translation because I would certainly buy one. My wife does read German. But please, tell us about your book.
AvB: Well I was writing another book and then 9 11 happened. And it was strange to me watching – we all were horrified what was going on and said well that’s impossible, how could a crew of people manage do such horriblethings? At the first hours, we didn’t know who was it, then within hoursit came out that probably Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda was behind it. Andthen within two or three days these 19 people came out. And my objectionwas – my looking at it – to whom does it bring good? And I found out that it is rather damaging to the Islamic world and perhaps it might be not only be a terrorist attack but perhaps it might be a covert operation. I watched the scenery, what was going on, what the American government –
AJ: Minister, minister, we’ve got to break; we’ll be back in threeminutes. Absolutely, we’ll go into this in great detail. We are honoredto have you. We’re talking to Andreas von Buelow. We’ll be back. (Fade tobumper music)
(Commercial Break)
AJ: That’s right my friends it’s eight minutes ten seconds into this 3rd hour of global transmission. I am so honored to have on Andreas von Buelow former German defense minister, head of their defense department and of course until just a few years ago, head of their technology system which is, that is a very high level post, just as high level as defense minister there in Deutschland. And he’s written a best selling book and I’ve readsome quotes out of it that have been translated into English. And thetitle translated is “911 and the CIA.” And he lays out the evidence of the military-industrial complex carrying out the attacks. Also we have lined up Michael Micher. And he of course was the English environmental minister who resigned over Tony Blair’s fraud. He has written articlessaying that if they didn’t carry it out, they certainly funded and allowedthem to take place. So, if you’ve got a brain, it’s clear, and Mr. vonBulow, very intelligent individual has gone over this. So, sir, you’vesaid that on the day of the event you began to look at it, you began to research it. And, from your specific expertise in intelligence and military and technology, you know heading up entire sectors of the world’sthird largest economy. Please discuss for us your research and how youwrote the book and what really happened on 9 11.
AvB: Err, 9 11, I just watched the scenery. And I said there must have – gone something very [wrong]. I watched the TV for example and in the same minute that the TV showed the planes driving into the World Trade Center, you found these Palestinians dancing and laughing. And a few days later one could find out that this was fake. It was made by a TV crew of the defense ministry in Israel and they gave candies to the people and they laughed about it. And, nobody told it. And the question for me was who brought this TV stuff right in time into the national networks like CNN and CBS and so on and so on. And then we look for the, the story came out that this had been done by bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda and these 19 people of Muslim background, which did this. And you could watch the Persian journalist, and nobody showed up. Not one Arabic name was showing up there. And then one is interested to see video because all these 19 passengers must have passed the video, a lot of video cameras in Dallas, and New York, and Logan in Boston, and Portland in the North. You don’tget this stuff. And then we’re looking for the black boxes and we don’tget them. And the story how these, these World Trade Center buildingsbroke down, they were constructed against an approach by airplanes. And, the firemen of New York, they were able to come to the floor where the fires were burning, and they said, the fire commander said he needed two teams, small, to fight these fires and then it’s finished. So the heat,it is impossible that the heat was as high as it has been written in the papers and in all the media.
AJ: And then, and then the feds declared that all firefighter tapes malfunctioned, turns out that wasn’t true; we’ve got copies of them. Andit did say that the firefighters said the fires were out or almost out. There is video of people standing in the holes of the buildings with no fire around them. And we’re going to go over the evidence that’s in yourbook, sir, and why you came to these educated conclusions.
AvB: Yeah.
AJ: But, first I want to ask you: have you heard the new developments, the owner of the WorldTrade Center slipped up on TV and said that they blew Building Seven up. The forty-seven story building that wasn’t even hit byan aircraft. This just broke two weeks ago, have you heard this?
AvB: Sure, I have heard this. I follow the whole scenery. Normally, it’scoming out in Germany, but it’s coming out in your country. It’s afascinating background to, to do research via Internet because all this stuff is broadly spread over the Internet. So it’s very easy to follow,but in the main media you don’t get to hear about this.
AJ: Well tell you what, later this hour, it’s only three minutes of audioclips, we will air from the PBS documentary “America Rebuilding,” wherethey admit they blew up WTC 7. Now, that’s important because they saidthat building fell from fire even though it wasn’t hit by a plane. Andnow, he slips up and says we decided to demolish it on 9-11, but then themainstream media just ignores that. This is a public admission, sir.
AvB: Yeah, yeah especially that the CIA headquarters in New York was in, was within this building. I think the – how do you call It – the emergency center for the governor, the major, err, mayor was –
AJ: Mayor and governor.
AvB: – mayor was in this building. So, it was not hit by a plane, and the fire was very low. And the surrounding steel constructions were left over and didn’t collapse. But, the Building 7 collapsed in late afternoon at 5o� clock I think.
AJ: Well, from our internal sources, they were running the attacks sir, out of the building and so conveniently got rid of the evidence in one fell swoop.
AvB: This is one theory, it might be. It’s convincing but one has to getthe whole proof. But the problem is that the elements for proof are destroyed.
AJ: Also-
AvB: You will find them in Japanese cars and in ships of the American Navy.
AJ: Also, sir, we have NORAD standing down for an hour and twenty five minutes but when we had the golfer Payne Stewart went off course for fifteen minutes, he was surrounded in eighteen minutes by five F-16s so why did NORAD stand down?
AvB: Well, this is a big question because it happened in 2001 more than 60 times. That, fighter[s] went up to clear what has been done to airplanes that showed some irregularities. At 9 11, four planes for two hours were able to drive around, fly around even one hour in the direction going toward the west and then turn around and then come back. The military air force was not able to interdict them. It’s [un]imaginable. And the wholestory is totally unclear what happened between the Federal Aviation Agency(Administration) and NORAD.
AJ: Absolutely, now I don’t know if you’ve seen the associated press butthe CIA was running a drill 15 miles from the World Trade Center that day of flying jets into buildings in New York and DC. My internal sources inside the Pentagon, the lawyers who represent them have said on this show that they were told to stand down because it was quote "just a drill." That’s how you get the good military to stand down; you tell them it’sjust a drill. And, that drill was going on at 8:30 in the morning. Isthat not obvious, sir?
AvB: It’s quite obvious, yeah. It’s quite, it’s so strange and the most strange thing for me is that after two years you don’t have a white bookwhich is documenting everything. If you are looking for the timetable forexample you have to make a medium between two or three or five newspapersand radio and TV announcements. So everything is unclear. On the other hand, the American government is running as the call it a world war against possibly sixty nations without really showing the background of 9/11. It’s- for me, it’s impossible.
AJ: Now by that they admit that nine of the nineteen hijackers, the BBC says seven but it’s nine, are still alive. Bin Laden has not beenconvicted, bin Laden is known CIA, you’ve got [George H. W.] Bush meetingwith the head bin Laden that morning in DC at the Ritz Carleton, you’vegot the General of Pakistan, the head of their intelligence, meeting with the House and Senate chairs of the intelligence committee at 8:30 that morning, his second trip in his life to the United States. You’ve got theFBI paying for the houses, the cars, the credit cards of the supposed hijackers. I mean, sir, you start- you’ve got public officials, MayorWillie Brown, Joint Chiefs of Staff told not to fly to New York that day. That’s all admitted; what do you say to that?
AvB: Well, it’s all admitted. So for me, since the official version- it’snot credible at all, it’s totally incredible. The second solution for meis a covert operation. And this is a way to influence, to brainwash theAmerican people into long, long, ongoing conflict with the Muslim worldand all that you get to, for example the oil companies, the last oil reserves which we need for the next decades before the oil age is going out. And probably behind this is a geopolitical thinking that finally China has to be taken out. China is too big and you have to be able to- this is put down in the New American Century, which has been written by a lot of people who are now in government like Cheney, like Rumsfeld and others.
AJ: And now, sir, we’ve got to break. We’re going to get into the Projectfor a New American Century and Operation Northwoods. Were you aware of a US government plan to carry out 9 11 style attacks?
AvB: You mean, Northwoods?
AJ: Yes, sir.
AvB: Yeah sure I know.
AJ: Is that not a key piece of evidence?
AvB: Well, this is a key piece, a key piece of evidence of the thinking of probably the military in dialogue with politics. Probably, I think Kennedy decided not to do it but I think it was, it was all of the-
AJ: Tell you what, stay there. We’ve got to break; we’ll be right back folks. (Fade to music)
(Commercial Break)
AJ: All right my friends, I’m Alex Jones your host. For the rest of thehour we are honored to have Andreas von Bulow, former Defense Secretaryand former head of technology, Department of Technology in Germany. And he’s just gotten out of government a few years ago and he’s just written abest selling book "9 11 and the CIA" and we have info on that and We will also be posting this interviewon the Website in the next few days as well. There are so many facets to this- Mr. von Bulow, continuing with you waking up to what happened on 9 11 and researching it, what are some of the other key points that clearly show that it is impossible that these nineteen people did this; we know that is a fraud. It is a conspiracy theory to say that they did it alone. From your intensive research and your understanding of high-level government activities, what do you think really happened on 9 11?
AvB: Well, nobody can prove what happened 9 11 directly because it has been a covert operation and you don’t find proof; you will find onlyindications. And one of the indications – the indication that everythingis right with these nineteen people and Osama bin Laden is that thegovernment is free to show all the prove that is on the table that is on the street that lays on the ground of the World Trade Center and so on and so on. If you have a covert operation the probability is always that the leftover pieces of proof are taken away immediately and a lot of secrecy, a band of secrecy, has taken over everything. And, this has happened with 9 11.
AJ: And that also happened- where you aware the New York Times and Chicago Tribune reported this in ’93, the FBI cooked the bomb and trained thedriver [s] and had an Egyptian security agent doing it for them, had two retarded Muslims, literally retarded, drive the truck and park it, let the bombing go forward. At Oklahoma City, the same company that destroyed the remnants of the World Trade Center, blew up the remnants of Oklahoma City [and] had that buried under machine gun guard at a private landfill to this day. And they hauled the rubble away from the W T C to China! They wouldn’t let you take photographs. Yes, exactly.
AvB: Yeah, then at the beginning the engineers weren’t allowed to go up tothe steel truss [debris] and had a lot of problems- there was very scarcemoney. And you know, to clear up the story with Bill Clinton and MonicaLewinsky, the Republican majority gave out sixty million dollars, I thinkit’s seventy now, and they started out with 600 000 dollars to try tofigure out what happened on 9 11. And, they were taken away from doingresearch and so on and so on and they are upset. And, Fire EngineerMagazine said it was totally unbelievable what happened with this examination of 9 11.
AJ: Well, they say it was a criminal cover up and now, sir, we’ve turnedinto a police state. They can secretly arrest citizens, secretly executeus. They are building admitted prison camps all over the country, this is in our news. We’re turning into something like the Soviet Union here.
AvB: Well, I can’t comment on this but what’s going on in Guantanamo islike that. I think the problem is that if you put people, who ever youlike in Guantanamo in Cuba, you take them away for one or two years without letting a lawyer to them, without showing them what you are reprising to them, without having contact from their family- they tell in all court processes what the FBI is wanting from them-
AJ: Well, sir-
AvB: And so you get fake evidence from these kinds of people, if you behave like that.
AJ: And sir, sir. Our mainstream news says that torture is good and they say they are torturing people, that’s the Washington Post. Is that aconcern that our government now admits it’s torturing?
AvB: Well, I’m informed- I don’t know whether they are torturing, keepingthem is a kind of a torture, but I am told there is an agreement with alot of states to put these people to Egypt and other states where tortureis accepted and is done and you get the final outcome of this torture and you can produce this in front of German courts and American courts and try to bring about final judgment.
AJ: Well that’s it. We’ll be back; long segment coming up and we’ll getmore into your book. We’re honored to have you, Andreas von Bulow. Staywith us. (Fade)
(Commercial Break).
[Read May 14, 2004 Dove Report for last half of thisInterview]
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Part Two of Interview (Part One included in May 13, 2004 Dove Report)
Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11: Alex Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow
Please understand that this is a transcript made directly from a live radio interview. It may not conform to exemplary standards of grammar. Mr. Von Buelow’s first language is German.
(Commercial Break)
AJ: All right folks. We’re talking with Andreas von Bulow and to makethis clear, up until about two years ago he was the head minister over the Department of Technology and before that he was the head of his party’sgroup on defense. Now, we’re going to take calls coming up here in just afew minutes, your chance to talk to Andreas von Bulow and the toll freenumber to join us on air is 1 800 259 9231. And if you read German, speak German, you can go online just type into a search engine or go to the Website and link though and buy a copy of “9 11 and the CIA.” Now, if youwant my videos, 9 11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, my book “9 11Descent into Tyranny,” go to, go to and getthem. This story is so important that I authorize you to make copies ofmy films for not for profit, not for sale educational purposes. I wantyou to get them, I want you to make copies, I want you to put them on the Internet. If you’ve done that, I want you to air them on local communitytelevision stations which has happened on over four hundred now. Go,, get 9 11 Road to Tyranny, get Masters of Terror, get my book “Descent into Tyranny,” get Paul Watson’s book “OrderOut of Chaos” that I’ve published, they’re excellent. The toll freenumber to order is 1 888 253 3139. Because, if we don’t expose theGlobalists who clearly carried the attacks out, they’re going to carry outmore terror. And, they are setting up this police state; the survival ofAmerica and frankly the world is at stake because if the Globalists canuse our military as their arm to attack sixty-three countries, it’s over. So again, that’s 1 888 253 3139. The films are 25.95 a piece, twenty buckif you buy three or more, my book is twelve dollars. Again: Inforwars.comor �net or 1 888 253 3139. Now, going back to Andreas von Bulow, sir, wewere talking during the break and I said what are some of the other key points that you would like to go over. You mentioned the CIA and insider trading and the Anthrax attacks. Please discuss it.
AvB: Well, the insider trading, everybody knows that there [was] news about insider trading. I think altogether fifteen billion dollars. And, there was speculation about going down, of United Airlines and American Airlines; both airlines which were attacked by 9 11 and other things. So, normally you could find out because I think the American- the CIA together with the financial department, the Treasury, they developed this,watching the markets to find out speculation about going on terroristattacks. So, they could immediately find out if there were somethinggoing on- and they could find out. And, in this case, they- 9 11- the NSA people which are the guys watching via satellites the whole of the transactions going on, on Earth, they said, they told the people to destroy the tapes. They had tapes about this interior trading and they said they had to destroy them so they are not any longer proof.
AJ: Now again, interior trading that’s a good term for it, insidertrading. So again, insider trading or interior trading going on here andfifteen billion dollars, I think that’s a low estimate. It came out the first week, Germany reported on it, France reported on it, the US, “we’regoing to catch them!” Record put options against United and American; notagainst other airlines but specifically against these and it leads back tothe CIA and suddenly they destroy the evidence. Again, again another smoking gun. Then, you get into anthrax attacks; Bush on Cipro, the most weaponized anthrax ever seen. Tell us about that.
AvB: Well, there the question just is who has the responsibility for this! You know, it overlaid the whole public debate of what was the background and reason for 9 11 for weeks because these attacks were going on for weeks and weeks and weeks. And, finally nothing came out. We have no report on who was responsible, who did it and this again is amazing. I think it belongs probably to the cover up of the psychological cover-up of the whole scenery. And then, the vice-President and the President asking Congress not to go into too much detail about the background of 9 11. What does this mean? And until now it’s what the President knew before 911 is a total secret. I think there is no secret service around the worldwhich gave no hints to the American secret service community, the CIA, theDIA and so on and so on. They did nothing out of it. The most disturbing thing is that these guys that knew about something in coming up 9 11, were cutout before. I mean the local level of the FBI offices, they knew quite a lot and they tried to force the central organization to go into the details about Arabs taking lessons in flight schools and so on. And, the guy who decided on top, I think the second man who was in the FBI he [said] "no we don’t do this" and he got promoted after 9 11.
AJ: By the way, theUS embassies that allowed supposed Al- Qaeda back in got record cash bonuses. The FBI agents who ordered other FBI agents not to stop Al-Qaeda, they go bonuses. Bush signed W199I months before 9 11 ordering FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI Robert Wright if he tells us what he knows. I’ve interviewed his lawyer DavidSchippers who knew about the attacks beforehand. He went to Bush; Bushwouldn’t talk to him, Ashcroft wouldn’t talk to him. And you saidsomething very astute, sir, you talked about the anthrax being apsychological cover-up of the scenery. That is, all these questions coming out in the early days about 9 11 got blacked out by the anthrax attacks and that’s absolutely why that happened. We’ve tracked that backto Fort Detrick, Maryland. And they said it wasn’t weaponized anthrax, it turned out it was the most weaponized ever seen.
AvB: Yeah, that’s absolutely correct and the wars which were reasoned tobe fights against terrorism, the war against Afghanistan to put out theTaliban it was decided long before and I think in June before 9 11. The Afghanistan government- no, the Pakistan government and the Indian government [were] told there would be an intervention in October.
AJ: Also, 44 000US troops, 18 000 US troops were in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, Bush had the battle launch orders on his desk two days before 9 11.
AvB: That’s exact, that’s exactly-
AJ: And sir, I want to digress back to torture for a minute because youhave been, you’ve impressed by, I mean you know so much about this, you’veresearched it so well- On the torture issue, General Rick Baucus quit Guantanamo because he quote "refused to torture the people there" and theCIA section chief bragged in the Washington Post that they fly them toforeign countries and then the CIA tortures them themselves so they do admit the torture.
AvB: (Pause) Sure. I can’t comment on this [but] it’s obvious; all thecourt proceedings against for example against Moussaui I think it was the20th nominally- it was supposed in each aircraft to have five hijackersand this one was taken into prison by the FBI. I think the process was made in Alexandria, Virginia and I think the judge said that if you don’tgive the proof [of] these guys who are running Al- Qaeda and give thesepeople for cross-examination then I can deliver a judgment. The same is true in Germany; we have people who are related to Al-Qaeda- and probably Al-Qaeda is an artificial, err, [de]nomination of-
AJ: CIA fiction.
AvB:- a ruse of elements of Islamic people. In Hamburg, the trials are failing because the American government is not delivering the proof.
AJ: Absolutely and look, we’ve had military officers and many others on,it is clear that Al Qaeda is a CIA creation. A foggy boogie man so themilitary-industrial complex can carry out attacks and then pin it on them and I mean we know when bin Laden blows up a building supposedly, our government pays his family to rebuild it.
AvB: Yeah.
AJ: I mean there’s the payoff right out in the open.
AvB: Yeah, the whole background of – the whole personalities like bin Laden, like Al Qaeda, like Taliban, even Saddam Hussein, these are all figures that were handled by theCIA in former times. So probably they are recycled in the system now as bad guys. Before, they were the good guys taking away the Russians out of Afghanistan and dealing with this, getting money for this, getting paid for this now they are used as bad guys. Osama bin Laden has been, in �95, in the Balkans in an operationthe Americans were with the UKG in Albania. You find these guys all over;you find these guys in Chechnya for example. There are also �formerAfghanis� as they are called and they are [driven] in loaded planes of theCIA for example.
AJ: Absolutely so they provide the crisis so Big Brother could provide thepolice state solution. Andreas von Bulow it is clear that if we do not expose at least who stands to gain from this terror and who was involved in it, that is the large financial interests that own our government, they are going to be able to useAmerica as the engine of quote imperial mobilization and world domination. As Zbigniew Brzezinski and the PNAC documents said, how important is it to expose this for the future of free humanity?
AvB: I think it’s, for everybody outside of the United States it’sextremely important because it’s a question of whether democracy willsurvive and whether the state of law is kept up or we’ll be driven bypublic relations and financial interest. And I think the main thing forthe Americans is who pays for all this. Because, if the oil companies get more cheap oil and make their money out of it, the American taxpayer has to pay for the military machine. The oil companies aren’t paying forthat. It’s not the military-industrial complex paying for that, it is theAmerican taxpayer so it’s extremely important.
AJ: Absolutely and now we are paying record amounts for fuel for petrol in this country while they have record supplies and the oil companies are posting record profits. I want to get into W T C 7 because I want people to hear these clips. These are from the PBS documentary, and this will just take a minute sir, and then I want to get your comment on it, where they describe how Building 7 fell and how they removed it first because quote “nobody died in it.” It’s the owner, Larry Silverstein who pulled it, gave the order to demolish it on the afternoon of September 11th, so, Mark, go ahead and hit that clip for us please.
PBS Documentary (narrator): World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding. Located north of the slurry wall, Building 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site. There had been no bodies to recover. Pelted by debris when the North Tower collapsed, Seven burned into the late afternoon allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
PBS Documentary (Silverstein): I remember getting a call from the, err, Fire Department commander telling me that they were not sure they would be able to contain the fire. I thought we had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do was, was pull it, and they made the decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.
AJ: We made the decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse. Now here’s Dan Rather, seconds after it collapses and this is what DanRather had to say and then we’ll get von Buelow’s comment.
(Voice of Dan Rather): What you are seeing are high shots, now here we’regoing to show you a videotape of the collapse itself. Now we go tovideotape of the collapse of this building. (Associate- “it’s amazing”) Amazing, incredible, pick your word. For the third time today, it’sreminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television beforewhen a building was destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
AJ: Now, again, the seismographs show multiple explosions, the firefighters were told to get back. Von Bulow, how important is this piece of evidence?
AvB: The explosions, well the government has to explain it! They have to prove their case. They have to this conspiracy theory that these nineteen Muslims under the direction of Osama bin Laden. It’s not my business;it’s only �if there are explosions, if it’s true, can it be that the heatout of kerosene is able to destroy these huge buildings in a manner thatthey are collapsing in a?
AJ: Symmetrical.
AvB: Free-fall in a very short – in a few seconds, that they broketogether. It’s nearly impossible. So everything that is on the table istelling that the government story is not true. And there must be anotherstory and it must be explosions and the spikes in geological institutions in five states, 2.2 on the Richter scale, you have to find out what’s thebackground. And five or seven days later the temperature on the groundwas five hundred degrees, or a little bit more than 450, if just fireswere-
AJ: We’ve got to break. We’ll be right back.
(Commercial Break)
AJ: We’re talking with Andreas von Bulow. Former minister at the highestlevels of the German government. Former Technology Minister. And I knowwe have a lot of callers but we only have time to take maybe one or two, Dan in Oklahoma. I just want to commend Andreas von Bulow for writing this book 9 11 and the CIA and I would hope a publisher would get a hold of it and translate it and publish it here because I would definitely carry it. You can find information on the book for those who read and speak German at and Andreas von Bulow let’s take a call, let’s talk to Dan in Oklahoma. Dan, you’re on the airgo ahead.
Dan: Yes, thanks Alex. Mr. von Bulow my question is following this disaster of 9 1 1, I understand Germany, France, and Russia and why they didn’t want to get involved because of the money they had invested withIraq. With the military-industrial complex like it is, what do youunderstand the New World Order to be especially since they said they could us this event to-
AJ: Yes, who are, who are the forces behind government-sponsored terror?
AvB: Who are the forces behind government? I do not understand this.
AJ: Well we know this global government is forming. We know that powerful financial interests are engineering terror attacks, who are the forces behind the military industrial complex?
AvB: Well, it’s always interesting. If you look at who owns the munitionsfactory in the East-West conflict or the Near-East conflict, they are always trying to sell their material to both sides. And, they are always interested in conflict and they would like after the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the noble thing would be to cut down this military-industrial complex, which costs the American taxpayer a huge amount of money. Exactly the same time the Soviet Union breaks down, this new terror thing comes up. The first terrorist attacks were I think the World Trade Center one and you find out the leading guy of this bombing, this time an agricultural bomb, he was going immediately to FBI and saying “I’ll tell you everything about this” and they agreed finally twenty-fourhours before the attack in 1993, they would change the powder, thedangerous powder against the [non] dangerous powder and the FBI didn’tcome up to do this so-
AJ: Yeah, they cooked the bomb and trained the drivers and that’s anotherpatsy.
AvB:-people were [injured] and six people were dead. In Oklahoma you hadnearly the same thing. You had two attacks. One was perhaps McViegh and this other guy but there was another attack much more strong than this agricultural bomb and there is an American general, an Air Force general who for I think ten years or fifteen years in charge of this explosive institute and he said never could this agrarian bomb bring about such damage. There must be something else and they found that within the building there were demolition charges.
AJ: Absolutely, Dan thanks for the call. I hope we can get you on in the future again, Andreas von Bulow, you’ve been so kind. You have suchamazing courage to stand up and tell the truth and we’ve been honored tohave you on the show from Germany. God bless you.
AvB: Thank you.
AJ: Thank you very much and have a good evening.
[Read May 13, 2004 Dove Report on for first half of this Interview]
[doveofo] NESARA Begins World Peace; NTAT at World Court May 7. Excerpt.
May 16, 2004 12:51 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
When NESARA is announced, one of the first statements will be that the United States of America is now returned to Constitutional Law. The return to Constitutional Law has sweeping impacts including ending the "national state of emergency" begun in 1933 and ending all US aggressivemilitary actions around the world. This is basis on which the USA will declare peace.
It will be the new international banking regulations which go into effect after NESARA is announced, which will require all other countries to also declare peace. The new banking regulations call for a great fluidity in funds transfers between countries which cannot be accomplished if countries are at war. Any country which fails to declare peace within four months after NESARA’s announcement will be stopped by the IMF fromdoing international transfers of funds into and out of the country. Since no country can stand alone economically in the world and all countries need to import and export for their economic survival, it’s expected allcountries will declare peace within four months after NESARA’sannouncement.
Very good and very quiet actions are occurring to bring NESARA’sannouncement to us! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA on Radio Webcast this Week. Full Report.
May 17, 2004 6:40 p.m. PDT.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Yesterday I was a guest on the Isle of Light radio program and spoke for an hour about NESARA. The hosts, Chyrene and Dale, taped the interview and it will be broadcast over the Internet later this week. Dale and Chyrene asked good questions and we covered a lot of NESARA information in the hour. When I have details about when the interview will be broadcast, I will include this information in the Dove Report; you will be able to listen to the webcast over the Internet.
Chyrene will be sending us a copy of the radio interview and we will post it on the on the Dove Radio Interviews page at .
My April 25, 2004 NESARA interview hosted by Tonio in Vermont is available on in several parts to make it easier to download for listening. April 25th’s interview was a two-hourinterview which is why our webmaster divided it into several parts. TheApril 18, 2004 NESARA interview with John Weeks of Australia is also available at .
Two of our translators, doing Spanish and German translations, have found it necessary to take a break from translating the Dove Reports. If you would be willing to volunteer to do translations of the Dove Reports from English to either German or Spanish, please send an email to[email protected] with a Subject of “Translations” and give me your name andphone number so I can talk with you about this.
I extend my deep thanks to all our translators of the Dove Reports and thebasic NESARA information. Our translators have made NESARA’s good newsaccessible to people all over the world.
The good news of NESARA is spreading in the USA and worldwide. I continueto welcome new members of the NESARA Take Action Teams by the dozens eachweek. All of you who are sharing NESARA’s good news are giving hope andinspiration to people in a world where there is little by which people areinspired. Each time we share NESARA with others, we are building theenergy bringing NESARA to the world.
Moment by moment, hour by hour, and day by day, our time of celebrating NESARA’s announcement and benefits is closer and closer. Out of thequiet, comes our celebration! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Brings Rumsfeld’s Resignation. Full Report.
May 18, 2004 7:27 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I spoke with people with contacts in Germany today. They said there arenumerous German federal ministers who are calling for Bush to demand Rumsfeld’s resignation. In the articles below from the UK Guardian andthe Army Times, leadership is being blamed for the mistreatment of Iraqiprisoners.
After NESARA is announced, Rumsfeld will have 24 hours to resign his position. All Bush regime appointees in the Cabinet and appointees below the cabinet officers will be required to resign their positions within 24 hours after NESARA’s announcement.
Some very good actions are occurring quietly to bring us NESARA! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,3604,1215562,00.html
(from the article below) "Support Our Troops; Impeach Rumsfeld"
Donald Rumsfeld has a new war on his hands – the US officer corps hasturned on the government.
Sidney Blumenthal
Thursday May 13, 2004
The Guardian [United Kingdom]
Donald Rumsfeld, theUS defence secretary, told George Bush in February about torture at Abu Ghraib prison. From the limited detail Rumsfeld recalled of that meeting, it can be deduced that Bush gave no orders, insisted on no responsibility, did not ask to see the already commissioned Taguba report. If there are exculpatory facts, Rumsfeld has failed to mention them.
For decades, Rumsfeld has had a reputation as a great white shark of the bureaucratic seas: sleek, fast-moving and voracious. As counsellor to Richard Nixon during the impeachment crisis, his deputy was the young Dick Cheney, and together they helped to right the ship of state under Gerald Ford.
Here they were given a misleading gloss as moderates; competence at handling power was confused with pragmatism. Cheney became the most hardline of congressmen, and Rumsfeld informed acquaintances that he was always more conservative than they imagined. One lesson they seem to have learned from the Nixon debacle was ruthlessness. His collapse confirmed in them a belief in the imperial presidency based on executive secrecy. One gets the impression that, unlike Nixon, they would have burned the White House tapes.
Under Bush, the team of Cheney and Rumsfeld spread across the top rungs of government, drawing staff from the neoconservative cabal and infusing their rightwing temperaments with ideological imperatives. The unvarnished will to power took on a veneer of ideas and idealism. Iraq was not a case of vengeance or power, but the cause of democracy and human rights. The fate of the neoconservative project depends on Rumsfeld’s job. If he were to go, so would his deputy, the neoconservative Robespierre, Paul Wolfowitz. Also threatened would be the cadres who stovepiped the disinformation that neoconservative darling Ahmed Chalabi used to manipulate public opinion before the war. In his Senate testimony last week, Rumsfeld explained that the government asking the press not to report Abu Ghraib "is not against our principles. It is not suppression of the news." War is peace.
Six National Guard soldiers from a West Virginia unit who treated Abu Ghraib as a playpen of pornographic torture have been designated as scapegoats. Will the show trials of these working-class antiheroes put an end to any inquiries about the chain of command? In an extraordinary editorial, the Army Times, which had not previously ventured into such controversy, declared that "the folks in the Pentagon are talking about the wrong morons … This was not just a failure of leadership at the local command level. This was a failure that ran straight to the top. Accountabilty here is essential – even if that means relieving leaders from duty in a time of war."
William Odom, a retired general and former member of the National Security Council who is now at the Hudson Institute, a conservative thinktank, reflects a wide swath of opinion in the upper ranks of the military. "It was never in our interest to go into Iraq," he told me. It is a "diversion" from the war on terrorism; the rationale for the Iraq war (finding WMD) is "phoney"; the US army is overstretched and being driven "into the ground"; and the prospect of building a democracy is "zero". In Iraqi politics, he says, "legitimacy is going to be tied to expelling us. Wisdom in military affairs dictates withdrawal in this situation. We can’t afford to fail, that’s mindless. The issue is how we stop failing more. I am arguing a strategic decision."
One high-level military strategist told me that Rumsfeld is "detested", and that "if there’s a sentiment in the army it is: Support Our Troops, Impeach Rumsfeld". <snip>
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Army Times
Editorial: A failure of leadership at the highest levels
Around the halls of the Pentagon, a term of caustic derision has emerged for the enlisted soldiers at the heart of the furor over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal: the six morons who lost the war.
Indeed, the damage done to the U.S. military and the nation as a whole by the horrifying photographs of U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqi detainees at the notorious prison is incalculable.
But the folks in the Pentagon are talking about the wrong morons.
There is no excuse for the behavior displayed by soldiers in the now-infamous pictures and an even more damning report by Army Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba. Every soldier involved should be ashamed.
But while responsibility begins with the six soldiers facing criminal charges, it extends all the way up the chain of command to the highest reaches of the military hierarchy and its civilian leadership.
The entire affair is a failure of leadership from start to finish. From the moment they are captured, prisoners are hooded, shackled and isolated. The message to the troops: Anything goes. <snip>
[doveofo] NESARA Not Impacted by Bilderberg Meetings; Forged Emails. Excerpt.
May 21, 2004 9:48 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
This year’s Bilderberg meeting is scheduled to take place in Milan, Italy,beginning June 3, 2004 and ending June 6, 2004. The Bilderberg meeting is attended by CEO�s of corporations, top banking officials, politicians, andother "elite" from the US and Europe. The Bilderbergers generally takeover a hotel and with heavy military security guarding the hotel, conduct their secret, closed-door meetings discussing current and future world issues.
In the years before we understood who was involved with NESARA and what impacts NESARA, some were worried that the Bilderberg meeting had some direct control over NESARA and the prosperity programs. However, this is not correct. Although there are people who attend the annual Bilderberg meeting who do wish to delay NESARA and the prosperity programs, the Bilderberg group as a whole does not have any direct control.
When I reviewed articles about the Bilderbergers on websites today, I found one written by William Hutton, who as an editor for a major newspaper; Hutton attended the 1997 Bilderberg meeting. He indicated his experience was that some who attend the Bilderberg meetings use these meetings as a way to sell their globalization agendas and monopolize the discussions at the meeting as a way to make others think their globalization ideas are broadly supported. However, Hutton also said that opponents of the globalization agendas are sometimes invited, as he himself was. Hutton indicated he saw attempts by some at the Bilderberg to persuade those who oppose globalization that these globalization agendas, which definitely include increasing the wealth and power of certain elite at the expense of the world’s people, are actually good foreveryone. It appears that on several issues, there are divisions amongthe Bilderbergers. Below is a BBC article on last years Bilderbergmeeting.
[doveofo] NESARA; NTAT in Africa; European View of Rumsfeld Trip to Iraq. Excerpt.
May 23, 2004 7:52 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The good news of NESARA is spreading worldwide as our NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) report fromAfrica included below is showing.
I extend my sincere thanks those of you who have written me recently about new radio interview possibilities and also doing translations of the Dove Reports into other languages. I will be following up with you on these matters sometime this week.
Another report fromEurope discusses the European media’s view ofRumsfeld’s recent one day trip to Iraq. The Europeans believe Rumsfeldwent to Iraq to personally "shut up" the news about the abuse of Iraqiprisoners that was streaming out of Iraq. Now we see on American news that General Sanchez had observed some of this abuse first-hand. My sources state that Bush Jr. himself approved the torture of prisoners; the fault goes right to the top of the Bush regime.
This terrible treatment of Iraqis is magnified a million percent when you realize that Bush Jr., Rumsfeld, and others involved know that the Bush regime ordered the 9-11 attacks and that there were zero Arabs involved. This makes these crimes against Iraqis a million percent more terrible. There is zero reason for the US military to be in Iraq; the CIA invented and runs the Al Quaeda; and the "terrorists" are the Bush regime.
The world’s people, including Americans, need NESARA to remove the Bushregime from power forever. In about three days, I expect some great action to occur which will bring us NESARA. Once that action is occurring, I can then share this important news. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA; NTAT in Africa; European View of Rumsfeld Trip to Iraq. Excerpt.
May 23, 2004 7:52 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The good news of NESARA is spreading worldwide as our NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) report fromAfrica included below is showing.
I extend my sincere thanks those of you who have written me recently about new radio interview possibilities and also doing translations of the Dove Reports into other languages. I will be following up with you on these matters sometime this week.
Another report fromEurope discusses the European media’s view ofRumsfeld’s recent one day trip to Iraq. The Europeans believe Rumsfeldwent to Iraq to personally �shut up� the news about the abuse of Iraqiprisoners that was streaming out of Iraq. Now we see on American news that General Sanchez had observed some of this abuse first-hand. My sources state that Bush Jr. himself approved the torture of prisoners; the fault goes right to the top of the Bush regime.
This terrible treatment of Iraqis is magnified a million percent when you realize that Bush Jr., Rumsfeld, and others involved know that the Bush regime ordered the 9-11 attacks and that there were zero Arabs involved. This makes these crimes against Iraqis a million percent more terrible. There is zero reason for the US military to be in Iraq; the CIA invented and runs the Al Qaeda; and the "terrorists" are the Bush regime.
The world’s people, including Americans, need NESARA to remove the Bushregime from power forever. In about three days, I expect some great action to occur which will bring us NESARA. Once that action is occurring, I can then share this important news. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 20047:43 AM
Subject: Rumsfeld – European Intelligences viewpoint
Dear Dove of O,
The following may be of interest or use to certain White Knights.
It is generally held by several major Europe Intelligence Services that the real reason for Rumsfeld’s recent 1-day visit to US forces in Iraq was NOT to "boost morale in general" but to specifically "Tidy Up and shut-off" the rapidly unfolding stream of information coming out of their main Iraqi detention center.
Pointers: 1. On arrival Rumsfeld did NOT go to front-line or combat zones but dashed straight to the detention center where he closseted himself with the senior staff. It was only later that he emerged to give a talk to the rank-and-file, starting off with a smirk and then adding; "Well, as you can see, I’m a survivor …" – giving all present the scoop that he was in the clear and, by inference, so now were they.
2. The effect of his visit was at once apparent in the hurried release of hundreds – if not thousands – of detanees overnight. Question: If these detainees were guilty, why were they released? If they were NOT guilty why had they not been released months ago? The real truth is that all were released so that they would not be available to question by external agencies, knowing that due to the factor of human dignity, once offered the chance of freedom, none would elect to remain and give evidence as to the total humiliation and indignity they had suffered – which could only get worse by any publicised evidence of their having been the victim of such degredations. Such public admissions would certainly destroy what was left of their manhood and pride….
3. If these releases are ever questioned it will be found that, "out of a sense of justice" (?),ALL records as to their identities have either been destroyed or muddled. In reality this will ensure that it will be impossible to contact these prisoners in the future. Sure, some of the less injured may come forward and apply for ‘compensation’ – but the real sufferers will NEVER do so since it would expose their own degredation for all their families and neighbours to see.
4. The whole point of Rumsfeld’s visit was to try and bolster up the lie that the so-far reported incidents were the work of a few low-ranking ‘grunts’ and had NOTHING to do with accepted policy. In actual fact, the whole scheme and methodology was composed at a very high level – as its sophistication and in-depth knowledge of Islamic psychology amply demonstrates.
Sincere regards, William T.
[doveofo] NESARA Action Soon to Surface; Cannes Film Review on Fahrenheit 9/11. Full Report.
May 24, 2004 3:32 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
The winds of popular opinion in the US have been shifting in the last year away from supporting the Bush regime to serious concerns about what the Bush regime is doing in the name of Americans. Criticism of the Bush regime is gaining strength from the latest scandal: the terrible treatment of the Iraqi prisoners. Although Rumsfeld went to Iraq personally to shut up those who were talking about the torture, there are more reports continuing to leak which show officials of the Bush regime absolutely did approve the use of torture. Perhaps this is what it will take for those Americans, who have been blind to the dangerous Bush regime, to see the truth.
Apparently the people attending the Cannes film debut of Michael Moore’s "Fahrenheit 9/11" movie had no problem seeing the truth about the Bushregime. According to Roger Ebert, American film critic, whose review of "Fahrenheit 9/11" is included below, at the end of the official showing ofthe movie, there was a standing ovation for 15 minutes.
I’m including Ebert’s review to make the point that many people in theworld have seen beyond the Bush regime’s numerous smokescreens. I do notagree with Ebert�s use of the word "muckraking" in his description ofMoore; the truth about people, who harm the world, is often filled withvery unpleasant truths. Moore is willing to expose these unpleasant truths in his books and films.
The action behind NESARA is nearing the point of surfacing. As of today, I expect to be able to share some good news about NESARA in the next two days. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
May 18, 2004
CANNES, France — Michael Moore the muckraking wiseass has been replaced by a more subdued version in "Fahrenheit 9/11," his new documentary questioning the anti-terrorism credentials of the Bush regime. In the Moore version, President Bush, his father and members of their circle have received $1.5 billion from Saudi Arabia over the years, attacked Iraq to draw attention from their Saudi friends, and have lost the hearts and minds of many of the U.S. servicemen in the war.
The film premiered Monday at the Cannes Film Festival to a series of near-riot scenes, as overbooked screenings were besieged by mobs trying to push their way in. The response at the early morning screening I attended was loudly enthusiastic. And at the official black-tie screening, it was greeted by a standing ovation; a friend who was there said it went on "for at least 25 minutes," which probably means closer to 15 (estimates of ovations at Cannes are like estimates of parade crowds in Chicago).
But the film doesn’t go for satirical humor the way Moore’s "Roger & Me" and "Bowling for Columbine" did. Moore’s narration is still often sarcastic, but frequently he lets his footage speak for itself.
The film shows American soldiers not in a prison but in the field, hooding an Iraqi, calling him Ali Baba, touching his genitals and posing for photos with him. There are other scenes of U.S. casualties without arms or legs, questioning the purpose of the Iraqi invasion at a time when Bush proposed to cut military salaries and benefits. It shows Lila Lipscomb, a mother from Flint, Mich., reading a letter from her son, who urged his family to help defeat Bush, days before he was killed. And in a return to the old Moore confrontational style, it shows him joined by a Marine recruiter as he encourages congressmen to have their sons enlist in the services.
Despite these dramatic moments, the most memorable footage for me involved President Bush on Sept. 11. The official story is that Bush was meeting with a group of pre-schoolers when he was informed of the attack on the World Trade Center and quickly left the room. Not quite right, says Moore. Bush learned of the first attack before entering the school, "decided to go ahead with his photo op," and began to read "My Pet Goat" to thestudents. Informed of the second attack, he incredibly remained with thestudents for another seven minutes, reading from the book, until a staffmember suggested that he leave. The look on his face as he reads the book,knowing what he knows, is disquieting.
"Fahrenheit 9/11" documents the long association of the Bush clan and Saudi oil billionaires, and reveals that when Bush released his military records, he blotted out the name of another pilot whose flight status was suspended on the same day for failure to take a physical exam. This was his good friend James R. Bath, who later became the Texas money manager for the bin Laden family (which has renounced its terrorist son).
When a group of 9/11 victims sued the Saudi government for financing the terrorists, the Saudis hired as their defense team the law firm of James Baker, Bush Sr.’s secretary of state. And the film questions why, when all aircraft were grounded after 9/11, the White House allowed several planes to fly around the country picking up bin Laden family members and other Saudis and flying them home.
Much of the material in "Fahrenheit 9/11" has already been covered in books and newspapers, but some is new, and it all benefits from the different kind of impact a movie has. Near the beginning of the film, as Congress moves to ratify the election of Bush after the Florida and Supreme Court controversies, it is positively eerie to see 10 members of Congress — eight black women, one Asian woman and one black man — rise to protest the move and be gaveled into silence by the chairman of the session, Al Gore.
On the night before his film premiered, Moore, in uncharacteristic formalwear, attended an official dinner given by Gilles Jacob, president of the festival. Conversation at his table centered on the just-published New Yorker article by Seymour Hersh alleging that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld personally authorized use of torture in Iraqi prisons.
Moore had his own insight into the issue: "Rumsfeld was under oath when he testified about the torture scandal. If he lied, that’s perjury. And therefore I find it incredibly significant that when Bush and Cheney testified before the 9/11 commission, they refused to swear an oath. They claimed they’d sworn an oath of office, but that has no legal standing. Do you suppose they remembered how Clinton was trapped by perjury and were protecting themselves?"
Would something like that belong in the film?
"My contract says I can keep editing and adding stuff right up until the release date," Moore said. He said he expects to sign a U.S. distribution deal this week at Cannes; the film’s producer, Miramax, was forbidden to release it by its parent company, Disney.
After the first press screening on Monday, journalists noted on their way out that Moore was more serious in this film and took fewer cheap shots. But there are a few. Wait until you see Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz preparing for a TV interview. First he puts a pocket comb in his mouth to wet it and combs down his hair. Still not satisfied, he spits on his hand and wipes the hair into place. Catching politicians being made up for TV is an old game, but this is a first.
Copyright: Chicago Sun-Times Inc.
[doveofo] NESARA Announcement Period Petition Submitted to World Court Today. Full Report.
May 26, 2004 3:05 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
For the last three weeks, I’ve been aware of actions by certain peopleinvolved in gathering information and developing a petition for a new NESARA announcement period. This morning at 10:10 a.m. Netherlands time, their petition for a new NESARA announcement period was submitted to the International Court of Justice (World Court).
There are several very significant requirements in the petition for a new NESARA announcement period. The petition requests an expedited hearing by World Court be held early next week.
The petition also requests the Court adopt an accelerated notification period to inform the world’s countries and banking systems of the newNESARA announcement period after the Court approves the announcementperiod.
In addition, the petition requests the new NESARA announcement time periodstarting date in the first half of June 2004.
Another extremely important aspect of the petition is that the petition is accompanied by depositions taken from people who have direct knowledge of past sabotage of the NESARA announcement. These depositions provide the proof that eight members of the Committee in charge of the NESARA announcement process were actually sabotaging the NESARA announcement. The depositions show clearly that eight members of the Committee betrayed their duties and have actively sabotaged the NESARA announcement to keep NESARA from being announced.
The petition, therefore, requests that these eight Committee members be removed from the NESARA Committee immediately and barred from any involvement with NESARA. These eight members have been working with leaders of the military industrial complex fighting to keep NESARA from being announced. The Bush regime is backed by some of these military industrial complex leaders whose corporations benefit from the Bush regime’s “endless war” agenda.
It is extremely important that these eight Committee members be removed as requested by the NESARA announcement period petition submitted today.
Removing these eight betrayers from the Committee is an extremely important step to ending sabotage by people on the Committee responsible for getting NESARA announced. It is expected that these eight Committee members will fight in World Court being removed from the NESARA announcement Committee. Some of the eight to be removed have been told today about the new NESARA petition requesting their removal and they intend to ask for a TWO-WEEK delay in the hearing of the NESARA petition to give them time to prepare their legal fight against being removed.
One major principle in law is that people who are appointed to carry out duties for the public good should not have even the “appearance” ofwrong-doing. These eight Committee members have betrayed their duties inseveral instances as the depositions prove. Therefore, the World CourtJudges “should” vote to remove these eight Committee members, however, the removal of these members is not certain until it happens.
Below is a copy of my postcard message to the World Court Judges telling them these eight betrayers must be removed from the NESARA Committee. Please use your own words to demand the Judges remove the eight betrayers. The Court’s postal address is from the Court’s website – . The postage fee for a postcard from the US to the Netherlands is 70 cents. Those of you in other countries can find the cost of postage from your country by checking with your local post office.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands
Dear World Court Judges,
The world’s people have been deprived of the benefits rippling out from NESARA due to betrayals by eight members of the Committee in charge of getting NESARA announced.
There are thousands of people who know you received a petition today requesting the removal of these eight betrayers. We are demanding that you remove these eight people from the NESARA Committee immediately! These people will continue to sabotage NESARA if they are allowed to remain on the Committee.
Dove of Oneness
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In the past we have been able to send emails to the Court; last October 2003, a court employee verified they had received 51,000 emails regarding NESARA from us. However, today I sent emails to all three of the email addresses on the Court’s website and all the emails were returned with “fatal errors” on the email addresses. Therefore, we cannot use email tocontact the Court.
Many of you have been wanting to “do something” to help move NESARA into announcement. WE, who represent the people of the world, have a right to DEMAND the World Court remove these eight Committee members. If the World Court receives thousands of postcards demanding these eight Committee members be removed, the Court will realize there are thousands of people who know about the wrong-doing of these eight people. The Court should realize they cannot let these eight betrayers remain on the Committee, regardless of the fact the eight will fight to stay on the Committee, because thousands of people worldwide know about the eight betrayers.
Let’s get our postcards going and remember, when we drop our postcardsinto the mailbox, the energy of our message reaches out to touch theJudges at that time. Even though it takes the physical postcard longer to reach the Court, our energy does reach the Judges when we mail our postcards. Let us now demand these eight betrayers be removed from the NESARA Committee immediately! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Petition News is Spreading; Emails to World Court
May 27, 20048:35 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today, the news of a petition for a new NESARA announcement period arriving at World Court has begun to leak out of the Court. Four of the eight betrayers on the Committee have heard the petition includes the request to remove them from involvement with NESARA. As expected, these four intend to fight the efforts to remove them from the Committee; they will probably ask for a two-week delay of the Court approving the NESARA announcement period so they can prepare their legal fight.
After some additional research, it seems there is probably a filter on the emails being sent to the World Court. In the last two days, I and some others have sent emails to the World Court email address testing to see if our emails are bounced back. It seems that IF the email “Subject” contains the words “World Court”, “Judges”, or “NESARA”, then the email is “sometimes” bounced back by an email filtering system used by the Court’s ISP. It’s very easy to set up a computer email system to look for certain words in the “Subject” field of an email and select out only the emails which contain these words to bounce back. This is what seems to be happening sometimes when emails are sent to the World Court’s email address.
Therefore, I’m suggesting that we do send emails to the World Court Judges requesting they remove the eight betrayers from the NESARA Committee. I’m suggesting in the SUBJECT field of our emails that we do NOT use the words “World Court”, “Judges”, or “NESARA”. Emails are something most of us can do without incurring additional costs and I know some people’s budgets were impacted by the postcard campaigns we’ve been doing. So, let’s go ahead and send emails to the World Court and avoid using these certain words in our email Subject that might cause our emails to be rejected.
Simply using a Subject on our emails such as “Concerned about the world”, or some other vague Subject, should enable us to bypass the filters being used to bounce emails back.
The email address we can use for the World Court is: [email protected] .
Some of you may still have your emails bounced back to you even if you do not use the words “World Court“, “Judges”, or “NESARA” in the Subject of your email. I cannot tell you why this happens, but in the past, a few people have had their emails bounced back even if they used the right email address. At the point that we FILL UP the Court’s MAILBOX, then everyone’s emails will begin to bounce back.
Also, IF you receive a reply from the World Court, it will likely contain a DENIAL of the Court having anything to do with NESARA. This is what ALL officials have been told to say when contacted about NESARA by the World Court itself in its gag order instructions. Therefore, the Court’s personnel must also DENY all knowledge of NESARA in order to comply with the World Court’s gag order on NESARA.
Let’s get our emails going! Let’s tell the World Court Judges that we know there are eight betrayers on the NESARA Committee who must be removed! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] Call to Action – High Level NESARA Supporters: Get Testimony to World Court
May 28, 20048:03 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today I’m writing specifically to certain high level NESARA supporters. I’m writing to KOS, our White Knight in the White House, to the “K of E” (“King of Egypt”) in Europe, and to other strong NESARA supporters whose positions give them access to many people in high positions.
Right now, we have the best opportunity we have ever had to clear the betrayers from the Committee in charge of getting NESARA announced. Accompanying the petition for a new NESARA announcement period which was submitted to World Court on Wednesday, May 26, 2004, were depositions from witnesses who had first-hand knowledge about the eight betrayers on the Committee sabotaging NESARA’s announcement in the past.
The eight betrayers are:
three U.S. Supreme Court Justices who voted for Bush in the year 2000 election case;
a retired US Army General
a retired US Air Force General
a retired US Marine Corp General
a well-known economist
a Farmers Union/Farm Claims representative
There are a total of 12 people on the Committee in charge of getting NESARA announced. The other four members of the Committee are sincerely dedicated to getting NESARA announced.
The eight betrayers on the Committee have been constantly colluding to cause sabotage of the NESARA announcement. The three US Supreme Court Justices who voted for Bush have been informed that the new NESARA petition includes the request to remove them from the Committee. The three US Supreme Court Justices have already ordered their attorneys to submit a petition to World Court requesting a two-week delay so they can prepare to fight being removed from the NESARA Committee. The petition for the two-week delay will probably reach World Court next Monday (Monday is not a holiday in the Netherlands where World Court is located). It’s likely the World Court will grant the petition for a delay.
My sources state the three US Supreme Court Justices who voted for Bush have asked for help from the CIA to search for information to use to “discredit” the witnesses against them. If the CIA cannot “find” any information to discredit the witnesses, then the CIA is expected to “manufacture” evidence against the witnesses. These three US Supreme Court Justices will go to all lengths to try to remain on the Committee in charge of NESARA; lying and using false evidence to discredit the witnesses against them is standard procedure for these betrayers.
I’m asking KOS, the K. of E., and other strong NESARA supporters to search through your contacts for someone who may have some first-hand knowledge that the three US Supreme Court Justices are betrayers of NESARA and Americans. These three US Supreme Court Justices are working with the illegal, unelected Bush regime in the Bush regime’s plans for world domination. There are people who have first-hand knowledge that these three US Supreme Court Justices are traitors.
You, KOS, K of E, and others, may know of someone who could give testimony against these three traitorous US Supreme Court Justices which would help guarantee World Court removes these three from the Committee in charge of NESARA. There are about two weeks in which to find MORE WITNESSES who can give evidence against these three high level traitors. K of E can probably find out the name of the attorney who submitted the new NESARA petition to World Court and any additional witnesses can give depositions which can be forwarded to this attorney.
It would also help to have more depositions of witnesses against the other five betrayers on the Committee, the three retired military, the well-known economist, and the Farmers Union/Farm Claims representative.
Please TAKE ACTION on this immediately because if additional depositions can be submitted to World Court proving these three US Supreme Court Justices and the five others are betraying NESARA, then the World Court will be compelled to remove these traitors from the NESARA Committee! This is the BIG opportunity we’ve been waiting for to get NESARA free of control by these betrayers!
Also, thank you, K. of E., for verifying the petition for the new NESARA announcement period is at World Court.
The rest of us can do our parts by continuing to email the World Court demanding these eight betrayers be removed from the NESARA Committee. The email address to use is: [email protected]
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
Dear World Court Judges,
As Director of the NESARA Take Action Team, (NTAT) for the US and Canada, I am writing you today to urge you to open a new NESARA announcement timeframe. We know you received a petition on May 26th, 2004 requesting a new timeframe. This petition also requests the removal of eight members of the NESARA committee with attached depositions proving these individuals have purposely sabotaged the NESARA announcement on many occasions. These select few people are defying World Court orders and making a mockery of your court by their endless tirades and ruthless ungodly actions that are based on selfish greedy motives. Please remove these individuals from the NESARA committee immediately!
The NESARA committee needs twelve members that are absolutely 100% committed to seeing NESARA announced and implemented. The world’s people need NESARA with all its wondrous benefits. We trust your sound judgment on this most important issue.
Jim Nash
NTAT Director (US and Canada)
Dear World Court Judges,
The Worlds People demand the end of corruption in our governments, we demand NESARA now!!! We the people will not relent, we will keep coming and coming, continuing to demand PEACE, continuing to demand our most basic God given rights! You World Court Judges have an opportunity right now to start the process of cleaning house, ridding the world of these corrupt leaders, and paving the way for Heaven on Earth and Peace for All mankind!
You must remove these eight betrayers who have continued to sabotage the announcement of NESARA and they will continue to do so unless we remove them now! They cannot be trusted, they have shown their true colors and they are loyal only to their own interests and not the good of the people!
You must open a new announcement time period for the NESARA Announcement! DO IT NOW! The petition is before you now. This time there will be no betrayers! This time the world will be able to reap the benefits of our precious NESARA. This time NESARA CAN be announced if you rid the vermin from the announcement committee!
Sincerely, Tami T. – U.S. Citizen
"Write your own words, say it from your heart! And use the Thesaurus a lot! Find different ways to say the same thing. Keep up the great work everyone! Every little thing you do counts, every prayer, every action you take helps to energize NESARA. Stick with it, it’s working! We have the National June 5th Rally to ‘Bring The Troops Home” the end of this week, so I’m hoping you will all be creative in spreading the word in your surrounding areas. It’s a great opportunity to reach more people. Don’t forget the tab version of the NESARA flyer too, it’s great at Laundromats, post offices, pet stores, these are places that usually have bulletin boards and it’s only one flyer that you can do weekly or bi-weekly. When you’re out running errands, bring a NESARA tab version flyer and just pin it up, the next time you run errands you can put another as I am fairly certain, your first one’s tabs and complete flyer will be gone. Some of you are still writing radio stations and newspapers, sending NESARA flyers in return envelopes to businesses and Team Leader Roy came up with a great idea that every time we go out to spread the word of NESARA, we wear a red hat! I love it! Let’s all start accumulating red hats for the campaign!"
Every once in a while we find it necessary to remind NTAT members that the names and e-mail addresses of NTAT members are to be used only for NESARA and NTAT business ONLY. We kindly ask that you refrain from passing on business opportunities, products or services, stories and jokes to individuals who haven’t asked for them. One thing our NTAT is going to do is to respect one another in this regard. We all will pride ourselves in being an organization that is well respected in our communities by exuding exemplary character in all areas of our lives. People of character and integrity are more apt to be listened to and have their message received than those that don’t portray these characteristics. Team, NESARA’s importance is so great and so noble. We have been called the "Advance Team or NESARA’s Ambassadors", if you will. Let us honor this trust which has been placed in us by being well informed and well rounded in all aspects of NESARA.
Every day it seems we see more top level individuals publicly showing their disgust of the Bush administration. Al Gore gave an inspiring message this week at New York University calling for the resignation of the entire Bush administration and calling them "war criminals". It is these types of messages that are instrumental in having other top officials come out of their closets and stand against these traitors who have betrayed every citizen of the United States and the world collectively, with their dictatorial agenda which is designed to stop NESARA at any cost. The news for these individuals is that the will to get NESARA announced is much greater that their will to stop it! We all know that NESARA is Divinely planned and orchestrated and that the good will of the Creator of the universe will be used to accomplish this mission. It is time for all people to stop fighting NESARA and step into the Light of protection, rest and peace of mind which NESARA provides.
Well, the main focus of NESARA shifts back to the World Court. We are truly blessed to have such a dedicated group at World Court each Friday demonstrating for NESARA. Their presence has been instrumental in raising world awareness for NESARA while showing the judges the wishes of the world’s people.
Let’s continue doing all we can in our own communities as well as sending e-mails to World Court. The e-mail address is [email protected]. We are using "Important Message" or "Urgent Message" in the subject line and haven’t had any returns. On June 5th, many communities are hosting "Bring Home the Troops" rallies. Please check in your community calendar of events for these types of gatherings. These are prime places for flyer distributions. Please check the website often for updated information. The NTAT stands firm in seeing NESARA announced and implemented at the soonest possible time.
Blessings to all,
Jim and Yvonne Nash
Directors, Region 1, U.S. and Canada
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[doveofo] NESARA Petition Hearing Date Set at World Court June 2, 20049:58 p.m. PDT Full Report.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Yesterday, the three US Supreme Court Justices, who are members of the NESARA Committee and are among those who have been sabotaging NESARA’s announcement, had their attorney submit a petition to the World Court for a two-week delay of the hearing of the NESARA announcement petition. The three US Supreme Court Justices’ petition requests the two-week delay to enable them to prepare their responses to the accusations that they have sabotaged NESARA.
This afternoon the World Court Judges met to set a date for the hearing of the NESARA announcement petition and the requests to remove the eight betrayers from the NESARA Committee. After some discussion in which some Judges wanted to wait a full 30 days and some Judges preferred a hearing in two weeks, the Judges compromised on three weeks. Therefore, as of today, the World Court hearing of the NESARA announcement period petition is scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2004.
Although this three-week wait seems a long time, this may turn out to be to our benefit. It’s absolutely essential that these eight betrayers be removed from the NESARA Committee. These three weeks provide time for more witnesses against the eight betrayers to be found and added to the current witnesses. It’s extremely important the removal of these eight betrayers is successful as part of this current action to obtain the approval of a new NESARA announcement period.
Currently, it’s questionable that there are enough strong witnesses to convince the World Court Judges that some of their most esteemed colleagues “three US Supreme Court Justices” are guilty of the sabotage of the NESARA announcement. Therefore, while I’m as impatient as anyone else to get the NESARA announcement period approved, I also know without question that we absolutely must have “slam dunk”, overwhelming proof that these three US Supreme Court Justices and the other five betrayers are, beyond the shadow of a doubt, guilty of sabotaging NESARA.
I’ve been writing about the betrayers on the NESARA Committee on and off for many months. This is the first time there are witnesses giving their first-hand knowledge that these eight are sabotaging NESARA.
It’s a major challenge to prove beyond doubt these eight, especially the three US Supreme Court Justices, are actually guilty of sabotaging NESARA. The words, “sabotaging NESARA”, are not the full story however. The practical matter is that by sabotaging NESARA, these eight have actually committed treason. Although “treason” will not be the issue in World Court, it’s very definitely an extremely important intrinsic issue. These eight betrayers also know that “treason” is looming over their heads and that treason is punishable by death or life in prison without parole. They will be fighting with everything they can to try to keep from being found guilty of sabotaging NESARA.
The next few weeks must be the turning point for NESARA and the world; we absolutely must have NESARA announced as soon as possible. In our prayers, meditations, and energy work focuses in these coming weeks, let’s call for great support of all who are involved in removing these eight powerful people from the NESARA Committee and bringing NESARA to announcement as soon as possible! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Billboards Proclaim Way to Peace at D.C Peace Rally June 5. Full Report.
June 3, 20049:09 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Over the last three days, in a whirlwind of phone calls and long distance arrangements, we have arranged for three of our NESARA mobile billboards to be as close as possible to the peace rally taking place in Washington, D.C. this Saturday, June 5.
There are hundreds of thousands of people expected to attend the June 5th rally in Washington, D.C. Our NESARA mobile billboards will be positioned at strategic locations along the routes that those attending the peace rally will use as they arrive for the rally. This is the first peace rally in Washington, D.C. since our NESARA mobile billboards were created. This is also the first time our NESARA mobile billboards will be seen by SO MANY thousands of people who want peace as much as we do!
We are also arranging for thousands of NESARA flyers to be handed out to those attending theWashington, D.C. peace rally! If you’ve ever watched the Washington, D.C. peace rallies on C-Span, then you know that this crowd is going to LOVE hearing that the Bush regime must resign! I extend my thanks to Scott, our Graphics Designer, for sharing his enthusiasm that the NESARA mobile billboards speak for all of us at the Washington, D.C. rally. I also thank our wonderful NTAT member who is sponsoring our NESARA mobile billboards and NESARA flyers in D.C. this Saturday.
I have a great deal of respect and appreciation for the people who travel hundreds and thousands of miles to attend these peace rallies.
From the website for International Answer which is organizing the June 5 rallies, here are some of the places from which people are traveling in order to be in Washington, D.C. on Saturday: Chicago, Illinois – 11 hours and 700 miles one way to D.C.; Baltimore, Maryland; Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts; Detroit, Michigan – 8.5 hours and 525 miles one way; Fair Haven, Hackensack, and Jersey City, New Jersey; Baldwin, Buffalo, Huntington, Kingston, Long Island, New Paltz, New York City (Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens), Patchogue, New York; Charlotte, North Carolina – 6.5 hours and 400 miles one way; Columbus, Ohio – 6.5 hours and 411 miles one way; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – 21 hours and 1,328 miles one way; Philadelphia and West Chester, Pennsylvania; Providence, Rhode Island; Saint Helena Island, South Carolina; Charlotte, Vermont; Richmond, Virginia; Milwaukee, Wisconsin – 12.5 hours and 800 miles one way. (All travel times and mileages from )
Some notes from the International Answer website show how dedicated some of these peace supporters are from the fact some of they will have to travel all night Friday night and half of Saturday in order to show their support for peace:
Detroit, Michigan: Bus Leaving Friday, June 4 at 9 PM and is back by 6 AM Sun. June 6.
Hackensack, New Jersey: Buses Leaving at 4:45 AM back late the same day.
Columbus, Ohio: Bus Leaves 12:30 AM Sat. 6/5, returns Sunday early AM.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Full-size van that can seat 5 adults comfortably; looking for people along I-40 who would like to go to DC and share expenses.
Charlotte, Vermont: Leaving on June 4 – can take 6 people.
Saturday’s Washington, D.C. rally is taking place in La Fayette Park across the street from the White House beginning at noon on June 5. After a few hours of speeches and music, the peace supporters will then MARCH to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s mansion a few miles away.
Major peace rallies are also expected in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California, this Saturday, June 5. Tami, our NESARA Take Action Teams District Leader for California, has information about NTAT members planning to attend these rallies.
Probably on Sunday, we will have pictures from the Washington, D.C. rally showing our NESARA mobile billboards at work. I hope those of you who are attending the peace rallies and passing out NESARA flyers will also take pictures and send the pictures as .jpg files to:[email protected] so we can add them to our gallery of pictures. In the pictures we have of NESARA supporters marching in past peace rallies, it makes a very strong impact if you carry a sign or banner with the word “NESARA” and the “” website address on it as you pass out NESARA flyers.
On behalf of everyone who cannot attend one of these rallies, I commend all of you who are able to be present and show your support of peace. With the current petition at the World Court requesting the removal of the eight betrayers from the NESARA Committee, we are seeing the real possibility of “world peace” beginning in the coming NESARA announcement period! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Restores “America the Beautiful”. Full Report.
June 4, 20048:45 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
On July 4, 1776, a group of 56 men signed humanity’s blueprint for freedom for the next 10,000 years – the Declaration of Independence.
I wondered today what these 56 men would think about NESARA and what has happened to America since their courageous and bold Declaration of Independence.
Each day I decide what I will include in the Dove Report. Often, I look to current affairs to discuss how NESARA’s announcement and implementation improves our lives compared to what we see today. However, today I find nothing interesting to discuss because all the news is simply a repeat of previous betrayals and travesties that have happened in previous times and places. It’s important that these things be corrected, but these do not inspire me today.
Today, I feel the need to go back to the divinely inspired foundations of America to nourish my own mind and heart about what it is we are doing in our support of NESARA. With NESARA’s announcement we are restoring the beautiful America of hope, high integrity, honoring of all humanity, and the bright flame of freedom to light the path of freedom for all the world’s people as people worldwide receive the improvements which ripple out from NESARA’s announcement.
I’m sharing with you a portion of the Declaration of Independence below and in many ways I feel like those of us who carry forth the great light of NESARA to the world are also signing our own “Declaration of Independence” every time we stand, march, and speak in support of NESARA.
I’ve also found that the great Thomas Jefferson, who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence, gave us many gifts of wisdom and high integrity in his writings and speeches. His words speak of noble virtues that humanity and government should have and of which we so rarely hear in these days. He reminds us of the higher visions and values we must embrace to bring forth lasting world peace, harmony and love among all peoples on Earth, justice and honesty in government and legal systems, abundance and prosperity to all people, opportunities for all people to contribute their own unique gifts and talents as together we bring forth the Golden Age on Earth.
I hope you enjoy these inspiring and uplifting truths as much as I do. We do not have many people who express such high values and standards in today’s world, however, we will be the ones who must make certain NESARA is implemented in the highest of virtue in every way. We can gain a sense of these higher standards and values from those courageous people who risked their lives to birth the principle of freedom for the benefit of all men and women on this Earth so many years ago. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NESARA Take Action Teams Director
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The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies. In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [& women] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, [shown] that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. –Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain [George III] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. <snip>
THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816. I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.
“The Writings of Thomas Jefferson”, ed. Paul L. Ford, vol. 10, pp. 42-43, (1899).
Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, In the Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, March 4, 1801.
Let us, then, with courage and confidence pursue our own Federal and Republican principles, our attachment to union and representative government. Kindly separated by nature and a wide ocean from the exterminating havoc of one quarter of the globe; too high-minded to endure the degradations of the others; possessing a chosen country, with room enough for our descendants to the thousandth and thousandth generation; entertaining a due sense of our equal right to the use of our own faculties, to the acquisitions of our own industry, to honor and confidence from our fellow-citizens, resulting not from birth, but from our actions and their sense of them; enlightened by a benign religion, professed, indeed, and practiced in various forms, yet all of them inculcating honesty, truth, temperance, gratitude, and the love of man; acknowledging and adoring an overruling Providence, which by all its dispensations proves that it delights in the happiness of man here and his greater happiness hereafter with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow-citizens’ wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.
<snip> it is proper you should understand what I deem the essential principles of our Government, and consequently those which ought to shape its Administration. I will compress them within the narrowest compass they will bear, stating the general principle, but not all its limitations. Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none; the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against antirepublican [anti-republican] tendencies; the preservation of the General Government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad; a jealous care of the right of election by the people’s mild and safe corrective of abuses which are lopped by the sword of revolution where peaceable remedies are unprovided; absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of republics, from which is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism; a well disciplined militia, our best reliance in peace and for the first moments of war, till regulars may relieve them; the supremacy of the civil over the military authority; economy in the public expense, that labor may be lightly burthened [burdened]; the honest payment of our debts and sacred preservation of the public faith; encouragement of agriculture, and of commerce as its handmaid; the diffusion of information and arraignment of all abuses at the bar of the public reason; freedom of religion; freedom of the press, and freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus, and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation. The wisdom of our sages and blood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment. They should be the creed of our political faith, the text of civic instruction, the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust; and should we wander from them in moments of error or of alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty, and safety. <snip>
[doveofo] NESARA Brings America Back to Constitution; US Rep Ron Paul. Extract.
June 5, 200410:39 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Yesterday’s Report included great inspiration from the Declaration of Independence and from remarks by Thomas Jefferson.
Today, I’m quoting another great American, US Representative Ron Paul, whose comments below explain how the US government should be operating under strict adherence to the Constitution.
Here’s what Ron Paul said:
“If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U. S. membership in the U.N.; no gun control; and no foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor"; No American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or "fast-track"; no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private property; and no income tax. We can get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited. “That system is called Liberty. It’s what the Founding Fathers gave us.”
After NESARA is announced, many of the things Ron Paul recommends will be implemented. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
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See the Ron Paul’s article in this website at: .
203 Canon, Washington D.C. 20515
Committee to Re-elect Ron Paul
837 West Plantation, Clute, TX 77531
People for the USA (PFUSA)
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[doveofo] NESARA Pre-Empts Bush Regime Terrorist Attacks and Financial Problems. Full report.
June 6, 200410:29 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Several of you have sent me emails recently discussing two issues of concern. Tonight I’m commenting on these issues.
There are reports on the Internet discussing the secret plans of the Bush regime to try to cause terrorist attacks this summer so that Bush Jr. can implement his long-planned, full dictatorship over the USA. The current report discussing the fact that the Bush regime caused the 9-11 attacks and is hoping to cause more terrorist attacks is entitled “Rogue Bush Backers prepare Super 9/11 False Flag Terror Attacks” written by Webster Griffin Tarpley and posted out of Toronto (Canada) on May 30, 2004. Although not all Tarpley’s conclusions are exactly on target, he does seem to have some good sources who have insider information about the Bush regime’s past actions and current plans related to causing terrorist acts. His report is found at:
For several months I’ve been aware of the Bush regime’s plans to try to cause more terrorist attacks in the US this summer; it is no surprise that Ashcroft and others have been ballyhooing about “imminent” terrorist attacks expected this summer. Initially, the Bush regime planned to try to cause these attacks in August, 2004, but now they are trying to move up the schedule to this month, June 2004.
Although the Bush regime’s CIA neocons did manage to pull off the 9-11 attacks, the Bush regime has tried many times to cause more 9-11 type attacks in the US and has FAILED. The Bush regime will FAIL to cause any more terrorist attacks this month or any other time in the US.
There are very powerful, superior, benevolent Forces who have been and are preventing the Bush regime and anyone else from causing terrorist attacks in the U.S. There will be ZERO terrorist attacks in the USA.
Of course, the big reason why the Bush regime wants to cause terrorist attacks is because the globalists heading the multi-national military-industrial complex corporations supporting Bush Jr. are afraid they cannot fix the November 2004 election well enough to ensure Bush remains in the White House.
I have said this many times and I say it again, there will be zero terrorist attacks permitted in the USA. The benevolent Forces are preventing all terrorist attacks in the USA. The globalists� plans are to "take down" the USA before they target other countries for terrorist attacks. Terrorist attacks will FAIL to occur in theUSA.
NESARA will be announced; this will cause the pre-empting of plans to cause terrorist attacks around the world.
Another issue many of you have forwarded to me is a report claiming that “Elite Bankers” are going to cause a big crash of the American economy. A high level financial advisor in Germany has repeatedly been told by German government and banking officials that a big global economic downturn was expected. This has been predicted for several years. This also is being prevented. The globalists have tried and failed to cause this financial meltdown in the US. They will continue to FAIL.
Later this month, very good results are expected from the World Court hearing of the petition for the new NESARA announcement period. NESARA’s announcement will be the big news this year! The end of the globalists’ power is coming soon. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Begins the Clean-Up of American Politics. Full report.
June 8, 20049:25 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
One of the great lessons we all must learn is to refuse to let history be rewritten. It may offend some, but I do not agree with the hypocrisy of praising someone who harmed people simply because this person has died. We must LEARN from the mistakes of the past so we elect much BETTER people in the future; unless we face what went wrong, we will never be smart enough to keep our freedom once NESARA restores it to us. People in all countries must be willing to face the facts about their corrupt government officials and learn how to discern good people from corrupt people.
Therefore, I am not joining the media in praising Ronald Reagan who was used by the globalists leading the multi-national military industrial corporations making great profits from U.S. military actions against other countries. As stated in the interview below, some of the darkest days of misuse of the US military were during the years Ronald Reagan sat in the oval office. Reagan was used as a figurehead by the globalists and surrounded by advisors who gave him false intelligence reports and brainwashed him into being an anti-Communist fanatic incapable of seeing the truth. Reagan was purposely chosen by globalists and brainwashed into accepting an extreme fanaticism of seeing Communists behind every rock; the globalists then made Reagan the �front-man� and hid behind his kindly appearance as they wreaked destruction upon defenseless nations in order to steal their natural resources, exactly as is being done in Iraq. During the Reagan years, the U.S. military committed such atrocities that the U.S. became the only nation to be convicted of “terrorism” by the World Court.
Let’s keep writing emails to the World Court telling them to remove the betrayers from the NESARA Committee. Only when these betrayers working for the globalists are removed, can NESARA be announced. NESARA causes a huge reformation of the US government that will benefit Americans and the world! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA is Solution to Globalists Sneak Attack to End Voting in US. Full report.
June 10, 200410:26 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In the summer of year 2000, there were numerous email reports about the Global Governance plan which New World Order globalists want to implement. In the Global Governance plan, there are ZERO elected officials in charge of countries and the world. The globalists’ plan is to take away the ability of people to elect their representatives and government officials. Instead, the globalists envision that all officials of government and law-making assemblies will be "appointed". Then the people will have zero voice in government; no government official will have to pay attention to the people. The globalist elite have already built their world government model which includes many countries being combined into various �Unions�. The European Union is the first; the North American Union is supposed to be the USA and Canada. All �Unions� are supposed to be governed by people who are NOT elected by the people.
In September 2000, we heard that President Bill Clinton was pressuring Congress to pass a bill which would have signed over the sovereignty of the USA to the United Nations; this would have begun the New World Order Global Governance tyranny over the world’s people. At that time, the prosperity programs� phone network included numerous US Senators and US Representatives. Two US Senators told us that when the US Congress refused to pass the bill to give away the USA sovereignty, the CIA arranged to have the USS Cole attacked in October 2000 as a pressure play on Congress.
We may have thought that the globalists had given up their efforts to take away the sovereignty of the USA, but now we see the ugly head of the New World Order surfacing again. This time, the effort to end the ability of the people to elect their law-making officials is in the disguise of a so-called “Continuity of Government” Constitutional amendment being pushed by the Bush-Rockefeller globalists at Brookings Institution and the American Enterprise Institute.
The unelected Bush regime is quietly pushing a Constitutional amendment to be able to have either leaders of Congress, Governors, or the President “appoint” members to the US House of Representatives if a large number of US Representatives are killed or incapacitated due to a terrorist attack or catastrophic event. The so-called “Continuity of Government”, also known as �COG�, proposed Constitutional amendment is nothing more than a wolf dressed up in sheep’s clothing and is the sneak attack to begin taking way the ability of the people to elect their US Representatives. In addition, the same globalists pushing the COG amendment also want to give Governors power to appoint replacements to state legislatures in the event state senators and representatives are killed or incapacitated.
With this we see the continuation of the Bush regime efforts to become a totalitarian dictatorship. First the Bush regime ordered the 9-11 attacks so they could attack Afghanistan to get the oil pipeline and Iraq for the oil and so they could push through the Bush Gestapo Acts, misnamed the “patriot acts”, which allow just about anyone with a badge to break into our homes, search our homes without a warrant, take anything they want, and never inform us that they were there, as well as many other unjust government actions.
Now the Bush regime is trying to press through a Constitutional amendment to take away the rights of the people to elect their US Representatives in case another terrorist attack (which the Bush regime hopes to cause) would kill or incapacitate a large number of US Representatives. The Bush regime is now trumpeting their dire warnings of more terrorist attacks because the Bush regime INTENDS to cause more terrorist attacks this summer. Their plan is as plain as day: they are doing everything possible to create a totalitarian dictatorship. However, the Bush regime will FAIL to cause the terrorist attacks they so desperately want.
Below is a press release from US Representative Ron Paul and another article discussing the proposed, dangerous COG Constitutional amendment. Ron Paul, who is one of the loudest voices for freedom and the Constitution, makes it clear there’s NO NEED for the COG Constitutional amendment. Paul tells us there’s a better solution which the US House of Representatives has already passed to enable expedited elections if US Representatives are killed or incapacitated.
The only long-term answer to stopping the globalists’ "Global Governance" plots to enslave the people is the announcement of NESARA to begin removing corrupt, power-hungry politicians from office in the USA and then work to help people in other countries do the same. Currently, there are very quiet actions in progress to find more witnesses against the betrayers on the NESARA Committee. The betrayers are also globalists doing their part in the globalists’ world domination plans. Each day we see more evidence of the world’s need for NESARA! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
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(Ron) Paul Votes to Preserve the Elected House of Representatives
Washington, DC: Congressman Ron Paul yesterday cast a strong vote against a bizarre constitutional amendment that would have permitted unelected appointees to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. The proposal ostensibly was introduced to address concerns about whether Congress could function after a terrorist attack.
“I strongly oppose this constitutional amendment, because I believe an appointed Congress would become an unaccountable, tyrannical Congress”, Paul stated. “No individual has ever served in the U.S. House without having been elected. Even if a terrorist attack or other catastrophe killed many members of Congress, states are perfectly capable of holding elections quickly. The Founders clearly intended the U.S. House to serve as a truly representative body that is directly accountable to the people through frequent elections. The very term ‘appointed representative’ is an oxymoron.”
Congressman Paul cosponsored legislation that implements a plan for expedited federal elections throughout the fifty states if needed. More than 300 of his House colleagues passed the bill overwhelmingly in April.
Paul has led the effort in Washington to preserve an elected House. He met with top scholars, attorneys, and colleagues over the past twelve months who reject the idea of appointed representatives. He helped turn many members of Congress against the proposal through a series of public lectures, meetings, and published articles.
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[doveofo] NESARA Ends U.S. Empire Building; Chomsky on Reagan Part Two (no shown here.). Full report.
June 9, 20048:28 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Years ago when I was naïve, I didn’t know the USA was attacking other countries without good reason because officials of the US federal government were in league with globalists running multi-national military industrial corporations. The globalists running big multi-national oil companies and mining companies have funded the campaigns of many of our federal politicians. Then when the politicians are sitting in Washington, DC, the globalists are repaid by politicians ordering US military actions to seize control of other countries so the globalist multi-national corporations can go into those countries and take over the natural resources of the countries � for free, without paying for the resources. This is exactly why the Bush regime has attacked Iraq and why Reagan attacked Nicaragua.
NESARA brings home the US military from around the world and removes corrupt US officials from office. NESARA ends the current US military actions around the world. It will be up to Americans to never let US officials attack other countries again. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
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[doveofo] NESARA’s Announcement Signals Humanity Choosing the Higher Path. Excerpt.
June 11, 20049:29 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Years ago when I began writing the Dove Reports, I knew that we are living in a time period of years when we, the people of Earth, will CHOOSE the future we wish to experience. The wisdom of numerous ancient cultures tells us that these years we are living now are the pivotal times when the old age is closing and humanity can choose to have a future which is bright and wonderful or can choose a future which is dismal and dark. Tibetan wisdom recognizes that in these years at the beginning of the new millennium, an age lasting over 5,000 years is ending and something new will be beginning.
In quantum physics laboratory experiments in recent years it has been reasonably proven that the human observer of a quantum experiment can influence the result of the experiment. What we can extrapolate from this and what is actually true, is that WE collectively can CHOOSE humanity’s and the world’s future.
This is why we focus our attention and energy on NESARA. In doing so, we are CHOOSING to bring the NESARA announcement into all people’s lives on Earth. We are also CHOOSING all the wonderful ripple effects of NESARA for all people around the world.
In the Mayan calendar information, the date of December 2012 is believed to be a time when the old time ends and the new time begins. Time does NOT come to an “end” in December 2012; if anyone tells you that they are simply mistaken. “Time, as we know it”, is predicted to end about the time of December 2012.
Think about this: “Time, as we know it, is expected to end.” What this means is the OLD age of darkness, ignorance, corruption, pain, manipulation, warmongering, poverty, homelessness, hunger, greed, domination, and disharmony is ending.
In order to fully end of Age of Darkness, we have a great deal of work to do. NESARA must be announced in the near future so we can set about ending homelessness, hanger, poverty, pain, illness, war, and other disharmony on Earth.
[doveofo] NESARA Take Action Team at World Court May 28, 2004
June 12, 20048:30 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
As mentioned in the NTAT report below from World Court for May 28th, the rules have changed. The police commissioner and mayor of The Hague have required that the NESARA demonstration location be changed to an area farther away from the Peace Palace gates. There are World Court Judges who work for the globalists trying to dominate the world through their multi-national military industrial corporations. The globalists are fighting to keep NESARA from being announced and now their World Court Judges have arranged to push the NESARA demonstration further from the area where tourists and visitors arrive to visit the Peace Palace and World Court.
This change shows us that our NESARA publicizing efforts have been successful; the opposition are worried and upset because our people at the World Court have done a great job of sharing NESARA since last October 2003. This change is an effort to restrict the NESARA demonstration and the world’s peoples’ voicing of NESARA support through the display of banners from countries around the world. To their credit, those doing the NESARA demonstrations at World Court have responded by being creative and inventive in how they display multiple banners which they must now hold in their hands.
On behalf of all of us who would like to be there ourselves showing our support of NESARA, I deeply thank our wonderful, dedicated NESARA supporters at World Court for their ingenuity and perseverance. Someday the world will also see the pictures of the NESARA banners, NESARA demonstrations around the world, and the NESARA demo video (mentioned below). When NESARA is announced, many media representatives will be searching for special ways to discuss NESARA and some of them will do human interest articles on the activities of the �NESARA Advance Teams’ around the world who shared the good news of NESARA with thousands long before the NESARA announcement.
Our NESARA support activities are an expression of the famous truism: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead (1901-78), American anthropologist.
We will see NESARA announced and those who have stood in the way will face the consequences of their actions! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Financial Redress Prosperity & Other Prosperity Programs
June 16, 200411:36 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
On May 16, 2004, I was interviewed about NESARA by the hosts of the internet radio show the Isle of Light. Yesterday, one of the hosts, Chyrene, emailed me to request reprinting a second Dove Report in her newsletter. I replied by asking Chyrene what NESARA-related topic would be of interest. Her response was that numerous people had emailed her showing interest in “…the prosperity aspect of NESARA and how wealth will be distributed after it is announced. And of course, when all of this will happen.” This is the topic of today’s Dove Report.
Many people have read or heard from various sources that there will be an unprecedented distribution of wealth in these years when the Great Shift of the Ages occurs and we usher in the Golden Age on Earth. Many have heard of this distribution of wealth but few sources have ever explained how this will happen. In my research of NESARA and the prosperity programs, I have discovered some of the ways this distribution of wealth will occur.
One thing that is obvious is that there is no “magic wand” which will somehow magically gather money and distribute it to the people of the world. All the distribution processes will be done through lawful processes of various types and will be very down to earth.
There is one kind of prosperity distribution which is directly related to NESARA. In 1993, when the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Farmers Union (see History section onWWW.NESARA.US for details of Farmers Union case), the Court recognized that generations of Americans had been robbed of their wealth by fraudulent banking practices including charging compound interest (which is unconstitutional) and fraudulent foreclosures on mortgages and other bank loans. There is a main principle in law that if someone is injured, the Judges should prescribe remedies to rectify the damage. The Court had a duty to find ways to compensate Americans for decades of financial harm done to them by the Federal Reserve banking system with collusion from certain federal government officials.
Initially, the Court and the US federal government set up a process whereby Americans could submit applications for “Farm/Bank Claims” showing the amounts of money they had lost due to the government and banking system’s fraud. Only a small percentage of the hundreds of millions of Americans ever heard about this “Farm/Bank Claims” process. Although some Americans did hear and submitted Farm/Bank Claims, most Americans never learned of this process.
Because most Americans never heard of this process to compensate them for decades of fraudulent banking practices, during the Clinton administration the government agreed that after NESARA is announced the NESARA Designate government will hold a massive public information campaign informing all Americans 21 or older about their opportunities to apply for “financial redress”.
About three months after NESARA’s announcement, all Americans 21 or older who are American citizens, sovereigns, or natural persons will be told they are eligible to apply for “financial redress”. As of now, my sources state that high US Treasury Department officials are expected to hold a series of press conferences to inform Americans about their right to apply for the “financial redress” prosperity. It is expected that Americans will be told to go to their local Post Office to pick up an application to apply for their financial redress prosperity. The financial redress applications will include instructions for Americans (native or naturalized) to fill out the application, attach proof they are an American citizen, sovereign, or natural person, and the government office to which they are to send their applications. Each person who submits an application will receive an official government acknowledgement that their application was received and that they will be informed through national public announcements when the financial redress prosperity will begin to be disbursed.
My sources state the financial redress paid to Americans is expected to amount to about $9 million paid out in monthly installments over ten years. The monthly payments for financial redress will begin about 16-18 months AFTER NESARA’s announcement; all adult Americans will begin receiving about $75,000 US Treasury dollars a month in financial redress payments for ten years.
When the monthly financial redress payments begin about 16-18 months after NESARA’s announcement, the monthly financial redress funds will replace Social Security and disability payments for American adults mentally capable of managing the funds. Americans will be expected to invest or save a portion of their very generous financial redress funds to provide for their own retirement income. American adults who are mentally incapable of managing money will continue to receive government payments similar to social security or disability payments.
Canada‘s White Knights have a similar "financial redress" prosperity program put together for Canadians which will be paid monthly. The Canadian financial redress will amount to about $5 million paid out over twelve years. I don’t know when the Canadian financial redress will begin because Canadian White Knights and the Canadian people have to clean up their government and banking system before this Canadian financial redress can be publicly announced.
The financial redress given to Americans is expected to become an example which many other countries will follow. Most countries which have corrupt governments and banking systems using fiat money similar to the Federal Reserve also have their own White Knights who want to correct these problems. These White Knights are expected to bring about government reforms in their own countries and to ensure the international banking improvements are carried out. Once these government and banking improvements are implemented, then White Knights in each country can develop and announce a program of “financial redress” prosperity for which citizens can apply.
Americans will also receive additional prosperity through the bank debt relief aspects of NESARA. As of NESARA’s announcement, all credit cards issued by banks in the USA will have the credit card accounts balances zeroed out as the beginning of NESARA’s debt relief. American who are citizens, sovereigns, or natural persons will also be told to apply for bank debt relief of their home mortgages, home equity loans, business loans, car loans, education loans, personal loans, and any other bank-related loans/debts they have. As of NESARA’s announcement, all payments for bank debts (on which at least one payment has been made) to banks in the USA will be suspended for three to four months while American who are citizens, sovereigns, or natural persons submit applications for debt relief of all their bank debts; they will not make any additional payments on these bank debts and will at some point receive proof from their banks that the debts have been paid off.
People who are not American citizens, sovereigns, or natural persons will not be eligible to apply for the bank debt relief from banks in the USA as this is a benefit only for Americans. The credit card debt forgiveness will be given to everyone whether Americans or not and also to American businesses which have credit cards issued by banks in the USA.
It is expected that many other countries will also provide bank debt relief to their citizens and businesses as part of making their banking system improvements. These countries have fiat money banking systems similar to the Federal Reserve system and the bank debt relief is part of closing out their old fiat money banking systems. Most of these countries are expected to provide their own bank debt relief to their citizens within a year after NESARA’s announcement.
Other distributions of prosperity which are related to NESARA are humanitarian prosperity programs begun in the last twenty years and which have been blocked from funding to program members. For decades, vast sums of humanitarian prosperity programs funds have been accumulating in special revenue generating processes in European banks awaiting the right time when these funds could safely be released to program members who will be doing world improvement projects. NESARA’s announcement sets up the new banking and legal conditions which allow the distribution of this vast wealth to people all across the world beginning soon after NESARA’s announcement.
Anyone who missed joining these humanitarian prosperity programs will be eligible to apply for the new financial redress prosperity programs.
The vast sums of money to fund these financial redress prosperity activities and the humanitarian prosperity programs have begun being generated in the revenue generation processes formulated by Comte de Saint-Germaine in the 1700s and given to German bankers at that time. These revenue generation processes have been kept secret by top bankers and available only to the wealthy until recent years when wealthy visionaries initiated new humanitarian prosperity programs for non-wealthy people who wish to do world improvement projects.
In the years to come, all people worldwide will have access to new prosperity options. Part of the Great Shift of the Ages from the Age of Darkness to the Golden Age is that the world’s people must be lifted out of “survival” and provided the prosperity and information to be strong and independent people in charge of their own destinies. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA; Department of Defense Intends to Spy on Americans June 19, 2004 9:56 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
This week a reporter for Newsweek magazine, Michael Isikoff, broke the story of a little known provision in a bill in Congress which would lift restrictions on the Dept. of Defense and the military regarding using undercover agents as provocateurs and spies who can spy on Americans secretly. As noted in the interview transcript from the Democracy Now radio show, the military and intelligence were stopped from doing these kinds of things after the Vietnam war. During the Vietnam war, government and military agents posed as students and purposely organized civil unrest on college campuses to cause problems and then collect data on the students they managed to lure into their activities.
This latest provision to give intelligence and military agents sneaky spy power on Americans is another pre-planned RESULT of the Bush regime ordering the CIA to carry out the 9-11 attacks so Bush could attack Afghanistan and Iraq for the benefit of big oil corporations and other multi-national corporations controlled by globalists working their world domination agenda. The Bush regime ordered the 9-11 attacks to scare Americans into giving up all their rights so Bush can implement a police state and dictatorship in America. Because the ONLY terrorists are the Bush regime, there is ZERO need for the Department of Defense, the military, or intelligence agents to SPY on Americans.
The only way to end the Bush regime’s power grab is NESARA’s announcement.NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Legal Proceedings Continue. Full Report.
June 23, 2004 11:21 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In the last few weeks, I’ve learned there are not just eight betrayers whomust be removed from their positions related to NESARA, there are over thirty people who have involvement with the NESARA announcement process who must be removed. Those who have already prepared to sabotage NESARA’sannouncement go beyond the Committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. Others who need to be removed include some of the NESARA announcementpresenters as well as numerous of the military officers who command themilitary units doing NESARA announcement security duty.
The key issue is that in order to ensure ALL the betrayers are removed, there must be air-tight evidence provided against all these people during the “written phase” of the NESARA petition before World Court. TheCourt’s rules require that “all evidence” be submitted PRIOR to the oral hearing phase as noted in the excerpt below from the Court’s websiteinformation:
�Once the written proceedings are at an end, new documents can onlybe submitted in exceptional circumstances and provided this will not delaythe proceedings. They must normally be filed in 125 copies. The Registrar thereupon communicates any such new documents to the other party, asking for its views thereon. If there is no objection, the Court will admit the new documents. Should there be an objection to them, the Court itself will decide the matter and will only accept a document "if it considers the document necessary".�
During the current “written phase” of the process, there must beoverwhelming evidence submitted to the Court against each of the over 30people who must be removed. It’s absolutely critical that the evidenceagainst each betrayer is so convincing that none of the betrayers canwiggle out of being removed. Among those who must be removed, are some ofthe US Supreme Court Justices who ruled in favor of Bush in the year 2000 election case, high level military officers, and other people highly respected in their professions. To find such high level people guilty of betraying NESARA, the evidence and witnesses will have to show beyond the shadow of a doubt that these people have been betraying NESARA.
At this time, there is not enough evidence submitted to the Court. The effort to obtain evidence against some of the over 30 betrayers is just beginning as these trouble-makers have only recently become known. More witnesses must be convinced to give evidence against the betrayers; this will take some time to accomplish. Since there is no guarantee that any additional evidence would be allowed after the end of the written phase, the additional evidence must be submitted to theWorld Court in support of the NESARA petition for the removal of the betrayers and the new NESARA announcement time period BEFORE the oral hearing can take place.
The hearing of the NESARA petition must wait until all the evidence has been submitted. It’s likely it will be several weeks before all theevidence can be gathered and submitted to the Court.
None of us like having to wait longer for NESARA’s announcement but,unless this court process is overwhelmingly successful, the betrayers will simply continue to sabotage NESARA for many more months and years. The decisive battle to remove these betrayers from being in charge of NESARA will take place in World Court; it is a battle WE must WIN for us to have any hope of NESARA being announced.
Below are excerpts of how the petition/pleading process is handled at the Court from the International Court of Justice’s website. This informationhelps us to understand the complexities and intricacies of the legalprocess which must be successful to free NESARA from being controlled by the very people who are betraying NESARA, Americans, and the world.
I will continue to track and report as more witnesses are convinced to testify and more evidence is submitted. Let’s continue to share the goodnews of NESARA with others in preparation for the next official NESARA announcement period which should be the time we do see NESARA announced! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Will Be Announced; What We Do in the Meantime. Full Report.
June 24, 2004 10:24 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today I’ve spoken with various people on the telephone and naturally, allof us are disappointed that the NESARA petition hearing cannot take place this week and the announcement period will have to be further in the future. Many of us have issues in our lives that we know NESARA will improve. We know people who desperately need NESARA’s announcement tohelp them with serious financial problems or other issues. We all knowsomeone who needs NESARA to be announced for one reason or another, andbecause we care about people, we feel badly that these people will nothave NESARA’s help immediately.
I have the same concerns. There are people I know personally and about whom I care who are having hard times, are having medical problems, are having financial problems, or have loved ones who are at risk in the military, or any number of other situations which NESARA’s announcementwill help. We all know NESARA’s announcement is needed by the world’speople and it’s disappointing to have to wait longer for it.
However, what we need is for NESARA to be announced the next time we havean official announcement period. We do NOT need more years of hoping for NESARA to be announced and not seeing it. It’s extremely important thatNESARA be successfully announced in the next announcement window so wehave the restoration of Constitutional Law in the US and the many other benefits of NESARA for the world’s people. The only way we are going tosee NESARA’s announcement is for many problems and trouble-makers to behandled before the next announcement period. If we fail to address theseproblems and the betrayers, we will only see more failures of NESARA to be announced. It’s imperative that all the preparation and court processesbe totally successful so at last NESARA is cut free of the deep-coverbetrayers who have sabotaged NESARA for the last four years.
Each of us has life decisions we need to make and we often think that if NESARA is announced by a specific time, then we can make a different decision than what we will have to make if NESARA is not announced. I do this myself and I have things I would do differently if NESARA were announced sooner. However, as time passes by the hour, day, week, and month without NESARA being announced, we still have to make decisions about whether to take a new job, move to a different home, decide how to handle our financial obligations, and many other issues. My suggestion is that we each set a date for when we have to make a specific decision and that we have an alternate plan to handle things so if the date arrives without NESARA being announced, we have a plan to use to handle our issues in the best ways we can while waiting for NESARA’s announcement.
Right now, something that has never happened before is happening to ensurethat all trouble-makers are removed from their insider positions whichhave given them the ability to sabotage NESARA’s announcement for years. More betrayers than ever before have been found and are being investigatedto find evidence against them that guarantees they are removed from theirinvolvement in NESARA’s announcement. Now we have good people doing the investigations and tracking down the evidence to make certain these betrayers are completely removed from being able to control NESARA. If only one of these betrayers is not removed, that one person could still sabotage NESARA. This removal of the insiders who are betraying NESARA has to be 100% and that’s going to take some time and effort. Then whenthe oral hearing phase of the NESARA petition takes place, all theevidence will be in front of World Court and the Court will have no choice but to remove all the betrayers.
There is also no chance whatsoever that the blocked prosperity programs will fund before NESARA’s announcement. NESARA’s announcement isabsolutely essential to enable these programs to fund.
All the witnesses and people doing the investigations are being protected. There are very special actions also to ensure that any person who is appointed in the future to help get NESARA announced is sincerely dedicated to NESARA and not a double-agent. All the processes now underway are absolutely necessary to guarantee NESARA is announced in the next official announcement period.
In the weeks before the NESARA petition can be heard, we can continue to give hope to many people’s lives by sharing the good news of NESARA with others. This weekend, the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 opens all over the US and these are key places we can share NESARA flyers with people who are leaving the movie. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
[doveofo] NESARA Take Action Team at World Court on June 18. Full Report.
June 25, 2004 11:34 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Our great NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) at World Court has posted another inspiring report which I’m including below. As Nel mentions, she and I discussed NESARA T-shirts a few weeks ago and she knew of someone who had used the NESARA billboard artwork and made their own T-shirt. Nel and others had some NESARA T-shirts made which you can see in the pictures that accompany their report.
I’ve sent a note to our Graphics Designer, Scott, and our Webmaster, Mark,suggesting that we make NESARA T-shirts available with a slightly revisedversion of the NESARA billboard artwork. I hope we can develop these andmake them available on the NESARA shop so our NTAT and NESARA Supporters can easily obtain these T-shirts if they wish.
As I read our dear Miep’s comments, I was touched by her disclosure ofasking for signs that doing the NESARA demonstrations was the right thing for her to be doing. It takes tremendous strength and inner knowing to continue holding true to our dedication to bringing NESARA’s wonderfulimprovements to the world as the weeks and months pass.
For me, the answer is always to continue because there is absolutely no willingness in me to support the world as it is today with the extremely corrupt governments, corrupt legal systems, corrupt multi-national corporations attempting to run the world, and the many societal downtrends we are seeing. For me, there is simply no option but to work even harder to do all I can to bring NESARA forth for the world’s people. The onlyacceptable future requires that NESARA be announced as soon as possible.
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
Jennifer Lee’s Report for Tuesday June 22, 2004. Excerpt.
Here isThe A*A Report for today…`
Today I got to speak with The King Of Swords and ‘Oat-Willie’ at the same time!
Mr. Oat-Willie was intensely strong in his statements to me today! He told me to tell you,"Some of you people are not understanding THE BIGGER STORY HERE! NESARA IS 100% REAL! And The Prosperity Programs are ABSOLUTELY REAL as well!
In fact, there are a whole-lot-of-people who have lived and died to ‘make it real’ and ARE STILL LIVING AND DYING to bring FREEDOM’S HOLY FLAME back to this planet, and they have not been doing it for 20 years for their health either!
These people are putting their lives ‘on-the-line-daily’ by speaking to YOU and BECAUSE THEY WANT OUR BELOVED PLANET EARTH AND ‘YOU’ TO BE FREE OF REPTILIAN RULE!
So—folks WAKE-UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE and THE ROSES! It has never been about the money! IT IS ABOUT OUR FREEDOM! You must understand—if we DON’T HAVE NESARA THEN WE DON‘T HAVE FREEDOM OR THE CONSTITUTION OR PROSPERITY OR ANYTHING! And the ‘ultimate sacrifice’ of hundred’s of thousands of souls who gave their lives and blood ‘In Freedom’s Name’ would be utterly in vain!"
Oat-Willie then said, "If we ‘just got the $money$’ WITHOUT OUR FREEDOM [which NESARA GUARANTEES] then we would be ‘living in bed’ serving ‘The Dark Lords’–The Renegade Reptilians and their Agenda for World domination along with their Corporate Interests and The Military Industrial Complex! And—then what we would have is ‘A PRISON PLANET’! There is no middle ground!
NESARA IS THE VEHICLE—‘the structure’ created and sponsored by The Ascended Masters, and The Galactic Federation Of Worlds, and supported by The People Of This Planet to bring Planet Earth into The Age of Enlightenment and The Fifth Dimension!
And to make a point how serious this is, Oat-Willie told me how he was recently ‘raided by the FEDS’ [CIA, FBI, NSA sponsored by ‘The Shrub-gang and friends] who broke in, ripped the hard-drives from his computers and caused over $45,000 in damages to one of his homes! He is very angry about this and has filed ‘criminal charges’ against those responsible parties!
He also told me to tell you to watch the following websites, where he will be making ‘some comments’ very shortly!
ThenThe King Of Swords and Oat-Willie told me "those stores about to break in the news about US Soldiers torturing Iraqi children in front of their Mothers’ ARE ABSOLUTELY TRUE!"
Professional journalists in Washington
DC claim ‘Breaking News’ is about to BLOW UP in the capital. Taken from
"On the geopolitical front, the strange year is now unfolding at such a rapid rate into deepening strangeness that the transformation of American politics into a parody of its worst nightmares has become a virtual blur. The stalemate of all factors broadens and the American government is collapsing into paralysis. National Security experts and media professionals are predicting “BOMBS” of extreme political controversy will drop in WashingtonDC . this week or next, showing the American People to be a nation which even tortures children as their mothers look on…
THIS IS THE BREAKING NEWS which professional journalists in WashingtonDCclaim is about to BLOW UP in the capital:
Very shortly, the world will be shocked and profoundly revolted to learn that the U.S. intelligence agents in Iraq have sponsored U.S. soldiers to torture Iraqi children in front of their mothers. In the words of an article by TomDispatch.Com (article below, not shown here), the greatest controversy over Iraqis yet to come but it will to take off this week or next when a major U.S.mass media organization breaks the silence. It will show pictures it has which depicts the hardest truth which Americans have yet to face about their government. They will shortly see that a legion of Dr Strangelove’s in U.S.government REALLY will stop at nothing in leveling the world into the category of chattel which can be manipulated and disposed of at will.
The world will also learn that the American government is rapidly disintegrating into impotence from the in-fighting which is now engulfing the Imperial Faction and the Republicrats which dominate both of the major parties. The professional journalists in WashingtonDCwho are contributing to TomDispatch are pointing to what is beginning to be described as a “civil war” among the apparatchiks of the Military Industrial Academic CIA complex. The complex, for the first time since the Vietnam War, is splitting into hostile camps As a result of this fractionation, government “secrets” are being outed in large quantities on the street. Pentagon, Military, CIA, and State Department memos, reports, eye witness accounts, secret policy statements, pictures, and intelligence assessments are being made available to journalists and investigators seeking them.
Apparently, people who know have decided that George W. Bush can no longer govern….and events are rapidly eroding any semblance of believable authority away from the White House. The country will be politically deadlocked until 2005 and possibly beyond. It is highly probable that within the next several months Bush’s fall will be as complete as Nixon’s."
[doveofo] NESARA Goes to the Movies: F-9/11; Dove Offline until 7/4/2004. Full report.
June 26, 2004 9:59 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) and NESARA Supporters are sharing the good news of NESARA with movie goers flocking to Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit9/11″ movie this weekend. As people leave the Moore’s movie having seentwo hours of the truth about the Bush regime, our NTAT will be handingthem flyers showing them that NESARA is the SOLUTION to fixing all the things they have just seen in the movie.
On the subject of our NESARA flyers, some people have occasionally had problems printing the flyers on the website. One of the problems has to do with the printer people are using. I have a Lexmark laser printer and an HP color ink jet printer both connected to my laptop. When I print the NESARA flyer from the website, the Lexmark printer prints the flyer perfectly. But when I try to print the flyer on the HP color ink jet printer, parts of the flyer print out as boxes and codes. Since the same PC is connected to both printers, there is something about the HP printer that does not allow it to print the NESARA flyers properly. If this happens to you, ask someone you know to print out the flyer for you so you can make copies.
Some of you have written me worried about more terrorist attacks in the US. Each time Bush regime officials go on television claiming there are imminent terrorist attacks, people get worried. Some of you new to the Dove Reports may not be aware that the Bush regime ordered the CIA to carry out the 9/11 attacks on the US as part of the Bush regime’s plans toinstall a total dictatorship and also have excuses to attack the MiddleEast and steal the oil. Since 9/11, however, the Bush regime have been STOPPED from causing more terrorist attacks which they have tried to do each time the terrorist alerts are heightened by the government. The Bush regime will continue to be stopped from causing more attacks by the benevolent Forces. Relax, we’ve been through this many times and the Bushregime has been stopped every time.
Earlier this week I reported that it is going to be several weeks beforewe can expect that enough evidence and witnesses have been collected to convince World Court to remove the 30+ people who are involved with controlling NESARA’s announcement but have been secretly sabotaging NESARAevery time we have an announcement period. Once the proof against thesepeople is overwhelming, then the proceedings at World Court can continue but it will be some weeks before this is likely. In the meantime, you can stop sending emails to World Court if you wish, or you can continue, it’syour choice. We certainly will send emails again once we have a date for the oral hearing of the NESARA petition for the next announcement period.
For the next week, I won’t be doing Dove Reports. Starting tomorrow,Sunday,June 27, 2004, I will be doing a very intensive course of studyand activities which is preparing me for the next phase of my service to help bring NESARA to announcement. I have many hours of study and activities to complete before I can begin helping NESARA in new ways. In order to complete these activities as soon as possible, I am focusing all my time and energy this coming week on these activities. The sooner I complete these, the sooner I can do more for NESARA. Therefore, I will not be sending Dove Reports for the next seven days. I will resume doing the Dove Reports onSunday, July 4, 2004.
Below are some articles about Michael Moore’s film Fahrenheit 9/11(F-9/11). A movie box office statistics website shows that Moore’s filmis the highest grossing film this weekend thus far. F-9/11 was reportedon June 25, 2004 to have gross sales of $8.14 million with only 868 theaters showing the film nationwide; this means most theaters must be packed. The second highest film was “White Chicks” with $6.76 million ingross sales in 2,726 theaters according to an emailed page from which I received. I attempted to access today, but kept getting an error message.
Below also is a letter from Michael Moore written a week ago discussing all the problems that the Republicans have caused to try to keep F-9/11 from being shown. However, on June 21, 2004, the Bush family went into the movie theater business when the Carlyle Corporation, owned largely by George H.W. Bush (Bush Senior), bought the Loews movie theater chain for over $1 billion. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Bush Senior plans to keep F-9/11 from being shown in the hundreds of Loews theaters in the US.
We have a great opportunity at every showing of F-9/11 to share the great solutions NESARA provides to many people who are looking for solutions. Let’s enjoy making new friends and sharing the good news of NESARA withthese movie goers and others. I will be back onSunday, July 4, 2004,with my next Dove Report. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
Dove uses a pseudonym for security and privacy reasons. NESARA stands for the National Economic Security And Reformation Act. The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world thebenefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and bankingfraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. World Court is theInternational Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in theNetherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which BushJr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts withdifferent purposes.
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Daily US Top 10, Friday, June, 25, 2004, 1. Fahrenheit 9/11 $ 8.14 million gross sales as of June 25, 2004
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Thursday, June 18th, 2004
Some People Still Don’t Want You To See My Movie… From Michael Moore
We’re a week away from the nationwide opening of "Fahrenheit 9/11" and not a day goes by where we don’t have some new battle to fight thanks to those who are still working overtime to keep people from seeing this film. What’s their problem? Are they worried about something?
A Republican PR firm has formed a fake grassroots front group called "Move America Forward" to harass and intimidate theater owners into not showing "Fahrenheit 9/11." These are the same people who successfully badgered CBS into canceling the Reagan mini-series a few months ago. And they are spending a ton of money this week to threaten movie theaters who even think about showing our movie.
As of this morning, a little over 500 theaters have agreed to show the movie beginning next Friday, June 25. There are three national/regional theater chains who, as of today, have not booked the movie in their theaters. One theater owner in Illinois has reported receiving death threats.
The right wing usually wins these battles. Their basic belief system is built on censorship, repression, and keeping people ignorant. They want to limit or snuff out any debate or dissension. They also don’t like pets and are mean to small children. Too many of them are named "Fred."
This new nut group is the Right’s last hope in limiting how many people can see this movie. All of their other efforts have failed. Let’s recap: 1. Roger Friedman at FOX News reported that the head of the company which first agreed to fund our film got calls from Republican friends pressuring them to back out. And they did. But… Miramax immediately picked up the film! Except…
2. Michael Eisner, the chairman of Disney, then blocked Miramax (a company owned by Disney) from releasing the film once it was finished. But… public attention and embarrassment forced Disney to let the Weinstein brothers of Miramax find another distributor! But…
3. Instead of a new distributor stepping right in — as all the media predicted would happen — it took another month to find distributors who would take on this movie. A number of other distributors, thanks to various pressures, were afraid to get involved. It looked for a while that we would be distributing this ourselves. But then Lions Gate and IFC Films rode in to the rescue!
So, we have beaten back all attempts to kill this movie, and the only thing in the way of you now seeing "Fahrenheit 9/11" is this Republican big-money front group trying to force theaters not to show the movie.
Please, contact your local theaters and let them know you want to see "Fahrenheit 9/11." Tell them that some people don’t know that this is America and that we believe in freedom of speech and the importance of ALL voices being heard. (The members of–an ACTUAL grassroots organization–have done a very cool thing. They are pledging to send a message to theater owners and are planning to attend a showing of the film on its opening weekend.)
I appreciate their efforts, but you don’t have to be a member of MoveOn to help stop this effort to keep "Fahrenheit 9/11" from making it to screens across the country. If a theater in your area is planning to show the film, just give them a call and thank them for standing up for the freedom of speech. If your local theater isn’t showing the film, call them and let them know that you would like to see it and you’d like them to show it. The White House and their minions in our media have presented one distorted version of the truth after another for the past four years. All we are asking for is the right to show what they HAVEN’T shown us, the real truth. The truth that ain’t pretty (and is, sadly, damningly hilarious).
On top of all this, the MPAA gave the film an "R" rating. I want all teenagers to see this film. There is nothing in the film in terms of violence that we didn’t see on TV every night at the dinner hour during the Vietnam War. Of course, that’s the point, isn’t it? The media have given the real footage from Iraq a "cleansing" — made it look nice, easy to digest. Mario Cuomo has offered to be our lawyer in appealing this ruling by the MPAA. Frankly, I would like to think the MPAA is saying that the actions by the Bush administration are so abhorrent and revolting, we need to protect our children from seeing what they have done. In that case, the film should be rated NC-17!
However it turns out, I trust all of you teenagers out there will find your way into a theater to see this movie. If the government believes it is OK to send slightly older teenagers to their deaths in Iraq, I think at the very least you should be allowed to see what they are going to draft you for in a couple of years.
Finally, some very sophisticated individuals have been hacking into and shutting down our website. It is an hourly fight to keep it up. We are going to find out who is doing this and we are going to pursue a criminal prosecution. I’m preparing lots of cool stuff for the site so watch for new items on it next week (
Thanks again for your support and I hope to see you at the movies on opening night, June 25.
Michael Moore
PS. I am sponsoring a number of benefits around the country next week for local and national peace and justice groups, including Military Families Speak Out and September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows. Please check your local papers and my website next week for further details.
PPS. Also, I am going to be on the "Late Show with David Letterman" on Friday night. It’s on CBS at 11:35 PM Eastern and Pacific. And on Monday morning (June 21) I will be on ?The Today Show? on NBC. Next week, Jon Stewart and Conan. I’d go on O’Reilly but, like a coward, he walked out on a screening we invited him to (with Al Franken just a few rows away!). I personally caught him sneaking out. Embarrassed, he tried to change the subject. He said, "When are you coming on my show?" and I said, "Turn around and watch the rest of the movie and I will come on your show." He walked out. Fair and balanced.
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Posted 6/21/200410:49 AM
Onex selling Loews Cineplex for $1.46B
TORONTO (AP) – A group of U.S. investors has agreed to buy the LoewsCinexplex Entertainment theater chain for $1.46 billion.
Onex Corp. and Oaktree Capital Management, which own Loews, announced plans Monday to sell the world’s third-largest cinema chain, with more than 200 theaters and 2,200 screens worldwide.
The buyer is a corporation formed by Bain Capital, the Carlyle Group and Spectrum Equity Investors, Onex said. <snip>
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[doveofo] TellingAmerica about NESARA at the F-911 Movie; Dove Offline to July 11. Full report.
July 4, 2004 8:04 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
All of you who are reading the Dove Reports in other countries: pay attention to the fact that many Americans are NOT supporting the Bush regime as is CLEARLY PROVEN by the massive response in the US to Michael Moore’s film Fahrenheit 9/11. With less than 900 theaters showing thefilm the first weekend of its opening in the US, F-9/11 has broken records for box office ticket sales! Most movies in the US open in 2,000 and 3,000 theaters at a time, but with less than 900 theaters, the F-9/11 film is SELLING OUT and showing the highest ticket sales of any new movie upon opening ever, per some reports I have read. Theaters are having to ADD extra MIDNIGHT showings of the film and in some places, the film is sold out for DAYS ahead of time!
The unelected, illegal Bush regime is obviously having fits about F-9/11. One person wrote that he attended a showing of F-9/11 and then was passing out flyers for efforts to rally voters to push Bush out of the oval office in the November 2004 elections. This person noticed that a bunch of security guards were checking the ID of every young person and had never see this kind of action at any movie. Apparently the idea was to try to keep any underage people without a parent out of the movie.
AMERICANS are hungry to hear and see some truth about the unelected Bush regime and F-9/11 gives them some truth. The ONLY thing that makes today, July 4, 2004, a day of celebration for America, is that SOME AMERICANS are awake and realize the Bush regime must be removed from power! When I went to F-9/11, I paid attention to who else was going to this movie and what I saw was very much MAINSTREAM Americans. Older well-dressed couples, professional men and women in their 40’s and 50’s, mainstream mothers andfathers with their children, men and women in their 20’s and 30’s. MAINSTREAM Americans are attending F-9/11 in record numbers! This is what I’m celebrating today: there are MANY Americans who are hungry for thetruth and CARE about the future of America and the world!
NESARA is the answer. Let’s continue to share the good news of NESARA asoften as we can at F-9/11 showings, books signings by Clinton, David Icke seminars, books signings by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, and other public events. NESARA Now!
The “National Economic Security And Reformation Act” – NESARA – providesmajor benefits to Americans including:
1. Forgiveness of credit card, mortgage debt, and other bank loans as remedy for bank and government frauds;
2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential “new items only”sales tax revenue for government;
3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System which absorbs the Federal Reserve and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4. Restores Constitutional Law;
5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days;
6. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.
For those of you who have just subscribed to the Dove Reports and just discovered NESARA due to the NESARA flyers our NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) have been distributing, I suggest you scan through the past Dove Reports titles and read those that catch your eye. We have a great deal of information about NESARA on the WWW.NESARA.US website.
I will be offline again this week as I prepare for more intensive activities in support of NESARA. I will do the next Dove Report on July 11, 2004, a week from today.
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
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Sent: Saturday, June 26, 20047:04 PM
Subject: I Just Saw The Movie Fahrenheit 911
Just a little over an hour ago, I left only one of two movie houses in Memphis (the 18th largest city in the U.S.) that is showing the controversial Michael Moore film, Fahrenheit 911.
Whatever you do, put it on your priority list to go see this film at a theater near you!
Memphis was named after the ancient Egyptian "City of the Dead." And since 1968 it has been known as the city where Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was assassinated. Some marketers and advertising agencies use Memphis as a testing ground for products because it has been said that "if it will sell in Memphis, it will sell anywhere." So Memphis has developed a reputation for not being the most progressive place on the planet to reside.
This Movie Is Selling In Memphis!
Yes, even Memphis is turning out in droves to see Fahrenheit 911. In fact, last night at one of the theaters, they added an unprecedented midnight showing to accommodate so many people who could not get a ticket for all the other sold out showings, as was the case when I saw the movie this evening—SOLD OUT!
You’ve probably seen some highlight scenes on the TV news coverage, so I won’t spoil it for you by telling you what’s in it because you need to see for yourself. But I can’t remember the last time I attended a movie where the audience gave it a big round of applause when the end credits appeared.
Every American should see the film and be allowed to judge for themselves what’s really happening with our government in this great nation. Mr. Moore definitely deserves the applause he has received nationally and internationally and even in little ole Memphis for this bold film.
I hope this movie indeed pricks your nerves, as the call to action has been sounded to take back our country from the axis of evil whose venue is Washington, D.C.
Go see it and then let’s get busy! We already have a solution:
Peace & Blessings,Vernon
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Sent: Monday, June 28, 20045:50 PM
Subject: NTAT Director’s Report 06-28-04
Greetings NESARA Take Action Team. NESARA’s Take Action Team remains passionate and unwavering in its mission to share truth with our fellow citizens of the human race. Dove reported this week that in addition to the eight members of the NESARA Announcement Committee that have been sabotaging the announcement process, other people have also been found working with them in different capacities to ensure the announcement is delayed or postponed. All the evidence of these betrayers are in process of being gathered to remove them from their positions of power so that they are unable to hurt the NESARA announcement process again. All of this will, of course, take some time but we need to understand that in order to have NESARA successfully announced, we must rid the Committee of all moles and slugs, as well as all their henchmen so that the blessings of NESARA can be presented to the world once and for all. The NESARA Take Action Team will stay on its course to inform and educate the public on the marvelous benefits that this law provides.
The movie Fahrenheit 9/11 is a hit at movie theaters. Michael Moore’s documentary film was, yes you guessed it, number one this weekend at the box office, earning more that $21.8 million in gross sales! Despite efforts by the Bush gang to stop it, people poured out in record numbers to see this film that puts the Bush Administration and other political figures in the proper light. If you like seeing and hearing truth, you are going to love this movie. We saw the movie on Saturday afternoon and were quite impressed with the facts and figures and the length that Michael Moore goes to show you the arrogant mismanagement of our country by the Bush administration. Starting with election night in 2000 and the botched election results by the media, all the way to the current events in Iraq, the movie leaves no doubt that the BUSH GANG must be removed from power! You must realize that the level of intelligence we receive from the Dove reports far exceeds that of the general public’s sources. This movie, however, does begin to show the public many things that they have suspected and is a great tool to begin the educational process and expose’ of the tactics and criminal activities of our politicians.
Other NTAT members have reported seeing the movie and we have included some comments below.
Tami T. – DL- CA-WEST – "Fellow Americans decided they wanted the truth this weekend as Michael Moore’s’ movie topped the box office this past weekend! Coming in Number 1 and grossing over 21 million dollars, Fahrenheit 9/11, left people hot under the collar. Many team members were out in force this weekend spreading the news of NESARA to these folks seeking the truth. Although my weekend was filled with countless commitments I managed to get to a couple of showings to hand out flyers! However seeing the film was much more difficult as they were all sold out for ‘EVERY’ show. Folks are waking up now and smelling the coffee, as they left with their eyes all swollen and red from crying. Even people waiting in line before they even saw the movie were having very healthy and open discussions on our world. This is opening up such a huge outpouring of folks realizing they can not sit idly by anymore. People are getting up in arms seeking the truth! Thank God for Michael Moore! This is just what we need to wake up the masses! Congratulations to his wonderful insightfulness and true talent at uncovering and delivering the ‘truth’. I am going to continue to attend the movie this week to hand out flyers, so if you can, get out there and do so too! These people really need to hear about NESARA so they too might hope for a better future -so let’s tell them!
I was also able to attend Los Angeles March for the end to Racism and to stop the INS from their illegal raids they have been performing on people of color in the past few months. This has been going on across the country and has really picked up steam here as well. Whether it’s the CIA, the FBI or the INS, they are coming into people’s homes, their work, their churches for Gods sake, and scooping them up. They are arresting them without charge, with no representation and no contact with their families. This is all based on the Patriot Act I and II that gives these agencies their ‘unconstitutional righteousness’ to detain people simply because they can. Prison torture is not only in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places the illuminati enforces their sick and demented tactics. No, by golly, anyone who resides or visits this country is subject to losing contact with their families for unprecedented amounts of time as they under go the most vile torture and indignities a human can possibly imagine. The worst part is it won’t end for these folks even if they do manage to survive of the illuminati chokehold. The mental and emotional issues alone will haunt them the rest of their days. I know this with certainty because I personally know one family, right now that is being harassed, jailed, and tortured, while their relatives spend countless hours trying to find, re-find and re-find their family members again because these ‘detainees’ are constantly being moved. Many of these people are dying within these facilities and their families don’t even know it. Although this march did not command the numbers of people I had seen two weeks prior, it did warrant bringing out four times as many police with their riot gear. This, to me, was a clear indication of the mood of the authority in this country. If you’re brown, you’re goingdown! NESARA stops racism, stops the hate, and stops the illuminati from successfully enslaving the human race for their own means. That is why it is imperative we continue to wake people up with the good news of NESARA. They are primed now with all the controversy over the exposing of this lying Bush regime. <snip> This is our time! This is the NOW! People will be looking for alternative answers so they are going to eat this news up like candy! Walk in Balance my friends, our job couldn’t be more clear!"
Marie B., Atlanta, GA – "I just got in from watching Michael Moore’s movie Fahrenheit 9/11 . It is excellent. The audience loved it. Everyone gave applauses and cheers at the end. We are happy to know the truth about what is going on in Iraq and what took place in Afghanistan. Michael is to be commended because he spoke out what most Americans were thinking. We love you Michael and appreciate your wonderful gift of respect for our country and human life."
The movie Fahrenheit 9/11 provides us with a great opportunity to share NESARA with people who are primed and needing answers to the problems that the movie depicts. The information we hold is invaluable to helping people realize that help is drawing closer and every hand we can get to help spread the word of NESARA will be beneficial. You can "be a miracle" to someone that desperately needs to know of NESARA and all its wonderful benefits.
Last week, we introduced the idea of State Leaders and Provincial Leaders to help the District Leaders with management duties. We have some new State Leaders to introduce but before we do that, we need to introduce to you a new District Leader for the Southwest District. Kathy D. of Colorado has kindly accepted the position of District Leader of the four corner states. Kathy is a real NESARA supporter and has led several NESARA activity events in the Denver area. Please help me welcome this counselor to the NTAT Management Team. If you live in the Southwest District, perhaps a short welcome note is in order.
At this time we want to acknowledge some new State Leaders. We thank all these distinguished people for stepping forward to provide leadership for the NTAT. From Texas we have Larry S., from Kansas we have Dewey B., Massachusetts State Leader is Per B., New York State Leader is John F. at and Pennsylvania State Leaders are Sharon and Tony C..
In an effort to help the French speaking people of Canada to feel a little more connected, the website now contains a link with a Canadian flag that connects to a French translation of the website. The Dove reports, likewise, will be in French on this link.
Dove shared with us on Saturday that she will be utilizing this week to do some training that will be helpful in getting NESARA to the announcement phase. She won’t have any reports until July 4th. She was assured that we will keep communications open this week within the team and be there for all members’ needs.
Let’s continue our NESARA publicizing activities this week. Share thenews of NESARA with someone and "be the miracle" in someone’s life. We are making a difference and will continue to do so.
Many Blessings to each and all,
Jim and Yvonne Nash
Directors, Region 1 (U.S. and Canada)
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Sent: Thursday, July 01, 20044:16 PM
Subject: Call to Action 07-01-04
Dear NESARA Take Action Team,
First, we would like to wish all of you on the NTAT in the U.S. a wonderfully happy and safe July 4th! There is much going on this week for the NTAT. The Fahrenheit 911 movie is a big success and if you haven’t been out to see this great film, try to find a way to do it soon. We need to take NESARA flyers with us and hand them out to the ones who attend this movie as they should all be in a receptive mood to receive this great news. I have included a report from Dan R., Texas Central District Leader, on his team’s activities.
Also, Arnold T., Washington State Leader, went out to the bookstore in Seattle where Bill Clinton was having a book signing. There were many people there, some had waited outside for some time so they could enter. Arnold and his team handed out approximately 1500 NESARA flyers. If any of you would like to do this also, you can go to the book publishing website at, click on "Tour Schedule" and see if the event will be in your city. I have included Arnold‘s report below.
Dan R., DL-Central Texas – "Here is an update of recent campaign activities and upcoming events:
The F-911 movie event was a big success and we had fun handing out flyers after seeing the movie. The movie was such a screaming success that the movie chains had to revise the results upwards another $2M from the opening weekend of $21.8M to a total of almost $24M. But more importantly, the film showed on only 1/3 of the number of screens as the other movies and still came in FIRST place. Relatively speaking, it did extremely well and shows that the heartbeat of America is alive and well in those who believe in the principles which this country was founded upon. The spirit of NESARA is in the hearts and minds of the people.
July 4th weekend is upon us and I want to encourage all of you to carry a stack of NESARA flyers with you where ever you go this weekend. You have a couple days to print some off and be prepared. You don’t need to explain it to anyone, just hand them a flyer. Sometimes I will add, "this is a law THAT HAS BEEN PASSED, just not announced yet". That’s all it takes. There will be a lot of people out at celebrations for the 4th of July and these large gatherings are always a great place for handing out materials. In the spirit of the occasion, there is no better time to be doing this than this coming weekend. NESARA is America’s Second Declaration of Independence! Be sure and take a camera with you and send any pictures and reports of your activities. I wish you the best and most blessed weekend! Have fun!"
Arnold T., Washington State Leader – "Yesterday we went down to see all the people who were faithfully lining up with their books written by former President Bill Clinton, seeking his autograph. After seeing the 6:00 PM news and the huge turnout, and hearing he would arrive at about 8:30 PM, we had just enough time to get there and take advantage of the tremendous opportunity to get out the message, so we immediately decided to travel down to the event and jumped into action to spread the hope of NESARA. Fortunately our ever-faithful Mairi had prepared several thousand NESARA Flyers for such an unexpected occasion, and we were ready for action.
There is a plaza about 500′ by a block long behind the Elliott Bay Book Store in Pioneer Square, and people were serpentined and spread out into that park-like area three deep in about four lines, and then were released 30 at a time into a narrower controlled line, which wound around the building to First Avenue and then down the entire block to the entrance of the Elliott Bay Bookstore. They required all personal belongings to be stored in plastic bags and shopping bags, and registered, except for their book and ticket, before they would be admitted to the closely monitored secret service and body guarded signing area. So naturally it was important to share our NESARA Flyer with them before they reached the controlled line. Some had been waiting there for several days, and many lawn and camping chairs were in evidence. We were anxious to communicate this outstanding flyer distribution opportunity with you, our NESARA leaders, to alert our NTAT teams to be ready to pass out flyers at the President Clinton book signings throughout the nation. (After all he signed the NESARA Legislation into public law.) In the three hours we were waiting with them, we were able to distribute close to 1,500 NESARA Flyers throughout the lines of people. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON! The liberation of God’s precious children, the restoration of Constitutional Law and the healing of our Sacred Mother Earth are at hand!"
So, you see Team, we have the NTAT out there in the world spreading the good news of NESARA. Let’s keep the momentum going and take every advantage of every opportunity to tell people about this amazing law that is going to change the world!
Again, have a wonderful Independence Day!
Jim and Yvonne Nash
Directors, Region 1 (U.S. and Canada)
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Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 20046:11 PM
Subject: NTAT Oceania report
Australian Events
Please let me know of any events in your neighbourhood, And I will let NTAT know so we can organise people to get to them and hand out NESARA flyers
Fahrenheit 911
The movie review is excellent. The topics raised important and relevant. When its released in Australia lets organize to hand out NESARA flyers before and/or after the movie. Also a well placed cinema advertisement for NESARA would be fantastic. Thank you Michael Moore (and Ray Bradbury)
Friday Meditations
To simplify life and attune will NTAT International, Let’s do themeditation at12:00noon local time (your time), i.e., when you arephysically aligned between the centre of the earth and the centre of the sun. The feelings in the meditation are very strong now as we are building the NTAT group consciousness. It’s making a differencein helping to bring NESARA in. Let’s keep doing all the energy work tomanifest NESARA.
It’s been a quiet period for the last few weeks. The winter equinox has passed.The Venus transit has passed. The privatisation of space has begun. Communication systems have peaked. Some thing new and wonderful is about to happen and we are part of its creation – N . E . S . A . R . A.
Grant Mears
NTAT Oceania
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Jennifer Lee’s Report. Excerpt. May 20, 2004.
Thursday May 20, 2004
Nancy Tate’s Wake-up Call—-
Thank you for not replying to this email. You may contact me at[email protected]
Hi Everyone,
I don t normally send political articles out to this list, however this one below came to me this morning, and prompted me to ask St. Germain for his response. I feel, and St. Germain agreed that this is more than a political thing, this is part of the process we have been involved with for these years since I started this website, and since we found out about NESARA and the work of the Masters and the Lightworkers of the world. So I ask you all to read this with your hearts and your souls, and find the truth that lies in the love and compassion of this message. You will find St. Germain s message, and then the article by Mr. Skolnick.
Special: St Germain, May 20, 04
In response to the article from Sherman Skolnick, Bush-Kerry Scandal May Trigger "Military Coup" and "Overthrow of the U.S. Government"
This, my dear, is the bottom line in the coming time for this country. There is no more going to be an allowance of the tirades that the present government is doing, for the people of the military will not stand for it. With this coming election process the results of the present regime remaining in office would have too haranguing an effect on life in not only the US, but around the world. There are key personnel who are taking the initiative to stop this action that is about to take place, and bring an end to the situation as it presents itself.
There will not be an undermining of the people’s needs and welfare, for this action is the result of the torment that the present regime has instigated. A handful of military personnel have banded together and will oversee an action that will ensure that this country will begin the process of returning the officialdom to the people. They realize that fear will be present, and that is why they have conferred with us as to the proper methods in which to undertake this in as peaceful a way as is possible.
We urge all of you to remain at peace with this, and to see that there is going to come from this a great deal of power that will be demonstrated to be for the people, for there is a plan in place to bring many citizens of this country into the public and share their stories of what they see is the best course for the people. Efforts and programs will be instituted that will tell the people that there is a return to rule by them and for them. This is a time when all of you who are in positions to lend your calm and your knowledge of what has been taking place within the governments of this country and the world to those who have not been aware. You have been in the places you are for the purpose of being the calm steadying influence at this time. Just by remaining calm and joyful with this, you will give great energy to the peaceful resolution of this situation.
My dear ones, please do not be fearful of this. Regard this as a joyful thing, for with this comes the freedom from the oppression. There are many in the military who are Ascended Masters and they have come to earth this time to carry this out. These are the ones of whom I speak when I say, there are a handful.
With this occurrence there will also be a number of religious heads who will be presenting allowance of this prudence in this matter. With the church being represented and the military, along with those who are in government who support this, there will be a great many who will be in positions to prevent a nationwide fearful action. Many of the country’s lawmakers are on standby, and have been for some time now. The media is also ready to bring forth the news that has been written and in waiting for this time.
In this time in the nation’s history, for history is a moment ago, there is much to be thankful for. The various groups of this life in the United States are made up of people. Some of those people are coming into their own without the shadow of the oppression, for they have found a key that opens the door to their own authority and strength. The courage they are exhibiting is due to their ability to see beyond the confines of the illusion, and to welcome the family that awaits their allowance to come and assist them in their ministrations of the matters at hand.
There is one more point that I would like to make, and it is that there is coming a bright new future for this country and the rest of the world. It begins with these people who will be coming forward, and it begins also with you who have been holding the Light for those who have chosen to remain in the shadows. It has all been in purpose, my dear ones, and when the time comes that the exposure of the facts is presented, there will be a greater understanding and acceptance by all of the people, and then we can all get about the business of our Father’s and Mother’s plan. To bring to our lives the very message of the Love of The Creator is the passage of the Ages, and the Way to the Light that we are. This is the best of you and the best of All that you are. This is the shining hour when all of you will stand forth and be counted, for there is no other beauty that holds up to all of you. We see your rainbow of colors and we marvel at the sight. Come home to us and to yourselves!, for this is where you belong, and it is indeed profound.
Thank you dear Master St Germain,
Love, Nancy Tate
Posted By: Sherman Skolnick
Date: Thursday, 20 May 2004,12:41 a.m.
Part 56
Bush-Kerry Scandal May Trigger "Military Coup" and "Overthrow of the U.S. Government"
by Sherman H. Skolnick, , ,
A spokesperson for the Bush Family has apparently been pleading with a major worldwide news organization, not to proceed with a story they have.
The reason given? "Because it may trigger a military coup" and may cause "The Overthrow of the U.S. Government".
The explosive details may turn out to be the biggest scandal in the new millennium.
The news group has eyewitnesses, kept in security and so far concealed, already interviewed on videotape, who confirm that there was a joint pact and plot, in which George W. Bush and John F. Kerry participated. That this was done under the auspices of the super-secret satanic cult, operating under code number "322", the Skull & Bones Society, of which Bush and Kerry are members. Kerry, as the older member, initiated Bush into the cult using their traditional cavorting, au naturel, in a windowless building on the Yale University campus, called "The Tomb", while both were in a large size casket filled with mud.
Among the matters contained in the so far embargoed story, are the following:
[1] As supervised by Daddy Bush, George W. Bush was instructed to follow orders and "to stay out of it" that is, to defer action as Commander-in-Chief, permitting a military stand-down and other contradictions to what a President/Commander-in-Chief should immediately do upon being informed of a great disaster.
[2] The scheme, like the pre-knowledge of the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, was to disregard the resultant bloodshed of Americans, since it was for a profound purpose. As to Pearl Harbor, to wake up Americans and force them into a war to save England and British interests from being over-run in Asia by the Japanese, and in England itself, by the Germans.
As to the home-grown events of September 11, 2001, among the purposes, while disregarding the resulting bloodshed of Americans (about the same number as died on December 7, 1941), was to galvanize common Americans into action to supposedly fight back the encroachment on the U.S. of "Arabs".
[3] As supervised by Daddy Bush, once head of America’s secret political police, George W. Bush and John F. Kerry were to assist in creating what in espionage parlance is called "a legend", that is an entirely made up and fake story to blame onto patsies operating on a parallel track.
[4] As confirmed by the so far embargoed news group story, a renegade member of Israeli intelligence, The Mossad, was to assist the plan. Nicholas Berg was groomed as a "penetration agent", although purportedly a Jew, to pretend to be sympathetic to Saudi Arabs in particular.
Berg befriended various Saudi and other Arabs being trained for very low level, very routine airplane flying, under the auspices of U.S. Military facilities in Florida, Oklahoma, and California, among other places.
[5] A sort of "spark-plug" for this work was Mohammed Atta, purportedly a "ring-leader" befriended by Nicholas Berg. Atta was financed in part by large sums funneled by Daddy Bush and others via ISI, the Pakistan Secret Political Police, originally set up by Daddy Bush.
[6] On behalf of Daddy Bush, George W.Bush, and John F. Kerry, penetration agent Berg purchased an airplane ticket in the name of Atta, by way of setting up Atta and other Arabs for the "legend", the spy trick, as patsies.
[7] The ticket was purchased through Oklahoma with the ostensible assistance of a former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, former U.S. Senator David L. Boren.
Boren was a graduate of Yale University and reportedly like Daddy Bush, George W. Bush, and John F. Kerry, is a member of the super-secret Skull & Bones Society. Boren was Oklahoma Governor 1975-79, and U.S. Senator 1979-94. He was the longest serving Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Boren was forced out of the U.S. Senate as a result of an attempted hushup of a homosexual scandal, wherein pictures were made available to the monopoly press showing him in homosexual cavorting with other members of Congress, the executive branch of the U.S. Government, and the homosexual underground in the monopoly press.
Boren is a close associate of George J. Tenet (like other Directors of Central Intelligence, he does not use his real name). Prior to 9-11, Tenet’s CIA helped obstruct FBI agents in Minneapolis who sought in August, 2001, to examine the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, later accused with the purported Arabs of planning 9-11 tragedies. Moussaoui is reportedly actually a U.S. Government espionage operative. He spent six months in Norman, Oklahoma. He was not only an associate of Nicholas Berg, who allowed him to use his computer with its password, but Moussaoui was also an associate of the co-pilot who later was on the fatal flight by which Minnesota U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone was assassinated, October, 2002 by a sabotaged plane crash (he was expected to be re-elected and Wellstone was considered Anti-CIA).
Boren’s close associate has been CIA officer David Edger who had been in charge of CIA surveillance over the Hamburg, Germany Al Qaeda cell which included Atta. The FBI and American CIA obstructed the German authorities in the Hamburg matter by arranging key American witnesses not to be available for evidentiary hearings and trials.
Boren has been a Director of ConocoPhillips, overlapping the interests of the Bush Crime Family, through Pennzoil-Texaco and the worldwide war-mongers and profiteers, the Carlyle Group.
Boren has also been a Director of AMR Corporation, parent firm of American Airlines, Inc. Boren has been in a position to reportedly conceal and withhold data as to flights on 9-11 as to American Air Lines, which may contradict the official position of the Bush White House and the oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press. Boren was in a position to seek to hold back data as to Mohammed Atta, and as to ticket procurer Nicholas Berg for Daddy Bush, George W. Bush, and John F. Kerry, in a joint treasonous pact to inflict bloodshed on fellow Americans and falsely blame the same on to "Arab" so-called "hi-jackers".
[8] George W. Bush, Daddy Bush, and John F. Kerry are gravely concerned that the news group, so far sitting on this story, has reputed proof that for Bush-Kerry and the apparent treasonous plot, that Nicholas Berg, for their plan and scheme, arranged to plant, in the middle of the street near the attacked twin towers of the World Trade Center, the alleged passport of Mohammed Atta, somehow in pristine and undamaged condition.
[9] There is some doubt as to whether Nicholas Berg is dead as represented by a purported video beamed up from London. Berg’s role in this, and data he turned over to The Mossad, has enabled them to apparently continue blackmailing large sums out of the Bush White House, to be used for Israel’s military defense. From a candid position, Israel finds themselves in a perpetual struggle with Arabs, by the slim piece of land being set up in 1948 by British divide and conquer policy,to control the oil-soaked areas in surrounding places occupied by Arabs and Persians.
[10] Unanswered questions:
===Is the person known as Nicholas Berg really dead? If so, was he murdered, not by Arabs, but by a special assassins’ team arranged by Daddy Bush to attempt to cover up the foregoing?
===Will the news group succumb to the pleading of the Bushies, that these matters, if widely and publicly revealed, would bring down the American Central Government and may set off a patriotic military coup to rescue the American common people from a bloody murderous faction of "the powers that be", the Establishment, the Aristocracy, the Ruling Class—plainly, THEM?
===Other than a devastating profound scandal, WHAT will rescue the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution from its current condition as having been cancelled because of false tales that "the Arabs" attacked us on September 11, 2001?
===Under the circumstances, can reasonably informed people actually believe a Presidential Election is possible, in the traditional way, in the year 2004? Both expected Presidential candidates have committed treason, which is apparent to anyone knowing the details of the story a major news group is sitting on, while America burns to the ground. Only fools and those who hate this previously blessed Land, can stay silent in the face of treachery.
More coming. Stay tuned.
Mr. Skolnick’s articles, on behalf of research and investigation of his group, can be viewed Also some are archived Further, a large group of such articles are archived
Skolnick is a co-host with Lenny Bloom on an internet radio program, through audiostreaming, can be heard several nights per week ON-LINE,
[doveofo] NESARA Confirmation from Ex-British Intel Person; Shallow Throat, re: Bush
July 11, 2004 11:50 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
There’s been discussion since last November 2003, that the Bush regimewould try to declare martial law in the USA to keep the November 2004 elections from occurring because the globalists, who run the multi-national corporations supporting Bush’s world domination agenda, areworried Bush will lose the election. Some weeks ago I personally spoke with a Federal Election Judge who was told at an official meeting that "ifthe November election is cancelled, they (the Federal Election Judges)would be told ahead of time." This person has been a Federal ElectionJudge for many years and had never before heard that the federal election might be cancelled. I have known since February 2004 about plans made by US Supreme Court Justices Rehnquist, O’Connor, and Scalia to support Bushif Bush were able to declare martial law. The three Justices attended a secret meeting at an oil executive’s home outside of Dallas, Texas, thefirst weekend in February 2004 to discuss "the specifics of law" the fiveUS Supreme Court betrayers would use to support Bush if he were able todeclare martial law.
Now the Bush Gestapo agency known as "homeland security" is trying to comeup with a way to postpone the national federal election in November 2004. Never in USA history has a federal election been postponed. PresidentAbraham Lincoln did not consider canceling the 1864 election even though he doubted he would be re-elected since the Civil War between the states was still in progress.
It is true that the Bush regime very much want to have an excuse to cancel the November election and to that end they are trying to cause another terrorist attack like the 9/11 attacks. For those of you new to the Dove Reports, my network of sources has conclusive evidence that the Bush regime ordered a small group in the CIA to design and manage the 9/11 attacks for two reasons: 1) September 11, 2001 was a date on which certain officials expected to be doing the NESARA announcement which includes Bush’s and Cheney’s video-taped resignation speeches, and 2) theBush regime needed an excuse to attack and take over Afghanistan so the oil pipeline could be built.
Three pieces of the many pieces of conclusive evidence showing the Bush regime ordered the 9/11 attacks per my sources are:
1) On Monday September 10, 2001, 24 hours before the 9/11 attacks, officials of FEMA were ordered to New York City to be ready to "take over"the crisis situation after the attacks. This came from to me from thedaughter of a FEMA official but was also reported once by a majortelevision reporter and then buried.
2) A woman who worked in the Pentagon near the Naval Communications Center, which was blown up on 9/11, was told on Monday September 10, 2001, by her supervisor to NOT come into work on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, and whatever she did, she must not go to the World Trade Center in New York City.
3) A woman who lives next to the location where the airliner hit the ground in Pennsylvania on 9/11/2001, spoke with a visitor to the site and said that within minutes of the airliner impacting the ground, a swarm of FBI agents came running out of the woods where they had obviously been hiding, waiting for the plane to hit that location. The FBI agents ran to homes in the area and demanded the people who lived there sign secrecy agreements that they would not talk about �what they saw� that day. This woman resident did not like government agents doing this.
These are just a few of the MANY pieces of evidence which conclusively show the 9/11 attacks were an inside job by the Bush regime. Someone inside the Pentagon turned off six different defense systems which are designed to protect the Pentagon from ever being attacked. The Naval Communications Center at the Pentagon was supposed to coordinate all the security actions around the US during the NESARA announcement and afterward when the new US Treasury currency deliveries to banks and other actions would occur; this is why the Naval Communications Center was blown up on 9/11 as part of stopping NESARA’s announcement. The first tower hitat the WorldTrade Center contained a large international banking computer center on Floors One and Two where, at 9 a.m. on 9/11/2001, the computer center was supposed to begin downloading information for the new US Treasury Bank System to banks all across the USA. The location in Pennsylvania where the airliner crashed on 9/11 was exactly the place where an important underground facility was located; a facility which was necessary to support NESARA and was put out of commission by the 9/11 crash.
The entire Bush regime agenda centers around the Bush regime attacking other countries and taking over their natural resources for the benefit of the globalists� multi-national corporations and personal profit. Therefore, the Bush regime made certain NESARA could not be announced on9/11/2001 as the Bush regime would have been out of power if NESARA’sannouncement had been successful. At the same time, the Bush regime putout the false information that "Arabs" had staged the attacks. There wereZERO Arabs involved in the 9/11 attacks and that too, has been proven butmainly ignored by the mainstream media. Most of the people, whom the Bush regime claims were the so-called "Arab terrorists", were either dead or injail in other countries at the time of the 9/11 attacks.
The truth about the Bush regime will come out after NESARA’s announcement. Many people in the USA, including Republican party supporters, are now so disgusted with the arrogance and harmful actions of the Bush regime, they want the Bush regime out of Washington, D.C. Below is an interesting article which quotes a source called "Shallow Throat" (as opposed to "DeepThroat" of the President Nixon Watergate scandals) who is a governmentofficial and who speaks of many Republican party members who want the Bushregime out of power. Shallow Throat has been confirmed by my sources as someone whose position does provide access to the information Shallow Throat discusses in the article.
Although Shallow Throat thinks the Bush regime might be able to pull off declaring martial law and a dictatorship to keep Bush in power, I guarantee you this will not happen. The Bush regime has already attempted 18 terrorist attacks since June 1, 2004 and all these attacks have been prevented and will continue to be prevented. As to Shallow Throat’scomment that the US Supreme Court won’t support Bush again in an election case, my sources say that the same five betrayers on the US Supreme Court, who voted for Bush in the year 2000 election case, would do so again if necessary. However, the good news in Shallow Throat’s information is thatMANY Americans, including Republicans, want the Bush regime OUT of power.
I do not, by the way, support Kerry; he is a cousin of the Bush family, a member of the Yale University Skull and Bones Society; he is also a globalist; he is more subtle than Bush but would not be an improvement.
More than ever, NESARA is the answer to ridding the world of globalists intending to dominate the world through their multi-national corporations and big banks that own many government officials, members of Congress and Parliaments, and others who carry out their world control agendas.
While those with mediocre sources may not know about NESARA, those in high level insider positions know all about NESARA. As discussed in the email below from our NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) Leader at World Court, Nel, a new NTAT member�s mother who worked in British Intelligence learnedabout NESARA in her British Intelligence work years ago.
For those of you new to NESARA, I suggest you scan the list of Dove Reporttitles onWWW.NESARA.US ; you will find considerable information about NESARA and related subjects in these Reports. The April 27, 2004 Dove Report entitled "Updated Overview of NESARA Economic, Financial, and LegalBenefits" contains many details about the benefits of NESARA; click on to read this Report.
For the last few years, I’ve been writing and posting a daily Dove Report.However, a few weeks ago I began receiving a very intensive course of instruction and education to prepare me for new activities which I will be doing to help bring NESARA to announcement. Since there are not enough hours in the day for me to complete this intensive course of instruction and do the daily Dove Reports at the same time, I am currently doing only one Dove Report each week on Sunday. The next Dove Report will be posted next Sunday on July 18, 2004.
As of now, the status of the NESARA announcement continues to depend on very overwhelming evidence being gathered and witnesses found to testify against the people who are in charge of the NESARA announcement. The people who are in charge of the NESARA announcement have been secretly sabotaging NESARA from the time NESARA was passed in March 2000. Recently the truth about these deep-cover double agents has come to light. Because some of these are among the five US Supreme Court Justices who ruled in favor of Bush in the year 2000 election and others are also very powerful people, it will take overwhelming, air-tight evidence to prove these betrayers have been sabotaging NESARA. The only way to free NESARA from these betrayers is to have the evidence and witnesses presented in World Court to show beyond the shadow of a doubt that these betrayers must be removed from having any involvement with NESARA. This gathering of overwhelming evidence is taking some time to complete. Once it is complete, a petition for the removal of these people from the Committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement and a new NESARA announcement period willgo forward in World Court.
The collecting of the necessary overwhelming evidence is beginning to"heat up" and gain momentum. We will see NESARA announced! Manyimportant actions are in process to ensure NESARA is announced! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
Dove uses a pseudonym for security and privacy reasons. NESARA stands for the National Economic Security And Reformation Act. The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight’s corporation or wealthy person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking fraud deserve to be called "White Knights". World Court is theInternational Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in theNetherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which Bush Jr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with different purposes.
The Dove Report currently has 15,639 subscribers and is read by over 310,000 people worldwide in forums on other websites and published in magazines and journals nationally and internationally.
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Sent: Saturday, July 10, 20049:39 AM
Subject: A question and a [NESARA] confirmation.
Dear Dove,
Did you read the report on the site of July 3, 2004 when we handed out flyers in the center of Rotterdam? We had a [NESARA] confirmation up there from a man who helped in the US with the election [campaign] of Ralph Nader for President.
I also want you to know that our new team member Fanny S., she is 18 years old, well, her mother worked for the English Intelligence Agency and there she found out fraud and a lot of matters were hushed up. It was so bad, so terrible her mother said, that she resigned. During these years she worked there, she also learned about NESARA. And she told Fanny about NESARA when Fanny was 14 years old.
Dove, go for it!! I love you, Nel.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
By Bernard Weiner
Those who have followed my conversations over the years with "Shallow Throat’* — the high-ranking GOP mole in the Bush Administration — know that ST has been paranoid about being discovered by his employer. Wigs, dark glasses, scarves — all have been used to disguise ST’s identity when meeting with me in smoky taverns, out-of-the-way parks, and so on.
But this time, no mask, no shades, no costume embellishments. Just Shallow Throat with a real face. ST still insists on anonymity, so I do not reveal gender or current department of employment in Washington, D.C. But let me tell you: ST’s straight-out appearance threw me back a bit. I asked why no disguise.
"See me smiling?" said Shallow Throat. "For the first time since this crew took power, it looks more and more clear that they are going down. Big time. And they’re so bogged down in the chaos and backbiting and battling to contain the scandal revelations inside their own closed circles right now that they have no time or interest in bothering about ‘little’ officials like me.
"And I’m in good, public, unafraid company — all those diplomats several weeks ago that denounced Bush & Co. policy, and then last week all those generals and other elite officials and office-holders that have urged voters not to cast their ballots for Bush. The GOP heart, represented by many former heavies from the Reagan and Bush I administrations, are making plain that it’s OK, indeed desirable, to get the younger Bush and his crowd out of the White House.
"But I don’t know why you looked so shocked when I came in the door. You know what the symbology of no-disguise represents."
"No, I really don’t," I said.
"You must have missed a lot of hostage and terrorist movies," said ST. "It’s the old kidnap/hostage rule. Beware when the captors take off their masks: They no longer have to hide their faces in fear that you’ll tell the cops what they look like. Nope, you’re not going to be released, you’d better prepare yourself for death. In my case, it’s something similar. They’re toast."
"But the polls have Bush and Kerry in a statistical dead heat. How can you be so confident?"
"It’s not just the polls, many of which are manipulated to make Bush seem more popular than he really is. It’s the combination of exploding scandals, the increasing defections of so many of the GOP power elite — along with more and more ordinary Republican voters — and the desperation and utter lostness inside the Bush camp.
"Consider: In the past several months, they spend nearly $100 million on bashing Kerry. Doesn’t work. They arrange the establishment of something resembling an interim government to ‘hand off’ to in Iraq. Doesn’t help. The economy, in certain areas, is starting to do a little better. Doesn’t matter. Put simply, the public has seen enough to make a final judgment on Bush — and they’ve decided a big fat No."
"So Kerry will walk into the White House?"
"No," Shallow Throat replied, "’I’m-not-Bush’ will walk into the Oval Office. Few voters give a rat’s ass whether it’s Kerry or McCain or the Pumpkin Fairy. All they care about is getting rid of this crowd of arrogant, bullyboy extremists that are ruining our country and endangering the job-security and well-being of so many American citizens.
"They realize that the current occupants of the White House are bringing ruin to our long-term national interests, are engaged in extremist experiments at home and abroad that tend to benefit the already well-off rather than the squeezed middle class, are spending us into massive deficits for as far into the future as the eye can see, are cutting popular social service programs because of the hundreds of billions of dollars going to imperial wars, are shredding our Constitutional guarantees of due process of law, are trying to set up a kind of legal dictatorship at the top, and on and on. In short, more and more Americans are willing, indeed eager, to get to November 2 and get these vicious, incompetent radicals out of the White House."
"Well," I replied. "If that’s true, and Karl Rove and his planners know that Bush is going to lose in a landslide in a fair election, what’s to prevent them from all kinds of devilment and chicanery between now and November? You know what I mean: Purging the election rolls of more Democrat voters, especially minorities; encouraging fiddled-with software programs for the computer-voting machines in the toss-up states; starting another war in the Middle East, and/or looking the other way again as Al Qaida launches another major terrorist attack inside the U.S. — you know, to try to obtain the rally-’round-the-President support in a time of fright and confusion."
"You’ve been doing your homework, I see," said ST, with a grin. "We can expect any or all of those, depending on how Rove and Cheney and the rest of the boys interpret their election prospects in the next several months. They’re not without resources, you know. They probably can depend on the fundamentalist base staying with them through thin and through thin; no matter what the Bushies say or do, there’s that solid 30-35% they can count on. Then they go for the electoral vote-rich states, sliming their opponent, advertising out the wazoo to tear him down with lies, inciting some dirty tricks, getting ready to exploit the major terrorist attack that is coming, probably in late-October, etc. — and see if they can raise the Bush numbers just high enough to eke out enough victories to capture the presidency."
"Or," I popped in, "hope for a tie vote and another Supreme Court coup."
"I’m not even sure the Court would be so amenable these days. The justices don’t like to be told that their work and authority are irrelevant, which is what Bush & Co. are claiming in the torture-memos that give Bush sole authority to make and interpret the law. Anyway, all the signs point to a Kerry victory. But your Dem friends can’t risk a slim victory, because those close elections are easy to fix. Unless Kerry takes him down in a landslide, it’s risky.
"So, I guess the point I’m making is for the Dems to stop gloating over Bush’s scandals and the deteriorating situation in Iraq dragging down his numbers, and to quit thinking it’s going to be easy to win a landslide. You, we, all have to work our butts off between now and November, and be willing to spend the necessary money to do so, if we want to send this vicious crowd packing. We may not be able to electorally torture Bush during the campaign, but we sure need to abuse the hell out of him with the final returns in November."
"OK," I said. "But I’ve got a question for you. Could you envision a scenario between now and November where Bush & Co. see the electoral handwriting on the wall, that they’re going to lose big time, and declare martial law and call off the election? Or, lose the election on November 2 and then declare martial law and indefinitely postpone the transfer of power to a new president?"
"Ordinarily," said Shallow Throat, "I’d chide you about your overly conspiratorial frame of mind. But, as I’ve said before, these are not good people. They will stop at NOTHING to remain in power. There are billions of dollars of potential profit at stake here, not to mention the ideological goals these fruitcakes have set for America to control the world and all its energy resources, and bring democracy and free markets to the rest of the globe — even at the barrell of a gun.
"But I think the Bushies know that doing something as outrageously fascist as what you’re suggesting — interrupting the time-honored electoral process — would invite a civil war. And I don’t think they’re confident that large parts of the U.S. military establishment would obey their commands in such a situation. But, who knows? Rove may just be desperate enough to consider it."
"On the other hand, Bush & Co. may be loony but they ain’t crazy. They see what’s happening, and if they ever want another chance to rule, they can’t go off completely half-cocked.
"They look around and see that even many conservative leaders, who once bought into the BushCheney Grand Game, are now having second thoughts. The world simply doesn’t operate according to the simplistic theories these neocon zealots hammered out in their ivory-tower think tanks. Iraq is the best example. The situation there is even more desparate and hopeless that the American public is aware of. To stay is to continue sending our young men and women into the bloody jaws of hell. No good will come of that quagmire.
"Bush’s entireIraq policy now, and for the next four months, is his U.S. re-election campaign policy. Install a puppet-government, or at least a U.S.-friendly Iraqi government, into power. Put them in the forefront, the U.S. pulls the strings in the background. Do whatever is necessary to get the American death and injury tolls out of the daily news cycle. Try to drag out all major moves until after November, but, if things keep deteriorating there, indicate that the U.S. will make whatever concessions are necessary to the Iraqis –including re-constituting the Iraqi Army with Ba’athist leaders, letting Al Sadr join the political free-for-all, even seeing an Islamist theocracy emerge.
"BushCheney figure that if they’re lucky, as a result of a potentially ‘improving’ situation inIraq, they can stumble their way across November’s electoral finish line as victors. After that, the gloves can come off in Iraq and elsewhere, the neocons (none of whom have been fired and all of whom remain in place) can re-emerge from hiding, and the conquest/control game can begin anew. In this theory, the American public will acquiesce, especially if there’s another huge terror attack inside the U.S., and all will be well in Bushland."
"But, as you say," I replied, "the real world will intervene to dash those plans. The U.S. would be involved in far too many wars outside our borders, too many American troops will be killed and wounded, the �
"You still don’t get it, do you?" said ST. "This crowd believes that since there is no superpower to oppose them anywhere in the world, and since fear is a great crowd-controller domestically, they don’t have to worry.
"They believe that a few more shock & awe invasions — including the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons, and backed up with the re-starting of the draft to get the troops required for such global policing — should finally get the message out to those who would oppose American power. Domestically, more prosecutions and ‘disappearances’ into the military-gulags should silence those harboring rebellious tendencies at home."
"Do you really believe what you’re telling me or are you just pulling my proverbial?" I asked.
"It’s not a question of what I believe," Shallow Throat replied. "I have no authority. But these guys figure they control all the levers of essential power and can do and get what they want. If they have to play stealth political games for awhile, they’re quite willing to do so in order to snow the public and remain in control. After that, watch out. The restraints will be off."
"You came in here so chipper," I said, "almost happy. And you’ve done nothing but lay gloom & doom all over me ever since. What happened to the smile of hope?"
"I still believe it is possible to wrest control from these guys. They are such blunderers, and so reckless — even in their crimes and scandals, as if they can do or say anything and not have to pay a price for their actions. Abroad, they have brought America into disrepute, bankrupted the treasury and social programs to finance their wars of choice, made the U.S. feared but not respected, created more terrorists by their actions.
"Bush & Co. will go down, and I’ll watch the inevitable nasty fall of this crowd with this giant grin you see on my face. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we’ll be free at last." — posted 06.30.04
Bernard Weiner, Ph.D. in government & international relations, has taught at various universities, a poet and playwright and former writer/editor with the San Francisco Chronicle for 19 years, is co-editor of edits the progressive website The Crisis Papers, where you can read more of his conversations with Shallow Throat* ( He is a contributing author to the just-released book "Big Bush Lies," available through Barnes & Noble, and other book outlets.
See also the Report of March 21, 2005, down below.
[doveofo] The Truth About Dove of Oneness: Her Life & Activities. Full report.
July 18, 2004 12:44 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
As anyone who has read my Dove Reports for any period of time knows, I rarely write about myself. The reason is simple: I, Dove, am not what is important. What is important is that the NESARA law be announced.
In the last two days, I have learned first-hand how people in the media TOTALLY LIE . I was surprised to see that media people, who look like they might be reasonable people, are in fact only interested in accomplishing their PERSONAL agendas. Now I understand that whenever anything about anyone appears in the media today, we CANNOT know if there is any truth to what we hear, see or read in the media. This newspaper in Washington state has printed an article that is nothing but LIES about me and NESARA. Now I know how incredibly stupid and mean-spirited some of these media people are.
This newspaper in Washington state is publishing a two-part article mainly about me and NESARA, with part-one appearing today, Sunday, July 18, 2004, and part-two appearing on Monday, July 19, 2004. The two-part article is written by a reporter whose initials are S.R. and nearly all words and phrases in the article are purposely used to do character assassination on me. The two-part article is completely FULL OF LIES and partial lies which this reporter pretends are factual. In fact, I can prove with witnesses and documentation that all his character assassination comments about me are LIES or are FALSE assumptions.
The reason this two-part article is being published AT THIS TIME is because this reporter and his editor are hoping they will sell a lot of papers by publishing a character assassination of me and smearing NESARA and relating this to another news event which is occurring in Western Washington this weekend. The entire tone of article is extremely biased and is intended to falsely convince the reader that I and NESARA are linked to other scandalous activities. By FALSELY implying that I participated in other scandals, it appears the only reason for this article to be printed at this time is to sell newspapers using these sensational lies about me and NESARA. If this reporter told the truth about me, there would literally be NO STORY.
The first sentence of the article begins with my personal and legal name, a name of which I am very proud: Shaini Goodwin. My first name is pronounced “Shay-nee” and I love my last name which very much reflects WHO I am and have always been: Goodwin. I am a good person and I always strive to be successful, i.e., “win” in a good way. The first two wordsof the article this reporter showed me are my name of which I am veryproud. The rest of the first paragraph of his comments about my Dove activities are lies – pure and simple.
Two days ago, on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 10 a.m. in the morning, this reporter, S.R., suddenly and without prior notice knocked on the door of my elderly relative’s home which I have been caretaking for the last fewyears. He announced he was doing an article on NESARA and me and demandedI be interviewed by him beginning immediately at that very moment. Ireplied that I had an appointment (a telephone meeting) scheduled in the next hour and that if he came back in an hour, I would speak with him.
An hour later, S.R. and a photographer, returned and I graciously invited them to join me at the table on the porch overlooking the beautiful, park-like setting of my elderly relative’s several flower gardens,expanses of lawn, and towering evergreen fir trees sprinkled across thetwo acres of her property. I provided them with fresh well-water with alemon slice and comfortable chairs. I had my laptop computer sitting on the table in case I needed to refer to my Dove information on the laptop.
At the beginning of the interview, S.R. informed me that his newspaper would be printing his two-part article on Sunday and Monday, just a few days from then. He had waited until the last moment to interview me, leaving only one business day left in the week, although he commented that he had been interviewing people for this article for the last 18 months. It became obvious later that S.R. had purposely delayed interviewing me because he had chosen to ambush me with a last minute interview hoping to find something more he could report to defame my character. By waiting until there was only one more business day left in the week (newspapers decide what they will run in the weekend editions during the regular work week), S.R. also made it very difficult for me to have time to provide proof to his newspaper that his assertions were false.
S.R.’s first question to me was, “Did you sell any Omega units?” I wassurprised at this line of questioning since it has nothing to do with NESARA and replied, “Good God, no! I joined the program just likeeveryone else did but I never at any time “sold” or had anything to dowith “selling” any units.”
From 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. I openly answered questions from S.R. and cooperated with the photographer taking pictures of me working on my laptop computer on the porch as I often have this summer. At one point, I gave S.R. printouts of approximately 40 emails I had received from people all over the USA who described their experiences of speaking directly with a Bank President, Bank Manager, or other bank personnel and quoting these banking professionals who confirmed that they had been trained on the NESARA banking regulations, confirmed that they knew NESARA had been passed and was supposed to be announced, and in some cases mentioned they already had some of the new rainbow U.S. Treasury currency in their bank vaults. S.R.’s contention in his article is that there is no proof thatthe NESARA law has been passed. Therefore, I felt it was important to share these emails with him although I have never shown these emails to anyone else. I also required that he and his newspaper must NOT under any circumstances print the names or email addresses of the people who wrote the NESARA confirmation emails to me as I have promised confidentiality to these people. He agreed they would not print anyone’s name or contactinformation without the person’s permission.
I also placed calls to two people who told S.R. of their own personal confirmations of NESARA. One person is a man named Herb who lives on the West Coast and confirmed NESARA privately with a well-known member of Congress. The other was a call to Nel, our NTAT leader at World Court, and she discussed only two of the numerous confirmations of NESARA that they have received during their weekly NESARA demonstrations at World Court, including one from an ex-British intelligence person.
After hours of discussion at about 3:30 p.m., S.R. handed me a multi-page document which he said was his article. The very first sentence in the article seriously defames my character. The second sentence continued the same extreme character assassination. As I scanned the article, I was frankly shocked at the LIES this reporter is brazenly intending to print about me. I told him his entire characterization of me was LIES. Around 4 p.m., I ended the interview and S.R. and the photographer left.
At about 5 p.m., I received a call from the top editor of the newspaper, R.M., who said he understood I disagreed with the article and invited me to meet with S.R. and his manager, a Senior Editor whose initials are P.B. He scheduled the meeting for late the next morning, Friday, July 16, 2004, at their office which was a considerable distance from my location.
I spent between 6 p.m. on Thursday and 1 a.m. early Friday morning preparing for the meeting at the newspaper office. I printed out over 90 NESARA email confirmations. I printed out information from our WWW.NESARA.US website and our NESARA Take Action Teams’ Action Plan. Thenext morning, I called Herb, Nel, and Carolyn and asked them to standby asI would hopefully be able to have them speak to the Senior Editor, P.B.,whom I hoped would be a fair and objective professional. All three of these people could speak about their personal confirmations of NESARA and I believed that any fair and objective editor would want to speak with these people rather than print lies about NESARA and me.
At 11:30 a.m. yesterday, I arrived at the newspaper office and was taken to a conference room where I met with P.B., the Senior Editor, and S.R., the reporter. For about the first half hour, the Senior Editor, P.B., asked me questions about the foundations of the NESARA law. I graciously answered her questions with the history of the Farmers Union legal actions which resulted in the 1993 US Supreme Court decision in favor of the Farmers Union and required major reformations of the federal government, the abolishment of income taxes, the abolishment of the Federal Reserve, the establishment of the US Treasury Bank system and Treasury currency backed by precious metals, and numerous other elements of the NESARA law. I explained that initially the US Supreme Court convened groups of experts to assist them in developing the necessary reformations and then in the 1990’s attempted to negotiate with theClinton administration acooperative process whereby these reformations would be voluntarilyimplemented by the Clinton administration.
About 30 minutes into the meeting, I remembered I had brought a tape recorder with me to tape the meeting. I turned on the tape recorder and we continued discussing the foundations of the NESARA law. Although I intended to tape the entire meeting, the tape recorder had no audible alarm telling me the tape recorder had reached the end of the tape, and there were portions of the discussion which were not taped for this reason. In all, I taped about two hours of the discussion.
In responding to the Senior Editor’s questions, I explained that I do know a Secret Service agent on the POTUS (President of the United States) Secret Service detail who has seen the NESARA law because he has to be ready to remove the occupant of the oval office when NESARA is announced. I also explained that Herb had confirmed the NESARA law with US Congress member Dennis Kucinich. In addition, I mentioned two US Senators had confirmed NESARA in about November of 2001 during a private telephone conference. I also offered to put the Senior Editor in touch by phone during our meeting with people to whom the reporter had spoken the previous day who told him of their personal experiences confirming NESARA. I also told the Senior Editor I had someone standing by to explain what a “prime bank” is because the article is quoting the editor of a CIA disinformation website who claims on the CIA website that NESARA is part of a “prime bank scam”. This reference to the phrase “prime bank” clearlyshows that the reporter does not know what a prime bank is and I pointed that out. I pointed out that a “prime bank” has been considered by thebanking industry to be a bank which has one billion US dollars in assetsand therefore has nothing whatsoever to do with NESARA. Since this haslong been the banking industry’s definition of what a “prime bank” is,there is obviously no “scam”.
The Senior Editor then said that they were quoting someone in the articlewho says that the humanitarian prosperity program Omega is part of a “prime bank” scam. This still does not make sense, because the term “prime bank” simply means that a bank has over one billion US dollars inassets or deposits. The whole idea of using the term “prime bank scam” inconnection with NESARA or Omega is entirely wrong.
A discussion then ensued about Omega and my only connection with Omega being that I was a member of the humanitarian project portion of the Omega prosperity program. I offered to have the Senior Editor speak immediately with a contact who has been under direct contract with one of only eight people called “traders” who are allowed by the International Monetary Fund(IMF) to place humanitarian project trading programs in the world’s majorbanks; most of which are in Europe. I explained that this contact hadconfirmed with her trader (one of the eight traders worldwide allowed to place these trading programs) that he knew of Omega and he told my contact he was asked by the people in charge of the Omega to do trades for the Omega program. However, this trader told my contact that he refused to do any trades for Omega because the people in charge of the program were “dangerous people”. He said that he had a family and felt he would be indanger if he agreed to work with the dangerous people in charge of Omega. This trader also told my contact that the Omega program had been traded and rolled so much and the revenues generated were so huge, that he doubted the funds would ever be distributed because he felt the dangerous people involved would not allow the program to fund.
I then explained that the dangerous people involved with Omega include Dr. Henry Kissinger (a convicted war criminal), ex-President George H. W. Bush, and the Rockefeller family. I explained that Henry Kissinger is and has been the head trader of the Omega program and is known as “the Doctor”in the closed circles of the few who deal directly with these eighttraders worldwide who are authorized to place these trading programs. Ialso mentioned that I have a contact who confirmed with a Vice Presidentat Price Waterhouse (where the revenues of Omega trading program for US members have long been officially recorded) that he knew the Omega trading program revenues for program members in the United States were, in 2001, more than a quintillion US dollars and growing. The Senior Editor asked if they are still trading Omega; I replied that they are although my contact’s trader states that they are supposed to only be trading programssubmitted by governments and Omega is thus being illegally traded becauseit is not a program which was submitted by a government. Unfortunately, the Senior Editor declined to speak with my contact who is an expert of 20 years experience in these trading programs and had confirmed that Omega is not a fraud.
A discussion about why the prosperity programs cannot fund prior to NESARA then ensued. The Senior Editor asked me why NESARA’s announcement wouldmake it possible for the prosperity programs to fund. I explained, as Ihave written many times including in the June 16, 2004 Dove Report, that “Other distributions of prosperity which are related to NESARA are humanitarian prosperity programs begun in the last twenty years and which have been blocked from funding to program members. For decades, vast sums of humanitarian prosperity programs funds have been accumulating in special revenue generating processes in European banks awaiting the right time when these funds could safely be released to program members who will be doing world improvement projects. NESARA’s announcement sets up thenew banking and legal conditions which allow the distribution of this vast wealth to people all across the world beginning soon after NESARA’sannouncement.”
I reiterated that it is NESARA’s changing of the banking conditions in theUS and then worldwide which will help to enable these prosperity programs to fund. In answer to the Senior Editor’s question, I explained thatbecause NESARA’s announcement of the US Treasury currency backed byprecious metals, makes the US Treasury currency the most valuable currencyin the world, other countries’ banking systems must also announce thattheir currencies are backed by precious metals or the world economy wouldbe upset. As well, I explained that I have received confirmations from aperson working in an American bank who says their bank will be partially owned by the Bank of Scotland and from other contacts that paperwork has already begun which will give Germany‘s Deutsche Bank partial ownership ofthe Bank of America after NESARA is announced. I explained that the newinternational banking regulations to be implemented after NESARA’sannouncement, which have already been written, are going to allow greaterfluidity of international banking funds transfers and these alreadynegotiated partial ownership agreements of American banks by foreign banks is part of the international banking changes which NESARA’s announcementinitiates. In addition, because most of the Omega prosperity programfunds are controlled by Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Bank’s ownership of amajor portion of the Bank of America will put Deutsche Bank under American legal jurisdiction as far as requiring Omega funds to be distributed to program members.
During this meeting, it became apparent from the reporter’s comments thathe is well aware of the IMF humanitarian programs trades in major European banks. In fact, the reporter stated that he knew that the $5,000 plus, which each person who submitted the minimal joining fee to Omega, was supposed to receive, was “the result of one roll.” The reporter madeseveral comments which indicate he knows the trading programs are a reality and he understands somewhat how these trading programs work.
In the trading programs’ vernacular, a “roll” is the completion of theseller selling his bank paper to a buyer for an agreed amount. A trade is defined in a contract which is let between two major financial parties –the seller of the bank paper and the buyer – about what kind of “bankpaper” the buyer wants; bank paper can be prime bank notes, majorcurrencies, or Monetary Term Notes (MTN). These two parties agree in the contract about the amount (generally $100 million USD to billions USD or trillions over time) of bank paper they are going to buy in each increment or roll or traunche per day. In the US, it is usually called a roll each time the bank paper is bought during the day. Usually, there is a roll in the morning and a roll in the afternoon because it facilitates the buyer’smovement of their purchasing money to their bank account involved in thepurchase of the bank paper if they can move their money into the bank account twice a day.
The contract also includes how many total rolls or traunches will be done to fulfill the contract. The seller has his bank paper in one bank and the buyer (also known as “user”) has his purchasing money to buy the bank paper in another bank; only the eight traders in the world work with the top 50 banks in the world and these traders are the only ones who can put together these major financial transactions. The buyer buys the bank paper at a discount of the face value of the bank paper, for example, the buyer may purchase $100,000,000 of bank paper for $75,000,000 cash. Often, for example, the buyer is buying $100,000,000 of bank paper for $75,000,000 cash because the buyer wants to use the $100,000,000 in bank paper for collateral for a $100,000,000 loan from another bank. In some cases the buyer will resell the $100,000,000 in bank paper to another party in another trade for $80,000,000 immediately, such as the next day, and make a $5,000,000 profit in one day. A percent of the profit of every roll or trade or traunche must be allotted to the humanitarian project defined in each trading program approved by the IMF.
In some cases, a buyer may purchase $1,000,000,000 (one trillion) dollars of bank paper for 65 cents on the dollar. Then, the buyer may break up the $1,000,000,000 bank paper into blocks of $100,000,000 (one hundred million) and sell it for 92 cents on the dollar. Once they sold all their $100,000,000 blocks, they could make a very big profit because they bought the full amount of bank paper for 65 cents on the dollar and sold it in smaller increments for 92 cents on the dollar. Certain informed sources say this is how the Omega program was traded and why the Omega program has generated such large amounts of profit over the last decade.
My contact who works with one of the eight traders said her trader told her that Citibank, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, First Union/Wachovia Bank, and all major banks in the USA actually DO have “trading floors” inside their New York bank branches, or in otherlocations of these major banks inside the USA. These banks have a portionof their physical bank building in the US designated as an “offshorefacility” and this is how these American banks get around the Glass-Steagle Act of 1933 which supposedly outlawed American banks from being able to do trading programs.
The important thing to understand is that the US government has perpetuated the fraud upon the American public that these trading programs DO NOT exist anywhere in the world. This is why certain so-called “experts”, quoted in the newspaper article smearing me and NESARA, put outthe false information that these trading programs in “prime banks” do notexist; they are part of perpetuating the government’s fraud. But in fact,these trading programs DO exist and the reporter, S.R., showed in hiscomments in the Friday meeting that he knows these prime bank tradingprograms do exist.
At this point in the discussion, I began to go line by line through the article. In the first few paragraphs of part-one of the article, the reporter labels me the “queen of cybercult”. I objected to his labelingme as having a “cult” and I said to the reporter, “I am also not a cult. I would like to know the definition of ‘cult’, according to you.” Hesimply sat there not saying a word. Then I said, “This article … is notaccurate. What is your definition of cult? See, you need to have adefinition because otherwise you don’t get to use this word.” Hecontinued to sit there saying nothing. I continued, “You have to have adefinition; you have to know what you are talking about.” The reportercontinued to sit there without saying a word.
Finally, the Senior Editor said, “A cult is a group that, umm, notnecessarily spiritual, not necessarily philosophical, but either or both of those things, that, umm, believe absolutely in something.” I thenreplied, “So the Catholic Church and every Christian Church is a cult?” The Senior Editor, P.B., responded, “It could be, yah. You could look at that as a cult, absolutely.”
I replied, “So I don’t think that’s an acceptable word to the public; Ithink that is very misleading. And I don’t think that’s appropriate atall.” I made it clear he should delete his reference to me as a queen of “cybercult” since he was obviously using the word cult to mean somethingbad because this is how the public views the word “cult”. His editor wasdefining “cult” to mean almost any group with a strong common spiritualbelief, but his use of “cult” in the sentence was obviously meant to smearme because he knows the public sees the word “cult” and immediately thinkssomething bad is involved. Although he is obviously using the word “cult”in an untrue fashion, I do not believe he deleted this derogatory comment. All the way through the article, I was to see this reporter use words to stimulate false beliefs that I and NESARA are involved in a scandal; it was a constant bias all through his comments.
I then said, “And, I also want to note that what we are doing is political activism. I gave you our ‘Take Action List’. We’re very clear; there’snothing here about meditation or prayers or anything, because I have notedthere’s a lot of people – I have people of all religions reading the DoveReports from all over the world – and I’m not going to want to offend anyof them.” I continued, “What we’re doing is political activism;everything we’re doing here (indicating the Take Action List I had givenher)….” At this point the reporter interrupted me by saying, “Youfrequently call for group prayer.” I replied, “If you check in thechurches, I think you will find about half of them do prayer for worldpeace every week. So I don’t think that’s an appropriate criticism.”
I continued, “Everything here (again indicating the ‘Take Action List’ onmy website, is just like any other political activistgroup.” I continued to discuss how the NESARA Take Action Teams (NTAT) —of which I am the Worldwide NTAT Director — are just like any other political activist group.
I then objected to his usage of the term “ruins of deceit” incharacterizing my Dove world service. I said, “There isn’t anything about‘ruins of deceit’. I am prepared to prove everything I’m talking aboutand if necessary, we will go to court to do that. This [article] is not accurate. It’s your opinion (indicating the reporter) and it’s notaccurate.” I then turned to the Senior Editor and said, “I’m asking youto do this. Have your secretary contact every one of those people with an email address (here I indicated the 95 pages of NESARA confirmation emails I had given them). I do want someone [at the newspaper but not the reporter] to check every one of those people and ask them for confirmation back – how did they confirm NESARA.” I then explained in detail that thepeople who wrote emails to me about their experiences of confirming NESARAwere promised by me that their information would be kept confidential andthat therefore, I requested the paper keep all their names and contact information totally confidential unless the person gives the paper permission to make their name or other information public. I continued, “You need to confirm that [check with the 90+ people who wrote the NESARAconfirmation emails] because your story is not accurate and you need to do a lot of research on it.”
I next objected to some other things including the unnecessary referenceto the fact I am living in my elderly relative’s home which is a mobilehome on two acres. I said, “I don’t think you need to talk about my elderly relative’s home. I am taking care of her two acres, nine gardensand forty trees and shrubs…. I am doing this as a family service. Youare trying to characterize me as some lousy person. Everything you’vedone is character assassination.” I explained that I am care-taking herhome because she has had strokes and is in a recovery center.
I asked the reporter why he is not mentioning that I had bought abeautiful 1800 square foot home with vaulted ceilings and five acres whichwas my own last home, instead of referring to the elderly relative’s homeas though it was somehow characteristic of me. I asked the reporter whyhe is not mentioning my two Bachelor’s degrees, my Bachelor’s in Business which I received from City University in Bellevue, Washington, (1983) and my Bachelor’s in Social Sciences which I receivedfrom Washington State University (in 1996); both of which I earned byworking very hard and I was on the President’s honors list at bothuniversities.
It was obvious to me that he was ignoring every positive aspect of my life on purpose because it would not fit his smearing and defamation of my character which he did all the way through the article in order to make his false information a “sensational” article to sell papers. It was clear that the reason he wrote so many false statements about me was because he needed to defame my character in order to make his sensational scandal-mongering article seem important.
In the article the reporter also insinuates that my not telling my readers that I have a business license in the name of “Dove” is somehow wrong. Isaid, “Why would I tell them about the business license? The fact is whenI first received donations, I asked them to make things payable to “Dove”because it can be dangerous for someone who is writing about the things I’m writing about to put their personal name on internet reports.”
I explained I knew people would try to find me through drivers’ licenserecords or other ways if they knew my personal name and I did not need someone following me home from the grocery store to ask me to gift them money when I receive my prosperity, which I explained has happened to people who have received their Omega deliveries, nor do I need some Bush fanatics coming to shoot me because I’m exposing what Bush Senior and BushJunior have done. There was never any deceit at all about my using thename “Dove”; it was simply being wise in recognizing I need to takeprecautions on the internet for my own safety. (Due to this newspaperarticle, I am now stating my personal, legal name, and I have been assured that I will be fully protected by the powers higher than those on Earth.)
I explained to the Senior Editor and the reporter that when I took my first donations made out to Dove to the bank, the bank manager told me that I had to get a business license in order to deposit the donations to a bank account and I would have to set up a new bank account. Therefore, I went immediately to the state business license office nearby and got a business license for Dove. The state regulations indicated I did not have to pay any kind of business tax if my donations per year were below a certain level. I simply followed the law in getting the business license and I was frankly amazed that the reporter would not be familiar with these well-known banking requirements. I expect most of my readers know these banking rules and when I endorse the checks they send me it has “Dove” plus the bank account number on the back of the check. There’sNOTHING about my having a business license in the name of Dove which is anything but absolutely following the law.
The reporter also insinuated that I was somehow practicing deceit because I did not tell my readers that in 1989 I had to file bankruptcy. I said, “That has nothing to do with my doing the Dove Reports.” In fact, it wasTEN years before I began doing the Dove Reports and is not at allrelevant. I had to file bankruptcy because I did computer consulting fora company which only paid me for about three months out of the nine months I worked for the company; the company was named EAN Corp. I lived on my credit cards during the many months the company did not pay me. I attempted to do all I could to provide consulting to assist the company fix its computer software and business plan so it could be successful.
The reporter also stated in the article that I was involved in forming this EAN Corporation. I told him that was an absolute LIE. The company was formed by a woman named Evelyn A. Nichols who was from Nevada. I was invited by a friend to someone’s home in Thurston County to hear EvelynNichols talk about her company and how she was raising money for hercompany and would give people who lent her money in private party loanssome kind of substantial payback for their loans. I loaned money to EAN Corp. just as many other people did and I lost my money just like everyone else did. I not only lost my money I loaned to the company, I also was not paid for over six months of computer consulting I did for the company, so I had a double loss from this experience.
Furthermore, I told the reporter, I did everything in my power to help the company do the right things. When I found out that Evelyn was lying about having incorporated EAN Corp, I obtained the paperwork and filled it out so she could register the corporation in Delaware and make it legal. The EAN Corporation first was centered in Nevada, then Evelyn moved it to an office in Phoenix, then she closed the Phoenix office and moved the office to near Portland, Oregon. All this time I was working from my home in Washington state where I was writing a computer system users’ manual andproviding the EAN computer system development manager with suggestions andfeedback about the EAN Corporation computer system which was an integral part of the business. However, in December 1988 when I had been consulting for the company nine months, I learned many things about what Evelyn had done which made it clear that she was not conducting the EAN Corp. business properly and which indicated to me she was not likely to properly pay back those who had lent money to her for the company start-up. At that point, I went to the Washington State Securities Commission and asked to speak to an investigator about the things I had learned Evelyn was doing illegally. I spent two hours telling the investigator everything I knew and giving him all the documentation I possessed relating to EAN Corp. Therefore, I told the reporter that his comments about me were totally WRONG in that he was insinuating that I was at fault for Evelyn’s actions which had harmed people. The reporter thenadmitted that he really did not have good information about my involvementin the EAN Corp. and that he had tried to track Evelyn down but was unableto contact her. I told the reporter that he had better remove these lies about me in regard to EAN Corporation from his article.
Another point the reporter made in the article was claiming that I had been a failure at doing my independent computer consulting. I told him this was a complete lie and I can prove it.
In fact, between 1986 and 1998, I did independent computer consulting for several companies in the Midwest and the Southwest; the lowest I was paid for doing my consulting was $3,200 a month and the highest I was paid was $9,000 a month. When I did computer consulting for EAN, I was supposed to be paid $5,000 a month but for only one month was I paid that amount and then Evelyn began skipping months and saying she would make it up later. Every few months she sent me a check but in the nine months I did consulting for EAN, I only received about three months of payment. This meant I had to live on my credit cards and ultimately when I had to report EAN to the Securities Commission. I was in too much debt due to not being paid, and had to file bankruptcy in 1989.
The reporter clearly did not know what he was talking about regarding my independent computer consulting and I told him I could prove it. His comments in the article claiming I had failed at my independent business efforts were obviously meant to falsely claim that I was a “loser”. Hepresented these LIES in the same part of the article as he presented hisFALSE assumptions about my involvement with EAN Corp. The entire sectionwas based on FALSE information to make me look like I was some kind of crook. I refuted all his lies and told him he had better remove them from the article because I can prove they are lies and will do so in court if necessary.
In fact, I have had a very successful career in computer technology since 1974 when I first began providing customer support, training, and implementation support of word processing systems manufactured by the fourth largest word processing manufacturer in the US at that time. At one time, I provided customer support and training to over 200 customer locations in Western Washington from Everett to Seattle to Tacoma to Olympia to Aberdeen and other places as well. By myself, I maintained such good support of our customer base that very few customers ever traded in our systems for another brand during the years I was doing their support and training. I will discuss more about my very successful computer technology career later in this Report as I can easily and clearly show I am a hard-working and accomplished professional who has been promoted to the highest levels in my field.
However, it did not suit the reporter’s purpose of attempting to make meout to be a disreputable person for him to properly present the facts ofmy computer consulting business. He did not explain his sources and I am not surprised since his comments were lies.
In this same section of the article, the reporter claims that I owe the IRS $12,000 in income taxes. I told him that I have never seen any notice from the IRS about this. He left the conference room and returned with a photocopy of a document from the IRS stating that for years 1991 to 1994, I owed this amount although I had never received a copy of this document. I stated that I had had an IRS audit in that time period and that I had paid all the money they had said I had to pay as a result of their audit and I could prove I had paid it. I commented the IRS tells people who call the IRS for answers to how to fill out their tax returns that the even if the IRS personnel give the wrong answer, the person is responsible for any mistake on their tax return due to taking the IRS‘s advice. Sincethe IRS obviously is very poor at doing its business and does not takeresponsibility for its errors, it appears to me that this assertion that I owe anything to the IRS is a wrong action by the IRS.
The reporter also made negative comments about my personal situation in 1992. He failed to mention that I had sustained head trauma injuries in 1989 due to being rear-ended by a negligent driver who slammed into the back of my vehicle as I and other cars in front of me were waiting for the light to turn green. This collision occurred one morning on my way to work at my new position with the Department of Health to manage their statewide hospital database system known as CHARS. Although I struggled through three years doing the management of CHARS and successfully managed an 18-month computer conversion process, which I was able to do as I had done many computer conversions in the past, I was unable to continue working in the Spring of 1992. At that time, I was required to do analysis of a complex proposal involving statewide computer systems and hospital data systems and I found that I still had some residual deficits from the head trauma which made me unable to do the very complex analysis of the abstract concepts presented in these systems proposals. I also was exhausted from other head trauma injury related deficits in dealing with certain kinds of information. Finally, because I could not perform the new kinds of complex analysis needed in my position, I resigned. I begged my attorney to find a way to have me assessed by experts in head trauma because I knew there were still deficits from the head trauma injury and I felt there had to be something experts could do to help me. In early 1993, I was assessed by the Good Samaritan head trauma experts in Puyallup and they pin-pointed the problems and then gave me a limited amount of rehabilitation therapy. They also told me what to do on my own to continue the rehabilitation. The accumulated stress of the years of dealing with the difficulties caused by the head trauma resulted in some other severe health problems later in 1993 and I was forced to sell my beautiful home in Garden Acres and try to find ways to regain my health. It took over a year before my health improved enough that I could go back to work. This entire situation was completely unknown to the reporter, however, that did not keep him from making false and negative comments about my situation during these extremely challenging times.
The reporter also included another topic hoping to defame my character. Years ago I dated a fellow briefly who eventually told me he was a recovering alcoholic and a manic-depressive. He told me after we dated a while that he often had very severe bouts with depression and especially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. He told me that during these severe bouts he always wanted to commit suicide. We quit dating but remained friendly. I was concerned around the holiday season that he might be suicidal and went to see him on Christmas eve to see if he was okay. He was in a sour mood but okay. Then a few months later as I was shopping in a local store, when he walked by me and I said “Hello”,he suddenly exploded in irrational anger and yelled at me. One of his problems was a certain level of paranoia which I learned from reading books about recovering alcoholics can be a common behavior. Although he had followed me into the store and chose to walk close to me, his paranoia caused him to decide I was bothering him; he went to court and got a restraining order against me. I told the judge I had no intention of having anything to do with him after he suddenly exploded at me in the store. The reporter included an inaccurate account of this unstable man taking out a restraining order against me in the article; again in his attempt to try to portray me as a disreputable person so his lies and false comments against me and NESARA would seem to have some basis. Years later this man wanted to create a relationship but I was not interested. The reporter admitted that the man “was not angry” at me. I should hopenot since all I did was try to be a friend during some of his worst times.
Then in the next section, the reporter’s article contained a snide commentthat my life somehow did not start out very well because I lived in asmall town near Olympia, Washington during my teenage years. I wonderedif this reporter was some kind of an idiot to imply that people who live in small towns are somehow “inferior”. In fact many famous and successfulpeople grew up in small towns and have made major contributions to theworld.
As for my life, my father was an independent and successful business manand my mother worked at the local bank. I lived in a modern house of 3,000 square feet which was situated on 16 beautiful acres of land and a year-around creek flowed about 100 feet from one side of the house and onward behind the house. It was like living in a beautiful, private park and I thoroughly enjoyed my walks and horse rides along the creek as well as exploring the woods in the back of our property on horseback. I had my own horse who lived in the large field and horse barn near the other side of the house and I frequently enjoyed riding. The family had several nice cars for all of us who were teenagers to drive. We also had a place on Mason Lake and we had a ski boat; all of us had been waterskiing for years. We began waterskiing as a family in Seattle on Lake Washington where I attended the second through the sixth grades of elementary school. We lived in a very nice, very large house in Seattle which had once been a church in a nice neighborhood near Lake Washington.
The reporter made more snide and totally inaccurate comments about my personal life during my teenage years in the small town outside of Olympia, Washington. In fact, I was much more privileged than most people in most cities or towns. When I entered high school, I and all freshmen students were tested by the high school to evaluate how well educated we were. The high school then divided our large, baby-boomer freshmen class into four classes based on our test scores. The students with the highest test scores were placed in the “A” class and were kept as a group to go through all our freshmen courses as “A” class students. I was among thethirty or so who were placed in the “A” class. I was a good student andoften on the honor roll even though as the oldest child in the family Ihad many chores to do at home each evening. I took more than the usual number of courses and took Latin, French, and German languages because I enjoyed languages and I did very well in everything except algebra, which I later excelled in during my college years.
In my sophomore year, I was voted to be a Princess of the annual town festival and in the following year, I was voted Queen of the annual festival. During my tour as Queen, we went to all the Seattle SeaFair parades and our float won many awards; many parade watchers took more pictures of our float than most of the other floats which came from different sections of Seattle. As Queen, I was invited to be on the local NBC television afternoon show hosted by Kathryn Wise and she interviewed me about our festival. She then also taped an interview with me for her radio show later that day. We went to the annual Tacoma Daffodil parade, the Wenatchee Apple Blossom parade, as well as the annual Olympia parade. When I was Queen, our town festival float went to more parades and won more awards than at any other time in the history of the town’s festival. I was very lucky to have the opportunity at such a young age to learn howto present myself with grace and friendliness in public situations wherecrowds of thousands were present.
I also was one of the few high school students who was asked to be substitute for a high school teacher when he needed to be out of the classroom due to other school duties. I was given this responsibility during my sophomore year. I was always considered a very good student and very responsible. I was well-respected and popular. One of the few correct comments about me in the article came from a lady who went to high school with me and she told the reporter I was “well-liked, alwayssmiling” and she said I was “beautiful and she always wished she lookedlike me.” I was happy to see this comment in the article.
What I noticed about the comments in the article from people who havepersonally known me is that NOT one person made negative comments againstme. Only people who totally do not know me made any negative comments. I happened to call my step-sister after I came home from the meeting at the newspaper yesterday and she informed me that some weeks ago, the reporter had called her and had attempted to get her to say something negative about me. She said his questions were clearly designed to try to find out something negative about me. She said she told him she didn’t knowanything about my Dove activities. She told me she decided she was notgoing to say anything because his questions clearly showed he was biased against me.
The Senior Editor commented that she simply could not understand why the reporter could not find anyone he contacted who would talk to him in support of NESARA. From what I have observed and heard from my step-sister, the problem was the reporter was always forming his questions in such a way as to try to elicit negative comments. His article says one person he called who is a strong NESARA supporter, absolutely refused to talk to the reporter and hung up on him. I have to suspect from his behavior toward me and my step-sister, that the reporter alienated anyone to whom he spoke who is a NESARA supporter. They probably were not willing to put up with his attitude.
I really have to say, the reporter has made a complete idiot of himself for making a snide remark about my growing up in a small town as though growing up in a small town were some kind of drawback. He obviously made again a great number of FALSE assumptions. I had an exceedingly fortunate life during those years in the small town. Again, the reporter attempted to falsely characterize me as someone I most definitely am not. All because he is trying to defame my character so he can make his lies in his article seem important and sensational.
I really have to wonder how certain officials at the newspaper are going to feel about this reporter and Senior Editor when I give them the facts. I would think these officials would realize that this reporter is including many false statements and false assumptions in this article. They should realize that anyone who grew up or lived in a small town is going to think the reporter is a fool and is insulting them due to how he wrongly commented about my life in a small town. In addition, the reporter looks like a fool when he tries to insinuate that my having a business license for “Dove” is somehow deceitful. He appears to beshowing that he totally lacks any knowledge of the banking laws in thisstate and lacks knowledge of the most fundamental business practices. I have to wonder why this newspaper is employing such an ignorant person. I would not be surprised if people who live in the many small towns near where this newspaper is located end up canceling their subscriptions.
I continued to mark up the sentences in the article which continued to slander and defame my character with my comments that each slanderous phrase was “not true”, was “lies”, was “wrong”, or was “inaccurate”. Then the article began discussing Clyde Hood (the administrator of the Omega program) and the trial of Clyde Hood in Illinois. The way this topic was presented gave the impression that I must be involved with Clyde Hood and his lying and thievery.
Only after a long discussion of Clyde Hood’s actions, did the article finally include brief comments that I was NOT involved with Clyde Hood and that I had written in the Dove Reports that Clyde Hood was a liar. I protested again the way the article was written because the information about Clyde Hood was introduced in a way that most readers would assume I was involved and I stated absolutely that I did NOT approve of Clyde Hood and in fact I had in the Dove Reports and in letters I wrote to Hood, had chastised him for not doing his duty to the members of the Omega program.
They asked me why I thought Omega was real if the Illinois attorney general’s office prosecuted Clyde Hood, why did I still think Omega wasreal. I explained that I was on the phone network with people all overthe US and some other countries too, talking 18 hours a day to track the progress of Omega and NESARA. I explained that I knew that beginning in early 2000, an African American lady judge had been the judge in an arbitration process in New York City in which the East Coast Coalition of attorneys (East Coast area of the US) complained the trustees of the Omega program where not fulfilling their trustee duties. I explained that one of my contacts was an attorney who used the same court reporters service in New York City as the federal judge who was conducting the arbitration, and that a few nights every week I would get a phone call explaining what this attorney had been able to find out from the court reporting service information which she was able to search and read about what had happened in the Omega arbitration that day. I also explained that US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was attending almost all these arbitrationsessions to advise the lady federal judge doing the arbitration. This wasone of the key sources of information which proved to me that Omega was real and most of my information from these arbitration sessions came to me in September and October of 2000, after the government closed down the Omega coordinators’ offices inIllinois on August 31, 2000 and closed downthe program from accepting new members. Therefore, it was quite clear that Omega was very real even after the Illinois authorities were trying to claim it was not.
I also continued to receive reports from our large phone network about Omega funding notification deliveries in small “test pack” numbers ofdeliveries which Omega members were receiving almost every week. Some ofthose who received passed on information about their experiences at thebank when they signed their paperwork for their funding and that they did not receive their funding but had to wait until all deliveries were completed.
Furthermore, I wish to tell you in this Report, that during those months of arbitration, there was a day when an Omega funding notification envelope, which was unopened and which had been delivered to one of the attorneys in the East Coast Coalition, was opened in the arbitration session so that an official record of what was in an Omega funding notification envelope could be made part of the legal and official record. The court record for that session described very large amounts of funding which was allocated to this attorney. The court record’s information wastaken down in detail and read to me over the telephone late that night. This also proved that Omega was very real.
In addition, the court reporter’s record of the arbitration sessionsshowed that ex-President George H. W. Bush (Bush Senior) was a trustee ofthe Omega program and so was a member of the New York Rockefeller bankingfamily and at some sessions, US Senator Jay Rockefeller also attended these arbitration sessions with the Rockefeller who was the Omega Trustee. The court reporting services’ records of the arbitration sessions showedthat week after week, Bush Senior and his attorneys came into the arbitration session on Thursday or Friday with some kind of blockage to keep the mass deliveries of the Omega funding notifications from going out to all members of the prosperity program. For example, one time Bush Senior claimed that the Omega funds were “tainted” with drug money. Thisclaim meant that the Judge had to order certifications from all theoffshore banks which had been involved in the Omega trading rolls andthese banks had to certify that none of the funds involved with Omega weredrug money. It took over a week for the Judge to receive all the certifications that the Omega funds were NOT tainted with drug money. Bush Senior knew this was a bogus delay, but he continued to use one delay after another to prevent the Omega funding notifications mass deliveries from being sent out.
Each week, the federal judge attempted to clear the road blocks laid down by Bush Senior and Rockefeller so she could order the mass deliveries of Omega funding notifications to be delivered on the weekend. However, invariably on Thursday or Friday, the court reporting services’ recordsshowed that Bush Senior, Rockefeller, and their attorneys caused anotherbogus delay. Some of these same actions were also reported in the Omegaprogram members’ telephone network reports from a person who worked in a firm of some of the East Coast Coalition attorneys. The attorneys often came back from the arbitration sessions to the firm complaining about the bogus delays Bush Senior and Rockefeller were causing. Therefore, I had more than one source which was reporting the same actions from the arbitration sessions conducted by the lady federal judge in New York.
At one point, the federal judge attempted to have delivered only the $6 million dollar check that every program member was to receive. This $6 million was payment to the Omega members from money that David Rockefeller had been fined in a court action which found him guilty of illegally trading the billions of Omega funding dollars that had been transferred into his Chase Manhattan Bank in NYC in late 1999. Rockefeller put this money illegally into a trade which generated a lot of revenue and he was caught and assessed a fine of all the revenue generated by the illegal trade and also had to pay money from his own assets as his legal punishment for the illegal trade. Thus, every member of the Omega program was supposed to get a $6 million dollar check of “legal fine money” due toRockefeller’s unlawful actions. I happen to know of a few people whoactually did receive this $6 million check of legal fine money with their “test pack” deliveries. However, when the federal judge attempted to havethe mass deliveries of these $6 million dollar checks sent out to allOmega members,CIA groups loyal to and working for Bush Senior staged a robbery of the shipment of checks to the delivery organization. The checks then had to be cancelled by the federal judge and were not recovered.
The federal judge had a very difficult job to do. She had assembled a group of over one dozen long-time friends and associates whom she trusted to give her advice on how to find ways to cause the mass deliveries of funding notifications to accomplished successfully. However, Bush Senior arranged for CIA agents to secretly meet the judge’s advisors and issuethreats that the advisors’ spouse, children or other loved ones would notbe alive unless the advisor told the CIA agent what had been decided ineach secret meeting the judge had with her advisors to find a way to getthe funding notifications delivered. The advisors were also told by the CIA agents to advise the judge to do things which wasted time and caused more delays. Because Bush Senior had been the Director of the CIA and a CIA agent for many years, he continued to have a great deal of illegal help from CIA agents in his efforts to keep Omega from funding.
The next points in the article which I refuted were various comments about the Bush Senior disinformation website www.nesara.ORG and Harvey Bernard who is associated with that disinformation website. I explained that on this disinformation nesara.ORG website, the information is greatly different from the original www.nesara.COM website which was published on the Internet in July 2000 and from which I printed out copies of the website NESARA information in the Fall of 2000. I explained that a pro-NESARA group put up the original website at www.nesara.COM and some prototype information, which included some of the actual NESARA law elements, as a way to get feedback from the public. Then in January 2001, about the time Bush Junior took occupancy of the oval office, Bush Senior staged a hostile takeover of the original www.nesara.COM website, had the original prototype information changed, and added some false information including that a person named Harvey Bernard had written the NESARA ‘bill’information on the website. This Harvey Bernard person claims that hewrote the National Economic STABILIZATION And RECOVERY Act, which was thetitle given on the original www.nesara.COM website but in fact, he didnot. The words “Stabilization” and “Recovery” were also never part of thename of the true NESARA law.
Prior to January 2001, I had learned that the true name of the NESARA lawwas NOT ever the name given on either the original www.nesara.COM websitenor on the later Bush Senior disinformation website www.nesara.ORG . It was explained to me that because the true NESARA law was under gag order, this meant that the real name of the law could NOT be put on the internet prototype NESARA website. After that, for many months I never referred to the actual name of the NESARA law until finally I was able to learn the real name of NESARA is the National Economic SECURITY And REFORMATION Act and was referred to as the Reformation Act by insiders in Washington, D.C.
I explained to the Senior Editor and the reporter that it totally does not make sense that many American banks have taken their tellers and other bank personnel off their normal jobs, paid substitutes to come in and do the tellers’ jobs while the tellers are in NESARA class, made them take a five-day training course on the true NESARA law banking regulations, and required these bank personnel pass a test on NESARA. I explained that the NESARA confirmation emails discuss that personnel from numerous American banks have stated that they had to take these NESARA training classes. I explained that banks do not spend all this extra money to send their tellers to class for five days and have to hire substitutes to do the tellers’ jobs unless the banks absolutely are required to do this. Therefore, our dozens of NESARA confirmations from bank personnel are obviously correct. Numerous of the banking personnel have indicated that there was a LOT to learn about the NESARA regulations which is different from what they do now. This is EXACTLY what I know to be true: NESARA vastly changes the rules and regulations banks must use in the United States.
This means that Harvey Bernard’s statements on the Bush Seniordisinformation website, nesara.ORG, that NESARA is just a “bill” whichhas never been passed are all FALSE. I have worked in banks and I knowfor a fact that a bank would NEVER spend money sending their personnel toa five-day training class on new banking regulations which are expected tobe implemented unless the bank absolutely was required to train their personnel in the new banking regulations. I explain to the paper’s SeniorEditor and reporter that all the information in the article related toHarvey Bernard and his false claims is totally wrong.
The article then goes back to discuss Omega and I explain that regardless of what happened in the Clyde Hood trial and other trials related to Omega in Illinois, the fact was that the entire Illinois court process was a farce and that it was staged to convince people who are members of the Omega program that Omega was a complete scam and to try to convince Omega members there was never any Omega trading program funds which were generated in the offshore trading programs. I explained that the Illinois court cases were never based on truth.
The next part of the article I discussed was the article’s derogatorycomments about my Dove Reports regarding the 9/11 attacks which were staged to stop theNESARA announcement on September 11, 2001. The article also slandered my reasons for saying that NESARA was related to why the 9/11 attacks occurred. I then explained how all three locations of the 9/11 attacks were connected to NESARA. The first tower hit at the WTC included on Floors One and Two an international banking computer center which was the key banking center for NESARA and was supposed to begin downloading data to banks all across the US at 9 a.m. on 9/11. I also explain that the Naval Communications Center at the Pentagon was supposed to coordinate NESARA support activities by the military such as guarding shipments of the new US Treasury currency to banks all over the US and this is why the Naval Communications Center was blown up. I shared then two incidents where people were told not to go to the WTC on September 11, 2001, and that a woman who worked near the Naval Communications Center was told on September 10, 2001 by her supervisor not to come into work the following day. I mention there is a French website which shows there was no commercial airliner which hit the Pentagon. I explain that the location in Pennsylvania where the plane crashed on 9/11 was over a very important underground facility which involved functions related to NESARA and that a woman who lived in a house next to the field where the Pennsylvania crash occurred stated that FBI agents came running out of the woods a few minutes after the crash and forced every person living in the houses nearby to sign a secrecy agreement saying they would not tell what they saw that day. It was obvious the FBI agents had been hiding in the woods WAITING for the plane to crash. The plane crashed exactly where it was supposed to in Pennsylvania on 9/11.
For those of you new to the Dove Reports, it is obvious that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job by the Bush administration because not only were six defense systems at the Pentagon turned OFF by someone inside the Pentagon so a small white plane loaded with explosives could hit the Naval Communications Center at the Pentagon, but I received information from the daughter of a FEMA official that FEMA had been ordered to New York City on Monday, September 10, 2001 to be ready to take charge of the disaster on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. And, in the early hours after the 9/11 attack in New York, a television news reporter actually interviewed a FEMA person who said they had been sent to New York the day before to be on hand to take over the area. Clearly, the 9/11 attacks were to stop the NESARA announcement and give the Bush administration an excuse to blame Arabs so Bush could order attacks to take over Afghanistan for the oil pipeline and then later attacks on Iraq for the oil.
Then we began to discuss part-two of the article. I mention I am not as he is characterizing me in the article as he is again referring to me living in a mobile home and casting other aspersions to make people think I am some kind of disreputable person. It certainly appears that this totally unnecessary comment is an attempt to insinuate and make people think of me as “trailer trash”, when all I am doing is taking care of the elderly relative’s property because she is ill.
I again asked him why he does not mention MY beautiful home in GardenAcres which I bought and which was mine and reflected me, rather thanmentioning my elderly relative’s home which I am care-taking to save heronly major asset of her 76 years. Why did he not mention that I am takingcare of her home and two acres of gardens so when she recovers she willhave a home to which to return? Why was this reporter again using snide remarks and bringing up the mobile home? It seemed obvious his ONLY reason was to try to imply I was a person not be respected, when in fact my reason for living in her mobile home is to preserve the one major asset my dear elderly relative had left after 30 years of working. It seemed that this snide comment about my living in her mobile home was ONLY an attempt to try to defame my character yet again.
I had to wonder if this reporter would also have made reference to the type of dwelling I am currently inhabiting if I were living in a mansion? I seriously doubt he would have mentioned the type of dwelling I inhabit if it were a mansion because if I lived in a mansion, it would not fit his constant bias of falsely portraying everything about me as disreputable.
It again shows this reporter’s DISRESPECT for many people. He commentsshow he is grossly disrespectful of people who live in small towns, he isdisrespectful of people who live in mobile homes, and his articleindicates he has a great disrespect for the TRUTH. If I were someone who had put my hard-earned money into buying a mobile home for my family, I would immediately cancel my subscription to this reporter’s newspaper forthe snide attitude he seems to have about people who live in mobile homes.
In answer to why he did not mention the home I had personally owned in Garden Acres, he responded by saying that he had a question about my home in Garden Acres. He said he had seen it and he had heard a rumor that I was unhappy with the sale of the house. I said I was not at all unhappy with the sale of the house; the buyer whom I had not previously known, paid a good price for the home and I was happy to sell the house. I stated I did not know where he could have gotten that information.
Next the article goes on with some derogatory comment about me lying about bank debt relief being part of NESARA and I comment that in one of the NESARA email confirmations from a person in Canada, the person states that the bank manager of the (Royal Canadian) bank in, I believe, Manitoba, had said that NESARA would ripple out to cause “global debt relief”. Isuggest the reporter get in touch with this Canadian whose NESARA emailconfirmation is among the 90+ confirmations I have given him to check outand he could find out that what I’m saying about debt relief has beenconfirmed by the bank manager. (I have also had confirmation of NESARA’sbank debt relief from other banking sources.)
I next discuss the article’s comments indicating that I am only doing theDove Reports to get money out of people when I ask for donations. I tell the reporter his comments are “not accurate”. I remind him that I did theDove Reports for the first two years of my four years of doing the DoveReports WITHOUT ever asking for donations. I state that I have “…15,000readers [on my Dove email list], and maybe 100 [people] send me something[when I request donations] and that’s NOT a lot.” I state that I cannotdo the things I am doing to help get NESARA announced and work a regularjob. I state that “no one is forced to give me money.”
I explain that I attempted to work and also do the Dove Reports in thefirst two years, but in 2001 I felt I had to devote myself to NESARA. Iwas anguished by having to choose between buying my dear little white cockapoo, Cari, a $100 a month prescription or devoting all my time to NESARA. I felt I had to devote myself fully to NESARA and I stopped working a temporary job to devote myself full-time to NESARA in mid-2001.
I felt if I worked hard enough, it might help NESARA get announced before the Bush administration launched the country into war which I knew Bush was planning to do since February 2001 when Rumsfeld began buying huge amounts of armaments even though there was no reason for it at that time. When the 9/11 attacks occurred, I felt I had to do even more to try to get the truth out about NESARA and the Bush administration treachery.
As the months went by in the Summer and Fall of 2001, I was anguished by the failing health of my dear puppy Cari who had been with me for almost 14 years. Each month she grew more thin and had increasing health problems and I continued to work hard to get the truth out in the hopes that NESARA would be announced, my prosperity would be delivered and I could get her the very best medical help and bring her back to good health.
Years before when I had been seriously ill, dear Cari had been the only reason I had clung to life; because she was so special that I could not find her another home as I had been forced to do with my seven cats, my Arabian filly, and another dog when due to my own health problems from the collision head trauma, I was forced to stop working and had to sell my home in Garden Acres. Cari was the reason I continued to live and forced myself to keep going after that. But in the last half of 2001, I felt NESARA was so critical to the world that I devoted myself to NESARA and was not able to pay the $100 per month for Cari’s medication.
On December 20, 2001, four days before Cari’s 14th birthday on Christmas Eve, December 24, she was in massive pain and crying out and I was forced to take her to the vet who said it was unlikely she would ever recover. I held her in my arms as she was put to sleep. I am still in tremendous pain when I think of how Cari saved my life but due to my heartfelt need to help move NESARA forward, I could not save hers.
Cari’s death made me realize that I could no longer go on giving so muchto NESARA and causing financial detriment to the household and those Iloved. After spending days grieving for Cari, I told an old friend, who used to live next door to me in Garden Acres and who used to come to play with Cari at my house when she used my washer and dryer, about Cari’sdeath. My friend said, “You should ask for donations. Many people who are trying to help the world ask for donations and what you are doing is certainly as helpful to the world as what they are doing.” I wasextremely reluctant to ask for donations and I hoped that in January 2002,NESARA and our prosperity would finally arrive. Finally, in late January 2002, knowing that my heart told me I must do even more to help NESARA and that without donations I would only continue to hurt the household and those I loved, I finally asked for the first time for donations. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
In the meeting, I told the Senior Editor and the reporter about Cari and how precious she was to me, and how not having $100 a month to buy her prescription led to her death. Fighting tears, I opened my notebook and showed them a picture of me holding Cari a few years before she died. I explained that I never had wanted to ask for donations, that I wait as long as possible before making a request for donations, and that it is always very hard for me to ask for donations. But my mission to help move NESARA forward makes it necessary.
I told the Senior Editor and the reporter that the inaccurate comments in the article that I am only doing the Dove Reports and supporting NESARA so I can get money from people is not true. I told them the derogatory comments in the article that I am either doing my support of NESARA for money or for attention were totally untrue. I explained that my life would be a lot easier in many ways if I were not doing my service for NESARA; I would not have to put up with receiving hate mail from Bush fanatics and others, or emails with cursing and calling me names, or having to deal with harassment from people when I do radio interviews about NESARA. I explained that I always hope NESARA will be announced soon because I do not personally care for being so high profile. I stated the comments by someone named “Goose”, who is quoted in the article sayinghe thinks I do the Dove Reports because I “like the attention”, were notaccurate.
I explained that “NESARA is the most important thing on the planet.” Thatit is getting NESARA announced which is important and that NESARA is moreimportant to me by far than the prosperity programs.
The article then makes the point that no member of Congress the reporter has called will verify that NESARA has been passed. I explain that of course they cannot say NESARA has been passed to a reporter because all members of Congress and all “officials” involved with NESARA are under the[US Supreme Court’s] gag order. I explain that due to the manyramifications of NESARA, it can only be announced suddenly withoutofficial leaks preceding the announcement, or people would take advantageof the ramifications of NESARA.
I had explained earlier in response to a question from the Senior Editor, that no official can admit to the public that NESARA has been passed before the announcement because people would then do various things, such as charging purchases to the maximum limits on their credit cards. I have repeatedly advised people in the Dove Reports not to be financially irresponsible and run up the balances on their credit cards because there is a “war” going on between those who are supporting NESARA beingannounced and those who are fighting against NESARA. Because of this conflict, there’s no way to absolutely predict when NESARA will beannounced and people must handle their financial matters responsibly andnot depend on NESARA to take care of their bills.
I continued to refute various comments in the article continuing to claim that NESARA was not passed, with my own information of people who do know NESARA and the US Treasury Bank System NESARA brings are real.
I continued refuting comments in the article quoting people who claim NESARA is a con or a scam. I refuted again the claim I am running a ‘cult’. I mention that there are many people who support NESARA and readthe Dove Reports who do NOT agree with some things I write and that’sfine. These people are NOT my “followers’. They are people who have their own reasons for supporting NESARA.
At the end of my writing my objections to the many wrong comments about me on my copy of the article, I told the Senior Editor that (since they would not allow me to take a copy of this article about me from their office), I was asking her to keep my annotated copy of the article so that it could be provided if we had to go to court. She agreed to do so.
I then counted the pages of NESARA email confirmations I was giving them and the total was 95 pages, of which 90+ emails were about different confirmations of NESARA by different people. I reminded the Senior Editor and the reporter that they must protect the people who sent the emails and they must not put these people’s names and contact information in the paper. They agreed to keep all the people’s information confidential.
I then asked that they do investigation of the NESARA confirmations andthat for them to do their “due diligence”, they really should doinvestigation of these confirmations. I did not get the impression that they were going to do any investigation of these NESARA confirmations. If they do not do any investigation of these NESARA confirmations, then their article is FRAUDULENT, libelous, and slanderous because they are presenting their information as though it is a well-investigated article which discusses both sides of the issues.
However, the fact that they seem to be determined to print their two-part article THIS WEEKEND, so they can capitalize on a news event in Seattle, shows that they never intended to be fair and objective in their reporting. If they had intended to print the truth about me and NESARA, they would have interviewed me MONTHS ago when I would have given them the proof about NESARA and corrected their many false assumptions and they would have had time to do the proper “due diligence” investigation of the90+ NESARA confirmations I gave them. Instead they waited until twobusiness days before they were going to print their fabrication of lies,innuendo, and defamation of character comments against me. Clearly, the only thing this reporter wants is to get his sensationalistic article to be noticed and he cares NOTHING about the truth.
To show a bit more about the TRUTH of who I am, I will share with you some my professional career accomplishments. I rose to the corporate level of the word processing systems manufacturer for whose systems I had performed exemplary support to over 200 customers in Western Washington. At the corporate headquarters of this computer systems manufacturer, I worked with the Research and Development engineers in developing and testing new computer software and hardware. I was also Product Manager for two new computer systems and I wrote instructional manuals and user reference materials for both systems. I also designed marketing support materials, worked with the corporation’s advertising agency on print ads and otherprojects, and was assistant to the National Sales Manager in preparing forand presenting Sales classes for marketing reps who came into corporate headquarters for their sales and product training. I did many advanced systems seminars for groups of customers in locations around the USA; I provided new products marketing seminars to sales reps in several locations around the US and did corporate trouble-shooting for large customers. This was a great experience and I gained a great deal of professional experience. However, I got tired of the traveling and chose to move back to Washington state after some years at this Midwest corporate headquarters and after I had done everything I wanted to do in this corporate headquarters environment.
I also worked in very responsible positions for state agencies in Olympia, the capitol of Washington state. I was the Manager of word processing and data processing operations for the local four-year college in Olympia and built our word processing services up from a one-person operation to a three to four person operation as I gained the confidence and provided quality word processing services to the college offices. This was even more remarkable since we had to “charge” the budgets of the other collegeoffices for our services. This was in the years before PCs began to beprovided to most personnel in an organization. While I was performingthese management functions full-time, on weekends and nights I was attending Business Administration courses at City University and living very frugally to pay my way. I made the President’s honor list allquarters I was at City University and graduated with my Bachelor’s inBusiness Administration in 1983. Also, during these years of beingManager at the four-year college in Olympia, I represented the college invarious professional organizations including the state agencies dataprocessing organization and the state agencies word processing organization of which I served as Vice President.
It was while I was Vice President that the then current Governor of Washington was pushing a bill in the legislature which would cause a giant computer systems regulatory agency to be created. This proposed agency was expected to control “all computers, including data processing and wordprocessing” systems, in all agencies. The poorly thought-out proposedbill was going to provide access between any and nearly all stateagencies’ data and information with very little restrictions to guaranteethat private and confidential information of citizens and businesses wouldbe protected. I saw how seriously this lack of privacy of informationcould harm the people of Washington and I led groups of concerned professionals to testify to the state legislature committees involved with this proposed bill.
When we were not successful in stopping the bill, I went to the President of the four-year college where I was employed and explained to him the many serious flaws of the proposed bill. This College President was Dan Evans, a popular three-term former Governor of Washington who was an excellent and wise leader; he quickly understood the problems I described were serious. Dan Evans then studied the proposed super-agency bill and found many flaws in the financing of the new agency. He testified to the legislative committee in charge of approving the new agency’s funding planabout these flaws and the bill was then totally defeated.
Some years later, the state of Washington did form an agency to oversee state government computer usage but the bill for forming the agency was a much better bill and did not sacrifice the privacy rights of citizens and businesses of Washington state. As a result of my activism and leadership against the flawed bill, I was asked to serve on the State of Washington’selite Office Automation Technical Committee which reviewed all agenciesrequests for office automation systems to the state Department ofPurchasing and because of our unique expertise in these systems, we evaluated agencies’ requests to obtain new office automation computersystems and whether these requests were properly cost-justified, includedthe appropriate hardware and software systems, and met the needs described in the requests. I also during this time, prior to leaving my management position at the four-year college in Olympia, did a college-wide office automation study and made recommendations about what systems would help make office workers at the college more productive and meet the college’sneeds.
As I was completing my Bachelor’s degree in Business, I learned thatSperry Univac was hiring an Office Automation Specialist to work withSperry’s very leading edge office automation Sperrylink system and be the technical representative to major corporations who were beta test sites for the Sperrylink system in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area. Out of hundreds of applicants, I was hired for this plum position in Minneapolis which reported directly to a Vice President at Sperry Univac’s corporateheadquarters in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. This was another greatexperience. Sperry did not have sales or technical people who wereexperts in office automation to help sell the Sperrylink system to theirlarge computer customers all around the country, so they hired 50 Sperrylink Specialists in the US with office automation experience to help market this very advanced office technology. The Sperrylink system was the system after which Bill Gates unabashedly modeled the Microsoft Office Systems softwares. Sperrylink had the capability to integrate spreadsheet information, mainframe database information, mainframe data files information, calendaring and meeting scheduling, and even linked to Sperry’s own voice messaging system so when you looked at your desktop Sperrylink station, you could see if you had new email or voice messages or if you had a calendar appointment or a meeting invitation – all in the same messages notices screen. Some people think Microsoft should not have copied Sperrylink, but I’m glad Microsoft did because although Sperry wasgreat at developing new technologies, the company was not as good atmarketing. In my position in Minneapolis, I supported the Sperrylink betatest sites at several Sperry mainframe customers’ locations. I did needsassessment studies for customers, helped design systems configurations,did customized user training and implementation processes, and alsodeveloped applications for some customers. At one point, there were discussions about drastically changing Sperrylink to a much less user friendly system and I wrote a detailed analysis of why this should not be done and submitted it to the Assistant to the President of Sperry who was heading up the Sperrylink Think Tank to evaluate the future direction of Sperrylink. I was then asked to serve on this very elite Think Tank at corporate headquarters in Blue Bell which made critical decisions about how the design and functioning of the Sperrylink system would proceed. I was also asked to transfer to Sperry’s corporate offices in Blue Bell andjoin the elite Sperry Consulting Group headed by Carol Gaffney. Iremembered my previous experience of working for the corporateheadquarters and having to travel extensively, and although I would have loved working with the Consulting Group, I declined the offer and enjoyed working with Carol when she came to the twin cities to do special consulting projects for our customers. During this time with Sperry, I was also asked by a highly regarded systems development engineer at the Sperry Roseville plant to take over his responsibilities of representing Sperry at office automation industry seminars in the Midwest. I agreed and presented many office automation seminars to groups ranging from a few dozen to several hundred and ranging from members of a secretary association to an association of mayors of cities and towns.
When Sperry was taken over by Burroughs in a hostile takeover, and the name was changed to Unisys, more than ten thousand Sperry employees were laid off in a series of layoffs. I and many other Sperrylink Specialists were laid off in the third series of lay-offs. However, I had given such good support to my customers, that three major organizations including Andersen Window, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, and Northern States Power hired me to do independent consulting for them in the year after I was laid off by Sperry.
I was also offered other independent consulting projects by Sperry customers but instead I chose to accept a position the Washington state Department of Social and Health Services’ division of InformationTechnology created specifically for me. I was hired as the Manager ofOffice Automation Support; I and my staff supported over 2,000 users of office automation systems in various agency locations around the state.
To complete this overview of who I really am and my success as a professional in computer technology positions, I note below only some of the professional organizations of which I was a member over the years: Member of UB-82 Washington State Committee representing the state Dept. of Health Member of the Minnesota Data Processing Association representing Sperry Member of the select Office Automation Technical Committee for the State of Washington Vice President of State Agencies Information Processing Association Legislative Liaison for State Agencies Information Processing Association Member of the Washington State Data Processing Managers Association Member of the International Word Processing Association Charter Member of the Puget Sound area Information Processing Association
As you may have noticed, I have at times been an activist for things I feel are important. In 1994, I was still recovering from severe health problems due to the years of stresses involved in dealing with undiagnosed and untreated head trauma injuries from the 1989 collision. However, in the late Summer of 1994, I became involved in the fight to keep the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from taking over control of vitamins and food supplements.
Millions of Americans fought this battle against the FDA by bombarding Congress with telephone calls, letters, etc. We all knew that the FDA was only the servant of the pharmaceutical industry. We knew that if the FDA were able to control vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements, we would be losing a very basic right as Americans.
In September 1994, the Congress was getting ready to end their session in which we needed to have the anti-FDA control bill passed. The Senate had passed the legislation keeping the FDA from controlling our vitamins, but the House of Representatives had not. After many telephone calls, I found out that the problem was the chairman of the House Committee involved was not letting the House bill to stop the FDA from controlling vitamins, etc. come up in the Committee for vote. I found out that the Chairman of a Committee has the right to control what is put on the Committee’s agendaand this is how this ONE MAN was STOPPING a bill that millions of Americans had lobbied to have passed. In fact, Congressional sources said that MORE Americans lobbied on this bill than had EVER lobbied Congress on any other issue, including people lobbying to end the Vietnam War.
After more phone calls, I learned that the ONE man who was stopping the House version of the bill from coming up for vote in the Committee was the House Representative from Beverly Hills, California, and that he was the SECOND largest receiver of pharmaceutical industry PAC money in Congress! It was then very clear WHY this one man was not letting our bill come to vote in the Committee.
I decided the only way to force this man to bring the bill to vote in the Committee he chaired was to make him so uncomfortable about the consequences of NOT bringing the bill to vote, that he would decide he had to get out of the way and let it be voted on by his Committee. I already had confirmed that there were enough members on the Committee who would approve it and then the bill could go to the House floor to be voted upon and we knew we had enough Representatives to approve the bill. The key was this ONE man who was blocking the bill in his Committee by not putting it on the Committee agenda.
Time was running out. We had only a few more weeks and then the session in which this bill could be passed by the House would be over and we would have to start all over again trying to get it passed in the Senate and in the House the following January.
I decided to organize a rally against the FDA at the FDA office location in the north Seattle area. I called my friends who cared about this issue and suggested we stage a rally in support of our bill in front of the FDA office and invite the Seattle television stations to cover our rally. I called the three major television stations and two out of the three said they would LIKE to give some news coverage to this issue and they would definitely show up to cover our rally in front of the FDA building. I then called my friends again and asked them to organize as many people as we could to go up and do the rally in front of the FDA building the following week. Once we had the ball rolling on organizing people to become involved, I called and found out the legal requirements for a permit for the rally and other such details.
Now I was ready. I called the office of the House Representative from Beverly Hills and told his secretary that we were going to stage a rally in front of the FDA office in northern Seattle and that I had enthusiastic agreement from two of the three major television networks that they would cover our rally. I told her that I personally was going to speak to the television news reporters and NAME the Representative from Beverly Hills who was purposely keeping millions of Americans from having Congress act to pass a bill that most of the House of Representatives and those on his Committee wanted to have passed. I said that I would not only NAME this man from Beverly Hills, but I would also emphasize that he was the SECOND largest receiver of PAC money from the pharmaceutical industry and that WE KNEW the pharmaceutical industry was LOSING billions of dollars in revenue because more and more people were choosing to take vitamins and natural supplements to improve their health and were rejecting prescription drugs!
The secretary gasped. I told her that if he didn’t let our bill be votedon in his Committee in the next two days, we would be doing ourdemonstration in front of the FDA in three days time early enough inSeattle so that our rally could be broadcast on the six o’clock nationalnews! I reiterated that he had better let our bill be voted on in hisCommittee or else I would make sure that EVERYONE knew that he alone wasresponsible for blocking a bill that millions of Americans had demanded Congress must pass and that his reason was because he was the SECOND largest receiver of money from the pharmaceutical industry!
Two days later, the Beverly Hills Representative let his Committee vote on the bill and it was approved and it went to vote by the full House of Representatives which approved it just barely in time! I and my friends in our commitment to stand up publicly for what we believe is right had convinced this man it was in his best interests to let our bill be voted out of his Committee.
This is more than I have ever written about myself and frankly I hope it’sthe last time I ever need to do this. I will not allow an unprofessionalreporter to smear me, my good name, my life, and my dedication to improvethe world by helping bring NESARA to announcement.
If the article is as bad as the draft copy I saw on Friday, I will take the reporter, the Senior Editor, the Editor, and the newspaper to court. I will demand $10,000 per word in this article which is defaming my character. There are probably hundreds of such words so this will be a very expensive lesson for these people. In addition the corporation itself will be liable for financial damages for letting such irresponsible and false information be printed in their newspaper and for allowing their employees to KNOWINGLY commit FRAUD by implying they have thoroughly researched the facts when as you can see in these pages, they most certainly DID NOT! Furthermore, they DID NOT investigate 90 people’spersonal confirmations of NESARA which might have actually led to an off-the-record discussion with a respected banker who would be willing to confirm directly to the reporter that NESARA is indeed passed and many bank personnel have been trained on NESARA.
This court action I will be taking against these people will serve a great purpose. We will WIN the court case decisively and then we will make sure every media organization in the USA gets a copy of the court ruling so they are put on notice that this kind of fraudulent reporting, slander, and libel will NOT be tolerated!
NESARA will be announced and all those who spoke against NESARA and me in this article will be included in this court case and will face financial ruin from the damages which will be assessed against them! Furthermore, not only will every single person involved with this story at this paper and every person at any other paper that reprints these lies, face the most severe financial ruin, but they will also be sentenced to long prison terms and will not receive a single benefit from NESARA. They will not receive debt relief nor any other of NESARA’s wonderful benefits. When beings are as totally deluded and blind as these people are, it is because their souls are requiring them to experience a very big lesson. Their behavior and the court case which finds them guilty will become an education to many other media people who will learn that LYING and defamation of character will no longer be tolerated!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[doveofo] NESARA & Dove Being Smeared by CIA. Full Report.
July 21, 2004 11:47 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I’ve been doing some research on the deceitful reporter, S.R., who wrotethe lies about NESARA and me recently. What I have discovered is that about 18 months ago, S.R. was asked by the CIA agent, who writes the fiction and disinformation on “quatloos”, to do a “smear job” on Dove andNESARA.
What’s more, S.R. was told by the CIA stooge at “quatloos” that he (S.R.)was going to be put on the CIA payroll to write more lies anddisinformation if he did a good job smearing me and NESARA. But, poorS.R. is not too smart. The CIA agent at “quatloos”, who promised S.R. anew career, knew that his CIA bosses were not going to actually hire S.R.; they were just using S.R. because he works at a paper not too far from were I’m located. Apparently the CIA looked for a while to find areporter who has shown he likes to lie in his writings and S.R. suited the CIA perfectly.
It turns out that George H. W. Bush, who still controls certain groups at the CIA (since his days as CIA Director), was the one who actually ordered the “smear job and character assassination” job on me. Poor old BushSenior is afraid of the Dove Reports. Poor old Bush thought that if his stooges did character assassination on me, I would not do the Dove Reports any longer. Well, poor old Bush was seriously mistaken.
When someone tries to harm me, it simply makes me MORE DETERMINED to do what these deceitful people are trying to stop me from doing. I’m moredetermined than ever to help get NESARA announced. And, furthermore, Iwill see all the people involved in this spurious slander are convictedand put in jail; this includes poor old Bush Senior, the CIA stooge at “quatloos”, the deceitful reporter, S.R., and everyone else involved inthe slanderous, libelous, and fraudulent trash written against NESARA andme.
I will have much more to write about how this rather dumb reporter, S.R., completely put his neck and the necks of his accomplices into the noose. S.R. didn’t expect that I would demand a meeting to discuss his liesbefore the trash was printed and S.R. didn’t expect me to tape themeeting. Normally, I’m told, these CIA smear jobs usually wait until the last day to interview the object of their smear campaign. So, normally, S.R. would have come to interview me on Friday, the last business day before his slanderous lies were printed.
However, S.R. had to ambush me last Thursday because he needed to get some pictures of me. After approximately 547 days (18 months) of supposedly researching the trash S.R. wrote, he showed up on my doorstep TWO days before his libelous and fraudulent trash was printed. When S.R. got back to the office on Thursday, he emailed pictures they took of me to a CIA office where the CIA “tampered” with the pictures. The picture which thepaper printed showing my face in the Sunday edition, was actually “stretched diagonally” and manipulated to try to make me look “crazy”. The other pictures of me were also manipulated and tampered with by theCIA and then sent back to the reporter S.R. to use. This is just one ofthe many mistakes these people made which will bring them down.
My heartfelt thanks to all of you who have sent your warm thoughts and support to me this week. I very much appreciate all of you. I’ve beenvery busy this week with gathering initial elements of factual evidence touse to convict the deceitful reporter S.R. and all the others involved in the libelous and fraudulent smear campaign of NESARA and me. I very much appreciate your support and I hope to personally thank as many of you as I can in the near future.
I’m also continuing to give my attention to new ways we may be able to move NESARA forward. I will post my next Dove Report this coming Sunday, July 25th. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[doveofo] NESARA Gains New Supporters from Failed Smear Campaign; F-9/11 Movie. Excerpt of the Report.
July 25, 2004 11:50 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
A week ago, a lying reporter’s first part of a two-part article, intendedto smear NESARA by lying about me, was printed.
Interestingly, over fifty new subscriptions to the NESARA Dove Reports have resulted from this smear campaign. The new subscriptions FAR outnumber the number of people unsubscribing. Congratulations to all of you who saw through the smear campaign to the truth.
Also, interestingly, many people have sensed something was seriously “off”about the article. An ex-FBI agent whistle-blower stated to a contactthat the shear length of the article and the overt effort to use only negative and defamatory language is a clear sign that the article was a smear campaign. Another observer in the Tacoma area said that a great many people have written letters to the Editor of the newspaper stating their displeasure and protesting the “National Enquirer” sleaze of thearticle. This observer indicated that the smear campaign article eliciteda flood of letters to the editor protesting the sleazy article.
NESARA is the biggest threat to those who are destroying our world. It’s not surprising that the destroyers have tried to attack NESARA. However, I guarantee you, the only result has been that I have re-doubled my actions and commitment to ensuring NESARA is announced as soon as possible.
In the last month I have been writing the Dove Reports on NESARA only once a week, on Sundays, in order to have enough time to prepare for my new, accelerated activities “offline” to catalyze strong actions to move NESARAinto announcement. I have received specific training and education toprepare me for these new activities. I have now begun direct contact actions with certain high level people whose involvement will help bring NESARA to announcement. Because my new actions are requiring the majority of my time and energy, I will continue to post a Dove Report only once a week, on Sunday.
Many of you have written me and called me to express your support for me and my Dove world service. Your expressions of caring and support have touched my heart. I’m saving the list of those who have called and hope to call you and express my appreciation of your warm comments. I hope I will also find time to answer your caring emails soon. My time is extremely tight as I’m launching all new actions to give NESARA a bigboost to announcement, so if I do not reply to you soon, please know it is not because I am not thinking of you. Your warm and kind comments are tremendously appreciated. At this point, I feel the best way I can thank you is to work night and day to move NESARA into announcement. If I am not able to reply to you for a while, please know it is because I think you would agree that my efforts to bring NESARA to announcement must come first.
The recent proposal that the homeland security agency should be able to cancel the American November 2004 federal and presidential election is a transparent effort by the Bush regime to once again illegally grab power. Due to information I received last February, I have known Bush regime officials had several unlawful plans to try to keep Bush Jr. in the oval office. Since the Bush regime has been unsuccessful in their attempts to cause more terrorist attacks like the 9/11 attacks ordered by the Bush regime, they have not been able to implement their full dictatorship. This latest effort to allow homeland security to cancel the election is simply an indirect way to try to implement their desired dictatorship.
NESARA’s announcement is the answer to removing the Bush regime. The Bushregime is without a doubt the most dangerous and corrupt regime ever tohold power over America. After NESARA is announced, the truth about ALL the damage the Bush regime and others have done to Americans and the world will come out. People everywhere will become much wiser about how to choose good leaders after the truth about our government officials becomes public knowledge.
There are certain actions I and others are pursuing which will mobilize greater movement to get NESARA announced as soon as possible. There is a great deal of activity which must be accomplished to ensure the removal of the "insiders" who have constantly sabotaged the NESARA announcement. Themain reason we do not already have NESARA announced is because certainpeople on the US Committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement have beenworking with those opposing NESARA to keep NESARA from being announced. However, there are strong actions which will ensure NESARA is announced and these actions are now being increased and accelerated.
After NESARA is announced, I expect to make lemonade from the “lemons” ofthe spurious, defamatory articles about me and NESARA which were published last week. We will use the court case against the newspaper to prove to the media that they cannot print libelous, slanderous, and fraudulent information about anyone or anything. The media is a major tool used by corrupt governments to control the people. In America, NESARA’sannouncement will require the courts to be closed for 30-60 days while allattorneys, judges, and law enforcement personnel are educated inConstitutional Law. Then the courts will re-open. After NESARA is announced, I will pursue a case charging those involved in the smear campaign against NESARA and me with fraud, libel, slander, and other crimes and I expect that this case will be one of the very first to be decided. We will use the guilty verdicts to educate media representatives and executives that their trampling of truth will no longer be tolerated. The financial damages they will pay will be used to fund the educational process whereby the media will be put on notice they must cease their past practices of lying and manipulating the public through false information.
I’ve been informed that this smear campaign by the TNT newspaper alsoincluded a decision to print the lies in numerous newspapers. I’m askingall of you who saw part or all of this spurious article printed in a local newspaper in your area to please send a copy of the article from your local newspaper to my address below. After NESARA is announced, all media who carried the lies will be investigated to ensure all those colluding in publishing these lies are held accountable. Please send copies of the smear campaign articles against NESARA and Dove to:
3430 Pacific Ave SE
Suite A-6 Private Mail Box 217
Olympia, Washington 98501
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NTAT Director
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[doveofo] Unprecedented Actions for NESARA; NESARA Demo Filmed; Confirmation. Excerpt.
August 15, 200410:23 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
After months of special preparation and research, I’m in the process ofmaking many important direct connections with people who have theknowledge and status necessary to contribute to advancing NESARA toannouncement. To keep those who oppose NESARA from knowing what we are doing to move NESARA to announcement, all that we are doing must remain confidential at this time.
When the Bush regime announced their intention to try to convince Congress to give them the power to “cancel the national, presidential election”this November, 2004, I decided I had to take action in every way possibleto bring NESARA to announcement. During the Civil War, US PresidentAbraham Lincoln never considered trying to cancel the presidential election although he did expect to lose the election (but in fact, he won). No righteous federal administration would consider such a thing; but we know the unelected, illegal Bush regime is far from righteous.
The Bush regime has proposed that even if there is a “threat” ofterrorism, and not an actual terrorist attack, homeland security should beable to cancel the election. In fact, the Bush regime has tried manytimes to cause more terrorist attacks since their big success of the 9-11attacks on Americans. Yes, the Bush regime ordered the 9-11 attacks and a small group in the CIA designed and managed the entire 9-11 attack scenario which included ZERO Arab terrorists.
However, since the 9-11 attacks, the Bush regime’s efforts to cause moreterrorist attacks in the USA have been neutralized by White Knights in the military and by the benevolent Forces. There will be ZERO terrorist attacks allowed in the USA.
Because the Bush regime has been unable to carry out any more terrorist attacks, the Bush regime has now changed tactics. Now a group in the CIA are coordinating a whole series of “staged actions” in which some CIAstooges are being arrested for various activities in order to makeCongress and Americans think that these are potential terrorists. If you heard about the “Pakistani” man who was arrested for “photographing bankbuildings” inTexas, this was one of the CIA’s staged events to supportthe Bush regime’s claim that there would be terrorist attacks involving “banks”. Remember a few weeks ago there was a big alert about terrorist attacks on banks?
What really happened is that the Bush regime plotted with big bankers in the US who support Bush and the big bankers TRIED to arrange for terrorist attacks to be carried out INSIDE their own banks. However, these terrorist attacks inside the banks were prevented from happening. Now all the Bush regime can do is “stage” the arrests of CIA stooges and get mediaheadlines to try to scare Americans and the US Congress.
The plan is for theCIA to continue to send out their own operatives, usually foreigners, and have the stooges do something for which they can be arrested as a potential terrorist. The CIA is “staging” these arrestsin order to cause numerous media reports of “potential terrorist threats”.Then sometime in September 2004, the Bush regime plan to try to scare theUS Congress into voting to give homeland security the right to shut downthe November 2004 elections. In fact, the ONLY terrorists are the Bushregime.
When this new scenario of Bush regime scare tactics began, I decided to launch a whole new series of actions that will definitely bring us NESARA’s announcement. These unprecedented actions handle everything thatneeds to be handled in order for NESARA to be successfully announced. We expect to successfully complete these actions in the next few months. After completion of these actions, NESARA’s announcement will be freedfrom those who are holding it hostage. We will see NESARA’s announcementin all its glory!
[doveofo] NESARA Process; Why NESARA Needed in Oct. 2004 – Bush Martial Law. Full Report.
September 5, 20049:56 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I extend my sincere and heartfelt thanks to the dozens of you who have responded to my requests in the last two weeks. I have spent hours on the telephone talking with many people in the last two weeks asking for their assistance in being able to reach certain very key people. Many of you have responded with great dedication and have given freely of your time and energy to help me move forward with the process which will bring NESARA to announcement in the next few months. My deep heartfelt thanks to all of you.
I have just listened to a radio interview with an officer in the Texas National Guard who says he and his fellow National Guard members have received training to implement “martial law” in the United States. Hesays they have been told the Bush government will declare martial law onNovember 1, 2004. The Texas National Guard officer says they were warned not to tell any media personnel about this Bush government plan to declare martial law on November 1, 2004. And of course, the REASON the Bush government is choosing November 1, 2004 is to be able to cancel the election.
I’m asking everyone, who has the computer capability, to listen to this interview which takes 10 to 20 minutes to download. Although the host ofthe radio show is Alex Jones, who does not have the right contacts toconfirm NESARA and therefore does not support NESARA, Alex does sometimes receive good information. What this Texas National Guard officer is saying about the Bush government getting National Guard soldiers trained to implement martial law is absolutely true and I have confirmed it.
The Bush regime has put a former USSR KGB chief in charge of part of this martial law preparation and training activity and some of the tactics include randomly stopping old ladies on the street and searching them, as well as how to “take over a city” and how to arrest people and take peopleto the internment camps in the USA.
Please listen to this interview and forward this email to others and ask them to listen to the interview:
In addition to this shocking information from the Texas National Guard, Alex talks about a new book called “In Defense of Internment” which claimsthat internment camps are “good”! The author, Michelle Malkin, is LYINGabout the claims she makes in her book and she is part of the brainwashing the Bush regime is trying to do on the American people to convince Americans that they should let the Bush government totally destroy our country.
It is ENTIRELY possible for us to bring NESARA to ANNOUNCEMENT BEFORE November 2004. The steps needed to bring NESARA to announcement in October 2004 are a well-defined process and most of the resources to accomplish these steps are already confirmed. I hope this week to have two meetings which will put the NESARA process into acceleration so that we absolutely DO see the NESARA announcement in October 2004!
I have felt a tremendous pressure to work night and day to move NESARA forward for the last several months. I’ve known since February 2004 thatthe Bush regime is hoping to declare martial law this year; they wanted to do it in June 2004 and now are hoping to do it on November 1, 2004. The Bush regime has not been able to successfully do any additional terrorist attacks since the 9-11 attacks and the benevolent Forces will continue to prevent terrorist attacks.
HOWEVER, the Bush regime is working on "other ways" to declare martiallaw. It is up to WE, THE American PEOPLE, to bring NESARA to announcementBEFORE the Bush regime can trick Americans into allowing marital law to be declared.
The globalists, with whom the Bush government is working, are stepping up their activities to put the world’s people into total subjugation. InRussia, the two planes that went down and the hostage event at the schoolwere ALL staged by the Russian government. These were the Russian leaders’ “9-11 attacks” on the Russian people.
It’s time to get NESARA announced! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NESARA Take Action Teams Director
[doveofo] You Can Help Bring NESARA’s Announcement; National Guard. Full Report.
September 7, 20044:21 p.m. PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
I am doing a “Special Report” today because there are things WE can do toensure NESARA is announced in October 2004 and TIME is of the ESSENCE. I expect my next report will be on Sunday, September 12, 2004.
There are two activities in process which will contribute to NESARA being announced in October 2004. Some of you may be able to provide assistance with these activities.
Needless to say, the Bush regime’s plans to declare martial law onNovember 1, 2004 are a rallying call to all of us who know the Bush regimeordered the 9-11 attacks on Americans. Because we know the ONLYterrorists are the Bush regime, there is absolutely ZERO need for martial law.
The Bush regime is by no means “sure” they will win the election. Thereare globalists in the USA and Europe who want to get rid of Bush and putKerry into the oval office. The globalists fight among themselves. Thereis even a contingent in the CIA who would like to remove Bush permanently and there are others in American intelligence agencies are aware of this.
The Bush regime is hoping to cause another big terrorist event in America and this is what they hope will enable them to declare martial law. The Bush regime is also still pursuing their effort to get Congress to approve a resolution that homeland security office can CANCEL the election based ONLY on a “threat” of a terrorist attack.
There is ONE way that the Bush regime could possibly get martial law implemented without another terrorist attack. This would be if Americans themselves showed in some way that they WANT martial law. One possible way this could be done would be if individual state legislatures voted to approve having their states under martial law AND if this was done WITHOUT any coercion; this would be the representatives of Americans speaking for the people. This is an unlikely scenario.
However, we must get OUT of our complacency and our denial. We must REALIZE that America and the world are at risk and WE have a part to play in removing these terrible risks.
You need to understand that the Bush regime will pursue whatever course they can. The globalists are pursuing their world domination plans. ONLY NESARA’s announcement will decisively remove the globalists fromcontrolling the American federal government.
As of now, there are two key activities for which you may be able to provide assistance.
1. I am asking all of you who have personal contacts with someone who is a state’s National Guard to contact that person and ask if the NationalGuard units in that STATE have received training to implement martial law. Tell them that you understand that an officer in the Texas National Guard disclosed in a phone call during a television interview with Alex Jones onAugust 19, 2004 that the Texas National Guard has received the training to implement martial law. This Texas National Guard officer stated they were told they could tell their families but not the media.
Not all states’ National Guard units have received this training, but allstates’ National Guard units are expected to be trained by November 1,2004. One of our White Knight sources in a government intelligence position confirmed yesterday that he is aware this kind of training has occurred in Texas, Wyoming, Montana, Florida, and Arizona so far.
Please ask your personal contacts in the National Guard if they have been trained. If they have not yet received this training, ask them to contact you if they do receive the training. I doubt you can obtain this information by calling your local National Guard office because the Texas National Guard officer indicated this information was not supposed to be publicized.
If you find someone in the National Guard who HAS received the training to implement martial law, please send an email to[email protected] with the Subject of “NATIONAL GUARD” and include in your email your first name andTELEPHONE NUMBER so I may call you to discuss this. Also, please includethe name of the STATE in which the National Guard members have received training to implement martial law and the date of WHEN this training occurred.
Providing more details to key NESARA supporters regarding the Bush regime’s sneaky, secret actions to train the states’ National Guard unitsto implement martial law on November 1, 2004 can be HELPFUL in obtaining ASSISTANCE from key NESARA supporters who are not aware of the URGENCY of getting NESARA announced.
2. There is a lawful process which must be completed to remove the blockages which are keeping NESARA from being announced. This process can be completed in just a FEW WEEKS and will enable NESARA to be announced in October 2004.
This process requires that a law firm (which has been validated by White Knight and higher intelligence sources) take the actions needed to remove the blockages. If you know someone who is willing to provide the funds (in the LOW six figures) to the law firm for this legal process, please send an email to[email protected] with the Subject of “LEGAL PROCESS” andINCLUDE your first name and PHONE NUMBER.
NESARA’s announcement is the ANSWER to stopping martial law in America andturning the course of our world to a bright and wonderful future. Please do YOUR part to help! NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Worldwide NESARA Take Action Teams Director
To Continue SeeNESARA Updates, Dove Reports, Part 2
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