No Other Planet Has Walked with Christ Michael
No Other Planet Has Walked Personally with Christ Michael,
As You Shall Do
By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Sananda Immanuel and Candace Frieze
Beloved Hatonn and Sananda Esu Immanuel channeled through Candace Frieze, [email protected]. Published initially in this website on April 29, 2005. New updates are incorporated from time to time. Revisit it. See NESARA resume at: . See also the NESARA official website at: . NESARA Yes! NESARA Now!
Saturday Evening, April 23, 2005
Excerpt. Hatonn’s and Sananda’s message are published in their entirety.
To My Dear Lightworkers everywhere on Planet Earth, I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander-in-Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiadian Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet, Ashtar Command. I have a most important message for this day.
Now first, NESARA will be announced just as soon as it all flows together, and it is flowing, my friends. We had a minor problem today with an aircraft making an attempt at an uncloaked shuttle (April 23). This is not a reason for delay. I am just saying that our BBB&G’s (Big, Bad, Boys and Girls) are still trying to interfere. We have more uncloaked vehicles, out of necessity. We are going to issue a “Stand Down” on military craft for a period of time. This will not be announced publicly. We have Star People to enforce this issue.
The more important issue right now is the mess with the Tree of the Golden Light website. I am very glad that you, Patrick of FourWinds, drew attention to some problems, even though Candace at the time was not so thrilled with it. Here is what has been found.
We placed a Star Person on the ground to do a little investigating. The purpose of this is that the supposed “Hatonn” messages from Nancy Tate are from the higher ups of your government, working behind the scenes to delay and confuse. There is a battle occurring to make you believe that the Second Coming is not a real event. I assure you that it is a real event!
We discussed for a time early in the year whether we would announce the Second Coming in this manner or not. We desired to raise awareness in the Lightworkers, as your help is needed. We, also, figured we would create a little chaos in doing so and gain intelligence from it. This most certainly has happened and makes the announcement of NESARA a more orderly process.
Let us go back to the Tree issue. Nancy, my dear, I have a message for you. I have been trying to contact you telepathically without success. The one mentioned in the A&A reports, as the KOS (King of Swords), is most certainly not a White Knight. However he is, as was told on the Tree site last week, a very high level Delta Force person. It was mentioned on the Tree site that this KOS had something to do with reverse engineering of crashed craft, and in the interrogation of ET’s. Indeed, there is finally something of truth posted by the A & A’s.
The truth is that the KOS was an important member of a team that shot down ET craft, took the ET’s piloting them and some passengers into custody, then tortured them and caused their deaths, after information was obtained of use to these high Delta Force people. KOS is not a person who just did his job. He is extremely nasty, and has been making use of the A&A’s through the Tree website. One of the activities has been to harvest e-mail addresses and obtain information on Lightworkers, and it wasn’t for the purpose, I assure you, of aiding the announcement of NESARA.
There are other activities going on in which this man is involved, and he personally was working very hard at harassing and creating difficulty for Lightworkers. He is part of the plan to bring down NESARA! His group, Nancy, my dear, is the one that has created your “Hatonn”. These types are associated with other groups intending to do everything possible to stop not only the NESARA announcement but, of course, First Contact and the Second Coming event.
Now, we did foresee problems, and getting Star People, now at least 25,000 on the ground, has been most helpful. We have been able to weed out moles and become more aware of secrets being planned. I would like to remind you that the BBB&G’s have Star Technology also, and it can be most devious and difficult to discover their plans.
This week I sent letters to a few at the Tree. Nancy, I did not send you one. I hoped to contact you telepathically. You are very much under control of the BBB&G’s. When the April 3 “Stand Down” order was announced first at the Tree, we thought somebody on our side had “jumped the gun”, not understanding the rules.
Nancy, you are being used through your “Hatonn” messages to send warnings and other information by code. [CANDACE: Nancy has since been sent a letter about the above issues, and I inquired of Hatonn, if he still wished this information posted which was channeled to me very late on Saturday, April 23. He said, “Yes, as all need to understand fully the games played by the BBB&G’s”.]
When you, Nancy, put up the message on April 15 that you were so excited that an important announcement would be made by CNN in 10 hours or less, and that people should take into consideration who they had watching TV, well my dear, that message was a warning to others to fall into their place and begin the hostage taking process.
Had the hostages been killed, it was the plan of these BBB&G’s to take over CNN and have a whole lot of fun, their style, as the United States was to be under full martial law as a result of a serious terror attack. This would have been, in reality, a far worse event than 911 in its impact. There were more hostages that could be taken than the ten that were. I would like all who are still in distrust of our abilities to ponder what it would mean to have many famous people of national and international repute killed in this manner.
We knew about most of this plan. This is why we had invisible Star Guards in place to beam the announcement people out of danger. It was a shock to them, not so much because of the beaming out and the stress. It was a shock because these are intelligent and very serving people, who were in shock that this would be tried. This is why they needed rest and recuperation.
Their long, long work in bringing NESARA to you had seemed lost all of a sudden. It was so close. These people had been protected, as best we could for so many years, and worked so very hard behind the scenes for NESARA. They have had to play a double role, going about their normal lives with the role of NESARA planning in the background. These people had to return to their normal lives after the initial recovery, and pretend as if nothing had happened.
Could we have prevented the attempt? No, as there are many layers upon layers involved. By providing the protection, just in case, we prevented a more dire consequence. As a result, we have now dismantled many layers. We have removed many players. Many of you expect that all will be “hunky dory” after NESARA. This is not totally true. There will be more BBB&G’s coming out of the woodwork. Many are programmed clones, and in your message, Nancy, you are turning on the programs to the clones who operate without thinking, whatsoever.
We have solved many problems as a result of the kidnapping, and further relieved difficulties that would have occurred immediately after the announcement. The announcement will cause more clones to come forward, so they can be removed, also. There will be some turmoil, period! This will settle down over the coming days. The presence of the Star People will be announced, as tactfully as possible, near the end of the initial teachings.
We must get our presence known to the people of the world, quickly. We do not intend to set back the Second Coming date. It will be prior to June 30. If we see a delay, we will notify you about it. First Contact events are quite required prior to the Second Coming event, as the event is a world-wide Contact event. You will not fail to notice it. It will not be a TV event, as there are many who do not have TV’s. There are indigenous cultures still without TV, and in war-torn countries such as those in Africa, there is little TV.
Nancy, this is not to scold you publicly. You move around a bit, and we haven’t been able to get a message hand-delivered. I need to tell the world what is going on in order to stop the “Hatonn” confusion issues. I want all of you to be in sympathy for Nancy. Her freewill was violated in this issue. She knew not what she was doing because she did not know.
I am, now, going to make a statement concerning the messenger. We have said that there are many messengers, and this is true. However because of confusion I am announcing right now that from now on out Sananda and I will be using Candace entirely for any messages from us. WE are asking others to respect this, and not be part of any more pretend “Hatonn’s and Sananda’s”. Germain will continue to use the messengers of his choice as will other masters with channels working for them.
As of this day, right now (April 23), any messages not from Candace using our names in any manner, are not the true messages. Now I will warn you. There will be plenty of fake messages out, just as we have been seeing the last few weeks since the “Stand Down” order. Candace was chosen purposely by us for this mission. She is of very high Light and integrity. She is a most important part of the announcement plan for the Second Coming event. There is no other messenger of this nature in the process. Do you not remember that there was one, John the Baptist, that preceded the First Coming? Candace is that person at this time. No, she is not the reincarnation of John the Baptist. There is no relation at all in that area. She is simply a person from the Stars doing the task.
Yes, she is from the Stars. She is Pleiadian from a planet called Myrua of the star Merope. Merope is the first star next to Alcyone, the central star around which Earth also revolves. This is her 6th incarnation on this Earth, and no, she did not have the planning of this event in her “life plan” before incarnation. She is what is sometimes called a “free spirit”, advanced in growth and not needing the experience of karma on this planet.
She designs her own incarnations and has chosen well in them. She made her choices, having incarnations in a variety of cultures and religions on Earth to learn about how religion is used to control. Religion, as practiced on Earth, is not practiced on other worlds. Each one knows their journey belongs to them. They are sovereign. These worlds do have schools of learning about the Universe, but people do not sit in a church, giving of 10% of their income to a business venture.
She designed her mission a few years ago and has been planning and perfecting her ideas since. She was particularly motivated by the 911 disaster, knowing that the game of religion was being used to incite war. She sent a personal message, one night, straight to Christ Michael of Nebadon. In her petition she said that many messiahs were needed for planet Earth, so great were the problems.
Knowing that male power is dominant here, she offered her services as a “granny messiah”, thinking quite rightly the world needed more female power. Now, I am going to say something here. I have said, “Ye are all the messengers”. Well, my friends, ye are all “messiahs”, too. This is the message we have been trying to get across. Many of you want us to determine your mission. A messiah-type person looks around, sees what needs to be done, and designs their plan. We want creators and designers here, lots and lots of them. We need messiahs. The Second Coming event is Messianic! We need little messiahs and great messiahs. Design what works in your life. Find others who share in your vision. Remember, “Two or more in MY NAME”!
I need, now, to discuss a small amount of physics. Mankind believes what his eyes see until he gains wisdom. Observe the behavior of magnets. Notice that a magnet sticks to iron. That makes it appear that opposites attract. This is not so. Like attracts like. When the magnet seems to attract the iron, what is going on with the opposite charges is that they are voiding each other. What does this have to do with this paper, tonight? I need to explain more about “like attracting like”.
Many are upset with us, thinking that we know not what we are doing, and the BBB&G’s are having a lot of fun at what might seem to be our expense, lately. We have been called the “galactic street gang lords” of the Federation of Duality, for example. Many of you in observing the sad conditions of the world right now, think that we should simply drop out of the sky, round up the Darkside and usher them on out. How much we would like to do this, except it doesn’t work because of the Law of Attraction, which is universal and begins at the subatomic levels.
If we come not properly preparing our way, the Darkside will have the advantage, as those in the Dark, whether by nature of evil or by not knowing what is going on, will be attracted to the Dark. There are those, of course, who do have a clue about what is going on, are disturbed about war, etc., that will be attracted to the Light. In the middle are many confused souls. Let us call them “fence sitters”.
They are comfortable. They have a car or two, a nice job, kids, a house, whatever. They do not plan for chaos in their lives. Should we do the Second Coming event as planned without preparation, many of these in fear will become very susceptible to the Dark. As I have pointed out, there will still be some Dark folks around, and they will glean from any opportunity.
Every time, for example, there is a major quake with destruction, you get those that prey on the misery of others. We get asked to beam out all the Dark folks. Frankly we can’t identify them all as some are just a little Dark. Some are controlled and know not what they do. God, indeed, gives much Grace and will be giving much Grace over the next few years of changes.
We have not been able to bring you the Second Coming prior to this time, even though Sananda and I have been back here since 1954 planning the event and solving problems. This is because there were not enough of you available, yet, to draw the Light towards you. By Light here I include knowledge and wisdom. The Dark is still the greater force on Earth in the sense of lack of education of her peoples. We are not going to remove people who know not what they do. If we beamed all the Dark people out, assuming we could identify them all with great accuracy, we would be removing most of Earth’s population.
A person who is messianic in nature can draw a great amount of Light to those in Darkness. They can convert the Dark ones, who are fence sitters, and on occasion, even a truly evil person. The Satanic Forces of Earth still hold those in organized religion in their hands and teach that Sananda is the antichrist. They believe they must have to their seven years of tribulation while they watch in the sky, and then the real Jesus will come. I think we have had well more than seven years of tribulation on Earth, but this is their belief.
Many of you have said that people will wake up once they realize the benefits, and many will. To some the benefits of NESARA will be money and nothing more. They would then use money for control. This will happen. It will require a huge number of Beings of Light to attract the Light in these uneducated people. You are these Light Beings, and we are assisting you and gifting Earth in many beautiful ways.
This is, also, a time of final reckoning for many as to whether they ascend with Earth or not. Some will choose otherwise. What will happen with the Star People here and your hard work is that by the date of the Second Coming, which is slightly more than two months away at the most, the Light energy will come close to balancing the Dark energy, creating a void or a balancing of the energy of Light and Dark. We should not plan on coming until we can make this “voiding” or balance occur. We would like to have the leaning towards the Light, but we cannot risk the leaning towards the Dark, or they win. It is as simple as that.
The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law of nature, not a law of rules given. The only reason there would be a short delay in the Second Coming would be if the leaning were still towards the Dark. The date is chosen, but it is a bit flexible, and we could do it earlier if the void that is needed should happen. Do not confuse this with other teachings of void that you are reading lately. Also ignore the teachings of late that say that we must look into the future to find the timing of the voidance. We look not into the future in this game we play. We are very much in the now.
Now I will discuss the last issue at hand myself, and then I will give it over to Sananda. We have had some questions regarding who is ATON as Creator God, who am I as Hatonn, and how to compare or describe Creator God, knowing that a Creator Son of God named Christ Michael is at the helm of this Universe of Nebadon.
Well, my people of Nebadon, in a recent message where I describe myself a bit, I made the statement, “When I say I am ATON in my higher self, I am ATON, indeed.” I hoped to see a few questions, and we got some. ATON is called Creator God by some. Christ Michael is certainly Creator God of the Universe of NEBADON. Please put two and two together, my children. ATON and Christ Michael are one and the same. I said I was a Descending Son in that message, and so I AM. My creation was in the Central Universe of Havona. I AM the Father God of the Universe of Nebadon. I am not a fragment of Michael. I AM Michael. I AM the Christ.
The Grand Universe
This a schematic representation. All circles are in reality ellipses. Source: Urantia Book. Graphic by Luis Prada
Creator God Aton oversees the Grand Universe and resides in Havona in the Isle of Paradise. Christ Michael is the Creator God and Descending Son of Nebadon. Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn is the embodiment of Christ Michael as Commander-in-Chief for Earth Project Transition.
Since in our Superuniverse Orvonton the Father, Son & Holy Spirit are manifested as One then the Creator God Aton and Christ Michael are the same and are expressed in the body of Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, a 9½ Ft. tall bald Pleiadian Gray.
You have read in our messages that Sananda’s visit to Earth 2000 years ago was a joint incarnation of Christ Michael and Esu Immanuel. You, who have had this learning through your church teachings, believe in the return of the actual Christ, and SO IT IS! I am in command of Earth Project Transition as Master Creator Son of Nebadon, because it is my project. Those of you reading Urantia have understood that someday Michael would personally return to Earth, and IT IS SO! I command the Pleiadian Sector Flight Command at this time.
I told you in that earlier message that I am a large Grey using a body designed by Universal scientists, and THIS IS SO! It is a body type that allows me to walk the Earth. I chose to use the long loved name of “ATON on Earth” for this mission. I needed a bit of a disguise for a period of time. Now that the Second Coming event is so close, it is time to come out of disguise.
You have on Earth both returning Sons of God, the Descending Son (Son of God, Christ Michael) and the Ascending Son (Son of Man, Sananda). BLESSED ARE YOU PEOPLE! This is why the Second Coming event will be sacred and not a war-type event. You were blessed with my appearance 2000 years ago, and now you are twice blessed with my promised return. I have visited no other planet in my vast realm in this manner.
I am Sananda Immanuel, who comes to Earth, returning with Christ Michael. It is time for you to fully understand who we all are. It is time to fully understand the fullness of this mission. It is time to understand that you are all come as messiahs in service to Christ Michael. It is time that you better understood my role in all of this.
Long ago, this was planned for Earth. It was thought appropriate to have Christ Michael come together with an Ascending Son in the missions, and so I was chosen for this. You have read that I am a Kumara, and this is so. My real father that birthed me into the Universe long ago in Lyra is no other than Sanat Kumara, the “ancient of days” as recorded in your Bible.
I agreed long ago to have many incarnations into Earth to help begin the process of lifting him (Christ Michael) up. You read in the Phoenix Journals that Gabriel was my father at that time 2000 years ago, and that is true. Understand the nature of theDNA required to bring a Creator Son into a physical incarnation in the likes of the planetary peoples. I come to serve Earth at this time in the complete fulfillment of my mission here. I, with the Second Coming event, become what is called a “Planetary Prince” in our Universe. I will be the representative of the Universal headquarters on Earth.
Earth had another Planetary Prince at one time, who fell into the Lucifer Rebellion and was removed during the First Coming. That is the story behind the temptation of Christ, the meeting with Lucifer and Caligastia, the Planetary Prince at that time, who encouraged myself and Christ Michael to join with them. That did not happen.
Since that time Christ Michael has been acting as Planetary Prince. It has been known all this time that I would carry this job with the Second Coming event, assuming that Earth was not destroyed by our BBB&G’s. We planned for this possibility, so bad had this place become with the World Wars.
The story as told in Christian religion, “that I go to prepare a place in Heaven for you”, meant that I went and found a large number of planets for you to be moved to in the event that it became necessary to evacuate the planet. You have been placed in “Heaven”. This is the return of Earth to the heavenly realms. I will remain a Planetary Prince for quite some time, but it will not be a permanent position. In time, when you are united and grown up, you will choose your own Planetary Prince, not by force but by vote. You will become united as all planets do as they grow up. This is not the same as the New World Order that was to be stuffed down your throats.
I know that most of you are quite surprised to learn the identity of Hatonn. Be not put off by this. You have seen him as a loving but firm commander, who returned me to Earth in the starship Phoenix. He is loving, and he is firm, and he, although he is the God of this Universe, desires not to be bowed down to. You have been told that I do not want people hanging at my feet, and this is so. So, it is with Hatonn, and you may continue in this name if comfortable to you.
Wasn’t this quite a lovely surprise, that this lovely old Hatonn is your Universal Creator God here in person? Let us join in love all together now, and be who we are, all Sons and Daughters of God. I am a teacher. I am, also, a warrior, and my first works with the planet were in war with the adversaries of God. Now I return in peace.
The Kumara’s are a family group. Some are related by blood and some by choice. It was considered to “throw in the rag”, to give up on Earth long ago because of the warring. All of us could have ascended into the Heavenly Worlds, not having to further incarnate and work in these realms. We chose not to do so, and instead, to come to this solar system and take her back, and we have done so.
In answer to readers who have written asking, why can we not just beam up the BBB&G’s? This is because these are the end times, and there are BBB&G’s who have been coerced or had implants to change behavior, and know not what they do. We have been removing the really bad ones at the top. We removed the Black Pope some time ago, and he has not been replaced.
Last summer, we began removing the” hidden hand” as best they could be removed. It is pretty well hidden. This is why there will be some actions after the announcement of NESARA that may be negative for a short period, as these who are left are identified. Most that are called Dark, simply really, do not know any better and partake in Dark behavior in order to survive.
We still do have in custody Dark ones involved in the recent hostage taking, and they have been removed from the White House basement. This situation was too difficult for those working in the White House to keep them there. I will not disclose where they are, but they are not at Area 51 as recently stated by others. What is at Area 51 are many people recently arrested around the country by your own government. Area 51 is still to be secured, as are some other underground government facilities.
The Greys, that will not be allowed to remain on Earth, will be removed from these underground areas. Some of this has, in fact, been done. There are some greys who will stay with Earth. We have mentioned before that some of them truly admire and love humans. You have heard that they do not have an emotional body as they are androids, and this is true. Even without an emotional body they have great love for you, and as reward for great service given, these are the source of much of your newer technology. They get to stay on Earth, also, and begin the Ascension journey as Sons of God.
These ones knew it was not right to try to steal both better looks and the emotional body. They have been patient, so they have their reward for great compassionate human-type behavior. They will in time begin the ascension journey in a human body by birthing, as do all souls that choose the human journey.
We discussed in the animal message that waiting on your Other Side is a great number of animals ready for some time now to begin the human journey. The greys remaining with Earth are not a huge number, but they will begin to openly mingle with you, and you will find them most likable. These have been most devoted.
So now, my brothers and sisters, let us all come together in this Second Coming event. You are, hereby, duly appointed messiahs. Come join with me in the adventure. Let us not be under bushes, but in the Light, shining as a bright star, together. Let us not be meek. The BBB&G’s put that one into the Bible. Meek will not work. We are strong and have great strength in numbers, “TWO OR MORE IN MY NAME”! Namaste from the God within me to the God within you. I AM SANANDA IMMANUEL!
A Note to Patrick and Anne Bellringer: Hi, Anne and Patrick. It is I (Sananda Immanuel) and Hatonn together bringing you a message. My dear friends, we have been so very blessed by your long missions on Earth to the United States, before and at this time in your efforts at bringing forth this great event, soon to occur on this lovely Planet.
We bless you and thank you for the many long years, especially these last few that seemed like all might be lost. Through your teachings and your worldwide website, you have influenced and brought Light to many. Light is truth and knowledge, given and used in love. You will have your most just rewards in Heaven for this service.
We Thank You for posting these messages and the work involved. Your website made this public announcement process of the Second Coming possible, so great is your following. Be in great peace and joy at this time. You have been most fine examples of Messiahs!
Namaste, Sananda Immanuel and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, your Creator God.
Saturday April 30, 2005
Excerpt. Only published the information related to NESARA.
My Dearest Readers, It is I, Hatonn (aka Christ Michael), and I come today to give you another update on the situation with getting NESARA announced. We recently had an event with the finding of a couple of very destructive bombs. These are of a more advanced nature than your scientists are capable of. These are obviously of off world origin.
As a result we are taking custody of several underground USA facilities in order to more thoroughly search these areas. We must have absolute safety of the world’s peoples before announcing NESARA in the USA. This should take only a few days to accomplish. We have greatly increased personnel in these ventures. The good news is that the banking issues with the prosperity programs are totally under our control, and can’t be further messed with.
One of the bombs was to be used in Peru. The other was attached to your recent launching of the Titan rocket that was told of on your news. You were told it had a military payload. Indeed it did. You heard of recently that the shuttle launches had been grounded until summer on the grounds of weather issues. They are grounded so they can’t be used for nefarious plans.
Understand that the Titan launch was not a threat whatsoever to you. They hoped to take out a command ship of ours. It is most easy for us to interfere in this launching, and there was no risk to ourselves either.
We announced the April 15 date for NESARA as it was important to have a firm date to work from. It is difficult to bring anything into fruition without a deadline in front of one. By announcing a timing we also created a deadline for our BBB&G’s. It was time for a final engagement.
Admittedly, the final engagement has taken longer than we hoped but in the waiting we force their hand and their games and we solve the problems. NESARA must be a positive event. We cannot risk major war and weapons issues occurring shortly after announcement. We do believe that the dark are very close to using up all their options.
On Thursday night the United States citizens got to observe their President making an idiot out of himself. Some of you were not happy as the mail reflects about this event. This is to our advantage that this man made an idiot of himself. It will help Americans further accept his removal. We have a more recent film made of this man and Mr. Cheney resigning. It would be difficult for Americans to observe an actual arrest which it appears is going to happen at any rate. With the announcement it will be shown that he resigned his office.
I know it has been 2 weeks now, since April 15th, and you are on edge. As we said earlier, the announcement period goes on continuously, we are not pulling away, and starting over. I would also like to mention, there are many on the announcement team. Not only the ones doing the teaching, but the backup support from the TV stations involved. All these people cannot be held in a hotel indefinitely. Most work in various locations around the country, and each time a serious attempt at announcement is made, they have to return to Washington, DC. Yes, the announcement is planned to come from that capital city.
We should be able to contain these underground areas rapidly. It is being done as I speak, in fact started 3 days ago. When we are comfortable with the results, we will again bring the announcement team to Washington. Rest for a few days, and not be hanging on for another announcement from us. I know that many of you check your websites each day. Candace, after a period of not hearing from us, it seems to be around 3 days, gets mail saying, “where are you?, we miss you.” We have gone nowhere, we are still at work.
She [Candace] would like to write more, but working the email is most important also. I remind you, she does this by herself without any personal help. She is undergoing medical treatment rather frequently, to prepare her body for more intensive work over the next several months. She needs the healing time. [Editor’s Note: Here it is referred to a medical treatment in an extraterrestrial spaceship.]
Being beamed to ship for treatments is taxing to earth bodies, causing at times symptoms such as nausea, tremor and shaking, that persist for several hours upon return. We had planned this work for this time as we assumed we would be post NESARA and she could take a little break before beginning more intense work. She continues to struggle with the mail regardless how she feels, she is dedicated to this event.
Candace: In a recent message I mentioned I had some surgery. I did get more behind with the mail for a couple days after this procedure. This was done on ship and I return every 3 or 4 days for a tune up. The mail has been more difficult since our last message. There are many BBB&G’s, pretending of the Light, putting out very conflicting material to their lists and discussion groups. Anything from the one called Ahn is not true, period. Any material that states the Christ energy would only come in love is a total falsehood. Love does not remove our BBB&G’s. Others had stated that the Masters are beyond error. They are not. One is never totally perfect.
We have said in an older message, that Sananda himself said he was not perfect, and that Christ Michael is still in learning mode. Christ Michael is actively involved in this project, and in the affairs of our Universe. Universes are not perfect. Many ask why God just can’t wave some sort of magic wand, they can’t understand the problems at hand. We have been pretty specific about the problems, and the issues of awaiting the proper times for various events.
We did not have to do any sort of public announcement of the Second Coming. This is a gift to the world, and the world will benefit from your Light, from this knowledge. Hatonn discussed the void, or balancing of the Light and dark, as necessary to the success of the Second Coming. By announcing the Second Coming event we increased the Light to create the needed balance. In this manner there has been great success.
Many Lightworkers have written of being disillusioned and ready to give up hope. As a result of these messages your hope has been restored and not only just restored but you are dreaming in a bigger way than you thought possible before. You dream of being a messiah! You are looking for ways to be more, these messages have encouraged you to be more than you are.
Namaste, Candace
Editor’s Notes:
For those wishing to become Messiahs in the area of teaching at a worldwide level read the article “The Twelve Ingredients of the World Teacher” at: .
See a continuation of this message in the article “The Work of the New Messiahs” by Sananda Esu Immanuel through Candace Frieze.
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