Affirmations and Meditations

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Affirmations and Meditations


Irradiation of the Inner Central SunEl Morya
I Will Never Give Up My Freedom – Saint Germain
Mantra of Purification – Ani Konchok Damcho
Dedication Prayer – Ani Konchok Damcho

Powerful Prayer of I AM – Unknown Author
Prayer for Peace – Unknown Author
Vitalizing Water – Ani Konchok Damcho

All translations done by Luis Prada.

Irradiation of the Inner Central Sun

El Morya,from the book:Pearls of Light ("Perlas de Luz"),Volume III, Centro Lusitano de Unificación Cultural.
(Original in Spanish, translation)


Fromthe Central Sun within me,
I irradiate Light to all cells that compose my physical body, so they be restored to their pristine purity.
Fromthe Central Sun within me,
I irradiateLight to the energetic centers present in my etheric body, so they be purified and balanced, turning apt to filter, transmute and irradiate the various energies they are channels of.
Fromthe Central Sun within me,
irradiateLight to my emotional and lower mental vehicles, so they can reach a higher equilibrium between them, and the maturity that allows them to consciously cooperate in the reduction of their own importance.
Fromthe Central Sun within me,
irradiateLight to my higher vehicles, so they can flow their inherent energies to purify my consciousness.
Fromthe Central Sun within me,
I enter in attunement with the Higher Brethren of Humanity, receiving from them new instructions.
Fromthe Central Sun within me,
irradiateLight to the consciousness of men, so as to help them to free themselves of the old errors that keep them prisoners of the wheel of reincarnations.
Fromthe Central Sun within me,
irradiateLove to the hearts of men, so they be touched by that Higher Love and learn to give and irradiate instead of receive and retain.
Fromthe Central Sun within me,
irradiateWisdom to the minds of men, so as to help them to understand that, within themselves, exists an igneous core, Divine spark, integral part of a Greater Sun.
Fromthe Central Sun within me,
I ask the Higher Brethren of humanity to ascend all the small flames, so that humanity, as a whole, can fulfill the role it haswithin the Creative Purpose.

Powerful Prayer of I AM

Unknown Author
(Original in Spanish, translation)

"I AM" the resurrection and life
Of all good in my life stream,
Ofmy eternal youth and beauty,
Ofmy perfect vision,
Ofmy perfect hearing,
Ofmy perfect health,
Ofmy limitless strength,
Ofmy energy and courage,
Ofmy love for God,
Ofmy invincible protection,
Ofmy inexhaustible provision of money and all good things,
Ofthe Light I never lack of,
Ofpeace and liberty on Mother Earth.

I Will Never Give Up My Freedom

Bienamado Maestro Ascendido Saint Germain

Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain
From “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees”, page 27, published by Summit Press.

"These are they who have set their teeth with determination who have said,
I will never give up.
I will never turn back.
I will never submit.
I will bear the Flame of Freedom unto my victory.
I will bear this Flame in honor.
I will sustain the glory of Life within my nation.
I will sustain the glory of life within my being.
I will win my Ascension.
I will forsake all idols and I will forsake the idol of my outer self.
I will have the glory of my immaculate divinely conceived Self manifesting within me.
I AM Freedom and I AM determined to be FREEDOM.
I AM determined to bear it to all.
I AM God’s Freedom and He is indeed free.
I AM freed by his Power and his Power is supreme.
I AM fulfilling the purpose of God’s Kingdom."

Prayer for Peace

From the Drikung Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism

At this very moment, for the peoples and nations of the Earth and the Universe, may not even the names Disease, Famine, War, and Suffering be heard.  But rather, may their moral conduct, merit, wealth, and prosperity increase, and may supreme good fortune and well being always arise for them.  May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.  May all beings be away from sorrow and the causes of sorrow.  May all beings never be separated from the Great Happiness that is sorrowless.  May all leave attachment to dear ones and aversion to others, and live believing in the equality of all that lives.  Whatever merit I have accumulated, I share with you for the Enlightenment of all beings.  May Peace prevail on the Earth and in the Universe!  Om Mani Padme Um.

Mantra of Purification

Ani Konchok Damcho

About Ani Damcho:
Dear Brother Veritus:  I am an eclectic solitary practitioner who has studied under many teachers in this life: Christian, Native American, Wiccan, Urantian, Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, Traditional Order of St. Martin, Tibetan Buddhism. My code of ethics is the Bodhisattva’s Vow. My efforts are directed to peace on earth and in the universe.  Some come to me for metaphysical healing and/or guidance. On a personal note, I am a grandmother, live alone, and work for a cardiologist. I admire your work. Namaste’,  (written to Luis Prada by Ani Damcho on Christmas Eve 2003.)

Dear Ones,
I am a grandmother now but from the time of my teen years, I have seen in vision that after the year 2000, the earth would enter a perilous time.  I made a dedication to walk the path of the mystic as a solitary eclectic practitioner.  Through following the inner light, I found my teachers and made pilgrimage to the holy places.
In every place and in every time, I encounter beings in travail.  Because of their unbearable suffering, I have developed unbearable compassion and have dedicated my earth walk to metaphysical healing.

I would like to share with you the Mantra of Purification, should you ever need it.  This Mantra may be used to remove poisons or other toxins from food and drink, and to purify any area where you find yourself, or anything that touches your body.  The Mantra originated in Tibet.  It is, "HA HO HRIH", pronounced "Ha Ho Shree".  In purifying a meal, you may say a familiar blessing over the food if you wish, then concentrate your gaze upon your meal while intoning HA HO HRIH three times, then blow upon your meal to purify what you consume.

Vitalizing Water

Ani Konchok Damcho

Read about Ani Damcho in theMantra of Purification in this website section.

The technique uses a single-terminated quartz crystal to vitalize water.  Any size crystal is adequate, from a small one to a generator.  Fill a container with water.  Hold the crystal, point downward, about 3" above the water’s surface.  Gaze into the water and take a deep breath.  Hold this breath for as long as is comfortable while visualizing Vital Life Force (VLF) from the Cosmic flowing through you into the crystal.  Then with your lips about 1" above the crystal, blow into the crystal, visualizing the VLF entering the water through the crystal’s magnification.  This technique will increase the water’s benefit to your body tenfold.  Should water become scarce, this will allow a small amount to be consumed with maximum benefit and satisfaction to one’s body.

Bright blessings on your path.  Namaste,
Ani Konchok Damcho

Dedication Prayer

Ani Konchok Damcho

Read about Ani Damcho in theMantra of Purification in this website section.

To the beings of the All That Is, I honor you. May you have long and happy lives filled with health, wealth, and wisdom. Whatever merit I have accumulated, I share with you all for the Enlightenment of all of us. Om Mani Padme Hum Hrih.