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 New Age Website Dedicated to the Dissemination of Truth—F. 1997—Sitio Web de la Nueva Era Dedicado a la Diseminación de la Verdad
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Twelve Spiritual Principles and Laws
Los Doce Principios y Leyes Espirituales

Index/ Índice

Prayers To God
Huna Prayer
Prayers to Mary
Affirmations and Meditations

Books by Luis Prada
(Libros por Luis Prada)

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Journey into the City of Light of BVC/
Viaje a la Ciudad de la Luz de CBV

Bilingual Version/Versión Bilingüe
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Brother Veritus’ Store
Tienda del Hermano Veritus

Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/
Plan de la Comunidad Brother Veritus

Bilingual Version/Versión Bilingüe
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Brother Veritus’ Store
Tienda del Hermano Veritus

Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro

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Brother Veritus' Website


Prayer comes from the heart.  And just as tears born of emotion own a separate chemical composition from those born of physical pain -whether spoken with words or with thoughts- have different vibratory patterns from any other expression.  They spring from our deepest nature and seek the ear of the Divine.  What is asked for in prayer should be heartfelt, not serving egoism, and dearly desired, for sincere prayer is always heard.

Atteshlis (Daskalos) from his book:"The EsotericPractice"

Various religions have, more-often-than-not, become power vehicles for control of the masses of humans via mindset molding and constraint mechanisms in the evolving human culture. Most of them propose the existence of some unseen deity, remote and separate from themselves, that requires worship and proper behavior on the supplicant’s part.

William A. Tiller, Ph.D. from his book: "Conscious Acts of Creation"

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