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Journey into the City of Light of BVC/ Viaje a la Ciudad de la Luz de CBV Bilingual Version/Versión Bilingüe To order it / Para ordenarlo: Brother Veritus’ Store Tienda del Hermano Veritus

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 Time Zones – Zonas Horarias or use this hyper link (o use este híper-vínculo) http://24timezones.com/

"Some of the Mayan prophecies concern the transition from one age toanother —from our present-day Fourth World to a new Fifth World. As theteachings relate, if humanity awakens to spirit, takes care of the earth,and thereby survives the years from 1987 to Dec. 21, 2012, then we willbegin a Fifth World, or Fifth Epoch of human life and development." —http://www.lovingtouch.co.za/harmonic_concordance.htm. HARMONIC CONCORDANCE, NOVEMBER 8th 2003,by Steven McFadden.
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