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This webpage is no longer updated. All questions addressed to Luis Prada should be asked, not through email, but by using the Forum. Sender’s name and email address removed unless coming from an organization, a known writer or speaker, or from a Webmaster of a Website. This page has questions received through this Web Site. Some questions have beenedited to remove names, personal matters and personal e-mail addresses (exception: ifit is a business or a Website that may benefit from traffic, the Website or e-mail address is posted). Onlyshown questions whose answers are of general appeal. This page is growing,so revisit it once in a while. When correspondence is inSpanish a translation is shown.
I propose to add this temple to the central hub, at the highest point, possiblyunder a dome cupola over the center building or in the shape of a pyramidalstructure. These cities will be built by Lightworkers throughout the planet, the peoplethat love ritual and commune with nature and its spiritual forces. Today most ofthe spiritual Aquarian Age teachings are the scoff and derision of materialisticofficial science and corrupted governments that serve vested interest groups andpower hungry individuals. These people, by the way, won’t be the builders ofthese cities so they don’t need to be sold on into this idea anyway, but thehumble in heart, the meek that will inherit the Earth. Pleasevisit my Website at www.luisprada.com and congratulations for a work welldone!" A:
A: The Holy Spirit is the Presence and Personality of God, the energy of thesubconscious mind that creates the external manifestation, physical, and as suchis of female nature since all external manifestation is of feminine nature, asthe energy of the Moon and the Mother Earth. It is a virgin energyand moldable with our thoughts. It is the face of God because is themirror (manifestation) that reflects the qualities of God. The masculinenature is the other energy of opposing polarity, of the Sun, that carries theVital Life Force or Prana to the beings with conscious or unconsciouslife. It is the energy of the Son, or the Christ Consciousness in itsexalted form. Jesus Christ was a superior being that manifested thisenergy on Earth during his reincarnation. We have also the energy of theFather, a neutral energy (Father/Mother) because has the potential inmanifestedof all the creation without gender differentiation, the potentiality of theexternal manifestation before was manifested. The Father/Mother stillexists today inmanifested as eons of time in the past and each of us have a seedof that potential inmanifested that never separated of the Father/Mother. It is our Monad, or I AM Presence that we will manifest at due time when we havetransmuted our natures. This forms the trilogy of the Father/Son/HolySpirit. And this trilogy is God. The Holy Spirit is represented symbolically by a white dove. During thebaptism with the Holy Spirit, as in the Day of Pentecost, we are washed with theWater of Life and we can manifest the seven powers of the Holy Spirit. These are special gifts as healing, speak in tongues, perfect comprehension andunderstanding, the gift of seeing the future, past and present clairvoyantly,read the minds of people, experiment multidimensionality, etc. [Added on April 21/02: Meditate on this and investigate more. That the Divine Light of the Holy Spirit Will Give you More Understanding.
I ask God to grant me wisdom and patience, I have them in my mind all the time. A: Never pray to force a change in the life of your daughters, because that type ofpray is negative, it is like black magic. But you instead advice them the bestthat comes out of your heart when talking to them. Also, the best adviceis by the example of your own life. A type of meditation that is alwayspositive and beneficial is to imagine your daughters as if they were actuallyyou. Imagine that you are … [name here]. Imagine that youare her in all details. Then see yourself doing what is best for hersuch as studying in a university and being a good student and desiring to makeit out and be successful. Feel this visualization in your heart. After doing it don’t think any more about it. Next day do it again andimprove it with more details. See the best of her manifested, her talents andambitions. Then do the same with … [name here]. She is a girl veryrefined and special. She can also make it out with her precious little sonand make out of him a good man. Ask God, Virgin Mary and Master Jesus Christfor an intercession so your petition be heard and that at the end be God’s willand not yours. When you make these meditations see that you are alone andpreferably relaxed and with your mind in blank or very passive. Also it isgood not to move the body and maintain the eyes closed, do them withoutlight. You may do them in bed before sleeping. Be sincere andbelieve the one that is given you this advice. I will also pray for them. … The world is changing and what comes for people out of materialthinking is tribulation. Spirituality, the desire to study, to excel andthe development of a strong will overcome in any tribulation. I congratulate you for your excellent Web page, for your research and work oflove describing the Egyptian Initiations. I ask your permission toincorporate you into my Web page "HACIA LA GRAN HERMANDAD ROSACRUZ MUNDIAL"[Toward the Great Worldwide Rosicrucian Fraternity]. Fraternal greetings from Alejandro Daniel Silvani Costa; F.R.C.-SI; Memp.’.Miz.’.3º Of course, you can publish it in your Web page and if so you wish, may presentit in any Rosicrucian conclave or retreat. It was approved by the Englishand Spanish Lodge in my area in San José, California and presented twice inEnglish and once in Spanish. May the Light of the Supreme Architect of the Universe Illumine you, BV. Thanks you for your attention. A: Thank you for writing to me and ask me for advise, you may do it again in thefuture. I think the best one in this case that does not require additionalesoteric knowledge to prepare is "Be Thyself". Since my earlychildhood I have been sort of a rebel and "challenging authority"individual. That’s why this discourse is deeply how I am. You may think aboutdetails and examples to expand the discourse into a one hour presentation, andsince youth identify easily with it, you will have, I’m sure, a captivatedaudience. If you accomplish a good presentation and create rapport among themyou have done two things: get a good score, and, second, help mankind at an agewhen conduct If after this answer you want me to expand on the discourse or make comments toyour ideas, just let me know. Help the so called "strangers" and "unknown ones" havedouble good before the divine eyes. Even the so called "evil"people help their own children and in occasions family members and friends, thathas a merit, but it’s not a big deal as it is on the contrary to help theunknown and needy. A: The visualization finishes when the shepherd dedicates himself to thehumanitarian work of service, healing and teaching. At the end of the visualization the symbology used in the allegory is explainedin detail, such as "The Fall" of humanity from an original state ofgrace, the pseudo mystic intellectuality, the transfiguration of the adept, theGreat Central Sun, etc.., and the audience is invited to participate withquestions and comments. May Peace Profound Reign in your heart, BV. A: Yes, I am a member of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC, even though study multipleother philosophies. I am not a follower of the traditional Christianity of the official religions,but of the Esoteric Christianity, such as the one taught by Master Jesus to hiscircle of initiates. My information comes from multiple and diverse sources. I unify thethought finding common points and overlapping teachings. My inner selfguides me. Yes, I promulgate teachings but not of an organization in particular, and I donot represent any organization. May the Cosmic Light Illumine you, BV.
There are things that my mind cannot reach, however I embrace them amply with my heart, the concepts that you deal with are very high, very much luminous, and that causes in me joy and besides the affirmation of a dream that I have of years, when I was only an adolescent or maybe since I was even younger. Now I am convinced that that was not an utopic dream but a reality that is hidden behind the world of the physical appearances. Beyond the concepts, beliefs, and symbology, is THE REALITY, and I consider that to it we only arrive with open heart from our own essence that is LOVE. Thank you for investing your time in writing articles that feed the spirit and align it in the Light. A: In Spiritual Love, Luis Prada
Brother Veritus: I just finished reading your Webpage and found a fountain full of spiritual fortifications that expands my heart and my mind when I reflect over each word, given the extra limitation (in the manifestation) of the power of the I AM. That the "Christed I" be a source of inspiration to connect with the Christed I in each one of your brothers and sisters constituting that way the great universal glue who you will help strengthening through these analyses, with clear and sincere expositions obtained from research, meditation, readings, and the experiences of your own life, etc., and that you through this Webpage put to the service of humanity. Press on with a lot of love! Truly yours: Roque Prada (Roque is the brother of this Website master)
To communicate with your spirit guides, goodly ETs or Christed extraterrestrials and the angelic beings, you should be humble in heart and silence your outer mind through meditation and calmness. Beg, ask to receive. I did it for almost 12 years every night and never lost faith. I knew it was possible, but I couldn’t. I was blocked, and I begged the ascended masters to make me a channel for them. Nothing I have done has come easy, even my website has been a lot of work, unrecognized and unappreciated by the world. I received messages in my mind, but they were only reading back what I already knew, I knew they were tricksters, passing souls acting as impostors. But I kept trying. Even today, I still keep trying. When I write, I do not plan in advance (as it’s taught in a class in composition) but the simple basic idea, the subject, the rest comes easy and fast. I do not channel so far specific entities, but many work with me as I write, I thank them all. You can do even better. Those who work for the New Age will inherit the Kingdom of God, because they are preparing the new society of the planet. Working inside an established religion is not working for the New Age, have it clear. P: A: To communicate with your spirit guides, goodly ETs or Christed extraterrestrials and the angelic beings, you should be humble in heart and silence your outer mind through meditation and calmness. Beg, ask to receive. I did it for almost 12 years every night and never lost faith. I knew it was possible, but I couldn’t. I was blocked, and I begged the ascended masters to make me a channel for them. Nothing I have done has come easy, even my website has been a lot of work, unrecognized and unappreciated by the world. I received messages in my mind, but they were only reading back what I already knew, I knew they were tricksters, passing souls acting as impostors. But I kept trying. Even today, I still keep trying. When I write, I do not plan in advance (as it’s taught in a class in composition) but the simple basic idea, the subject, the rest comes easy and fast. I do not channel so far specific entities, but many work with me as I write, I thank them all. You can do even better. Those who work for the New Age will inherit the Kingdom of God, because they are preparing the new society of the planet. Working inside an established religion is not working for the New Age, have it clear. P: A: The right masculine arm of Eliphas Levi’ Baphomet is pointing up to a white crescent moon and the left points down to a black moon. The right arm has written the letters "solve" and the left, "coagula." Solve is the return to God and coagula the manifestation into matter. You dissolve your lower nature through alchemical mental processes and love service making your body lighter in vibration –higher frequency rate– which is equivalent to solve a coagulated material between the electrons into something more fluid. The solve symbol here points up to this ascension process. Baphomet is the symbol of a human, and its hideous look stands for the sins of the hu-man personality, animalistic in expression, that need to be purified by a fire initiation as the water elemental aspect of your hu-man nature helps to boil them up to a gaseous state as when you move your vibratory rate to that of the fourth dimension. The resulting gaseous state is still your energetics, just in a different state. The "solve" arm points up to Heavens and to a white moon, which symbolizes the ultimate stage of the 3D manifestation, we, Lightworkers, are in at this final hour. When purified and received our star codes we will be just MAN, without the hu, and this Baphomet symbol does not apply to us anymore. Q: The initiates underwent a series of initiations prior to be admitted and foundworthy to qualify for initiation in the Great Pyramid. Basically here we have apre initiation to clear reactive mind energy blockages of the emotional body inthe Zero Degree Initiation. Then we have three initiations that happened in thepit, the Queen’s Chamber, the Well, the Grand Gallery and the King’s Chamber.See the details at: Initiations into the Egyptian Mysteries: The Egyptian was a Gaian-type culture of the Goddess, women were in high esteem.Both sexes were allowed to participate in initiations. They had a Sirian-createdculture (from Sirius A, in our Galaxy). Their culture was seeded complete andplaced with a goal to facilitate the initiation of great number of peoples intothe Mysteries. They accepted supplicants from any part of the known world. Mostof the known Greek and some Roman philosophers took part in these initiations.In one of the last quotes of above article you may see a good list of names offamous initiates. There were a total of twelve initiations in the main Egyptiantemples along the Nile. Basically each initiation was tailored to develop a chakra of the body and toclear the emotional body, they were frightening in some cases and some initiatesactually died in the process (in those days it was OK since no one may suit theorganization responsible). During the preparation and classes and throughout theinitiations you were taught about the mysteries of Nature, Alchemy, esoterism,Astrology, the techniques of Merkaba and the development of the Gifts of theHoly Spirit (although they did not use such term). You have to study more aboutEgyptian Mysteries on your own since space and time here prohibit details. Initiations into the Hermetic Schools: Each school has its own number of degrees and imparts initiations to enter ineach degree. Mason have 33 degrees, Rosicrucians through AMORC, nine degreeswith initiation, Martinist Order (TMO), three degrees, etc. Others have classesand tests at the end of each course or degree. You have to belong to anorganization to get inside information that is usually locked in to outsiders.Each organization has its own theme and reason for existence, and sinceknowledge came from the same source there is commonality in their teachings.Only priorities and order of imparting them are different. Initiations in Regular Life: Every time you take an important decision you pass a threshold or initiation.Then there is a feedback process that gives you more awareness and makes youwiser. See this process at: Once you become aware of good or bad results of your action you raise theexpectation level and conduct pattern from which you judge your actions. If youviolate this code of conduct, or belief system, then you live in pain. It is notgood idea to enter into an esoteric organization unless you are seriouslycommitted to it, because they impart you with Light and seal the teachings withinitiations in front of your Higher Self . If you become a lager and do not meetspiritual commitments, they may show up back as Karma, such as disease.Individual members of the organization and the whole organization itself gainKarma as a result of their actions. Also a bond among members is created, whichis a good thing if you do service to each other. If you are about to enter orare already in a mystical organization be sure do what you promise to beforeyour I AM PRESENCE. In occultism the level of responsibility is raised and thereis no place for thrill seekers only. If you are not that committed, then justbelong to a religious organization, such as a church. May Divine Light brings you more illumination, BV. Ancient Initiations in the Great Pyramid The initiates underwent a series of initiations prior to be admitted and foundworthy to qualify for initiation in the Great Pyramid. Basically here we have apre initiation to clear reactive mind energy blockages of the emotional body inthe Zero Degree Initiation. Then we have three initiations that happened in thepit, the Queen’s Chamber, the Well, the Grand Gallery and the King’s Chamber.See the details at: Initiations into the Egyptian Mysteries: The Egyptian was a Gaian-type culture of the Goddess, women were in high esteem.Both sexes were allowed to participate in initiations. They had a Sirian-createdculture (from Sirius A, in our Galaxy). Their culture was seeded complete andplaced with a goal to facilitate the initiation of great number of peoples intothe Mysteries. They accepted supplicants from any part of the known world. Mostof the known Greek and some Roman philosophers took part in these initiations.In one of the last quotes of above article you may see a good list of names offamous initiates. There were a total of twelve initiations in the main Egyptiantemples along the Nile. Basically each initiation was tailored to develop a chakra of the body and toclear the emotional body, they were frightening in some cases and some initiatesactually died in the process (in those days it was OK since no one may suit theorganization responsible). During the preparation and classes and throughout theinitiations you were taught about the mysteries of Nature, Alchemy, esoterism,Astrology, the techniques of Merkaba and the development of the Gifts of theHoly Spirit (although they did not use such term). You have to study more aboutEgyptian Mysteries on your own since space and time here prohibit details. Initiations into the Hermetic Schools: Each school has its own number of degrees and imparts initiations to enter ineach degree. Mason have 33 degrees, Rosicrucians through AMORC, nine degreeswith initiation, Martinist Order (TMO), three degrees, etc. Others have classesand tests at the end of each course or degree. You have to belong to anorganization to get inside information that is usually locked in to outsiders.Each organization has its own theme and reason for existence, and sinceknowledge came from the same source there is commonality in their teachings.Only priorities and order of imparting them are different. Initiations in Regular Life: Every time you take an important decision you pass a threshold or initiation.Then there is a feedback process that gives you more awareness and makes youwiser. See this process at: Once you become aware of good or bad results of your action you raise theexpectation level and conduct pattern from which you judge your actions. If youviolate this code of conduct, or belief system, then you live in pain. It is notgood idea to enter into an esoteric organization unless you are seriouslycommitted to it, because they impart you with Light and seal the teachings withinitiations in front of your Higher Self . If you become a lager and do not meetspiritual commitments, they may show up back as Karma, such as disease.Individual members of the organization and the whole organization itself gainKarma as a result of their actions. Also a bond among members is created, whichis a good thing if you do service to each other. If you are about to enter orare already in a mystical organization be sure do what you promise to beforeyour I AM PRESENCE. In occultism the level of responsibility is raised and thereis no place for thrill seekers only. If you are not that committed, then justbelong to a religious organization, such as a church. May Divine Light brings you more illumination, BV. A: I also feel your energy. This work came up as a compilation of ideas aboutan Egyptian initiation during a workshop or group work of the Rosicrucian Orderto whom I belong. The visualization was fictitious, only to put to work thecreative imagination. It was made by two separate groups, each with thesame basic subject: One would describe an initiation from the viewpoint of aninitiate and the other from the torchbearer’s. I was asked to compile bothworks and to merge them. (The Rosicrucian Order was born in Egypt during the XVIIIdynasty of Pharaoh Akhnaton.) Two members were assigned the task of compiling the materials and thenpresenting them to me. A member did it but the other never did it on timeand about a year later sent it by mail to the wrong address. Not havingall the material I decided to make a complementary historical research. AsI submerged in this research, I found that it was irrelevant if I were faithfulto the original material or if instead I did my own work with historical validity. I ended up studying, or better, speedily searching for the informationfrom multiple sources, about 30 books. Some people guided me to theinformation with synchronistic and "energetically connected"events. In the Rosicrucian Museum of San José, California, USA, there isa model with short descriptions of the various initiations, there is where Ifound the titles of Initiation of Zero Degree, First Degree, etc. This was the skeleton of the work; when I found these brief descriptions I hadalready written about 80% of the work. There are fictitious elements in this work to convey the initiatic spirit that I have lived for years ofbelonging to the Rosicrucian Order, which is of an initiatic nature. But thereis quite a lot of historical research, as you can see it by the multiple cites. This work was presented in three occasions: two in English and one inSpanish. It was dramatized with several voices and appropriate backgroundmusic in key places, such as in a radio soap opera. This dramatization wasnot recorded during its presentation, but in a future it could be recorded fordistribution or to be dramatized in the theater for the public, even though notby the Rosicrucian Order, but by Light workers of the new Aquarian Age. As a member, I am not fanatic about the Rosicrucian Order. I considermyself a Light worker of the New Aquarian Age, linked with philosophical andtechnological extraterrestrial and ultra terrestrial studies. My religionis universal and unifying. (With respect to "To read it has awaken in myself a seed that was waitingto be awaken.") The purpose of my Website is to impart knowledge so that asI give, so shall I receive. I have to empty my cup so that the Creator Godfill it up again. Knowledge given that way is impersonal as is knowledgeand Truth and unconnected to any cult of personality. If you write to me again I’ll answer it. From the Light of the Great Central Sun to which we belong at a higher energeticlevel, BV. I write from Alegrete, Brazil. About the ascension movement, do you have anyknowledge in relation to the Egyptian initiations as a system of Master Djwhal Khul (Alice Bailey)of the 7 planetary initiations? An information I have is that a onetime in Egypt the superior initiations were not available. I wait for yourcomments. Do you have any knowledge too about the Melchizedek SynthesisLight Academy (MSLA) in Los Angeles? A: The higher initiations have been always available, since humanity hasalways had times when a "Harvest" is produced by means of massascensions. But the present development of the Light Body as anascensional method is new and not available in the past, as far as I understand. Q: Much of the public information on Hudson and the ORMUS materials is available onthis web site. Your description of the initiation rites sounds very insightful.I appreciate your inclusion of the white powders in the rites. Where did youlearn about David Hudson and his discovery? Do you know that other folks aremaking the ORMUS materials using a variety of methods? With kindest regards, Since we communicated last there have been a couple of new sources to purchasethe ORMUS materials. Here is a short list of the best of these: http://www.pureganic.com/,http://www.mountain-manna.com/, http://www.asc-alchemy.com/ I have tried the first two products and can verify that they are good. I havealso set up a number of local area ORMUS workgroups associated with variouscities around the US and Canada. Let me know if you would like to know moreabout these workgroups. I have also written a number of new articles on this subject. These articles canbe found linked from: http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/articles.htm I just happened on your Egyptian Initiation document while doing a web search onthe subject of David Hudson. You have compiled a bit of Much of the public information on Hudson and the ORMUS materials is available onthis web site. Your description of the initiation rites sounds very insightful.I appreciate your inclusion of the white powders in the rites. Where did youlearn about David Hudson and his discovery? Do you know that other folks aremaking the ORMUS materials using a variety of methods? With kindest regards, Since we communicated last there have been a couple of new sources to purchasethe ORMUS materials. Here is a short list of the best of these: http://www.pureganic.com/,http://www.mountain-manna.com/, http://www.asc-alchemy.com/ I have tried the first two products and can verify that they are good. I havealso set up a number of local area ORMUS workgroups associated with variouscities around the US and Canada. Let me know if you would like to know moreabout these workgroups. I have also written a number of new articles on this subject. These articles canbe found linked from: http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/articles.htm A: Thank you for taking your time to respond to my e-mail. I don’t find in BruceCurtis’ Pureganic Liquid Manna the same material that Mr. Hudson discoveredthrough alchemical processes and that he talks in his presentations, that is,pure and concentrated. Curtis’ material may contain m-sate elements, but soother mineral soil in natural state. In his web page he does not formulate anyalchemical process and research. I’d rather consume the material obtainedthrough Hudson’s Alchemy, that is, purified and concentrated in a laboratory. (Since then I have purchased Mountain Manna and am testing it. Barryinsisted that it causes psychological effects and wants to see results fromothers.)
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