Sexual Abuses to Nuns
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Sexual Abuses to Nuns
In a continuing effort to expose the corrupted mind-controllingdark agenda of the New World Order, Brother Veritus’ Website presents here two articles about the sexual corruption of the Fallen Catholic Church. These articles present sexual abuses committed on nuns mostly by Catholic priests. Materials on these matters are archived in the Vatican and maintained in complete secrecy since the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church does not take any real public position on the subject, in most cases it completely ignores it.
The first article was originally written in Spanish under the title "The ‘Enough Is Enough’ of the Nuns" (Spanish title: "El‘Ya Basta‘ de las Monjas") by reporter Rodrigo Vera of El Norte. It deals with clerical sexual abuses in Mexico and their Vatican-ignored demands. The second article is a report of Bill Smith, reporter of St. Louis Post-Dispatch, entitled "Female Victims of Clergy Abuse", it presents the results and conclusions of the survey of the St. Louis University conducted byPaul N. Duckro, Ann Wolf and John T. Chibnall. This SLU survey used a national sample of Catholic women religious of the United States.
See other articles related to Catholic Church abuses and misconduct published in this website:
The Truth About the Catholic Church
Jesuits, Controllers of the Vatican and the New World Order
The Templars of the Crown. Is the Vatican the Head of the NWO?
Get yourself informed. The Truth Shall Set You Free of Fallen Dogma. Published in this website initially on March 4, 2007.
The "Enough Is Enough" of the Nuns
Women religious expose their demands to
by Rodrigo Vera, El Norte, Mexico, August 19, 2003
Original in Spanish under the title "El‘Ya Basta‘ de las Monjas". Translation to English by Luis Prada, Publisher and Editor of Brother Veritus’ Website.
APROMEXICO.-Fed up with the constant abuses to human rights —that run from being utilized as simple “maids” up to suffering sexual violations from their religious superiors— the Mexican nuns started to integrate in a big international movement of protest that not only demands punishment for the rapist priests, but also demands that, within the church, women have equal rights as men. Through their world organizations —such as the International Federation of Nuns or the American Coalition of Women Religious— the women religious already organized their own "synods" and international gatherings to expose their demands to the
All of this coincides with the exhibit in Mexico of the movie “In the Name of God” [original title in Spanish, “En el Nombre de Dios”, N. of T.], in which are revealed the mistreatments, abuses, including sexual ones, and the humiliations that thousands of women —orphans, single mothers and raped youngsters— suffered by the Catholic congregation of the Sisters of the Magdalene in Ireland since the seventies up until the mid eighties. The Mexican ex nun Pilar Sánchez Rivera, one of the most outstanding drivers for changes, reveals: "Against that power abuse and ecclesiastical centralism, it is bursting in a change within the church, in which many congregations of women religious run ahead. For instance, it is no longer conceived the body as an enemy of the soul. They have new proposals. Because of that the feminist theology arose, that theologians have been assimilating". "There are priests in
—¿To what do you attribute the reticence of the nuns to resign?
—The very fact of donning the habit is a great obstacle to fight against the hierarchy. There is a psychological aspect that inhibits them. For the church, the nuns are a kind of maids whose function is to obey. What is curious is that many of them abandon the monastic life, and up until them they give up their inhibition and transform themselves into open defenders of human rights, as happened with the Dominican nun Digna Ochoa.
Raymundo Meza tells that, in 1996, the DIAR carried the case of seven nuns of the convent of the Discalced Carmelites of Saint Mary of the Faith in the city of
The nuns filed a claim to their back then provincial superior, Bernardo Chehaibar, and before the Bishop of Campeche, José Luis Amezcua-Melgoza. After not receiving a response, they sent a letter to Rome addressed to the general father of the Discalced Carmelites, Camilo Maccise, who answered them on
Raymundo Meza comments: "The DIAR gave them psychological assistance and supported them in their labor claims since they wanted compensation. But we could do nothing since the voluntary novitiate and all those things made quite weak our labor demand. The abuses wentunpunished.” The Center of Investigation of the
The investigator Jorge Erdely, author of the book “Pastors that Abuse” [“Pastores que Abusan”] and academic director of
"That way, the nuns had to comply with the orders of the
—¿And what happened to the sister Alma Zamora?
— What would it happen! Against her will, she continued being the concubine of Prigione until he stop being a nuncio. The
The Complot of Silence
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Pope Benedict XVI, when was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in charge of the Doctrine of Faith, acknowledged to receive the 1998 O’Donohue Report of sexual harassment and raping of women religious and completely publicly ignored it following an old practice of the Catholic Church since the Middle Ages of maintaining strict secrecy in dealing with sexually abusive clergy. Is he the representative of God on Earth as the Catholic Church proclaims? |
Pilar Sánchez gives her own case as an example: "I know what a cassock power is. At seven years old, when I was studying in a women religious school, I was abused by a deacon". She tells that, in spite of this traumatic experience, she decided to become a Franciscan missionary of Mary. She studied in
Currently she teaches workshops, courses for diploma and conferences in various countries, she collaborates with some organizations of human rights, such as Catholics for the Right to Decide [Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir], where she is an outside consultant. At her 58 years of age, she maintains a constant communication with nuns worldwide.
—What kind of abuse do the women religious suffer most frequently?
—The abuse of authority! That centralization of the absolute truth, of infallibility, of illumination and the considering of deity being within the male gender give the power to men, eroding the women’s self esteem. All of that is called abuse. The only defense we have is our inner voice, our conscious. We want to dismount this negative force and to go creating a reform in the church. A revealing document —she point out— precipitated the organization and protests of the nuns at worldwide level: in 1994, the nun Maureen O’Donohue, member of the Medical Missionaries of Mary, initiated an investigation in which she discovered that the sexual harassment and the raping of women religious is a common practice carried out by priests. And she sent a report to the
Pilar Sánchez says: "the report gathered testimonies and medical proofs, verifiable data. It was not a fantasy."
—And the
—No, until now it has done nothing, it has only geographically changed its delinquents, therefore the abuses continue. Facing our reporting, the
After 1994, the report of 1998 was given to them, to Joaquín Navarro-Valls, spokesman of the
—What measures are you taking facing the silence of the Vatican?
—Last year we presented formal proceedings to the UNO, perhaps this international organism can do something. We ask, among other things, that the expelled nuns be reinstate in their religious communities, medical assistance for the affected with AIDS, legal and economical support for the children of those who suffered an imposed maternity. Even it is already starting to come up the proposal that be installed a religious ombudsman.
The Survivors’ Network of Those Abused by Priests
Female Victims of Clergy Abuse
Recent Stories of Interest
Nuns As Sexual Victims Get Little Notice
ByBill Smith,
Taken from: ,Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests,
Already shaken by a yearlong sex abuse scandal involving priests and minors, the Roman Catholic Church has yet to face another critical challenge – how to help thousands of nuns who say they have been sexually victimized.
A national survey, completed in 1996 but intentionally never publicized, estimates that a "minimum" of 34,000 Catholic nuns, or about 40 percent of all nuns in the United States, have suffered some form of sexual trauma. Some of that sexual abuse, exploitation or harassment has come at the hands of priests and other nuns in the church, the report said. The survey was conducted by researchers at
The study, recently obtained by the Post-Dispatch, indicates that the victimization often has had devastating psychological effects on the women. Many of the nuns said they were left with feelings of anger, shame, anxiety and depression. Some said it made them consider leaving religious life, and a few said they had attempted suicide.
"These women have been the stalwarts of the church for centuries, and a significant percentage of them have been victimized as a result of the structure of the very institution to which they have dedicated their lives," said study co-author John T. Chibnall, a research psychologist and associate professor at
Another of the researchers, Ann Wolf, said she believes it is vital that the Catholic Church recognize the problem. "The bishops appear to be only looking at the issue of child sexual abuse, but the problem is bigger than that," Wolf said. "Catholic sisters are being violated, in their ministries, at work, in pastoral counseling."
A spokeswoman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said the group was unaware of the
The survey is the only national scientific study dealing with the sexual victimization of nuns in the Catholic Church, according to its researchers. Despite the scope of its findings several years ago, no further studies have been done, they say. The survey also solicited comments – many of them poignant – from the nuns who were questioned.
Of the more than 1,100 surveys returned to the university, several included brief, personal stories from women who said they had been targeted. One woman wrote that after a priest fondled one of her breasts during confession, she remained so upset that she did not return to confession for the next 18 years.
Another wrote that as a young girl, her uncle, who also was a priest, insisted on touching holy oil to her genital area "to keep me safe while dating." Later, her superiors forced her to attend religious retreats with the same uncle, she said.
Still another wrote that a priest-therapist treating her for severe depression encouraged her to become involved in "sexual experimentation." The woman said she later began a relationship with another nun.
Several of the women said such research was long overdue. "Thanks for taking the time to admit there is a problem in this area," wrote one. "Best wishes. God bless."
Study Is Kept Quiet
Culture of Secrecy Although the Church has long acknowledged and grappled with the problem of sexual abuse by clergy, it has rarely done so openly. The Ample evidence exists, nonetheless, that Church authorities since at least the Middle Ages recognized the seriousness of the problem. Sexual misconduct by priests, especially against children and minors, was considered a particularly grave offense that required swift punitive and canonical action, as well as an extraordinary degree of secrecy in its handling. The secrecy was typically justified to “prevent scandal” and engineered to protect the public integrity and teaching authority of the Church. A recently-discovered 1963 |
From The Sexual Abuse of Children in the Archdiocese of |
Findings of the study were published in two religious research journals in the spring and winter of 1998 but have never been reported by the mainstream press. Review for Religious, published at
Chibnall said researchers agreed not to prepare a press release about the findings because a national women’s Catholic group, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, believed that the information would be sensationalized. "It was like this: ‘We don’t wash our dirty laundry in public; we’ll take care of it,’" Chibnall said.
Paul N. Duckro, the
The two publications chosen to report the results, Duckro said, were chosen carefully to get information to the people who needed it but "not out in front of everybody’s eyes." But a former Catholic priest who has said he was sexually abused as a boy by three different priests said last week that he believes it is crucial to get the results of the
Christopher Dixon, who left the priesthood in 1996 and now lives in
The SLU study is the result of a 15-page survey returned by 1,164 nuns representing 123 religious orders throughout the
The survey dealt with three main types of victimization.
1. The first, child sexual abuse, was defined as any sexually oriented contact with a person of the same or opposite sex where the target is younger than 18.
2. The second, sexual exploitation, was defined as any sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other verbal or nonverbal sexual conduct that occurs when a woman entrusts her property, body, mind or spirit to another person acting in a professional role.
3. The third, sexual harassment, was defined as any unwelcome sexual advance that affects employment decisions, interferes with work, or creates a hostile or intimidating work environment.
Among the Key Findings
Nearly one in five nuns said she had been sexually abused as a child. While most of the abuse came at the hands of a male family member, about 9 percent of the cases were attributed to abuse by priests, nuns or other religious people.
One in eight nuns said she had been sexually exploited. Of those, nearly three of every four maintained she was victimized by a priest, nun or other religious person. The exploitation included everything from pressure for "dates" to requests for sexual favors to sexual intercourse. Two of every five nuns who said they had been sexually exploited said the exploitation involved some form of genital contact.
Slightly fewer than one in 10 nuns said she was the focus of sexual harassment at least once during her religious life. Almost half of those were reported to be at the hands of priests, nuns or other religious people. More than half of the total harassment cases involved some type of physical contact, according to the survey.
In their report, the researchers noted that they believe the figures are more likely to underestimate rather than overestimate the true prevalence of sexual victimization among sisters. "The fear and pain of disclosure would be sufficient enough to discourage responding in some sisters," the report said.
The results of the nun survey on abuse seem to be in line with many other surveys of women. National surveys indicate that about 20 percent to 27 percent of all women have been sexually abused as children. The harassment figure for nuns would appear to be lower. In a 1994 Louis Harris and Associates national survey, 31 percent of women claimed to have been harassed at work.
While the
In a joint statement, the Conference of Major Superiors of Men and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious said they were "deeply disturbed" by reports first published in the National Catholic Reporter, an independent weekly based in Kansas City.
Local Nuns Are Surveyed
The idea to interview Catholic nuns about sexual victimization came from Wolf, then a graduate student at
Of the women rabbis, 73 percent said they had been a victim of sexual harassment. Of
The first step was a pilot study not intended for publication. The pilot survey was done through the Program for Psychology and Religion with the
In late January 1995, surveys were mailed to 855 sisters in 37 states and four foreign countries. More than half of the surveys were mailed to nuns living in
The pilot study – which showed incidences of sexual exploitation and sexual harassment similar to the later national survey – concluded that the data "suggest that sexual history and sexuality are critical areas to bring to the fore in the formation and ongoing formation of women religious."
"Many women have had experiences of sexual victimization and many have not found the courage to discuss it," the pilot study found. "Religious communities can become more inviting with regard to discussions of sexuality, but it will require education and structure. Women need to know that they are not alone in their experiences."
The pilot survey also found that nearly half of all nuns had been involved in some sort of consensual sex during their religious lives, often with other nuns or priests. Many of those relationships lasted several months or years and were described by several of the women as "loving, respectful and caring." Others described the relationships as "inappropriate, humiliating or harmful."
The pilot survey warned of strong "emotional inhibitions" against coming forward to report sexual victimization. "There is fear of unleashing powerful forces which will lead to more trouble than benefit." The report of the pilot survey also said it was hoped the survey information could be more widely disseminated "without attracting undue interest from the public news media."
The National Study
The SLU researchers began work on the national survey in June 1995. In that survey, researchers debated whether to include questions regarding consensual sex and, in the end, decided against it. Duckro said he believed that the section dealing with consensual sex was a "distracting" part of the study. "I didn’t think it was a big issue," Duckro said. "What we really wanted to know about was abuse, exploitation and harassment."
For the national survey, the researchers went to the Maryland-based Leadership Conference of Women Religious and asked for contact information for the 538 orders in the leadership group. Of those orders, 123 agreed to take part in the survey and supplied researchers with the names and addresses of their members.
From the 29,000 names provided, researchers used random sampling to pare the list to 2,500 nuns who were sent questionnaires. Of those women, 1,164 returned completed surveys. The average age of the nuns surveyed was 62; the average time in religious life was 42 years.
Researchers said few of the survey results were surprising, but they admit that the information was disturbing. "Women suffer, all women," Duckro said. "Under the surface, people are people. The stories of all people can be so sad."
Chibnall called the nuns "strong, bright, highly educated women" who were "willing to admit there was abuse going on and they wanted to make it better."
Wolf said her work on the survey was so painful that she decided not to make it the focus of her doctoral thesis: "I didn’t want to devote my life to something that could have been very depressing."
Little Action since Study
The national study was paid for, in part, by several orders of Catholic nuns. Among them was the St. Louis-based Franciscan Sisters of Mary, with 165 current members, most in
Another backer of the national survey was the St. Louis-based Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, with 518 sisters in the
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious, which provided researchers with addresses to contact member orders, took no action following the study. The current executive director says she does not believe the conference distributed the survey results or sought any policy changes.
The director, Carole Shinnick, said "it is not within LCWR’s mission to directly respond to the needs of women who were victimized. It is the responsibility of their own congregations." Shinnick, a therapist who worked almost exclusively with Catholic nuns for 12 years, said she knows firsthand the care given to abused nuns. "My experience of LCWR congregations in responding to their members is that they are pastoral, generous and patient with the recovering person," Shinnick said.
Sister Mary Ann Walsh, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said the group was not aware of the nun survey and had not addressed the issue. That group, headed by Bishop Wilton Gregory of Belleville, has taken a leading role in the debate over new policies in the wake of the priest sex abuse scandal.
Researcher Wolf, who now works in Catholic education, said few nuns have come forth publicly to talk about their experiences. She said that is no surprise. Many may feel shame or guilt and recognize they could have a lot to lose if they come forward. "These women have to ask themselves what are the benefits and what are the costs," she said. "The church is the only corporation in town."
Reporter Bill Smith, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: 314-340-8125
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