The Living Language of Light
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The Living Language of Light
The Reconnections
Channeled by Daniel Jacob, , March of 2004.
Taken from: . Copyright, 2004, by Daniel Jacob. All Rights Reserved. May be copied and shared, for purposes of personal growth and/or research. All reproduction for profit requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc.
Published in this website on March 6, 2004. The second part published on April 12, 2004.
Hello, My Dear Friends,
"In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Nearly everyone has heard this phrase, throughout many generations of the world. And it is wondrous and activating, giving folks the vision that they have truly made contact with the Core of All Being. It makes a person want to take shoes from off his feet, wiggle his toes, and shout for joy……that he finally stands upon holy ground!
Your history books are filled with wondrous tales about "The Word of God," as it flowed from the prophets’ pen, spread rapidly through word and deed, and was taught in every church, synagogue, or temple in the land. Wars have been fought over it, congregations have been divided over it, and millions of lives have been healed and reborn through even the slightest contact with it. And this, my friends, is only the beginning.
What has previously been considered "The Word of God," in the lives of many beings………is simply a "Forward"……..a "Frontispiece" to a vast storehouse of knowledge that is about to be made available to the mind of man. The library of which we speak is not just new and unusual "data" that has been waiting to be revealed. Instead, it consists of a whole new way of seeing and experiencing the world —a way of gathering, collating, processing, and sharing knowledge— crossing language barriers and spreading rapidly through all cultures. We will call this "The Living Language of Light." It is a "Meta-Language" that will eventually take the place of words and phrases, in all the ways you have come to know them.
It is for this reason that we are recording these words to you today! We are The Reconnections. We represent all those parts of your expanded self that you had to forget about in order to become human. We’ve never been very far from you, just far enough. Within our ranks are contained all the necessary "bridge concepts" that will connect you with what is called The Multiverse. Once you are connected there, you will have merged with a complete storehouse of knowledge —an archive of all being, or variations of being— regarding what you have been, or will be, across the ages.
In the higher vibrational dimensions, words and thoughts are replaced by clear unbroken tones. If one picture is worth a thousand words, one tone is worth a million pictures. Truly words and thoughts are simply tones, living in separation. So are each of you. They who can hear these tones, high above all other sounds, will never be deceived. Words can be misleading, ideas can be obscured, but in UNBROKEN TONES, there is no place to hide.
As we have said in days past, the word "tone" is really a contraction. It joins the words: "to one." When communication goes "tonal," it begins to reunite people, and gather them together in a place of Oneness and Collective Cooperation and Design.
The usage of the word TONE (to one)……has many applications. A tone can be a sound, a color, or it can even refer to the emotional atmosphere that exists in a room or a conversation. Musical tones have their own sign language, thanks to the system which was constructed by composerZoltan Kodaly. (1) There are those who believe that music, itself, is a universal language. Others believe that mathematics forms the bridge that will one day connect you all. This field of study has learned to express its many tones and concepts through the visual construction offractals. (2) And this is just the beginning.
Today, it is as though humankind is moving, once again, to the Tower of Babel —that place where everyone and everything is united, according to a single purpose and self-concept. This time, however, there will be a great unscrambling of language that occurs. Havingcome down(3)to visit and identify with their People, the Gods of All Religion and Creation are beginning to chip off parts of themselves to participate in this Wondrous Merge to Oneness, which is happening here, within The Reconnection Universe.
In other universes, there will still be rage, division, corruption of purpose, and anything else that is required to form "All That Is." This will continue for all eternity. Each person gets to choose his destination, choose his or her way. But in this universe, there will be The Oneness of All That Is ….a specified focus for all beings who wish to communicate, join together, and learn to love.
In the first Temple of the God of Abraham (one of the familiar religious contexts of this physiological channel), the sanctuary or holy place was maintained in a tent. We will speak about that here, though we could just as easily speak within contexts of other religious traditions as well. Perhaps some of you reading here would call to us, and ask that we translate some Oneness Concept through your traditions at this time. We will do it. These are just words, though they carry within them some valuable analogies and bridge concepts that will be useful later.
This TENT we speak about was called The Tabernacle, and it had several divisions within it, dedicated to various phases of the sacred ceremony and activities that were conducted there. When the Spirit of God was present within the Tabernacle, it had a luminance to it, which was called The Shekinah Glory of God.
We call your attention, therefore, to the miracle of inspiration and power that came when God was in the tabernacle —when He was "in the tent," so to speak. It is from this picture that you might gather a unique root meaning for your application of the word INTENT. We ask you: "Is your God Self in residence in what you’re doing or saying today?"
At the heart of every action, every communication, and every situation that arises, the God Creator of that universe has a plan, an idea, an initiative that he or she is trying to make. That plan (or will of that creator) dwells in the center of each reality context in the form of INTENT. It is a root desire that is being sought after, an "outcome" that is sought. In fact, we have mentioned before that the word "desire" literally means "of the Father." It is a genesis from which all other actions, ideas, or initiatives are born.
Just as the Jewish Tabernacle had many "levels" within it —an outer court, as well as a Holy of Holies— so also could it be said that every word or action has many levels to it as well. At the center of them is what we call the ROOT INTENTION that brought about the communication in the first place. This is also the Gateway into the TONE that connects that particular word or action to every other word or action like it, throughout all time and eternity.
Your education and legal systems of today have, in many ways, departed from the original sanctity and purity of honor that characterized their establishment so long ago. As a result, your usage of words has become a dance of ambiguity and manipulation of the senses. We do not condemn this, as every movement in your history has its purpose. But we do point out that the proliferation of "relativity" and "ambiguity" in your intent has destabilized your contact with one another, thereby requiring a newer, more universal means of communication. This will make way for the formation of TONAL COMMUNICATION, with the resulting establishment of the Living Language of Light.
Let us speak now about your generation’s diminishing need for physical detail. The 3D world is currently built upon a conceptual template that is founded upon the words "I AM." To have an identity here, you must ascribe to yourself certain characteristics and attributes which form an identity, a signature of sorts (4), that can exist within the parameters of an established reality base. The energy signature for the Multiverse is lighter and more porous than that. It is built upon the words "Suppose I were……….," and deals more with potentialities than with actuality. It is the INDEX PAGE for All That Is, while each discrete universe embodies a "chapter" in the Grand Book of Life.
The more you concentrate upon where you have been, what you now are, or what you earnestly desire to be, the more you are operating within the spiritual frequency of "I AM." The more details you ascribe to yourself, and require —the denser your conception of yourself will be. There is no problem in this, if self actualization is what you have left on your itinerary of evolution. However, if freely traversing the Portals is now the object of your desire, some ballast has to be dropped from your boat, so that you can attain the speed required to make the journey.
To abbreviate a word, a person removes as many unnecessary letters as he can while still retaining a sense of what that word is. Abbreviance is the conscious ability to look ahead and "fill in the blanks," rather than to rely upon explicit detailed descriptions of what is happening. Do you currently finish other people’s sentences before they complete their communications with you? Do you have a growing impatience with waiting in lines, stopping in traffic, and speaking in explicit ways and formats? If your answer is yes, you may now be in the process of installing Abbreviance Software onto your inner computer.
Even as your physical world is virtually awash with the availability of physical details, people are overlooking them more and more. Jumping to conclusions is becoming a worldwide sport! Have you noticed how your computer software will actually finish familiar words for you, once you begin to type them? Your own minds are also doing that. Little by little, the planet is developing a UNIVERSAL TONAL VOCABULARY—consisting of physical symbols, sounds, colors, words, and phrases that immediately invoke virtually the same inner experiences, wherever they appear.
We have spoken to you in days past about the difference between being "self-centered" and being "centered in self." The former mindset still believes in separation, and rejects the idea that everyone and everything are aspects of the same Oneself. Insisting on having its own way, it denies the rest of humanity as a viable source of concern, or an additional reflection of what is going on within him or her. The soul wants what it wants, and it does whatever is necessary to "win.”
The latter mindset has effectively integrated the concept"It’s all you." (5) It knows that every person is the creator of his or her universe, and everything in each universe mirrors an aspect of who and what that creator is. Life gets very PERSONAL when you view it this way. There is no longer a need to ask the questions "Who is speaking?" and "Who is being spoken to?" Oneness solves all that. Once that is recognized, the only question remaining will be: "Do you really want to listen?
A good deal of the superfluity in life could be eliminated if people were genuinely honest with themselves about what they actually want, at any point in their day. Immediate feedback, honest and sincere, creates instant evolution in society. This is why the Internet is having such a powerful effect on your collective consciousness in daily life. Believing without question, the internal information one receives (his or her intuitive assessment of a situation), is a turbo booster pack to speed humanity on its way to personal and collective expansion.
Before the Living Language of Light can truly manifest, there must be an appropriate environment within which it can function. We spoke about this a bit in our transmission concerning"Time/No-Time." (6) There must be time to feel, time to align your body energy with what is going on around you. Personal authenticity (congruence between the inner you and the outer you) must carry a far greater importance than it currently does.
Do not wait for society to change before you begin making some of these necessary shifts in priority. Creating your personal "flow" and setting your own "groove" is the beginning of personal wisdom. No amount of possessions or stature in society can even come close to replacing it. It’s simple, direct, and it becomes its own filter —blocking out unnecessary involvements and superfluous concerns.
Your personal universe is all you, and it’s all about you. Believe that, and go forward. As you process images, deal with situations, or have encounters with various individuals, keep asking yourself the question: "What do I want all of this to mean? What interpretation will make my heart sing?" When all is said and done, it is a singing heart that forms the foundation for your Living Language of Light.
In days to come, we will be speaking more about the actual translation of tones from one context of reality to another. We will talk about certain symbols, colors, sounds, and movements that can assist you to form real and fundamental bonds between yourself and the rest of your universe.
To begin preparing for your shift to these new modes of communication, it may help you to set aside some time in your week, or your month, where you deliberately de-emphasize the importance of WORDS in daily life. As we said earlier, words are powerful. We cannot deny that. But words are only part of the picture.
Try going for a week or a month without speaking. Pretend you are mute, and see how creative you can be as you find new ways to make your messages known. Begin looking for all of the non-verbal ways that communication flows in and through your life: body language, physical arrangement of environment and circumstances, facial expressions, internal "knowing" about things, hand gestures, and so forth. You will be amazed how multi-track and extensive your communication already is.
Now is truly your time! Infinity is opening, right before your very eyes. With an endless sea of choices, you will find it very hard to function if you don’t know your signature vibration, and learn to stay within it. We are available to help you personally if you so desire. Just call to us and we will be there. But remember, we listen closely to the heart, not just the words. It will help you considerably if you begin to do that as well.
As the writer once said so beautifully: "What you are speaks so loudly, we cannot always hear what you say."
<end transmission>
See Part Two below.
(1)Zoltan Kodaly:
Curwin Hand Signs
The Kodály approach emphasizes the importance of learning how to sing on pitch. In the 18th century, John Spencer Curwin (England) developed hand signs to go with the solfeggio syllables (do re mi, etc.). Kodály integrated these hand signs into his teaching methods.
Hand signs are a way of giving a physical placement for a vocal pitch. The low "do" begins at your midsection. Each pitch is then above the previous one. Thus, you have the hand signs going up when the pitch goes up. The upper "do" is at eye level.
frac·tal (frâk´tël) n. A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. Fractals are used especially in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures in nature. [French, from Latin fractus, past participle of frangere, to break. See FRACTION.]
Fractals are extensions of traditional Euclidean shapes, such as lines, squares, and circles, with two fundamental properties. First, when you view fractals, you can magnify them an infinite number of times, and they contain structure at every magnification level. Second, you can generate fractals using finite and typically small sets of instructions and data. Fractals grew out of the goal of mathematicians to completely describe the world using standard geometrical expressions. IBM mathematician Benoit B. Mandelbrot, PhD, proved and published the theory behind fractals in 1981 and was the first to view computer-generated fractal structures. The well-known Mandelbrot Set is named in his honor. Another famous fractal researcher, with a set also named for him, is French mathematician Gaston Julia.
(3)"Extracontextual Trans-Port"
"Another form of Trans-Port involves capturing the essence of someone or something that is "there" and moving it to "here." In short, the Prophet no longer needs to go to the mountain. Now he can call for the mountain to come to him. This operation is a bit trickier, but ever so much fun.
"Ascension is not just about bunches of people going up. Humankind is also in the process of bringing Heaven down to Earth as well. Many universes there are, and many ways in which this intent is playing itself out. It’s just as easy to lower the ceiling as it is to raise the floor. But why would you want to do this? Primarily, it is because most of the best things are happening down here on the floor! The celestial realms are limited, even though they are vast. A person can be just as blinded by too much LIGHT as he can by too much DARK. This is why physicality was invented, and why your collective evolution is so important to so many
different life forms at this point in history.
"The Physical Dimensions are becoming a primary meeting place for the Celestial and the Internal Realms, also known as the Underworld. There are "meeting rooms" here where Inter-Dimensional Delegates can share their intrinsic worth with each other, without losing the purity of who and what they are. The Archetypes who administrate the absolute levels of those realms will never actually meet, except through each of YOU. Your individual and mass consciousness is becoming a cauldron, into which is being poured all the best and most dynamic elements of Light and Dark, Form and Void, God and Goddess.
"Going UP in vibration, you have access to Logic (Logos) —the Realm of Pure Idea. Moving DOWN the scale will bring you into Realms of Pure Emotion and Passion (Pathos). In Oneness, neither supersedes or dominates the other. A Guardian Spirit guarantees this. At present, your planet is moving rapidly towards what is called "The Edge of Here and Now" which is neither up nor down, but a point between. From this point, your various Delegations will have access to everything, and be limited to nothing.
"From the Realm of Infinite Possibility (R.I.P.), will come your "mountains" to visit. They will most often be wearing modern garb, and will seem to be deeply involved in today’s business. Your challenge will be in recognizing them. Some very dynamic individuals traverse the Portals regularly, disguised as ordinary folk, while others prefer to assume the form of inanimate objects or animals.
"All your "witnesses" are watching, waiting for the time when your perceptual skills sharpen, and your awareness begins to call them forth—like genies from a bottle. All are here to help, during this powerful time on the planet.
(4)"Vibrational Signature"
"The specific frequency (within a reality spectrum) to which an individual entity vibrates. All have a slightly different one, it is very similar to the digital energetic fingerprint. In a sense, it can be said that each one of us has its own channel in the radio dial."
"You are so much more than you think you are. As a fragment of All That Is, you already contain, within yourself, representational symbols that span many levels of vibration. Even within the compressed, limitation form seen reflected in your bathroom mirror, you are are still complete; though that image is abbreviated. You might call what you see in that mirror a "scale model" of the Multiverse compacted onto the physical plane.
"To fully comprehend what we are saying, it is most important that you begin to look at everything you previously considered "self" and realize that the totality of that represents only a tiny portion of you—a little piece of Infinity that was "chipped off" to enter this World of Form. That "fragment" was programmed and sealed tight against the knowledge of the rest of who you are by what has been termed the "Veil of Forgetfulness."
"It has been revealed that the Eternal Creator has fashioned the work of His hands "in His own Image." Realize now that the universe of your perception: the people, places, objects, and interactive processes once thought of as "containing you–but still essentially separate" is nothing more than a gigantic self-portrait, painted in continually expanding, repetitive patterns in every direction into infinity. This is so because, in order to perceive something, a person has to interpret the images that are being fed to his brain. With that interpretation, the observer becomes the creator of his personal reality. The grid through which all images and information passes is made entirely of each individual’s unique vibratory essence. Therefore, his reality always "looks like him."
"You are not ‘one of many.’ You are really many of One."
(6) The World of Time/No-Time, compiled and updated by Daniel Jacob on March 1, 2003.
The Living Language of Light, Part Two
Hello, My Dear Friends,
"In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God." –John 1:1.
We quoted this phrase to activate this series, and we will continue with it now as we move to the next level. In the beginning God was The Word. In the ending, or culmination of this present age, God becomes THE WORLD. And yet, He will still be the Word, won’t he? And He will also be so much more.
Do you see? Just one simple letter "L," added to an existing word, and your whole field of inquiry moves to a new level. We tell you now that a simple addition (or transformation) of one human being, among all existing beings of this Earth, has power to radically shift the lives and purpose of the entire collective. And, my Dear Friends,…that one magical being is YOU.
We are The Reconnections. We represent all those parts of your Expanded Self that you had to forget about, in order to become human. We’ve never been very far from you. Just far enough. And now we are coming closer, if you will allow. We are embracing your minds and hearts with renewed passion and purpose.
"And Behold, the whole Earth was of one language and of one speech. And Behold, the people are one, and they have all one language, and this they will do. And now, nothing will be withheld from them, which they have imagined to do." –Genesis 11: 1, 7.
Are there those among you who still believe that The Living Language of Light is contained within a single linguistic form? Or even contained within a group of forms? Was the distinctive that existed in humankind, as you stood at the foot of the Tower of Babel, some manner of speech that could instantly break through any barrier, any possibility of misunderstanding or confusion of intent?
Look at your planet now. Examine the places on 3D Earth where one language only is spoken. Do you see some grand confluence of purpose in that area–some common gathering of momentum that would be sufficient enough to invite God Himself to reach down from His throne and intervene, lest that particular culture and tongue would dare to attain even unto Heaven? Please follow along as we take another look at this issue.
Do cultures still exist upon the Earth who clearly believe that their mode of communication and communion is the only way? Indeed, there are certainly religions who hold this viewpoint. And, for your eyes, their doctrines carry a Shadow of Narcissism–though few there are who dare to admit it. They "patrol" the planet, using imperialistic methods in order to create (or, rather, to re-create) everything and everyone in their own image. They want every culture to become a "Mini ME," that they might declare the glory of their system, their philosophy, and their way of life.
Despicable? Well, perhaps. Yet we tell you now that it is this oft-disowned quality which all will need if they are to make it through the Eye of the Needle, and attain to that power and purpose for which they all yearn. And in this process, no one needs to be hurt. No one needs to lose. The Multiverse is a vast place, and there is plenty of space and substance for all.
Narcissism. A term that calls forward the story of a man who gazed into a pool of shimmering water and fell in love with his own image. The story of a singular man, basking in the glory of his personal mirror. How awful! How conceited was he? And what’s worse–when accused of this "sin," he shrugs off guilt with a wry grin and a majestic statement: "I’m really not conceited, you know. I’m just convinced."
Convinced. Totally convinced. Now there would be a displayed quality that might cause God to look down from Heaven with interest and concern! A singular consciousness who trusts, who truly believes in the absolute veracity of his personal path. Some call it faith, and yet we ask you–who (or what) is the object of such faith? Whose face is so compelling and absorbing of attention that staring into its reflection literally takes all of one’s time and energy?
It is not merely a single culture or linguistic form that will take you there. If so, humanity would have attained unto Heaven long ago. That kind of conformity is merely a shadow of Oneness–the symbol of a distant dream. It is a mandate for "affirmative action," instead of a true conversion of the heart. You’ve seen how non-effective this can be as you track your history of civil rights and social change.
Imperialistic cultures do not seek to conquer others and force obedience because they believe in their own power and superior culture. They do it because they have begun to doubt, and they fear losing the power they have. They have lost sight of a singular image, a single face, and their reflection in the waters has become troubled.
It was BELIEF IN SEPARATION that scrambled the minds of Oneself Humanity at the Tower of Babel. It is still scrambling minds today. That belief is also held by this God in Heaven, of which the Book of Genesis speaks. The people were separated because God, Himself is separated. He is concerned about humanity’s ascension for the same reason that imperialistic societies seek to conquer other societies on the Earth. He said: "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." And yet, Dear Ones, if the Lord, Your God is ONE LORD, what other Gods could there be? Would not any other deity simply be a reflection of the same One Deity?
Variations of language and linguistic forms are incidental. They portray a diversity that is a natural by-product of being multidimensional. What cuts the heart out of your communication, on all levels, is the belief that other people are something other than reflections of yourself. And God is catching on to this, as well. Indeed, they are "versions" God that always knew it. They have ever remained within The Gathering of the One. And They/We invite you, too, to step forward and take your place in this Grand Assembly. Move beyond your separated Gods and your separated universe and reach for who you really are.
Hear this again, Beloved! You are not one of many. You are really many of ONE. Herein lies the key for translation and communion via "The Living Language of Light."
You are not one of many. You are really many of ONE. |
The Reconnections |
On the day of Pentecost, the Bible says that the Apostles began to speak in "other tongues"……….and they declared a message to the people. It further says that everyone who heard them speak heard the message in his own language and tongue. This phenomenon is one of many spiritual "gifts" that have been given in order that people may know that Spirit has come upon them and made them whole.
What was important about Pentecost is the fact that, in the face of a diverse mode of communication, a common comprehension occurred. If the Language of Light is expression, the Light of Language is comprehension.
When Narcissus looked into that mirror, he became captivated because it was his own face that was staring back at him. Isn’t this the reason that mothers and fathers are so taken with the faces of their newborn children…..why they will do anything to preserve those precious lives? And this, too, will be a reason why humanity will suddenly and finally stop marring this face of Planet Earth as well. It’s all YOU. There is none other.
We have spent a considerable amount of time speaking to you about Oneness, cradled and supported with the amplified knowledge that One Being can be presented in so many glorious ways. We said: "You are so much more than you think you are. The universe of your perception: the people, places, objects, and interactive processes once thought of as "containing you–but still essentially separate" is nothing more than a gigantic self-portrait, painted in continually expanding, repetitive patterns in every direction into infinity."
As every person begins seeing every other person as a reflection of some part of himself, a pilot light is lit, at the base of your Collective Spine. The energy begins to flow, translating each "message" that comes to you into your own language, your own familiar tongue. That Inner Voice has been with you, since the beginning.
This is that true light, which lights every man as he comes into the world. Jesus had it. Each of you have it too, if you can only believe it. It is your inner light of pure comprehension……..your light of KNOWING, which surpasses the lights of reason, understanding, or simple belief. It can only be held by the most narcissistic among you–those who are literally in love with the Grand Mirror which your 3D World has always been.
"No man comes unto the Father but by me." Many of you have heard this statement. It has either comforted you, or it has chafed you. But Dear Ones, has it ever described you? Have you ever given yourself the gift of Pure Comprehension, based upon the knowledge that there is only ONE of us here?
We spoke earlier about the two sides of Spirit’s Infusion that came at Pentecost. You had Apostles who were speaking, and you had people who were hearing and comprehending. Both sides of the interaction was meant to be a "sign," a validation of the truth and legitimacy of Spirit’s Power and Presence.
In the Apostles, there was a clear experience of having something come into them, from "outside their conscious control," and energize their mouths and their minds. They spoke in "other tongues," which is an expression that many of you have also used to describe that modern phenomenon known as "channeling." When a person is in the "expression" mode, he (or she) knows that something wonderful is happening because he clearly has no conscious control over it. That is his "sign" that Spirit is moving within him.
When in the "comprehension" mode, a person knows that something wonderful is happening because, even though the words that are spoken seem strange and unusual, they also sound very familiar to him. It is as though a part of his own self is speaking. Indeed, My Friends,..all speech, all sound that is heard in your personal universe is part of the same One Sound. It is only YOU, throwing your voice, that you can truly enjoy the music which you are.
When the prophets of old wrote their holy declarations and accounts, they often began them with these words: "The Word of the Lord came unto me." And how, you may ask, did they know that it was God speaking? Was it not due to the fact that when they heard the message, they immediately understood it?
Many of you have witnessed gifted beings–writing in "Angelic Script," or speaking in "The Living Language of Light." Many more will hear or read it before long. The Spirit of God/Goddess has come again, in power and might. The tongues that are speaking are, once again, tongues of fire! The Passion of the Christ is upon you all. Some are choosing to suffer, and some are rising up to rejoice!
However you are choosing to go through this, we salute you. You are each fragments of the same One Being. So are we. We are your "other half," coming in to dance with you and awaken you to new life. Part of that new life will involve a letting go of your conscious self. Another part of it will involve a re-claiming of powers and authority which you once laid aside. So be it.
When humans attempt to speak today, they usually go inside themselves to find their words, and they go outside themselves to discover the meaning of what is happening. This is exactly backwards.
The key to channeling your speech—indeed, the key to channeling your life—is letting go of control of that which comes through you, or motivates your physical body. It means going outside yourself (at least the "self" you have come to know), and allowing something entirely new to come through. If the idea of separation is really illusion, what could come through you that would do any harm? Does not every man, woman, and child plan his or her personal destiny? What could you say or do to prevent that from being fulfilled?
If you go inside yourself and plan what you’re going to say, the energy immediately becomes decelerated. That is because the velocity of your planetary vibration has already exceeded your ability to direct it, at least from the 3D level. How, then, could you ever think that you could come up with something meaningful to say by thinking about it, or planning a message? At best, it would faintly resemble some form of consensus "wisdom",.something that is "safe" to say, so that "others" won’t judge you.
But, My Dear Friends, there are no "others." There is only YOU. Why not put that premise to the test? Why not let the Oneself Energy (The Wholly Spirit of God)……play upon your vocal cords, like a violin? Why do you insist on clinging to the bow? Relax. Release. Let some miracles happen, why don’t you?
And, when it comes to comprehending what is going on around you, or what is being said–why do you need to ask other people to give definitions and meaning to the messages they bring? Why do you become confused about what is happening right in front of your face? Indeed, Dear Narcissus,…is it not YOUR OWN FACE that you see there, shimmering in those waters? Why can’t YOU decide what it all means, and take appropriate action?
This, then, is the other half of Oneself Communication. Every man, woman, and child goes deep, deep inside. The deeper you go, the higher you go. That is the Law of the Multiverse. Eventually, you "arrive" at the middle! You arrive at the COMMON CORE that connects you. And what is that core? Is it a language? A God? A List of human values? No! It is YOU.
YOU are the common link that runs through your universe. That is why it is called a "uni-verse." "Uni" means ONE. When you speak in the Holy Language, you let your tongue go…you let the violins play through the night air! In the beginning, it may seem like gibberish (or it may not!) —perhaps a clanging of some ungodly chime in the middle of a dark night. Keep talking. Keep expressing what is in there. Relax into it, letting yourself go deeper and deeper. The more nonsensical the words may seem, the more daring will be your expression. Soon, you will begin to see pure, spontaneous feeling fill a dark and lonely vessel. Do it in safe places at first, and then Spirit will teach you the time to become bolder and more accessible to all.
When you listen to the Holy Language —your world, your rhythm of life—you simply KNOW what is being said. You interpret things according to what makes sense to YOU.
Again, we will say this: It was BELIEF IN SEPARATION that scrambled the minds of Oneself Humanity at the Tower of Babel. Don’t let that belief scramble your mind, your mouth, or your moment any longer!
Reconnect. Come into Being. Experience the Glory of the Oneself Presence! See your face, shimmering in those holy waters. Then you will begin to hear it–the music of the ages. Tones, colors, symbols, words–the light that lights every man as he enters the world. Then you will be complete. Then you will be home.
The second part channeled by Daniel Jacobs on April, 2004, .
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