The Work of the New Messiahs
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"Two or More In My Name":
The Work of the New Messiahs
By Sananda Immanuel and Candace Frieze
Beloved Sananda Esu Immanuel channeled through Candace Frieze, [email protected]. Title of the original message: "Two or More in My Name."
Published initially in this website on May 9, 2005. New updates are incorporated from time to time. Revisit it.
See NESARA resume at: . See also the NESARA official website at: . NESARA Yes! NESARA Now!
See the complementary article "No Other Planet Has Walked Personally with Christ Michael,As You Shall Do."
Wednesday Morning, May 4th, 2005
Excerpts from Candace’s message. Sananda’s message is published in its entirety.
Some are asking, how do I know that who I am channeling are the real beings I claim to channel? I can only answer this by saying that I am more than the "channel." I am actually on the "Planning Committee" for the Second Coming Event. (This was covered briefly in the last message, Update from Hatonn.) This is why I do the messages. Sananda, Hatonn, Germain, myself and others meet pretty regularly to discuss issues and problems, and where we are going with these messages. These meetings are most often done by telepathy. I have said before that a conversation between several can occur with telepathy, just as it does using voice.
I talk with Sananda daily, sometimes several times a day, and with Hatonn frequently as required. I do not require a state of meditation for this communication, and neither will all of you, as you come into your abilities of telepathy. It is as natural as voice communication. I can chat with these folks in the store, while driving or out walking.
I have been asked if I have seen Sananda personally. Yes, I have. The first time was about one and one-half years ago when he appeared to me in my home to discuss with me my organization called Abundant Hope, and its proposed funding requirements. I have since on a few occasions been transported to a location in the Himalayas for meetings. I realize that you do have to accept these comments on faith at this time. These happenings I am involved in are a very real experience for me.
“…of thousand that look for me, one finds me; of thousand that find me, one follows me; of thousand that follow me, one arrives at Me…" "This reproduction is from an actual photograph taken on June 1st, 1961, in Chichen Itza, Yucatán, by one of the thirty archaeologists working in the area at the time. Sananda appeared in visible, tangible body and permitted his photograph to be taken." From the book "And They Called His Name Immanuel, I AM Sananda.", the Phoenix Archives, book available for free on the web. |
What does Sananda look like? He is very tall but not super tall. He wears his hair in various lengths. He is currently growing it out for the "Jesus look" in preparation for the Second Coming Event. He looks just like his picture in Phoenix Journal #2, page 1, which is a reproduction of an actual photograph. His hair color is a dark strawberry blond, almost light strawberry brown as best as I can describe it. He has blue eyes of great depth.
Some are wondering more about Hatonn, and him being in a large gray body. I was sent a link to a picture from the second Star Wars film that had some grey beings in it. Some would like to know what to expect of Christ Michael (aka Hatonn) in his appearance. Other than being bald and being very light gray in color, he is reasonably human looking. He is not as extreme as the appearance of these strange types in the Star Wars film. He has quite a glow about him, also.
The reason for this special body is that to use a human body such as ours would require incarnation as was done 2000 years ago. This idea is not suitable for the mission at hand. He has a total energy body in his natural state. If he would appear in this manner on the Earth plane, this energy body would "toast" anybody approaching it. This is not a good idea at this time.
This android type body simply means it is not a reproducing body such as we have. This type of body he is using is quite suitable for deep space travel and for commanding the fleet accompanying the Phoenix. His very high energy would not be suitable around those in his command for the same reason as stated above. He desires to actually walk the Earth.
Over these many months of preparing for all of this I knew intuitively that this "Hatonn" was something more than a space commander of a fleet. I imagined all sorts of possibilities, all of which were laughed at by Hatonn. About ten days before we did the recent Christ Michael message it dawned on me, finally, and when it dawned on me, I knew I was correct. I asked for confirmation anyway. He was delighted in my discovery.
It was the putting together of himself as Aton, as a large Oversoul (mentioned in the message, Hatonn Describes Himself), and that comment from the Phoenix Journals that he had experienced as a Jew on this planet that finally caused "my light bulb" moment. I did receive quite a few questions from others asking, also, about how Hatonn is Creator God and Aton, and just who is Christ Michael in all of this. I wrote back to these ones that Hatonn intended in a future message to further describe himself. I was going to call last week’s message, "Hatonn Describes Himself, part 2" before the channeling was done. That was, of course, quite inadequate.
I had a couple of days where I was quite awestruck (more like dumbfounded), as I contemplated that this Hatonn with whom I chat regularly and very informally was Christ Michael. I think this says something about how great this Christ Michael truly is and his love of this Earth. He comes here as a space commander (and this is an important part of the mission), gives very "in your face" type information and knowledge in the Phoenix Journals, and just chats with us. I remained in an intense frame of mind about all of this, as I read and re-read our message of last week. I’m still a little in this mood, as I come more to fully understand how that prayer I sent got answered.
I was sent a comment, "How could the "Christ energy" incarnate into a body?" The writer was implying that this was impossible and stupid, as I understood the question. Seems to me that happened 2000 years ago.
This, of course, is a reason for disbelief in some people that God would come in this manner. So, it is. God is greatly misunderstood on Earth. I received a number of e-mails with information that described God as very esoteric, and not in any way personal. Obviously, to myself at least, Christ comes as esoteric, the source of Life Spirit in this Universe, and as a person, a manager and solver of problems in this Universe. He also comes through all of us as our Christ Consciousness by whatever label one likes.
Those of you reading the description of the "Michaels" in The Urantia Book understand this is, indeed, possible. If you do not own a copy of The Urantia Book, I suggest you might want to and read paper #191 starting on page 1308. Our Christ Michael had seven interesting experiences required of the Creator Sons before becoming the Sovereign leader of their Universes. At this time I want to briefly thank the person, who sent that paper to me. It saved me much time in looking it up myself. I do not mention names of people in these messages for reasons of their protection.
These experiences are called "bestowals," and the final bestowal, #7, must be as an incarnation into flesh on a planet of the realm. Earth (Urantia) was chosen by Christ Michael for this final event. This is why we are twice blessed with his return in person, yet another time. He did promise this return back when he was here the first time. The Urantia papers were given to Earth back around 1934 or 1935 (I might be off a year in my memory) and brought into publication in 1955, a year after the return of Christ Michael and Sananda.
I receive many letters from people who had nearly given up, ready to leave this Earth, and seeing little point in remaining here, who are now dreaming of messiah work. I have heard from several of the Islamic faith, who were lead to discover spiritual websites and found messages that touched them. Mohammed has answered some letters personally through me, and we have more messiahs willing to create a mission for their Islamic brothers and sisters.
Many who are writing are looking beyond what they had originally thought themselves capable of doing, building a bigger dream from the idea of becoming a messiah. You are all finding additional inspiration that you write about to me. I, also, receive many personal stories that these writers have not felt comfortable sharing with those round them. We have many, many, wonderful simple "Thank you notes".
So now, we need to get to the title of this message, "Two Or More In My Name." Many have written wanting a little better understanding of how or where a messiah might look for a mission.
We now go to Sananda, this morning of May 4th, 2005, a beautiful spring day where I live.
My Dear Future Fellow Messiahs: We have received quite a few letters, now, wondering how to become a messiah? And still some asking me, what they are to do in this life? What is their mission?
So, we will talk about what is your mission. First, I am not going to assign you a mission. There are many needs on the planet. The needs vary according to location and to your own skills. A messiah dreams up his/her own mission, according to personal skills and needs that are determined.
Each of you live in a different city or country on this planet. We now have readers all over the world, as the result of this project of announcing the Second Coming Event. We have people from big cities and small little European type hamlets.
We have readers who are wealthy and independent. We have readers who had given up on Earth, and were ready to "check out" and leave this incarnation. Even Candace found herself in this position many years ago, wondering what good her life had accomplished other than bringing children into an over-populated world.
All of you, no matter how long you have been on this Earth (some readers are in their teens, some in their 90’s), have gifts to give as the result of your experience. Sometimes you don’t see the gift. The gift can come from your "lousy" experiences. By your sad experiences you understand the sadness of others, and you might see a way to relieve that sadness.
Many of you are frustrated with the "system" in which you work. Maybe it is the lousy public school system that you find controlling and that does not listen to your suggestions for improvement. Maybe you do not make these suggestions, for as you well know that if you open your "big mouth", you will be minus the job you need to feed your family.
You see children that are restricted in their imagination and are being molded into identical little robots. They are being molded into servants to serve the rich. You see inquiring little minds that are told to shut up, and you cry at this. You see many teachers around who have little inquisitiveness and seem robotic.
Some of you may have been in politics and are sadly disillusioned with the political process of graft and paybacks. You thought you went into the profession to further democracy and equal rights for all, and found this not to be the case. In fact, politics seemed to be about making laws that take away rights and benefit only those in power.
You may be in law enforcement and are tired of arresting people for whom prison does no good. Police officers get tired of putting prostitutes and homeless people in jail. These people need other services. Police officers, also, get tired of the system that does not protect women and children, who are in harm’s way from husbands and boyfriends that prey on them. You see graft, also, among your fellow officers who are taking kick-backs for looking the other way.
You may be a social worker who is exhausted from a heavy caseload beyond your abilities to physically handle. You, finally, remove children from a bad home only to have them returned or put into a foster home that may, also, prey upon these children. Earth has many predators, and it seems that no one really takes care of the predators and separates them from society. Instead, you separate the victims and often make matters worse for them. Some children go from foster home to foster home, and in the process of survival become predators themselves.
Predation is often learned from other predators or chosen as a way to exist. Those rich and in power and dreaming up wars are the predators of the worst sort. They prey on the young by offering them work in the military, when they can find none where they live. They send these young minds off to war to die for their countries. This is predatory in nature.
Certainly, the BBB&G’s (Big Bad Boys & Girls) of the United States are predators, going after oil and power in the world, and using the young to carry out their goals in the military. The taxpayers of America are being preyed upon to pay for the current warring in Iraq and Afghanistan. You are paying for your military to prey on people around the world. The financial bill is huge and beyond describing to have the machines of war spread over more than 130 countries on the planet.
So, where am I going with the predator part of this message? Some of you with skills to do so need to go after the real predators. This is done in a variety of ways. One way is, of course, to expose the predation that is not seen. Many are already engaged in this battle, often through the Internet, in the posting of the problems and truth.
We need people to work within the systems in which they are currently employed in to create change. We know this is difficult to do alone. This is why I emphasize the importance of "Two or More in My Name." Your new found power needs to be shared. In the sharing you share problems and ideas for solutions. You then draw more into your group and your power grows.
WE WANT TO SEE SOME CHAOS BEING CREATED. Many in the New Age community have been taught the myth that one must avoid negativity. Notice in our messages and the responses to them, especially recently, that there is chaos going on. Some of New Age are not happy with the idea of chaos. More often these are BBB&G’s pretending to be of the Light to cause spiritual people to turn away from solving problems, and thus, they become part of the problem.
Chaos causes thinking and action. In your creating, please, create some chaos in your work situations where you see harm being done. Remember to find yourself support and sharing in the creating of the chaos. If one fourth of the teachers in a school get together and formulate a plan, they become a mighty force with which to be reckoned. Most schools are not going to fire one fourth of their, already inadequate staff. If you are threatened, go find a reporter that will hear your story or draw attention to the problem in other ways. Get it out! Make noise!
Recently, we had a reader, who in the chaos we created recently, told everyone it was time to get off the "lollipop material" that is sent to the spiritual community. I have sent "lollipops" in recent years, and I am tired of it. We must get off our duffs and get to work and stop just being placated by sweet material offering that love alone will change the world. It will not and has not!
Action must be taken. A little chaos is a good thing. In sufficient numbers, "Two or More in My Name", you can bring about great change. Understand that spirituality is more than reading "spiritual lollipops". To be truly spiritual you must dive into life and become a part of it. Solving planetary problems is most spiritual, indeed. Works are very important!
You will be helped in this by the coming of the Star People. You will be helped by having enough money to carry out plans requiring money. You will be able to apply for "grants" from special sources of which we shall inform you later.
Look at where you live. If you see no problems that need fixing, then look elsewhere. Right now we do not need a huge number of spiritual mystery schools. That can come later. The mystery schools merely detract from the work that is so needed in these times.
There are more than six billion, mostly miserable people on this planet. Many of you should stay in your work and enhance what you do within it. Some will need to leave and make changes in another way. The misery of many people will first be relieved by food, housing and basic education and safety from predators. There is such talent that is suppressed in the poor. Feed them so that they may find their talents and, thus, become messiahs themselves, "Two or More in My Name".
I want to show how simple arithmetic works here, showing the power of "Two or More in My Name." Let’s assume that from these messages alone we find 2000 messiahs. These 2000 people each enlighten or otherwise help two people for a sum of 4000. Now, these additional people will spread their joy and learning, also. It is a natural way to be given the opportunity.
We now have 6000 enlightened (having Light within) people. If all of these (including the first 2000) bring another two each into the fold, there are now 18,000 in the Light. Again, these 18,000 help two each. There are now 54,000 living a much improved life and choosing to "pay it forward!" (Great film by the way, if you saw the film by that name.) Most of you are going to help considerably more than two people. We aren’t necessarily saying that all these people will become messiahs, but nearly all of them will choose to improve the lot of their family and friends, and so it goes on and on.
An amazing event is occurring now in Indonesia, as it recovers from the Tsunami. People there are beginning to overcome the stress of the losses and are dreaming in a way they had not done before. Many find that they no longer wish to live as they did in survival mode. Many minds are waking up. The beginning of a better way is being found. The chaos created by the Tsunami has created many questions, and these people are refusing to return to their former pathways. They are creating change.
These people, in general, are closely knit. The power of "Two or More in My Name" has been used to keep family together in the past. Now that some family members are gone, these people look to others and to themselves, and a new power is being formed for radical change. They will create a better world in that place.
They are forming alliances against those that always prey upon the survivors of calamity. They are standing tall in My Name (actually Mohammed’s name in many cases) and saying "enough is enough". They are, also, questioning the Islamic teachings that have kept them in place.
Mohammed will be working there to change those teachings that were not his in the first place. He is working at night with many, now, who are preparing his way. He is, also, working with a few through these messages, who have written their concerns and needs. He has sent a few messages to readers from that region and others through Candace. These people are in great delight, knowing that he is returning to right the wrongs done in his name.
For those with the means to do so, great help will be required in Africa, which is very war torn and has great problems with predators. These people are quite beautiful in spirit and, if they get the opportunity, they will be very creative. African mothers, if given the chance, are among the best mothers in this world. They understand that each child has gifts, and they consciously see the gifts in their children. They suffer greatly when they cannot provide the care their little ones need.
Of course, our Star People will be helping to install a situation of peace there. So, those of you who are interested can go to Africa in peace and do the work. When these people are released from the bondage of both war and disease, they will rise to the occasion. They are tough and durable.
Remember that AIDS is a laboratory disease that was given to Africa through the small pox vaccine in the 1970’s. We have treatments that are relatively simple that can help many with this condition. Sadly, some are too ill to totally heal, and they will have to return in a new body. This is not necessarily bad, as they will be reborn in new circumstances with better care and teaching, and will blossom into their potential in that manner.
Many of you live in countries with great problems, and you will have no trouble seeing the problems and dreaming up a plan right where you live. We need the many "little" messiahs joining with other little messiahs and, thus, making a powerful messianic vision. In the waiting for the Second Coming Event, look around you. Look at your skills. Write down the problems and your skills, and make many lists of ideas until something falls into place.
Some of you need to become politicians in your regions and help create a better way in this manner. Some of you need to change the industries in which you work. Retooling, for example, may be important in manufacturing. Even little changes add up. If you are a teacher, create brightness for your children in your care, and they will share the Light.
If you are a parent, look at how you parent and, if you find it leaves something to be desired, change how you parent. Children are always a gift to society, and your very future depends on them. They are the future!
I am going to leave the rest of the message to Candace. She is gong to discuss the power of community, "Two or More in My Name". Feel blessed in your work and what you can bring to the world. Think in a messianic nature, and you shall become a messiah. Let us all march on in the power of "Two or More in My Name" and use it to change the world. I cannot do it all by myself. Even Christ Michael cannot do it by himself. It is a group project. We could not have the Second Coming Event without your help. It would be pointless. Our work together will glorify God. It will be Holy!
Yes, I know, again where is NESARA? It is coming to the USA pretty shortly now, we believe. We seem to be finding no more nuclear bombs, and the White Knights are better unified and many moles have been identified and removed.
NESARA is happening in other countries, already. I know you do not hear of it, except when your news announces someone has been removed from power. The financial changes in some countries are not known by the name of NESARA. That name was created in the United States.
There is a great deal going on that you do not see. I know that we told you that the announcement would come first in the USA. Had not some major security issues arisen, it would have. We cannot make the rest of the world wait on the USA BBB&G’s games being played. We march on.
Yes, you want the names of some countries in which progress is being made. These would be Russia, several in the Indonesian area, several in Central and South America, Italy, France, Lebanon, and Syria, and to some degree in Israel and the Palestine. There are many changes occurring in Africa. Russia is working with the little countries that are no long part of the USSR. Iran is making changes.
The Islamic countries in the Middle East are already on the gold standard, such as the Dinar, and little needs to be done so far as how money is used in these areas. Islamic banks do not charge interest. They make money in business activities, as those in the USA and elsewhere will do. Watch what little of your world stage is presented by your news, and see NESARA happening in the reporting. Now, it is back to work, a busy day, as always ahead! Be in Peace and dream some dreams in the awaiting. Namaste, Sananda Immanuel.
This is the big last final major effort to boot the major BBB&G’s from this Earth. There were many attempts at assorted 911-type events, particularly last fall in theUSA and elsewhere, that were aborted. Last September our BBB&G’s planned to blow up a major dam in the state in which I live. There have been many serious attempts to institute Martial Law in the United States. As was said previously, the safety of the world right now is extremely important. Trust in the process, please. I personally know NESARA is going to happen or I would not have taken this job.
I face the same disappointment as do all of you when I don’t see what I expect to see on the TV. I have my days of being so tense that my shoulders ache from it. Right now, I am just as poor as many of you with bills piled up that I can’t pay. It is only a little longer, but it must be done right. As has been stated before by blatantly announcing the date for April 15th instead of keeping it a secret, the hands of the BBB&G’s were, again, forced. They, also, had the same date.
The final conflict is occurring. This is the final battle between good and evil as Revelations so predicted. We are not about to let evil win this one! Please, trust in the process! During the waiting continue dreaming instead of stewing. This is, also, good advice to myself, I might add! Take care, Candace.
November 30th, 2005
Introduction to Becoming a Messiah
My dear friends, as you may already know, a great mission ofAbundantHope is to encourage the people to become messiahs and develop messianic projects. There is not just one messiah, my beloveds, there is a need for many and you can choose to become one yourself, either as an individual or as a community project.
We all belong to a variety of communities. First and foremost, we belong to a family. Some have very small families, others quite large families. Family members are usually related by blood but we all have loved ones that are family to us also.
We may belong to a religious community, such as a Christian church, a Jewish synagogue, an Islamic mosque, or a Buddhist or other type of temple. There are many religions throughout the world, a list far longer than the above. Most have some sort of meeting house and usually some sort of meeting leader, a cleric of some sort.
Most of us belong to a community where we are employed by another, a business, a government agency, or a non profit organization. We may have our own business. Even if we are self-employed, we have a community of clients and possibly employees.
Then we often belong to social communities. Examples would be Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and similar youth organizations. Some are Masons or Elks as examples. Maybe you attend an exercise class of some sort regularly or go to a senior center. Once I had a business at a weekend flea market. This qualified not only as self employment but we found great community in that place between those of us who rented the same space continually and came to know our neighbors in this situation.
All of us live in a housing community of some sort. There are apartment communities, single-family home communities, and condo and townhome communities. There are mobile-home communities. In poor areas there are slum communities. If you are in the military, you may live in a barracks community. Some belong to farming and ranching communities.
Then there are school communities. We attend school from a very early age and eventually often attend a school of some sort after we finish our basic education. And there are now online communities of a wide variety. I formed some community with my readers of the messages as they were written, through our exchanges of email. We usually live, work, study and socialize in a variety of communities.
Many have heard the term "Two Or More In My Name." What AbundantHope desires to do, is assist people to discover this most wonderful way of service and develop a messianic mission of some sort to assist in the healing of our beloved Earth, who has many peoples suffering in a variety of ways. Through our discussion forum on this website, we will welcome your ideas to be read by others. We will post on the website projects as they are created, and make suggestions as we find people that need a hand up, or other issues on the planet that need some fixing.
Some are horribly poor. Some are horribly ill. Some are very unloved and often either depressed or the opposite extreme, hateful. Some live in polluted environments. In fact, nearly all of us do, because our water, air, and food are contaminated. Some work themselves to the bone, either because they are poor or they are workaholics.
Some, in fact, all of us, lack adequate education to varying degrees. Many, who seem to have everything, feel they have nothing, a lack of spiritual education. Many lack communication skills, and self-esteem. Many follow way too much and often have no choice, being mind controlled by others.
There is much on our planet in need of repair. The people need repair, the land needs repair, business needs repair, and animals need love and respect. The planet needs love and respect, period, and we abuse our home called Earth and its life terribly. Many await that magical messiah who will somehow fix everything, wave a magic wand.
Guess what, folks, we are the messiahs we have been waiting for! By the time you read this, NESARA should have been announced in the USA. We may have had the worldwide Second Coming. Many prior messiahs are returning to Earth. Many more have come to Earth from other planets. I am one of them.
Some came around 2000 years ago with Sananda (Jesus) and Christ Michael, the Creator Son of our Universe of Nebadon. These were the 144,000 mentioned in various religious materials. They have spent many lifetimes on Earth since then, many repeatedly killed and otherwise harmed, often one life after another. Many were burned at the stake for example.
This number was inadequate, so many more have come since then. I came to Earth myself with quite a few family members, around 400 years ago. We are from a planet called Myrua, its sun called Merope, of the Pleiades. This is my 6th life on the planet. There are many Pleiadians here now and many Sirians also, plus a multitude of others.
Earth has a number of advanced souls having their origin on this planet but the numbers are inadequate to effect change due to the past history of the planet, and you of Earth, need the help of all these others coming. Earth now has well over 100 million messiahs, incarnate and more arriving by the method of birth everyday.
In addition, there are many in starships in our skies and our solar system, whose residents have come to lend their hands, their technology, and their vast knowledge. Many will begin now to walk the planet. Others of the star people will communicate through telepathy and the Internet. We shall soon be able to exchange email with them. We have a huge job, together, all of us, to raise up this planet.
You are all messiahs if you so choose to be, it is your choice. We need little messiahs and big messiahs. A kindergarten class can create a messianic project. A huge corporation can create a messianic project. In fact, the huge corporation can be a messianic project in and of itself. A family of only two can create a messianic project. Even if you are doing a messianic project as an individual, you are going to come in contact with others, and need some help. The power of Two Or More In My Name is huge beyond description.
Two Or More In My Name refers to acting in one’s God self, the I AM, with another, or many, all acting in their "I AM," not their "I Follow." Acting in the I AM is acting in co-creation with God. We are Creators, not followers. We must become, not follow. This idea has been denied to many, in their journey of life, through many organizations in The Matrix, the churches, the schools, the family structure, the laws, and a longer list than this.
So, why did I cover the types of communities you belong to above? Because looking for messianic ideas can start right in your communities. You can be a messiah in your own family, gently demonstrating another way to be. Showing strength in the coming times of great change. Being a rock. Being unafraid to being open to new ideas and new ways to be.
It is said in the Bible that Jesus came not to bring peace but to set one against another, even in the family. This was not meant as an act of hatred, but one of saying no to The Matrix in place at that time, and still very much in place in this age. The control of The Matrix starts at home. In those days, one did not dare to question, not even a parent, to speak an individual mind, to think. So it goes still now. Be the one to show those around you how to change, to grow, to become, in all of the communities in which you are a member. It is time to re-member your communities.
Many of you will choose large projects, with the funding coming that will help you do this. But the small projects, living a messiah conviction, by the many, will do more in many ways to change the whole world. It all begins in the family. Make family wherever you are, in addition to being with your blood family. Strong families are the foundation, the rocks of a successful society. Nurture all those you see as family.
The remaining messages in this section will be devoted to greater detail about ideas to consider, and what also to not consider doing. A list of general Do’s and Don’ts for your consideration follows. Be in Joy, Peace, and dream a wonderful dream and bring in into fruition. Be a creator in every part of your life! Become a messiah!
November 22d, 2005
From: .
Introduction to Changing the Face of Religion
This section is written for those who have had any experience with Christianity, Judaism or Islam. In particular, it is for clerics. These three major religions, based originally on Abraham, are the creations of those in power on the planet, to divide people. Each believing in one of these faiths tends to believe the others are fallacies and at times even call the others, infidels.
Witness what is happening in our post 911 world, in which Jews, Christians and Muslims have been set against one another in greater ferocity. Jews and Muslims are at each other’s throats in the "Holy Land." Christians are encouraged to support the Jews in keeping the Holy Land from Islam. It is believed that "God" gave the Holy Lands to the Jewish peoples. Islam defends their right to be there also. The Islamic Dome of the Rock is a point of contention.
911 was an artificially created event to gain the support of the American people behind the conquest of the oil and resources of the Arab peoples. By making it appear this was an attack by Islamic extremists, Christians were encouraged to set themselves once again separate from Islam. I have talked to many Christians who consider themselves people of God, who continue to support the war in Iraq not because of the Weapons of Mass Destruction but rather they see Islam, and the Muslim people, as being less than human and not of God.
What has concerned me since I was a small child is the idea that everyone considers their Holy Book, or belief system as the best one, and anybody else’s as less and incorrect. Everybody thinks the other guy is the infidel, and most people do not see themselves doing this. It is way past time to wake up to this simple concept that each considers the other the infidel. Islam considers Christians as infidels and Christians consider Muslims the infidels.
Our BBB&G’s (Big, Bad, Boys and Girls) have divided us well from each other through the use of organized religion. Religion is not the only tool of what we call The Matrix,the prison created not with guns but by belief systems, where separation is defended by the participants of these systems. Belief systems are not limited to religion. They exist in our many communities we engage in, in everyday life. These include our social clubs, our work, our schools and our families.
God is about love, caring, unity and the giving of service to others. God never does install belief systems, man who desires control and power does that. Earth is an outstanding example of just about everything that can go wrong with a planet, both in the behavior of its peoples and in the abuse to the planet itself. In joining a belief system, you essentially lock yourself up and throw away the keys.
Organized religion is an expensive belief system. A large hierarchy, which is nothing more than a business activity, is supported by tithing. In a well run business, there is a great product produced, but in general organized religion does not produce a great product.
The product religion should produce is critical thought and spirituality. The ability to think beyond the needs of simple living belongs to mankind. The ability to solve problems of a higher level belongs to mankind. And yet I see mind not only wasted and unused but also discouraged.
In most religions it is taught and expected that the cleric does the thinking, if thinking is done, for the people in the congregation. That the cleric is between man and God is what is taught and believed and nothing could be further from the truth. Each human is part of the mind of God and needs no one to intercede on his/her behalf.
Religion should be about the growth of human potential. Instead, humans are dumbed down, not lifted up. This section will examine many incorrect beliefs held, and may point out where appropriate those beliefs that are confining rather than liberating. God does not confine people; God liberates, in a loving manner.
Some of the beliefs are misunderstandings, others out and out fraud perpetuated on the religious community. Each organization often has the same beliefs as the others, just colored in different colors. I have attended nearly identical churches, in the evangelical domain, in which the pastor will tell his congregation that they are better than the church down the street. Yet, I have attended both and see no difference.
Many pastors are in the business of preaching because it provides a very good living. They could care less about their congregations. These are often very charismatic people, knowing well the fine art of manipulation. Behind your back, they laugh all the way to the bank.
It is an easy living in general for these types, and there is indeed a great search on the planet now by people seeking something higher in their life. So these types take advantage, and have people who idealize them as a bonus to the money. I am sorry to point this out to those of you who do care but you do have to admit you see this going on.
For those pastors reading this that genuinely care for your congregations, I have met some of you throughout my life. I actually joined the Catholic Church when I was 18 because a Catholic priest near my university was a fine example of what a pastor is all about. He understood college students and their challenges and was a fine advisor.
The amazing thing I remember about this man was that he never said to read my Bible to find the solutions to life. He realized the solutions to spirituality came from the living of life itself. I did not own a Bible at that time. Yes, he followed his church rules about conducting Mass, but there it ended. When I left that university to attend a Catholic nursing school I woke up to the real world of Catholicism and left. I experienced much pain of The Matrix in that school and in the medical world for that matter also.
Over the years I have experienced many "chosen people" who have attempted to persuade me to their point of view. Here in is a major fallacy that God chooses people. No people, you chose God, God does not choose you. In the choosing of God, you chose yourself. You chose to become more like God, which is the will of God. In this concept organized religion fails miserably.
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