Virtuous Life
Holistic and Lucid Vision |
Joie de Vivre Books by Luis Prada Journey into the City of Light of BVC/ Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/ Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro
“The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” Positive growth cannot be achieved without first experiencing negative opposition. —A Cosmic Law. Human beings are kind by nature, when their minds are not distorted by false teaching of selfish interests, political propaganda and racial or religious difficulties. —Djwhal Khul (translation)
The changes in humanity are based on the lost of fear, and the destruction of all the present systems that feed it.
Love vanquishes fear. Enlarge the love in you. Love yourself, nobody can give what does not have. When you love yourself, you will love anybody else in an unconditional way. The way to eliminate fear is to acquire the necessary knowledge and to manage it. Read spiritual books before sleeping, you will then carry in your mind uplifting ideas and thoughts. Let’s allow to surge in each of us that kind nature we carry within. —Mónica Barbagallo, (translation)
Love is the most important ingredient of Life. Your Life echoes emptiness without it. With it, Your Life Vibrates meaning and warmth. Love will shine through even in hardship.
You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments that stand out, are the moments when you have really loved —the moments when you have done things in a Spirit of Love.
Treasure the Love You Receive above everything else. It will survive long after your wealth and good health have vanished. The Way is in the Heart. Life in Abundance comes through Great Love.
When the disciple learns to love, even though he would be in the wrong path, his steps will end up conducing him to the final goal.
When the aspirant does not know to love, even though he would be on the right path, his steps will never be able to cross over the obstacles that each time will be appearing as he goes by.
—Lady Portia, from the book Pearls of Light (“Perlas de Luz”), Volume III, Centro Lusitano de Unificación Cultural. Translation.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. —Johann von Goethe, poet and dramatist.
I desire little and the little I desire, I desire it little. —Saint Francis of Assisi
Definitely you are much more of what you yourself believe to be; you are worthier than you think. You have capacities that you yourself not even know yet. You are capable of many more things, if you’re really determined to it. You have much more intelligence than what you really use and profit from. You are much more capable and more valuable than what you have been so far. Think, reflect, you can do more and be much better… for you and for those who surround you. —Unknown Author (translation from Spanish).
It is always a need to know when a stage in life is over. If you insist in remaining in it, more than the necessary time, you lose the happiness and sense of the rest. —Paulo Coelho Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward. —Vernon Law We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it. —William Osler If you have a problem, go help someone who has a worse one. —Popular Wisdom When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them. —Plato
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