Vital Message For Gaia and Her Humanity
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Letter to the United Nations and to All Leaders of the Earth
Coming from The Galactic Confederation of Light, The Council of Twelve, Queen Angela of the Orion System and King Ahn of the Sirius System
Vital Message of the Galactic Confederation for Gaia and Her Humanity
May 2, 2004
A Vital Message for Gaia (Earth) and Her Humanity
From: The Galactic Confederation of Light.
The Council of Twelve.
Queen Angela of the Orion Star System.
King Ahn of the Sirius Star System.
Subject: The Closing of the Cycle Has Arrived and So Have We.
This letter is an Official Global Directive authorized and issued from the Galactic Confederation of Light.
Sent out by Darrel Whitewolf Smith, Wolf Clan Cherokee.
«To whom it may concern. The following letter has been presented to me in complete trust by a member of The Galactic Confederation of Light on this day of May, 2nd. 2004. It has not been edited or rewritten. It is in the exact form and wording as I have received it to pass on. I have known this being long enough and well enough to know that it is authentic. This being is under the protection and constant monitoring of the Confederation as am I and the identity of said being will remain undisclosed. This being cannot be located by address, telephone or any other source than my own and will remain so until further notice. This letter goes out to the United Nations and all leaders of the Earth. This will include all Native Nations as well. Regards, —Darrel Whitewolf Smith, Wolf Clan Cherokee.»
Taken from "The Rumor Mill News Reading Room", at:"e=1083829138 .
EMAIL: VITAL MESSAGE FROM GALACTIC CONFEDERATION, Posted By: WhiteRaven, Date:Wednesday, 5 May 2004,12:47 a.m. The following is an email that was received by Rayelan. As always, judge for yourself. —White Raven. Subject: Vital Message as given to me personally and un-edited by a member of the Confederation who will remain anonymous. Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 23:18:30 +0930.
Posted in "Brother Veritus’ Website" on May 15, 2004.
The universal law of non interference has been officially overridden. A small group of souls, uniquely different, have collectively chosen to incarnate at this time. These beings carry the experience and wisdom necessary to invoke such a powerful law, such a powerful responsibility.
We of the Galactic Confederation of Light do not take such a decision lightly, especially when it involves what is known as the Grand Plan of Creation. That is the growth and development of a universal planetary body who is carrying in her womb the growth and development of a universal incarnational body providing the environment and experience necessary for a universal gateway back to the Source. This will allow any being from any species and on any frequency spectrum to incarnate onto Gaia and learn what it truly means to be in the image of God. Loving, caring, compassionate, understanding, tolerant and so on it goes, all of these qualities that make up and constitute a human being. A physical angel. A harmonious blend between the physical and spiritual.
This decision has been unanimously made by the overwhelming majority of life that is a representation of all species in every spectrum on all levels of existence and includes Lucifer or the Council of Seven, the Great Dark Brotherhood, which ever label you prefer, for they are all one and the same. It is imperative you understand that the beings you know as Lucifer, Arch Angel Sataniel, Jesus, Arch Angel Michael and the Christ are now completely and unequivocally unified on this divine project, the Grand Plan of Creation. You need to come to terms with the fact that the Prodigal Son, Arch Angel Sataniel has returned and is now at peace with the Devine Creator. Balance is the key. [Comment by Luis Prada, BVW, Feb. 11, 2024: This paragraph contains a lie, Lucifer was uncreated, he did not redeem himself and was always prone to evil. Unfortunately, at the time the article was published I missed these paragraph’s sentences referring to Lucifer. The rest of the article you may take or leave, you decide what is correct and what is not. Sorry.]
This group of beings that the Spiritual Hierarchy has chosen for direct intervention are also known as the Avatars or your gods of your ancient world. They are leaders among their peoples or Queens and Kings to use an Earth analogy and are a collective representation of the primary and principal Star Systems, who have been involved in the Grand Plan of Creation, the star seeding of this beloved planet from its very inception. Each one of the principal species of human on Gaia is a reflection of these Star Systems. As above, so below. For example; The Aryan race is a reflection of Orion so therefore the three serpent Queens of Orion are in truth the heads of state for the Aryan race.
The primary objective of this group is to bring about balance and to guide Gaia’s humanity through this vital, vital stage in the evolutionary process. The metamorphosis that you and your beloved planet are currently going through has already been experienced by these beings on an individual basis. These beings are not perfect and the agreement for them to incarnate at this critical stage has been granted under their request so that they may lead by example and take responsibility to right their wrongs of their past. These people are not to be worshipped. We repeat, are not to be worshipped. Just respected and understood.
These souls carry understandings, experiences, knowledge, wisdom and love beyond your ability to comprehend at this time. They do have access to levels of consciousness way beyond the vast majority but access to those higher levels will not occur until they individually become accountable. Some have awoken and are aware of their origins, their past and their future responsibilities while others are still coming to terms with themselves and their awakening process. All are being monitored very, very closely both in your reality and interdimensionally through this difficult yet exhilarating transformation.
The gods of your ancient world have returned. These beings of both Serpent Tribes and Bird Tribes are completely and unequivocally united. They are showing you and the Spiritual Hierarchy that they are accountable by taking responsibility for their actions in their past, present and future and together with the Galactic Confederation of Light of which these beings are sitting councilors are asking each and every one of you to do the same.
The time has come for all of you to take responsibility for yourselves both individually and collectively. The time has come for you as a planetary and galactic society to mature and understand that you cannot trash your beloved planet for the sake of greed, power, control and material conveniences and then expect to travel to another world and do the same. This will not be permitted. Your controllers now know this. You have but one home, one planet and you are about to be introduced to your cosmic neighbors. Do not think that you have some god given right to consume everything in your path. You have a name for this on your planet [Editor’ Note: "New World Order"], this way of life that is motivated by fear and imposes starvation, slavery and misery on the majority while a select few get all the comforts. It is a way of life that is out of balance and is leading your planet into self destruction.
We know the outcome for we have seen this many times before on other worlds. You have this attitude because you have been coerced by your controllers into believing that all of those billions upon billions of star systems like yours that make up just one little galaxy and then the billions upon billions of galaxies which make up just your local universe and only one frequency spectrum was made just for you on one little planet. Now consider the twelve main octaves and an almost infinite amount of overtones within each. All of creation made for you and on one little planet.
The Galactic Confederation of Light on behalf of Creation urgently suggests that you get over your superiority complex and come to terms with reality. We do not mean to sound condescending. We are not here to tell you what you would like to hear but that which you desperately need to hear. If you want peace and prosperity in your world, then the comprehension of the truth is imperative. Stop living someone else’s version of reality. The truth shall set you and your beloved planet free.
"Stop living someone else’s version of reality." |
The Illuminati Controllers’ version, see the Holographic Prison in this Website. |
Queen Angela of the Orion Star System and King Ahn of the Sirius Star System, through this letter, this Global Directive. are serving notice to your controlling parties. Their plans to set up and run this beloved planet like a corporate structure, continuing to poison and slowly destroy her with archaic industrialized technologies, continuing to impose these carefully crafted cycles of war and misery upon her peoples and continuing to enslave her humanity will no longer be permitted. It is officially over. Our Earth affiliates are now to implement all our restructuring programs.
The Galactic Confederation of Light is similar to what you call on Gaia, the United Nations, except on a galactic and cosmic level. Our headquarters are on Vega, in the star system Lyra and is comprised of roughly 209,000 star systems or star nations, councils, federations, empires and so on. The Galactic Confederation is looked upon as the governing body of the galaxy and with the utmost respect because it is not so much as a political entity but locks in with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Creation and that is why it is called The Galactic Confederation of Light. We do not live life in a divided manner with dogmatic religious structures like those that have been imposed upon you in recent times. The global web of manipulation that has cunningly been imposed upon all aspects of your life is extremely disappointing and saddens us deeply.
Your planet is about to go through an incredible change. This change is part of the Grand Plan of Creation and everyone and everything on, in and around the planet including your space station Lunar, which you know as the Moon is being affected. Yes, your Moon is an artificial satellite and that’s why its orbital path is circular and not elliptical. It spins around your planet just like all those other satellites you have purposefully placed in orbit yourselves.
There is no stopping this transformation and there is no escaping it for it comes from within every atom. Its source is from the very life force that animates everyone and everything into existence. Most importantly, it is nothing to be afraid of. To fear this transformation, is to fear life itself and fear is born out of uncertainty, not knowing the truth and not understanding the structure and purpose of life itself. That is why your controllers tell you ignorance is bliss so then, they can go about controlling you with fear. Just observe your global events of recent times and the words they continually thrust at you through the media. Not even your controllers and all their secret technology can stop this process. We know this because we are the ones who introduced this technology to your planet and we can disable it anytime we deem it necessary.
The Galactic Confederation of Light is here with an enormous fleet of ships known as theFirst Contact Fleet which surrounds this entire solar system and especially Gaia and her lunar space station. The reason you cannot see us is a simple matter of frequency and when the time is deemed appropriate, we will reveal ourselves. We are here to work with you and to guide you through the use of our technologies in changing, cleaning and restructuring this beloved planet back to the pristine condition she once was. We also have already in place our infrastructure and experienced personnel including medical teams and so on waiting for the go ahead. We know exactly what to do and how to go about it in a peaceful, organized and respectful manner for we have restructured planets and even entire star systems many times before throughout the universe and in many other realities. What needs to be done here on Gaia is very achievable and the bulk of the transformation will take roughly 19 months.
The cycle closes on the Spring Equinox ( Northern Hemisphere ) in 2013, therefore we need to begin as soon as possible. You need to come to terms with the fact that your beloved plated is a living, breathing feeling, thinking being, just like you. If you don’t take responsibility for your home and begin preparing her for the frequency shift, then she will have to cleanse herself and that will be very destructive indeed. Your scientists already know that she has begun to change.
Please, everyone wake up and realize that you and your authorities desperately need to understand the processes of life that are both currently here and rapidly approaching. You all need to responsibly work with us for what awaits you on this Garden of Eden after the frequency shift is what’s known as the Golden Age.
There are many, many peoples of every culture, religious and spiritual groups, secret societies, scientific research organizations, secret governments, militaries, air and naval forces, security forces, security agencies and the list goes on that are already aware and know a great deal about this transformation. Most of them know who we are, where we come from and what we are here to do. These facts only remain a mystery to most of the general public and their immediate governing bodies who continue to be purposefully misguided and ill-informed.
Yes we are here and yes, this is a reality! The channels of communication to Gaia ( Earth ) are now officially declared open.
In the Golden Light of Truth and Balance that is Unconditional Love, we thank you for listening.
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