When Disease Turns into a Business
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When Disease Turns Into a Business
by José Manuel Fernández–Rangel
Published on August 27, 2003.
José Manuel Fernández–Rangel, 25,is currently a student of journalism of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. He is editor of a bulletin about alternative medicines, spirituality, Orientalism, social subjects, New Age and extraterrestrials, it is called "ORIENTA2", edited for the Spanish Association of Spiritual Healers (Asociación Española de Sanadores Espirituales (AESE) ) and collaborates in the healing magazine "Homo Amans"of the same organization. Up to now he has more than three years practicing yoga. He is a researcher on subjects such as Tantra and Taoand also investigates Pleiadian subjects. He has researched mental control techniques of the Silva Method for Mental Control. He is a student of Spiritual Healing by Archetypes, reaching the first level (there are three levels and it is needed two years of practice to be able to heal in a healing center).
Published in this Website with permission from the author.
Title of the original in Spanish: "Cuando la Enfermedad se Convierte en un Negocio." Translation to English by Luis Prada.
When disease turns into a business one of the fundamental rights of any being is violated: health.
Osho said: “to be sick means to be disconnected from the All”. From this definition we can say that Health is the state of connection with the source, with the origin of All.
Depriving a person of his right to be healthy is depriving him of the power to know his own Essence.
In Ancient China a physician was not paid anymore at the moment the patient got sick. In the current medicine we pay a service thinking that they will attend us when we get sick.
To understand this difference is of vital importance, since it is the understanding of the difference between preventive and corrective medicine. While in the first one the physician is concerned with keeping the patient healthy, in the second, the physician only concerns with the patient when this one is sick.
But there is really something that differentiates the first one from the second, it is that preventive medicine endows the patient with all the necessary means to be himself his own source of health, let’s say, it teaches to connect with the Origin, with the All, and to come back to reconnect himself if necessary. To put it plainly, it helps the patient to be self-sufficient, independent, free! And that’s why there are so few types of medicines that can be called preventive. Very few are the ones that help us reestablish a union with the telluric energies, with the energies of the cosmos and with our inner power of self healing, the one that allows them to flow.
When a person loses the connection with the Source, if he does not know to reconnect himself, he becomes dependent of any one that has the necessary means to get his health back. |
When a person loses the connections with the Source, if he does not know to reconnect himself, he becomes dependent of any one that has the necessary means to get his health back.
Currently, the traditional medicine is focused on illness, it treats the consequence, the effect, but never the ultimate cause of disease, which is no other than the lack of union. And it is here where the problem resides. It creates dependency. If it does not furnish the necessary tools for we ourselves to be our own source of health, we become sick again.
This is called to turn disease into business. It is important to call things by their name:
Conventional medicine is for the most part corrective, it is focused on illness and to make us dependent.
The traditional medical system is subjected to a very influential power group: the pharmaceutical industry.
The pharmaceutical industry is the main goal-oriented entity and creator of this dependency: it manufactures medicines that we can see, touch, smell, consume and they tell us that these are the only remedy to reestablish health. When, really, in the majority of cases, the only thing these do is to activate defense and self healing mechanisms that exist in our organism. Thus, this industry deprives us of knowing that the remedy is within us, it deprives us of our gifts, of our power source, our will to self healing. It extracts the healing gift, it encapsulates it, it sells it to us and says: “this is what heals you”. And if "there is no cure" for the illness, it damns us to fatalism.
Nobody gives our health back, we are the ones who with our organism, our thoughts, our consciousness allow or not the return to the natural state of health! They can help us to return to that state of balance, but WE OURSELVES will always be the ones that as a last resort allow this. When making a miracle Jesus the Christ used to say “YOUR FAITH HAS SAVED YOU”.
When one is able to control one’s thoughts, one’s mind and body, can reorganize in an instant all molecular structure only by wishing. But it is not convenient that we know this, because the business is over.
To hide this possibility is a crime against the human being.
A person should not be treated as an illness, we should not allow the professional medical hermetism. The sick should know what is happening to him and what are the possibilities and limits of the medicine with which he is being treated.
Disease can be seen from different optics ("Illness as a Path", Thorwald Dethlefsen and Rüdiger Dahlke, Plaza and Janés Editors, S.A. Madrid, 1992), as a process, as a message or warning, as a learning. But if the patient is not allowed to participate actively in his own healing, we prevent him from learning the lesson, and even if he is healed, if the lesson has not been learned, if he is not allowed to get to the cause of the blockage, to cure it, then the effect, the consequence, has only been obstructed, and the disease will come back, since the cause continues acting, and we have been sick to learn nothing!
It may sound harsh to say that the solution or source of health is within us, when there are persons that fight and face with all their strength an illness and are unable to heal. Sometimes there is no cure for an illness, but there is a learning, a wisdom that it is garnered by living with it. But if a person is treated as a number, as a statistic, as symptoms and an illness and we forget that behind that illness there is a living being that have to take part in the healing process, we will be taking away his pain, and all the experiences that that person lives and feels, and in this way his illness and sufferings may turn barren.
I insist, it is important to put each thing in its own place. Even though it may look obvious, the pharmaceutical industry creates, for the most part, medicines for the sick, not for healthy persons, because the last ones do not need them. As long as there are diseases and sick there will be business. If a medicine does not generate profitability there is no interest on that kind ofmedicine. What happens with all the orphan illnesses? Those ones that because don’t have a sufficient number of sick, are not going to generate profit, and thus, do not profit to investigate a solution. Why the dental health is not included in the health insurance or social security in the majority of countries (except as in France, etc.)? The dental hygiene is one of the fundamental pillars of health, the state of our teeth determines the person’s quality of life and lifespan.
In 1993, the Colombian Doctor Manuel Elkin-Patarroyo donated to the World Health Organization the vaccine against malaria (with an immunological response between 40 to 60% in adults, and up to a 77% in children older than a year). Malaria annually causes death of 3 million people and affects 300 millions. The WHO, pressed by the major pharmaceutical laboratories, wanted to evade the commitment acquired with Patarroyo, arguing that the effectiveness and results were not enough. If the patent was donated to Humanity, the pharmaceutical companies could not sufficiently profit from the vaccine. Fortunately, on February 24, 1995, the agreement was ratified between both parties. But actually there is a race to get a vaccine with higher immunological response. If the major laboratories get ahead the Manuel Elkin-Patarroyo group, 300 million people or more will have to pay high prices for "THEIR HEALTH."
What currently happens with AIDS? How much is the necessary medicine cocktail to keep HIV retrovirus at bay? Price varies, depending of the country of sale and the pharmaceutical group that supplies it, between $1,200 to $8,000 dollars per annum or more per patient . Currently there are some 36 million people with AIDS. The majority of the affected by this pandemic belongs to what is named the Third World. More than a billion people, mainly from the Third World, only have one dollar a day to live. Let’s do some calculations.
There are so many questions that we would have to ask and so many answers that they have to give us.
Surgery is considered the prodigious child of medicine (and it is true that there are many achievements and advances obtained in this field). But if we analyze with objectivity what surgery involves, we notice that this one —save in trauma, accident or birth pathology interventions— is not other but the evident proof of the failure of conventional medicine, which, in its intent to reestablish health, have to make use of traumatic means to achieve its objective.
There are many studies that have demonstrated that the preventive medicine is much more profitable and entails a major saving for the states. This one consists in awareness, modification of life habits, hygiene guides and measures, sexual conduct, exercise, nourishment, birth control (and, by the savings it entails, they are trying to implemented in underdeveloped countries). However, the corrective medicine requires infrastructure (hospitals, clinics, etc.), highly qualified professional training, instruments, medicines, etc., that demand great investments. The question is: Why has the corrective medicine been fostered in detriment of the preventive one? Why has not been a balanced and complementary development on both? For me the answer is clear: the dependency of the present medical system to the pharmaceutical industry. Disease generates more benefits than health since it makes us dependent. If we are sick we are deprived of the connection with the All, thusly, we are not free…
This writing is not trying to despise conventional medicine. There are many people that today are alive thanks to it. What is criticized here is its focus, the pressures it is subjectedto, and its lack of holistic vision.
It is not recommended to lightly disregard conventional medicine, since in general, our dependency status and life habits are such that we would not last long if we would take such decision. What is interesting would be to combine traditional medicine with those types of medicine, disciplines, practices and way of life that allow us to recover the true fountain of health:
José Manuel Fernández-Rangel.
Codex Alimentarius Commisona – Threat To Humankind!!
There is an entire industry with an innate economic interest to obstruct, suppress and discredit any information about the eradication of diseases. The pharmaceutical industry makes over one trillion dollars from selling drugs for ongoing diseases. These drugs may relieve symptoms, but they do not cure. We have to realize that the mission of this industry is to make money from ongoing diseases. The cure or eradication of a disease leads to the collapse of a multi-billion dollar market of pharmaceuticals.
The natural purpose and driving force of the pharmaceutical industry is to increase sales of pharmaceutical drugs for ongoing diseases and to find new diseases to market existing drugs.
By this very nature, the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in curing diseases. The eradication of any disease inevitably destroys a multi-billion dollar market of prescription drugs as a source of revenues. Therefore, pharmaceutical drugs are primarily developed to relieve symptoms, but not to cure.
If eradication therapies for diseases are discovered and developed, the pharmaceutical industry has an inherent interest to suppress, discredit and obstruct these medical breakthroughs in order to make sure that diseases continue as the very basis for a lucrative prescription drug market.
The economic interest of the pharmaceutical industry itself is the main reason why no medical breakthrough has been made for the control of the most common diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis, and why these diseases continue like epidemics on a worldwide scale.
For the same economic reasons, the pharmaceutical industry has now formed an international cartel by the code name "Codex Alimentarius" with the aim to outlaw any health information in connection with vitamins and to limit free access to natural therapies on a worldwide scale.
At the same time, the pharmaceutical companies withhold public information about the effects and risks of prescription drugs and life-threatening side effects are omitted or openly denied.
In order to assure the status quo of this deceptive scheme, a legion of pharmaceutical lobbyists is employed to influence legislation, control regulatory agencies (e. g. FDA), and manipulate medical research and education. Expensive advertising campaigns and PR agencies are used to deceive the public.
Millions of people and patients around the world are defrauded twice: A major portion of their income is used up to finance the exploding profits of the pharmaceutical industry. In return, they are offered a medicine that does not even cure.
[Dr. Rath Foundation], © 2001 Matthias Rath Publishing Inc.
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